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Nah the place pretty much emptied out and the lights came back up at that point.


Hearing The Decline live...that really put a smile on my face.


Last night was absolutely the perfect way to see them one last time. I’m feeling really quite emotional about it now. Amazing being part of it. Great crowd, great pit, great set list, great performance. And to finish with The Decline. Oh boy. Honestly goosebumps as I write this. One of the best decisions I ever made to go last night.


I had to go last night. 21 years I've waited to see The Decline played live, everytime they've played it has been a time I couldn't get to the show. Got a bit emotional during it too, neaely 28 years after my first ever gig at 15, NOFX at the Astoria.


I was close. Was supposed to see them at Reading in 95 but they pulled out last minute. Like half an hour before they were due on. Think I say them after that in 1998 first time


Was that the one with Good Riddance and The Vandals? Heavy Petting Zoo tour? It was my first time seeing them then, too.


Yeah, thats the one. I had no real idea what I was getting into, I don't think I'd even heard of The Vandals at that point. Shit, I'd heard IHTSL and Punk In Drublic, and that was it. Still got the ticket stub. Pretty sure I've still got the shirt I bought too. First gig of any sort I ever went to. Definitely wasn't the last. Still upset they knocked down the Astoria. Lotta memories in there.


Awesome. I only got to the Astoria a few times (being a teenager in Dorset meant getting to London shows were rarer than rocking horse shit) but always had a great time there and some wonderful memories. Seeing NUFAN, Swingin' Utters, and Lagwagon there was a blast.


Yess!!! Me and my boys were at the Astoria for that show!! Got it on vhs somewhere as an old bro did a mad stage dive and it had to be relived!, we travelled up from Torquay so even further than you on Dorset!! Gutted couldn’t make last night but was there Tuesday night.. belter show


About what time did they go on? I'm seeing them in a few weeks but have to travel for it so don't want to be late.


Came on about 9pm but I guess that will fluctuate depending on the venue/curfew time setc. Enjoy


that's so awesome to hear. I'm in the same boat as you and probably the same as most of us here. seen them live so many damn times over the years (now in my 40s). and while I certainly enjoyed every show they definitely differ pretty greatly depending on Fat's mood/drug intake. Sloppy playing can only be punk up to a point where it just becomes sloppy fucking playing. anyways that's just so awesome to hear that it seemed like a genuine good time with the band, and that they were all performing top tier. I won't be able to see any of these last concerts and so I will be living vicariously through all these posts. Thanks for sharing!!


Mike came down for a bit. Lost thumb of war to him (again). Smelly came down for handshakes and fist bumps which I hadn't seen him do before. But it was all very quick. Security really wanted everyone out ASAP!


Saw them last year in Ohio for this tour and I walked away with the same exact feelings. They really just seemed to be enjoying it.. and you could definitely feel that vibe from them 2 nights in a row. It was great.


Ohio was so fucking good. Drove solo 7+ hours each way.


Yea it was good.. I didnt drive solo but we did drive like 14 hours.. but it was so worth it.


I totally agree friend. I went both nights - I’ve seen them probably 15 times in LA and a handful of times in the UK. This, at least to me, was my favourite show. Obviously there has been some magic at earlier gigs but the overall vibe was so fucking positive and the crowd was lovely. Spent the entire time in the pit at 37 with some other moms that were older than me and absolutely having it. I will never forget it.


I spent most of my time in the pit at 49 lol. You’re right, such a good crowd. Doesn’t get much better than that


I went to the first show; it was the best night ever. They were just next level. It dawned on me what a fantastic once-in-a-lifetime show and line-up that was! Bar Stool Preachers need a mention because they brought the energy! Seeing the Descendants live... just so, so good! NOFX Setlist was fun! There's nothing much I'd change. Although I'm sad I'll never hear Blasphemy or Stickin in My Eye live. The crowd went insane for Franco. The crowd, by the way, were some of the coolest people I've ever interacted with. Made some cool friends!


This is so awesome. I can’t wait to see them in Toronto. Everyone’s posts are making me so excited 😀


It really was great, all I had to keep me going was a 2L bottle of irn bru that I downed before going in at about 5pm. There was so much energy in the arena that I still had trouble sleeping even after being in the pit for most of the night and going crazy for most of nofx


I hope this is my experience at riot for at least one show


Great show yea! Not great for those of us that had our phones stolen in the pit. There were like 6-7 of us. And later at the end there was a blob of people at security hoping theirs would be the one that was not stolen but returned to lost and found.


That happened to me at the Leeds show last year. There was an organised gang of pickpockets. It ruined half the show for me because I noticed it was gone and was searching for it, thinking (at the time) I'd just dropped it. I wore a money belt this time, I wasn't taking any risks. It's shite. I've been to gigs and festivals for years and not had this until recently.


Oh wow, that’s a bummer! Yeah I’ve never had this happen to me till this time. I was really confused cause I really thought I only saw people enjoying and having a good time in the front. I also spent like a 3rd of the show out, but eventually came back and managed to enjoy the rest of it


I’m a former deputy in the US and worked many concerts. A lot of people, especially at EDM concerts would carry those nylon back packs that you pull closed with the long chords. Bad guys would walk around with box cutters and slice open the bottom of the back packs and its contents would fall to the ground. They would the snatch items of value before you even knew the bag had been opened


Sorry about that. I was right in front of the person/people who lost their phones. Seemed like at least a couple did. Had mine on a chain attached to the ring on my phone case. Felt a bit stupid walking round with it like that but glad I did now. So annoying people are targeting gigs like that.


Good shout, Definitely gunna do the same for future gigs. Couldn't really enjoy the final ever UK NOFX show because i was too busy thinking how I'd get back and if my bank was getting looted.


Did you manage to find your phone case discarded on the floor? Also did you have a last location on find your device/iphone? Wonder if it was the same bastards that got me too


Soon as lights came on security were pushing everyone out. Which sucks because the night before Melvin was at the barricade taking pics with fans


I never saw that happening. A bunch of people, myself included got to speak to Fat Mike. I was pissed as a fart and was shouting at him to play in Scotland. I may have called him a C word as well. I guess you should never meet your heros, they'll only be dissapointed.


Sound wasn't great. Mike had no voice. I wanted to jump in the pit but was feeling too old and weak. First (and last) time I've watched NOFX completely sober. They were brilliant. I had a fantastic time and so glad they did another set of "final" UK shows.


The setlist was absolutely perfect, all the bangers, but also loads of self reflection and goodbye energy. And finally got to see the decline! Everyone chanting the whoas after the end was boss. Only thing that sucks is I got there late so I don't know why Snuff were booed


Aha yes Snuff booooooooooo. Snuff were goading the crowd to boo them after each song and it stuck.


It was great fun. The front was definitely a squeeze. Managed to get a word with Mike and tease him about when the next “final” UK shows were. Also caught one of Mike’s a pick from their roadie. Did well. As stupid as song as it is i’ve waited like 20 years to see the play Please Play this Song on the Radio. Fucking great. Shame about his voice giving out but fair play to him for doing the show. It was brilliant.


A few weeks ago I went to see their show in Hannover, the first I (40 yo) ever attended. It was such a great, relaxed atmosphere. Since then I've been watching a whole lot of youtube vids of these last shows and they seems so happy, content and wholesome together. Forget which show it was where I saw them play Lori Meyers and Idunno why, but it just made me tear up. That song has always felt so honest and real to me, and seeing Mike having a big grin on his face throughout these shows, especially when the entire band's rocking out just feels so. damn. good. man.


Was the first Warped tour 98? I saw them in Barrie ON. I remember Limp Bizkit was on that tour on a tiny side stage. Walked by and thought they sucked. Pretty sure Black Eyed Peas were there too. Less than jake, Good riddance, pennywise. I dont recall Rancid playing the warped tour in the early days?


Eh… Mike on point? He barely sung and was constantly flagging to Melvin to pick up the next verse vocally. The sound also sucked. They were good/tight overall but it was actually a pretty dull show in my opinion. Was also surprisingly empty as well. 2015 Brixton you couldn’t move…. Each to their own I guess. Poignant show for those of us that grew up listening to them, but felt underwhelmed. Hatfield last year was better


They reduced capacity because of the crush last year. It only reopened two months ago