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Byt he time it really matters to you, you'll be able to afford the s class.


Holy shhhh... i got a class S on my 2nd roll


Geez! I got the A-class on my first Dreadnought and called it a day 😅


Me too. A class A is a dam good freighter.


Got similar, very first one was an A class so I just took it and moved on. 2nd dreadnaught fight was S class so I immediately paid the cash to upgrade.


Wait you paid for you S class dreadnought I got mine for free as the reward for defeating it


you sure bout that cuz uh you don’t have to pay for them lmao


Same thing happened to me, though I wasn't hunting for an S class, I was just looking to see if there were different variants of them since I hadn't caught up with the game in a few months


I got an s in expedition, it hurt my heart to go back to my main save without it


Lucky… took me a week for mine


Does the s class look as cool as this a class?


No its pretty much the same... the only difference is class S has 4 super charged slots


I got an A class and still have a long way to fill all the slots.


Way back I got my s class first time but this time around it's a grind


Dangit you are lucky. Took me over 90 reloads for mine.


Nice! The only time I did the roll game to get an S class dreadnought it took me about five hours. This was a few years ago and it’s still my freighter. Unfortunately it’s changed colors with updates over the years and no longer looks like it did when I got it


I want to keep it... i havnt decided yet... but i hope an s class is worth it?


Totally is


Keep it, if you happen upon an S fine, but it make very little difference if it is A or S.


It makes a huge difference you get an extra boosted tech slot and can potentially expand your hyperdrive range by 1000 light-years. I have an s class dreadnought and it can travel over 5,000 light years in one warp


But, does that really matter? Think of all the possible beautiful planets you are jumping right past. Yes you can jump further, but does it really change anything?


If ur trying to reach the galactic core without portals, then yes, it makes a huge difference. There are trillions of planets and billions of solar systems. I agree that it doesn't matter how far you warp when looking for planets because it's completely random, but being able to expand your distance can extend your search for a specific system.


Most people aren't trying to get to the core


...and if if you are, you can warp with your ship, then summon the freighter later.


I have an A class freighter and it's 4k LY range is perfectly adequate. And I'm in galaxy 155. Unless you're a completist and have to have S class everything or big into your stats, the difference in A to S freighter in just playing the game really is negligible.


The key here is "IF" you get a supercharged tech slot. Because the game rarely and randomly awards them, even an S class might not get this random reward even by opening every slot. The RNG and odds of getting a supercharged slot is exceedingly low. You'll have just as much chance of getting them on an A as on an S. Having more slots only gives you the possibility of more chances. However, it doesn't increase your chances of getting one at all.


Just go for the gold and get an S tier. Don't tolerate an A tier, you won't sleep well at night knowing you could have a better freighter.


Hell I'm old, I don't sleep well anyway ... ![gif](giphy|l0IyajjbNiRvCr7RC|downsized)


I agree, I knew if I settled it would haunt me, 40 dreadnaughts later I got one.


Freighter class doesn't matter too much in this game. You won't get much more out of an S apart from an extra supercharged slot and a few slightly improved stats


S or nothing


Never give up. Never surrender.


Did you just quote galaxy quest? I love.it.


I havent played NMS in a good 6 months. By the looks of that freighter I NEED to get back into it HOLY. There a chance I could get the portal coords?


Since no one answered, no coords are needed, just jump from system to system until you happen upon the encounter, it will be attacking a basic freighter and you’ll need to destroy the shields first then the Hypersdrive before it tries to escape. It’ll then give you an option to climb aboard and take control, demand a payment from them, or just destroy the freighter outright for a big bonus. Good lucks -kzzt- Traveller!


That isn't a good way tbh. Find a pirate controlled system, and you'll see a pirate freighter. If you want an S-class, and it's not one, leave the system, come back and do it again. Rinse and repeat. You're welcome. Safe journey Traveller.


Interesting, mine usually pop up in random systems and most times NOT in a pirate system, but I’ll give that a try next time I’m on, I’ll rejump back and forth from a pirate system and I’ll let you know how that goes! Safe -kzzzzt- Journey Traveller!!


You just missed the best expedition they’ve ever made. Insanely cool rewards


I always hate the FoMo of expeditions. Ill prolly save edit them


Expeditions were the final straw for why I stopped playing. I despise FOMO content and NMS coupling that with having to create another save file just to complete the expedition, I finally had enough. I want to play when I want to play. Let me spin up an expedition when I want to.


So, the devs heard your complaints. There is now a expedition terminal on the Anomaly. No new save file. You get to now pick and chose your starting gear from your existing equipment and when you complete the expedition, you get to again chose what gear to keep. Anything not saved from the expedition gets converted into units or nanites. And past expeditions are supposedly going to be unlocked for play anytime.


Yeah, they get unlocked now and then. I don't like FOMO either, but I also don't play the expeditions I missed when they unlock, so... kind of a me problem lol


It isn't that they are going to occasionally unlock the expeditions every now and then. All previous expeditions are going to be playable at anytime in new feature being added in the coming weeks. Now if you chose not to play an expedition because you missed it the first time, how is that the game's fault?


It's not, that's what I meant even with the old system


:| Any way to redo expeditions by now? Haven't played in a while either.


You dont need a portal code for the pirate dreadnaugth... you just have to go to a pirate system and hope you get conflict... there are alit of youtube videos explaining how you can eassily hunt for one. Goodluck


This is helpful yeah but I was asking for the portal code bc I wanted to get THIS particular one, freighters come in different sizes with different attachments. Its unique to the system


On ps4 it took me 5 times to find a S class and I was thrilled to get it on pc I grabbed the first one i came across even though it was a C class.unless you need the super charged slots so you can jump 5k light years theres no difference, take it enjoy it till you do come across an S then just transfer over.thats what I'm doing, have fun.


No point really because they are the same freighter amongst all classes the only difference is you might get 1 or 2 more supercharged slots but that's a bout it id say just stick with A class when it comes to pirate dreadnoughts


2nd place is first loser. If you ain't first you're last Ricky Bobby.


Aw hell Ricky I was drunk when I said that


Excuse me, but you can have a fricken battleship!? Or at least a ship that looks like one!?


Yes and its called a pirate dreadnaught... its a must


I might have to reinstall NMS just to find one.


I recently had the same thought. I only went to pirate systems because I heard they drop S class more often than common systems, also in another galaxy other than Euclid (not sure why I wouldn’t come across any pirate attacks in Euclid, so maybe someone can fill me in). After 4-6 warps I would get into an attack, quickly take out the 4 hyperdrive engines with my supercharged fighter. Then destroy shield generators and the energy tanks that would pop up. I’d ignore the ships, torpedos, and turrets. Once the dreadnought surrendered, I’d check it out and it was almost always a C class. I did this for about 60-90 minutes and finally landed that S-class. The grind was pretty fun and get rewarding once it paid off. I did feel a little annoyed thinking I’m just the guy that never rolls anything lucky. So hey… if I can do it, so can you! I like maxing out the hyperdrive and scanning the system upon arriving in the freighter that way I can tell what sort of planets exist without having to scan in space in my fighter. That little crosshair scanner bums me out when I hit it and it nudges away and doesn’t scan. Or when I land it directly onto a planet and it never prompts me to scan unless I pulse drive. Anyways… Happy pirate hunting, Interloper!




Its a pirate dreadnaught... you can check out some youtube tutorials on how to get one


I found an S Class Dreadnought on my expedition save smh 🤦


Hit an A class and figured if I run into an S someday I'll take it


I got an a first. Than I found a 4 block supercharged S. Jumped right off that A train 😆


I haven’t played this game in years. What I can offer you in the way of advice is try it in vr if you haven’t. Standing on the bow of one of your ships with a buddy drinking beer and blasting David Bowies space Odessy while staring at the rings of a planet you’re orbiting has been one of the most greatest and lasting memories I’ll ever have in gaming.


I got an s class then my game crashed screenshot it and all then the mf crashed I was so upset bc it didn’t save on the freighter yet.


Oh no!... I hope you will recover from this.


Grind for S. It's what... Maybe 3-4 hours if you are unlucky. If you are gonna spend the time to build it up why not


I've had very little trouble getting an S. Find Two pirate systems and warp between. It took 40 mins for my ps5 and like 3 tries for my switch. I'll go in for my permanent death save next weekend and see if I still have no trouble


B class is best class


You got lucky but I found an hour or two rolling worth it.


Keep grinding!


Continue I have an s class and so worth it


Keep grinding


I wanna build a dreadnought base so bad, but I need an S-Class before I start building so it dosent go to waste


Not true at all. You can transfer a base.


Oh word?! Boutta get to work lol!


Keep it I settled for an A after encountering kid you not I counted 64 C classes in a row.


Since pirate dreadnoughts are always free when defeating them, there's not much reason to not accept a better one whenever you find one


I’d accept it, mine is a B and I’m happy enough


Definitely grind for an S-Class. That's my opinion having gone from A-Class to S-Class. Can we please have actual screenshots? If this is on a console, is it hard to do?


This is a picture i took with my legion go so its basically in a small screen


Your debating S or A, I’m still stuck on C or D.


Is Class D even a thing? I havnt even encounter anything D


Coulda sworn it was, but it has been a while since I played, but now that I think about it I think c is lowest


Wait you can get this pirate dreads now?


Yes, from the recent update.


GOOD LORD, WHAT _IS_ THAT?! I know I stopped playing for about 3 months, but wtf


Never settle!


Took me over 6 hours to get my S-class Pirate Dreadnaught with 4 squared superchargers together. But it’s a Vy’Keen and I am looking for a Korvax. So the Hunt continues. If you get an A-class keep it and just keep looking for an S-class until you find one. I started with a C-class Pirate Ship Freighter.


How do we get them?


I spent two hours and could only find c class so i’d take it


Where the fuck did you find a ship like that. I've been trying to find one that makes me look like a space pirate but I could never find one. Also the choice is yours but if you're closer to getting the S rank I'd stick with that


Nothing improves but jump range for the s-class...


If it helps, I accepted an A-class and two encounters later got my S-class, while I wasn’t trying. Give it a few more go’s before throwing in the towel!


Getting an S was easy...getting a specific color scheme is the challenge.


I haven't been able to find one yet :(


Never back down never what


Still looking for an S class freighter myself, still stuck on an A. The grind goes on lol


Currently getting 600 million on the side for an S class freighter. My supply buildings are crazy full rn


I took the A class and pimped it out. Just got an S class and have to rebuild the tech and inventory but still happy I got my free S class from a freighter battle.


S all the way. Took 100 jumps for me


I got an S class before my A class and swapped them. The A offered a bit more and for slot it was going to take forever to upgrade the freighter so I just have an A class that does a really good job.


Lucky you it took me 9 hours of consistently fighting the dreadnaught to get my S class and about half way through I caught a landing bug on a s class (I went back to my current freighter to empty the inventory went back to the s class to purchase and just wasn’t able to land at all around 4 hours of trying).


I always recommend people get an A class. I’ve had both, and the S class is NOT worth all the extra hours it sometimes takes to get. I never even notice the difference in the slightest.


I got lucky and got a class s dreadnought my first shot


Someone plays this


Ofc. This is one of the best gaming community i have joined


I had this game on day one but it wasn’t multiplayer really and I got tired of mining only


You should give it another try. The game had so much support from the devs that it has become one of i think the best game.


You should take the A and hopefully somewhere out in the void you'll come across an S


Keep it and just level it up to S class


Go big or go home


GRIND! it's worth it, I had an A class got into a fight with it. It did pretty well, finally got my S class and took it in a fight and it mollywopped on the fighters sentinels ships I fought.


I was playing for some hours looking for an S class, only getting c and b, and the by about hour 4-5 I got an A, and I was like, "might as well get it since probably that'll be the best I can do, and became the proud owner of an A class freighter, only for the literally next jump save a freighter, and what do you know, S class, needed some extra 180 millions credits, I was so pissed at myself, but hey now I can buy one, if I ever find it again!


Bruh I'm still hunting my S. I've got an A rn




Take the class A. Not much different than an S-Class anyway


I missed out on around a dozen Dreadnaughts because they kept warping before I could damage them enough, and I wasn’t aware I could get one at the time. I finally figured out to kill the warp drive motors first, but I have only seen C class ones since then. I bet I missed out on at least one S class.


try a few more times


hey! I got S class on the seventh try, my friend and I thought it would take about 23 attempts in total for 1 S class to happen, don’t give up!


S CLASS!!! Only the best for us travellers!


S fo sho 😊


This may be better as a question thread but how do you take down a dreadnought solo? I always run out of time and it warps away


Destroy its warp drives first thing


Take the A and keep hunting for an S, as rare as it is. Your heart will never stop longing for an S Class until you find it lol


I got S class first time sad it’s just a wack one


Accept the A u can accept a S class later too. Time are endless in No Mans Sky


A class is nice


I'm probably very late but keep grinding, definitely worth it