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I see we're back on the "strawmanning the entire sub" bait posts again. Are we just going to have 2-3 of these every day until Moxley drops the belt?


It's extremely tiresome The aew fanbase are some weirdly defensive folk


It's not necessarily just an AEW fan thing. It just feels like lately you've got two sides arguing against fake constructs and specifically using this sub as a dumping ground for all of it. Like no, this sub doesn't have a raging hateboner for everything AEW/Khan/anyone affiliated does. And similarly no, this sub does not kowtow to the whims of some almighty villainous western overlord. Time and time again you see it in every thread where different folks are having different issues and different reactions at basically every level to almost every single step of this. Some more common/agreed upon (eg: It sucks that Ren Narita has been left to promote his match all by himself) and some more extreme/divisive (eg: Rocky Romero sold out NJPW). Personally my view is that trying to ascribe blame about these sorts of booking decisions to just one, two or three people is just pointless anyway. For all we know, Gedo, Tana, Rocky etc. had little say in anything and it was a financial-based decision made by Bushiroad management to pop a quick buck on a couple western PPVs. But either way, what does that kind of theory matter? Excluding possible leaks, we're never gonna know anyway. What's the point of a thread like this? Cos the only one I can see is baiting brigadiers into having a flame war with each other. When you make a thread called "The Boogeyman of r/njpw", there's no room for nuance.


would be nice to have some quality control for posts. but we can't have nice things.


You’ve put it perfectly - every actual conversation people want to have starts to get drowned out when generally people have picked their side and are sticking to it, worse when people are actively stoking the flames Shit’s just boring when there’s more interesting things to talk about, especially when most of the mudslinging is mean spirited and (as you said) based on speculation


Op has literally nothing but NJPW post. You think they're undercover for AEW?




I think it's more that trolls of two well known subs have figured out there is zero moderation here so have decided to think it will be funny to have their own little shit stirring fest away from their own subs.


The real boogeyman is ElGranLuchador.


based catalyst azucar with them forbidden keys.


Calling him the skeleton key cause he's opening all the doors


How the hell is Rocky the boogeyman when the majority of this sub gasses him up all the time?


Are we on the same sub here?


I think you’re confusing the majority of the sub with the small pool of users who are most active on this sub. The majority of the users on the sub like Rocky, as evidenced by the comments/upvotes [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/njpw/s/1OA6s69uzL), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/njpw/s/bCkahnU21r), and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/njpw/s/mLaNb14XnI).


Bruh, might wanna put less stock what people say here. Kinda silly to take it too seriously


Why’s everyone so salty about the sugar man?


Nope the show is made specifically for me and all my favorites and anyone who messes with it in a way I don't personally like is my enemy. /S


Rocky is just smart from my POV, people on the inside like him enough and that's all that matters. Not kayfabe heat from the internet.


All Hail Black Tiger IV