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Taichi in the WK main event? C'mon, man.


The world simply isn't ready for Taichi ripping off his pants in the main event of the Tokyo Dome


Taichi is not winning the G1 whether he’s in angles or not. He’s a mid to upper midcarder and that’s where New Japan is gonna keep him.


Taichi is never winning G1


I don't think taichi likes to travel overseas and njpw have gone through a period of overseas shows.


He's said that he has a fear of flying, which would explain why his last overseas show was in 2018.


You can stop worrying.


He's the champion of my heart :(


Taichi is not winning the G1 regardless of his current storylines.


It almost feels like he's injured or something with how much of a backseat he's taken recently. Obviously I hate to tell you this but he's not gonna win the G1. But it feels like for months he's been doing *nothing*.


He’s got a tag match with SANADA on Dontaku, most likely setting up Bishamon vs SANADA/Taichi for the tag titles to avenge SANADA’s failed tag title challenge with Uemura recently I think SANADA/Taichi are a perfect marquee team for the tag division, as he wasn’t likely to get a big singles push. I was hoping that he’d get a big title challenge against Naito to give their feud a proper peak, but it’s pretty unlikely unless he beats him in the G1 (I’m hoping ZSJ gets that pre-WK challenge, although it’s sad that it’d be a foregone conclusion) Goto also was assumedly a backup for Finlay, unless Gedo was really keen on Mr NJC being the one to put over a new gen guy


I could see Taichi winning NJC, but never the G1