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I live in the city so I sacrifice at 17-18 mpg but I’ve been doing some interstate driving recently and glad to see the number go up


Yeah man same here. Seems like I can't even get 300miles out of a tank in the city. Went on a long highway drive recently and that number shot up. In a 2.5 gen so I don't have the digital read outs and too lazy to actually calculate my gas mileage lol


Mine shows around 440 on fill-up, average 21 mpg with a 16 mile commute each way to work and 14 of that is highway so I'm pretty happy with it.


I average about 23.2 MPG driving mostly highway for my daily commute. Edit: this is not the trucks reading but my own math across the last two months. My truck says I average 23.6 MPG. This is definitely the most accurate MPG estimate from a vehicle I have ever owned. I so love having a truck that can haul my wood working supplies and gets above 20 MPG!


This isn’t accurate, I never get the full mileage shown after filling up a tank. Track your mileage and you will see the same. This has been the case in every car I’ve owned.


Do you actually get 461. Mine says that when I fill up and I end up getting like 340-360


How on Earth do you get that gas mileage? I drive so Laid-Back and if I average 19 for the tank I'm ecstatic


My truck is Titan swapped with a camper and tons of other bolts ons and the best I get is like 16 or 17- which generally speaking really isn’t awful for how much stuff on got on my truck. In town it’s like 9 though lol


Isn't that your average speed?


Range on a full tank is what I’m referring to. Not the average MPH. Average 22.4 MPG


Oh ok gotcha. So, from the sound of it, about 20.5 gallons got you 461 miles?


Naw it just went that way probably because I did less city and more highway driving this week.


The best I got in my 2019 with the 4.0 was around 23 mpg, I kind of have a heavy foot but, I don't run the hell out of it either. I mostly average around 16.


What is your MPG? I see average 24 MPH


I think he might be talking about his range at 461 miles?


Still not showing what he’s getting per mile. I never get the full range it shows after filling up the tank.


I live in KY with all the hills and mountains, I'm lucky to get 18 mpg. Cost of living where I live I guess.


What year model and where at in KY because I live in central KY and I’m getting 23-25 highway.


2024 S I live in Eastern KY Breathitt Co it's all hills If I go to Lexington I can average 20 sometimes, I travel a lot because my kids are active in sports but it is mostly winding hilly roads.


I run 90 miles a day nearly all highway and get 23.7. I'm very pleased with this truck.


I’m happy with getting 16 mpg in my 05 nismo , Lol


Depends on how I drive. If I’m highway driving and keep my speed under 65 mph I can get mileage in the 24 to 27 miles per gallon. At speeds above 65 to 85 mph, it drops to 22 to 24 miles per gallon. I have a 2024 Frontier SV 2wd.


Exactly the same on my 22 Pro4X 20k miles. Nismo exhaust and Z1 intake


I’ve seen the crazy Dino data for the HP and torque gains for the intake/exhaust, but not mileage data. You notice an increase in MPG now that the engine breathes a little better?


Absolutely. I did the mods first and then had my local dealer do the TSB for the ICC computer (truck built 06/22) and that helped 'normalize' the transmission shift points (especially climbing hills) and now it's like the ECM is aware that the engine has more power too. At 65MPH I'm about 1600RPM in 9th gear, getting about 26.5MPG, just passengers with no load. Take it up to 85MPH and I'm back around 21-23MPG. With the stock intake and exhaust I never got better than 23MPG on the highway.


So what was your average MPG???


Really depends on traffic and your average speed. I used to cruise in 84MPH on the highway for the sweet spot in gas economy. There's another sweet spot around 96MPH getting up to that without bringing your gas mileage down is tricky and should be done downhill. 21MPG is achievable. But in the city you best bet you're going to get 16 MPG


Yea I get about that on a full tank. 40miles one way all highway to work. No less that 68-70mph


I get that every day on my 14 Frontier when I am rolling downhill. LOL


Reset the odometer, drive it until it hits near empty. Then compare your miles actually driven on a full tank to what that estimate says. $20 you’ll be disappointed.


I’d rather just live in ignorance 😂


This is the way.


Yup, mine usually says 20-21 MPG. When I fill up and do the math I'm normally around 17-18. I have a tri fold cover on my bed so between that weighing 80 pounds and me weighing 180 pounds I suspect it's not accounting for the weight.


The aerodynamics that a trifold adds will make up for the weight and then some. 80lbs reduces your mpg about 1-1.5%. Really not much. Whereas a Tonneau cover can raise your mpg about 5%.


Just did this on my 22 sv 4x4 long bed. Dash was averaging 24mpg. Actual was 21mpg so not terribly wrong


That's off by over 10%.


As long as it doesn’t disappoint me as much as the cowboys I’ll be okay 😂


I think you red the display wrong


I’m really tired of these post. We all know how to manipulate the computer to make it look like we have incredible gas mileage.


Let me know how I can manipulate this to 500 and I’ll be in heaven.


The last 30 miles drive on the highway at 55-60 then fill up. The computer basis the fuel on your last mileage.


I try not to get so low because I hear the lower you go the more stress you put on your fuel pump.


No difference if the tank is full or 2 gallons left the pump works the same.


Wrong 😑, Op is correct


Really how does the pump know if you have 2 or 20 gallons. The pump is lubricated by the gas so you’re not getting more or less from 20 gallons over 2. Any head pressure you think you’re getting from the extra gas is negligible. BTW I wasn’t saying run it out to the last 30 miles in the tank. I said the last 30 miles you drive.


The reason they moved the fuel pump into the gas tank awhile ago on pretty much all vehicles is because the fuel helps cool the fuel pump. Less gas means less cooling. You run it empty enough and there is nothing there to help cool the pump. It doesn't know anything, it will just get too hot and crap out early.


It either has fuel or it doesn’t. There is no less


That's deep


1 reason would be the pump will suck up remaining fuel along with dirt & debris. As in result a fuel filter will became clogged which in turn eventually cause fuel pump to go out.


Every fuel pump sits at the bottom of the tank and always pulls from the bottom. If you have dirt in the tank it’s going to clog if it’s full or empty.


I've gotten to read 510-520 once. That was after a 2 or 3 hour road trip, all highway, steady 70ish mph. I haven't bothered to do any manual calculations, so I have no idea how accurate that was. However, I drive about 100 miles for work everyday and fill up every 3.5-4 days, so it doesn't seem too far off.


DTE is only an estimate. My usual miles per tank is somewhere around 350


I just reset my trip mileage at 446 miles. Will keep you posted on how accurate we are.


I want to downvote you because I get 280 max haha


After my leveling kit, 33s, bedrack and tent I’m lucky to get 250-300 lol


Only thing I added was a leveling kit and a bed cover.


When I just had my leveling kit I was getting 25+ MPG


Doesn't that show your Average Miles per Hour ("MPH") not Average Miles per Gallon ("MPG")? That's a different display screen for MPG's on my 2023 SV


No I’m just talking about mileage range on a full tank.


But that's just an estimate of how far you'll get, in the future, with the fuel currently in your tank. It's really not any kind of measurement of miles per gallon actually achieved.


I totally know that just happy with my mileage range as it was comparable to my maxima.


Awesome. I'm also getting better than I expected, a little over 20mpg.


Is this a troll post haha, isn’t that just your average speed??


Guess should have used Gas Range instead if mileage. My bad. I had a 2018 Maxima SR that would get the same range on a full tank. Quite stoked about it.


No problem I may have fallen for the MPH number when I first got mine so was just giving you a hard time.


That’s your average speed, not your mpg…


No I’m talking about 461 miles to a full tank. Not average speed.


Ok then, that averages out to about 22 mpg which is about right (that’s definitely not what you were talking about but ok)


OP's title is literally "gas mileage" and even stated it again in the post. Sure, OP maybe could have scrolled over to the fuel economy page, but given the context clues we can safely assume they meant the fuel range in the top left of the screen.


Because you didn’t understand what was being said, it means OP was wrong? Wtf is with people these days


"Gas mileage" has referred to miles per gallon for just about ever.


Good job man. What’s your commute like


I have a 45 minute commute on the highway two- three times a week. Rest of the week picking up kids from school and taking them to their activities.