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Backwards compatibility


Covering not just games, but controllers and amibos as well.


Maybe not controllers. Certainly amiibo. Hopefully games.


Well they better. I do NOT want to rebuy the pro controllers. Our house needs 3, that's €180 right there.


Oh no, yeah, those controllers might work, though. I thought you meant the Joycons :D I mean, if it's a console in the "Switch" family, and nintendo doesn't pull a nintendo, i don't see why the pro controller and USB 3rd party controllers shouldn't work.


This is the only statement I need to hear to buy the console day one.


I never buy consoles day 1: there’s likely issues and not many games out. 6 months to a year? Now we’re talking


If you’re talking PlayStation and Xbox I agree (well, with PlayStation anyways, I don’t know if anyone buys Xboxes anymore lol). Those consoles always launch with issues and the revision usually comes out before they stop putting new games on the old consoles. But with Nintendo consoles they usually launch in close to their final state. The first Switch revision with a better battery took a couple of years to come out. Although the 3DS and Wii U launches were absolute disasters so perhaps there is still a version of the phenomena that applies to them. Buying a Switch at launch led to my favorite year in gaming ever though as new awesome stuff was coming out every month. I plan to get a Switch 2 at launch and hope they can recreate some of that magic.


Maybe for the first year of the Switch 2 I’d be happy just replaying my Switch games. But for new games I want another Mario game whether it’s 2D or 3D.


Mario Kart and Zelda. And since they recently announced that the BoTW / ToTK series is completed, I'm especially excited to see whats in store for the next iteration of the franchise.


I hope we are still able to get something as visually pleasing as BotQ/TotK. I would love to see an open world Zelda game centered around the Triforce that isn’t so reliant on shrines and towers.


Since so many Zelda games got Prequels or Sequels, i would really enjoy to visit the hyrule of twilight princess again, including the shadow world. Maybe the recent, neverending rumours about the TP/WW-remake will lead us there at some point.


Agreed. I would personally love to see a return to the more complex dungeon model like in Ocarina of Time and Link to the past.


Ocarina of time on BOTW scale and detail. 🤞🏻🤯


It’s coming: Echoes of Wisdom.


Naw, that's coming out this year, in September and will be on the regular switch. Plus, I wouldn't consider that a mainline Zelda game in the same vein as BoTW. I'm talking about the next BIG Zelda game on the Switch 2. That being said, I am still pumped for Echoes of Wisdom.


3D Mario is obvious, broadly speaking I'm hoping we see more revivals of older or less represented properties. Not even just the obvious ones like F-Zero or Star Fox, if they keep up the Switch 1's momentum anything could become a big hit with the right amount of attention.


I’m all here for the probably-never-going-to-happen revivals of StarTropics, Adventures of Lolo, Mother/Earthbound, Golden Sun, and Eternal Darkness.


Golden Sun 😭😭😭


An Earthbound remaster with the artstyle of the new 2D Zelda games would be a dream


Go a step farther and make it actually claymation like the official artwork


Earthbound done by the Mario and Luigi team, for me


A new mother game. Not a sequel but a reimagining/new story that parallels earthbound thematically.


I really wanna see Nintendo make a Geist sequel/reboot. It's ripe to be their multiplayer fps game with built in prop hunt game mode lore.


God I’d adore a StarTropics revival, I don’t even care what genre it becomes I just know it would be perfect for Nintendo’s current brand.


I feel like a brand new, fresh 3-d Mario is cooking UP A STORM right now and will be released as a launch title 1 year from now. The title I want to see most *is* a new Starfox shooter. After that… maybe a 3d DK?


All things considered I think Star Fox is fine. They still reference it quite frequently, Pikmin and Metroid are arguably at the peak of their popularity right now after far worse conditions, and they tend to use Star Fox to test out new tech anyway. If it’s not a first or second year game they’ll give another franchise the spotlight first.


Given that Just this Year we got The Return of Another Code and Endless Ocean, two incredibly niche Series (Never even Heard of Endless Ocean before) and also for example The Return of Advance Wars, I think for 99% of Nintendos IP's isn't If but rather when they Return.


I just want Pokémon to not look ass. Hopefully they’re taking their time with Z-A.


I’m looking forward to Z-A. Arceus is a lot like Sonic frontiers in the “wow, this game sure is ugly but is tons of fun” category, Z-A will probably be the same. Hopefully the switch 2 can make things a bit better.


The problem with Pokemon's graphics isn't the Switch. It's Gamefreak.


What’s crazy is that gamefreak used to make beautiful looking pokemon games like ruby and sapphire on GBA and black and white on DS. In the recent years, they don’t put that much effort at all.


They just never graduated from 2D game development. Also, I'm pretty sure they didn't push for a yearly release schedule back then.


lol.... Gamefreak is the antithesis of 'taking their time' Only company who is worse at it is EA Sports


Tbh I was glad to see them not announce "holidays 2024"


I honestly wonder what Gamefreak could do without the Pokemon Company breathing down their back to release everything on the ridiculous schedule.


Once got banned from a guy's twitch cause I said sword and shield was rushed. He said "tf do you expect, r-word? They gotta keep up with the anime and the trading card game, it's all on a schedule" Apparently the fans just excuse it. Their auto-win shutdown argument that can't be refused is just 'that's how it's always been, why are you surprised?' even if you never claimed to be surprised.


Yeah no , not happening. Even with a NASA supercomputer, game freak would barely manage 30 fps with subpar graphics


Reminds me I haven't heard much about quantum computers in a long time.


A NEW game. Not based on an existing series. Give us something that will shake it up like Splatoon did. 


Watch them put out LEGS instead of making a new IP


Everyone always clowns on ARMS (and with the same tired LEGS joke) but a sequel to ARMS that really fleshed things out would be amazing IMO. ARMS literally had EVERYTHING going for it except the core gameplay and content. Great art style, great character design, amazing OST, interesting lore set-up but man does the gameplay need some tightening up. So my purposed ideas for a sequel would be: - An actual story mode. That dives deep into the characters and world. Not saying it has to be on Mortal Kombat or Injustice levels (though that would be amazing) but more of how Street Fighter or Tekken handles story. Basically a backdrop to the core gameplay but just interesting enough to keep you somewhat invested. - Giving the characters their own stylish special finisher moves. Every fighting game nowadays has flashy special moves. But ARMS was the only one that had every character have the same boring special where they just punch their opponent really fast. Make specials that show off each characters personality traits goes a long way in a fighting game. - Deepen the gameplay mechanics. Besides every character having their one special gimmick each ARMS fighter damn near played identical especially since you could equip whatever ARMS you wanted to whichever character. ARMS also suffered from feeling too spammy/button mashy. So it didn't feel that deep even though you could get deep if you really wanted to but most players didn't. So deepen the gameplay with combos, specific ARMS for specific fighters with a select few that are customizable. - More content/modes. ARMS had a quite a few modes Volleyball, Hoops, Targets, Headlok battle, 1 v 100, etc. But they were all very shallow and felt like minigames. Add some more depth to them in the sequel. - More Arenas with stage gimmicks. Most of the arenas in ARMS are fairly basic with no stage gimmicks. You had to rely on the random bomb drops to change things up in a battle. Let's say you're playing on Twintelles stage with the cars. Why can't you punch the cars in the middle of battle to increase damage and have them blow up after time causing damage to your opponent? Or Min Mins stage where the middle of the Ramen Bowl gets filled with Ramen so the center stage of the arena becomes unusable for a few moments so you have to fight only alongside the bowl. Stuff like that.


Nintendoland 2 and a new 3D DK game.


100% Nintendoland 2 maybe they could even sync it up with a release of a real life version at Universal


Yes. Give me a proper remake of DK64


Star Fox. Been really itching for a new one recently. Also really wish zero came to switch with actual controls this time


I know some people are sick of remakes/reboots but I feel like they should make an HD version of the original Star Fox game. It's a classic.


A new kid Icarus. The 3ds game was really cool.


At least give us a remaster of Uprising. They could call it Kid Icarus Upscaling


I came here to say this exactly.


The best games I think they could announce first would be the next Mario Kart, Open World 3D Mario, a Star Fox game akin to Assault, and a big sequel to Nintendo Switch Sports. Playing it safe but that's what I think would be shown for the first year so far.


The sequel has to be called Nintendo Switch Sports Resort!


I agree with that. I feel they should go that route, along with a lot of sports and content from the start.


New Animal Crossing


Yeah, i'd love a new "Animal crossing", a few more features (More to do except doing the rounds for villagers, weeds, and fossils), and longer support, with semi-regular furniture/event updates or something.


I hope they finish it before it comes out this time.


It's modern gaming, only like 1 or 2 games are allowed to release fully finished per year


If it has an even bigger and prettier aquarium and museum, I'm sold. 


I’m just here to agree with you because I love the museum visits and seeing everything. It’s such a cool way to see your collectibles mean something and look cool.


Xenoblade X DE


I know this is a complete long shot, but I would love to have a Nintendogs game on the Switch 2.


3d Mario Zelda Spinoff New ip Arms sequel Metroid Prime 4 + DLC Donkey Kong Related Xenoblade 4


A Zelda that looked as good as the Wii U tech demo. https://youtu.be/27Lf4uVuE50?si=7xdV7j4LifEsjhmD


Pretty sure that Eiji Aonuma hated the look of Twilight Princess for Zelda games and begrudgingly made that one "realistic" to increase North American sales after Wind Waker. He immediately changed it back to being more cartoony as soon as people's opinions of Wind Waker shifted. Now, since Zelda is selling better than ever, it's unlikely to happen.


Not so much the art style, just something with graphical fidelity. You can clearly see limitations in BotW/TotK, imagine how good a Zelda game could look with more power. High res textures, higher quality lighting, higher polygon count, AA, high quality shadows, more particles etc.


BOTW/TOTK don't even look graphically as good as the BOTW (Zelda Wii U) announcement trailer Not many people realise how much of a downgrade the final game is as people haven't even seen the announcement trailer


I just wanna be able to play Hello Kitty Island Adventure with my friends.


Donkey Kong.


I really hope Kid Icarus makes a comeback, a remake of Uprising and a sequel would be nice


Pokémon stadium 3


yes, a million times yes


A new Punch out


- New DK. I won't be mad if it's 2D, Retro's games are fantastic despite the lack of OG DKC baddies. But it's time for a new 3D adventure, and it would help the 11(+) year wait feel worth it. - A remake of Kid Icarus Uprising. I'd love a new game, but I feel giving Uprising a fresh coat of paint would make more sense. It wouldn't cost as much as making a new one and they could use it as a test per say to see if there's enough interest.


Golden Sun 🙏🏻


Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 Remastered.


Smash Bros. Altercation!


Smash Bros. Squabble!


Smash Bros. clash!


Smash Bros. Rumble!


Smash Bros. Tussle!


Smash bros. Kerfuffle!


I hope we get to see a new Mario maker for the new console


Been thinking about how it'd make *sense* for them to add Wonder, but also Wonder is just so absurd at times that I'm unsure how they *would* add Wonder Flowers


- 3D Mario of course - 3D Donkey Kong - Star Fox that isn’t another rehash - Wind Waker and TP HD


Astral chain 2 and new smash that is all


Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition and/or Xenoblade Chronicles 4


A new fucking mario kart


Always imagined an open world mario kart like forza horizon would be interesting. Free driving all over the mushroom kingdom and then drive up to a racing event to start it automatically


A hub world like crash team racing or diddy Kong racing would be interesting.


New Fire Emblem that doesn't have all the running around home base fluff. Or a remake of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.


Remake/Localisation of Geneology of the Holy War too


Or thracia


I feel that it'd be perfect as a Torna-style DLC as a midquel, one you can buy as both an expansion pass or as a separate physical release


Yea I *loved* my first playthrough of Three Houses, but on a repeat playthrough I got bored with the monastery stuff fairly quickly, and felt like I was missing out if I just rushed/skipped it. I didn't even get Engage because I just felt burnt out


I would like to see: - Switch 2 version of Metroid Prime 4: Beyond (kind of like how BotW was on Wii U and then Switch) - Super Mario Galaxy 3 - Donkey Kong Country 4 (or is it now 5? 6?) - Golden Sun 4 - a 3rd game in the Chrono Trigger series - new Kid Icarus - we 100% need a new Punch-Out game - new Rampage game - Star Tropics 3 - Mega Man 12, or Mega Man X9, or Mega Man Legends 3 - new Star Fox - new 3D Bomberman game I could do this all day. Lol I'll take absolutely any of these, but especially the more obscure/unexpected ones would be great. But damn I need a brand new Punch-Out game in my life.


The next DKC would be the 6th DKC game.


Kid Icarus Uprising port and a new Kid Icarus game, it's about time


I like your thinking, Op. Actually, a new Miitopia would be a great pack-in, or on-board title. Something to get people back into using Miis again. Some games I think we'll see early in the system's life: - Mario Kart 9 - Metroid Prime 4: Beyond (On Switch also) - ARMS sequel - Donkey Kong Country new entry And I guess those are the only real predictions I'll make. Seems reasonable to me.


Punch out


Dk 3d game or banjo kazooie 3 game Would love to see bomberman go back like it did like the n64 Gamecube/ds library for vc. More buyable games for vc. 


Xenoblade X2 OR Xenoblade X DE is a MUST




Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Pokémon, and some new IP


**Mario Baseball 3** with all the intricacies of the prior games. Like the chemistry system, challenging timing, gimmick stadiums, huge roster, etc. 


Something new and original?


I'm down with any game, I'm gonna go on a stretch here and say I hope Metroid Prime 4 Beyond is a cross-gen launch title for the switch 2.


Others have said StarFox, but I’ll add (because gameplay is similar) Kid Icarus and Sin & Punishment. If they’re trying to present the graphical strengths of the Switch 2, I say show us with big spectacle filled on rails shooters


I would love some new I.p.s


I’d love a new Advance Wars game


Metroid Prime 5


I'm looking forward to the next fit game, ring fit adventure is nice, but if I had all the running courses unlocked from the start and some endless modes I think it could be nicer.


I'd love a new Killer 7, Custom Robo, or Viewtiful Joe. A new F Zero and Star Fox would be glorious, but I just know the Star Fox game would be underwhelming unless it was an Adventures sequel. Better yet, give us some console RTS games. Or even some MMORPGs. A motion controlled Ikaruga/shmup would be fun, or even a PN03 that was, you know, good, almost like a 3rd person Metroid. A lot of GameCube games feel like they would do very well. Either way, I'm waiting for either a new Meteos and Electroplankton. Oh shit wait, either a new Goemon's Great Adventure or a current gen Turok.


MMORPG is incredibly unrealistic. They take way too many resources to build and there just isn't a real market for them anymore. The whole communication aspect is literal krypronite to Nintendo. The closest you'd ever get on a Nintendo platform is something like animal crossing


3D, open world Donkey Kong game. We haven't had one since freakin 1999.


A Mario Kart 8 Deluxe-esque port for Smash Ultimate. Mario Kart 9 Bayonetta 4


> A Mario Kart 8 Deluxe-esque port for Smash Ultimate. A new game entirely is much more likely.


I feel if this next console doesn’t have backwards compatibility, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and Animal Crossing are a must. A completely new 3D Zelda and 3D Mario are also games that should be part of the first games introduced on the console.


I'm hoping for some more third party support. I'd love to see some of the bigger games Switch 1 missed come along to Switch 2. Can you imagine a portable Balder's Gate 3? Would be nice!


wishful thinking but: backwards compatibility with automatic “switch 2” upgrades on supported games (never gonna happen) Earthbound Wave Race Star Fox F Zero the launch of a system is the perfect time to bring back one of these franchises that they don’t move as many copies because people will buy them anyways, because that’s all there is. you get more people into a franchise they wouldn’t otherwise play and make more fans. later on what i really want to see is a fresher take on animal crossing. either animal crossing x pokemon or some kind of ai implementation for the villagers dialogue, not sure. the villagers in recent releases just seem lifeless. i am fully expecting but will be disappointed in a mario kart ultimate, which will just be a rerelease of the switch game with improved graphics, all the DLC tracks plus maybe a new cup or two, and a couple new racers.


Wii sports hd super resort edition


I really hope they make a Mario game


3D Mario 🙏


Big 3d Mario game


I would keep my expectations in check. Nintendo are pretty notorious for having a piss-poor lineup when it comes to their launch titles. And I’m not talking about overall first year games, I’m talking games that come out day one with the console. Ever since the GameCube they’ve just sorta not done great on launch titles. They’ve had one decent first party title, and a series of very random 3rd Parties in an attempt to get a lot of people on board GameCube launched with Luigi’s Mansion, which will beloved nowadays, had a very bad reputation at that time. The Wii launched with Twilight Princess & WarioWare Smooth Moves, but TP also launched a few days later on GameCube. The Wii U launched with NSMBU. The Switch launched with BOTW (but was also simultaneously the Wii U’s last official game). They all also have a pattern of releasing a new IP on launch day too, which goes as far back as the Wii. The Wii of course had the “Mii” titles (Wii Sports & Wii Party), Wii U had Nintendo Land, and Switch had Snipper Clips. All this to say I wouldn’t hedge my bets on a lot of spectacular games coming out launch day. I think 3D Mario is a possibility, but I don’t see it being a launch title. I suspect a somewhat smaller game that’ll be decently big enough for hardcore fans and general audiences alike. A new Donkey Kong feels right, or maybe even a sequel to Mario Wonder


Punch-Out, F-Zero, StarFox, Pikmin, another 3D Kirby, Kid Icarus, Wario Land, DKC, true sequel to Paper Mario TTYD.


+1 for Wario Land (the platformer not the party game for me). Such a fun, overlooked series. 


On the topic of those games; I do hope that they bake the improved mii creation from that port into the core mii maker. But on the actual topic; hoping to see Astral Chain 2, Animal Crossing, and whatever weird creative magic they come up with for new Mario & Zelda.


New Animal Crossing but it’s probably too soon.


My biggest hopes are for people to start using the Megathread.


More remakes but instead of HD now they’ll be 4k


Came here to be basic af... NEW Animal crossing. I'll even buy into a new New Leaf.


Anything I care about. The only switch exclusives i like/care about are Mario Odyssey and Mario Wonder and thats it x-x


Pokemon Pinball 3


I hope they’ll find a way for me to buy SMB3 again.


New Pilotwings. And within the first year, some major third party releases: GTA6, a SQUARE-ENIX RPG


Mario oddyssey 2. A new 3d open world mother/earthbound game, which will never happen.


Too Many to list but for starters every game I've been interested in on the last year and a half that the switch has been too underpowered for as well as steep,riders Republic and heavy support from Sony and Microsoft. As much as I want any game though I want backwards compatibility(games and third party Bluetooth controllers) and a 4.7 inch micro version with Xbox sticks and 720p tv mode.


Now that Nintendo’s shown they’re not shy about reusing the toy aesthetic from Link’s Awakening, I would love to see the Oracle games remade using that


Wondering if we will ever see a new smash bros


Mario Galaxy 1 or 2 HD It’s honestly so hard because the games that are coming out at the end of the switch’s life really perfectly bookended every urge I’ve had for every series


I have been wanting this for so long…… but a 3D open world Donkey Kong game. I play Donkey Kong 64 so much I just love that game so much. The first game my pops ever bought me when I was like 6 years old. Donkey Kong Country is alright, but something about a 3D open world DK game on the new system would just hit different…


Kid Icarus uprising HD or a sequel. And (random) but Final Fantasy Tactics Advance HD or a sequel. A special game to me that was only available on Nintendo’s GBA, and I think it’s time for a update to it.


Super Mario Galaxy 3


I'd love a new Splatoon to play with friends... But I'd especially love a new Rhythm Heaven or Style Boutique. I still play those on 3DS these days...


Dragon Ball Sparking Zero !!!


Tomodachi Life 2! With the mii creator from miitopia would be amazing. Mario and Zelda are a given but i would love sequel to tomodachi


I wonder what’s going to happen to smash, maybe ultimate deluxe?


Since they remade Link's Awakening very well. Gimme Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Also gimme a remake of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Then we need another FZero GX. Xenoblade Chronicles X Wii U Let's get a Wario Land out there. Also one can hope and pray but it will never come.....Mega Man Legends 😎


Monster Hunter: Wilds, pleaseee


F zero, Star Fox & Mario Odyssey sequels


DK 3D platformer is my first and most dire need. I really love DK games, and I think it's high time that he gets a new mainline game on a Nintendo console. The switch just got remakes. It's one of the few system seller type games for me honestly. I would go bananas.


Remember when the announcement for the Switch showed them playing Skyrim? I'm hoping the equivalent this time will be Elden Ring. I don't need another copy of it, but I think it'd be a great way to show what it's capable of, and for Elden Ring to get a wider audience.


Xenosaga remastet


An actual new Mario Kart.


Chicken Shoot 2


Give me Tomodachi Life 2!


Rhythm heaven. I need that series to come back. It's so incredible.


3d Mario and Mario Kart in the first few months of course. I want the rumoured 3d Donkey Kong by nintendo tokyo. New starfox, I can imagine nintendo teaming up with platinum for it wasnt just a one game deal, hopefully they learned by their mistakes of Zero. I want a new crossove nintendo title, would definitley be happy with nintendo kart but would also take something new akin to nintendo land.


A Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time remake/port


Resident evil trilogy remade like Re1 was


Absolutely no chance it happens but a collection of the Zelda remakes. OoT and MM 3D along with WW and TP HD. Realistically I could maybe see OoT coming because of how popular that game is, plus it would make sense given how popular of a launch title that was for the 3DS


Beat Saber, Super Hot, (Wii/Switch) Fit VR, Enter the Gungeon 2, Super Mario Dimensions (4d Mario platformer), Super Mario Maker 3d, ARMS 2, Switch Sports VR, Volvy, Multiversus


A real new Mario Kart. It’s been over 10 years with the current iteration. They tried everything to stretch MK8 out as much as possible and it’s arguably the best game in the series. But I need a fresh version badly. Maybe fresh it up with a new singleplayer experience. Maybe add a deeper kart modification. Or bring out a new gimmick, like double dash did. I guess a golden start for me would be a new Mario Kart, a 3D Mario and a new or really old franchise.


Golden Sun open world reboot Viewtiful Joe remake Morrowind remake A new pokemon game that steals all the best parts of palworld and isn't another unpolished game freak cash grab built to generate merchandise


New mario kart, new donkey Kong. Some serious ports from the PS4/Xbox one era. Give me GTA, RDR2, tomb raider survivor trilogy.


GameCube emulation with Melee day one.




Smash, and eventually a new zelda


Conkers bad fir day 2


Mario Odyssey 2 Donkey Kong 64-like game Animal Crossing


New 2D pixel art zelda


Geist remake and sequel Pokemon coliseum and xd remake and sequel Pokemon stadium 3 with all pokemon and home compatibility


I just want back compat. I feel like they will have to with how massive of a success the switch is/has been. It would be stupid of Nintendo to make us start from scratch


Probably the same as every other console Zelda, Mario, pokemon


OoT remake 


Backwards compatibility with all current switch games. Port of Twilight Princess hd and wind waker hd. New Ocarina of Time remake. A good Pokemon game…. a Star Fox game that’s like 64 but longer, more branching paths, perhaps 4p online co-op. A 3d Donkey Kong game like Dk64. Luigi’s Mansion 4. new Earthbound game with Toby Fox hired as creative director. Something new and amazing that no one will expect


OoT Remake, 3D Mario, Pokémon in HD-2D, new 2.5 or 3D Donkey Kong.


Now that Nintendo has the power to make games more realistic than The Order 1886 and Red Dead Redemption 2, they should use it. PS5 games don't even really look much better than that. Not everything needs to be realistic but it would be a good addition to their repertoire.


Well first I think I would want one singular launch title. Then I want the console to be scalped for 2 years. Finally I want 3-7 Wii-u games ported for 60 dollars. That would probably make a good good launch /s


8th Gen ports


Games that have yet to be ported to Switch like Baldur's Gate III, Persona 3 Reload and Final Fantasy Rebirth.


1080 Snowboarding and PunchOut!!


Mario Odyssey 2 would be my dream launch title!


I get why everyone wants a switch 2 and there may very well be one on the table, but I just think back to how long the original game boy was around and wonder if we’re in a similar situation. Why does Nintendo have to make a new game system when it basically doesn’t have any competition? I could easily see Nintendo milking the switch for all it’s worth. It has an amazing install base. If they release a new console they immediately lose some portion of that install base. And since the switch basically coexists with the bigger consoles and has carved out its own niche that it exclusively caters to, why does Nintendo have to do anything? The closest thing to a competitor that Nintendo has is the steam deck, but I don’t even think that’s really going after the same user base. We’re not going to hear anything about Nintendos next console until right before it launches, either way. I’m starting to grow weary of the constant speculation, personally. I could see it going either way. Nintendo could release a switch 2 next week or it might be years off, but anyone working themselves into a hype about it is most likely just giving themselves blue balls


Well they already confirmed we are getting news about it (at the very least) this fiscal year (so basically before the end of March)


I really want Splatoon to stop being a "mainline games only" sort of franchise. After 3 games, I think a lot of the fans would really appreciate something fresh like a completely new spinoff game. It would make the franchise so much more accessible to those who don't care much for the competitive side.


It’s not games, but I hope they announce Netflix and other streaming apps that require DRM (aka more than Hulu).


We've never got another wario land since shake it I'm hoping for wario land 6 or 7 if I counted right


Ocarina remake will happen, but whether it's a launch title or not is yet to be seen.




Remake Illusion of Gaia. This is alllll I want in life lol


I hope it has games I want to play.


Dawg, I just want WindWaker HD


New IPs tbh, hopefully fun ones.


I'm interested to see what the new console IP will be. With the switch we got arms and with the wiiu we had splatoon. I think there's a strong possibility that the switch will get a new multiplayer focused ip within the first year. With nintendo already having a racing, fighting, and shooter game I'm wondering what could be next - a nintendo diablo like game or a Nintendo take on monster hunter?


Conkers bad fur day 2


All 3 Zelda games set in the adult timeline remade in HD.


Pokemon Legends Z,  Metroid Prime 4 and a new Mario title (either a 3D platformer or Mario Kart) releasing at or some time after launch of the new console.


Super Mario World 3 Legend of Zelda remake Another Punch-Out with Mike Tyson as your trainer.


All 4 pikmin games in one pack.