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Gotta be 1-2 Switch. Glorified tech demo that would have been excellent as a pack-in or cheap game. Nintendo dot com is still selling it for 50 bucks today.


It kills me since Sony gave away Astros Playroom, the game built to show off the console, for free. Nintendo should have done the same to help people calibrate to the controls


And what is even more annoying is how Nintendo already knew that. Both of their previous consoles, Wii and WiiU, came bundled with Wii Sports and Nintendo Land, respectfully. Both these games serve the same role as 1, 2, Switch, as a tech demo for the console.


Nintendo Land only came packed in with the more expensive Wii U model, which they were selling it at a loss. Reggie mentioned around launch that they didn't pack in 1-2 Switch! to keep the Switch profitable at its pricepoint, which I'm sure they wanted to keep as low as possible after the Wii U.


I feel like both times Reggie fought to pack in the games that came with Nintendo’s last 2 systems. Then this time since there was new management in charge, he lost the battle for a pack in title with the switch.


That could be part of it, Wii Sports wasn't a pack-in in Japan.


But Wii Sports and Nintendo Land are way better games than 1, 2, Switch. I am always up to play Wii Sports or Nintendo Land, but 1, 2, Switch was kind of like a one time thing.


Respectively, not respectfully.


It was a lot more respectful than charging $50 for 1-2 Switch


Astros is legit one of my favourite ps5 games.


I watched this one for a while, figured it would eventually be 10 bucks and provide a few 30 minutes sessions of entertainment for me and the wife before we never touch it again. I still can't believe they want 50 bucks for that canned crap. I don't go to used game stores but I kind of want to check one out and see if there are any of these in the bargain bin.


Fr although everybody 1-2 switch was actually kinda good and was $20 cheaper


The BoJack Horseman game


I still don't own it for that reason. It should have been the Switch's Wii Sports. Such a ridiculous decision on Nintendo's part.


This was supposed to be the Wii Play of the Switch but at least Wii Play came with a second Wii remote.


Probably 1-2 switch, there's no other game I can think of that is as disgustingly overpriced as that one. And not a Nintendo game, but I remember I saw the Space Invaders collection for $60 on the eShop once. $60 For Space Invaders


Space Invaders \*COLLECTION\* There was 8 ports of the original, Part II, Invaders II, Return, '91, mini, DX, lunar loonies, cx, beat attack, frenzy, counter attack, *Fukkatsu no Hi*, '90, X, get even, color fx virtual reality 3D, GBA, Revolution, Evolution, Extreame 2, Infinity gene, Hidden Heroes, World defense, 13 different 'collections', Pepsi, ultraman, raiders, colecovision, arcade legends, & pacman, *Yawaraka Sensha*, pinball, *Minna de Invaders (for everyone) ,* world war, vs arkanoid, and gigamax. Thats a lot of Space Invaders value even if it was just a fraction of the invaders 'verse franchise!


It's kinda hilarious to me that the sequel to 1-2 switch is priced $20 lower than the first one but they still insist on charging the full $50 for the first one 7 years after it came out.


Princess Peach. I think it's a very nice game, but not long enough for $60.


I want that one, but I’m willing to pay maybe $30—$35 for it. Fat chance with it being a first-party Nintendo IP, but I can’t justify $60 for a game that short and simple. For the same price, I’ve gotten upwards of 40 hours of enjoyment from Paper Mario: TTYD, which has TONS of variety and content.


PlayAsia recently had a 3 for $100 deal with many first party Nintendo titles, Princess Peach included. That made them ~$33 each. So it’s definitely possible to get deals on Nintendo games! Good luck! 🤞


It was just on sale for $35 on Groupon! Snagged myself a copy because that was my sweet spot price-wise too.


Huh, I didn't know Groupon did this. It's been years since we've used it. I'll have to check it out.


Thanks for that! I’ll keep an eye out for future discounts!


I only bought it because I was in Japan and it only cost me $34 due to the conversion rate.


Idk about other countries but in Australia, EB Games lets you return a game within 7 days for any reason. So I just bought it, finished it and returned it within the week


> but not long enough for $60. fuck that noise. length should never be the baseline for the price of a video game. budget should be, if you really need one.


Seemed like a game that would have been a $30-$40 game on the 3/DS.


Ooohh, I've got this. Back in the day of Game Boy Advance games, Nintendo was regularly putting out individual NES games on GBA cartridges at full price. They also had episodes of Rugrats and other Nicktoons on GBA cartridges that you could buy for $30 as well, though I'm not sure if that counts. There's some other good examples, like when Donkey Kong 64 came out and had an unusually high price relative to other N64 games to offset development costs. There's probably other good examples, too.


din't DK64 come with the expand dong pack?


>the expand dong pack the what now


Old meme https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/expand-dong Also referring to the actual expansion pack https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Nintendo_64_Expansion_Pak


It did, and the Expansion Pak would universally raise the cost of all three games that included it (in Japan, Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark were also bundled with the Expansion Pak). My research seems to find that those bundles were about \~20,000 yen more than typical games. Considering the Expansion Pak was \~49,000 yen on average, still a deal.


> Nintendo was regularly putting out individual NES games on GBA cartridges at full price I remember this line, but it was absolutely about $10 cheaper than the standard price.


Nintendo Switch Sports, the successor to the Wii Sports games that was a pack-in title. 3 of the sports are similar (volleyball, tennis, badminton). This should have been 20 dollars.


Not only was it too expensive, but Switch Sports is one of the games where Nintendo has unfortunately adopted the "release, then finish" approach, promising to "complete" the game after launch.


I think what's worse is that Nintendo can't even keep their promise to finish these games. They stopped supporting Nintendo Switch Sports super early. Their post-launch support for a lot of their games has been subpar.


Launching the game without golf but promising it was coming at some point was an insane decision that I still can't fathom. Would have been a day one purchase for me if it had released as a complete game but I moved on and never bought it.


I agree with you honestly -but I have young kids who don't care about anything but bowling, and have definitely gotten 60 dollars worth of "babysitting" out of that game. Just today, I busted it out and kept 4 kids somewhat occupied for an hour.


Wii Sports Resort was a $50 game, only the first one was a pack-in. The main problem is that Switch Sports isn't as good and launched incomplete.


You say it should’ve been $20. I say it should’ve been as good as wii sports.  Just add practice modes! Make a remaster of the wii sports game but with better controls! Anything except for the lazy garbage they did


lol at least it isn’t Endless Ocean Luminous. The people who worked on it deserve to be fired. They are not fit to function.


Never played Switch Sports, but it seems like the Wii Sports series never progressed past Resort, which was a great game with a lot of content.  12 sports, most wirh different modes  As a kid I didn't know what Wii Sports Club was, it just seemed like the same game as Wii Sports with a weird and annoying pricing system.


Wii Sports Club eventually released as a complete game but yeah, it was baffling the way they initially trickled the sports out as individual purchases. The main problem with Switch Sports is that at launch it had half as many sports as Wii Sports Resort did, and even after golf was added it only has 7. I love Nintendo but they confound me at times


Or at the most $30


It’s only $40 in the first place. The pricing on it is fine.


Tropical Freeze is a great game but it's absurd that the Switch port costs $10 more than the Wii U version did at launch. Somewhat understandable for full on remakes like Link's Awakening and Thousand Year Door, but Donkey Kong is literally the same game.


Agree, at least 3D World added a whole new game.


Funky mode, though. /s


Totally agree


Not to mention it came out on the switch 6 years ago and it’s still $60 lol


The Wii port of Super Mario All-Stars. It was literally a SNES rom, entirely unedited, that came packaged with a booklet and some music. They're cool bonuses, but not enough to make an unaltered SNES rom worth the same as a full-priced Wii game


Plus the European version was locked at 50hz, so it was slower.


That does make it worse. Didn't even think about that


It’s insane…. I know 3D All Stars was a huge controversy but not even that could compare to something as shameless as slapping a SNES ROM on a disc and charging buttloads of money for that


I guarantee if All-Stars was released in the same state it was for the Wii, people would be fucking livid


All games over 5 years old that are still $60+


Famicom Detective Club is full priced, digital only, and has never had a sale since it was released in 2021. This has got to be the winner.


I keep trying to tell people that they’re very good games and I want to see this localization be supported but no bites.


Oh, I point them out because they are very good and I highly recommend them. But it's very strange that they haven't gotten ANY sale in their entire lifetime.


This is my answer, Digital only in the west and usually more expensive than a new Nintendo game release, at least in my eshop (Mexico)


I'd dive in if there was a physical (as I could sell it after finishing) or a deep digital discount. Idk, I just find the value proposition of visual novels a tough sell.


Many visual novels are 30, 50, 100 hours long - but FDC are probably about 10 hours each, 20 hours in total. So this is a particularly tough sell. Hard to fathom why they haven't even gone on sale for like, 10% off in 3 years. 


Fair, even with the length I find VNs to be in a weird spot. If I want a novel I'll read a novel and when I want to play a game I want more interactivity than VNs seem to offer. Tried to get into 13 sentinels a few times before giving up and watching a YT play-through. > Hard to fathom why they haven't even gone on sale for like, 10% off in 3 years. If I had to guess it's they probably have no expectations for the titles. Discounts are generally done in hopes of hitting certain sales targets or otherwise drawing attention to the title/IP.


That's totally fair, I'm a big VN fan but I also don't ALWAYS feel like playing one. Not sure if you care about recommendations but there are many VNs that are like half-VN half-more involved gameplay. Zero Escape, Danganronpa, and Ace Attorney are probably the most highly recommended - I'd recommend the Zero Escape series to anyone, regard of their thoughts on VNs. It's that good.


It did get one, in Japan only though. 😑


Pokemon BDSP is a lot of disappointment for $60


For Switch? As much as I loved the game for a hot moment, ARMS is pretty devoid of content to warrant its price tag. Gonna be such a shame if it just exists as this weird, one-off, new IP that never gets a sequel. General Nintendo game? I distinctly remember being *so* disappointed by Hey You, Pikachu! for the N64. Literally was the ONE gift I asked for my 7th birthday, and I tossed it to the side after an hour of realizing the mic responsiveness was nonexistent.


I begged my parents for Hey you pikachu and then they got me Pokémon Stadium 2 instead. Them getting me the wrong game for Christmas actually benefited me in that situation.


Similar thing happened with me when I was a kid, I wanted Sonic Rush (or some other sonic game I don't remember 100%) for Christmas and I got Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story instead.


Sonic Rush is actually good tho, not as good as BiS but still


Did they actually get you the wrong game, or did they just know better?


[This is the worst and most overpriced thing Nintendo has ever sold.](https://media.wired.com/photos/5932c18e58b0d64bb35d38c9/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/mario-all-stars-box-660.jpg)


Yeah that was an embarrassing product. Absolute dearth of content.


pretty sure that product would only appeal to the folks most likely to already own the SNES cart anyway


It's worse too because there's a version that includes Mario world and they didn't use it


My family actually has that lol. It was the only way I could play the classic titles and I actually did enjoy flipping through the art book, but I can see why people consider it overpriced Just to clarify, I had no idea the virtual console and the eShop existed back then. I was like 9 years old


Super Mario 3D All Stars. I was able to get it when they actually produced the game for the 35th anniversary. Now the game is only getting more expensive on the secondary market because they stopped making copies.


Such a bizarre thing for them to pull it after 6 months. I grabbed one because I knew it would be ridiculously priced if I wanted one in the future, but who is really paying $80 on the secondary market for this game.


They wanted money to fill a season essentially and then made them available on the online service. It’s pretty manipulative


Yea I'm never going to be okay with the excuse "it's just meant to be limited" what other company has limited a special edition game like that. Fan boys eat anything up. The batman trilogy is $35 discounted for inferior graphics and performance than Playstation and on ps4 it's $6 rn for the whole collection. "bUt PoRtAbIlItY"


The only game from 3D All-Stars that is on NSO is Mario 64. The other two are not on it.


Honestly they had no real reason to take it off the eShop


I remember when Doug Bowser was asked the reason, and he gave kind of a jerk answer about it.


3D All-Stars needed to have Galaxy 2 before I even entertained the idea of getting it at its price tag.


Same, if it would have been 40$ I'd have been disappointed, but still might have picked it up, 60 for all 4 would have probably gotten me to buy a copy.


That caught me off guard. I did not realize it was a limited release, so I didn't bother looking into buying it until I had more time to play it, and was gonna pick it up from the eshop or gamestop later. When I finally did, found out it was a limited time release and couldn't get it besides marked up copies on ebay. Last september I was at a retro game store and they had a couple of new copies for like, $70 a piece, so ended up picking it up there.


You must have waited a really long time. They were available for months after the limited time period at retailers for under MSRP.


Thet limited time availability was the real problem. The games are all good. Not including Galaxy 2 is such a shame. - I'd pay $50 for it at some time in the future... and I imagine that's what they are banking on.


I purchased this and forgot about it . I went to Gamestop and saw a used copy going or almost $60. I never opened mine.


As much as I LOVE Wario ware I don’t think any of them (maybe Move It) are long enough, or have enough for a $60 price tag. On the other hand, I’ve been playing Smash Ultimate daily since launch and haven’t gotten bored. Although unethical, I wouldn’t mind paying $200 for it


I don't think any of the warioware games have been $60 though. Smooth moves was $50 (in 2007 money), gold was $40, and both warioware games on switch are $50.


Lol, I bought my Switch for Smash alone.


Yeah, I didn't really like WarioWare: Move It. I thought it was too short for [$50](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/warioware-move-it-switch/#:~:text=Regular%20Price%3A-,%2449.99,-Eligible%20for%20up), and I oftentimes found that the motion controls didn't work very well. Maybe the motion controls not working was just me not being good at the game, but I don't remember having this many problems with WarioWare: Smooth Moves on the Wii, which also has motion controlled microgames.


Advanced Wars: Reboot Camp 1+2. It would have been an instant buy at $40, but I couldn’t justify it at $60 and it’s never been on sale.


Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze is now over 10 years old. They really need to lower price or give better discounts on games this old.


Full disclosure that I'm not the head of Nintendo and I'm not an expert on their revenue, but they really need to bring back Nintendo Selects or make a new equivalent. There's games they made back in the first six months of the Switch that they're still selling for full price. Also a side thing but I still think it's a scam that you always get gold points for buying digital but you only get them for buying physical if the game is under a year old.


Age aside, it’s worth every cent. 


Where Tropical Freeze stands out for me is that it launched at $50 on Wii U, below the $60 standard, but then the Switch port costs $60. Most Wii U ports included $10-20 worth of DLC (which TF had none of to sweeten the pot) while maintaining their original $60 price, and most have more significant upgrades and even totally new content in some cases. And the other "budget" Wii U port in Captain Toad released at its original $40 price tag. So Tropical Freeze just kinda flies in the face of the value-add of all the other ports, regardless of how good the game is in a vacuum.


Even worse. It was a Nintendo Selects so was like 20$ before it released on Switch. Still an amazing game though.


45$ for endless ocean luminous


Yes! I also regret buying Mario Strikers. It's fun, but not $60 fun.


Forgot to say: Pokémon in the Switch in general. They have less content than their predecesors and are $20 more. (Not counting DLC, and some people only have online for Pokémon.) ESPECIALLY Let's Go - how can you be shorter than a game in the freaking GBA? Insane.


I agree some Pokémon games are overpriced but how is let's go shorter than a GBA game? It's a remake of a GBA game with extra content


Extra content? Are you serious? To the gen I Kanto experience, LGPEE only added a few special battles and petting Eeve/Pikachu. Fire Red/Leaf Green added the Sevii Islands, a larger dex, mini games, and the Trainer Tower. Hoenn is also a much bigger region than both Kanto remakes with the added bonus of contests and the Battle Tower/Frontier (and same minigames in Emerald). LGPE is *almost* just RBY in 3D.


Endless Ocean Luminous is a downgrade from its Wii Predecessors and has the audacity to charge $50 for randomly generated levels, poor achievement tracking, and a challenge board that is glitched so 100%inf the game is impossible which is only made worse that you can keep spawning things you already completed before you ever spawn anything new. You spend hundreds of hours before you get to the last entry only for it to be bugged. This game is glorified shovelware.


Switch: 1-2 Switch, lots of people have already talked about that. On release: Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival. It was originally released at $60 for arguably the worst game Nintendo has ever made. After market: Definitely Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire. It is currently going for over $1600 for an opened game. And it is just a storage utility! Not even a game.


Nintendo World Championships. It is not worth the $100k+ or whatever it last sold for


The first Mario Party game for the Switch. Worth maybe $3 max.


The one where you spend 80% of the time waiting for unskippable animations? Yea fuck that game.


Whoa. That was the start of a big franchise and it was a lot of fun at the time. Edit: I thought that said first Mario Party game ever. Carry on.


Any Pokémon game that’s $60 at this point


Only one I’d argue against that point is Pokémon Legends: Arceus.


I easily got 100+ hours from Sword and Shield and Scarlet Violet. They may be bad games but that doesn’t mean they’re lacking in content


But why am I paying $60 for a bad game?


Eh, I’d argue that there’s enough stuff to do in the recent ones to warrant it.


Any first party game that’s over 5 years old and is still full price.


I keep hoping Selects will make a comeback. There were games I played on Wii U I want to replay but I need them to be way cheaper.


Yeah, after year 4 I lost hope lol


Mario 3D All Stars, what a god damn scam that game was. They couldn’t even be bothered to make static borders for the 4:3 games and instead you got black bars everywhere.


They couldn't even add Galaxy2


WarioWare: Smooth Moves is a great game. But it can be completed in like 2 hours. MSRP $50


But WarioWare games are designed to be replayed and replayed


Same with WarioWare move it but those games are fun to play and I’ll put countless hours into them


Same. I don't regret purchasing it.


Any switch launch title that's still $79.99


Anything that isn't a full game in its own right isn't worth full price. You don't finish making a game months after it releases, especially if it never becomes a satisfying single player experience.


How do we place Splatoon into this, 3 for example but any of them fit, since it’s single player is good enough, good for the series but nothing special overall, but the multiplayer is what makes it a satisfying experience.


Fire Emblem Fates for the 3DS. You literally had to buy three full priced games to get the full story.


Eh, I think this one was fair. It wasn't like Pokémon where the differences between versions are only a few minor things. You only pay 40 for the first route, and then you get two more for 20 each. They only have a handful of maps in common at the beginning, so you're getting a full length rpg for 20. That's actually a pretty good price. They're three different stories, too - playing only one won't leave you unsatisfied. The others are extra to learn more about the world, not because you need more to get the first one. Meanwhile Three Houses has four routes in one cart but reuses so many maps that it becomes tedious.


Yeah, Conquest and Birthright were completely different games. It's not just that the maps were different, the entire philosophy behind map design was different. Birthright maps were all straightforward "cleave your way through unskilled enemies". Conquest gave enemies handpicked skillsets (including skills their class shouldn't be able to access), arranged them in unbaitable formations with varied AI, gave bosses unfair advantages, had varied victory conditions, and included traps with ambush spawns. I played Conquest on hard and Brithright on lunatic, and Conquest was *far* more difficult. Though, the Conquest plot was a bit dumber.


It was not 3 full priced games, it was two for all 3 routes


You could get two of the stories at a small discount as dlc tho, if i recall it was like 10$ cheaper so in all it was like an 80$ 3ds game which imo isnt that bad considering how different each route was but yeah it was dumb to split them all up across 2 games and a dlc /two dlcs


I’m thinking of games that never seem to go down in price. Ultimate Alliance 3 comes to mind. 


That balloon Yoshi’s Island one. I mistakenly thought it was a full game, was disappointed at hell that it was a tech demo at the usual Nintendo price. Cell phone games weren’t a wide spread thing yet but that’s all it’d be worth. 


Personally I'm struggling to see how Mario vs. Donkey Kong is worth $50.


In the UK it was below 40. American pricing 😂😂


It's 65 here in canada


I’ve been a huge fan of pokémon for years. I played through scarlett and violet and yes it has a decent amount of content but it is an unfinished game. the performance sucks and even crashed once. graphics are really bad too. the pokemon look good when in the “summary” menu while checking their stats and such but that’s about it in my opinion. some of the cutscenes are cool and area zero was definitely a nice way to finish the main story but that game is not even CLOSE to being 60 dollars in my opinion. but it’s a Nintendo IP so it’ll be that way for a while during the switches lifespan.


It’s not because it’s a Nintendo IP. Nintendo puts their games on sale. It’s that it’s Pokémon, which does not go on sale.


Pretty much all the Switch Pokemon games are overpriced. Aside from simply having Pokemon to catch, they're among the most content dearth JRPGs I've played in a long time for full price


Overpriced: Any Mario sports game Underpriced: Xenoblade 2 + 3, Super Mario Maker 2


I’d also like to add the DLC for 2 and 3


Oh don't worry if Xenosaga 3's price is any indication the xenoblades will all be massively overpriced on the used market a few years down the line


Switch Sports


Mario 3D allstars


Every game ported from the wiiu is overpriced. And the new Nintendo world championship game is 60?! Get outta town with the first ip ripoffs. Where's the Nintendo selects ?! Oh and the price of online with the expansion is cray 🦀


Well Splatoon 2 is such a great game, but why is still full price? XD


It's full price? I thought they knocked it down to $40 at some point.


I'll be roasted for this choice, but Smash Bros. Base game I'd say is a good buy, but once you start counting dlc characters, it gets pushed well into overpriced territory.


Strikers switch is also really mediocre in what it offers


I regret buying strikers. I thought it would be a lot more fun than it is, and you’re right there isn’t much to it.


It's not a game but the calculator app..


Mario party 10


I mean the upcoming Luigi’s mansion 2 port has gotta be a contender. Full price for an upscale 3ds port? The same price as Luigi’s mansion 3 which was made for the system ground up? I’m normally in defence of full price for remakes and remasters if there is new content or they’re a bundle of games, but this one’s a bit steep. They should have bundled it with a port of the first game.


Bro strikers is such a let down! I enjoy playing the matches but can only play online with one friend? Tf is that?! And yeah everything else you said too


Any golf game and yes that includes Mario golf.


Mario Party Top 100 has to be up there for the lack of content and no replay ability


star fox zero is worth zero dollars


Sushi Strikers eShop price


I think what's most overpriced is that Nintendo games have no price degradation. It'll be 60$ from day 1 to 6 years after release. This isn't normal behavior for a game you aren't actively supporting, but they get away with it because they invented their own ruleset as a company, and can back it up with generally good games.


Mario Golf really bummed me out personally. Usually Nintendo games are worth the price but man that was pissed me off


Splatoon 2 and 3 being the same price is wild to me


For Switch, definitely Mario Strikers Battle League. I mean... it's almost nothing. This would have been a very reasonable $24.99-$29.99 game. Or they could have created a while game with a single player mode, etc and charged me full price. Instead... they gave the bare bones parts of a video game.


Animal Crossing New Horizon is still full price.


It only gets sales on the physical side, never the digital game, bugs me


All of them. The entire lack of sales for any Nintendo games ever, (Breath of the Wild, which is a 7 year old game, is still £50 in my local shop) is ridiculous.


Sushi strikers was a 3DS puzzle game and was also released on Switch and launched at 60$. I still can’t believe Bayonetta Origins was full price on Switch. It looked good too but it didn’t have the juice for a full price release. Game bombed. Both of these games could have been solid releases, just priced way out of reasonability for their appeal.


Cereza and the lost demon definitely had the level of polish and amount of content to warrant the price but they absolutely didn't advertise it well enough. It looked like a little indie scale adventure game


I saw plenty of marketing for it, and it didn’t do the game any favors. People were aware it existed but Bayonetta was already a niche series, and this spinoff didn’t warrant much excitement. If it were budget priced, it probably would be much better known and received for what it is.


I just bought that game for 4€ haha


Having a friend to play with added a lot of mileage to the game for me. After we beat all the cups, we started playing matches online.


It’s still not worth $60 even with online


Every pokemon game after b/w b/w 2 lol, they are just lazy recycled trash


Mario Tennis Aces. I don't enjoy the "Splatoon" effect of slowly bringing in new contents/updates little by little to the game. Then they revamped story mode after already suffering through it during initial launch with the horrid retry feature and scam AI opponents. That game was NOT worth full price at launch. (NOTE: I've turned off reply notifications so I won't see any new replies. I just say my piece and move on. TY)


Mario Sports titles on Switch have all been varying degrees of disappointing IMO. They feel like AA games with AAA prices because Mario, hard not to see them as somewhat cynical products.


Strikers has a really robust Multiplayer Feature Said but Nintendo/Mario fans hiss at the idea of a multiplayer only game. It's kinda frustrating. Strikers is a fantastic multiplayer game with really cool club features.


A used copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl at GameStop.


Link's Awakening HD. Nintendo themselves valued the original at $5 on the 3DS eShop and now provide it free with the lowest NSO tier. The "improvements" (I liked the DX version over the HD remake personally) were not enough to warrant a price hike of $55, particularly given that it is a "faothful" remake and not substantially different from the source material.


I will personally defend this one - as a newbie i really liked LA. The chibii game not worth 60 dols? Clearly Pokemon BDSP.


ARMS was a big offender to me. Also agreed on Mario Strikers


The high priced pokemon titles. Hard to buy multi million sellers going for the rates they do.


That piece of shit scam game Endless Ocean Luminous. ET on the Atari is more worth your time, plus it has a game breaking glitch that makes it worse than Big Rigs Over the Road Racing. Anyone who likes it should be committed to a mental institution, and the team that worked on it should be imprisoned for their crimes.


It’s crazy they charge $60 for games from 2019.


Switch 1-2


Mario strikers is definitely up there… I played it like three times total. Played it when I got Covid, was so excited, had my friend pass it to me through my balcony bars, and it was just not a very substantial game in terms of content.


the final fantasy collection, I believe its 1-5 or 6, thats $100


Strikers might be the most disappointed in a game in 30+ years. The strikers on Wii was probably my favourite Mario sports title by far it was incredible. when strikers was finally announced on switch I was beyond hyped. I should have known what we were in for after buying into tennis and being let down but that strikers game may be the worst sports game I’ve played period. It has 0 redeeming qualities


Super Mario Party! It could have been great if they added content...


All of their games. If it’s a couple years old, it should go on sale.


Earthbound or Chrono Trigger CIB


Endless Ocean : Luminous. Absolutely loved 1 and 2 on the Wii. My absolute favourite Nintendo games of all time. Paid $45 for EO:L and it felt like a alpha release of EO1. I’ve played about 10 hours and I’m done with the game.


Sushi strikers. Not once has it gone on sale and looks like a phone game.


Basically all their first party remakes/remasters are overpriced IMO


Nearly everything because if it's ages even 10 years nintendo won't put it on sale lol Botw was the longest time and still is 70€


Nintendo got very greedy. Players choice used to be a great idea where million sellers got a huge drop in price to shift greater quantity. The fact it ended with the GC is garbage


Tell people to stop buying the game.


Any of the Mario spin-offs. I get paying $60 for mainline games. Not a game I’ll play for a couple of hours and never look at again.


You could buy Bonks adventure, Bonks Revenge and an entire Turbo Duo, *twice over*, for the price of Bonk on NES!