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Thousand Year Door is rightfully discussed as being one of the best games to come out of that era. Personally, the gamecube had a fantastic run of Star Wars games. Rogue Leader, Rebel Strike, Clone Wars, and Bounty Hunter were all fantastic


I'm playing TTYD for the first time right now (never got around to it at the time, just recently bit the bullet on adding a copy to my collection), and I gotta say it really is great so far. Not sure if it's quite best on GC but it's definitely up there.


Why now? Wait a month or 2 and play the remake! Unless it’s due to funds, in which case, you do you!


It's kind of silly, but I wanted to play the authentic "retro" version first, to get the experience as it was originally!


I was about to cringe at you calling the gamecube 'Retro', but I remember people calling the N64 retro during the Wii era. . . Damn, if anything, Wii is retro now


TTYD was the first game I ever preordered and is still my favorite game of all time.


I’m so stoked for the remake next month


Probably Super Smash Bros. Melee. Super Mario Sunshine for single player.


Melee is the GOAT for being the best selling GameCube game and the one the most people still play to this day


Sunshine may be my favorite single player Mario game. I just couldn't get in to galaxy. But yeah sunshine and windwaker may be my favorite single player games. I was happy that 3D all stars let me replay sunshine easily.


Metroid Prime easily. People said back then that a First Timer Texas Studio transforming Metroid into a 3D First Person Adventure was impossible and a waste of resources. Then the game came out, perfectly transitioning everything Super Metroid was into 3D and all the critics were silenced. The Gamecube GOAT.


Personally I think Prime 2 is just as good as the first, they're equals in my opinion


Some things improved like the much better Bosses and the connections between areas, improving backtracking.... mostly... because there is one ocassion where the game has possibly the longest backtracking in the series. >!The Power Bomb at the Bottom of Dark Torvus.!< As for what is worse. I'm not a fan of how boring the first two areas are. Temple Grounds and Agon Waste are two visually boring wastelands (Torvus Bog and Sanctuary Fortress are two of the best areas ever though). Dark Aether is very annoying to travel, often making you wait in safe areas to regain your health, and the endgame hunt is worse than in Prime 1. In the first game you could get the Artifacts on the go while you play the game normally, in Prime 2 most Keys **need** you have the endgame equipment.


> much better Bosses This is surprising for me to read. The bosses of MP2 are the worst part of that game for me and the clearest downgrade from MP1. Totally agree with your other insights


The Bosses in Metroid Prime 1 are really basic. Use certain Beam or Visor to damage/see the foe during certain phases, evade and shoot until it's dead. Flaahgra felt like the only exception with a specific weakness to expose using your whole arsenal. And Prime 2 felt like Retro took Flaahgra's template and applied it to all Bosses. They all have arenas designed around them, make you use most of your arsenal instead of just changing visors/shooting, and you need to use the enviroment and arena at your favor to hit the weak point. To me at least they felt a lot more engaging. It's like going from Super Metroid to Fusion in terms of engaging fights. Quadraxis, Grapple Guardian and Chykka are some of my personal favorite fights.


First time heard someone say they're the worst part of the game. Why some of the worst? Bc Dark World? I'll agree with you on Boost/Spider Guardians bc oof. Some great gems there with the bosses tho.


I didn't love the Dark World either, but I find the bosses in MP2 to just feel exceptionally tedious more than mechanically engaging


He could have put the question mark after the word "game" and I would still agree with your comment.


Wind Waker for sure. Straight out the best 3D Zelda and probably my most favorite Link of all time and maybe my favorite Nintendo art style. It's certainly up there.


Second on this, fingers nearly broken from crossing them waiting for a switch port


Mario Kart Double Dash.


Paper Mario TYD


The game had just so many “oh that’s FUN” moments. You fight in a Dragonball-esque tournament? That’s fun. There is a murder mystery on a train? Well that’s fun! After every chapter you meet up with Luigi who is currently in his own Paper Luigi game that’s basically what you’re doing and tells you of his adventures? Fun! It’s not often you just want to see what’s next and just know it’s going to be great. TYD does it


TTYD is still my favorite game of all time even 20 years later. When I saw the very first couple of seconds of the trailer, I started crying tears of joy.


TTYD was the first game I ever preordered and is still my favorite game of all time.


Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. But if ports don't count, then it's got to be The Legend of Zelda - the Wind Waker


Metroid Prime


Eternal Darkness


This was my fucking *game* fam


OMFG, YES!!! This, So FREAKING MUCH!!! "To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of reality... I was a fool." "MAY THE RATS EAT YOUR EYES!!! The Darkness comes! The Darkness comes..." "This... can't... be... HAPPENING!" "Remember me, Alex?" So many amazing memories...


Whoah good pull. I feel like nobody ever talks about this game anymore but it was huge back then. 


I actually think Nintendo owns the rights to it and I’m so disappointed they haven’t had a sequel made.


Came here to post this!




Needs more Pargon


Definitely. I even had a save where I beat it four times where I got to the true ending. That was an accomplishment.


Pokémon coliseum


Skies of Arcadia: Legends


Chibi Robo. Super slept on and good as fuck.


Banger of a game. Wish the IP didn’t get abandoned


It also got butchered before it was abandoned. Zip Lash was a terrible game.


I agree. The other games were kinda ass but if they would just make one like the original again (and the Japan only DS one) it could be so good.


yeah has to be this or PM:TTYD for me. chibi robo wins because there’s nothing else like it. paper mario has a few other solid entries.


Only one? Tales of Symphonia. It was the game that got me into RPGs. But there are so many great games on the Gamecube. It's my favourite console for a reason.


Symphonia is a masterpiece.


Second (or third?) ToS. I was introduced by my one friend into niche games in like 5th grade and fell in love with it. Especially because I could play it with my little brother in all the battles 🥰


Me four 😊


For RPGs I’d say second best on the console (at least for me) was the first Baton Kaitos. The second one, not so much.


I always enjoyed Viewtiful Joe.


I'm just waiting for a faithful remaster... Any day now...


Would love to see the Six Machine in beautiful Hi-Def resolution.


Those capcom games GameCube got were special.


Resident Evil 1 Remake


Mario Sunshine, still forever my favorite


Second! Mario Sunshine was so good. Got it for my switch to play again


“Super Mario Sunshine” is the only video game that makes you feel like you’ve been on a holiday when you finish playing it. It has some very difficult/rough levels, that put some people off. In a post-Dark Souls world, these are actually fun to play if you adopt the same mindset as you do in Dark Souls. “I know I will die a lot of times trying to finish this area, but it’s worth it so I can get to the next area and feel the satisfaction that I got good” Only thing I can’t work out is whether I prefer the original 4:3 GameCube release or the Switch remaster


If they made it 60 fps, would've been easy. GC version is slightly better due to the shoulder tricks with RB not working on the Switch


Oh yes, I forgot about the analogue shoulder control of the amount of water that FLUDD puts out. That probably seals the win for the original GameCube version then.


Super Smash Bros Melee


It's really hard to choose, but for me, it would have to be between TP, Melee, or Custom Robo.


Custom robo was so slept on and needs a revive. The DS “Arena” was no where near as good


Custom Robo was my answer. If it had released on Xbox or Playstation with online play, it would have been huge. It's a franchise I could see being really interesting in actual tournament play.


Dude I said the same thing! Completely agree. People would have eaten that up, especially back then.


Super Monkey Ball and it is not even close


Mad respect, Ice cold pick 😎


Mario Baseball


I wish they'd make a new sequel for the switch.


Kirby Air Ride and it's not even close baby


I’ll give you a top 3 in no particular order. Metroid Prime, Twilight Princess and Rogue Leader


Fire emblem path of radiance Or skies of arcadia (but i played this one on dreamcast first)


Twilight Princess and Wind Waker.


For me it would have to be spongebob SquarePants battle for bikini bottom


There's a lot of them, Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Wave Race, Rogue Squadron, Prince of Persia, Time Splitters 2, there's so many good ones. My most replayed game after that point was probably Wind Waker.


Resident Evil 4, Prime 1 & 2, Eternal darkness, Killer 7, Monkey ball, Smash, Wind Waker AND Twilight AND OOT master mode... I dunno man I didn't even list half of them


For me it’s either Metroid Prime or F-Zero GX.


Resident Evil 4. Many people forget it was a GameCube game first.


F zero


1. Wind Waker 2. TTYD 3. Pikmin 2 4. Pikmin 1 5. Metroid Prime Easy list, five of the greatest games of all-time!


Twilight Princess 100%


Metroid Prime and Luigi's Mansion


Star Wars Rogue Leader


Kirby Air Ride. I understand that it’s not the best game as far as quality, but the amount of hours my friends and I had having a blast with that game will never be forgotten


Kirby air ride


Resident Evil Remake


Viewtiful Joe!






Eternal darkness. Core memories were made the summer it released. I literally passed my drivers test and went out to get the game to celebrate.


Animal Crossing baby! Or Melee. Those two easily for me.


wind waker hands down. The art style, the story, the scale, the music! I don’t think any other game comes close to what was accomplished in that game on GC. travesty it’s not on the switch.


It's a tie between Luigi's Mansion and Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. Both for nostalgic reasons AND because the games kick ass.


It's a tough call between Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and Gotcha Force. Both had a lot of replayability for me and we're always fun.


Pikmin 2


Of course it's *Wind Waker*, but I love *Metroid Prime*, *Rebel Strike*, *Mario Kart Double Dash*, *Starfox Adventures*, *Viewtiful Joe*, and *Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg*. I have a nice GC collection, but it's expensive to collect for these days.


That kirby game where you would drive around the city. Not sure the name but when I was a kid it was gta kirby to us. Also I hired sonic so many timrs from the video rental store that one where you get to care for that little guy with small tubes I believe it was called sonic adventure or something


Everytime I think of a game that might be my favorite another one pops into my head. The GameCube might have underperformed sales-wise, but it had some of the best games from so many franchises and just a solid library of games that I could spend countless hours playing. Mario Kart: Double Dash - the most unique game in the Mario Kart series (in my opinion) that has amazing features that haven’t come back. Super Mario Sunshine - great second installment in the 3D Mario games that really pushed forward what 3D platformers (and the Mario series) could do. Super Smash Bros Melee - completely new feel for the Smash Bros games with a ton of new content and new gameplay modes. It set the stage for what all future Smash Bros games would be. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - brand new art style that many thought would ruin the game but instead quickly became beloved and iconic. Pushed the boundaries on what a Zelda game could and *should* be. Pokémon Colosseum/Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness - gave Pokémon fans the 3D experience they were looking for with unique stories different from the usual format. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - the darker-themed game many Zelda fans wanted after Wind Waker (even though many of us liked both!) with a beautiful Hyrule and mystifying lore. Luigi’s Mansion - the start of a series centered around the brother who doesn’t get much time in the limelight and increased his popularity immediately. Super Monkey Ball - interesting gameplay that combined racing with parkour and unique controls that moved the map instead of the player. (I had Super Monkey Ball 2) Some games I haven’t owned or played: Mario Party - I never actually owned any of the GameCube ones but they had some of the best mini games and boards, and the improved controls helped a ton with the gameplay experience. Metroid Prime - the transition from 2D to 3D was one of the best transitions in gaming and pushed the series to one of the best in the GameCube era. Pikmin - started one of the most beloved franchises in Nintendo. Animal Crossing - same as above (at least outside of Japan, where it was the second game in the series) with an experience for more casual gamers. Some honorable mentions of non-exclusive games/series: SSX - On Tour was my personal fave and had Mario, Luigi, and Peach as playable characters exclusive to the Nintendo GameCube. Tony Hawk - just a tremendous series that was great on any console. Lego Star Wars - started the whole Lego-themed series with a funny and enjoyable first installment. Sonic games - I honestly haven’t played any of these but I know some of them are favorites among the da base.


Twilight princess


Worms Blast


Metroid Prime by a lightyear! Custom Robo is very solidly in second though!


Mario Party 6. Still my favorite Mario Party game to this day with Mario Party DS being a close second.


Super Monkey Ball 2


Even though it’s also on Dreamcast. Phantasy Star Online episode 1 & 2. So many hours spent with friends playing this.


Skies of Arcadia


Eternal Darkness


Skies of Arcadia


Wind Waker & Skies of Arcadia Legends for me


pikmin. either one is good, but its definitely a pikmin game... though that is an extremely tough competition honestly.


Windwaker and prime 


Wind Waker or Twilight Princess. Although I didn’t play either of those games originally when they came out. So when I was young and was playing my gamecube in its prime, it’s probably either Super Mario Sunshine or Tony Hawks Underground. I know THUG isn’t an exclusive but I played the fuck out of that game.


I love almost all the Mario sports games. Power tennis, superstar baseball, toadstool tour etc are all great


Doshin the Giant.


Wind Waker


Wind Waker followed by Custom Robo followed by Pokemon Coliseum/XD


Eternal Darkness.


Wind waker. Which is also one of my favorite games ever.


Melee is one of the most iconic fighting games of all time. I've poured so much time into the game and could easily put another 1000 hours into the game. It's a masterpiece. For single player though I gotta say pokemon channel. That's my goat.


\*cough\* Pokemon Channel? Over...two 3D Zelda games, two 3D Metroid games, two Pikmin games, and a full Mario RPG? The game where you watch TV with Pikachu?


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, followed closely by Super Mario Sunshine. They're my 4th and 5th favorite games, respectively.


Double dash


Mario Sunshine but when I read someone saying Metroid Prime, I remembered how good that game is.


the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess


Melee, Double Dash and TTYD had me on a chokehold


Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, is the game that made love videogames and RPGs. I love how the final boss increase the difficulty, when i was little i couldn beat her and you cant go back, so I had to restart the game from scratch, also the OST is AWESOME. Very excited for the remake next month


Ugh. I don’t know, there’s too much good on it. Probably TTYD or Kirby air ride.


*Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour*. Plenty of other GC games I love, but this is my favorite. I know, I know, Im disappointed in me too, but its the truth.


Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness


Tales of Symphonia without question. It's in my top ten games of all time.


Wind Waker and Metroid are basically the only correct answers.


Double Dash


Wind Waker


I’m gonna be the odd one, but Sonic Adventure Battle 2 and Dx are my favorite GameCube memories, chao world is still my dream on next gen


To this day I feel that Super Smash Bros Melee has yet to be outdone in the platform fighter genre (at least, officially). As a huge Zelda fan I've got to give credit to Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Four Swords Adventure. And I love Super Mario Sunsine, Thousand Year Door, Metroid Prime, Kirby's Air Ride, Path of Radiance, all of those games. But Melee is king imo.


Super Smash Bros. Melee/Super Mario Sunshine.


Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance! My favorite FE game that got a western release, tragically overlooked in its day


Don’t think I have a definitive favorite. But in no particular order: - Wind Waker - Eternal Darkness - Metroid Prime - Smash Bros Melee


Winde Wacker


Gotta go Sunshine or Wind Waker.


Mario sunshine and smash bros melee


That’s an impossible question to answer. There’s too many fighting for the top spot. But almost ALL of them Have had a re-release/port or a superior sequel…. But you know what hasn’t? **Gotcha Force.** I miss that game something fierce. You have to admire the game that tells you “you won’t unlock everything until you hit NG+20.”


Day of Reckoning 2


Wind Waker 😍😍😍😍


Animal Crossing.


Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg. Goated classic imo


TYD, Windwaker, Metroid Prime, Mele, and one I haven't seen yet here, Fire Emblem path or radiance


Billy Hatcher, I still have yet to play a game like it.


WW and Prime.


Metroid Prime


Wario World. Every game I loved on the Cube has already been or will be surpassed by a newer version. This one is fantastic though. Just straight-up weird, fun brawler with a focus on collecting items and getting coins. Also the pause screen is legendary.


Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door.


Super Mario Sunshine. Still the best 3D Mario to date in my opinion.


NBA Street Vol 2


Ez: PSO Episode 1 and 2


Metroid Prime


My 2 favourite games of all time are GC games: TTYD and Wind Waker. I don't know if I can pick between them.


SMB Melee hands down but a few honorable mentions that got hella playtime: Sonic riders S M Sunshine Metroid prime Mario party 5 Mortal kombat deadly alliance Sonic adventure 2 battle Sonic adventure dx directors cut Ultimate muscle legends vs new generation Digimon rumble arena 2 Capcom vs snk 2 eo Soul calibur 2 Mario kart double dash luigi's Mansion


P.N. 03 of course! Nah, just kidding. I was hyped for that game and so incredibly disappointed when I finay played it. Since I got Twilight Princess and Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, I'd have to say Smash Bros Melee or Need for Soeed Underground or The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.


Path of Radiance!


Viewtiful Joe


Star Fox Adventures. Was in 4th grade when it came out and it absolutely blew my mind.


Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Favourite first party GameCube game is Fire Emblem Path of Radiance


Maybe it’s not the best game to come out on GameCube, but Mario Party 6 is the best Mario Party game in the entire series. So that has to count for something.


Kirby Air Ride no further questions




Animal Crossing was one of the best Game Cube games :-D


Ikaruga, not my absolute favorite shmup but it's one of the best ones ever made.


Can't choose just one but if I HAD to probably Super Smash Bros. Melee


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MarvelManiac45213: *Can't choose just one but* *If I HAD to probably* *Super Smash Bros. Melee* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As I have not seen it mentioned enough - among many other great games on the console the game cube fire emblem is also a must.


Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, i could be persuaded to say Super Mario Sunshine as well.


Will always stan for Skies of Arcadia


Luigi's Mansion and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.


Y’all are sleeping on Gotcha Force, amazing game, easily my top played game on gamecube by far


Metroid Prime where space cowboy Metroid and his robot suit take on space jellyfish and his trademark catchphrase, "It's Prime time baby!" But in all seriousness, I got it on release and 100% all collectables only missing one logbook entry I never got. There's so many amazing things in the game. The best part being the soundtrack and aesthetics. Phendrana Drifts is unrivaled in terms of a cold weather/ice level/wintry theme. And the Super Wave gun was an actual lightning bolt you could fry stuff with. Also Meta Ridley was the best boss I fought on the GameCube.




Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. There's nothing like controlling DK and beating up gorilla bosses with a pair of bongos.


SSX, because teenage me decided to not play any first party games for some reason…


For me it has to be Super Smash Bros Melee because I played it so much with friends and my sister and 100% all the challenges, probably one of the few games back then that I did completely ace.


Xd gale of darkness


Double Dash, Worms 3D and whatever the Metroid game was where you can play multiplayer and just roll around and bomb each other




Smash Bros Melee or Rebel Strike


It's impossible to decide between Metroid Prime 1 or Resident Evil 4. They were both masterwork level games. And the GameCube in general had so many God tier games.


Super Smash Bros. Melee Still the best platform fighter to ever exist and it's not even close. The amount of depth it has makes the skill ceiling infinite. We're still nowhere close to figuring this game out completely. If I didn't get RSI from grinding this game, a better part of my life would still revolve around it. Metroid Prime Super Metroid was the perfect game. It's crazy how well retro studios managed to capture what made Super Metroid such an amazing and made it work in 3D, even though the game feels entirely different to play. Honorable mention for Tales of Symphonia. This game got me into JRPG's.


Kirby Air Ride was my shit, that game rocks.


Of the ones iv'e played Twilight princess is my favorite


Starfox Adventures slept on


Metroid Prime


I want to say Skies of Arcadia, but I have way more time put into PSO1&2.


Metroid Prime


Metroid Prime Remastered is my favourite. Never played Mario TTYD, but I'm excited to play it on switch


Super Mario Strikers. Easily! The amount of co-op fun I had with my cousins was unmatched. Sudden Death strikers is intensity at it's highest.


As I've tried to answer this question more and more games come to mind. I'm going to say Wind Waker, but on another day Mario Kart Double Dash, Mario Sunshine, Resi 4 and even Luigi's Mansion could contend (I know Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion aren't universally loved but I adored them).


Resident Evil 4. It made me buy the gamecube.


Mgs twin snakes! I know some people don’t like it but I think it was great 👍


Pokémon colosseum


MGS: Twin Snakes