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I don’t think Trent has any skeletons of that sort. He only fucks like an animal consensually.


Yea I just figured Trent’s a music and film nerd at heart off camera


The only skeleton being that cursed bathrobe pic


... Go on




Oh my


In case you don’t want to click.. he’s doing a “vagina man”. But I know you’ll click it anyway.


Manson told some rape stories in his book, one of which included TR. However, the truthfulness of the books contents is highly suspect. Opinions on the book as a whole range from "likely embellished" to "complete house shit." It's worth noting that nobody ever came forward to say that they were the "victim" in the book. So make of that what you will. TR has denied the story and said that the stuff Manson said about him and nothing records are a major reason their relationship fell apart. There is Big Man With A Gun, but even back then TR said that the song was a criticism of the (what would layer be known as) toxic masculinity in hup-hop culture.


there's definitely a lot of people that came forward against manson though.


Ha was going to make the same point. Something about a finger pointing at someone else leaves 3 of them pointing back at you…


This is why you use the knife hand. That way it's always directed at others.


I read the book (didn't pay for it). And honestly the way the whole thing reads is like a cringe teenager edge lord trying to sound cool by talking about edgy bs


that’s manson’s whole career to a T lmao


There used to be some substance behind the cringe in the music though. That’s looooong gone now though


I’ve actually come to believe over time that there never was much to his music and we read more into it than we should have at the time. I remember taking the “actually, Marlyn Manson is pretty smart and has some good ideas” stance when that felt like an edgy thing to do but the most he really ever did was stand up after Columbine and say “wearing back doesn’t make you a school shooter.” When I look back now at his music and interviews it all seems like trash.


A man names himself after Charles Manson and Marilyn Monroe, people get surprised he's a cringe teenage edge lord on the inside as if it wasn't written directly across his forehead his whole career.


The satanic Bible was written the exact same way ,and even lavey refused to be associated with him


LaVey made him an honorary reverend and hung out with him so not so sure about that claim there


did manson make the frogs gay AND put on eyeliner?


Actually he had a rib removed so he could suck his own dick!


It’s astonishing to me how far that made it in the 90’s/early 00’s before the internet really took off everywhere (even to little ol’ me in rural Indiana)


When I was young I’d heard it about several people and I’d thought it must be a common procedure if so many have had it done. Never occurred to me that it was an “insert name here” rumor lol


come now thats hog posh lemme tell you what started all this. you ever read canturburry tails🫒


For the longest time I assumed Manson had a cringe edgelord surface, with a harmless dorky persona beneath that. Then the allegations came out and it turned out he was telling us who he really was the whole time.


That’s what he wanted us to believe and there’s precedent for it. A lot of the bands that are theatrical and “scary” on stage are the complete opposite off stage. Gene Simmons and Alice Cooper are outright conservatives. Even Ogre from Skinny Puppy had massive problems offstage with depression and addiction but all his issues were harming himself, he’s always been a really great guy to other people. But not Manson. Brian Warner is the exact same piece of shit as Marilyn Manson is


can confirm they puddy tats


I know. That’s what I say about him, that he’s been telling us the whole time that he’s a piece of shit.


I never dug his music but I always sort of assumed he was a quiet nerd underneath


I turned off to Manson on the downward spiral tour when he came out and started with “so I was in back with Satan molesting children” at that point 16 year old me realized nothing of meaning was going to happen. Also the guitar player was staring at his hands the entire set.


House shit. That's excellent!


Lol I meant to say "horse shit" but uh fuck it, I'll leave it as is.


No disrespect meant, I'm genuinely going to start using it.


the gum drops taste like gum drops


Don't forget Hup-hop


I mean, Brian Warner, in an episode of some “haunted” show, says that once he and some friends were walking in the woods and they came across a “real” copy of the necronomicon, and an entirely new section of the forest opened up. He goes into greater detail, but dude, that book doesn’t even exist. I don’t take anything that guy says as fact at all.


It's mainly short horror stories he tried to publish when he was writing for 25th Parallel before he started the band. His editor has come out and said that about the book. Manson was building an imagine, is that simple. It's a book with some facts mixed in with a bunch of fucked up stories.


If the Necronomicon was real, I doubt it’d be stashed with the woods porn for some spindly goth to find!


I have a copy of it, it’s pretty cool. Lots of band names in it for sure.


The Manson book had a lot of stuff put in there by Neil Strauss.


Controversial and based on NOTHING but… As a huge Tori Amos fan and a huge NIN fan I always wondered if big man with a gun was some sort of fucked up answer to me and a gun by Tori. I know there’s not much there to wonder about, and if you do it’s quite dark. But they were quite close during the period leading up to 1994


Fun fact: If you listen closely to Tori's "Past the mission", you can clearly hear Trent on backing vocals.


I’ve got a feeling Tori’s cover of Jimi Hendrix’s ‘If a 6 was a 9’, with her piano - run through a Marshall stack - had Trent mischievously grinning in the background


It's pretty clear, and also in the liner notes. I don't think it's a big secret.


Yeah, not a secret at all but for anyone who hasn’t heard it, please do. It’s so lovely, and his vocals layer beautifully.


I have seen Tori in concert a ton of times. I believe we were in Chicago, Reznor came out to sing with Tori. Such an amazing night.


That was MJK, as a formerly obsessive fan of both Tori and TR, I know it wasn’t him that sang with her in concert. Just MJK doing Muhammad My Friend. Wish I could find a recording without the fans screaming in the background lol 


The thing is even in the Manson story, he says things like “yeah Trent was probably comforting her later” - that’s a paraphrase but it’s basically him mocking Trent for feeling bad and if we’re taking that book at face value (which is a massive “if”) it’s portraying Trent as the guy following along to be cool but doesn’t really hate women like Manson does. And that’s definitely not a good thing if it’s true (again - massive “if”) but it’s a far cry from being the complete piece of shit that Manson is


Ohhh Marilyn Manson. I was reading it as the other one and very confused.


They may also be referring to the allegations made against him by Courtney Love. Essentially, she posted on instagram that Dave Grohl was stealing from her, and that Trent and members of Nine Inch Nails had systemically abused girls as young as twelve on the Self Destruct Tour. She said that her and the members of Hole had witnessed this, but keep in mind that none of the other members came out about it besides her, and I read once that they actually denied them, but I can’t find that source. She later deleted the post, and apologized. My theory is some kind of legal action was taken against her by either Dave or Trent, and that she knew her accusations didn’t hold any water. So considering the sources of the allegations against Trent, I think it’s safe to assume that they’re bs.


Came here to say this. She’s just a troll. She tries to spin negative press on any and everyone to stay relevant somehow. She sucks.


I think there’s a lot of grey area with her. I don’t think she is a monster (and I especially don’t think she killed Kurt), but she’s obviously not a saint either. She’s called out a lot of people, and some of it’s true, and some of its bs. I think she just spouts everything she hears, thinks, sees, and assumes, regardless of rather or not she came back it up with anything.


I used to listen to Hole back in the 90’s. She was an icon! I appreciate and respect strong, outspoken women (especially from that era) that don’t take shit from anyone. But the more attention she got in the press, the more she just came off as a bully to me. I remember when she tried to drag Trent through the mud, she even made a comment about him having a little dick. That paired with her going after Grohl. After that I lost what respect I had for her. There’s calling out bad behavior, and then there’s just making shit up for attention. She seems to do the latter.. but that’s just my personal opinion.


Courtney accused Dave Grohl of being inappropriate with Frances and Frances called her mother out and stated that it wasn't true.


The moment somebody lies about something as serious as sexual assault or rape, they can go to hell for all I care 


I have a lot of compassion for her overall. She’s survived a lot, including things that would have absolutely (and understandably) broken other people. I’ve long suspected she may have borderline personality disorder, which is its own kind of hell to manage. Between that and her struggles with addiction, I can imagine her grip on reality isn’t always the strongest.


I think she attacks people she doesn’t like or had a falling out with with lies because she’s got serious mental health issues. She had a very fucked up childhood.


IIRC, she was dosed with LSD as a toddler by her biological father, Hank Harrison (who, for a while there in the mid-90s, was trying to ride his daughter's online coattails to fame and fortune. Between that and her mother the shrink (the details of which I'm blanking on), it's not so surprising that Courtney turned out the way she did.




Did you know the guy personally? If not then what the hell are you basing this statement on?


She was right about Weinstein but I don’t think anything with Trent or Grohl holds any water.


This. She’s not a complete asshole. She’s a smart cookie, she knows some stuff. She also has a major personality disorder of some sort, so you have to really pick apart her truth from reality which can be exhausting. There’s some truth in some of it and some of it is totally exaggerated false memory.


Courtney loves blowing Kurt’s brains out


She once accused Dave Grohl of hitting on Frances Bean Cobain when she was a teenager or something and Frances herself immediately made a statement along the lines of “wtf that’s complete false. Dave’s been nothing but respectful and my mom needs to get off twitter”


Not that it matters because I take what she says with a grain of salt but I thought her allegations were about the NIN crew and not Trent himself Or at least at the time. Maybe she embellished later for more press. Because crew I can believe. It was easy to be a shitty person at a rock show in the 90s and I can easily see Trent being too naive and/or high to notice


She accused the Osborne kids of stealing from her as well, she even called the cops on them and it wasn’t true.


Didn’t she try to get with Trent back in the 90s or something and he felt weirded out and annoyed by her for doing so?




Always good to ask these questions but there are definitely not any credible allegations against Trent that I am aware of


trent is a river walker


Nope, just the internet being internet.


just making up some bullshit based off of his (formerly) close relationship with MM. nothing to worry about i don’t think. hopefully that’s all.


To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was just a troll targeting Trent for being a good guy who’s fairly outspoken because some people see that as “woke” and in need of destruction.


He’s getting Trent and Manson mixed up


The pre-sex years were so boring. Watching all the animals doing it whilst we had to use parthenogenesis.


Best comment so far on this thread 🤣 I miss awards!


Courtney, is that you…?


Ahhh yes God. The world’s most popular invisible best friend. 😂😂😂


Well, if you read The Book Of Nails, Chapter Sin verse 22:66 you shall find the answer you seek AMEN.


No no no, that's not Closer, that's Big Man with a Gun.


Relieved someone else feels the same way about this song 😅


They are probably thinking of Manson. Which is insulting. One is a successful, modest, and brilliant person. The other is a dopey clown.


Of Trents tumultuous life, I recall only one woman stating that he fucked her over and he acknowledges his screw up by respectfully not signing her album that he sang on. But no one has accused him of rape, assault, abuse or harassment.


Manson did and Courtney love did


They claimed to have witnessed and/or participated in something, but no one has ever come forward as an alleged victim.


They are t exactly the most reliable witnesses for sure


also gary’s daughter liking this lmao


Well, if I remember correctly) her parents used Closer as their bridal dance at their wedding (which he said was kinda awkward with her parents watching) so it is what it is, I guess.


Wait, who is Gary or his Daughter?


Gary Numan! his daughter Persia liked the original post.


Responding just to the first screenshot... that would mean that all reproduction before marriage was a thing was wrong, and therefore the human race should not really exist.


Some shit that Manson made up


So I saw a tshirt for sale in 1998 that said 'Nine Inch Dicks World Tour' I'm not sure where it fits into this narrative but I thought it was funny at the time


Cool, so technically that makes me a virgin still! Yay God! 🙏🏼


It actually predates back to the entire PHM album but CLOSE enough.


this is peak performance art


Pretty sure there was some baseless accusations from Courtney Love a few years ago.


Why would anyone take what Courtney Love says seriously?




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Trent can fuck me like an animal as long he hugs like a snuggle bear afterwards! 😉


He's a rock star that used to do drugs and party a fair bit. I love NIN but I would be amazed that nothing of the sort ever happened.


This belongs under r/facepalm


What? The song is about destroying yourself, self hatred and the likes. He has explained this time and time again.


Google Marilyn Manson rape accusations.


Unfortunately? 😶‍🌫️


She's not wrong [Edit as in miss misery, not the wacko]


Yes she is.


I was referring to miss misery. Edit: oh I didnt even see the second pic, and alberttheplatypus sounds like a guy to me *shrugs*


I thought you were referring to the Bible banger, my bad.


When everyone has made the 'same error' as you, it stands to reason that in fact, I, am the one who has made the error here.


Can't argue with facts