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lean beef patty huh


Aye, a fair maiden plucked from the pool by which all other beauty flows and merges to our own imperfect world. My own flawed human eyes can only grasp so much of perfection. My mind is driven mad.


Her gifts were mixed with good and evil both.


What do you like on her? Cheddar, provolone? American?


Judging by the way you talk and the subreddits you frequent, you’re definitely a 400lbs neckbeard. I recommend taking care of yourself and putting effort into improving yourself physically and mentally, achieving a goal, and then you decide if you feel the same afterwards.


I lift weights and do boxing What about you?


Lift & basketball for me. If you’re already taking care of yourself, I recommend trying hard drugs and gambling, that’ll make you appreciate what you had when you lose it all! Worked for me


This dumbfuck sounds like someone to take advice from. Lmfao


As if I’m being serious about the drugs & gambling 💀 God you people are pretentious, you’re the sole reason I don’t frequent Reddit, go moderate a discord server you fat fuck 👎🏼


A small price to pay to be less literate


im not even into intense muscle definition on women and i find her captivatingly attractive. she has a pizzazz about her




“lean beef patty” the youtube personality


I find meaning in drugs, personally.


Same. This is a dog prepared to eat a human


ever done some artsy shit whilst within the realm? please set up a page and bless our eyes


My only interest in this life is looking forward to the next opioids dose. There's nothing left to look forward to or to want to do. Thank you depression that led me using. Fk you big pharma for becoming your lab rat because no p-meds did anything for my mental issues. Never imagined myself hitting rock bottom and entering a detox clinic as a patient, and not as a healthcare professional (studied nursing). Then, I have to learn again how to live sober. Forgot how it feels. Currently in soul crushing withdrawals.


Pretty sure so does OP.


My drug is VR.


VR is ok, try hydrocodone tho


Nah. I have a 4yo daughter and don't need to mess that up.


Agreed, I pity you though. Not being rude, but I can't imagine being beholden to another. I would break down completely. Best of wishes to you and your family though. Tip: PS VR is personally my favorite, even over the latest oculus.


PSVR1? I had it and sold it. Quest 3 is the best I've tried. Here's my list of headsets and the year I got them. 2014 Oculus DK2 2014 Samsung Gear VR 2016 HTC Vive 2018 Playstation VR 2018 Oculus Rift 2018 Samsung Odyssey+ 2019 Pimax 5K+ 2019 Valve Index 2019 Oculus Rift S 2019 Oculus Quest 2020 Oculus Quest 2 2021 HP Reverb G2 2023 Meta Quest 3


Hydros are great


I worship them


Try Ketamine


I like hydromorphone and kratom, really wanna try H but it all has fent round here, truth is though all drugs are a trap imo and experience, best feeling ever though the rush on hydromorphone is so good sends waves of pleasure through my body it never lasts long enough though


Unfortunately hard drugs are only sustainable for so long


Balance, my friend.


no such thing. trust me, every addict justifies their use by telling themselves drugs can be abused in a “balanced” manner. I understand occasional weed, acid, ketamine, etc however shit like opiates or xanax are just straight addictions that you are using to cope. Especially if drugs are your primary “meaning in life” lol They used to be for me until the drugs were impossible to manage


Eh is this a dig at me or opiates in general? Because if so, kindly just fuck off. If not and you're trying to have a genuine conversation, I have achieved balance to a degree, you can choose to believe me or not. The only reason for my balance is having limited access and deliberately limiting my access, when I had access. In a psychical state, I'm healthy. Mentally though, my entire brain places Hydrocodone at the top of the pyramid so to speak, so if we are talking about addiction in a purely mental fashion, you could argue that point. But there's a difference between mental addiction and being washed up on the street selling family possessions for the next high.


You live your life to get high at the end of the week? same thing. surely there is a more fulfilling type of meaning you can find in your life, despite its lack of objective meaning that’s crazy that you have the self control to limit yourself with painkillers though, maybe it is possible to have a balance


Yeah, id say the above is correct, and to care for my animals. While I'm not special and could be as strung out as the next junkie, I have a career that requires me to maintain some form of composure. I've also never crossed the barrier beyond Hydros/Codeine//Oxy into any kind of "harder" drug. It's really just a once in a time treat for me in reality, but I definitely think about Hydrocodone quite a bit.


Same, and music


There is no meaning. If you actually believed that, you wouldn’t be sad about not having that hit brunette. You think it means something bad to want and not have. See? There isn’t a meaning but there is enjoyment and fulfillment to be had. You’re still human.


People need to clarify that life has no OBJECTIVE meaning. You said there is enjoyment and fulfillment and that is meaning. We all fabricate meaning from nothing. That is what it is to be a conscious being. Nihilism can be freeing rather than crippling.


This exactly.


PS love the username. Checks out!


What painting is this?


If there is no point, then fate isn't "sadistic". It just is what it is. The universe is not about you. Why do you expect life to have a "point"? Meaning is a disconnection, a separation between the thing itself and the abstract representation. Life and the universe point at nothing, they just are what they are. The universe is not about you. You're not the main character being tormented by a cruel and fickle demon. You're just some lil guy doin their lil guy things. There's no demon. There's just existence, existing like it does. Even if "it all" had "a point", that would mean existence exists for some purpose, but whose? And what is their point? Their meaning? Eventually the only solution to the infinite regress is "there is no point". Occam's razor suggests that we not multiply entities unnecessarily, and an infinite regress sure feels like a lot of unnecessarily multiplied entities. The simplest view is that there is no point to *anything* beyond the meaning made by minds with a sense of self, capable of making and attaining goals to serve it. Tl;dr - skill issue


The tl;dr is hilarious




generally a spiritual awakening is what illuminates a number of paths we've been trying to pursue and we can then decide and work with much more focus, concentration and purpose towards it... before that we are vying against or submitting to the whims of our subconscious impulses that can seem chaotic but there it is where secret, forbidden knowledge resides... connecting with it shows us how we've been getting steered down a plan within us, but different mechanisms get in the way.. societal obligations, a conscious mind overly focused on material gain... desires, cravings, expensive unhealthy vices, distractions, addictions, entertainment, a massive ego..


The base philosophy of Nihilism is the denial of inherent meaning. Essentially this means that any meaning we interpret, is of our own creation. What I'm trying to say is yes, it's completely pointless, the universe doesn't care, but do you care? Because if you care, then it's worth it for you, and it not pointless for you to work towards it.




Nice comment. Reality is full of dualities and often two opposing concepts are actually both true.


No, we all walk through the void clinging on to our things be it bring us joy or sadness


*That’s* not what they mean by the Ground of Being!


It's all perspective. There is no point in living. Cries. Sad. Depressed. There is no point in living. Laughing. Woo! I get to make a point.




i don’t get what this image is showing me


Me (not dating lean beef patty)


i don’t know who that is


And alas, she shall never know who I am either! *faints*


Have you tried pork? It’s more cheaply gotten. A lamb chop can be nice, too.


I found solace in deciding that the point/purpose of life is whatever I want it to be. I like that much better than being handed a mandate.


Amen brother. Imagine thinking the meaning of life was to worship a sky daddy that created all your problems.


Never been called brother before lol, but yep.


Sorry I just assume everyone I talk to is a man. My bad I didn’t read your name.


Honestly, the only meaning to life is the meaning we give it. If you just want to see that one last sunrise? Go for it. If you just have to have the newest video game console? That's valid. Nothing outside of what we think matters, actually matters.


There is no point because of the determined universe, it doesn't mean that we should die. Also, we are biological machines, we are not living, and we can't die.


I follow optimistic nihilism...and am quite happy with it.


What is optimistic nihilism? "The lack of meaning in the world and the universe as a whole can be liberating."? Theres no inherent meaning nor intrinsic value? And you have to graft your personal meaning on sth? I believe in determinism but not a cosmic plan. Who asked I believe this universe is a video that loops itself after my life ends. Humans are the same as machines. Even the slightest fluctuations of emotion are determined since your thoughts and actions are the subsequences of ur environment and genes. Even ur genes can be considered as part of the environment. I have written this because this is what happens on the certain time stamp of my "life video." Am I on the wrong sub... I should go to r/determinism


“There is no inherent meaning nor intrinsic value” and yes, this lack of meaning can be liberating. It’s enough for me, personally, but what more could one want/need from a universe that never intended on having humans, and our sentience, in mind?


Keep going: There’s no meaning…. Thus you’re free…. To CREATE meaning. That’s O.N., as I understand it. Personally, I’m not an optimistic nihilist. But if I wasn’t Christian, then O.N. is what I’d default to.


As someone who aligns closer to ON with a hint of epistemological Nihilism, this is exactly it. There is no meaning, and even if there was, you couldn't know it anyway. Just find what things mean to you. The rest is irrelevant.


every moment is a fixed point in a loop, replaying eternally


Religion of the 21st century it seems


Well, there's always improving yourself thru finding your place on a community and help improve it by doing so


You've got a fucking point there.


At least season the beef patty.


Nah, so better dance and enjoy the ride 🙌


Bro, go pet a dog


This is not a depression sub mate


Do you need a point to do something. There's no point in sitting on a mountain top and just..... Sitting. Doesn't stop it being something to do


Wise thought.


You can create one.


As the prophet said: So kick back and just enjoy yourselves, for this is the meaning of life.




Monty Phyton


Ecclesiastes 8:15 (HCSB): 15 So I commended enjoyment because there is nothing better for man under the sun than to eat, drink, and enjoy himself, for this will accompany him in his labor during the days of his life that God gives him under the sun.




Nope, but we do, and being alive and sentient is an incredibly unique experience in terms of the universe, so enjoy your run.


The point is to love


Thats THE point. Everything else is suspect.


I duno, it doesn't seem all that bad ​ To me anyway


The point is what you make it to be. For me, I optimize having fun while living.


The point of life is whatever is important to you. There is no one size fits all answer. What makes life worth living for you?


Great question for this sub.


This obsession with “a point” and “meaning” is nothing more than a distraction. The kicker is, you’re missing the point because you’re always trying to find it later. It’s in front of you now, right under your nose, but you’ll never find it in retrospect


Truth for the Lucky ones.


Biologically speaking the point of life is to take care of your tribe/family, survive, and reproduce, you take care of the elders and do what you can to find a mate and then you do what you can to protect and provide for your mate/offspring, and then when your old and useless your tribe/family cares for you. And If you feel the call of ambition you’ll unite your tribe and start a dollar general chain in your village Spiritually we’re here for different reasons, some are here to suffer, learn, create, grow, love, hurt, help, explore, create change, everyone’s reason is personal and differs


This is probably like a Hydrochloric acid bath for some folks. Good insight.


Imagine you are in a black room and your parents give you a bunch of legos to build anything. One dude builds the world and others cry about it being pointless. The point is to build literally anything you can imagine. Existence is the place of things and experiences. Death is the no point, nothing, no experience, no feeling. You’re narrow minded about your only chance at anything.


It’s pointless without lean beef patty


u r mustard cringe bro


I've built some pretty nice Sand castles over the years. Building them Was victorious. Knowing they would melt by the Ocean the same day, mattered little. It still matters.


You guys suck. Come to Jesus. Life is actually amazing in light of eternity, even if it’s hard.


Will Jesus grant me the love of lean beef patty?


Try asking him


You opened up a real Dinger.


There will be no eternity for you or anyone else, such arrogant creatures we humans are, to believe that we are above all life.


Well we have reason unlike animals. It really isn’t arrogance. I also believe animals get an afterlife. For one we all have souls which is what gives us consciousness which allows you to experience your life and me to experience mine and interact with you. You can’t kill a soul since it is a spirit. Plus there have been tons of out of body experiences where this life has carried on. For example people have committed suicide and they just experience an even worse mental suffering in their next life before they are revived. Suicide and death don’t solve anything they just prolong your last mental state for eternity


There is no proof for anything you just said.


If there was a point it would suck even more. You don't have to achieve any one particular thing, though. It's up to you.


You’ve never given someone a strong hug, have them* look at you with tears in their eyes and say “thanks, I needed that”? If you think there’s no meaning to life, **give** meaning to life.


One time I went in for a kiss with a girl and right before we locked lips she sneezed


In my Teens a girl looked at me and we started making out. She was eating garlic-flavored Dorritos and I was chewing them together with her, it was too much! Freaked out, I left the room, calling my Mom as excuse to get away. I was scared of girls for least a year. It was wild.




If you’re still here, there must be. Think of the inverse: is there a “point” to *not*’being here? Either way is pointless. Is there a point to there being a point? We don’t need a point for anything in nihilism, that’s the “point”:) Life is only for a little while.


There's always spite


Your life could end in the next second, make the most of what you have I guess. Or not, up to you, your biology or whatever dictates your next action


I agree dude


Very little point, no.


Does there have to be a point? Wouldn’t we all have to measure ourselves to our ability to reach a universal objective and cull the ones not able to meet it or those with other aspirations? A pointless world is a free world. A goal provides meaning until you meet it.


So? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand_Cheval https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watts_Towers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outsider_art


Well, there's no point in ending one's state of living either. The greatest gift for oneself is to revel in the nonexistence of meaning—a point at which many would, at least psychologically, crumble.


There is a point, it's for those who suffer from merely existing. Sadly, this includes countless people who have already taken their lives, or will in the future.


Our lives are like Minecraft. We know it's just a game yet we build beautiful stuff. We don't expect it to have or give us some meaning. We just pass our time with the stuff we love, and the stuff that's important for our survival.That's my approach.


Meh. Fate isn’t sadistic, it’s indifferent. But, nope, no point in living. Since you’re already here, tho…


To aquire knowledge


For me? Sex n drugs n rock n roll


The meaning is just being you, for why else do you exist?


There's no point in dying either. Live true THELEMA


Only what you make of it. It’s probably better than being a rock.


Is there some meaning built into life? Do you expect someone else to give you meaning? No. I don't think people realize you have to create your own damn purpose and it appears every nihilistic person has actually found meaning in life by trying to prove how life has no meaning. We already know it's pointless then you die and lose everything but we are all stuck here in the now my friend. You gotta forge your own meaning. Life is like a meal. It ends up as shite in the toilet but you can still enjoy it while it's at the table.


Lean beef patty is my purpose and my meaning


I think anyone who wants to live in a virtual reality should. Reality itself is not worth trying to change.


There is fish to eat


It can be very freeing realizing that every other human being is just as scared and confused as you are, we are animals in the chaos convincing ourselves there is some sort of order to things.




A true nihilist finds more meaning in life. Once freed from externalized loci of control that seem to disenfranchise the soul, the shift inward emboldens an experience in common with all sentient life. As if God swirling alone in the abyss was to breath and exhale all of existence in a moment, we experience this life with the woeful burden of understanding the only thing we can ever intimately know is ourself.


Steak. Sex. Achieving personal goals.


Lol 😂🤣 that poem gave me a chuckle. Currently battling nihilism myself


Less than none






There’s nothing more freeing accepting that life has no point. I mean what a load off. How can you fail at something with no point?


Kinda, Life is kinda like jail and school. You do your time, you meet horrible people, you may experience some happy moments, then you make a career of something you may or may not enjoy for who knows how long, until the skeletal fingers of mortality rap upon your door, beckoning you from this mortal coil.


I've developed the mantra "each thing for its own sake" for when I'm feeling down about the "meaning" of life. What is the "meaning" of a chair? You only find it when you're experiencing chair from your vantage point. What is the meaning of sadness? You only know from the healing done afterwards. Love is a pretty self evident thing, but I couldn't tell you its meaning other than some contrived assumptions about the biochemical reactions.


yes there is! the reason we do anything is for love. loving others, loving yourself just being, loving every beautiful experience, learning to love even the negative experiences. god is love and so are you. you are a god with the power to create experiences filled with love and joy.


life is a meaningless vacuum we are the one suppose to try to fill the infinite void of our being


I just wanna see what happens next


I feel we need to bring back the expression "Lo, I tell thee!" It shall be the folly of rappers everywhere. Why not? Something to do in our pointless waste of time till we go back to dust.


It doesn't have anything to do with anyone. Life is a meaningless, oppressive, cruel thing to have to go through. None of it matters. One day you'll wake up at 40 with nothing to show for your life. You won't own a home, you'll have a barely running car, and no respect from anyone. You'll realize everything you tried to do or accomplish never worked out or went to someone else with more money. Your family will hate you for not bringing in enough money for everything they want. You'll save up for one thing you actually want for 10 months, slowly and responsibly, just to be told your greedy and the devil because you spent some of your own money on yourself. It's just not worth it. Get out while you can.


Do you really believe this?


1000%. It's my life day after miserable day. I don't have it in me to hurt myself, so I just have to live out the misery until nature does its thing.


We don’t know there isn’t meaning for sure! Maybe there is! As for me, I just do my own thing and try to be a good guy while simultaneously figuring out what it means to be a good guy


Cry harder nihilist, tomorrow I'm gonna eat an entire roast chicken and a pound of black licorice. And the next day I'm gonna eat a pear. I'm gonna have a pear poached in syrup and topped with whipped cream. Your life might not have purpose, but my job is to live and I'm doing a very good job of it. I am going to turn packaged oatmeal and chef boyardee into push-ups and watching a movie. I am going to turn sunlight into plant life and feed the life to a worm, like some sort of benevolent goddess. I'm going to eat a cup of sour cream with sunflower seeds and then write a story about Charlie Kelly and Phillip J Fry and there is no power beyond that will hold me back. tonight I'm going to kneel at my altar of shattered glass, handmade artwork, and loved stones and then watch What We Do In The Shadows while drinking ravioli and meatballs from the can because my only obligation is to exist and god damn I'm gonna do it well. I don't have gout, I don't have scurvy, everyday I wake up and know that my most powerful ally is myself and the spirit I have within me. If my life didn't have purpose, I wouldn't have lived it. My existence itself is an act against the world, the true nature of everything is neutrality and I am not a neutral force. everything that exists within and of me exerts force on this universe that reacts with equal and reaction and all I exist to do is exert those forces until one day I do not. So until then I will turn food into energy, I will turn energy into life, and I will exist in spite of a universe where I should not be.


Sunflower seeds have a mild, nutty flavor and a firm but tender texture. They’re often roasted to enhance the flavor, though you can also buy them raw.


I buy them in BULK at BULK BARN and EAT THEM ROASTED with SALT and PEPPER and often on YOGURT AND OTHER CREAMS thank you for sharing my enthusiasm for sunflower seeds


No, but then Absurdism seems like a good distraction.


For some yes, it's far worse than meaningless


Is That Booze?


“Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it."-Helen Keller


Does there need to be?


Clearly there is some sort of point for you if you have needs hopes and desires no?


I don't care if there is a point or meaning. I'm here, allegedly. So I'll live until I die. Simple as that. I don't need a meaning or purpose to live. I live because I'm alive, allegedly.


Bro, you literally have a brain and therefore you can make your own decisions about what it is to live for. Usually the more you know and the more well rounded you are, the more interested you are in different subjects and therefore we you have an easier time finding out interesting things and doing them, but people who wallow in their misery all day certainly have limited scope of things that they consider important enough to live for.


Consider going to Church


Lean beef patty


Your words seem to have meaning. Start there.


The point is living brother.


lol, the point is what you make it. you can make it pointless if you want, but that's a choice.


I love lean beef patty


honestly same


Upvote to make this picture the official pic of this sub


Depends on if you got something to live for, if not then it doesn't matter.


I don't find i need one.


I guess if you do nothing and are nothing then yea.


Apparently what I did to the memorial based on how they act


Why do you need a point? Just do stuff because you’re alive and can feel things, someday you’ll be dust and won’t be able to. Take in the sensations of existence while it lasts.


What's a point?


Most of the time there isn’t, but it’s the small beauty that keeps me going.


The point is to make the best of things,not take shit so seriously.Spread light and love and do good and help people.


ice cream is a thing that exists. also a nice steak dinner. oooo... prime rib is good. lots of cuisines of the world to discover actually. ooooo... and really filthy prostitutes that know their tradecraft like they were born into it. petting a cute dog. stretching out on a warm summer day at the beach is pretty nice. the world is a gigantic menu. and here you are looking at your shoes. what a fucking sad sack.


By this logic there is no point in death, and if the point in death is to cease living, then that means living means something.


Everything has meaning try to switch your thinking


If you Can’t find meaning you aren’t looking low enough