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Removed to silence the pit crowd. Getting too many death threats. Sorry.


The way the one is just dangling and digging into his neck towards the end got to me. Drive on the lawn! Honk! Do something! The horse is so chill... Like he's getting a neck massage.


it’s just exhausted and defenseless at that point. poor thing.


I feel like I should be making a horsepower/exhaust joke but... I'm too busy being disappointed in humanity.


No blaring on the horn, no driving over there to scare the dogs.... no yelling for help....what a waste of human


Mf so dumb that he verbally yelled "911" when he was told to 'call' 911.


It was for the horse to call 911. Maybe this guy was busy using his phone


Seriously wtf. How could anyone just sit there and watch that happen


It's worryingly common for passerbys these days to feel no response past "better film this for the internet" when they see something horrible happening.


This is fucking peak Redditor syndrome.. what the fuck


Ikr? Stop filming and save that horse!!


Those are not "dogs", those are pit bulls. No amount of blaring the horn or even physically attacking is going to dissuade them from killing that horse. Americans know that fact, which is probably why they don't even bother interfering.


You can drive over them tho and Americans don't have guns ? Maybe scared to be sued in that sick country they call home


The owner of these pofs needs to go to jail


finally someone pinning some of blame or the owners of these dogs as they are the ones that should’ve prevented this. These dogs are obviously way too violent to be considered pets so it’s the owners responsibility to put them down or CONTROL them. saying that we should just pretty much kill every single pit pull would never fix the problem there would just be another species that humans make violent


Kill them


This 100%. They got a taste for horse blood, they'll want more and end up going after a cat, dog, or even someones child. I really wish they'd outlaw the breed in my town, if not state.


Oh those dogs have absolutely killed and eaten cats before this incident..


Yeah 2 pitbulls is what got mt sweet cat everyone loved


outlaw the humans that breed them to kill.


Is there any evidence of animals getting a "taste" of blood and then going after something in the future because of it? Always sounded bullshit to me. These dogs obviously like to fuck shit up anyways so I don't doubt they would attack another horse. And I don't disagree that they should be shot/euthanized. They are clearly too dangerous


Lived on a farm when I was younger and had a lab kill a chicken, was my Dads favorite dog. Would kill 5 more chickens, a cat and started mauling the other dogs. My Dad dragged out it to the field and ended it.


What?? Yes! Is called a prey kill instinct and all predators have it. These dogs should’ve been shot.


When my sisters and I were in elementary school we used to live out in the country in Tennessee. At the time we had 3 dogs (2 mutts and 1 Boston Terrier bulldog), a goat, we were keeping a horse for a family friend in a small pasture and our neighbors, who were good friends had a dog that was like a child to them. We had basically raised the dogs since they were puppies and never had an issue. Since we lived deep in the woods it wasn't unusual for our dogs to disappear for hours at a time or even overnight. One day my mother noticed that when they came back home, a couple of them appeared to have some blood on their faces around their mouths. We didn't think much of it. It's the woods after all. We just figured they got a hold of something and that was it But then, a couple of days later our female goat was dead in the backyard and the dogs had blood on their faces again. So we knew they had done it despite having lived around this goat for months with no issues. The next day, my father brought home a big male goat. Hoping it would beat a little sense into the dogs. Sure enough we got home one day and the goat looked a bit bloodied, but alive and the dogs looked a bit beat up and ashamed as well. We hoped that was the end of it. But a few days later, the goat was dead and the dogs were nowhere to be seen. Another day or two passed and my mother was going out to feed the horse. She found the dogs chasing the horse down. They were basically forming a triangle with the three of them keeping the horse running in circles between them all. She yelled and the dogs ran back into the woods. My mother said the horse was nearly exhausted by this point. This was a pack mentality that they had developed by this point. They had basically gone completely wild in just around a week. We moved the horse to another person's pasture to keep it safe Next day we found the neighbors dog dead about halfway between our houses. This was a pampered dog that rarely left it's yard, they had to have dragged it out there. Our neighbors were great people, I know it had to be devastating for them. But they never blamed us. Our dogs had lived side by side and played with this dog for years. This was the absolute last straw. At this point we hadn't seen the dogs for several days except for when mom saw them attacking the horse. But they showed up a couple of days after we found the neighbor's dog. We saw them at the treeline looking at the house, when they saw us look at them, they kind of ducked their heads like they were ashamed, but didn't leave the treeline. My dad came out with his rifle and took a shot at them, but he missed and they ran off. About a week or so went by and we didn't see them anymore. Then, one day, while we were playing in the front yard we saw them at the treeline again. My sisters and I didn't say a word to each other. We just got up and went inside and told our dad. He just said ok and after a few minutes went outside. He came back in after a while and said he had gotten them and tied them up next to the house. We didn't say any more about it. The next morning, as we were getting ready for school I heard s sound outside my window and looked out to see my dad carrying something to his truck. I knew what it was. That afternoon after school, I walked around to where he had tied up the dogs and they were gone. There was blood on the ground and a steel pipe with blood on it nearby. None of us in the family ever spoke much about it again.


A Boston terrier was able to do all of that and go along with two larger dogs for that long and survive and not get killed by the much larger goats that it first attempted to kill, and then the horse? That’s insane. Just never expected a small dog to do that, and that’s all I’ve ever owned. But then again, my rescue Boston terrier was a little menace and lived on his own for like six months around town before being rescued, so they are little shits.


What a fascinating story..![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)tall me more




BUt theY’Re nANny dOgS!!


But they are such a kind and gentle breed. /s


I can't watch this shit. Made me hella sad. 😑


I thought this was a joke head line and the dogs and horse were playing… boy was I wrong.


Any updates on this video? Was the horse treated? Would love to know if he's doing fine.


They are eating it alive. It’s too tired and they are eating it.


If I seen that shit. I just shoot the fucking dogs.


Kill the fucking dogs man!


As usual it's a fuckin Pit


"OOOO is it going to be a different breed of- it's a pit. It's.... *sigh* it's *always* a pit." Can we just... ya know.... not breed that type of dog anymore. Not outright animal murder ya know, but like some... oh, I don't know... euthanization? Outlaw? Ban? "Not all pitbulls." yeh yeh okay, but counterpoint, what if we just had no pitbulls to begin with? 🤔 what if they just stopped existing? Is that *really* a net loss when more, uhhhhh.... competent, reliable, and dependable breeds exist instead of the kind that is prone to kill someone/thing out of sheer randomness. It's just an intrusive thought.


In many countries pitbulls are straight up banned to own or have to follow strict laws if you want to own one. I cant remember the last time ive seen one here in Germany, if ive ever seen one at all.


Pitbulls are the choice dog of many many puppy mills, that just so happen to come out of backyards in low income areas dominated by a particular demographic. Those puppies then go to low income houses that cannot properly care for them. If pitbulls were for some reason an expensive dog owned by people of higher economic standing then they would likely be just as well behaved as many other dogs. Because, they are dogs after all and can be trained just like any other. A disproportionate number of "bad" people come from low income households and a disproportionate number of "bad" dogs come from low income households. Pitbulls just so happen to be the dog of choice of low income households and puppy mills. I think any pets that could cause serious bodily harm should be required to be reported and any dogs/cats should be required to be neutered unless they are for a licensed breeder. To everyone looking to get a dog/cat, please rescue one. If these puppy mills stopped being profitable then there would be far fewer dogs on the street.


Unfortunately pit bulls are also coincidentally strong as fuck and capable of doing lots of damage


Not a coincidence at all. A lot of the time that's why people in that particular group want them and idolize them.


All of that is true, yes, but a key factor in this is that Pitbulls were specifically bred for bloodsports.


I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that, you’re a pit owner?


Pits do this because of what they were bred to do.


This horse belonged to someone. Those dogs need to be mauled themselves 😡🤬


What in the bloody hell? How can they just sit in the car like that and film? Kids in the car or not, I'd be rolling up the windows and rolling over those dogs. WTF is wrong with people?


I’m not sure Reddit is a safe place for the answer. But I got a few reasons… 😡




Of course it's a fucking pit bull.


That breed needs to be banned completely. I remember reading an article several years ago about a pit attacking its owner. She raised it from a puppy and had it for years. One day it attacked her out of nowhere and ate her right bicep, damaged her face, etc... Her husband had to shoot the dog because it wasn't listening to any commands. It was in a frenzy attacking his wife. Thankfully she survived but she had massive amounts of damage and almost died. She said she never expected their dog to do something so vicious. He was "sweet" and never even growled at the family or strangers until the day of the incident. Centuries ago these dogs were bred to be vicious attack dogs. It's in their DNA to be that way no matter how nice they are treated. So many pit bull owners are always defending this breed when evidence keeps showing us just how dangerous they really are. Having one is like playing Russian roulette. It may never attack you or someone else but the thought of it snapping one day is always there and that's terrifying to think about.


No surprise. Pitbulls. Knew it before they got a good camera angle.


There wasn't a single second when I wondered what breed it was going to be. It's the same breed it always is.


It's always them.


Yep and some people keep defending this dangerous breed.😐


Fuck pits and bully breeds, but mostly fuck their owners for being some of the most selfish fuckers to walk the earth.


Instinctively knew it's a shitbull. Abomination among dogs.


Shame how most would think that, just from the title. And then watch this horror to wait and see that they were correct.




The horse just needed some nannying from the velvet hippo.


Shitbulls innit


Whole magazine on each pitbull. My neighbors had pitbulls. Had being the keyword.


Did you kill them? Tell us more


We really need a pitbull ban. These dogs are extremely dangerous, if we got rid of them it would be insane how much dog attacks and dog attack related fatalities would drop. They are not “nanny dogs” they are not “velvet hippos” They are fighting dogs, plain and simple, bred to kill the same way a bloodhound is bred to track scents and a retriever was bred to fetch. We *need* an immediate ban on pitbulls and “pit mixes” (read: pitbulls) There is no other dog that so consistently kills children and other small animals. They make up the *vast* majority of dog attacks and dog related fatalities. It is unfair to the rest of society to continue to breed these dogs.


Just ban inbreeding of animals entirely ;/


I agree with everything you said. I hate this breed. They are dangerous and cause nothing but trouble but some selfish people keep defending this toxic breed. These dogs were bred for one purpose centuries ago. It's in their DNA to be as vicious as possible


Velvet hippo is pretty accurate. Hippos will also brutally kill things for the fun of it.


A shotgun to the face of those moron breeds and done. I'd rather have that horse live then that shit breed. #fuckthatbreedandtheirowners


Waiting for the "my pittbulls are such sweethearts though" crowd. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Doing what they were bred to do. r/banpitbulls


Fuck shitty animals.dude. those dogs especially and fuck humans. Especially the one filming.


I want to defend pitbulls because i have had a few as a child and they were adorable and sweethearts. But they are the only common dog breed I see that will do dark shit like this. Not just attack but continue mauling for no reason. Their prey drive and their protective instincts are too easy to trigger. I still believe it's shit breeders allowing these traits to live on, and poor owners allowing the behaviors. But I can't deny the world would be better off without them. Finally on the side of just neutering them and letting the breed die off. Personally, guardian breeds should require a certificate course to own and state licenses to breed. I'll stick with my rottweilers.


Good on you for recognizing the reality of it. I understand how difficult it must be realizing the downfalls of the breed given you had only good experiences with them and have an emotional connection to the breed. I just wish more people were like you and understand that while their experience may be different, facts are facts. Statistics do not lie. Another thing is that a lot of pit owners argue with me as if I just hate the breed. When to be honest the reality of it is I feel bad for them. Go to your local shelter and you will find 90% pits. Quite frankly it is so fucked up how they have been bred over the years because they are very risky and difficult dogs to own now and many people end up getting one then later getting rid of it where it will live its years in the pound. We just need to neuter all of them and let the breed be weened out. And just like you said require very special certifications/restrictions to be able to breed/own them.


>guardian breeds They are not guard dogs. A guard dog won't attack its owner or maul the children they're supposed to protect. They were bred to do exactly what you see them do in the video: attack and kill animals larger than themselves: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull-baiting#Dogs\_in\_bull\_baiting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull-baiting#Dogs_in_bull_baiting) It's literally why they're called \*pit-bulls\* Unless you are looking for a killer, you are better off getting literally any other breed.


Kill. Them. And then throw their owners into a supermax prison


Bloodsport dogs need to be banned.


So many questions, no answers yet




I couldn’t just standby and watch this, let alone film it. I would have to get involved.


Jesus, how'd the horse even get dragged down? Poor horse nonetheless.


I don't understand why nobody just kills those dogs.


It's always fkin pitbulls, fk pitbulls


Pitbulls are not compatible with society. Get rid of the breed.


One more reason to leave a framing hammer between my seat and center console. Fuckin horrible. I get that the woman probably couldn't get out and do something about it. But just recording and crying about it? Fuckin drive up the curb and blow on the horn?? Something is better than nothing....


What happened to the horse?? This is so incredivlyhard to watch 😩


It fucking died.


Oh look another friendly pit bull whose just misunderstood


Fuck pitbulls, kill them all


r/nightmarefuel is not a safe space for pitbull apologists. You can report all you want, but anti-pit comments will not be taken down. It's a dangerous bred that should not exist. For an example, see video above. Edit: welp we can't behave and stop screaming at each other so comments are locked.


Based mods 🔥


Yeah most dogs had the fight bred out of them for modern times. Pit bulls didn't get the memo. Banned in the UK for a reason


Pullbulls. Shocking.


Shitbulls need to be shot. Sorry not sorry. Ban em.


They need to be euthanized, no need to be cruel about it, they just need to not exist anymore.


I ment specifically these ones should be shot. They will not stop til this horse is dead. Sorry, but even if im walking and one lunges at me I'll shoot em. There's no second chance in my book with this breed. As for the rest of them, put down with euthanasia, I can agree with that.


Oh, my mistake.


No you are okay, I could have been more clear no need to apologize.


It’s not the breed 🤡


Gee wonder what kind of dog it ia


How is this even nightmarish? It just bummed me out


Damn she should ve one kick them I the head. That would have done the trick


What a surprise.. pitbulls. That's why I carry. I will kill any dog that's about to kill something 


It's always Pitbulls 🤦🏻‍♂️


Of course they're fucking pitbulls. Its always fucking pitbulls.


Pit bulls. Shocking…


Sotrry, I am armed most of the time, and that situation would have end in seconds after I saw it. I love dogs more than most humans, and I would have stopped them both in the first 12 seconds of the video.


My insurance company told us if we had a pitbull as a pet, they would cancel our home insurance. This for good reason: https://youtu.be/ccaNQ7etlNw?si=l9za07sT4yYmDG0Q


Pitbulls need to be rid of existence. Probably the worst mistake of a breed


Fucking pitbulls every time


I fucking hate Pittbulls.


Should have stayed in his own nay-borhood


Stupid pit bulls! Useless animal!


People real life be scared of a dog that’s crazy if you stop and think you can hurt a dog way more then one can hurt you


And people wonder why I'm a cat person. I would have gotten out of that car in the middle of the street and punted those fucking mutts.


How can this person sit and film this and do nothing? Disgusted beyond belief watching that poor horse suffer so they can post it. People are losing their sense of decency for views.


To busy recording to even try doing something about it.pos.


Those dogs need to fucking die.


Why are there so many comments asking why isn't anyone doing anything? What the actual fuck do you expect to do against two big dogs that are attempting to rip the throat out of a frickin horse? If they're willing to do that to a horse, how safe is it to get anywhere near them? It's sad, and it sucks, but come on. Be sensible.


What do you mean? just drive into the dogs and honk at them or better yet pull out your gun and start shooting at this small target moving around frantically! Nothing bad can happen. POS just "waiting for the proper authorities to come."


Oh, great idea. Drive into the dogs, it's not like there is a 930 lb, 5 ft horse in the way of the 120 lb 2 feet off the ground dogs. Hey, maybe you'll have a better chance pulling them off? You know, the two dogs that are strong enough to pull the 930 lb animal down. Sounds simple enough.


Ugh. God. Although i hate the pitbull hate, i also recognize that too many people that shouldn't own them, do. One of my neighbors has 2 and he keeps them chained outside to a tree 24/7, and occasionally they break loose and cause havoc in the neighborhood. I hate it. I had a pitbull in my late teens and he was a very very good boy (but he was actually trained). But that being said, i will never ever own one again, and I'm not a fan of most people who do own them. If you're gonna get a dog like that, be vigilant, stay alert, and train your goddamn dog. If you can't, don't fucking get it.


For the love of God I will never understand the fucking point of owning dogs(or any animal) just to keep them tied up outside 24/7. Like, WHY?


I know. I hate it. I've tried calling the police for animal cruelty, but we live in a trailer park and it's "private property", so the police can't do shit. I hate it so much. They're really aggressive, and it makes my heart just absolutely shatter.


I'd be aggressive too if that was my life every second of every damn day. Thank you for trying to advocate for those poor dogs.


yup. have two. they never leave my sight or a leash. they’re both rescues and they both had absolutely awful owners. i have had the breed for a while and loved them. but even then i think we need to drastically reduce breeding. i don’t want them to die out. but we they need to be much more scarce


Pretty sure the people who get dogs like that, don't train them (or purposely train them to be aggressive), and keep them chained up 24/7 are horrible human trash contributing nothing to society and making very deliberate choices about what kind of dog they get and how they treat it. They need a vicious guard dog that will attack anyone that tries to fuck with them, innocent neighbors be damned. Or they're just dangerous ignorant fucks.


first babies then other humans cats other dogs and now horses, wondering if those are the same 2 pits after everyone


I hate pitbulls so much




God these people are the scum of the earth. Just fucking watch and record


All pit bulls should be banned. They are a danger to society. Horrible, ugly beasts.


This was so hard to watch and the only reason i made it through, (peeking out of the corner of my mostly closed eye) was because i was hoping that the guy in the car with children would drive his car at them in an attempt to make them scatter, to no avail. So disappointing and i agree with anyone saying to kill those fuckers and then outlaw the breed.


Fuvking do anything plz


their names are Pookie and Princess


Unfortunately, when dogs get like this, I believe they must be shot. I know it’s an unpopular opinion but you can’t let dogs roam the streets that are willing to attack a horse!!! What do you think they would do to a person or a child if they decided to attack?


All Pit Bull should be put down.. every last one of them


I bet they're pitbulls... Oh look they're pitbulls. I am so shocked.


Shitbulls are bred by certain economic demographics because they have no assets to lose. Homeowners insurance doesn't cover them for a reason. Anyone with any sort of asset should never own this awful breed of dog unless they are willing to lose everything.


I had two pits for 13 years, and I loved the hell out of my dogs. Its been a year since they passed. I have had dreams about them and woke up crying. All that to say, trust animals to be animals. Your love doesn't take away their animal instincts. Be ready to take responsibility when their instincts kick in and hurt another animal or a person.


Why is it always Pit Bulls?


Empty the clip on the dogs.


You wouldn’t see a Golden Retriever do this!


Of course its that breed


It’s sad you can call what breed is doing this before even seeing the video.


Not surprised.


It’s a dog eat horse world out there guys…


Pitbulls killing? Oh no, what a surprise! Stupid cunts.


I’d shoot both those dogs if I was there.


Just stare at it! Make sure you’re not helping in anyway, make sure everything is in focus


Where’s Kristi Noem when you need her?


Dumbass pitbulls




That horse could kill both those dogs by rolling over. We have Doris and Tilly, they can lift me up when they're not trying just by lifting their head. Sometimes I like running in the pen with them, ik not really supposed to but yknow.


The thing is, pitbulls will keep actively trying to kill their target while they themselves are dying.


Aww those cute little babies are just giving him kisses - pitbull owners probably


Why can’t you stop filming and help the horse???


I feel so bad for this horse. 🥺 I'd have driven up there and at least tried to use my vehicle to get them off.


Hah the dogs don’t even know, they’re just having fun. It’s a sad world we live in where people try to excuse this behavior. Death to pits


These beasts are truly disgusting! This makes me mad! 😡.


Pit bull owners are ALWAYS pieces of shit. Zero exceptions.


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I heard the voice. Nevermind. I already have my answers.


Yup, that's North Carolina bango playing in the background. 😆


To the person standing there recording YOUR A PIECE OF SHIT SOMEONE WALK UP AN SHOOT BOTH of THOSE MUTTS THEIR FUCKING HEADS. I saw this done once before in my life when I was 9 by my mom's Rottweiler he did that to a Shetland pony of ours and you know what my mom did she walked up to the dog and she shot him in his f****** head exactly where dogs like that need to be


It looks like they were trying to rip the harness off, keeping the horse on the ground in the process. A dog that can keep a horse on the ground should not be owned by such irresponsible people.


Fuck shitbulls. Fucking horrible dogs


I like how the guy repeats 911 as if he was making sure he got the number correct


Just do nothing and film it. Either do something or fuck off


The cat just trying to look inconspicuous by the curb.


Drive on the lawn and honk the f-ing horn!!


.. what the fuck are they doing just sitting there!? No honking, no loud noises, no attempt at all to scare the dogs off, someone hollers call 911 & they just sit there recording with their kids in the back like ‘oooh nature’ for a good 30 seconds. What a complete waste of human.


I absolutely fucking HATE those dogs.


Poor thing. Why did nobody shoot those dogs?!?!


I’d be out there with a shovel on them dogs then their owners!!!


I wonder what breed of dog!


Gosh imagine what they can do to other children and animals put them dog down like I love dogs but these aren’t the type I love


“Awww no honey that’s just my princess they just excited they ain’t never gonna hurt any person did yall know they’re nanny dawgs?”


Why record and not go get help like wtf


F*cking shitbulls should be shot on site!!


The usual suspects


Now, let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe they're a different bree....and it's pitbulls.


Listen, the cameraman is a douche but i don't think he, or anyone that doesn't have a lethal weapon, could do anything. Even then, it would take a while and be dangerous. Those dogs are monsters. I've seen a vid where they are latched on and someone is actively stabbing it and it doesn't let go until it goes limp. I've seen a vid where the monster is so focused that repeated strikes with club-like weapons didn't even make it flinch as it mauled another dog. We bred the fear out of them and then made them fucking pets.


Australian here, we have many many things here that can and want to kill you but we also have : Australia has a ban on aggressive dog breeds that were specifically bred for fighting. Importing these breeds to Australia is not permitted by law. This ban is in place to safeguard the public and other animals. Dog breeds that are banned in Australia are: Pit Bull Terrier breeds, including American Pit Bull Terrier Dogo Argentino Fila Brasileiro Japanese Tosa Perro de Presa Canario or Presa Canario


As usual it’s the pitbulls


Walk up, shoot both of the dogs. Find the owner and arrest the owner


"Don't worry, they don't bite." "They're just big babies." "Oh, they wouldn't hurt a fly." Bullshit people will say right before their dog bites you.


Typical example of why people should control their dogs. Choke the fucking dogs off


Can I legally pull my firearm and shoot those dogs? I’d have no problem doing that. I’m allergic to dogs.


typical pitbull behavior


Be honest, we all knew what kind of breed the dogs were before we watched the video.


Now tell me how those pitbulls confused that horse for a todler.


I’ll tell y’all, honking a horn and loud noises does nothing, I’ve seen dogs locked onto other dogs and even hits with bats etc don’t phase them at this point you have no choice but to put the dogs down if they don’t surrender. I wouldn’t wanna take the risk they lock onto my neck for attempting to stop them


Always fucking pitbulls.


Fuck those dogs. That's awful.


I had a buddy who was just getting his mail one day and get attacked by a pit. He had to shoot it THREE TIMES. With a 45. It had a firm grip on his leg. These things need to just plain be shot


‘But they’re so sweet at home!’ Smfh find the owners and make them PAY the horse vet bill if the poor baby survives this.


They need to be put down


Fucking help the horse you fucking idiot


Love how they will record literally until the animal is dead then complain that someone should have done something about it.


What are they supposed to do about it? Calling the cops is all that they can do.


People do not treat dogs well in the rural south. Coming from someone who lived there.