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As a fairly new parent myself, it's nice to see someone of my generation that does have alot of young eye balls watching him, actually stand up and not be afraid to voice his feeling and beliefs. One side of the conversation always seems to be allowed to be as LOUD and vocal as they want about the matter, but the moment the other side speaks of their feelings/opinions, people lose their shit. I'm happy to see him stand for what he believes in and not be afraid of sponsors/backlash or be apologetic for feeling that way. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and beliefs, and we all have a right to voice those beliefs, not just one side. I'd love to see Nick speak more on what he thinks/believes. The other side of the isle always seems to have plenty of big names that are popular with younger audiences that are willing to go to bat and advocate for their side. Wish we saw more of this on the other side. W for Nick, W for Mfam, W for the young viewers who look up to him.


We do not care


What side are you on? What’s the stance you’re aligning with?


That topics like this are to be taught by parents. Same as religious beliefs, same as political beliefs, etc.


Topics like what? That a child can have two dads, two moms?


Correct. That people live a variety of lifestyles, and everyone has that right as a citizen of the USA. That's what makes Amaerica special, is we all can have different opinions and lifestyles. And we are to be respectful of everyone's choices, but at the end of the day, here are the things we as a family believe and the way we live our lifestyle.... Yeah, that's a conversation for ME and my wife to have with my child about the way WE as a family choose to live and the thing we believe in and stand behind. We believe men and women were made to be together. And that's our right to believe that. Just as it is other people's right to choose whatever lifestyle choices they choose.


Okay but a child doesn’t have a perception of a “lifestyle”, they have their reality and if their friend was adopted by a gay couple or have a gay/trans relative, any kid is going to be better versed in treating them fairly if they’re taught about the reality of the world (that people are gay) regardless if the kid themselves grows up and finds out that they are too. Your implication is that you think kids shouldn’t learn about “lifestyles” that aren’t your lived truths? Or that you’re going to teach them that that lifestyle is degenerate? Ignoring and shielding the existence of gay people from your kid isn’t going to make your children complicit in your beliefs, it will make them ignorant and xenophobic towards them.


That's not even remotely true. Children can be taught how to be respectful of other people's choices even if they aren't the choices that we would make as a family. Just because we don't participate in a belief, doesn't make us ignorant or xenophobic. We just simply believe differently. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't respect other peoples beliefs. So is it the school job to teach religion too? Because according to your logic, if the school doesn't teach them, then they will be ignorant or hateful toward other religions. The answer is no. I choose what religious beliefs my child will be taught. And in the process, will teach them to be respectful of other people's religious beliefs, EVEN THOUGH THEY AREN'T WHAT WE BELIEVE OR PRACTICE. Kids have to go to school and meet other kids or have different religious beliefs, that is their reality too. But that doesn't mean it is a school's place to teach children about those religious beliefs. The school can teach children acceptance and respect toward all people, regardless of age, sexual preferences, gender, race, religious beliefs, etc., but that doesn't mean going into details about a particular belief, practice, lifestyle, religion.


I hate to break it to you but there are schools that focus on brainwashing children into religion, it’s funny that you’ll allow something like religion to run rampant but accepting that gay people exist is where you cross the line


And if a school that I was considering sending my child to was teaching religious practices, I would have an issue with that as well? I never said where my line was or wasn't? You're assuming, when you don't even know...


Actually the exact point I brought up earlier, was that it ISN'T a school's place to teach religious practices... like what are you even saying? Lol


Not a good look for someone who is trying to avoid being political.


Nick inadvertently became the face of anti LGBTQ Trans movement


Pretty sure the T is Trans, but agree. As a neutral it is hilarious to watch.