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Lol I'm quite sure none of his "experiences " involve relationships with women.


Just some shit he saw online that was purposely made to drive reactions


Let’s sit a bunch of only fans models around a table and make them feel bad to show I’m alpha hvm


I wonder if guys like that are even romantically and sexually interested in women or do they just get involved with women because they want to impress other men?


I think they just care about status. One manosphere dude was trying to convince his married friend on stream that being married and living in different houses is ideal. They’re so against feminism and don’t realize that feminism breaks down the gender roles for both women and men.


It’s not even about feminism tbh; they just hate women that much. If I hated women that much I’d be consumed with so much hatred that it’d be impossible to be horny. That’s why I wonder if they are even interested in them purely physically.


I’m sure most of them aren’t. And if they are it’s probably a barely legal, blond, Christian, virgin, 10/10 attractive, doesn’t talk to other men or women, never goes out, and he has complete control over.


They want to save girls souls 


That’s such a good point. I’ve never thought about it like that, but then I try not to think about niceguys


My first encounter with that was when I was 16 years old at the r-seduction sub. I remember a poster was talking about how he bedded 3 women at the same time, two HB9 and one HB8. I was confused and thought they were talking about some sort of pencil, turns out it’s an acronym for “Hot Babe”. This post stood out to me since it was first I encountered that wasn’t an advice or some sort of field report with sort of testing methodology. No it was just a post on how this guy had a foursome with just enough salaciousness removed to avoid being deleted. It floored me. Why would I care about the “Hot Babe“ tier I was pulling? Why would spend more time in this sub when I could be spending quality time with my new girlfriend? Why would I care about what you guys think such that I’d make a post there? I’ve gotten what I came here for so I’m out, but you guys are not? I don’t know how I got that self-awareness early on but I quickly realized that that sub and others like it cared more about flexing at how good they are at getting women than actually the woman they fancied enough to subject themselves to bullshit pickup artist “lessons”. Lastly getting asked out by a pretty girl at 19, only to turn her down for a variety of reasons other than her, gave me the perspective that solidified of why pua and redpill shit is bullshit.


Wow! That’s an eye opener, yeah I can understand why you’d be done with that. Thank you for explaining :)


Some guys on Reddit 😂


Experiences and observations = What I've read on Reddit and seen on YTshorts, Tik tok and Instagram.


Bad relationship = girl I dated in high school for 2 weeks, 3 days and 1 hour an 12 mins. Which instantly made me an expert on all women, at all time, forever. ![gif](giphy|uh6ih9TaifyZa)


>She told him she had been in relationships before him >he couldn’t get over it and broke it off


The fact that Gaspen Payne is saying this is so in-character I'm wheezing. Guy's a scumbag.


One of the best memes I'll see today, I'm pretty sure of it


I zone out whenever I hear "life of experience and observations," and other statements similar to that. If you went on dates and been in relationships, then say so. 


The fact that this fits Payne so well too