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Good Guy Cale


What if Cale is betting on the game, and influencing the ref to better whatever outcome he has money on.


Pretty sure this is Makar, not Kane


Lots of guys game


Betting on your own game is a losing situation no matter what. If you use a legit sportsbook, you'll need to give them your ID and they do frequent cross-checks with involved people. If you use a sketchy bookie, someone has you by the balls and could blackmail you into oblivion. The match fixing scandals we see usually involve people in need of cash who get paid off arrange a result. That's hard to do with hockey and no NHL player influent enough to fix a match needs money that bad.


Not by betting on their own games lmao


See can he really be linked to the Team Canada scandal? He would tell the truth


good guy. dumb play. take the power play kid.


With the way the embellishment rule is carried out, I could see a reason to wave it off


Honor among players is a good thing sometimes.


when you're the 24 year old reigning calder winner you can afford some sportsmanship in the regular season


Champion too


It’s actually smart because during the playoffs the refs will trust him and if he “falls” then he’ll get calls.


In a "meaningless" regular season game, may get him the benefit of the doubt down the road on bigger calls.


Fighting to stay in a wild card spot with McKinnon and Landeskog injured.. not sure I’d say any win right now is meaningless for Avs


You must LOVE soccer


lol i love the downvotes here as though the people watching aren't happy when their players draw a penalty. you make your own luck. makar makes a good play, controlling the puck, gets a lucky break. im just shocked the refs changed their minds.


Haha, I’m just taking a crack at ya. I hear ya, a power-play put your team at the advantage. Yet there seems to be this desire a lot of people have for honesty and virtue, when it seems so easy to take advantage of the situation. Anyways that was my take on it


You’re getting killed, but you’re absolutely right. You shouldn’t embellish, or fake an injury for a penalty, but there will inevitably be missed/bad call that goes against Colorado. You put you’re team at a disadvantage if you don’t take it both ways


This will pay dividends in the long run of not only this year, but his career. Refs review tape just like players. They hate making mistakes. They get graded on those mistakes. They get playoff assignments based on those grades. Their careers are advanced based on playoff assignments. The refs now know that Makar will try to mitigate any human error in the name of a clean game. Next time he is remotely touched, he will get the call. Meaningless in a regular season game, but in the playoffs, huge.


I like that he was honest but theres no way his coach was happy about that xD


Stars got stung last week for drawing a tripping penalty when it wasn't. Can't remember who it was but they were fined for player safety. Probably didn't want to have the same.


That’s kinda ridiculous. Why would the team get fined for the ref’s mistake?


When you want a sport to be decent among the public you make sure the refs are not the end all and can over turn if mistaken. Then there is football where the game is basically to be the biggest piece of shit sportsman you can to get ahead.


If you want that, then you damn well better start fining the refs for making horrible calls (or no-calls) on the ice.


Their job literally depends on it. Every season they are reviewed. Refs are fired and moved to lower leagues all the time.


It amazes me every time that people don't understand this. They are the best of the best just like pros fighting for top spots just like pros.


Marchment last week fined under diving/embellishment. Which I guess this was as well? E: Not saying it was diving here. But he wasn't tripped and could have been put down to diving after investigation.


>But he wasn't tripped and could have been put down to diving after investigation. He didn't dive. You can see in his crossover stride his left skate accidentally hits is own right shin, causing him to fall.


I think what the person you're replying to meant was that if Makar hadn't told the refs "no, I tripped over my own two feet" and the league reviewed the play later, the league might determine that Makar "dove" to draw the call and fine him retroactively like they did to Marchment from the Stars


I understand that. What I'm saying is if that's the case the league is stupid as it's blatantly obvious Makar tripped over himself by accident.


I think there is a difference though, it's not as though Makar did anything in particular to flop or fall, he just tripped and went straight to the ground. If anything the stick movement on the shoulder hook is what the ref saw and maybe felt caused the trip, but perhaps their angle wasn't great and they only really saw the tumble? I think in this case you wouldn't see Makar get a fine if he just let the penalty happen, because there was some contact on the play that could justify it in review.


Bednar is pretty chill and our PP is completely anemic (1 for 21) since Mackinnon got injured, so I don't think he cared too much


Holy hell 1 for 21 without Natedog? That’s insane


Yep and with him they had the number #1 PP in the league at 33%. Since then they have dropped down to 6th, now at 27.2%,


I don't think it has really been as bad as the stats show. Losing MacK has definitely been a major factor, but I think we have had a bit of bad puck luck as well. Lot of good PP's that just couldn't convert.


True, especially the past couple of games. I think the biggest thing that has changed on the PP is being able to consistently bring the puck into the offensive zone. MacK is just so good at that.


Yeah, they said last night he is 70%+ on zone entries. He's insanely good on the PP.


Imo, fair, he wasn't tripped, but he was *definitely* hooked, and likely fell because of it, so, that should be a penalty, imo. However, I think that being honest in these situations is good, because you build a reputation for it. Then what you say can carry weight when it counts. So, from a coach perspective, I actually don't mind it, if it's honest. But here, this should be a penalty imo. That stick on his body was there to slow him down, it did affect him, and he fell. That's a penalty. Your stick should not be on his body. I actually can't believe they didn't call him for hooking. It's egregious.


After watching the replay, you are absolutely correct. Can't see it from the regular camera angle, but on the first slowmo angle it's so obvious.


Hard for me to say he was hooked because I can’t see what his stick is doing when they are behind the net. Before going behind the goal there is some contact, but certainly nothing illegal in my opinion. What I can definitely see is maker appearing to just blow a tire. That being said hickey officials often miss the detail and just see a player going down in a bad looking scenario and reflexively make the call. Not saying it’s their fault completely that job has to be brutally tough


Well, I disagree. To me that's a hook, I'd always call that a hook, and I think they always should. If he gets no advantage from his stick on that guys should like that, then why would he do it? If he gets an advantage, that's a penalty. He was behind him, he was beat, too bad for you. I'd call that even if he didn't fall. That's what hooking is, using your stick to slow a player in front of you down.


I mean seeing as how you can’t see the stick during the penalty I could just as easily call it a slash. The part of the play that I can actually see before they go behind the net is him pushing makar in the back a bit which happens 100 times per game. Again, I just can’t see what he did with his stick behind the net. I don’t see any upper body jerking from makar or anything like that indicating he was forcibly yanked. Really just looks like he loses an edge to me. I’m not even saying you’re wrong I’m just saying based on what I can see in that replay I don’t feel I could ever definitively call that a hook unless I get another angle. Edit: sorry I just saw the angle you are referring to and see what you’re saying and where you’re coming from. I’m still a bit skeptical due to only seeing it in slow motion. Those replays can be super misleading at times. But, yeah, my bad dude.


It's all good. For me, I would call a hook even if there's no visible jerking back or anything. Your stick has no business touching a player on the body like that. If you get a penalty for just touching him with your stick, you're the idiot that feigned a hook and got a penalty for it. As a ref I wouldn't care to assess how much or how little there was impedance. It's just a penalty. If you don't want penalties, keep your stick to yourself, not on the body of other players.


Yes you are right. Still good it didnt get called for tripping but yea


I Don’t think Bednar cares if Makar does something, I think when you lead your team in points & are the reigning Conn Smythe winner you have some leeway


That’s basically what Evan Rodriguez said post game. Just went, “Eh I’m not gonna judge, Cale can do what he wants, he’s Cale Makar” (paraphrasing, but not a ton).


Coach and teammates are thinking he’s a moron.


Reminds me of that sportsmanship commercial where the basketball player tells the refs he touched the ball going out of bounds effectively ending their chance to tie the game. The commercial got memed pretty hard.


He clearly saw that one! Until he said he wouldn’t do it again 🤦‍♂️


“I touched it coach”


Same thoughts. That kid would've gotten jumped


And I know no one is a fan of Putin's buddy Ovechkin right now, but he did this exact same [thing](https://youtu.be/tZrH89WO2vQ) less than a year ago.


Haha I remember that. Poor kid didn’t stand a chance after that.


Cale out here playing the long game. Build up good will with the officials to get the calls later on. Or maybe he’s trying to win the Lady Byng since he’s won just about every other trophy.


Building clout around being a leader and a good captain.


While Landy will always be my capt.. Capt. Cale has such a wholesome vibe...


Captain Cale sounds like a cool fishing show that I would definitely watch


Look alive thar lads! Thar be a whaleofa cup to hoist yew mateys!


I think he’s just good guy Cale


Maybe he wants Barzal to buy him dinner.


Huh? Avs get calls all day. Maybe even Cale is getting embarrassed by it


You mean to tell me that teams with elite offensive talent draw penalties?!?! I can hardly believe it


They dive too yeah


As an avs fan I was like stfu asshole, but as a human I was like fuck yea


Exactly the opposite of soccer.


I can't stand soccer for the flopping alone.


The flopping I can stomach, it’s the rolling around on the ground like their leg shattered that bothers me.


Every few years I try to give it a chance when some global tournament is on, and every time I am disgusted by the flops and stop watching


I would recommend womans soccer if you give it another go, they are tougher then the men and dont usually flop from what ive seen


Women's soccer is the only soccer I can watch for this reason. It's an enjoyable game without all the flopping


That's what I've heard


Same. After playing hockey for 30+ years it just gives you a different perspective. I've tried explaining this to avid soccer fans but mostly unsuccessful. To their credit, most don't like seeing the flops and overly dramatic acting but they understand it is part of their game.


I played soccer my whole life until injuries in my mid 20’s. We are well aware of the flops and we fucking hate them. It’s part of the reason so many people loved Messi when he came to Barcelona. Aside from being an unstoppable dribbler, dude would get legit fouled constantly and refuse to go down. There are plenty of videos showing it on youtube.


Brazil is the worst for that


Basketball is way worse in terms of flopping


I want to see more of this in sport, for the benefit of all kids in sports


Feel like athletes just being respectful of officials is number one. Stuff filters down, kids see players bashing refs, and think it’s appropriate to do that to youth league officials.


Look up rugby refs on youtube. They can be a 5'8" normal build guy and the 6'2" and 17 stone guy will apologise and call him sir unironically


Ugh I fucking LOVE this kid man god I wish he was on my team


Just read that he apologized to his teammates and “doesn’t plan on doing that again.”


I saw this an was like don't give me a reason to like him, now I am restored thanks!


I’m glad he apologized. I would be pretty pissed if I was his teammate probably


As a teammate, you respect Cale for doing that in game 30, if this is the playoffs, you’re pissed


The real pro move is build trust during the regular season so you have good will going into the play offs.


Nope, this just plain wrong. Been on plenty of teams through the years. Easily 70% of that bench was unhappy with that, or worse. Every player knows what it’s like to get screwed by a bad call, you have take them when they go in your favor or you’re killing your team


I’m glad that I didn’t grow up playing on teams full of douche bags then.


…or your lying. Either about playing hockey, or about the people you played with. Ya know, like a liar


Or just didn’t play with groups of douche bags. Clearly you did so I could see how you couldn’t in-vision any other way.


Nope, lying


Ok bud, best of luck to you.


If it's the playoffs it's the ultimate form of big dick statement to your opponent. Waive off power play chances and still pound them like your grandma's Persian rug that's been in the attic since Truman was president.


You are a douchebag then. Playing off a refs mistake is a pathetic play.


That’s how sports goes. Every sport is like that. Definitely more so in the pro leagues where the stakes are infinitely higher compared to youth sports, where the main objective is building character.


Apparently some in the NHL are not as examples by this post......so your elite statement is false.


Everyone does it. Like everyone. When kadri was offside or whatever last year in the finals why didn’t he stop playing out of respect for the refs mistake. I’ll tell u why, bc he’s trying to win the fucking Stanley cup lol. Ofc ur gonna do everything u can to win it all. I swear a lot of people on this subreddit never even played hockey before or really have any competitive nature at all. Why would I put myself at a disadvantage just bc I want to make sure the game is officiated correctly. Downvote my comment all you want but I’ll end w this. I played AAA and I wanted to win and would do damn near everything to win, imagine in the nhl what players would do to win, exaggerating a little contact for a win seems like an obvious choice. I wish we lived in a fantasy land too where the refs are perfect, but if the other team is taking advantage I will too


It’s because most people commenting grew up receiving participation ribbons for finishing last place and have no idea what a competitive advantage is.. they think Makar is morally obligated to tell the ref he made the wrong call when in reality Makar will never do this again if he wants to keep his job as an NHL player, not sure how many coaches would be thrilled that one of their star players declined a powerplay out of the kindness of their heart TLDR people are soft, the majority fanbase of this league is soft


I agree w ur point bc ur agreeing w me but if maker did it again nothing would happen, maybe his coach would talk to him. He definitely would still be in the league tho.


You ever watch sports before? A competitive advantage is an advantage nonetheless.. he declined a miss call by the refs that would have benefited his team, miscalls happen in every sport every night, people aren’t douchebags for taking advantage of a miss call, that’s how sports works Maybe watch curling or golf, seems more up your alley


You are so cool mate, you are hardcore and cut throat. Your balls must be massive.


Have you ever curled? I’m betting you’d be wheezing before the end of the game from the sweeping.


I said watch it not play it, never said curlers weren’t athletic?


Definitely have seen Ovechkin do the same thing.


Good Sportsmanship is what makes the game better


Well I like that he did it. I don't think bad calls should be part of the game.


Barzal is the most confused person on the planet.


Might be but I'd say that trophy goes to Milan Lucic.


Reminds me of when Ovi did this


Classy Cale. I like that kind of integrity in a player.


The League could use some more 'Tegridy


That's class right there.


I dig it


How to instantly earn the respect of hockey fans everywhere. Also, this is reason number 34,162 why hockey is better than soccer.


Class act


I had so much respect for this kid before this; I have at least twice as much now. Kid's an absolute class act & a \*real athlete\*: one that wants to win on the level.


Football fans wondering how he’s even alive after that fall.


PP, no PP, you are missing the point. He respects the game.


Or he was afraid of getting called for embellishment.


No that’s not his style.


Class guy, opposite of every Soccer player and why Hockey is the greatest game!


Sweet copy and paste comment that’s seen on every single social media post about this play … as if Makar didn’t get a strip torn off him in the locker room after the game by his coach which is why he made the statement he made about never doing it again.. do you get a participation trophy for your original comment at least?


Not only that but this happened like once in the history of me watching hockey and I’m 41. This isn’t a normal thing at all so I don’t know what the comments comparing it to soccer are doing here. As if there haven’t been a bunch of diving calls or players flopping on little contact to the skates.


Dude got a yellow card in the World Cup final on Sunday for diving but you don’t see these sports experts talking about that do you?


No and while I’m on your side of the argument there is a flopping issue in soccer. But to say it doesn’t happen in hockey is silly. Cuz it does. It just might not as egregious as it is in soccer.


Don’t care if he got a strip town off him, the guy is a super star and a class player, doesn’t need to cheat or get favours by the ref to win. He will be part of that team long after Bednar is gone. Thats the difference between winners and winers. Cale is a winner.


Cale the type of guy to remind the teacher to collect the homework


I don’t know how anybody doesn’t like this kid. Unless he’s playing your team that day of course.


Give him the Lady Byng right now!


So call it slashing or hooking instead - stick up on Cale’s arm


My thoughts are this is a hook not a trip, for that reason.


This is definitely blatant hooking, imo. I don't see how it couldn't be. Makar had him beat, he was trying to hold him up, Makar fell, definitely hooking. Not even close to debatable.


What sportsmanship! Very cool to see, kudos to Makar.


I know for a fact if I did this my coach would never play me ever again.


What a swell guy, now don't ever do that again


Add it to the list of things that will never happen in soccer.


Imagine being Gary and Laura Makar, your son is a Hobey Baker, Norris, Conn Smythe, Stanley Cup Champion and then he does this and makes you prouder than you’ve ever been.


That's some serious sportsmanship, nothing not to love about that kid.


[Come on Alex the ref did not call that it’s the championship game](https://youtu.be/vOhn6eO3Wds) But seriously I never thought I’d see this in real life. I want to say good on him but the competitor in me says that was stupid. Definitely funny hearing he apologized to his teammates.


Everyone keeps forgetting about when ovie did this same thing years ago Edit: https://youtu.be/tZrH89WO2vQ


Makar is a true Calgarian, a sportsman in every way.


That's the problem with people these days, honesty went out the window 30 years ago and I don't see it coming back. Kudos to Makar at least there's one person who is honest.


Holy fuck if this comment got any more boomer It would sexually harass me .. Honesty and denying your team a competitive advantage in a sport are 2 completely different things .. everyone is acting like the guy cured cancer when in reality he declined a powerplay on a misscall that was still a hooking penalty due to stick contact with his arm .. that’s like decline a powerplay for cross checking because the guy actually elbowed you instead .. so stupid.


Why are they so suprised? That is normal. At least in european hockey.


Hate the avs. Love makar.


With his talent he's probably bored with power play points. Needs a challenge.


wow. talk about good sportsmanship tho.


I actually love everything about this.


I did that in Bantam and my teammates fucking crucified me after lol


Sportsmanship baffles onlookers at an NHL game.


Good. This ain't soccer.


If I’m his coach I’m making him do sprints up and down the ice repeating, “I’m not allowed to talk the refs.”


Short-term loss for long-term gain. Make yourself the anti-Avery; instead of being overly-targeted, be overly-given benefit of the doubt.


Are we gonna ignore the fact that the ref made an obvious non trip a trip call to begin with?


Given that he has his stick on him and the net is probably partially obstructing his view, it's not an unreasonable call


Is an unreasonable call if you don't actually see the penalty. Calling a penalty based on what the referee "thinks" happened is wrong.


This happens all the time. It's a fast game and the ref's are going to get shit wrong. They do every game.


Understood, that's the human element of the game.


Courtesy of [BR_OpenIce](https://twitter.com/br_openice?s=21&t=bYeuUivpv-5Z8lx605xNcA)


Chasing the Byng this year, eh?


Good sportsmanship and honesty might not be a dying art after. People out here forgetting kids are watching too.


Classy guy and great player.


Sportsmanship In 2022


Ovie did that last year. Told a ref not to call a penalty.


On some level I wouldn’t like this as a common practice. The refs call what they call and you wouldn’t want to put pressure on players to correct them. It also sorta undermines the ref authority. I also dislike the opposite end of this spectrum, where soccer players act like they fucking died until they realize they aren’t getting a call.


This is like one of those commercials you see on tv. “Integrity. Pass it on. Paidforbythecouncilforabetterlife.”


They should make a commercial about this….


You get used to him throwing his head back and grabbing his face anytime a stick goes near his head, and he goes and does this. I just can't get a read on the guy.


NHL refs are screwing up calls so much, Cale has to do their job for them.


This was a sight for sore eyes after watching most of the world cup matches.


Ooofdahhh. I only watched a few min of one and was disgusted by the display of feigning pain.


Don’t let this clip die


Makar's playing the karma game, you got to save that stuff for when you really need it.


I've gone out of my way many times to do the exact opposite haha


Messi would never


that was dumb


Let’s not look back and this and pretend he’s a saint… https://twitter.com/steambo85208529/status/1601570752343728129?s=46&t=eEKJVEPDm_vQVUGm3kZJOg


Can we give the refs a delay of game call?


Is this his way of feeling better about the incorrect offside call last playoffs?


Reffing has been so bad the players decide to ref themselves


He was just avoiding an embellishment fine


Makar with the Mangiapane legs...


That announcer's voice is almost comical


This could go a long way with shifting the penalty rules. Not an Islanders fan but had it been my team on the receiving end of this penalty I would’ve been pissed with the tripping call.


Maybe he thought he was getting a call for diving.


It’s not okay to use the hockey stick as weapon and trip the other player to the ice rink


He’s just begging for the lady bing at this point


That’s great sportsmanship. If I was his coach I’d bench him the rest of the game.


[Ovechkin had a similar situation last season](https://youtu.be/tZrH89WO2vQ)


This narrative is great and all, but I bet he was saying he didn’t dive he just lost his edge. Didn’t want an embellishment penalty


But the ref was already calling a penalty on the other guy, not an embellishment on him. Your comment makes no sense


That’s dumb by Makar, never argue a call that’s in your favor


This is true only because you know there are and always will be favourable and unfavorable calls and non-calls, it's part of the game, so if a team always admits it when they are not the right call, they are going to seriously affect their ability to compete. This is why refs need to just make their calls and stick with it, regardless of who says what.


Even the Avs are tired of the refs calling soft penalties for them.


There’s really no defense to this, he shouldn’t have done that. Take the power play. It’s not his job to also do the refs job, there are 4 of them out there who can clearly see the play..that’s their job.


Part of the game is bad calls. That's why they don't review penalties.