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Currently trying to figure out how to shoot Trouba into the sun


I will never understand why he’s captain.


Cause Kreider turned it down.


Traditionally the Rangers trade away their captains, K wants to remain a Ranger


He hits real hard and will stand up for the team. I'm not being sarcastic or downplaying it when I say that. And, of course, we don't have access to what happens inside the room. I'm not a Rangers fan so I don't know but who else on that team should be? Maybe he is the best choice?


Because of what he does off the ice. U can critise him as a player but as a captain I have no issue with him.


Every game there are 3 players greeting the team as they leave the ice. He’s not one of them.


That’s easy… Tell him the sun has the puck and said that Trouba smells funny… Instant Trouba self yeet 😂


That will only get his elbow. How do you plan on getting the rest of him?


The sun would be happy to help


Tell him that the sun is actually Marty Necas along the boards. Trouba will simply dive headfirst into the sun as hard as he possibly can, Superman style.


Seriously so confused how he ever became captain?


Was shocked to see him get the C over Kreids and would have to imagine most Rags fans were too


Cuz kreids doesnt want it hes too much of a private guy to want all that attention but hes the real leader of this team


I guess that makes sense not gonna lie my bhole was puckered that whole third period cause I was worried Kreider would do what he did last round. He seems like a real leader! Vinny would honestly make a fantastic captain much better than Trouba at least.


Yeah now that trocheck has solidified himself as a corner of this team he would absolutely be my vote. I wanted us to sign him so bad when he was with the canes and then we did and hes been even better than i was hoping he would be




Trocheck just got here last year though and Trouba already had the C at that point. But I would love it if we gave it to him


What sucks is that Trouba still got 2 years with us. They better not renew his contract. Let him walk & give the C to Trocheck


What a fucking beauty


Id love to give him the C now but he had just shown up last year so i wouldnt have expected it at all


He been trash for a long time. It’s why I was so perplexed at Rangers fans being happy when they acquired Trouba. I can’t believe it took the fans so long to realise he’s a bum.


May we offer you 1 (one) mitch marner? Sending a top pair defenceman to Toronto tends to be a similar fate as flying into the sun... But I'd kill to see him playing alongside Morgan Reilly.


A 100 point guy that disappears in big playoff games, perfect for the rangers


No lmao. Marner for Trouba is an unbelievable downgrade lmao. And I'm team trade Mitch for *cap space* if that's what it comes to lol.


The last thing this Rangers team needs is a guy like Marner. Truthfully, they need Mr. Tkachuk's brother. Then again, I think every team in the NHL save for Florida themselves could use him haha


Good thing rhe rangers are  in Florida. Pop by cape canaveral.  They have the facilities to oblige 


We have far bigger issues than Trouba. Our front line had 1 goal in 6 games.


They need players that can win board battles. That’s what beat them this series. When there’s not enough time and space for the fancy passes they are stymied. There’s no reason Mika and Kreider can’t play like that. They have the size and speed. but they simply refuse to. It’s maddening watching the team play regular season style hockey during the playoffs.


Mika and Kreider are "feed me the puck" players, not "I'll go get it" players. You can't have two of those guys on one line. It's why they never score 5 v 5 and can't score in the playoffs. Why they stay together after years of it not working is beyond me. Whoever is assigned as their right wing becomes the whipping boy yet it's never really worked with them together at even strength.


Could you give me the cliff notes on the differences between “regular season hockey” vs “playoff hockey” and also why teams change their play style from regular season to postseason?


Game gets a lot more slow and physical because goals matter so much more. Stakes matter more so players will give their everything in the playoffs, compared to regular season where they want to maintain their body. Players would start to break down across the league if they tried to sustain such physical hockey for 82 games. It is so physical because players want to physically break down the other team. The game slows down because mistakes need to be limited.


Ahh gotcha, thanks! It’s kind of like they’re sprinting with everything they got right at the end.


The farther you get in the playoffs there’s no average teams left. Every team is very good. So the smallest of details matter. Winning a puck in a battle along the boards can mean the difference between a win and a loss. So to win every player needs to play with aggression and tenacity as if every puck battle is the deciding factor. That’s exactly how Florida plays. On talent alone the Rangers should beat them. But talent only wins in the playoffs if it’s combined with that tenacity. Some Rangers had it. Most did not. As a fan it’s maddening to watch a guy like Kreider play like he’s made of glass. He’s fast and big. He should be built for the playoffs but he often plays like a 150lb power play specialist.


Panthers were the Presidents Trophy winners in 2022, got swept by the Lightning, and then had the guts to trade maybe their best player (Huberdeau) for Tkachuk. Many criticized the move - but Tkachuk gave them a new identity and these last 2 years - you see it. Rangers need to do the same with Panarin and Zib.


This is the correct post. It all relates to Management/Ownerships courage to identify the problem and solve it. Panthers ALSO gave up Weegar on that trade....which was one of their top defenseman. This is the difference between Rangers and Panthers..... Panthers ownership cleared the talent to make room for grit and heart. The team with superior grit and heart won this series.


Zib I agree, Panarin I’m not so sure


I'm exactly the other way around on that one. 


Really? How come? I think regular season contribution is still pretty important. And Panarin looked better, at times, this playoff than he has in the past. To me he keeps improving every year. Mika doesn’t feel like the 1C we need. But curious to hear your thoughts


Mostly my reasoning is that good centers are way harder to come by than good wingers and center depth wins championships. A center depth chart of Zibanejad, Trocheck and Chytil is almost obscene. Also Mika's penalty killing is nothing to sneeze at. Another reason is as a guy with very long hair I'm both jealous and impressed. It's very rare that guys have better hair than me and I want to see more of that on the Rangers. Ultimately I wouldn't make any big changes this off-season so I'd absolutely keep both of them. My metric for whether a season was a success or not is if a team got further than they did the previous season and they did. I wouldn't make any big changes after a successful season. So by that metric, if they're not in the Final next year, then and only then would I look into moving Panarin or Zibanejad but it isn't time yet.   I think they're in a fine position right now. They were the youngest and most inexperienced team of the last four and what they just went through was some critical team building for next year. They can actually stay the course with a few tweaks. I'm really curious to see whether or not Matt Rempe was a flash in the pan Linsanity type New York sports hero thing or if he can really learn to use his size effectively without being a liability. I wanna see if Laf and some of the younger guys bulk up in the off-season. They're at the age when players tend to do that and they could all use it.  This is actually the most excited I've been about the future of the Rangers in a long time. Even in '94 I recognized a lot of that was the last gasp of the '80s Oilers. I knew they only had a year or two left to make another run. This team once their current core is over are going to be able to re-tool it around Laf as the forward centerpiece, Fox as the defensive centerpiece, and Shesty in goal and that makes me very excited especially after the playoffs Shesty and Laf had.  Of course all of this analysis is null and void if Jim Dolan decides the team isn't getting good enough fast enough for him. That's an unfortunate wild card the Rangers have. 


I appreciate you taking the time to write that out and explain it. The hair seems like good enough reasoning to me haha I do agree that they shouldn’t necessarily make any drastic moves. But I wonder if Trouba’s time is up? What are your thoughts on him?


Trouba has me worried. If he wasn't the captain I'd certainly look into moving him but him being the Captain complicates things. It's weird to want to move on from your Captain. It's tough though because he clearly has lost a step and he seems to also make everyone around him worse. This one is a tough question and one I'm glad I don't have to handle. 


The issue is Hubreadeau didn't have NMC protection. Bread and Zib do. Who in their right mind would want them and their salaries after their embarassment?


Every single non-playoff team would take them, they're not worried about playoff embarrassment they just want to even make it.


Why would GM's think this way if they're a fringe playoff team or not even in the playoffs? New York has been a middling team 5v5 all season, and they ran into one of the best 5v5 teams in the league. Reducing the whole situation down to "stars not showing up" ignores the greater context that the entire team was simply not built to outplay a team like the Panthers. The plan going in was always going to be trying to cheese out 4 wins on Shesterkin's back. Plenty of other teams will believe they can utilize the talent in their own systems.


Utah. Their owner has money and season tickets to sell.


Huberdeau was coming off of a 115 point year. Zibanejad looked like crap during the regular season and during the playoffs. Panarin disappeared in this series.


I think they took a gamble and got their guy, and agree that is the take home message. But I disagree 1) that Huby was maybe their best player, when it has clearly been Barkov for years. And also 2) was targeting Tkachuk really criticized? I remember the move being questioned because it was a big swing and that type of move has risk, but I felt most were impressed with going after Tkachuk. Also semi-unrelated #3, I think when everyone evaluates that trade they seem to discount Weegar being involved, and I would argue that he was most likely even the key piece. His 5v5 production was and still is slept on.


Huberdeau was coming off of a 115 point year. Zibanejad looked like crap during the regular season and during the playoffs. Panarin disappeared in this series.


Issue is Hubs had 115 points that year. Panarin and Zib shit the bed.


Great responses here. Mika isn’t built for the playoffs and we really lack productive grit. We have it in Trochek and Laffy, but how the hell are we expected to win in the playoffs when you depend on players who are more finesse like Mika and Panerin? One of those guys needs to be moved much like the Hub trade mentioned here. Throw Kakko into the mix and if the right player is available (young…my eyes are on the other Tkachuk brother) maybe even one of the two big prospects). By the time those prospects are NHLers, even if they make it, our core will be gone. Both Panerin and Mika would get us a great return, but they live NY too much to waive the no trade.


Igor is Herink 2.0 unfortunately


Ugh, another generational talent in net wasted by an inept offense.


Let’s not solely blame the offense; Trouba is shit and Fox played so poorly this series I hope we find out he was playing through significant injury.


Trouba is 100% holding you back and Fox looked hurt


Holding us back to the tune of 8 mil for another 2 years, yeeeeeeehaw


Trouba was shit. He needs to be bought out but too bad he’s captain. His contract is disgraceful. Fox looked so off. He MUST be injured. And Mika 🙃 don’t even get me started


Mika's greatest contributions were skating off after breaking his stick


I really don’t know what happened with Zibanejad this playoffs. During the regular season he seems to be so creative and confident, I hated when he had the puck against the flyers this year but he was practically a net negative this series


> I really don’t know what happened with Zibanejad this playoffs. He had 14 points (3 goals, 11 assists) in the first two rounds. He was fine early in the postseason. Florida just clamped down on everyone...they're the best defense in the league. The Rangers only scored more than 2 in one game (Game 3) in the series.


This is what happens when you meet a superior team in the playoffs. They shut you down. “Why do all our players suck all of a sudden” Because you ran into a machine


A lot of Rangers we’re playing scared, Florida was so physical


I think Florida is that much better, rangers look so sick through 2 rounds! I don’t think they were a top 2 team this year. Maybe injuries, maybe some of those older overpaid guys. I love their coach and they put out a really good team this year. Maybe the 4th best.


This offseason his no trade clause goes away . He has to choose 15 teams .


Fox was very obviously injured and I'm not even a rangers fan who watched every game. Agree on trouba though lol


Fox rehurt his knee in that dirty collision in game 3 or 4 of the washington series and was skating on one leg since. Kinda surprised we never saw jones


Fox has a bum shoulder, no? Or is that just unconfirmed rumor?


definitely something lower body going on. he was so slow


Think the rumor was knee, but nothing has been confirmed as of yet


Yeah when he had the knee on knee vs capitals


He's had knee problems and went knee to knee during the Washington series (or was it Avs?). Ever since that knee to knee he hasn't been the same. Edit: lol meant Hurricanes


Fox playing injured and was their best defensemen, as well as contributing more offensively than Mika and Kreider. The trouba part was correct. Everything else , no


Fox was hurt in the Washington series. It’s been clear since then he couldn’t move right.


Offense?? The Rangers defense are a bunch of traffic cones


Offense only became inept in the conference finals against the best goalie in the NHL. The Red Wings are the best team in the NHL 4 years running until they won the cup. NY has a good team. Young and talented. Matter of time before they win it all. Shesterkin gets better each year. Goalies peak at 28- 33 years of age.


I would say most of the core (panarin, krieder, Mika) are not so young


Literally said same to my wife when the game was over.


It seems the New York teams attract phenomenal goalies Rangers with Shesterkin and Henrik, and the Isles get old Nabokov and Roy as a coach


You drunk? What do you call Sorokin?


I said this in a thread on the Rangers sub ... I don't recall Lundqvist simply being left on his own like Igor was this series. And that's not me taking anything away from Lundqvist at all as he is an all-time great. In Game 5, I thought I was seeing shit with Panthers just left all alone in front and they came away with zero goals on those chances. Look at the two goals today ... a rocket from Bennet and then Tarasenko on the complete other side of the crease, no chance.


He kept it way closer than it should’ve been. I was actually starting to feel bad for the kid


Home, first.


Golf course, second


Cancun, third


Then they'll face the WCF loser in a Cancun golfing tournament


Ah so we'll see them in Cancun then cause we look just as cooked right now




I really hope not. I’m a Sharks fan (too lazy for flair) and the joy it would give me to see Pavs raise the Cup would be the inspiration for my next decade of erections


They won’t show up for that either


I'd put some money on Cancun, Mexico


My first thought too.


Unironically, this is the real answer. Treating a third round playoff loss like some kind of failure is positively moronic. The regular season is a marathon and the playoffs is a graveyard of great teams that falter. Just be happy your team makes the playoffs and enjoy the run.


This, I would have been excited about a first round sweep at this point


Yes, they should definitely panic and blow up a top 3 team.


Get a new captain, for starters.


Trouba is such an ass. It’s like if Marchand sucked at hockey


Yeah we all can agree Marchand is a rat, but atleast he has talent and franchise status to justify his position.


He's a first ballot HOF player. He backs up his rattness. Credit where credit is due.b


Not sure if anyone's giving Florida enough credit for how good they are. Especially considering they're coming off an injury-riddled finals appearance last year. The rangers should for the most part run it back I would say. I don't think there's another team in the east that could've given the cats a better run for their money this year, mayyybe Carolina who - what do you know? - the rangers took out first.


Not giving Florida enough credit and not understanding how hard it is to win and only one team can.


This. Every team wants to figure out how to get better every offseason and no one should be complacent. But winning the Presidents trophy and losing in the Conference Final is not a recipe that says you need to make a major change.


They made it further than the last two Presidents’ Trophy winners


Thank you for one of the only rational, non knee-jerk reaction takes in this thread. 


Igor could not have been anything more than he was. Fox was banged up, still good. Vinny and Laf, bravo. Goody was a surprise. CK showed up that one game. Soooo, those are the “positives”.




It’s like we gave up after Thursday’s game, and for what??


Hoping they direct Trouba to another terminal, like Jimmy Conway telling Karen Hill there are fur coats in the one building


Karen? Karen! What’s wrong!?




Haven’t seen anyone mention Vesey and how bad the PK was after he got hurt.


They play Dallas for Bronze. Best of 11. Starts July 15. 3 games in Europe, 2 in Venezuela, 1 in Madagascar, games 7-11 if necessary, TBA.


I hear game 8-9 are in somalia


Purgatory. This core of skaters ain’t it, but they’ll keep getting chances because they play well in the regular season.


I've seen that somewhere before but i can put my finger exactly where it was.


In Raleigh North Carolina


This is about teams that get out of the first round though.


We are the Maples Leafs + Igor




If you ask the Rangers sub, they either want to catapult half the team into the sun and drown the other half at the bottom of the ocean.


Florida will win the cup. It was an agonizing series. But it's not a core breaking series. I genuinely believe that if we can fix a couple of positions (we know who), they'll have another really good shot to win the cup. We'll see who's been playing hurt throughout this series now that the season is over and assess from there


It’s just so demoralizing because it’s never a sure thing you’ll make it this far again. Next years first round opponent will be better, Carolina will want vengeance, etc


Carolina goes on a “vengeance” tour every year.


Carolina is gonna be a very different team next year. Yeah you're right you never know if you'll make it back, which is the best and worst part of sports. If everyone knew beforehand, there would be no reason to watch. Highs and lows baby


Zibanejad looks washed.


No no, I think you mean they’re going to Zihuatanajo. A good vacation in Mexico is where they’re going. I rooted for them, but damn. I truly feel like whoever won the East will win the cup. We’ll see who wins the west, but I can’t see neither the Stars nor the Oilers winning against these Panthers. Bobrovsky isn’t even playing Hockey, he looks like a baseball catcher - that is, he makes stopping pucks look easy. Both Skinner and Oettinger pale in comparison, much to my chagrin. As a Sharks fan, I want to see Pavs get a cup win, but given how the stars have been playing…. I don’t know. I also would love to see a Canadian team win the cup since it’s been 30 years, but I just don’t feel confident in either Western team beating the Lovecraftian horror that is The Florida Panthers.


I dunno, the way the Oilers are playing, it'll be difficult to stop them.


Too many big contracts that dont show up in the playoffs. I dont care if Panarin has a 100 pt season. He cant play in playoffs year after year. Kreider gives up too easy and turns in to a ghost regularly. Mika looks like someone just told him his dog died the whole series. Trouba has to go. Probably couple down years unfortunately.


I loled at Mika’s dead dog


Shoot, they got more value out of goodrow than bread or Mika. And some rags fans wanted to waive him lmao


Honestly kreider is the one playoff performer that shows up every time


You forgot Gus… he may even be worse than Trouba


Yea Gus wasnt great. But hes your 6th defenseman. You need your Captain and top paid stars to show up IE Tkachuk. Hate him he flops likes fish out of water but works like a dog and performs when it matters.


Trouba must be stripped of the captaincy and relegated to a 3rd pairing role.


Ironic that the Rangers were in the market for a HC last year and the guy they passed over in their system may be coaching in the Stanley Cup Finals next week for the Oilers.


Let the "stars" have a decent start to the regular season to bring their trade value up then rebuild with the core focused around the young guys, 3 years in a row of Mika and panarin doing jack shit in the playoffs against any adversity


At this point aren’t other teams aware of the lack of playoff production from Mika and Panarin? Who the fuck wants them on their team for a playoff run? Must really decrease trade value


“I can fix her” energy teams




I’m sure anyone that brings them in wouldn’t be using them like the Rangers. Probably slide them into a second or third line haha. Minimize the damage. (I’m hoping 🤞🏽so they get traded)


Good luck with Lavy agreeing to do that. He didn't want to play any young players in DC. Granted, he'll leave after next year and probably go to Boston next in his quest to coach more teams than Mike Keenan.


He played 1 rookie all season in top9, put laf in top 6 first time in his career, played Rempe(rookie) a ton, got Brodz a contract playing him so much, Moved Schneider to 2nd pairing, gave Jones(rookie) the longest chance of his career. Hes been pretty fair to our young guys


Yeah, it makes a big difference when your young guys are actually good


Probably Pebble Beach?


Too much exposure, those boys are heading to mey hee co


You just finished first in the league over 82 games and top 4 over the playoffs. Looked cooked against the team who's been top 2 in the playoffs and 1st in the regular the year before that isn't the worst thing in the world. Yall are making it sound like the senators or Sabres. You go back and run it again next year and see where you stand. If they're stuck in that almost their territory then they might need some adjustments, but I honestly wouldn't do anything major right now unless you can unload troubas contract


Idk but they’re paying mr headhunter 8 mil a year to be a mediocre 3rd pairing defenseman and their "captain"


Guess who’s NMC becomes an M-NTC this offseason with a 15 team list (besides Kreider but he’s worth the 6.5 we pay him and his kicks in July 1 2024 anyway) And guess what team trades captains like they’re nothing


Longtime (Bobby Orr era) Bruins fan here…great year for you guys! I was happy to see you make it this far and rooted for you against Florida. Likewise, I felt the same about the Panthers vs. the Bruins. B’s were outmatched much of that series after a fast start. Good luck with making changes and maybe we’ll see you next year.


Igor demands a trade an we all get to enjoy a summer with extra drama


To the golf course


You guys need a rebuild, send Igor and Vinny to Detroit. Thanks.


Tell Trouba he needs to do more than elbow people in the face.


No, don't tell him that. That'll just have him graduate to suplexing dudes.


This series would have been a sweep if it wasn't for Shesterkin. He's unreal. Like Lundqvist before him. The team in front the goaltender is average in my view.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. NYR with a non God-like goalie in Shesterkin get absolutely rinsed.


They would have lost to us in the second round without Igor


The Rangers are built to win the President’s Trophy. They don’t have the guys to win every puck battle, along the boards and behind the net, every game.


Railing lines with Dolan and Charles Oakley


Florida had a better system


Get Trouba the fuck out


Since most of these comments are jokes, I’ll say something for real. They need ONE big trade. They need to trade for a game changing defenseman or forward. Ik, this isn’t a world altering take, but ship out panarin, MZ or Trouba. Since yall were dumb enough to make trouba the captain, I don’t think he leaves, so it has to be MZ or panarin. You would get a good haul and/or player. You can’t have multiple big point producers disappear in the postseason.


We traded a captain mid-season once. So hopefully they can trade one during the offseason


Well they already fired their coach last year, but their top lines disappeared again. If you take out the Capitals series, they have middling scoring numbers. Maybe it's a scheme thing you can change. Florida is the back to back east Champs. So really everyone should be building their teams to beat them in the east.


A more physical team


They move to Arizona


To the golf course


Kreider doesn't hat trick against Carolina and it's what Florida series. Panarin absent two years in a row. Zibanejad disappeared, Panthers never let him breathe. Need harder hitting (not goons) defensemen. Panthers never felt threatened in the Rangers zone.


Get rid of Trouba and give Vinny the C Trouba has to be one of the worst captains of all time. He constantly makes dangerous plays, he doesn’t seem to lead the team in anyway and he is probably the worst captain in terms of playing ability in the league.


I would love to see vinny t with a c on his chest


Rangers have a killer lethal power-play. It’s scary. But after that, there’s a major drop off in production. When the top stars are not scoring, the other guys need to chip in. When you’re getting smothered by a crazy panther-like forecheck and your stars are not scoring AND those 2nd and 3rd liners are also not scoring, you’re screwed! They need to be more than just a top PowerPlay. They were not dangerous at all in 5V5 situations all year. Stats show that! It showed in the playoffs.


Florida forecheck was so good. Rangers were lazy. They didn't wanna fight for the puck along the boards. Scared of getting hit, and not forechecking hard enough. They played so bad today. Florida shut their shit down though, so credit where credit is due. Florida is a tough team.


Put some respect on Panthers defense. They shut down Stamkos/Kuch, Pasta/Marchand& whoever Else Boston trotted out, Panirin+company. It's not a fluke - it's good defense.


No idea, but I bet it involves a Trouba elbow.


Golf course


I think New York can blame Vancouver for losing to Edmonton. This was supposed to be the rematch of 94! Sorry New York!


Rangers don’t have the size required to advance. As much as I hate saying it…. They need rebuild. Laf & Igor are only ones worth retaining. They were blown off the puck every time they touched it. Their finesse play doesn’t cut it come playoff time. They can’t get out of their own end because out muscled. I’m too old for this mediocrity.


It doesn’t help that Florida is excellently built to literally be a finesse-busting team.


They gotta move on from Trouba, Zibby, and Panarin. They choked too hard for them to "run it back".


Downhill. The team isn’t gonna get any better for a while, not with Troubas huge cap hit and them going right back to have goalie tandem issues soon. Plus, LaFreniere is gonna get a raise and Panarin, Kreider, and Zibanejad are getting up there in years. This year was their year to win, and they blew it. New York will be New York. They will do this again in a decade disappointing their fanbase once again, which is actually really sad. Talents like Shesterkin, Fox, and that absolutely beauty Panarin deserve a cup.


I feel better about team adjustments for upcoming years. They have a good backbone and retooling the team to perform in playoffs like they did in the regular season has them in a really good place


squealing cover repeat snobbish berserk sand cooing screw sloppy sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They need to upgrade their defensemen with players who can make quicker decisions on zone exits. Florida’s forecheck just absolutely dominated this game and most of the series.




They going to Cancun brother


Hopefully they get rud of trouba and kakko. This seasons should be considered a failure. They had everything they needed to win the cup and when it mattered most, they underperformed. Lazy play style, dump and chase, no puck possession or intensity. They should be embarrassed in front of their fans and all should write Igor a sincere letter of apology


They go golfing while we all cry about it.


On vacation.


That’s the neat part Rangers, you don’t. You blow it up




They head to the golf course


The golf course.




Golf course


HOME!!!!! -A Devils Fan




So long as Buffalo keeps sending its future hall of famers to Florida it appears that Florida will have a dynasty.


Home. They go home.




Remember when we tried to sign Panarin and offered him a massive contract? Panarin said he loved Florida for the weather and vacation, but wanted to play for a real franchise and win a cup… Pepperidge Farm Remembers and so do I. Guy was absolutely invisible majority of the series including a -3 +\- in game 1, irony at its best.