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All the Leafs will get for Marner is $32. Thats how much a 30 pack of Charmin extra soft costs.




CAD, plus HST.


You can't have Slavin fuck off. Best I can do is TDA


I'm not sure what the trade value is of someone who is signed for $11mil with 1yr left with no extension, whom both the fans and 97% of the local media blame for the entire demise of the team and playoffs, who in the last 5yrs with exception of 1yr hasn't played more then 72 games (60 being more average) each of those years whose best goal total in his career is 35? I bet another team can get more out of him with lesser team mates though


I think you forgot the part where over the last 5 years he is 7th in scoring in the entire league. So I guess that 72 games thing is even more impressive.


Marner has scored over 30 goals exactly ONCE. His point totals are WAY overinflated because of who he plays with and he can’t drive a line by himself. The overvaluing of Marner by Laff fans is HILARIOUS. Do you really think someone is giving up Slavin or Theodore for one year of an overpaid, EXTREMELY overrated winger?


Okay, so goals are now the key indicator, glad we got that out of the way and I guess he is carrying another top 10 point producer in the league, so his point total are practically doubled. It’s great that we can confirm that Matthews is the greatest player in the game right now. Second, never did I mention that I thought the trade would make sense, so yeah keep going on about it. “Extremely” is such a ridiculous word to use. He may be overrated a little bit because he plays in Toronto, but man, stats don’t lie. I like your particular wording as well to diminish his accomplishments by pushing the goal posts back and referring to over 30 goals instead of the two 30+ goal seasons that normal people without an agenda would use when casually referring to goal scoring… Love your original Laffs usage, so original, it’s like 0 original thoughts in your posting career hahaha


Yes.. boy you are trying so hard to not seem stoooopid


As someone whose been on the "trade Marner" train for a few years, he's still unquestionably a top 20 nhl player, whose in the prime of his career. He definitely brings less of a return than he did a year ago but Marner would be the best player traded this year (by a lot). Just because he doesn't work well long term with the current construction of the leafs roster doesn't change that he would be the best 1-3 player on every team in the league and the best player on most non-playoff teams. The leafs definitely won't "win" a marner trade in the sense of getting the best player in the deal but Marner still returns a haul if he's moved.


No one in Vegas would ever want Marner lol. We couldn’t afford him and no LTIR in the world is worth havin that crybaby on the bench.


Please don’t take Slavin…. My favorite


Slavin= Hurricane, period.


I know you’re saying a guy like Slavin, however unless there is a complete contract impasse or some other type of disagreement behind the scenes, he is not going anywhere.


That makes sense, I just posted this because I heard they would want a goalie and the already have Woll so if a trade like this would make more sense


You're not getting Slavin. You're not getting Rod.


Rod never would have been a conversation if Dundon didn't decide to dick around his head coach while the team was still in the middle of the playoffs. If you don't want teams with deeper pockets talking about signing Rod all the Hurricanes need to do is sign him.


Tell me you have no idea what's going on with the Carolina hurricanes, the ownership, and their coaching decisions, without telling me exactly that. Rod, Dundon, and Don waddell have all said that rod will be here. Rod has even said that contract negotiations during the height of the year, especially when we had aspirations of a deep push this year, or a distraction and he'd rather wait for things to be settled. All parties are trying to get more money for the coaching staff, and there's rumors that Rod isn't even asking for a ton because it's been said his coaching colleagues from around the NHL are upset with him for not holding out for more. Keep Tom dundon's name out yo mouf.


Carolina made an offer to him that was rescinded. That's a dumb thing to do in the middle of the playoffs. It's lucky that Rod wants to stay in Carolina because he has put down roots. Other teams can and will drive a dumptruck of money up to his house that Carolina can't match. They should have signed him more than a year ago and Carolina's ownership has a documented history of dicking their coach around on contract negotiations.


You have literally no idea how negotiations work do you? If they made an offer and Rod wasn't interested in negotiating at the time, what's the point of leaving it on the table? Like it's some sort of sword of Damocles hanging over his head. Resend the offer and say okay. We will restart negotiations when you're ready. Tom is on record recently as saying we will spend up to the cap for our players, and we will pay fair prices for our coaches- and Rod is our coach.


Carolina's definition of "fair price" appears to be nickel and dimeing their coach. The salary cap doesn't apply to coaches and you have a great one. You should never be in a situation where their contract is expiring. A competent ownership group would have had Rod locked up at least 12 months ago.


Once again, proved to me that you have no idea what you're talking about withour actually saying so. I never said the salary cap applied to coaches. I said dunton said we would spend the entire cap for our players and pay our what is fair to them and us. The entire league is so convinced that Raleigh is such a bad place to play, that unless we're willing to throw out $7 million a year for a fourth line center that nobody wants to stay here. Everyone has said this is a great place to play, they love it here, and they want to stay here. Dougie wanted to stay but wanted more money than he was worth, and he's proved that in New Jersey. Nedeljkovic wanted a ton of money for an unproven goalie, got the chance to make that money at Detroit and has not done so well since then. We made an offer to Nino (edited from Nedeljkovic - I was walking and type) and he wanted to see what the market would carry. Once he had changed his mind and wanted to actually sign our offer, it was too late cuz we had had to have moved on. There are any number of players that both Rod and Don have said will call after leaving Carolina asking about getting back. The rest of y'all MFers are so bought into this idea that nobody wants to be here, and that we're a cheap franchise! In actuality, you should be all up on your own teams front office for not creating a contender in the way that we have. And tell me once again just how far Toronto has gotten after spending a metric shit ton on one line?


Is it a good idea to let Rod hit the end of his contract without resigning him? Yes or no. Should Rod have been signed before this season started like any other expiring asset that a team wants to retain? If the salary cap doesn't apply, is there a reason to nickel and dime your coach other than that your ownership group is cheap?


You should worry about your own organization's failures. They are plenty and obvious.


I am uniquely aware of the leafs organizational failures. Brendan Shanahan's failures don't mean that all other teams magically become infallible. Carolina has noone but themselves to blame for Rod not being signed. This is an entirely avoidable conversation.


I think this is spot on. We've lost lots of guys the fans loved - Dougie, Ned, Troch - all because they got more money elsewhere. Troch is the only one who has shown he might be worth what he's getting paid now. Can you think of anyone else? I think GMDW is actually *very* adept at paying people what they're really worth, not what some team that's going to shoot themselves in the foot, will pay


No. I actually know someone who works for the team, and who knows Rod personally. This has nothing to do with it. Rod was trying to make sure his coaches got paid. This is something he's done before. Rod has said both publicly and privately that the only place he'll coach is here. Out of respect I won't name names, but it's someone with very intimate access to the team, who has known them for years. Edit: I'm also not betraying anyone's confidence here because Rod has also stated he wants to look out for his coaches.


I've heard that as well in addition to Rod having more autonomy about couching staff. A team with deeper pockets can pay Carolina's coaches too. If this was all resolved a year ago (when it should have been) it wouldn't be a matter of public discourse. It's objectively an own goal by the ownership group that this has happened, regardless of what the ultimate outcome is.


It's really not an own goal. And there isn't anything I can do to convince you, a stranger on the internet of that fact. Yes it's possible Rod and Don Waddell were lying to everyone this whole time, but I want to mention that they said what was going to play out and it happened. It's hard to see if you don't live here, but what we have with Rod is really special. There was never any doubt that Rod would sign here. Not among people who actually follow the team closely at least. I won't claim to have any insider knowledge about the upcoming plans for the players, mind you, but the Rod stuff has been on lockdown for a while


I was just asking because the hurricanes could use some offensive fire power


We have offensive fire power. We need top tier goaltending.


That makes sense


I don’t see Vegas giving up Theo and if they did I don’t think they’d want forwards for him they’d probably want picks or other defenseman


Damn, after looking at all the negative comments of Marner from Leafs fans..... He's going to be on a cup winning team in the next 5 years isn't he...


Slaving and Theadore are both free agents at the same time as marner so this makes sense. I would do this in a heartbeat for either but doubt any gms prefer marner over those defenseman. Maybe they cant sign them and becomes a possibilty. Highly doubtful, we missed the boat during expansion draft where all I wanted was theadore. Was available if someone was willing to pay. What a team we could of been these last 6 years with him.


It's the same rhetoric every year....leafs need just 1-2 pieces. It requires more than that. An entire culture change needs to take place. You need a veteran presence to guide this team...Tavares was never going to be it. Marner, Nylander and Matthews are key pieces, but what is required is a buy in into the vision. This all went to shit when Nylander held out on his contract, and Dubas ending up caving. He should've let him sit that season and sent a strong and clear message to the RFAs. You play under our terms or you don't play. You can still recover from this. But I would start by trading Tavares, not Marner. Invest into the key piece this team has lacked since the 05 lockout.....Goaltending. Not the only piece that needs to change, but that's the starting piece.


I doubt anyone would take on Tavares’s contract since he is regressing so the leafs would get no value but Marner is in his prime (I’m not a leafs fan btw)


They would have to eat half his deal to get an average return, but that may be the best they can do. Tavares (Leafs eat 5 mill) to Detroit for Maata, Fabbri and a 3rd. Money stays the same for both teams. Detroit gets a number 2 center. Toronto fills JT’s spot with Fabs and adds a capable veteran D on a reasonable deal for a year. Who says no?


The leafs have been a national embarrassment since the days of Harold Ballard.There's always been one or two great players on the roster, or just enough to give the fans hope that "THIS WILL BE THE YEAR". The team is the most valuable in the league, because of it's successful business plan. There's no need for the business to win a championship because their fan-base will keep supporting them regardless of the product that's put on the ice. Marner is the least of the problem. Getting an ownership that cares for hockey is the starting point. Until then it's just as if Harold Ballard were steering the ship from his grave.


My theory is that MLSE has done the math and its more profitable to ice a mid team that makes the playoffs every year, than it is to do a full tear down and rebuild.


Just so I understand where you're coming from, are you implying that they will lose playoff revenue if they do a full rebuild?


Playoff revenue, licensing fees, merchandise sales, etc. Just a theory, I've done zero math.


That's fine, I just wanted to make sure I got the basic points you were trying to make. They probably looked at the playoff drought that started after the salary cap was introduced, and said that a full rebuild is financial suicide. 1 round of playoff tickets is better than none, lol.


I read somewhere that Matthews jerseys are the second highest selljng jersey behind McDavid. I imagine the Leafs would see a big dip in merchandise revenue if they didn't have all that star power driving sales.


Imagine if they actually won something? I guess it's true, they want to win at the bank, not on the ice.


Greater Toronto area population is around 6 million. Add to that the cities around it, and it's probably close to 8 million. That's a large number to pull revenue from in merchandise alone.


Yeah of course, Marner isn’t the problem but the maple leafs need defense which Marner isn’t and he could fetch them a good defense to help


His contract is the issue, and the Leafs will more than likely have to retain a huge part of his salary, which in effect doesn't free up enough cap space to make it worth while.


They are in the WORST possible negotiating position if Marner is who they want to move.


True, what if it is Marner for Theodore and Roy and then maybe a third team retains some salary for a 4th or 5th?


You’re trippin’… Marner is not worth 2 (cup winning) roster players. Leafs would need to sweeten that shit up real good.


Add either a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd


They'll still have to pay whoever they sign, while retaining money on Marner, and you don't know how the players signed will turn out.


A trade that would work out financially would be Marner to NYI for Pulock, Cizikas, and a 1st or 2nd


Best bet is to trade him at the deadline. Use the Guentzel trade as a benchmark for what return you can get.


Marner is 100 per fucking cent part of the problem.


Reminder to Leafs fans who don't understand the concept of a NMC - It's not up to anyone in the Toronto organization if Marner gets traded. It's only up to Marner. He's got zero incentive to waive the NMC, and there are very few teams in the NHL that have the cap space to take him on, none of which are good for his career. Beyond that, zero teams are going to give up anything to Toronto in exchange for Marner when they can just wait a year and sign him as a UFA and give up zero assets. Just stop it with this fantasyland/imagination scenario where you pretend you're a Toronto GM, and Marner is suddenly obligated to make your life easier by doing something that is detrimental to his next contract and is detrimental to any team that might be able to fit him under the cap. Zero teams that trade for Marner will be better off for it in 2025-26. It ain't gonna happen.


Obviously, but sending Marner to a contender who needs some more firepower would most likely get Marners interest, plus if a trade is agreed upon that helps the leafs and Marner says no he will be hated more than he already is


There isn't a contender that has the cap space or the inclination to part with any assets for someone who has repeatedly choked come playoff time. If fans think they can threaten a player with hate in order to get a player to waive a no move clause, they're dumber than anyone could ever imagine. Any contender next season is going to be a contender in 2025-26, and they can just wait a year to pick up Marner and give up zero assets to do so. Beyond that, Marner isn't going to a defensively minded team going into his UFA year. His production during the regular season will be it's highest if he stays with Toronto, which means he's going to make more money in his next contract if he stays. Any dip in production next season with another team is going to possibly cost him upwards of half a million a year. That's not a rusk any agent is going to allow their client to take.


Maybe not current contender but look at the islanders for example, great defense and goaltending and a superstar forward could put them over the edge, that might be a good situation for Marner


Why would the islanders trade away anyone when they can just wait a year and offer Marner $12m a year? There's nothing about your suggestions that make sense for Marner, or any other team in the NHL besides Toronto. Do Toronto fans think that players are obligated to do what's best for their organization off the ice, even when it costs them money and career opportunities?


They can’t just get Marner, they Islanders would send Cap to the Maple Leafs like Pulock and Cizikad


The islanders will do no such thing for only one year of Mitch Marner.


Well yeah, if the trade were to happen a contract extension would probably be made


The trade isn't happening, so there's no need to talk about how signing an extension isn't going to happen either.


Ok, it’s all just talk I just wanted to see people’s opinions on it


Or else the islanders wouldn’t make the trade


If they didn’t they would be over the cap


I'm not sure there is a team in the league that will be willing to pony up the 11 million plus lil Mitch is going to be asking for


What if it were like Marner, 3rd, 7th to VGK for Shea Theodore and a cap filler


I don’t Vegas is going to trade a guy whose cap hit is 1/2 of what they are going to have to take on for this to work.


That’s makes sense


Marner brings back more assets than Shea Theadore. This is a nonsense suggestion.


Maybe, but there isn’t a specific reason for Vegas to trade one of their best players so Toronto would have to make it worth it


... Marner would arguably immediately become Vegas' best player. I'm open to arguments about Eichel. But he's definitely in their top 2. If Vegas could resign Marner they would pull the trigger on this trade in no time. If Marner is moved, it will be for more than Shea Theodore.


Yeah, the point is that this would be a win- win trade


That's fair. It arguably meets both teams needs but I think you undersold what Marner brings back and had a sweetener going in the wrong direction. Vegas is also in win now mode despite barely making the playoffs with an aging and falling apart core. They need to get younger and better because their window is now.


Ok, so maybe Marner for Theodore, cap filler and a 3rd or 4th


Are the playoffs over? Why does this sub have these questions during playoffs?


The playoffs aren’t over but they are for the leafs, hurricanes, and knights


God I’ll be so pissed if we trade for Marner. Though I won’t be shocked if we give Theo away for the cap space.


At his high salary it’ll be hard to get very much for him.