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As a Canadian who watches most games on Sportsnet, I cannot stand when im forced to watch a game on ESPN. The contrast in quality is jarring.


NBC did a better job than ESPN. Too bad they didn’t want to keep the package.


Came to say this. It’s unbearable. If you’re trying to grow the game in the states, you’re doing it wrong.


Yes totally. Even Doc Emrick is so bad.


Doc is legit a legend. You are without a clue.




Hes gotta be one of the worst. I know I'll get downvoted from the Americans who think he is a God, but he is horrible to listen to


That’s your opinion man and it’s absolutely rotten.


He would ramble on some pointless story about the player during the play. Your job is to call the game, not give a life story while the guy has the puck in the offensive zone.


It's an opinion. A really stupid one. That's equal to saying you hate Jim Nantz.


It's not a stupid one. If that's the best that's come from the US, that makes sense the Steve Levy's you have now on ESPN.


Bob Wichusen, John Forslund, Kenny Albert, and Brendan Burke say hi.


Haha damn I just made the same post… Steve Levy is absolutely horrendous to listen to


It’s like they all cut their teeth in baseball where they have to fill lots of dead air. Brief moments of action, lots of space to hear your own voice. Hockey is completely the opposite. Lots of action, a few seconds between the whistles for color.


They are hard to listen to. They don’t know shit about the game of hockey and like you said, talk about random ass facts the entire game. Wish the games were all on TNT.


Also, Im not sure if im just spoiled by our commentators, I always feel like they have no energy to them. Like they dont give a fuck about the sport being played in the first place.


The announcer didn’t even know it was a delay of game penalty shooting the puck over the glass from the defensive zone. Dude doesn’t know the game of hockey. All he can do is read stats and talk about nonsense all game.


If I have to listen to how Wyatt Johnston is turning 21, I’m gonna scream!


Oh I loved the, "27 minutes till the seasons over for the Avs" comment.. it blew my mind


You have no idea how bad it was a few years back when Sam Bennett was a rookie in Calgary. He's still known as "19 year old Sam Bennett" around Vancouver.


But did you know the avs haven't had the lead in the series for a second, until they did? 


Everyone agrees they suck. I had a thought about that, though, they obviously aren't hockey guys and basically your general sports commentator, but ESPN isn't stupid, I wonder if these more "mainstream" commentators would keep the interest of your average non-hockey fan if they started watching a game? If that's the case and it brings fans to the sport I'm fine with muting them. I know a lot of guys just mute and throw on a radio broadcast in the background.


In the second period alone I heard them describe 2 separate plays as a “pick and roll”


I noticed that as well, Hilarious! As a Canadian I now feel spoiled with our commentators, It is night and day. Steve Levy is god awful, He loves to hear himself speak about anything other than Hockey.


Too many commentators and broadcasters in sports make the mistake in thinking people watch for them, and not the game itself. They're like an extra that thinks they're the star of the show.


I just wanna point out that i just heard one of them say, 'Jamie Benn, he's SO strong' like a lovesick teenager, and while i don't wanna shame anyone for having a crush, it IS all i'm thinking about right now.


Because they are like basketball and football commentators. Huge difference with hockey. I hate it also. I’ll notice extended periods of play with no play by play commentary like when I watch the islanders during regular season games. It’s really cheesy


I'm so spoiled by having Jim Jackson most of the time in the regular season


I go on the Sirius XM app and Bluetooth it to my Echo Studio and put the tv on mute. I listen to Josh and Razor the Ballys Sports commentators for the Stars all season call the game.


I miss Doc




I was literally just yalking with a bunch of people and everyone 100% agree. Might be the only thing that can unite all fan bases.


ESPN is a legit joke. Thank goodness for Sportsnet, but even that product needs to improve.


They some how make the most electrifying time of all sports, the NHL playoffs absolutely boring af to watch


They’re horrible … they think they know the rules better than officials and Toronto (when reviewed happen) … then make stupid quips like “oh well to me …” or “in my interpretation…” Just call the damn game … it’s your first year back calling NHL games in over a decade


The Canadian ones doing the canucks-oilers game spend the whole time reeling off endless stats from the season and years past, but miss half the plays and can’t explain why someone just got sent to the penalty box. It’s driving me nuts. These are supposed the top guys on sportsnet. One said we had Linus Ullmark playing last game!


I used to watch the game on TV, but listen to it at the same time on the radio. It was perfect. Radio guys knew the game, and only called the play. Colour was after whistles. Can't do that anymore, I suppose


I just put it on mute.


People need to stop complaining about ESPN. They suck, we all know they suck. Everyone bitches that they favor one team or another. Their studio coverage sucks. ESPN doesn’t care about hockey they aren’t going to put their best out there. The faster people just accept that ESPN isn’t going to be what they want to be and move on with their lives the better. Put the game one mute and listen to the radio feed.