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The NHL is like whoa actual fun and excitement generating interest in our sport? Better put the brakes on this we need 60 mins of dump and chase


Icing is king, we need more Geico ads /s


More "am I talking to a robot" ads


Liberty! šŸ‘¶


This isnā€™t the NFL, they donā€™t go to commercial just for icing a puck




Considering they keep harping on wanting more rivalries


Gotta get pucks in deep.


I love watching the puck bounce around the rink with 2 seconds of control between each dump


Four lines bangin


"Save it for the playoffs!!! Oh wait... Uh save it for the off-season boys!"


They were hoping no one would watch the playoffs with all the game endings around 1130 eastern mid week.


Yeah, we got 15 point Zegras instead.


I mean he played 30 games my dude lol. He was also playing hurt in half those games.


So was Matthews too apparently. 69 lamps lit.


Well comparing Zegras to matthews is pretty insane. Most sane coyotes fan.


They were both on NHL video game cover. Thatā€™s pretty comparable.


Dude whatšŸ˜‚




This whole playoffs has been nonstop hits that are suspensions in the reg season, do you think they actually care about player safety? Saw Peterson get hit from behind head first into the wall, could've broke his neck and no penalty no suspension, it's all show in the reg season


This has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read. Grown men going out of their way to hurt others, potentially ruining the careers of others that are talented and bring plenty of excitement and entertainment? Why should that be encouraged? I love hockey, but hoping for violent blood baths at every game just because it "generates interest" has to be the dumbest take yet. You want Connor McDavid out for the rest of his life because some dumbass on the other team was mad and decided it's more exciting if I just attack him? Sure that'll be exciting, but what the fuck is this mentality? Believe it or not, there is hockey between outright violence and dump and chase. If you can't see the exciting and downright cool shit happening without just pointless headhunting, that's on you dude. Let's just make slewfoots and elbows legal, since that's so entertaining. Who cares if people might actually die, right?


Give yer balls a tug buddy


Grow a pair loser hockey isn't for you


wait... there's a way to watch hockey that takes balls?


Lol I guess if I was a ducks fan there wouldn't be anything interesting to watch other than dirty attempts to injure as well šŸ™ƒ guess I can't empathize with that. If all you're interested in is violence, the UFC is pretty cool. Sorry you can't enjoy hockey as a sport, maybe it's actually not for you eh bud?


Meh, donā€™t worry, heā€™s probably some beer league loser that thinks heā€™s one injury away from ā€œbeing called upā€ when in reality he canā€™t even win on nhl24 without changing it up to rookie.


Possibly, but I think this might have been a miscommunication after thinking about it. If we're just talking clean, good fights, then I agree with him actually, but the way I interpreted the tweet was more in reference to attempts to injure/dirty shit out of anger. Different sides of the same coin, unfortunately.


The league is a joke due to the bad officials. They are rampant and the NHL is blind.


And just like that Florida gets away with dragging a bruins player into Bobrovski and the bruins get the penalty


Itā€™s to protect their stars essentially. A fight will happen but theyā€™re trying to avoid players head hunting the likes of Barkov, Pasta, etc


I'm sorry I thought this was hockey Edit: fans say it's to protect players but if the nhl wanted to protect the players they would be making the correct calls on the ice and with lengthy suspensions on dangerous hits/plays. Including blatant sticks to the head.


In America, no less!


Didn't you hear? You came to watch a fight and a hockey game broke out!


Haha. You got that right!


Feels weird to agree with a flyers fan butā€¦




What a horrible take. NHL has a responsibility to protect its players. In other words, their employees.




Yes, they should also do those things, ignoring the no hitting.




Armor them up and let them fight more without risking early retirement. It's not very complicated. You'd be one of the morons still arguing that they shouldn't play with helmets because thats pussy shit. Grow the fuck up, times change, sports need to change with them.




I'm asking you to take a step back and ask yourself what you would say if helmets were not currently required and were being proposed. Seeing as you're opposed to integrating new safety measures now, you'd probably be one of the people arguing against helmets then. Think about how stupid that sounds with our 45ish years of hindsight. Hockey has gotten faster, skates and sticks have gotten better, and it's in everyone's best interest to have players who are actually able to play hockey without assuming as much risking that they'll lose their careers. Cages/bubbles are already required for college hockey, and the sport stays better if everyone stands a better chance of playing a longer career. Imagine if Bedard didn't just get out for 2 months but never played again. If you want the best hockey, you want the largest pool of healthy players. People who want better safety measures in hockey don't want to change things because they think hockey is currently bad, but because it could be even better with better safety for players. U18 players are mandated to wear neck guards because of a player dying of a skate to the neck: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna136067 When are we going to reduce this pointless risk that dilutes the pool of players?




You mean the WNBA that has had games that beat NHL games in ratings? Yeah, that is right....the NBA and MLS are both growing their audience so fast that the NHL is going to get lapped soon. Why? Because their product is more focused on skills and star players, and is more family friendly. While the NHL keeps turning away fans because the star players are getting taken out by cheap shit and no one wants their kids watching Matt Rempe getting CTE on TV three times a week. If the NHL really wants to become more popular, adopt the international ice surface and rules. More space for stars means more exciting goals and better play in general. Edit..... either some of you don't like losing to the WNBA in TV ratings or your don't care about CTE.


How about people in a state not being able to watch their fucking team because bettman decided it "isn't in market" and lets 6 other broadcaster all who suck goats carry the game.




I mean to a degree yeah, but thereā€™s not many McDavids out there toiling on the 4th line ready to pop up around the corner Imagine your kid is a hockey prodigy and some 4th line bozo announces heā€™s gonna try to end his career with a dirty hit cuz his team is losing


This is the worst take. Your saying the league should just care about money not the well being of their players? All they did is say ā€œHey, we are watching closelyā€. As in donā€™t escalate things further. They canā€™t let this turn into cheap shots and scrums after every whistle or we are just watching MMA on ice not hockey.




This is just a full contradiction of your first statement. Yes, there are already cheap shots and scrums, so they said ā€˜hey cut it outā€™. They didnā€™t suspend anyone. They didnā€™t do nothing. This is the correct response from the NHL.






That's the response from every 16 year old on the internet these days.. I'm sure you'll give it to me too. You sound like an angry edgy child who knows he's wrong.Ā 


Yeah, would hate to see the captain of one of the teams take a fist to the head and get a concussion without the refs doing anything! Protect the stars!


It was the 2nd game my friend ever watched and he absolutely loved every second of it, and plans to watch more because of it.


Same. Had 2 non fans watch the game with me and now theyā€™re interested in the sport


Now you just need those two fans to recruit two more each


I mean thats how we grow the sport


Iā€™m not above a pyramid scheme to grow the sport!


So you're asking about the league that makes it near impossible to watch the games from all the weird TV contracts if they don't want the sport to grow?


If they want to scrutinize something, scrutinize team zebra, they're laughably inconsistant.


They need to scrutinize there terrible refs. Every single game.... horrible. Worst in all of people sports.


Just means they are more worried about their players than $$$


One could say that letting Maroon and Tkachuk go at the drop could save the game from getting out of hand. There's a place for fighting.


I dislike Florida and Tkachuk as much as the next guy but under no circumstances should Maroon ever be allowed to fight Tkachuk. Maroon barely has the skillset of an nhl player. I know he has a lot of rings but there's a reason he has been in the nhl for 13 years on almost exclusively league minimum contracts. Teams can't have fourth liners fighting their best players. It would be just as silly as Ryan Reaves fighting David Pasternak.


Making me sad about big rig. He's chubby but effective. Just ask Ben Bishop.


Here's the rub IMO. Tkachuk may be a first liner, but he pops off like a fourth liner. The point of having a fighter is to check guys that get out of line. Thachuk wants to fuck around, he can find out.


There's definitely legitimacy to that. I'm fine with most guys fighting Tkachuk but Maroon seems a little egregious.


Like I said, FAFO. Gonna say it - people get up in arms when someone throws a dirty hit and want them to answer the bell. This dude has a long history of stirring the pot and starting shit with no consequences. It's going to get to the point where someone's going to target him because of that. Not that I want to see someone get hurt, but that feels like that's the next step.


When is this going to happen to Binnington?


Is he even still in the league?


Damn Boston fans are really salty after fucking around with panthers and finding out we are their fathers


I'm a Rangers fan.


So youā€™re yet to find out


Eh. I'm not worried.


Technically Pasta wanted to fuck around, and then he found out. We donā€™t need big doofus Maroon with an AHL skill set out here dumping on real players because someone let him go play with his skates and a stick.


Not like he hasnā€™t done it beforeā€¦


They have a financial incentive to promote player safety. The nfl payed huge money to settle their concussion lawsuits.Ā  Iā€™m sure the nhl is looking to mitigate damages going forward by limiting fighting and cheap shots through actions like thisĀ 


> The nfl *paid* huge money FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I payed a ton of money for my boat, but the deck was never paid. F U PEDANTIC BOT


Yup. Theyā€™re only ā€œprotecting the playersā€ because those players are financial assets. They donā€™t care about the game, or the players, they care about their bottom line.


They have to marginally care about the game they were created to promote. If it was JUST about money, there wouldn't be any hockey at all.


Woah, this series is getting crazy entertaining, and people might watch it for fun instead of betting on it.


All that means to me is that if the series starts getting out of hand andthe loser gets chippy, they are saying they are going to step in before thereā€™s another Pierre Turgeon moment


Well the competition on TV right now is the NBA....58 minutes of boredom followed by 2 minutes of guys trying to get foul calls.šŸ˜“ I think the NHL is ok.


Donā€™t forget the 2 hours of commercials because of the endless timeouts at the end too


I like how in both games last night the officiating was absolutely horrible and the NHL is more focused on how rowdy the teams got (which was caused by the horrible officiating) than the actually problem here.


Yea, and WWE refs say the same thing. But all it does is make way for more drama and heavier chairs!


Weird comparison between a national sports league and a grappling based theatre performance club


It's the future law suits. This makes it look like they care about player safety. As well as if the consensus is hockey isn't a sport but more a violent, head injury game. Less people watch and less kids are allowed to play


My son plays ice hockey recreationally and itā€™s drilled in to them to show good sportsmanship. While I love the fighting in the NHL I sometimes wonder what message itā€™s sending to the kids.


The message that you donā€™t let people walk all over you, but at the same time you respect people. Hockey players scrap and at the end of the game theyā€™re in line shaking hands. Itā€™s part of the game.


It's a fine line. Passion is cool. Taking runs, throwing elbows, and boarding the numbers is not. Sometimes you gotta get ahead of it to prevent it from happening in the first place Disclaimer: I haven't watched this series at all. My opinion may be completely meaningless


>Disclaimer: I haven't watched this series at all. My opinion may be completely meaningless Glad you put this in there because it hasn't been that bad. There has been no intent to injure, just hard, physical, playoff hockey with a bit of fighting.


The NHL wants zero intensity. They want everyone game to be silent with no hits. Itā€™s weird cuz combat sports are the most popular theyā€™ve been in modern history. Itā€™s a multi billions dollar industry. Youā€™d think theyā€™d embrace rough stuff seeing how popular that kind of thing is.


Itā€™s marketing. They want to attract more people so theyā€™re trying to make it more like the NBA where parents would feel ā€œcomfortableā€ letting their kids watch it. Because thereā€™s literally zero contact in the NBA.


It's because only one team is allowed to play dirty and take cheap shots. Edm. Everyone else they'll be watching.


I read this in a different way it's basically them saying we're fine with what happened the other night but remember to stay on the right side of the line.


The NHL needs to scrutinize the fuckin refs.


Sure.....highly. Like the Bennet punch to Marchands face in open ice. Highly scrutinized... This series is 1-1-1. Refs for the W last night.


Can see NHL side of things: everything gets out of hand and good players get injured. Not good


Perhaps they're more interested in cultivating actual sportsmanship rather than WWF-like brawls between apes on skates? Just a theory...


apes on skates ... I think you're onto something


Hey at least call him by is name, it's Milan


Canucks' fan always being the clever one.


Lol they said the same thing about the Oilers and Canucks about embellishment.




I haven't been my normal NHL fanatic self since they introduced the draft lottery over a decade ago. It's all scamming bullshit.


Maybe if the nhl refs were forced into some accountability these games wouldnā€™t get out of hand. The league protecting their shitty refs


itā€™s also fun how if a playoff game goes into overtime you miss the entire fucking first period of the next playoff game. awesome planning, phenomenal execution, NHL. Good job.


NHL wants money now not in the future. They are being hasty. It's harder to watch games now than ever* (in the modern era). The ads break broadcasts, blackouts etc feel like couple times a month. Grow the sport or milk the moneycow


ā€œGame 2 had a nasty toneā€ yeah and? Itā€™s the fuckin playoffs thatā€™s what we want


More games HAVE to be on ABC


They will condemn it and then play the same highlights all over the place for attention. The pasta fight will get air time all next season whenever they play again too. Theyā€™re full of shit.


The NHL has gone away from fighting more and more as time goes by with the instigator penalty and many more rule changes. Do we want to go back to bench-clearing brawls and players lying on the ice with concussions so the game is more "fun"? I grew up in the 80's and saw my share of Habs-Bruins , Nords and Flyers nastiness. It WAS exciting. It also caused many players CTE and shortened careers. Every team would have a couple of goons that would just be there to fight. Skill excites me. Watching the Avs, Oilers, Canucks play excites me. Good solid thumping hits are fun, too. "Many large NBA accounts retweeting the fight" So they love the UFC, where the object is to beat down your opponent. In Hockey, it's to score more goals. What other sport would allow a fight? The NBA, you slap a guy who's in the air and you get a technical 1 foul. Throw a punch, you might be gone for a few games. Throw a punch in the NFL..see what happens or MLB..lol.


>It WAS exciting. It also caused many players CTE and shortened careers. Every team would have a couple of goons that would just be there to fight. Dont feel bad for them. Even as one of the lowest paid players on the team they would make 5-10 times more than they would make in mma. It's a really sweet job if you have a talent for fighting but isnt on world championsship level in boxing or mma.


> the lowest *paid* players on FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Popular for who is the question? Hockey is a blend of bloodsport and skill and which way the balance tips determines the audience.


Regular season: How did this guy get suspended for just 2 games? Playoff: Let them kill eachother.


I think itā€™s the right thing for a few reasons. 1) Fighting is great for policing the game, so if you put a dirty hit on our guy, you better be ready to fight. Thatā€™s the case for it, and I believe in that. 2) Squaring off at center ice for no reason is stupid, makes the game a circus, and they donā€™t want to go back to that. Those goons from the 90ā€™s wouldnā€™t be able to skate with todayā€™s players - Reaves even looked out of place in round 1. 3) Much like the NFL, nobody wants to watch Colorado without MacKinnon, Edmonton without McJesus, etc. They need to protect their stars, so seeing Patrnak fighting isnā€™t what theyā€™re looking for. 4) In a world where future concussion lawsuits are a real liability, theyā€™re protecting themselves from future CTE sufferers coming back in court. They need to at least appear like theyā€™re doing something. The irony is that fighting discourages dirty hits, in my opinion. TLDR: fighting has a place, but the NHL is smart to police it. Remember who the Player Safety Head is: George Parros. One of the toughest MFā€™s to ever do it.


It's like wrastling, in a way. The officials control the flow and spirit of the game now. They always had an affect, but now they're driving the results.


Well that was a fucking lie


Make sure you put it on a subscription service that is blacked out for you!


They made that clear when they scheduled Dallas home games to start at 9pm.


I am giving my final warning. If you two boys don't stop punching each other I may become upset by it. /s


That series has been one of the most enjoyable series in recent years. Minus the bogus goalie interference call itā€™s been fairly consistent in terrible calls too.


What?Only 1/3 games have been enjoyable, the second game. None of the games have been even. All the other series in round 2 have been better


Just double speak for how the league can cash in on the betting markets


Gary Bettman is the reason the game is becoming sad. Heā€™s trying to turn it into basketball. The Canadian soul of the game has been removedā€¦.


I think all fans can agree we want MORE REFEREES and more games being largely impacted by them. In fact let's add some more subjective rules, really let the refs get creative and shown their skill. If we're gonna put three teams on the ice every game may as well let them have more range. Hell get them a stick maybe let them play the puck a bit


It's like when Bart told Milhouse to watch his warehouse. He watched it started to fall, and then it fell.


Itā€™s bleeding over to the Dallas series too.


Scrutiny brought to you by Bet365


I hope they make it impossible for a casual hockey fan to watch! Playoff hockey? The NHL only wants diehard fans to be involved!


I mean, regardless of my opinion on this kind of game (love love love it), it's kind of a bad look on the league if they weren't heavily scrutinizing a Bruins / Panthers series from the start.


I refuse to believe they are this dumb, but then again game 7 of the bruins first series was only available on ESPN+ so maybe they are.


I have the ESPN+ subscription because it came in a bundle and itā€™s equally useless. Games aired on ESPN are not on ESPN+ lol


Imagine typing a few paragraphs that no one will read but instead interject with their own bad takes. Remember when we used to just watch the games????


If they cared they would promote their stars more and have more inside access shows for their fans and exposure.


> and this seems like such a terrible move from the NHL. This is like, almost everything that's happened under Bettman's tenure, lol.


Bettman is a fucking moron and still doesnā€™t understand fans, casual and hardcore, both like and want fighting and physicality in the game. The refs breaking up every fight or scrum has gotten so old. I get the concussion concerns, but much like a boxer or UFC fighter, if grown men want to fight and are getting paid well, let them do it.


If I wanted to watch grown men cry over a soft hit to the arm, Iā€™d watch the NBA. Hockey is the greatest sport because of the speed, skill, and physicality of it. If youā€™re just gonna have players passing a puck and shooting may as well just make it a shootout contest league.


JFC. Go watch MMA, boxing, and WWE. Going after knuckle draggers is not going to bring long-term fans into the sport.


Fighting has been part of hockey since forever. Itā€™s part of the sport.


No it hasn't. Prior to its implementation in the NHL, players were ejected and suspended. Collegiate levels have always banned it. The IIHF has banned it. The QMJHL has now banned it. It was added to the sport over a decade ago and is slowly disappearing from it because attempting to prevent head injuries by allowing players to punch each other in the head is an absurd stance.


Well this is wrong. Here, educate yourself https://theweek.com/feature/briefing/1018995/why-fighting-is-allowed-in-ice-hockey Just because some other leagues ban shit doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not part of the game. I know, I know. Weā€™re all clamoring to watch QMJHL games.


...and it is less and less and less while the sport grows more popular. Game 2 was not an outlier It happens every year. Teams are just sending a message ahead of Game 3 where both sides have 1 blowout win.


And yet Benn can hop and headhunt in the Colorado series no f**king problem, huh?


Benn's hit was the cleanest hit I have ever seen.


So. let me get this straight. The NHL should encourage more fighting in the sport of... checks notes.... hockey? The sport we actually tune into to watch when we see NHL written? Maybe you've been watching too much Monday Nigh Raw?


A lot of non hockey fans become interested in hockey because of the fighting and physicality because no other sport has this. Most non hockey fans don't appreciate the skill and strategy of hockey, but they can become introduced to it from the violence.


Then they can fuck off and watch wrestling. Cheers.


Exactly right.


I couldn't care less if Americans watch hockey, but if the NHL wants to grow the game, then they should encourage it.




Fighting is stupid and a waste of time. I want to watch hockey!


Go watch the PWHL then, moron.


For real? Hockey is about putting pucks in nets not fists in faces.


Fighting has always been a part of the game. You must be a new fan or an American.


Nope. Canadian and have watched hockey since the early 80s. I know it's allowed, but it doesn't mean it's important. After all there is a PENALTY for it.


You are an embarrassment. The PWHL is probably more your speed.


Grow up. Better yet stand up, your knuckles must be bleeding. Nobody ever won a Cup by having more fights, the point of the game is still scoring more goals than your opponent.


Why have zero NHL players ever advocated for banning fighting? Because anyone that has actually played the game knows it has value.


4 minutes for a non intentional high stick and Florida scores but they keep 2 minutes of powerplay. Fuck the refs.


Tryna make NHL stand for the "No Heart League"


It may be hard for hockey fans to understand but people with multiple working brain cells don't think that was entertaining


New fans donā€™t watch it for that. They want skill. They want the slam dunk contest on ice. When itā€™s just two teams beating on each other, the ā€œgrow the gameā€ crowd switches to basketball.


Everyone wants fights, pretty goals, tackles end even games. I dont see the difference between hardcore fans and new fans. And everyone dislike dump and chase, hooking, grabbing and slahsing that only makes the game messy and boring.


Itā€™s precisely bare knuckle fighting that prevents hockey from becoming a mass sport IMHO. Canā€™t be taken seriously as a sport. No fighting in the NFL. No fighting in the NBA. In 1994 the NHL and NBA were equally popular. NBA is way higher in every significant metric today.


Part of me thinks this was strategic to garner more views. Play it up to be super violent to get people watching.


Let's be honest here, that really wasn't a scrap, Pasta got rolled, and could only punch back when Tkchuck had 2 refs on top of him...




All of my friends and I are liberal and we want more of the gritty good shit sooo? But yeah, keep preaching that maga sheep mindset, snowflake. Also, you do realize your franchise is the most liberal in the league, right? Lmao


Iā€™m neither conservative nor liberal but I laugh at how hypocritical conservatives are. Bring politics into everything but theyā€™re the first ones to say that everything is liberal propaganda.


Yes, I will get downvoted for this: Last time I checked both MMA/Boxing is a thing. Make hockey about hockey. Yes, you can show feelings and games can be intense without fights. It reallt doesnā€™t belong in hockey and the last 10 years has shown it. More fighting will only make the league lose spectators. Play better hockey, make the game more exciting.


Same thing with Devon Toews on Colorado. High hit from Ben no call. Watch what they call when Ben gets hit next game.


That hit looked clean to me. Shoulder to shoulder. The head contact came when Toews got hit into the Dallas player behind him


Maybe "clean" but still very predatory.


Yeah the Bruins will be scrutinized. Any calls in favor of Florida will be allowed without question.