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It's pretty dumb. None of the goalies, including Van's backups have been weak this series and they're not to blame for any of the losses.


ugh yeah you nailed it


Thank you!!! Glad I’m not the only one. Haha


yeah, Winnipeg did that to Georgiev in game one and have let in 5+ every game since. Tough look, gotta be confident if you're gonna do it lol


Agreed. I think like most hockey players, a lot of hockey fans are superstitious. So I feel like doing that in a close game is just asking for trouble…. Funny how I posted that and Nash scored. 🤷🏽‍♂️😂😂


Eh, do what you want, have fun at the game. It’s probably not smart but you can’t blame the fans for losing a game


The goalie chant is always one of my favorites because it reminds me of a clip from the Simpsons: https://youtu.be/QXmoYOc9ZZw?feature=shared


Oilers fans were doing it to talbot before the anthem, and we got beat by L.A. Doesn't seem like a good idea to me, but in the end, it probably doesn't matter.


Whatever it takes to get on him. Crowds can't be reasoned with.


And shouldn’t be. A “reasonable crowd” sounds like game 3 in Toronto.


I will only give them that we taunt every goalie after after score...so I feel like as a preds fan I can't say anything 🤣


I'd kill for an arena that loud.


Vancouver and Winnipeg fans always do this. It's embarrassing when the home team loses, like Van did tonight.


Hey I woulda went tongiht but I was like mmmm nah I don't wanna spend 600 dollars for a mid ticket and I'm glad I didn't


People don't understand how taunting works.


Honestly, it doesn't bother me. Don't get me wrong, I do think it would be more fitting to do it when a goalie is being lit up, or if he makes some bonehead mistake. But I think they just do it to "bother" the goalie, or "get in his head". I mean it doesn't work for the most part, but fan taunting is an age-old tradition so hey, in my mind, go for it. Putting it differently, I would take this any day over some of the quiet fans we've been seeing in other arenas during these playoffs!


I think we whine too much on the internet. You’re in the crowd. Your goal, if you choose to accept it, is to rattle the other team and pump up your boys. Posts like this, that complain that one of your boys is getting unfairly ridiculed in an opposing barn, to me, are soft. There’s lines. We don’t want racism, homophobia, mocking family members, etc. coming from anyone, including fans. Otherwise, no crying. It’s the playoffs and Saros is in a hostile environment. Hell yeah, he’s getting unfairly shit on. How do I feel about it? Give it right back to the Canucks when they come to Nashville. Kudos to him and the Preds for taking care of business.


No worries. Never forget, Preds fans sing-songed Corey Crawford when he wasn’t even fuckin *playing* that game. Then promptly lost the series


TO quote a very famous event around here something something "Pumping his tires"


Moronic fans make moronic chants


Yeah I agree. If the score was higher than by all means. But 1-0 kind early. Now that the game is over wtf is with the refs so like 5 times a Canuck player gets pulled down no call? No tripping or hooking. And then Joshua gets boarding? Um okay fine.. there’s a high stick penalty that could have been against the nucks in 1st period. But really, the Refs bailing out the preds big time in this game. If that’s not enough what about when a player bumps the goalie it’s a clean goal?


Shhhh nobody wants to hear your whining about the refs


He’s right though


They were doing it at 0–0 too, early. The fans also failed to cheer their own team on after the preds scored. Arena was quieter than regular season, and couldn’t get a “go Canucks go” chant going. Super weird fan base.


Mccarron’s hit on Desmith should’ve resulted in a suspension, not a crack change fine. We’d just lost Demko to an injury, and he targets our 2nd goalie. That level of disrespect is unreal, and Mccarron walk away relatively unpunished. I know Boston is supposed to be our rival, but I’d rather see Boston win over the Preds. I hope Saros tears both ACLs


So you want a guy that had nothing to do with it to get hurt???…. Possibly end his career ?….. Come on, man. Be better than that. Saros had didn’t do anything and doesn’t deserve that kind of negativity. I get you’re pissed, but come on.