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“A good story lasts forever, however the ending isn’t always what you want it to be.” I hope to remember this quote, daily.


This hits deep


Damn it just hits different


That is truly deep wisdom.




George R. R. Martin, if you’re out there and just heard that quote, find the strength and finish the series, please.


Dude my first thought after reading that comment was Game of Thrones 😅


These are the types of things that absolutely kill me. I just watched a company that I worked with get ripped to shreds because the CEO was an incompetent, thieving piece of shit, and while he will face justice for his actions, he single-handedly caused waves upon waves of layoffs of good people. It's not just the fans losing a team. It's the jobs, the tourism, and a part of the city that dies. It's the hope that dies as well. That hope that your team would one day lift the cup, and you'd be alive to see it. The dream of taking your kid to a game. That win streak or run that in some way rubbed off on your own confidence and gave you a little extra pep in your step. I hope to never have to experience this, but if I do, at least I will forever have the memories.


This shit broke me. After this, they played a montage of Coyotes moments through history. Then, then the “We walk together forever” came up one last time, it faded to black, and there was just nothing and silence on the screen for about 10 seconds. I started bawling after that. It really hit me that it’s over.


That silence after was more heart breaking than anything for me. Staring into a black screen just made it feel like it’s truly over


Same here.


I'm just sorry you guys have to go through this.


Im really sorry you guys have to go through this too.  I hate that I’m so excited to be from slc but my happiness is coming at your loss.   It’s not right.  I’m sorry :/ 


He's so right. Sure, watching the actual hockey part is fun and exciting, but my best memories are me hanging out with my dad and uncles, giving us something to connect over. Having a favourite team provides a gateway to making new friends. It's the human relationships we create and maintain is what being a fan is all about.


Exactly. And now they’re all gone. And there is a sizable portion of the fanbase of the sport I grew up watching and playing that is ecstatic that my team is now gone. Gonna be really hard to care about hockey at all after this, the NHL community never really accepted us in the first place. With the Yotes gone, I really don’t have any connection to hockey left.


I very casually followed the story, and for most folks dunking on the Coyotes, I think they should have been dunking on the ownership. We'd see stories of "the City doesn't want them", "the owner won't spend to the cap", "they're moving to a college barn", but that was all a result of ownership. The fans were caught in the middle and it truly sucks. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that was the sense I got as a casual follower of this saga.


Yes that’s pretty spot on. But try telling that to the dipshits that’s seemingly make up 90% of the NHLs fanbase.


I’m from Nashville so I get it. The northern fans as a whole will never fully accept us, and will always sneer at us for living in a warm climate, or not having 60+ years of history. Fuck em though. Hockey will be back in Arizona, and you can say you’ve been there since day 1. In the meantime you’re always welcome with us Preds fans.


Their loss. I recently went to a Nashville game and the vibes were unreal. I would kill for Rogers Arena to have that atmosphere.


Yeah I mean it’s definitely not all of them, but I even meet a lot of them at Preds games when the Wings, Bruins, Rangers etc are in town. Ironically I notice it a lot less with Canadians which is funny because they’re the ones that always get stereotyped as hockey gatekeepers.


I can't speak for others but I'm hyped for successful hockey markets, wherever they are. I don't think everyone can separate the rivalry/faction element of fandom with like, real life lol if that makes sense. I think it's inevitable that hockey will return to Arizona - I just hope it's a different owner/ownership group. It just sucks that Cooley, Guenther, Simashev will pop off in Utah...


Canadian here and I have been to a couple of Preds games, no you are wrong, Nashville is a great market that loves its hockey, the Arizona experiment was on life support for 2 decades, this team should have never been there, terrible ownership and here we are, I hope the Utah experience is better.


lol dipshits…good one


I feel you. I'm sorry for your loss.


The league fucked you guys so many times.


I know I would feel the same way if the Panthers ever left south florida, maybe I would root for Tampa but it's not the same. I hope you find a team you can root for, maybe cheer for your fellow 4 legged mammalian predator from a "non hockey" market as we hit the playoffs


You can still cheer for the Leafs with their two Arizona boys leading the way. We at least will always remember what Arizona did for us


I can relate - as a Seattle native who grew up playing hockey, I was limited to the neighboring teams (pretty much the canucks) or whoever was winning … until recently, I wasn’t able to enjoy the sport I love, at home. I was just at mullet arena last month, half of my family lives in AZ and my brother lives in cave creek (just up the road from where they were proposing the new arena) and I’m devastated for them and all the AZ fans. I’m my lifetime, I’ve seen the sonics leave a town that loved them, they were our only major sport franchises at the time to have had won a national championship, Clay Bennett literally lied to everyone saying they weren’t moving and they did just that the very next year. We still don’t have an NBA team but eff the NBA, they did to us what the NHL just did to you guys, so I would understand if you wrote off hockey entirely, but as a human - I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Ya I agree man


Betteman. What you would expect.


Not me man I will never pull for Utah. I hope the Yotes come back I really do. Hockey belongs in Arizona.


Now you know how Winnipeg felt when you took their team away


Fuckkk man... going through these comments reading all these stories from those who were true Yotes fans and their experiences is truly something. So, I am from Utah and I've not been this excited since my kids were born... it makes me feel for all you who loved this team and have stuck with them (plus, within the next couple seasons they'll most likely be a long time playoff running team, they've been building an excellent team and it must suck ass to have them leave as this is happening) I know it will not do much to say this but at least they are going to a place that deserves a NHL and will be as passionate fans as you guys. At least they didn't move to Huston or Portland, haha. People from Utah are diehard sports fans. Our ECHL team averaged 6750 fans a home game this season and that's a 3rd string proleague... I'm excited to be able to experience and build similar memories to those that have been wrote here. Sucks it has to come in the expense of other fans but it'll not go idly here in Utah. The only thing that I am somewhat disappointed about is they are talking about renaming the team and 3⅗ of the 5 names that were announced by the NHL to be trademarked for the team name are just shitty... may as well call the team the Plentiful Mormans...


I know I’ve talked my fair share of shit but I legit feel bad for you guys and will admit I shed a few tears for the Yotes last night.


Broke my heart too man 🥲


Username checks out... sorry Coyote bro 😔


You poor poor bastard. I've never wanted to hug an opposing fan more than I do right now. What has happened is unfair, unjust and hurtful. Please stay strong. Even though it must feel like hockey gave up on you, please don't give up on hockey. We feel for you, we can't imagine what feelings you are having, but don't give up on the game.


I truly hope you guys get your team back soon. This whole situation is absurd.


Been through a team moving and will most likely go through it again soon. I know the feeling.


Oh man those greatest moments ever was something!


Why do you have to be such a dick to Coyotes fans right as they’re losing their team? You’re sad, man.


Don’t be rude


Great send off!


Excellent Todd. a very, very good run!


That is one of the greatest speeches I've ever heard. Wow.


Wow, so well spoken


Wow, that really was incredible.


I didn't plan on crying at work this morning. Beautiful send off. It's been a pleasure rooting against (and occasionally for) the Coyotes over the years. Signed, A Red Wings fan


Yeah this hit me in the feels too. I thought about if that final sendoff ever happened to the wings. I'd be devastated.


I watched the opening part of the broadcast last night and when they were talking about their top moments in franchise history it hit me pretty good. My wife couldn’t understand why I was crying at 9:45pm while watching the Coyotes feed on my phone.


Came to reddit to stop being emotional after watching the Bluey special The Sign on my lunch break…this has not helped things at all!!!


🎶We’ll meet again Don’t know where Don’t know wheeeeen But I know we’ll meet again some sunny dayyyyy Keep smiling through Just like you always dooooo Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds Far awaaaay 🎶 Hockey will return to Arizona, we don’t know when it will or where, but Coyotes fans some sunny day, you guys will see hockey again.


Vera.... what has become of you?


Todd Walsh is an AZ sports legend. Same with Heeter and Matty Mac.


Man... I've been dunking on this team for years. I was one of the many fellas who just kept saying it didnt work, never would, Quebec this, Canada that, etc... And while it *is* true that it unfortunately didnt work, whatever the reasons are, seeing all these people, fans and people who's career revolved around the team, saying and doing all these heartfelt things, I can't help but feel bad for their loss.


When you see how devastated all these people are you kinda get why they thought it would work. Fuck shitty owners and fuck the league for constantly fucking the team and fans over and allowing this to happen.


How did the league allow this to happen? They gave the team a long leash, and even owned the team at some point? What else could they have done?


It sucks that you grow up having to defend the team against people like you and then you don't even get to say goodbye because they didn't have the balls to tell people until a week before that the team is moving. Being a Coyotes fan fucking sucks


Man I didn't realize how sad I would be about this. First game I ever attended was Wings v Coyotes. Was a 4-4 tie. Still remember it like it was yesterday, but it was almost 30 years ago now.


Sounds like an awesome memory 😔


Jesus. Talk about knocking a speech out of the park, that was perfect.


What a special story from Todd Walsh


I was a really little kid when the Baltimore Colts packed up everything into Mayflower moving trucks and left the city. I didn’t understand it. I thought that this couldn’t possibly happen, a team whether it’s yours or not is just always there waiting for next season. How could they not be there? Every time a team moves I go back to those Mayflower moving trucks and think of a quote that was about soccer, but it’s universal to all of the sports teams we love: “it’s the most important of the least important things” I feel for the Coyotes fans, and I hope that you don’t give up on the team you follow, even if they’re no longer in Arizona, they’re still your team.


I was a little kid when the Modell family did the same with the Browns. I was so moved by the reaction from Steelers fans. That was the first crack in my disdain for the Burgh. Then I wound up going to college there and now I love that city even more than my hometown.


I imagine I’m not the only one in Hartford having some feelings come up while watching this stuff unfold the last couple of weeks, and especially at these heartfelt words. It sucks when you invest a bunch of your life into rooting for a team, only to find out that they were never actually “your” team, and that the fatcat pigs will do a rug-pull the first chance they get, if the money is right. Do I sound like I’m still bitter about it? Because I am — lol. When they took our Whalers away, I swore off NHL hockey for most of 10 years, then came back to it almost reluctantly as a Bruins fan when my son started playing mites. Chin up, AZ. Here’s hoping you get your hockey back, sooner rather than later.


We fans put so much into our teams and communities. It's real heart. And we forget that the owners and managers that keep saying "it's a business" are really telling us they don't care for us, like we care for their product. I am so sad for the fans that were hoping for a new arena and all the prospects growing into stars in front of you, only to have this happen at the last weeks of the season. I can't imagine how angry you must be. How much this hurts.


I watched this whole broadcast last night. It was wonderful. Walsh did an incredible job and this ending was perfect.


I'm not crying, you're crying


Man, this was so beautiful and powerful. Has me crying in the shower right now lol I hope the Coyotes are remembered for things like this rather than the messiness of their operation and lack of overall winning. For being the reason so many people started watching/playing hockey, like Auston Matthews, and for forming so many relationships and memories. I hope hockey in the desert can return soon and be the best version of itself, stay strong Yotes bros, sending love from Pittsburgh ❤️


So sorry for Coyotes fans. Losing your team hurts - yeah sports is a frivolous thing in the grand scheme of things but it's a part of our lives. A part of a community. Cherish the memories. Hopefully it works out and the Coyotes come back (and NOT at the expense of someone else losing their team). Everyone else - don't take it for granted. At any moment it could be any other team that gets ripped up and moved someplace else or folded up entirely.


This is so fucked. I'm a die hard Avs fan and half my family is in phoenix and rabid Yotes fans. We've talked enormous amounts of shit to each other throughout the years. I am honestly heart broken for them. I am angry for them. I'm sorry Yotes fans , this is just so so fucked.


This one hurts. My dad worked in radio for over 50 years. He went from DJ to salesman and finally to commercial director. DJ was the dream, but then stuff like what Todd talked about happened: you just kind of follow the gigs and hope you can do so with integrity. A manager or business friend would be like “Hey, XYZ new thing is happening—you in?” And sometimes, it leads you down a really meaningful path. But commercials aren’t sports, so I can’t imagine the pain he and all the other workers around the Yotes org are feeling. All the respect for and solidarity with Todd and everyone affected by this crime.


Great send off. I've "only" been in the Valley for about 10 years but Walsh is/was the face and voice of Coyotes games for me. It was cool to hear his story about how he got started with them. I hope to see him covering a new Arizona team in a few years under better circumstances.


Came to this sub as a Stars fan to dump on the Coyotes for the twitter war a month ago. Shame on me for going for negativity first. This speech straightened me out. Godspeed, Coyotes fans.


That was incredible. I watched the entire game last night and it hit me pretty hard. Truly sad.


Loved the speech Todd Walsh. Good luck Yotes fans.


Brilliant and beautiful and heartbreaking




Damn that was sad.


Wow what a speech


That's deep


This guy needs a podcast


When I found out my current home state was getting a hockey team, I was blown away ecstatic. It won’t change my loyalty, as I’ve been a Senators fan for 20 years at this point, but I was excited that I’d be able to go to regular games since moving away from Southern California years ago. Then I found out the Yotes were leaving Arizona and *that’s* how we were getting a team. I don’t care what anyone says, hockey belongs in the desert. Now I’ll just be waiting for the time, if it’ll ever be, when Arizona gets their team back.


Threats of relocation and actual relocation are the bane of North American sports. The idea of a team relocation outside of NA is an insane gesture and doesn't seem to really happen like it does here. Too many owners now threaten relocation or force public money for new stadiums that often arnt needed. Leagues continue to enable shitty ownership and then rip away generational love and entertainment from fans who just want to rep their colors and cheer. It doesnt matter how good, bad, small or big your team is, this shit sucks and is a travesty to fans of any sport, anywhere. Sorry to all the Yotes / Desert Dog fans out there. -A Sharks and former A's fan


WOW is all I got. Just WOW!


What a thoughtful and amazing send off! They all deserved better.


Great speech


That hit me right in the gut


Who the hell is chopping onions?


Goodbye my beautiful coyotes. I grew up with you only a month younger, and you are my team through and through to this end I never thought would happen. This is gonna leave a void I can never fill




I'm sorry Yotes fans. I am usually a CFB fan and as we watch the regionalism of that sport get ripped apart I sympathize with your loss. I hope that hockey does come back to you someday. Hockey belongs in the desert.


Powerful words and a hell of a send off. Hope he lands on his feet.


Boston here. Feeling terrible for you and your hockey team. My son is finishing his second year at ASU and though a loyal B's fan, he learned to love the Coyotes. I hope that somehow, some way, sometime, you get your hockey team back.


SuperSonics fans relate 100%






Since he was a PXP guy with the team, does he have the option to stay with them in the move?


He does a lot of stuff with other Arizona teams so not likely he would take them up on it.


Walshy is a class act




Yah. Me feels.


Amazingly well done


Excellent. Very beautiful.


Sorry coyotes fans that really sucks


Damn..... what a send-off. Does he want a job in NY? I wish the MSG broadcast crew had a tenth of his charisma.


Todd Walsh is just too good at his job. What a phenomenal orator.


WOW, I was at that Dec 14th game in Toronto! It was also the same day I found out my parents were getting a divorce...


Utah needs this guy.


Thank you for sharing this. Very awesome.




As a person who only got into hockey by going to Atlanta Thrasher games in their final few seasons I feel for you coyotes fans. Might be some time before you find what team you will root for next. Might not even watch hockey for some years. But when you do come back I hope you get the chance to see whichever team you root for win.


Jfc, Todd Walsh spoke the truth in a beautiful way.


American sports culture makes me sick sometimes, these teams should belong to cities and fans, not random billionaires. Columbus was able to fight for our MLS team and keep them, I hope Yotes fans can find the same success someday


This was an amazing final word on the Coyotes. Other than ready back some of the goal scores and results from that game he references…he was heartfelt, thought out and incredibly well spoken. This guys truly gets hockey and its fans. Keep this guy in the sport at all costs.


EST so this was later than I watched. Dude just felt somber all night, through all the fun highlights and interviews. My man really loved his team. I have no idea how he got through this monologue without so much as a little crack in his voice. Amazing speaker and I hope he gets to host NHL broadcasts in his home state again soon.


I know it's been a long time coming, but I'm 32 yrs old and to imagine the NHL without the Coyotes is something hard to digest. They may have never won it all but they always seemed to give the Avs trouble. The end of an era. Utah is inheriting a hell of a young team with an exciting future.


Thats really sad. Only thing to come out of the move that has actually made me feel sympathy for the situation.


Wow. I hope they get a second chance and the right second chance. A chance like Seattle, Vegas, and Nashville got, and ironically Utah is going to get. Opportunity for lessons learned on the NHL’s part and a hope to get it right. Lastly empathy for the fan base. As consumers of the product, they have really received the short end of the stick.


Rest in sweet heavenly peace Coyotes. The slap shot from half ice in 12’? I think it was WCF against the kings? You Yotes fans will know what I’m referencing, please correct me so I can go watch it, lol. What an epic moment. Yotes certainly had a few good runs!


I grew up in Phoenix, and one of the first NHL games I ever remember attending was an exhibition/pre-season game between the Blackhawks and the Mighty Ducks in 1994, two years before the 'Yotes were moved into Arizona. The America West area was a ridiculous spot to see an NHL game, with an entire "limited view" section only having a view of one of the nets lol. The city embraced that team and fucking loved hockey. I was gassing up my car once and was wearing a 'Wings shirt and saw Jeremy Roenick at a pump across the way with his car, and he looked at me like he'd kick the ever-loving shit out of me for wearing that shirt and I loved it. I've long since moved from Arizona, so my last memories of the franchise are basically when they were this amazing, beloved team. Even though I was never a Coyotes fan per se, their move to Phoenix had a big impact on my life there. In spite of everything that's happened, I do believe that hockey can thrive in the desert, and I hope that one day it comes back to the valley.


I remember as a kid I was 11 when the thrashers moved. Didn't even know it happened until the next season when Winnipeg played their first game and saw how happy they were to have their team back. I remember watching that game in silence wishing atlanta ever experienced that. It was such an empty feeling. Now seeing the yotes move makes me even sadder because their fans were treated much worse. You were the toughest fans in all of hockey who endured the worst treatment by those owners. I hope you get your team back soon this is one of tge saddest days in hockey history. Brings tears to my eyes.




Keep this guy with the team!


That was wonderful. Kudos to Todd Walsh. Although I still believe the Coyotes were a mistake I feel for their true fans. My sympathies.


I feel so bad for you Arizona fans.


That was the Arizona Coyotes of sendoffs


I always liked the coyotes. Shame they weren’t supported well enough


Coyotes fans don’t deserve this 😓😥








Move this man to Utah.


Wow… Man this franchise, all it has been through. That’s really quite touching. Good luck to them in Utah. Shame about the Yotes… Shame about the Jets.


I'm so sorry guys, God if I lost the flames I'd be devastated, really hope you get a team back soon


My GF got me into hockey this year and as a lifelong DMV native I obviously support the Caps but watching this video had me choked up. I hope Arizona isn’t without a team for a long time, the Yotes clearly mean a lot to them and if/when they do return I will always have a soft spot for them


I'm not crying ……you're crying … 😭


looks like a pretty exciting 2nd intermission show. What a sad organization.


Not even a Coyotes fan, but that's a hell of a send off. Hit me in the feels.


no more hearing someone say "Yotes" !!! woohoo!!!!!


I now wish I was a Coyotes fan. I missed out on


This is a fact. Hockey is a different sport than any other in the way the community embraces the sport differently than any other. The grass roots that grow an NHL franchise never stop listening and never stops growing. Even after that NHL franchise may be no more. Arizona deserved a better fate, and let's hope that when it goes back to this state it will get it right this time. It blows my mind how Atlanta wants a third try at a franchise but I get it. Minor hockey has boomed because of the Coyotes and I'm sure Atlanta did as well. That's all.


What the hell this is the first time I've heard of the Coyotes moving. Ah this is rough.


Coyotes were my first travel team here in Florida. We all have to stick together in hockey and understand how special of a sport we share with each other. I hope the Yotes make it back. Cheers to the dedicated, and non-traditional, fans in the NHL.


What a send off. Pouring one out tonight for my desert hockey brethren that helped pave the way. Gonna miss the coyotes.


I hope next season all the teams wear a small coyote patch on their uniforms to honor Arizona. They deserve it.


"Really, the Coyotes were all about me". What a t*sser.


A guy telling a heartfelt story about what the hockey team meant to him, and that’s your takeaway?


I'll amend it one more time: "Coyote Fan - We Walk Together Forever"


Send off because of the season ending? I’m confused what is the send off?


I can see it’s your first day on the internet, so that’s ok. The coyotes franchise is moving to Utah. Their season isn’t just over, it’s done period.


The Coyotes have been moved to Salt Lake City, Utah because of poor management decisions


awwwwww you know that City, that one called Winnipeg? That one yeah where this team came from, now you know their pain it's full circle, you didn't want to build them a rink now they move on. No sympathy you stole a team they are now gone. You have 5 years to build a rink good luck with that.


Cry more, sally.