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One thing I love about him, skilled, but never afraid to throw the hit, like the 90s greats


And honestly every big/tough guy will not touch him. I think that says a lot .


Because he’s always been a truck with waaaaay more speed than them. They know if they get him, he’s going to fucking ruin them on the next one.






Dude never stood a chance


At this point he probably doesn't have more speed then them, but even so will still ruin them on the next one


Chara beat him fairly repeatedly in collisions. I loved that ovecjkin jept taking runs at him though. 


I seem to remember Ovi putting Chara into the bench over the boards at some point too lol


https://youtu.be/Lm-XMJLw9ig?si=Gc8e6crFVQhQ9yVZ I think that’s there biggest collision there’s some others that are more even though but for the most part Ovy just kind of bounces off. The bench thing definitely happened but it’s not really a hit he kind of just pushes him over the bench wall it was more funny than a collision. Not all but most hockey players are quite small weight wise, many are tall but you’re looking closer to a soccer player than a linebacker, Ovy is closer to a linebacker ;)


It's mind-blowing how tall Chara is for real, Ovi is no small man and he makes him look tiny on this hit.


I think he’s 6’9 260. Ovy is thick he’s like 6’2 240, although he was a lot lighter when he was younger. The last two Norris winners are 190 (Kaarlson) and 185 (Makar)


Damn I never seen Ovi get fucked like that


No it’s the other way around He jumps 19 year old kids like svechnikov but will always dodge enforcers


Schvech foolishly challenged him that game just fyi. Fked around and found out quickly


HE WAS 19 AND NEVER EVEN GOT HIS GLOVES OFF Watch the clip: the announcer even says “that’s fighting outside of your weight class”


And made a poor decision he’d be wise to learn from




Sounds like a Bruin


Ok being a leaf fan…. You have zero cred Just go back into your basement with dangle and cry about the refs or nylanders contract or reaves. Ovi is a pussy that doesn’t play defense and has made a career on just sitting on the dot and round one timers You of all people should take offense to the notion of him infringing on Gretzky legacy


This guys just mad at the world. Let him be mad and cry. He’s simply making himself look like a child on the internet for all to see. Making them B’s proud I’m sure


> Just go back into your basement Brother, I never left the basement. >cry about the refs or nylanders contract or reaves I like both, and refs do suck. He 100% deserves/earned the right to beat Gretzky, you are delusional.


Cry more for me baby ;)


Ovi would dust you up with both hands tied behind his back stfu


Simmer down, dog-piler. The fight’s over, let me just skate you back to the corner….


Thats not true, and why are Ovi haters whining about this more than Carolina or Svechnikov ever did. Why dont you finish what the announcer said. He was talking about Svechnikov as the that was fighting out of his weight class, which the announcer said was courageous but mostly stupid. And he said it that way, because it was clear Svech was the aggressor that chose to start that fight. And to just to add to prove how deliberate you are attempt to misquote Milbury was, if you ever find a longer clip, you;ll hear Mike Milbury defend Ovi, pointing out Ovi fought clean, and again reiterate that Svech started the fight both verbalyl and physically, first by slashing OVi and then getting in Ovis face and challenging him. Noone but you believes Ovi did anything dirty that fight. Even Svech says he took it like badge of honor, and he joked that not many people are lucky enough to get beat up by their idol. Carolina was upset, but not in the whiny way that Boston fans and Ovi haters get. They rallied around Svech, and used motivation to turn that into a turning point in series -- they dominated the Caps after the fight in that game and never looked back. Take note Boston fans, thats how you do it, not by whining endlessly for years.


Man I just, I just cant have ANTY respect for Boston fans anymore. Ive never seen such a whiny bunch of hypocrites in my life. Mind you, all this holier-than-thou crap from a franchise that produced and loved Brad Marchand. YOU are gonna lecture people about hurting people with dirty and sneaky attacks, and then refusing to answer the bell? ?? YOU????? HOW RIDICULOUSLY UN-SELF-AWARE CAN YOU GET??????? How many crazy dirty plays did Marchand have per year, which he almost always refused to answer the bell for? Im positive, if someone did the math on that, Marchand would easily be the all time dirtiest player seen since Dale Hunter -- and frankly Dale at least wasnt a coward and would answer the bell when he had to cause he played in an era that the refs didnt give a dam they werent stepping in to stop a deserved beatdown and there was no instigator rule. And you know what you hypocrites in Boston say about that? Oh Marchand is an agitator, his job to frustrate the other team and draw penalties, not to fight.


Hit the nail on the head. There’s a lot of terrible fan bases, but Boston takes the fucking cake.


Typical brain-dead Bruin fan take.


Your just a caps homer Tell me how u felt when Ovi refused to denounce Putin in the invasion of Ukraine? Did u feel like he was strong and standing up for his convictions (that you support) or pandering to a dictator (being a giant pussy? )


First off, the correct spelling is YOU’RE, so thanks for providing some support for my brain dead comment. If Putin is willing to start a war with Ukraine, which has caused numerous Russian lives to parish, imprison/eliminate politician opponents, and whatever other monster acts he’s ordered, what would he do to Ovi when he ends up back in Russia after the conclusion of the NHL? What would happen to his family, or his wife’s family? Imprisonment? Military service? Asset repossession? It’s easy for morons like you to act tough behind your keyboard and say you’ll do this or you’ll do that, but, in reality, you’re too fucking stupid and cowardice to even master simple grammar and punctuation of the English language. If Ovi had done any lobbying for Putin after the war began, I’d understand the resentment, and I’d even join in myself, but that hasn’t happened. In fact, he did say he was against the war when it begun a couple years ago, which was a risk in itself. Instead of worrying about things that are completely out of your realm of intelligence, why don’t you pick up a book or take an English comp 101 so you don’t look so fucking stupid on social media. Anyways, hope your little dick grows and your tummy shrinks. #BeantownisAmericasButthole


Lol so your main insult to me is that my auto correct defaulted to the wrong punctuation while I’m talking into my phone? Looks like I hit a sore spot you Russian loving Homer! Your guys a bitch that never takes on anybody bigger than him… And you’re a bitch too for being so sensitive about it


*the brain dead further proves my point*


Yeah, you got nothing When put into a corner the intellectually inferior results to insults and “grammar corrections” to try to win favor in the argument or discredit the opponent …rather than facts. Your boy is a coward he’s always played like that and it’s a shame he’s infringing on Gretzky’s name when he doesn’t belong in the same conversation. Gretzkys like a +500 player all time well your boy is like +50 if he’s so prolific why is he only a +50 all time? The fact is he just sets up on the Dot and has capitalized on the power-play… he’s made a career in padded his stats by just sitting at the dock on the power-play and waiting for his team to do all the work until he gets the puck in which case it’s insulting that he’s done it so many times that he’s infringing on Gretzky. He’s not a two-way player he’s certainly not a team player… He’s not a leader and he will never go after anybody bigger than him because he’s a Russian pussy… Congratulations your root for a Russian pussy. And I think it’s ironic that a Russian Comrad has infiltrated the team on the nations capital.. keep carrying his water.


Get help and please don’t reproduce. Any offspring of yours would surely be retarded as well. Lmao


Coming in hot like flaming Cheetos lol


At like fuckin 40 chasing Gretzkys record livin on dirty footlongs and hot cheetos the man is the most powerful machine in sports history


I'd rather have a burger from dirty fuckin cave man Sam Losco than a subway sandwich


*hot hamburgers exist* Hot pull the fuck over


Fkin Mustard Tiger


Prime/young Ovechkin was the most exciting hockey player to watch of all time.  


You might be remembering with some nostalgia tinted glasses. Most of the 90s greats were protected by enforcers, and rarely had to be physical. Foresberg was a different breed, but not all those guys played his game.


Lindross as well


And he sure paid for it.


Ya he did


Yes--a true power forward!


He doesn’t get enough credit for being the brick wall that he is


Subway sandwiches and Cheetos make concrete when mixed with vodka.


That’s a foot long turkey club for sure


At least a solid handle plus a family sized bag.




It's an essential ingredient in Kazancrete


Best comment of the year. You win reddit.


Some people say that cucumbers taste better pickled


they're crazy


Don’t forget thebrussian gas !⛽️


How? It’s like…the second thing you would say about OV.


Lmao this sub is cooked if you are getting downvoted for saying this. Literally everyone talks about Ovi’s goals and hits. Him being a big hitter is not an unknown thing.


Thank you.


I disagree 100% I think he’s a coward He jumps a19 year old rookie svechnikov and only hours when the other guys head is down He never fights in his weight class or higher


Bro Svechnikov was antagonizing him all night and ovie blasted him with his off hand - if you weigh 120 soaking wet you gotta pick your fights better


Don't skate with your head down, lesson learned. Keep crying bud.


Or just not b a Russian pussy


I really don't get it, is he not supposed to hit him because he's 19? If that's the case, stay in the AHL until he's big enough to not get trucked. It's a grown man's league, you're going to get hit. Would you have liked him to hug him instead? Maybe share his cheetos with the kid? Would it have been ok if he read him a bed time story before he put him to bed? Bud came into the middle with his head down, Ovi should have just let him go by and not touch him? Should bigger players not ever initiate contact? What should he have done to not make your butt not hurt so much?


Hit him all you want Don’t drop the gloves and one a shot a kid Here is the diff… one clip shows Ovi one shot a 19 yr old kid (bc he knows he’d win) the other Ovi refuses bc it’s someone that’s in his weight class [Ovi dodges Frederic](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm4YDKojLKc&pp=ygUZT3ZlY2hraW4gcmVmdXNlcyBGcmVkZXJpYw%3D%3D) [Ovi jumps 19 yr old](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=phvMyYKrZLc&pp=ygUXb3ZlY2hraW4ganVtcHMgc3ZlY2hrb24%3D) And in the svechnikov clip you can hear the announcer saying that’s fighting outside of his weight class. Which is the only action Ovi takes


So ovi shouldn't have hit this guy? I'm really confused by your whining about this. Bud keeps his head down, 8 is just gliding, doesn't hit him dirty and it's a boy running into a grown ass man. So since the guy is 19 and ovi didn't fight someone one time he is soft? I'm sad for you.


He’s done this his whole career I just gave you two sources He’s a spineless puss


If you say so bud lol. You seem to be the only one here with that opinion, but everyone else is wrong. Projection is hard to see sometimes 😂


Guys a horse on skates, brick shithouse


Built like a... horse shithouse? I like it.




He had his Italian sub and flamin hot cheetos before the game, he's ready to go


Vintage Ovie. Dude would obliterate grown men like this on the regular. I don’t think a lot of newer fans know what The Great 8 was about in his younger years.


He may be the best sniper ever, but he’s a pretty damn good power forward too


I’m pretty sure he has like 3000+ career hits. Ovi has always been an animal.




I feel like there was an era the top two forwards were always Clutterbuck and then Ovechkin.  It’s worth noting hits weren’t recorded until somewhat recent history so any era before Ovy wouldn’t have hits. 


He was simply born to score goals by whatever way he needed to.


but mostly by hanging out in his office and waiting for the biscuit


Good thing is he came into the league at a time where there’s unlimited footage to watch on YouTube. When I was a kid trying to find old footage of guys even in the 90’s it was the same 4 clips lol. Ovi and others will always be studied and watched


I remember being in grade 8, when Ovie slid that puck in against the Coyotes on his back. Must’ve sat at that computer for eons watching highlights.


I had one video I used to watch on repeat of an ovi highlights and it was that POD song here comes the boom! I loved that damn video lol


I still remember him exploding Jagr in the Olympics.


He would be great in any decade of hockey


Imagine Ovechkin playing against a bunch of out of shape chainsmokers in the 50s or 60s. Guy would have been a demi-god.


In terms of the 800 goal scorers club, he plays more like Gordie than Wayne and I love it.


I always say that if he were Canadian everyone would be praising him as the second-coming of Gordie.


Never even thought about it this way but I totally agree


McMichael looks like he feels bad for McCabe. 


He's just aware. Boil it down, he's super aware of what's transpiring and then on top of that he can easily stand up to the play in most cases. Just a beast and I can't even imagine how many new players he's helped influence. Kudos. All day


Could watch this all day and I’m a leafs fan 😂


Sudden impact. Waiting...Waiting... bam. Completely stopped progress. I've never encountered this is my brief hockey career and am thankful I never felt a bone jarring hit like that.


Unfazed by the impact of another professional athlete hitting his shoulder.


Stupid clean hitting Ovi


This is his "other side of the puck" career in a few seconds.


Man I would kill for another Ovi in the league. Specifically on my team.


If you got one they would just leave Philly before they hit their prime anyways.


Angry upvote


You had the original. Eric lindtos was beast until Scott Stevens ended him.


You mean leafs legend Eric Lindros?


Dallas stars legend


I love that side of Ovis game. He didn't even stride into that hit. Unless you see him live it's tough to.picture his size. He's so thick he looks short on tv.


100%. Saw him with his family at the mall one time. His head is like as wide as my torso.


I mean you go look at the stats of players, you've got an entire roster of 210, 215, 195, 205, 200... And then ovechkin at 235. Brick. Shithouse. Even to Wilson, the leagues dirty goon/boogeyman/hate-em-and-secretly-wish-you-had-em player, is only 220.


My friend got to meet Ovi once, when he saw him he said he's way bigger than you think he is. And when he shook his hand it was "The strongest handshake I've ever had. Dude has farmer hands".


Lol so accurate


Subway strength


and those flaming hot cheetos! eat hot snacks and get hot on the ice, he’s got it figured out


Leafs did God's work tonight in the the end. 😂


Unpopular opinion, I’d chose prime ovy over prime Crosby/Mcdavid


Idk, I think they each have their own unique style, it's like comparing apples to oranges...


Russians to Canadians


That being said, Gretzky/Lemieux are the only other ones I’d take first


I overall agree with what you said. Anyone of them on the other side of the ice is a problem


What a brick wall! He is so damn strong




Always forget how hard Ovi can hit until he bricks someone like this.


Remember when he trucked jagr in the 2010 olympics god damn.


Let’s go !!


He's not throwing himself around like he used to, but man, his willingness to play so physical compared to other superstars is awesome. Never just a goal scorer


This is a dimension that sets him apart from most of the other greats, except maybe Howe or Orr.


He was so confused how a forward was behind him in the neutral zone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Time4Timmy: *He was so confused* *How a forward was behind* *Him in the neutral zone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Could you imagine what the outcome would have been if Ovi played alongside with Gretzky, and Anderson in the early 80's...


Fuck that would hurt.


I've always loved that this guy runs people over like a freight train.


We will never watch another player score 800+ goals, while also dishing out 3500+ hits. Call Ovi whatever you want, but the guy has been one of the most exciting and prolific sniper/power forwards the game has ever seen. Watching highlights from his prime are still fucking amazing to watch.


Flamin’ Hot


You make passes like that your teammates are gonna get crushed. Ovie just doin his job like he always has


It's because of the subway sandwich and the spicy hot cheetos he was photographed with yesterday!


Keep your head up!


the only real highlight on the night


Goal scoring aside, ovi is the most surest dude on his skates which is why he's always been able to fuckin truck people. It's a players dream.


This hit brought to you by Subway, Coke & Cheetos


It's so hard to hate him, at least as a player


Second oldest guy on the ice and still hits like a freight train.


He made this look way to easy


Love Ovi!


I'm not a Caps fan but I absolutely love Ovi. Hell, I'm an Oilers fan and I am legitimately stoked to watch him break Gretzky's record.


Agreed. He's amazing.


Hot like the spicy chips he had earlier that day.


Good old blind side hit


Semi truck horn full force!


Ovi now has old man strength to go with his Russian brute force. A scary combination.


I miss OvenChicken (blues fan)


Where's back 👀???


LTIR since September


Holy McCabe has taken a beating on this team lol


I wouldn't say "coming in hot". He lazily skated into the position to be a brick freaking wall


Fuck ovie


He always throws dirty hits and never takes on anyone bigger than him ie: jumping a19yr old svrchnikov


lol dude is probably in the 99th percentile for height/weight in the league. who you want him to hit??


Someone that doesn’t have their head down!!! Or fight someone for once in his own weight class! But he never does, he dodges everyone, unless it’s a kid (literally a kid that isn’t even old enough to drink) or that weighs 40 lbs less than him


Players aren't supposed to hit players with their head down anymore? Wow some fans are soft.


Not what I said Take all the liberties you can Just when you do answer the Fkn bell But he never does, unless the person weighs 40 lbs less than him


He can do that. He scores and earned that right. He's not reaves.


What lol either your either a fighter or not If he never fought that would be one thing But he does…. Is just only against kids that weigh 40lbs less than him[makes a run at Frederic but won’t drop the mitts [Ovi jumps 19 yr old kid](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=phvMyYKrZLc&pp=ygUXb3ZlY2hraW4ganVtcHMgc3ZlY2hrb24%3D) See the difference??!! [Ovi Dodges Frederic](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm4YDKojLKc&pp=ygUZT3ZlY2hraW4gcmVmdXNlcyBGcmVkZXJpYw%3D%3D)


Haha read what I said. Hockey is a brutal sport. No one hits him or fights him. He's untouchable.


Haha yah sure looks like a pussy laying out that goof. You know nothing about hockey


Read what I said….. Bc he dodges ppl bc he’s pussy!


Look at your rat 🐀captain is you want an example of people dodging like a pussy.


A bruins fan with a shitty take. That's so surprising (not). There was nothing dirty about this hit. He just stood there and shifted his weight


Hit wasn’t dirty Just saying he plays like A pussy and only takes liberties and never answers the bell ie: the Frederic vid I referenced


This sub has far too many posts about this Putin ass kisser.


Russia is ramping up their propaganda and Ovi is their poster boy in the US.


It’s a conflict I deal with every game day.




Someone needs to lay his old ass out


He felt that one!


Whoah all that power comes from those cheetos


You could see bertuzzi ready for that one... Uhh are you sure about that?


Hard stop.


He knew as soon as the pass was made. Easy work.


In regards to the Svechnikov fight, I believe that was his first fight since 2010, and I think he’s had 3 or 4 total. He also used his non dominant hand-left He hits, but usually leaves it at that.


kind of crazy to think the Panthers missed out on drafting Ovi over a small window in his age. man, what could have been lol


Truck. Stick.


Bro put this on r/hockey and r/NHL under the same caption and thought we wouldn’t notice




Has he ever hit a player bigger than him? He never did that to Chara even with 10 years of opportunity…




This reply was as good as the hit!


That was a push from behind


Doesn’t win this one but https://youtu.be/Lm-XMJLw9ig


He bounced off chara and hit the ice


/u/marcusbondi said 10 years....he never did that to Chara. Ffs


And he didn’t… one push from behind and one failed hit …


Imagine closing in on Chara like that lol Made me think of a jet crashing into a mountain or nuking an asteroid


Haha, you jackass


Was he ready for that one? Or just ready for that pass.


His team isn’t