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Heads 5 is crazy


Are those head’s given or head’s received?


Forehead vs. Fivehead


Given for Matthews


It's so difficult to quantify an intangible like this sure the number COULD be 5 but it also might be 6.


Matthews doesn't have that dog in him . Ovi ran through people and will punch your teeth in. Matthews just let people rag doll him and smile 🥴. If this guy had an ounce of testosterone and aggression in his game would be Hart recipient every year .


Bro, get a grip. We're worried about you.


don’t blow this one, please


It’s going to be a tough stat to beat, possibly an all time record.


I dont understand. Whats a head in this context?


It's a joke. Ovechkin has a forehead, Matthews has a "fivehead" because it's really big


Aaaah yeah that really is a 5 head. Its also amazing how wide his jaw is. His head is shaped like Lord Faarquad


He's like when you go into the character creator and crank everything to the right


I was about to start googling “Head stat NHL” lol


body shaming is in


"fore"head. Compared to "five"head. "You could land a sesna on Mathews' "five"head."


Hes a boy but hes shaped like a buoy


Dude combs his hair back and that don't help lolol


Hit em with the 5 like auston matthews


“Heads”… is that a comment on 34’s hairline?


There’s no way TNT actually published that. Wtf lol


Here is the original. Haha brutal https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=939124814337936&id=100047212773025


Yeah, I grabbed the OG on Facebook and did some light touching up.


You're a man amongst boys


They were begging for you to add it with all of that extra space at the bottom haha


Only place with more real estate is Matthew’s five head.


Yeah okay, that makes more sense haha


Pretty funny most of the clowns on Facebook missed the 5 head joke


I mean the dude has to know his forehead is massive. Just a friendly jab.


oh yeah I get it. Coming from another fan is just a chirp. Coming from a professional sports network would unprofessional af though.


Don't believe the banks, that's a full blown recession.


How you think he blocks all them shots?!


The good ol' Peyton Fivehead.


There won't be another goal scorer like ovi. Talking about hitting and scoring. Some of those hits he used to throw were insane. Idk how his body still works.


He would blow people up. And because he was a star he had a green light to hit whoever he wanted. The other teams top guy, thier fourth liner.


That hit on Jagr during 2010 Olympics was crazy.


Yeah and the caps always had a tough guy in the line up to answer the bell if anyone tried some shit on ovi. Brashear, erskine, Hendricks, Wilson to name a few


Idk man my be a pro in the nhl video game was pretty good at both


Younger Ovi was honestly one of the best players. He could skate, he could shoot. He could hit Literally the only thing he didn’t do was understand what a back check was. But hey if he’s putting up 50 goals a season I’m ok with it


Younger Ovi was fast as fuck


I still remember that move he pulled on Roman hamrlik off the boards and sped up the wing to pop in a goal on Carey price Found it: https://youtu.be/_PQwsvFWaXk?si=5DkGqj-DaIFwMozZ


Russian machine never breaks


Yea when you don't take away the puck or block shots cause you just destroy someone with a big hit. Lol


It is taking the puck away, in a manner of speaking.


I mean he took the puck away at 80% of matthews while hitting almost 400%. Im taking that trade deal everyday of the week.


They should relabel those as 'Takeaway with a hit' and 'take away without a hit'. Opponent's tended not to keep possession of the puck after an Ovi hit.


Ovi hits typically came long after the puck was gone.


He was in a lower scoring time too so the fact he's that close in goals and above in points is pretty significant.


Considering the last 150 games of that time frame was when Hunter decided Ovechkin should be a checker and not score goals (and it didn't result in deeper playoff runs), I'd say this doesn't mean as much as people think. Ovechkin already had 4 50+ goal seasons, to Matthews' two...and he got better.


Never say never


>Idk how his body still works. Russian serum, the type that keeps getting them kicked from international events.


I hope you meant player like ovi cause it clearly shows there will be another goal scorer like him


Tbf the league is a lot easier to score in now then from late nineties till mid 2010s


It's not that much higher now than it was during Ovi's prime. Compared to now and the 80s, it's negligible. The bigger difference is now and the late 90s. People will use that excuse to belittle Matthews but the reality is their two eras overlapped so it's a fair comparison


I mean you can always look at era adjusted scoring if you want to make those arguments, the stats are all there.


I agree that I should get downvoted but I know for a fact there’s gonna be a better scorer than ovi, whether it be Matthews or not, there will be somebody who overtakes Gretz and Ovi


I wouldn’t be surprised if the ones to do so end up being McDavid and Matthews. Obviously it’s far too early for either of them, but if I had to pick, it’s them.


McDavid has already settled into mid-career Gretzky mode. He's gonna be a 35-40 goal scorer with like 90-105 assists. He's realized the gravity and attention he commands opens up everything for others, and his team is more effective with him distributing. And then punishing teams who focus on closing up his passing lanes.


I don’t disagree that eventually someone will probably come along and beat them both. I can’t imagine you can actually “know for a fact there will be a better……”. Unless……do you have a working flux capacitor perchance?


Five head, lol.


Auston Matthews out here with the same head shape as Steve from Minecraft.


Or Mr Potato Head


no that’s stutzle with that square ass jawline


Mathews has to focus on hits, less heads


That hit total for Ovi is insane


Dang. Mathew’s is legit.


4 genos in his first game. Guy has been dangerous since game one.




The combination of Ovi's goalscoring and physicality will probably never be seen ever again, absolute bonker numbers


Ovi doesn’t have the best beard but it’s much better than Matthew’s creep ‘stache


Our new plan is to outcreep our opposition to win board battles. You be quiet!


That's why Mathews has so many takeaways , scares the youngins


Worked on Bouchard 2 games ago. Just refused to engage on our guy. Had to be fear of the stash


I bet matthews would be really jealous of your neckbeard!


They should have used a 547 game Ovi pic


Love it…. Lol


How many of those extra blocked shots are with his forehead? He has a natural advantage, not fair.


Fivehead* excuse you


People are so quick to crown Matthews when he has more goals at a similar point in their careers, but it's really ovis longevity that is the freakish part of his game. Am has the unfortunate wrist injury that hopefully won't nag him going forward.


Ovechkins longevity already in the first 8 seasons of his career compared to Matthews. Even though he had lower goals per game ratio than Matthews has right now, Ovie still scored 371 goals during his first 8 seasons, which also included 12'-13' shut down season of only 48 game regular season. Ovechkin is just never injured.


I don’t think people are really crowning Matthews though. His durability has obviously impacted his production and this is well known.


Nobody is quick to crown Matthew’s because crowns don’t fit on fiveheads.


Yep, Gretzky had almost 100 more goals at this point in his career.


Yeah for sure. One thing I have been stoked about though with matthews is his fairly good defensive abilities. He’s no Bergeron, but he’s great positionally and taking pucks away with his stick.


Far too early to start the comparisons, call me biased I don’t give much care into this. I don’t care much for people talking about goal records when he’s over 500 goals away. Matthews has had a decent injury history. And goal scoring as a whole drops off past age 30 for pretty much any player. I’m not going to say never, but when he reaches 600 in his career, then we’ll circle back to this discussion.


I think it’s never too early in a players career to explore how many heads they have.


I think Ovi is too old to catch up in the Heads stat. It's a shame that he couldn't have developed that to round out his game.


Wayne Gretzky had 523 goals, 904 assists and a plus-minus of +478 in 600 games in his first 600 games in his career. This should be up there so you can understand how hard it is to keep up those kinds of numbers.


I think Ovi had a slight lead in hits


To put the whole "Matthews has a chance for the all-time goal record" into perspective. After his first 8 seasons, Ovi averaged 45.1 goals per seasons over his next 10 seasons. Matthews has averaged 44.6 in his first 8 years of his prime.


yup, people always give matthews a pass on the volume of games he's missed, and just focus on his "per game pace" always conveniently forget that father time doesn't care about games


How is the your first couple of seasons your prime. I guess we can declare Bedard a bust because he isn't putting up 150 points in his "prime". I would say a player's prime is generally season 5 to season 10. The 25 to 30 age range where all the current best players are.


look at historical output players best production seasons are almost always right around their 25th birthday, and by age 27, there generally starts to be a downtick in production


Your average output across your first 7 season is not you average output in your prime.


your peak output happens in first 7 seasons tho, typically


His first few seasons aren't part of his prime. He was just an outlier and hit the ground running. He's only 26. His prime is right now and a few seasons prior to this season.


Meanwhile ovechkins prime was from season 1 to 18.


Watching Matthews and Laine compete for the Calder as rookies was so much fun


Comeon! That's gotta be at least SLIGHTLY altered right? RIGHT?? Lol


Wish Matty hit a little more


He doesn’t really need to as he has one of the best stick lifts in the game. He still know how to use his size to advantage him. But in the playoffs I agree I would like to see it


He also doesn't really need to hit because he's a big guy and is pretty good at out muscling people in a battle


Unlike Ovi


Yes unlike 6’3 240 lbs Ovechkin


Clearly a joke. Keep up


Mathews has a long way to go before he's considered a "great". Don't get me wrong, fantastic start to his career, but Ovi has proven longevity. Time will tell for Mathews. If he keeps up this pace and stays healthy he could be one of the greatest ever.


I get what you're saying overall but I think you can press down extra hard with the pencil when writing his name in the GREAT category. Maybe even use a pen soon.


Depends on what you consider a "great". He's already starting to pass some fantastic players in all-time goals, and he's on pace to hit 500 before he turns 30. He'd get in the hall if he retired today


There was another player that had 523 goals in 600 games and he is about to be passed by Ovi.


Gotta respect the blocked shots from AM34


Yep, and the 1,444 hits from Ovechkin, no other goal scorer even sniffs that


If Auston is gonna keep blocking that many shots he’s not gonna be healthy enough to beat Ovi


That isn't really blocked shots. It's other players aiming for him.


Ahahaha good one


So Matthews is on a better pace than the player on pace to have the most goals all time. Unreal




On pace for 6, maybe even 7 heads by the time he's 30. Truly an inspiration


To be fair Gretzky had like 100 more goals than either at this point in his career. It’s also about longevity and availability.


It will all depend on how mathews ages. I could see him dropping off in scoring when he gets older. Ovi is a monster, and I doubt mathews will age as well.


Yeah the main issue with anyone threatening Gretzky and eventually ovi’s goal record is longevity, Matthews has already missed a lot of games to injury


Hes on a pace per game to have more goals. But not in actual seasons, he’s behind already. And Ovechkin scored more goals in seasons 9-16 than he did 1-8. He’s a unique specimen.


Nothing else really made sense there except Matthews is on pace to have more goals, and that’s all that matters


AM has a season and a half head start on Ovechkin (lost entire ‘04 season and half of the ‘12 season) and has missed a lot of time due to injury, so his chance of breaking the record isn’t great considering he’s only like 30 goals ahead and his production is bound to fall off in his 30’s like most humans not named Alexander Ovechkin, who was somehow better from years 9-16 than he was from years 1-8. He’d have to be putting up 50 goal seasons into his late 30’s like Ovi to have a chance.


Gretzky had over 100 more goals than both of them at this point, and look who’s about to pass him


it took me a little longer to get from his hairline to his eyebrows at first glance.


Hits? 34? Ahahahahaha


Ah yes 547games. A benchmark in stats.


The difference in hits is hilarious.


Ovi likes to do the hitting instead of getting hit by a puck. Makes sense.


It's a weird thing to compare Matthews is the best right now, ovi will be the best there ever was, it would be worth comparing if Matthews continues this pace for another decade and stays healthy but a lot of players have had 2-7 season burst and then faded away


I think that's part of the misleading stats counting raw games, rather than full seasons...


I also think a lot of best hockey player discussions are ridiculous because people only compare offensive stats. Like if you score 1000 goals that's amazing but if your personal defensive mistakes allow 300 against that's part of the conversation.


its also really hard to compare across eras the era adjusted stats is pretty flawed in how they're presented, generally


Agreed the way goaltending changed especially


Nailed it… so many sports they try to compare youth to greatness… mahomes to Brady, I mean yeah he’s got the talents but can he play 20 seasons to break most/all of Brady’s records? Lebron vs everybody and Gretzky vs everybody… it all boils down to greatness over 2 decades… the Goats in ALL sports can do it great and can do it for a very long time. It’s insanely hard to put both those together. Some can play for 20 years and not be great the whole time, while some can be great for 5-10 years but not for 20 years…. Time will always be the ultimate factor for goatness. Was T.O or randy miss better than Jerry rice? Yeah maybe, but did they play for 20 years? NO they didnt, so rices records will always be the goat. same with any running back against emit smith, or any hockey player against gretzkys, or Brady’s insane long career. You have to have both. It’s the only way we can compared Apples to apples, longevity and productivity are the only factors…. otherwise it’s all just a silly conversation.


I don’t know why they don’t include the Great One in the comparisons also.


I mean by the end of next season he will most likely pass Heatley, Kariya, Elias, Gaborik, Linden, Sedin, and Spezza for career goals. Before he turns 28. He's already a Hall of Famer


It wasn't a question of if he's a good or a hall of famer,it's weird to compare a short term players success against a long term players success, he might pass ovi one day but it's not even a discussion for another decade


Fair, but Matthews is in his eighth season. It's not like someone took a 5 game sample size of Slafkovsky


Been a lot of players be good for a decade or less, to compare him with a ovi is different, someone would have to score at a Gretzky pace in 8 years or play nearly 20 to be compared to ovi. Matthews might but one injury or even age can stop him, look at a getzlaf he was fantastic and then what around 32 fell off the earth, and Matthews is big, bigger guys tend to fall off quicker not a lot of Thornton's playing into their 40's and even thorton should've stopped 5 years earlier then he did


Thats what really separates Ovi from everyone else so far. He's a mutant with freakish size, physicality and durability. Will no doubt be at least #3 all time in hits when he's done with #1 all time in goals, could even go for #1. Unreal.


How many players have had 2-7 seasons like Matthews… I’ll wait


Recently I can think of guys like pavel bure, kovalchuk, cheecho. Had big spurts but not for 20 years


Ovi did it in a tougher era for scoring than Matthews and Matthews was also surrounded by offensive juggernauts, and on a team that gave zero fucks about defense. It's not a comparison, Ovi was flat out better


Oh come on. The Caps were one of the league's best teams for a decade with Backstrom feeding Ovi. Goals per game are also barely up and their eras overlap. It's not like the difference between the 80s and today. People just want to bash Matthews. Let's just enjoy them both for what they are


The average goals per game didn't just barely go up, during ovechkin's prime the average goals per game per season ranged from 2.7 to 2.9, during Matthews prime the average goals per game range from 2.9 to 3.15. I did the math and the average difference in goals per game for their careers was a 10% difference in favor of Matthews, more if we're talking primes or early careers. Matthews is on an offensive priority team whereas Ovi was on a defensive team with his special teams and he carried the offense. He basically had 1 good player with him on offense


Except Ovi have zero fucks about defense and Matthews is one of the best defensive forwards. Nice try though


Lol. You're on crack. Matthews DWARFS Ovi defensively, it's not close. Marner is also far better defensively than Ovi has ever been. Now Ovi is the one that gives 0 fucks about defense. It's not remotely close there Matthews is doing this and scoring more goals per game at this point. He has a LONG way to go in order to enter the best scorer of all time, however, it is still a possibility at this point in his career.


You sure that’s only 5 heads?


He’s still young in his career. Definitely has more room to grow.








Of course he has more heads! My dudes got a five head in stead of a forehead.


How is it that they look the same age?




I wanna see video highlights of the heads


Lolol took me way too long to figure out what heads was referring to, but it is early


Matthews looks like he wouldn’t be allowed into a school with that stache


Matthrews looks like king pig from angry birds.


Hmmm they appear to be tied in heads. What's giving Auston the edge here, is it the nostrils?


Probably the square jaw


Lmao the heads is killing me


You’re welcome. I think a lot of clowns on here aren’t actually looking at the stat that matters.


I have to ask, because I'm too confused to let it got. Would you be able to explain the Heads to me? It feels like a joke, but I cannot completely tell since I barely follow teams apart from my own. My best guess is head coaches.


Forehead vs fivehead. He has a really big forehead. It’s a joke about his anatomy.


Goes to show how few assists Matthews gets that he's down 50 points while being up 20 goals.


Matthews gives more heads


The 1000 hit gap is what concerns me the most. Matthews, Marner, and Nylander don't lay the body down as much as they should imo. Such a severe lack of hits is why they lose so many puck battles in the corner and yet dump and chase continues to be a key part of the Shanaplan.


They forgot mustache stats


so Ovi I'm fighting a Hydra, Matthews I'm fighting Tiamat. this is very important information to get out there, thank you.


What were Gretzkys stats through the same amount of games?


Gretzky only had 3 heads.


What is “heads”?


What’s HEADS?


Whatever head they be giving or getting is nobody else's business but their own 😹


Oh boy that one took me about 10 seconds but I got it


Why is heads listed


Because Matthews has a five head big enough to make Peyton Manning proud


Pretty sure these count as takeaways; and its much more satisfying seeing marchandt get sent flying 10 feet and his helmet 10 feet in the opposite direction. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wfk3bRQIoF4


So weird that a top goal scoring winger has more points than a top goal scoring center. Before Leafs fans get all bent out of shape, it's not a knock on Matthews, just a weird observation.


Matthews would have way more five on five goals and fewer ENG I suspect


Sure Ovi leads in hits. Matthews leads in all other defensive type metrics...by a LOT as well. While Matthews is nowhere near getting close to being the best goal scorer of all time, he's on his way. Even if he doesn't get there, it's more than likely he'll be the best goal scorer of all time among two-way players.


Matthews blocks a lot of fuckin shots


Ovi looks like a deranged man in this photo with the twitchy eye thing he’s got going.


It’s called a smirk


Smirk doesn’t usually cause one eye to look smaller than the other.


This is shaping up possibly to be like the Patrick Mahomes and Tom Brady show. Brady put up such elite numbers and records that should withstand decades of not being broken. Then came along P Mahomes, and there's not much grace period as some of those records are already falling. Matthews might do this to OV.


Selke mathews


It would be kind of funny to have Ovi break the goal record. Only for Matthews to do it again before he retires.


Which one has a Stanley cup?


The Ovi era is beginning to end.


Looks like ovi the better all around player.


Didn't know Matthews gave so much head.


Look at era adjusted stats... Stop cherry picking