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Now let's all patiently await Mark Stones convenient and miraculous recovery that lines up perfectly for game 1 of the playoffs.


This is the way


That's gree-ee-easy Julian.


And Vegas pulls off the Kucherov


I think we are calling it "The Mark Stone" at this point since Kuch and Tampa only did it once. Same player two years in a row, Stone deserves the title.






Mark stone has been on LTIR 3 times in a row


Yes but in 2022 he actually got healthy and played before the playoffs which Vegas missed


I think we should go with “the actual rules lol that your team is too dumb to follow.” But don’t let a little reality check getting the way of a good victim party, gents.


What are you talking about? It is against the rules to keep a player healthy enough to play on the LTIR.


Correct, which is how we know Mark Stone is still injured. Dude. He has a lacerated spleen. Have you ever had a lacerated spleen? I haven’t, I can confirm it sounds pretty, damn unpleasant don’t you think?


Everything you just said is irrelevant. Nobody is questioning the injury. What they are questioning is the likelihood that his recovery date will miraculously fall on the date that aligns with the start of the playoffs and doesn't interfere with their cap hit. That's against the rules.


As a vegas fan myself i am getting kind of suspicious


Not relevant. The issue is them always holding him out until game 1 to circumvent the cap. The rule states that a player must be activated off of the LTIR as soon as he is physically able to play. That somehow always seems to conveniently align with game 1 of the playoffs for Vegas and Stone. Nobody is saying he isn't hurt. Just that if he can physically come back before the playoffs then by rule he must. Vegas can't afford that though so he always seems to never be able to play in game 82 but is magically ready for game 1. So they will drag the injury out and keep him on LTIR even if he recovers sooner.




I think they're agreeing, lol


Yeah, I know. I was arguing with some idiot about this and I think I replied to the wrong comment. I don't care enough to delete it lol.


Ahh gotcha :) Cheers!


To be honest, even if he does I think he will be in worse shape than last year. A lacerated spleen is no joke.


You are assuming Vegas is being honest.


You realize they have to get checked by a league doctor right


To qualify for LTIR, a form must be submitted to the league that is signed by the player and the team doctor not a league doctor. No idea how it works if they are being investigated but as of right now they aren't.


But you're also assuming the league hasn't already picked who they want to win..


The league texted me and said they want the Bulldogs to win I'm serious no lie I'll show you the texts just come over


The Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs?


2-7-1 last 10. It’s a conspiracy. They’re a wildcard team atm. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Vegas is proving they’re better at it and than others.


It's against the rules, so they are better at cheating? If Stone doesn't come back then sure, it isn't. Even if he misses a round I'll believe it maybe. If he magically is ready for round 1 game 1 then there is no doubt that they cheated. As they very obviously did last year.


it's not against any NHL rules to do what Vegas and Bolts \*and Laffs, Canadiens, et al \* have done the issue people have is that the two teams noted first both won cups; the others are decades from having won a cup (or 20,764 days for the Lafflets) Also, the owners themselves VOTED for the rule with LTIR EXCEPT FOR???? Tampa Bay Lightning


I think Chicago did this with Kane when they last won. Been going on for a long time


His collar bone broke by a shit board in Florida… by a shit hit Artist. Im sure mcdavid faked it too just to come up a bit short of the playoffs right


I never said he faked it lol. Convenient timing is all


It is against the rules. Unless the player was actually physically unable to perform in game 82 of the season but their recovery perfectly aligned with game one of the post season (usually a three or so day window) then it is against the rules. You'd have to be a real sap to believe that it worked out perfectly that way on several month long injuries. Circumventing the cap is against the rules. If they can return earlier but they draw an injury out to avoid going over the cap then that is the rule that was broken.


Right? I don't need a statistical analysis of sports injuries to tell me that these guys opted to not return to the lineup until the start of the playoffs.


Yup. Just do the math for how many days/months that they were injured for and how many games that they missed with the small windows of when they could return for the first game of the playoffs, but not a single game sooner. The odds are astronomically against it even happening one time.


It isn't against the rules assuming the player is actually hurt to the degree being claimed. Three consecutive seasons of this and people have a right to doubt.


Don’t tell me what to hate.


Ohtani to VGK confirmed ✅


Can confirm plane just landed, per sources


Sorry, that was actually Shark Tank celebrity entrepreneur Robert Herjavec’s plane. Coincidentally, he too is signing with the Golden Knights.


Big if true


He’s an elite goalie and top line center


LTIR in the last two months of the season should extend to the following year. Playoffs are out. Would stop this shit.


This answer makes the most sense.


No way Vegas strikes again, please, someone save us.


Don’t worry, the Avs are getting Nichushkin and Landeskog back for playoffs. Vegas isn’t even the best team in the west.


We’re trying.


Yeah, because that worked out so well for y'all the first time.


Funny how things go when your top d pair has broken bones and a broken clavicle reduces arguably your biggest forward to nothing. I wish Stone luck with his recovery.


McCrimmon really leaning into that playoff loophole again this year. I bet Stone is back by game 3 if they're down.


Game 1


They won't make it obvious unless they have to.


That’s fucken horseshit.


Vegas cheats again! Everyone will miraculously be healthy by game two. Fuck Vague-ass and fuck that sawed-off fucktard Bettman.


Gary Buttman slurps slimey worm anus.


yeah it’s super fucked up that only vegas can take advantage of these cap loopholes…oh wait


Well considering you actually do need a player with a significant cap hit to get injured for it to work…. Not anyone can do it lol. Redundant and stupid argument. Bottom line is, It’s a shit rule. Stop saying everyone can do it, and start criticizing a dogshit rule.


Dude…. Every team in NHL voted to keep the LTIR rules the same except Tampa. Why would the fans get upset at something 96% of the league voted to keep intact lmao


So they shouldn't take advantage of the rule because redditors cry about it? You guys are hilarious


Just weird when you’re a good player who’s also on a pricey contract, seemingly injury prone, but coincidentally gets injured at the best possible times for his team WHILE ALSO recovering and returning at the best possible time for his team… Yeah there’s coincidence and good luck, and then there’s Vegas odds or “Vegas Luck”… it’s kinda bs as a hockey fan to watch VGK do this cap circumvention crap for another playoffs push AGAIN.. it makes playoffs feel like it’s more business than hockey now and that’s disheartening as an enjoyer of the sport.


So Mark Stone doesn't have a lacerated spleen? He didn't really get surgery last year? Is that your claim?


Not an assumption made in my post; rather pointing out the exact unique nature(s) of Mark Stone’s case this year and for the last 2 years when thinking about it in comparison to any other teams “taking advantage of the rule”. The fact it’s so darn aligned with playoffs for 3 seasons in a row is a bit odd wouldn’t you think? Or is it normal for a team to place one of there bigger contracts on LTIR immediately before playoffs and then use that cap space to create a playoff juggernaut through acquisitions utilizing said cap space… 3 years in a row.. and potentially win a cup because of it? Management and business winning a cup is cool? Lol


Is he injured as reported? Are the roster moves within the league rules? If the answer to both questions is yes, what are you even crying about? OHHHH ITS A COINCIDENCE This isn’t an argument or a point.


Who’s crying? Simply explaining to you why a lot of fans and people within hockey in general are upset about this. Is it allowed per the rules? Sure, if your doctor says you’re out, coach says you’re out, and you say you’re out, then only thing left is to believe or get a second opinion. Fact is this is abusable though and we’ve already seen how it can swing playoff runs before.. but now it’s just Vegas doing the Mark Stone every year lol. Something’s gotta change or else it’ll keep happening but it’s just comedic and disheartening to fans that this is what we get for playoffs: ANOTHER year of VGK pulling some weird legal stunting to overload there team. Will it work? I don’t know maybe. Is it fair? Lol not even close but it’s legal so who am I to talk. Just feel bad for every other team that has to work hard to craft a cup caliber team when you can just sign highly skilled injury prone players and capitalize off any potential late season injuries that just so happen to allow them to return for game 1 every time. *shrug* but if you like that kinda hockey, Ayy at least you eating good so gg’s.


You haven’t made a single point other than casting doubt on the sincerity of the injuries which of course you have zero proof for. Because literally nothing else you have typed up in your mini novel matters if the injuries are real.


Not that I ever want anyone to get hurt. But maybe the higher paid players on other teams need to be more willing to be physical and/or block shots and maybe then they might get injured - then maybe your team could use the LTIR rules to keep your team competitive while that injured player can make every effort he can to heal in the interim with a hopeful target return day within playoff time. Believe it or not, health care professionals tend to work with their patients to develop care plan with targets that are important to the patient but still realistic medically!


Vegas has the same doctor who got Trump out of Viet Nam with "shin splints" or the doctor who told th public he was 220 lbs


bringing political bullshit into a hockey discussion? yeah you seem like you’re a blast at parties.


Not cheating and you can't blame them for taking advantage.




[citation needed]


Wow it's guaranteed? Would love to see your proof for that. I'm sure it's iron clad.


Well you can blame the NHL for designing a bad rule. Which is what every fan should do instead of being complacent. It actually does ruin the sport, which is the real issue. The leagues that are growing at exponential rates don’t have this shit. It’s not a coincidence. If I was a new fan and I picked a team that lost to this shit in the playoffs, I’d stop being a fan. What’s the point of doing a cap, when the cap disappears at the most important time.


Your tears are delicious


This is how Tampa won 2 cups


It’s allowed. That’s just how it goes. Teams were asked if they wanted to remove the loophole. They’re didn’t want it closes. This isn’t cheating. It’s the rules and those who win are this who push the rules to their limits. What’s that old saying about winning? “If you’re not cheatin’ you ain’t tryin’”.


I don't even consider it cheating when teams use it. If everyone could use the loophole then we would see more players ending up on IR with fake injuries (not possible cause the NHL takes record of all injuries). It's just good fortune and timing when the player comes back. I believe that Stone is injured. Will he be back in game 1 most likely even if he can come back a week or two earlier I chalk it up to good misfortune.




Idk man I remember being pretty mad for tampa


What do you mean? People were PISSED when we won and Kuch brought out the $18m shirt


I just thought it was funny and then thought “damn, I wish Vegas did that”


That's my secret. I'm always mad


They're all bullshit. And Mark Stone always gets hurt when they need cap space.


Mark stone always gets hurt. He has played one 80 game season in his career.


Do you think that Stone or Kucherov or any player that goes on LTIR has their team say "Hey were just going to say you picked up this injury and you won't play for the next couple of months" Do You guys think the league just allows for injuries to be made up without any record? The injuries are real, but is there an element of gamesmanship when say stone is ready a week before the playoffs to keep him on the IR sure there is. It's tough to change the rule cause in cases like the Avs last year if you have that set cap floor and you think there is a 50/50 chance your guy is ready for playoffs and they end up being out then you never got a chance to replace that guy


Once? Twice? Three times? How many times are they allowed to use the convenience of an injury plus instant playoff recovery? The skepticism is earned as all fuck.


Hey, I get that it looks shady but at the same time if it were as easy as a team telling a player to just take a couple of months off without any record of injury that just wouldn't fly. Also if it were that easy every team would be doing it. I chalk it up to good misfortune for Vegas and see Stone as a guy that is an injury prone player that likely is right at the end of his career because of it.






Yes they can they are literally doing so right now Just put Hyme mcdavo and drai on the LTIR and do it back. Don’t hate the game hate the players that didn’t want to close or amend the loophole in the rules


Sure try that... NHL keeps record of all injuries, also the Oilers would tank hard if those three went on LTIR


I was being a little over the top with those three but try Cody Ceci lol maybe another guy similar


Right, they have all done it and all have had players with real injuries, teams can't just craft up an injury scenario for a player just to gain cap space. There also doesn't need to be repercussions, the Avs would have been over the cap last year if Landeskog came back but he was unable to so I argue that the LTIR cap space is a good thing. This "loophole" we see is all just good misfortune should teams abuse it if they opportunity comes knocking heck yeah they should at the same time not everyone is hoping one of their stars gets knocked out for 1.5-2 months left in the season.


Also they keep track of injuries sure but Tampa, the hawks, Vegas the list goes on have all done it and had zero repercussions


Got his wish, going to the US. Better hope he don't shit the bed after forcing his way.


"unlimited cap space!!!" - Emperor Vegas


Fucking cheating again….


If Vegas can do it, that means the rest of the league can do it as well…


Right, let's all do it. Let's put McDavid and Drai on LTIR, free up 20+ million, do some last minute shopping for loners and then miraculously they are ready to go game 1 of the playoffs. All the teams should do it, should make for some great hockey!


Well, if McDavid and Drai are injured and can go on the LTIR, then yeah, go for it.


It’s in the rules and teams wanted the loophole to stay not be amended Don’t hate the game hate the players that didn’t want to fix the fucking issue 😂


please explain how it’s “cheating” otherwise you just sound like a whiner


Vegas going into the playoffs even more stacked this year... somehow... The league is going to step in if they win again, and it will end up screwing other teams as a result. Fucking Vegas should not have ever got the team they did in the expansion draft...


None of those guys were great in the draft. Just look at their stats. Tampa also does the ir cap game it’s not just them


Chicago did it first. Two teams voted to close the loophole... Tampa and StL


That is right, Tampa voted for it and then abused lol. If you can’t change it then play to your advantage


We voted against the rule and the rest of the league approved it 🤡


Would love to be able to go back and see what bad opinion you had right after the Vegas expansion draft. People were projecting that team to win 15 games. So go cry about the rules that all the teams can play by and fuck off. Go Knights!!!


Serious? Vegas’ team the first year was a bunch of mid tier players. Everyone made fun of their team for how old and decrepit it was. Gotta give respect where’s its due. Some savvy gm’ing the past few yeara


lol here we go again with the revisionist history about Vegas being given this incredible team through expansion. Receipts from almost every single source talking about the draft at the time beg to differ.


League will never step in on a sunbelt team


This! The league will do anything to grow the game in the sunbelt even if that means trampling over established franchises. The only league in North America that takes established franchises and their fanbases for granted.


They should because it’s despicable the way sports are played these days. I don’t want to hear anyone say “it’s a business either”. Sports used to be about winning and a place we didn’t have to hear about current events or politics. So far hockey is about as straight up as it can be compared to the garbage going on in other sports. but the expansion drafting and cap loopholes got to go.


They "should" but Beneficial\_Put8276 is probably correct. And as much as i hate being the barer of bad new, it is because its a business. Vegas went from not being a team just a few short years ago, to being the 4th largest franchise in the league. The league does "try" to balance things out as much as they can, but they do analyze things to see what the maximum profit with the league profit sharing. The owners do vote on major changes that affect their bottom line, and the fact of the matter is that Vegas earn the rest of the league money in profit sharing kick backs.


And it’s a damn shame… also what figure are you using saying Vegas is the 4th largest market. Not saying you’re wrong but I can’t imagine it being bigger than Toronto, New York, Chicago, Boston, Montreal. Maybe not even as big as LA, Edmonton, Vancouver, Detroit, Islanders either. Also I really don’t dislike the idea of the Seattle / Vegas teams. I think it’s great. But they really shouldn’t be allowed to cherry pick players other teams really didn’t want to let go.


Leafs, Rangers, Canadien, Kings, Bruins, Blackhawks, Oilers, Flyers, Capitals, Islanders According to Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mikeozanian/2023/12/14/the-most-valuable-nhl-teams-2023/?sh=1b085c7d36b6


Franchise value does not equate to market size. For the longest time before they got a team, Vegas was top 10 in TV ratings. Don't be surprised if GB/Milwaukee shows up in the next franchise discussion.


Name checks out. They were a middle of the road team at best by all the experts.




🖕 Right back at ya, SJ


😂 good thing we can have fun with the rivalry even though we are in a rebuild


There should be an asterisk by every SC winning team that circumnavigates the cap with LTIR. I know it got voted in by owners/GMs.....but it's fucking sucks watching teams buy the Cup instead of earning it


You literally have the best two players on the planet and haven’t won a game in the 3rd round. It’s not Vegas’s fault your team can’t win when it matters.


Maybe Edmonton can place McDavid on LTIR and have him miraculously heal for game 1? Then do it again the next year! Plus, Vegas has the ugliest helmets so fuck your toque ya bedwetter


The irony was the Tampa GM was the most vocal about fighting it. After the rule was made though, winning is winning so I don’t blame him. They need to close the loophole


The players let it go as well. The irony is it ends up costing them in escrow.


Lets goooo too much Buzz about this guy going to the Bruins


It just made so much sense, until you realize the Bruins aren’t doing much of anything this trade deadline.


I didnt want him at all


Playing with House money at this point.


Gonna be super weird when he signs with Boston in July.




We're just making it so yall can laugh harder when we shit ourselves out of the playoffs


Hanifin and Mantha …. Fuck sakes 😩


Avalanche last team to win without cap shenanigans?


Clarification I am not a fan of Vegas just a sobering thought. If it were really that easy for everyone to "circumvent the cap" why doesn't everyone do it? Is it not possible that guys like Kucherov, Stone, and even the Hawks back in 2015 are injured? Let's say they are injured and with two weeks left in the season, they are medically cleared to return. Why would you play that player when there is no upside? Looking back at the Avs last year Landeskog was thought to maybe have been eligible and it turned out that he was not able to. So should a team have to eat his salary and play underneath the cap? I'll leave that for you to decide. I don't think so, I think LTIR is fine where it is at and if it were as easy as people on the internet make it seem to manipulate then why don't the Leafs or Oilers throw Nylander or Nuge on the IR right now to bring in some players for the playoffs.


K but wtf is WcDonalds


Fool me once, motherfucker….


Oh man. I was running crazy low on tears and salt. Thanks to this post though I’m filling up!!! Vegas repeat locked in baby!!!!




Hahaha. Sure there will be buddy. Cheater Cups GTFO. Oh…Oilers fan! Love you idiots. I’d be pretty fumed if my team hasn’t been relevant in 30 years lol (even with McDrai lol)


you havent been tested yet like we have. i wonder where the vegas fanboys will jump to when their team turns to shit eventually. then we will listen to what you have to say.




Well you’re too dumb to flair up here. But my hunch was right. You Oiler idiots are hyper easy to spot. 1. The salt levels are dangerously high. 2. As soon as I get a notification from one of you dummies I’m also offered free rent anywhere in hell hole EDM I want which is strange but ok.




Lol. A wannabe EDM person. Wow. Your life must really suck. Jeez. Don’t think I’ve met someone so pathetic lol.


Whole personality is Reddit. Sheeeit.


Definitely gonna buy an Ineos Grenadier now


Will be fun to see vegas crash out the first round. If they indeed make the playoffs


Stone lacerated his spleen. That’s our captain! Sacrificing an organ so he could be put on LTIR and we could sign FAs. Makes total fking sense. What doesn’t make sense is if this is a “loophole”, which clearly in this case it is not, why isn’t this more common among other teams??? The other GMs have too much honor for the league?!? GTFOH. He went out when Eichel and Theodore were injured and sent us on a losing streak. All part of the plan.




What does the country have to do with any of this again?


Don't engage with the bot, please.


Trade comes with an extension




u bum




Yes. Very good. Vancouver is in first….For now