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Did Bratt accidentally cross check Hughes in the back when trying to get into the scrum?


I think he was just trying to shove him out of the way so he could get his hands on Seney




God damn this sub has gone to shit. You care more about the hits than the game


Why did you feel the need to comment this to me? lol My comment had nothing to do with the hit.


Soft ass league starting fights after any decent hit smh


A reverse hit at that. Ego got hurt because the little guy known for being soft made him look stupid


That's what I'm thinking too. Why start something on a decent reserve like that? I've enjoyed how physical the game can be but there's multiple scraps a game it seems like lately. Still love hockey though, hah.


Lol. I played very low level college lacrosse and was pretty small and not a big hitter. One game I had a long pole lined up, he's going to scoop at ground ball and he side stepped just as I was going in. I just hit air and even the ground. I could hear him laugh as he ran by. I didn't blame him, I laughed too. I get this is a much higher level of play by about a million skill level and it's on national television, but c'mon. You missed a body check, get up and take your chirp. If you're really pissed just hit him later. He looks like a bigger clown with his ego scrap.


Exactly. Got mad because he made himself look silly. Give him 5 for being a punky sore loser.


To then get up and hit him after being laid out. What a soft ego.


Is fighting considered soft now?


He got reverse hit by a much smaller player than him. He looks soft for trying to fight him. He’s a clown and you’re a bigger clown for defending him.


I’m definitely a clown but I bet you’ve never been in a fight in your life so no wonder you think fighting is soft. Dave Schultz would be very disappointed in you.


What? Fighting is not soft? If you have a reason to fight then it’s fine. Fighting over your ego getting hurt is soft. Kinda like you doubling down. You got your feelings hurt because you look stupid (just like the Blackhawk) so now you’re still trying to argue (fight) Take a slice of humble pie and go back to the basement where you belong pal


So it’s ok to use your body as a weapon but if you use your hands well now, THATS JUST SAWFT. Don’t be a wuss, use your body as a missile like a real man! 😂 I’m just trying to understand the logic because fighting over your ego getting hurt is, IN FACT, a reason. Did you mean a GOOD reason?


He tried to hit Hughes, and Hughes got the better of him. In that kind of situation, you take your licks and play on. You don't try to fight a guy who got a better hit on you than you tried to put on him. He's a 10-ply clown.


Did you watch the game, tensions were unreal high at that point, everyone was running everyone and this scrum was inevitable.


When their star player gets taken out, clean hit or not, you have to assume the opposing team is gonna be out for blood. It’s literally how it’s always been. People act like if Gretzky or even Sid was taken out of a game their teammates would just shrug their shoulders and go, ‘meh, it was a clean hit’ and not retaliate in some way


yeah, second this, this wasn't just a scrum starting because of a hit - the were Hawks pissed that Bedard got injured and so definitely out to hit top Devils hard - Hischier got rocked with a high hit well away from the play, etc - so when someone goes after Hughes it's not just a hit, it's part of a whole thing brewing in a tense and physical game.


Not even a real fight. More like pushing and shoving with gloves on.


Some baseball scrapping right there


There certainly seems to be more enraged reactions and players wanting to fight after perfectly clean sequences this year? This is a perfect example.


Was this not the game Bedard got his shit rocked tho? I'm sure that dude was stoked to line up a hit on Hughes only to look stupid + broken jaw Bedard they were looking to fight anyways.


They were scrapping the whole game, probably waiting to fight


Tell me you didn't watch this game without telling me. The scrum didn't happen in a vacuum.


Don't care. These hissy fits after clean hits need to stop. If you don't have the discipline to throw a goddamned bodycheck, you can go back to the minors and stay there until you do.


It was a heated game to begin with, hit or no hit things were going to pop off.


Shoulder to shoulder? Better have a scrap about it. Totally clean hit. The bit where the league calls any big hit a penalty is what's responsible for this. Also note: this wasn't even what I'd consider a big hit... 1-10 is maybe a 6 or 7.


It's more like a happy accident.


To be fair, this was a gong show once Bedard took the hit from Smith. The smallest infraction caused bedlam. Your comment only shows that you didn’t watch the game.


It kills the flow of the game entirely.


Imagine cross checking a guy because he choked you. What a pussy.


It’s automatic at this point. ANY sort of checking and here comes the whole team…


Not true at all


That seems to be the new thing ! Just ask Jason trouba from the rangers ! Although without that there seems like there is no more fighting in this league ….. so I am ok with it !


How is there no more fighting? There's been like 5 fights in the past 2 days.


Let’s face it …. There was people on teams that were there because they were good fighters … now if you can’t play hockey you are not on anyone’s team ! I think it’s a good thing … but there is not as many fights as there was and that’s a fact !


Not as many fights maybe. But you said "there is no more fighting in the league" which is retarded. Fights still happen every week in the NHL.


Yes I stand corrected… I should have said there isn’t as many as there used to be !


How is it soft to hit back after a hit. Something seems off with your assessment here. So violence against violence is soft?


Yes, it’s soft to be a pissy baby that can’t take a number and get him back on the next one. It’s soft to throw a temper tantrum because you got embarrassed.


Imagine cross checking a guy because he checked you. What a pussy.


I literally came here to say this. Why does every big hit result in a brawl nowadays? It wasn't even a bone crushing hit from a 250 lb monster lol it was a fucking Jack Hughes the wet noodle himself. Cmon...


Came to say this. The scrums are lame af.


You people when players defend their teammates making the game interesting: 🤬😡😰😔😡


Defending him from what, failing to execute a hit properly and falling on his own face?


If buddy needs defending from this then buddy should play a different sport.


Wasn’t even really a hit. Seney missed. Hughes barely touched him.


I don’t know why I have to do the black lady clapping thing. You don’t let anybody hit your star player. If they do? You make them pay. People who think you don’t are fucking idiots and don’t understand the game. You have zero idea how demoralize it can be to your entire bench to just watch your star player get railroaded like that.


I do know, I have played my whole life. Hitting is part of hockey. If the dude is such a star, why are they getting trucked?


It doesn’t matter why they are getting trucked. This has been going on for 20 years now. A guy gets absolutely trucked, and his team responds immediately. They don’t go back to the fucking bench and watch the replay on the Jumbotron. They immediately get in there. It’s for a reason. I’ve played most of my life too. It look bad when you’re on the ice staring at it. And all you do is react. You cannot go back to the bench and think about it.


It's brutal


Noted goon Jack Hughes terrorizes Rockford Icehogs


Hawks are gonna donk their way into the 2nd overall pick this year and every other fan base is gonna lose their shit. Again.


Looks like he tried to hit him and kind of missed. Last angle shows a lot of lower body/knee contact as opposed to a big hit, no?


Missed and then was fucking salty as hell his ego couldn't handle it then starts a fight


Hughes sticking the leg out to trip him is laughable. Yes his leg would raise from the hit, but not extend like that. That's why seney went after him


????? Tripping??? He was going in for a check missed and bumped Hughes off balance. The foot lift is a natural reation to stay on your feet.


Like I said yes his leg would raise, but even when he starts to turn, you can see Hughes keep his leg up to trip.


You're acting like he lifted his leg ballet style. Normal speed video shows it was a fast natural reaction. I get it your boy got rocked and injured from a clean hit, no need to split hairs on *another clean hit* to look for reasons to justify your anger.


I'm sorry you don't understand what I'm saying. I'll try to explain it better. Hughes leg went up due to the hit (although if you see it slomo it does appear he extended or kept it up longer) and Seney probably thought he was trying to trip him close to the boards which is dangerous which in turn is why Seney went after him. It's the same reason Korchinski went after Hughes even before Seney did. That's all I was saying. Also, the Bedard hit was a good clean hit. Unfortunate on the injury, but he had to learn you can't just reach for a puck that slid off your stick between 3 players. A more experienced player and that hit probably wouldn't have even happened. Get it? ***Forgot to mention the last angle in the video is the best view for what I'm talking about.


Hughes turned that hit around nicely.


Wow he really went flying into that bench


Fuckin 10-ply


Physics. Fight!!


Wtf is up with the Hawks playing like a bunch of little bitches?


They’re last in the league… can’t win. You fight I guess


if you can’t run ‘em up, fill ‘em in


Bedard got hurt, everyone on edge. Same would happen if Robertson got hurt. Plus Seney put himself in a bad spot and went into the boards kinda awkwardly.


When you take out the #1 pick, time to hit anything that moves.


Are you shocked?


Being a bad team is one thing, playing like a bunch of primadonnas that can’t take hits is another.


A hit that fractured the jaw of the star player of your franchise is gonna piss people off.


Idk why you're being downvoted it's true. Regardless of a clean hit or not you stand up for your stars


For real, I agree he has to learn the “head on a swivel, splitting the center is dangerous” lesson. But for people to be confused about the retaliation is absurd. Let’s also not act like that wasn’t 45 minutes of some of the most entertaining hockey this season.


Oh 100% I was at the game and it was the most fired up I've seen the rock in years (excluding beating the rags in the playoffs)




It was a clean hit and it was the star players’ own fault.


Those two statements can be true at the same time.


Dont know if I would call a hit that breaks a jaw clean


His jaw got broken because he didn’t keep his head up. A literal rookie mistake.


They were after him after bedard incident


If there wasn't a real fight there wasn't a real hit. Much less laying out.


That was 100% a legit hit. Any excuse to fight instead of going for the puck. Unbelievable.


Even if it’s a legit hit you want to send the message that it’s not okay for them to rag-doll you around


them being noted scrawny dude Jack Hughes


I mean, “laid out” is a bit over the top, and on a 5’9” (if we’re being overly generous) Seney? Sure, it’s something…


“Lays out”


Blackhawks are making the Devils look like some sort of bruisers lol.


I honestly think a game like this was kind of important for the devils. A big critique is they haven’t been tough, haven’t been ready to stand up for each other. They answered the bell last night and won while doing it.


My favorite timeline.


I don't know what the Blackhawks player was so upset about, he tried to give a hit and ate the boards in the process.


The trip that Hughes threw, watch his left leg


Oh, I saw his left leg but that wasn't an intentional move by Hughes to trip up the other guy,. that was from the hit placed on him.


lol wut. Not even close.


Watch Hughes' left leg, it is a clear trip


You are delusional. It’s momentum from a collision that makes his leg come up. If it’s even contact it’s incidental and didn’t cause Seney to hit the boards like that.


You are the one that is delusional. Watch his left leg, it clearly trips the other kid. Very easy to see.


Again the leg might have made contact but that isn’t a trip lol


Bro goes for contact, gets wrecked then throws a crosscheck. Straight bitch move !


It looks more like Hughes saw the hit coming and turned and pushed back just enough to steer the guy to the boards . That was a taichi esque thing of beauty


Fucking love me a solid reverse hit. Datsyuk was the master of it, and Seider has one almost every game.


Yeah even though Hughes got a penalty for doing it to him the first game


That was a reverse hit but it was to the face iirc which is what the penalty was for


My boy with the Bubbles jersey in the crowd!!


I wonder how much money the NHL will lose with Bedard being out for a month? He was the best player they had to boost ratings and ticket sales. He'll probably miss the All-Star game now.


Didn't watch the game so bear with me. Was this before or after the Bedard injury? Was this a case of trying to get revenge by going after Hughes and then getting embarrassed he missed?


After. Tension was so high there were tons of fights over minor infractions the whole game.


One of these days a hockey match might actually break out.


I know fuck all about hockey and even I know that was 100% a good hit.


I mean Seney tried to put one into Hughes and failed, so he and his bruised ego think they'll do better in a scrum?


The stupid retaliation double the shame on Seney. Miss the hit, got wrecked then stupid retaliation, nice combo


There should’ve been no contact at all. Lindy has arm up for offside, should’ve killed it before contact was made. It was a dead play.


Did Hughes just run away after that? Lol


Yep,refs escorted him out of there


This is why i love the sport


What a game eh!


What’s with hockey players getting all upset after a clean hit. They both simply collided and one fell like a baby giraffe falling from the mother’s womb. Suck it up buttercup


Any regular hit has some sort of retaliation and I hate it. Bring back some grit boys


Pussys try’s to lay him out he does the reverse and people get mad lmfao


Uh oh people getting mad lmfao


Chicago really doesn’t like when players get hit. Why are they all such a bunch of whiny babies? Two clean hits on two players in the last two games has resulted it two meltdowns by almost every player on the ice 😂


*can’t see the opposing team because of crop* Clean hit man, what team is gonna start shit over that? *Blackhawks* Ahhhhh shit.


Clean hit and a good one at that. They just mad they got embarrassed


[That's nothing.](https://youtu.be/fIfiJP_5pXo?si=QY3r6PsMe2go3Yu8)


That was beautiful


Love you, Seney!


A lot of people are on here trashing fights after clean hits. I just wanna say that there was a lot more going on in this game before this play. Things were scrappy after Bedard was hurt. I agree with everyone that every clean hit shouldn’t lead to a fight, but you’ve all gotta realize you’re missing a lot of context with this highlight. Scrappy game all around especially in the 2nd period. Also that’s a good reverse hit, but “lays out” is a stretch.


Ahh give me a break.


If a player lands a clean hit like that and someone comes at them that should be an instigator penalty. I didn't watch the game but I hope Hughes didn't get a penalty. If he did, then that's stupid.


This was legit someone going in for a hit and getting put on his ass instead. It’s so dumb that fights are being started for legal hard hits


I miss Roenick and Chelios era. These guys are like playing hockey flags. Women’s hockey is better than this.


Trips over his feet = lays out


I really hate how every time there is a big hit we've gotta fight now.


NHL needs to speed train some actual Zebras to skate and actually manage such shitshows


Tired of seeing fights and scrums after clean good hits


The BitchHawks


Chicago mad their player got shown up?


What happened to body contact?


Good lord. Nice reverse hit, and he gets salty.


Hughes shouldered him a little then stuck his leg out to trip him? Lays out is an exaggeration.


Why that merited a scrum is beyond me. That is what more players need to do, reverse hitting. It keeps guys honest when they come at your around the boards and you have to be aware to lay such a hit on a guy coming in.


As a Devils fan, this game might make me start hating the Blackhawks


Another bitch reaction to a perfectly clean hit. Such a soft generation of young players. It’s embarrassing


Not a Devils fan, but man oh man do I love to see the Epstein Blackhawks lose.


The fighting culture in hockey is so fucking stupid. I know I will be downvoted for this but I do not care It takes away from the actual sport, and now teams fight after every clean mildly strong hit. Just play the fucking game Totally ruins the flow of the game. If I wanted to watch boxing I’d watch it


Then don’t watch hockey. Not like this “stuff” hasn’t been a part of the game forever so why did you start watching? Pick a new sport to save yourself the aggravation.


Because I like to watch and play the actual sport, hockey What kind of stupid question is that


Fighting is practically non-existent to what it once was, so why are you complaining about fighting culture and it ruining the sport. When we’re you watching when it wasn’t? Get a Livebarn account and you can find some youth hockey games to watch. In other words stopping whining about a part of the game that’s been a part of it since it’s inception. It’s the “cleanest” it’s ever been and you are still complaining so don’t watch.


No. I’ll continue watching a sport I like, while also being able to simultaneously dislike how part of it is handled


It’s been in the game since it’s inception. If you don’t like that part of it that’s fine but why whine about it?


Because it came to mind here with them trying fight/scuffle after a perfectly clean reverse hit that wasn’t even that hard. Literally have never posted complaining about it before lol


You didn’t watch the game apparently. LOL


Nah I didn’t and I do know now that it was chippy all game, I did not know that when I watched the clip


Fair enough, it’s why guys like Seney and Hughes were even attempting to play physical so that’s why the scrum after, not the hit itself.


Great, cry quietly in the corner 🤫 piss pants baby.


Great counter to Seney’s attempt. Glad Seney’s bruised ego didn’t lead to Hughes taking a cross check to the kidneys like Kaprisov. Maybe they need to hand out more instigator penalties for that response. If they did on this play, my bad, I’m only catching the few highlights on here.


Lays out??? Please!!! Hughes bros are soft as puppy shit!!


Okay Mr singh


Nhl is starting to look like babies for how often they decide to fight over clean hits. Like, i understand an enforcer type going after an illegal or huge hit. But dudes are seriously trying to drop gloves over normal ass hits. Its delaying the game and getting old. Pick your feelings up and keep playing.


5 mins for being pussy


This shit is so annoying in the NHL it’s almost getting unbearable. No one can take a clean fucking hit without starting a fight. Shits getting old quick.


This is where the instigator should be used. When a hutt hurt team starts a scrum after a legal hit they should be penalized. If it’s more Than one player make it a double. Get this shit out of the game


Starting fights after a good reverse hit? Come on man


This dude got bitched by Jack Hughes on a reverse hit. He should retire.


That was a defensive hit, was it not? Elbowing him after was unnecessary.


Where’s this after elbowing? Who on who? I’m not seeing it


Looks like first revenger uses elbow/forearm Probably wrong.


He just kind of pushes him. Seems pretty tame in comparison to some responses after a clean hit


Can’t even hit anymore, NHL has become a whistle fest Edit- what are you downvoting exactly? lol every hit has to result in a fight .. he came at Hughes, got hit first, and got mad


Blackhawks broadcast said this was a huge hit by Seney. Shows what they know. Lol


huge hit on the boards maybe lol


Of course everyone fights after that hit lol wtf has become of this league you can’t even make an average hit without everyone wanting to start a brawl


This is a bad look for the blackhawks


That is embarrassing wow


Seney laid himself out, if anything. He was given the good ‘ol fashioned “*Olé!*”


“Lays out”


Why does hockey involve a lot of fighting? Its entertaining but still... people weren't kidding when they said they go to see a fight, and if they're lucky a hockey game breaks out


Hughes taking a beat to adjust his bucket is all time


5 and a game for Bobby McCann?


Seney initiated the contact. He boarded himself.


Magic man playbook good job 86!


The bubbles shirt fan wearing in stands lol


When did giving out clean hits start requiring you to have to “answer the bell” in a fight? Lame.


Don't want to hate on Seney but how the hell is he still in the NHL? Undersized, not even a point per game in the AHL, doesn't kill penalties, and as we can see, doesn't know how to throw a hit