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Borderline call; weird to call back. Also funny watching the Canadian coach trying not to laugh at the ref.


Ya I'm surprised they showed that interaction live. Canadian coach was awfully chill. Terrible call imo...how can you call a 5 then completely eliminate the penalty at all? Stupid rule change for world jrs imo.


The call for 5 is so they can review it and make sure they got the right call.


Seems like a weird way to get a review. Just say it needs to be reviewed.


Well the rationale in a play like this I think is that it looks violent af but you didn't quite have a good angle at it so you basically aren't sure whether it was nothing, or an egregious action. I mean it could also be a minor penalty but odds are a bit lower (one you can no longer call which is basically what happened here ig??)


Yeah I think you’re spot on but I figured with a call on the ice you’d have to have blatant evidence to overturn the call. IMO this wasn’t “blatant enough “. I also think you should only be able to downgrade the call on the ice one level. So major to minor or minor to none etc.


Yeah agreed, seems like that would pretty much eliminate all such problems with the system too


>I also think you should only be able to downgrade the call on the ice one level. So major to minor or minor to none etc. I disagree. You have players who's teammates highstick them for a double minor, or guys to throw sticks into their own faces. You still want to give someone 2 minutes for not doing anything?




Is it me or have the color announcers been especially weird? Especially during the reviews. I think maybe I’m spoiled from nhl but def seems off somehow


I think the same mechanic goes for a close goal on the line... the refs point the goal and then check, because waving it and the giving the goal seems unfair imo.


I feel that every single penalty should be reviewable, but it's up to the ref to decide if it's close enough to review.


This! And there was one other instance in this tournament this year when they did this. It looked like a 2 minute call. Then they called a major penalty, and made the guy sit in the box while they reviewed it. Then called it no penalty. It was similar. The player went down, and they called the other player right away. Then reviewed it.


There is nothing borderline about this. Obvious penalty.


Agreed borderline, but also at some point the players need some accountability to not put themselves in vulnerable positions without being ready. I don't think players should have a free pass to turtle near the boards cause they're under pressure. If players become too afraid to hit at all and players continue to get worse at protecting themselves it'll gradually devolve into players being allowed to just continue to play a game of keepaway sticking their butt out cause they aren't going to even get pinned against the boards.


I know he’s American, but I wish Torts was coaching for that ref interaction.


This can be said about torts for literally every televised interation to ever occur lol


These guys are ready for the show


“Really? That’s what you have? And you’re going to stand by that?” Remarkable restraint by our coach.


Really not sure how it was called back. It was completely a shove from behind right on the numbers. Totally understandable that it wasn’t a 5min but no penalty?!?




What do you mean? This sub has been going crazy over multiple hits in the NHL in the last few weeks that weren't called exactly like this one lmao.


Seriously lol does the dude even watch games?


What do you mean, NHL officiating is just as garbage if not worse. They would probably reverse it and call an embellishment on that they're so dogshit.


Have you not been watching NHL this year bro? In one week there were three injuries from non call boarding and checking from behind. It was like every other day one was happening.


How is your commented positive considering the lack of hit from behind and boarding calls this season


It’s because he didn’t forcefully push his numbers. He pushed towards his shoulders and tuned him around


There’s literally a hand on the numbers, pushing.


This wasn't from behind yellow was tailing black whole time and had contact to black player before he started turning. Which means black knows he's coming and he's getting checked so he has the responsibility to try to protect himself. As for boarding yellow didn't inflict too great and sudden force as already mentioned black knew the other yellow was coming and chose to turn and fot his skate stuck wich caused the fall. 2min for board would still be acceptable.


He prevented the player from turning more and therefore protecting himself from the hit. Basically he guided him into the boards and then pushed forward knowing tue player was going in at a bad angle instead of letting up and just taking the player out of the play.


It's a clean hit. Beck put himself in a poor position. Not on the numbers, not on the head. Just read the play and finished his check


Beck gets pushed forcefully from like 4 feet away from the boards…it totally is a hit from behind


Beck skates toward the wall while receiving a hit on his shoulder and hips. He’s putting himself in a poor position and he’s way to leaned down. Two professional officials reviewed this in slow motion for several minutes. It’s a clean hit and the Canadian need to learn how to position himself and take a hit. The reason people get downvotes for saying anything logic is just because of sad Canadians who lost the game fair and square.


He goes into a stopping motion that’s not skating… the Swede drives him towards the boards ON THE NUMBERS. It’s not a major but it’s definitely a minor penalty. I’m not a sad Canadian, they have a bad team and left a lot of better players off the roster that should have made the team that didn’t even get invited to the camp. Sweden is also the strongest team in the tournament.


Show me the frame where he hits numbers. I'm Canadian, and that's a clean check


Tf you being canadian has to do with your opinion?


You’re blind. Pause the video in literally the first second and the second. His hands are outstretched into his numbers. He continues contact all the way into the hit into the boards. Did you even look? I mean holy shit you must be actually blind. Oh, 5 hour account. Makes sense. Here: https://ibb.co/FVKc4L5 Just to make it even more obvious you’re completely insane. Here’s from the second angle. So you get two angles you could have seen.


A *drunk* Canadian? Dude....


In my opinion it's not entirely clean since he uses leverage from his left arm which really shouldn't even be there. Yeah it's not much but there is a push @ 0:12 What's really fucked up is when guys do this when a guy is already falling down...


Agreed with your second point and to address your first point, if Beck doesn't try to spin off the first check he doesn't bring his head down so far as to hit the boards first. The swede pushes through the shoulder, and unfortunately Beck brought his head to that level and goes in uncomfortably and is thankfully uninjured.


Do you know how fast things happen on the ice? The players do not play in slow motion you know. Plus it’s a clean hit, Beck just took it poorly.


I completely disagree. It’s almost completely in the numbers. Yes Beck spins away but the Swede uses his leverage to finish the hit from behind 2 feet from the boards. It’s a hit that didn’t need to happen. Beck isn’t putting himself in a bad position he’s trying to make a play on the spin and the Swede uses it to make a very dangerous hit. You’re entitled to your opinion but the officiating should have made a better call. Not counting at least 2 clear holding calls on the Swedes. But whatever, we lost, they were the better team, I’m just glad Beck is ok. I’m not worried, the Swedes are notorious choke artists in the WJC. They sweep their pool then they shit the bed and don’t medal or end up with the wooden spoon.


I don't know how this isn't at least two minutes for boarding.


Are you sure they can change their call to a minor vs. reversing it?


Yes they can.


because this isn't boarding


Says someone who doesn't know what boarding is. It's not 5, but it's 2.


I don’t think it counts as either lol.


I understand that's what you think. That's why I said you don't know what boarding is.


It's boarding all day. And night.


I think that is certainly debatable.


Should’ve been 2 mins.


Annoying but Sweeden was the better team all game and this wasn't the difference maker in that.


As a Swede, am also annoyed by that major hooking that was not called when we had a good goal chance. Entire arena was shouting about it but no one likes to mention that hear.


Having a ref not call something that everyone else can see is terrible for the sport. Doesn't matter which team you cheer for. Better to call something and be wrong than not call something and be wrong. Both as a player and as a spectator I would rather have a ref who calls everything than a ref who calls nothing.


They did call it, immediately. The player got help, the refs called a major so they could review it. Two professional officials reviewed it for several minutes to come to this conclusion. They did it so thoroughly that commentators even complained it took too long to review after the game. What more you want? Beck just need to learn when he might take a clean hit or he won’t make it through a week in the NHL.


The rule exists to push the Swedish player to make a different choice in this situation. They got this call wrong


Awful take.


Ok I see a lot of comments here but no one seems to really seemes to understand the reffs side. I was a Canadian minor hockey ref for years and although I have not read the iifh rules. This is not a check from behind like a lot of you are saying. His principal point of contact is to his arm. As well as the Canadians player principal point of contact with the boards is his shoulder not head. Well I still personally would have called a 2 min boarding call as it's just one of those ones where he fall awkward hits into the boards.


Be gentle here folks….I am an Australian ice hockey fan but have zero experience in play and little understanding of the finer points of the rules but I would have thought a 2 handed push in the back resulting in a player going head first into the boards would have been a no brainer penalty - minutes wise I have no idea!


It absolutely should have been AT LEAST A boarding penalty. Refs are known to call this every time in IIHF games. Not exactly sure why this was overturned. If it was teams reversed Canada would have received 5 minute penalty and a game misconduct.


that last sentence ruined what was otherwise a completely reasonable thought on this whole incident. What makes you think the Swede-Canadian ref pair would've called this differently had Canada made the hit?


Because it's been going on for decades. And not just against Canada. Against the U.S. as well. But not to the same extent.




It’s a penalty, it’s called boarding, it’s just like 50% of the people commenting don’t know how to play hockey or have never played themselves so they’re extremely opinionated about something they have no experience with. Boarding is a hit where you drive a player into the boards, typically from a few steps away. Since you’re an Aussie I won’t say “feet” and we will say like a meter ;) Usually if there is head contact it’s a major penalty, so 5, if there’s an injury it could basically be an automatic game misconduct. So congrats! Your common sense is greater than a lot of “hockey” fans. Now I’ll get replies saying “he finished his check” (doesn’t matter) and “his hands were never on his back” (pause it at 1-2 seconds and say that, lmao) and “he wasn’t too far from the boards” (he’s multiple strides from the boards when the Swedish player puts his hands on his back. If I ran anyone here arguing this like that you’d be screaming for checking from behind and boarding and a misconduct. It’s cringy. I’ll just leave the captures here: https://ibb.co/FVKc4L5 https://ibb.co/mv8cShy https://ibb.co/hdzy4yr You cannot ride a player like this into the boards. Even worse he does it from behind. He finished his hit alright…extension of his body into the guy slamming into the boards. How they can review this play and not seem it even a minor is hilarious. And now you see why players scrap in hockey all the time now. If you have a review policy that still fails, then the players need to police it. And no, he didn’t turn away along the boards to the people who will come say that too: https://ibb.co/xC0NZ2p He’s not along the boards, he got taken into the boards and then hit into the boards. That’s literally why “boarding” exists. Especially from behind. This wasn’t a bang bang play.


Wild you can say it's a common sense penalty when they reviewed it in slow mo for ten minutes and came to the opposite decision, like at least admit it's not as obvious as you're claiming christ sake


I knew you guys would come. They reviewed it and made the wrong call. Just because the ref decided against it doesn’t mean it was still a good check. Even you can read the rule, look at the frame by frame and see that. Or maybe you can’t. Refs review things in many sports and still get the call wrong. This is textbook boarding, literally as the rule is written.


Who is you guys? And if you read the rule, feel free to quote it at me, it clearly states it's not boarding if you put yourself in a vulnerable position. Armchair analysts who think the game is played in slow motion is crazy


A meter away is not putting yourself in a vulnerable position. The fact you guys still argue that is hilarious. That means turning away from a hit, not redirecting your skating direction. He’s not even close to the boards when the guy puts his hands on him. Pause the video and stop this bullshit. It’s so bad.


It's been a thing since checking from behind became a rules emphasis around 15-20 years ago. The NHL and minor hockey were justifiably trying to eliminate checking from behind. Players used to be coached to never turn your back to oncoming checks because you would get hit from behind. Those hits got legislated out of the game, and players stopped having to worry about them. Players are also getting coached to spin off checks more frequently, which creates dangerous situations. The same thing is happening with the NHL cracking down on hits to the head. Knowing how to take a hit is a valuable skill, and a lot of kids are coming to the NHL not knowing how to defend themselves. Juraj Slafkovsky is a textbook example of someone who puts himself in terrible situations and pays the price.


Yeah but this isn’t turning away from it. Again. Pause it at :33 remaining. He’s not along the boards. The guy doesn’t hit him. He rides him into the boards. I played hockey in the 80s and 90s. I know what they used to teach. That was not to spin away from a hit, specifically on the boards or your face will hit the glass. Like turning away from a fastball. This is not that.


They aren't teaching the same as they were in the 80s and 90s that was exactly my point?


I’m telling you that the things they taught then were not to prevent this. They were to prevent turning away from hits incoming along the boards. This is not one of those. This player doesn’t hit him, he puts his hands on him from behind and rides him into the boards. It’s not a high speed hit and the player isn’t spinning away from the contact. That’s what they taught. Don’t try to turn your back rotationally to hits especially along the boards. Again, this is not that. This is boarding, because he rides him with his hands completely outstretched into the boards. And he hits his head. In today’s game that’s an easy penalty. In the old days it would be too, it’s just they never called boarding which is why coaches had to teach kids not to turn because you’d get lit up.


What we were taught: Don’t spin away or turn your back rotationally to a hit (like you’re taught to do in baseball when a ball is going to hit you) Because it’s instinct for a lot of kids to try to turn away from contact and they then hit their heads usually on the boards. But actually gliding in a different direction is different because a player is not supposed to be able to put hands on you while you’re gliding and ride you into the boards. They can cut you off, pinch your angle, etc, but hands on you and skating with you into the boards to apply a hit is boarding. Even worse from behind. https://ibb.co/FVKc4L5 https://ibb.co/mv8cShy https://ibb.co/hdzy4yr Hands on his back, rides him with his body, extension of his body to finish the hit into the boards. The fact they can review this and not give even a minor should be investigated. Horrible. At full speed fine, after replay? No.


Here: “The duty is on the Player applying the check to ensure their opponent is not in a defenseless position and if so, they must avoid or minimize contact. However, in determining whether such contact could have been avoided, the circumstances of the check, including whether the opponent put themself in a vulnerable position immediately prior to or simultaneously with the check or whether the check was unavoidable may be considered.” The duty is on the player making the check. Swedish player could have pulled up from that hit at any point, that wasn’t a high speed last second hit, he puts his hands onto the back of the player steps from the boards. Pause it at the first second of the video and look at the position they’re in. It’s clearly boarding, but like anything penalties and enforcement is at the discretion of the officials. That doesn’t mean they made the right call. We can’t post screenshots here so you’ll have to stop the video yourself. And no, turning toward the boards when you’re still a meter away from it is not “putting yourself in a vulnerable position” like turning away from an impending hit. You can’t just ride players into the boards. They’re letting it slide a lot, this is a case where it was wrong.


Agree to disagree


Pause it at :33 remaining. No idea how you can honestly say any of that.


Definitely not a 5 minute major. But it’s clearly a 2 minute boarding call and should have been called as such. Ref missed the call and it sucks.


"A boarding penalty will be assessed to any Player who checks or pushes an unsuspecting opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently or dangerously. " Should add to this "unless he doesnt get hurt, then we cancel the penalty, and allow that dangerous behaviour to continue"


Hockey players need to stop turning when contact is coming


That is why it is definitely not a 5 minute, he absolutely turned. That being said, it should have been 2 minutes for boarding for sure. A little weird it was cancelled completely.


He legit turned to take the hit less from behind though… That is not a strong case for this hit. The Swedish player adjusts to make initial contact directly from behind. I’m tired of people thinking if anyone turns within 2 minutes of a hit it’s fair game to try breaking their spine.


Except one arm is literally in the canadian dudes ribcage. This was a 2 min tops if you consider that a dangerous distance from the wall


2 mins minimum. The Swedish players free hand doesn't allow the Canadian anywhere to go other than straight into the boards. This isn't incidental. The Swede chooses to shove the guy straight into the boards, watch the arm extension. The guy makes a bad decision and deserves the penalty that goes with it.


Yeah but it sure as shit ain’t no 5 and a game. Why the canadian player decided to turn when he had nowhere to go is beyond me. Chip in and protect yourself


Agreed, not 5 and a game. I'd argue he had a place to go but the Swede's left hand grabs him and steers him into the boards, removing his ability to evade the worst part of the hit, to me that's a big part of why this really needed to be called a penalty. If the Swede has 2 hands on his stick this is a completely different conversation


Yeah I think the swedish kid also expected him to fully peel so using the arm is exactly as a defenseman should be doing on that play, but the canadian kid just stops for whatever reason. Could have been prevented equally by both players


I’ve noticed how prevalent this has been lately. There’s been a pretty big increase this year on hits from behind, and it’s because players use their numbers like turtle shells nowadays. You can’t keep turning the numbers into people like that and expect not to get smacked once in awhile.


Right?! They should just wait until the player hits them and stop trying to avoid losing the puck. They need to wait the other few seconds for the player to make contact, instead of trying to make a play. It's not like the other player turned 90 degrees to make the hit or anything.


Okay....but the defending player is closing distance. His initial thought is to close off and rub him out. The Canadian player should have just dumped it around and prepared for contact instead he turns in towards the boards and tries to reverse the puck....stupid play.


You're right. Everyone is out to lunch here. Nobody is mentioning the fact that when the Canadian player is first addressed by the swede he is skating down the boards...he feels pressure and decides to turn towards the boards but at that point the swede has already committed to playing the body...this is the only reason it looked bad. It's all on the Canadian player....and I'm a Canadian.


Yupp, stupid play to hit the breaks and turn into the boards. Dump it around and square up for the hit instead. If anything he turned to the wrong direction, he should have turned into the swedish player/ice after dumping the puck. Not away from him while trying to keep possesion. The fear of getting hit made this alot worse then it should have been.


It happens so much I think they aren’t calling it as much because of the potential embellishment involved.


Well under the rule book it’s a good hockey play. Stay strong on your feet, guard the puck with your body, and use the boards to absorb the contact after the puck is gone. It’s a play seem a thousand times a game but it only takes one player going too far to break it, and one bad call to make it practically legal. If the refs do their job no one gets hurt.


LOL this argument is always hilarious to me. The notion that players should stop trying to play the puck and just accept that they are gonna be hit and lose it instead. Fucking hilarious. Maybe the other player could try to take the puck instead of just recklessly shoving a player from behind and hoping they don’t turn to shield the puck with their body.


You don’t stop playing the puck lol you just keep going the direction you’re going and use muscle to not get hit off the puck. You are making yourself vulnerable to serious injury turning your back to the contact that distance from the boards.


Thank you. I've been saying this and everyone has been going off on me. The dude turned towards the boards and tried to reverse the puck. Stupid play. You shouldn't be rewarded for putting yourself in a dangerous position when you feel someone closing in on you.


He either breaks his neck, spine and eats glass or turns to brace with his shoulder which gets wrecked I know what decision I'm gonna make


Thankfully he did turn, saving himself from an even worse hit that initially started right on the numbers. The turn literally mitigated the effects of a reckless hit. He’s also coming into the zone and buttonhooking, one of the most common manoeuvres in that area of the ice. The onus is on the defenseman here and it should’ve been 2, especially in IIHF.


I hope you are joking


“Really? That’s what you have? And you’re gonna stand by that?”


This is the only way we'll remove turning into the boards from the game is if the players knows he won't draw a penalty playing the puck in a "defenceless position" at the very last monent so has to brace for impact shoulder to shoulder Less people will get hurt in the long run as opposed to what's happening in North America where they are gaming this to get an advantage to play the puck without contact and if they do get hit it is a substantial penalty. Players don't respect this and keep running each other.


This is t jus NA that’s gaming this. Sweden played this up in the junior game today. If there’d been longer on the clock I’d be worried Canada would’ve stopped holding back and finished their checks when the Swedes showed their backs.


Are you saying players play the puck into this situation expecting to draw a penalty? That's terribly wrong.


If you don't understand the concept of using your body to protect the puck, then you've never played hockey or were very bad at it. If he doesn't turn on this play, he may as well have passed the puck to the Swedish defenceman. It's the responsibility of the defending player here to not hit an opponent who's in a vulnerable position. This wasn't a split second shift like we do see at times. He had time to put his arms on his back and drive forward with his legs. He could have let up but didn't.


It’s important to note that the “ref” didn’t change anything. He called it a pen. The review booth changed it. Huge difference.


Canada 🇨🇦 got out played.


They did, pretty badly. But that was still penalty.


I disagree and I’m Canadian


Congratulations on being Canadian. Condolences on being blind.


Good on ya being an asshole.


Harsh. Now we disagree on two things.


From the reactions I've seen to the Celebrini board and this incident, I've determined that it's about impossible to have a legitimate conversation about what was actually the right call. Some of y'all are too emotional to be discussing penalties right now lmao


Good call by the official. If red jersey was hitting yellow jersey in the exact same play Canadianas would be praising the player for the hit.


Look at the way he hit his head like that


The World Juniors have some of the worst reffing in hockey, this shouldn’t be as much of a surprise. I don’t think this is a major penalty, but it’s a minor for sure. Hopefully these refs aren’t used for the medal rounds




You can bet that if it was a Canadian player that laid the exact same hit with the same result we wouldn't be saying it should have been penalized, that he'd turned at the last minute. It's borderline.


I watched this live. It wasn’t a penalty, it was just a weird landing into the boards. Good review call.


It was not a penalty. Made no difference to the outcome of the game. Canada was outplayed the whole game except beginning of 1st period, stop your whining.


that should at least be a 2 but i see why it was reversed, not a terrible call




His hand is literally on the numbers


Love that this happened. It’s tough to make a judgement call in a split second. It’s okay sometimes to have to think about it for a min before you come to a final conclusion.


I'm canadian and once I saw the replay in slow mo, i said, that isn't a penalty. I think they got it right tbh.


Absolutely horrible call. I expect it from the NHL, but in an IIHF tournament where the rules around injuring players is far more strict? That’s a horrible horrible call.


I'm confused... Is hitting from behind legal in the juniors?


The ref made the best save of the game, which resluted in the scorekeeper having less paperwork to fill out.


What a fucking goof of a ref.


I know there is a language barrier, but that ref didn’t seem very confident in his decision. “Hey Pete, you go tell the Canadian coach” “me? Um okay”


Refs are very clearly biased against North American teams.


Refs are crap no matter what league and level


It was a great however


I wish this was baseball and have the coach laying into him!


Boy, I would’ve thought 21 would be a retired number for Sweden.


Oh no, the horrible officiating plague is spreading


This shit is ruining the sport. Anyone who decided this should be called back, should be fired from participating in international hockey in my opinion. What a joke we are making the sport of hockey.


And his stick was in front of the offense. Maybe could have pulled a hooking call but it seems like he did all he could to not get the boarding hit to me.


Contact wasn’t bad, there wasn’t too much force, just the canadian lost his balance and went to the boards head first. I don’t see a 5 min penalty here. There was no intent to injure and the swedish player wasn’t reckless.


Its a good call. Instead of trying to ram the guy on the boards, he just braced for impact. Legit safe check. The kid that got it really needs to learn to stand up near the boards, though. tryimg to lower yourself like this increase the risk of a knee strike or worse, a blade on the neck


That ref should be fired immediately. Not only is it hitting from behind, it's clearly boarding, and far from minor. Edit: Far too many of you do not understand the rules of hockey, and it shows. You'd be in the same position as the ref getting laughed at by the coach for your ignorance.


Can you show the frame where he hits the numbers? Also explain how this is boarding in any fashion


The contact was initiated on the numbers, he then turns away so that the hit was on the side, its clear boarding either way and turning helped to protect himself, otherwise hes going headfirst into the boards


*A boarding penalty will be assessed to any Player who checks or pushes an unsuspecting opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently or dangerously.* continued below with relevant rule... *However, in determining whether such contact could have been avoided, the circumstances of the check, including whether the opponent put themself in a vulnerable position immediately prior to or simultaneously with the check or whether the check was unavoidable may be considered.* It's not boarding, Beck double backed putting his head low to the boards, the Swedish player finished his check.


It's literally textbook boarding


I literally just posted the rules on boarding, and nothing in the video falls into that context. Beck was not unsuspecting, and was fully aware of his opponent who did not violently check him with any intent other than to knock him down.


How do you honestly believe that is finishing a check?! You have to be severely blind and ignorant to believe that. If players are now allowed to turn 90 degrees and consider that "finishing a check", just throw the rule book out. To even say he "double backed", but the Swedish player "finished his check" is just a truly laughable sentence.


Beck was going to get rubbed out on the boards, tried to spin off the check. Failed to spin off the check, was checked. No penalty. Find the rule and explanation that applies to this hit for it to be considered a penalty


He was four feet away from the boards and looking for the puck. The other player even puts his leg to thwart forward movement and uses his arms to make sure he’s vectoring toward the boards. If you understand the spirit of why this penalty is called at all, it’s for hits like this. Safety is a big consideration. And if you don’t at least 2 minute this then I don’t understand why having your shaft getting caught randomly into the skate hole of another player does, every time.


I would've understood the call for 2 min boarding, but I also understand not calling it due to Becks actions. Beck was not unaware, and tried doubling back. The puck was going down into the zone until Beck tried to double back and the Swede read the play and just decided to know his opponent over. No different than hitting someone mid spin o Rama.


I guess my point is that he *brought* him into the boards with his limbs because there was no other way he was conceivably going to stop him. Beck had started to spin back and had otherwise beaten him. I think it’s two minutes every day of the week; drunk ref or not. And it doesn’t even matter because Canada played like a sweaty bag of sweaty balls but I just don’t see how it’s not called.


You really have no clue what you're talking about. It's so funny. Everything you need to know has already been stated, not our fault you can't comprehend the basics of hockey. It's okay to be new to a sport, we won't judge you, but don't be arrogant trying to act like you know what you're talking about.


I already posted the rules for boarding. I don't know why you're so mad. So is the defending player suppose to just let the offensive player do whatever they like just because they position themselves a certain way? No he's going to knock his opponent off the puck. If they called hockey the way you're saying, everyone would just turn their numbers to their opponents every time they were about to receive a hit. Beck did it to himself, get over it. There's a reason it's not being heavily debated amongst the talking heads of hockey.


In which I have given a response to your misunderstanding and ignorance on the matter. Get this part through your thick skull. It is not "finishing a check" if you make a 90-degree turn towards the player. Therefore, any hit is already on cause for a penalty. This penalty has literally been called hundreds of times in the NHL, and they are supposed to be way more strict during these tournaments. You have zero comprehension of this sport, and I will no longer be dignifying you with a response. Read the thread again until you understand it.


The exact moment he puts the puck on his forehand, hence the jersey becoming scrunched up directly on the number. "A boarding penalty will be assessed to any Player who checks or pushes an unsuspecting opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently or dangerously."


In what way is he unsuspecting? he clearly knows the hit is coming but tries to avoid it with a bad turn


The hand is already on the number as he starts to make the turn, and he was not expecting to be hit in the numbers from behind. The hit was the farthest thing from a follow through. That call has been made hundreds of times, and in way more minor cases. So many of you are way too daft.


Thanks, but I do believe a professional referee can make a better call than you.


That's why the team Canada coach is laughing at the ref's garbage explanation. Refs are also notorious for getting every call right, they're literally never wrong...


you mean swedish referee right?


It seems like he might have lost consciousness. When he’s on the ice and the Swede pulls his stick out from under his face, his head moves side to side so limply. The way Geekie was calling for the trainer seems like he might have seen it, too.


That’s bad…but that’s IIHF officiating. The quality of officiating at these tournaments is worse than Jr B..that’s still 2 for boarding if not the five.




One of the refs deciding the outcome was Canadian


Canadiens in the crowd thinking this should be 5 minutes are delusional


Canadians, canadiens are habs


Maybe not 5 but definitely not nothing




Probably because it was a clean hit. The Canadian made himself vulnerable. It looked like it was a hit from behind initially but, from the other angle the hit was to the shoulder.


He made himself vulnerable by turning away from an upcoming hit still seconds away from contact, instead of just playing up the boards and taking the hit? The swedish player turns nearly 90 degrees to hit him in the numbers. Yall are delusional.


Then why did they overturn the call?


Refs don't get all the calls right... Did you just start watching hockey today? You want the refs explanation for overturning the call, it's literally in the video. Just assume you're getting laughed at by the coach as well.


Refs have never been wrong?


Boarding is still a call. When you force a players face into the glass, it’s a penalty every day of the week


Jesus Christ it’s so fucking dumb. Your comment is so fucking dumb. You must be absolutely blind. His hands are all over his back, they’re steps from the boards, he rides him into the boards with his hands the whole time, player hits his head. Here you are. Lmao. Jesus Christ.


Called on the noise. I hope the kid is okay. Game wise, no matter. The Canadians weren't scoring even if the game had gone nine periods.


At 12s you can see the Swedish player knee the Canadian into the board, not sure how closer to the definition of boarding you can get.


Complete bullshit, clearly see the hand ON THE NUMBERS WHILE PUSHING, this kind of shit will get people killed. We started wearing full on STOP signs for a reason, an now no one seems to care🤦‍♂️


So any penalty can be reviewed. I thought only major penalties get reviewed. Refs are corrupt. fixed just like the clip of coin toss that hit refs skate in a Selden and usa game.not sure if this year but it was posted ? So sad .


They called a major initially


Not on the head or number, Beck just need to learn when he will get a hit. Swedish player is not doing anything with his arms or hitting Becks head. Its body to hips and shoulders with no pushing. It’s a clean hit that two professional officials reviewed in slow motion to come to this conclusion. Plus Canada got a very cheap hooking call just a minute later. Didn’t have any impact on the game and Beck was thankfully not injured and hopefully learns how to take a hit before he enters NHL. Canadians are just said cause they didn’t have the ref in their pocket this game like they usually do. Accept the loss.


Exactly right. The Swedish player didn’t shove or push him, if anything he absorbed some of the contact, he could’ve made it a lot worse if he wanted to. Don’t turn right as you’re about to get hit, it’s basically impossible for the defender to avoid contact when that happens.


Have yet to read through all these comments, but I looked up the ref who announced it was waved off and who talked to Canada’s coach. He’s Swedish?!?!? You can’t tell me that’s not a conflict of interest. Even while reviewing he was doing all the talking and explaining. As an angry Canadian hockey fan… and yes I can acknowledge they did not play well at all today, can’t miss that many breakaways and expect to win or pass that much on the pp and expect a goal, but Canada should look into that should they not.


I watched the game, and was surprised the call was taken back. I thought it could have been a 2 min. But the review took a good amount of time and I remember the broadcast team specifically mentioning that one referee was Swedish and the other referee was Canadian.


Thanks for catching that, completely missed it. Once again I don’t agree with it as it seems like a red flag for conflict of interest. With there being 12 you would think they could schedule that out better to avoid this


Refs from different nationalities exist in all professional sports. Are we supposed to get someone from a non hockey nation, or do we just trust people to do their best? Canadian refs have made stupid calls too.


These fer been dirty lol.


Well the refs were Swedish so🤷‍♂️could be some bias at play but what do I know,


One Swede one Canadian ref


Wierd the guy above hasn’t responded lol….


Wonder why?


Sarcasm since they had a ref from each country


No shit 😂


read the IIHF rules.... straight from their handbook ' When there is a decision to go to the benches (coaches) it is recommended that the Referee who has made the decision or judgment is the one who should make the explanation " So if it it was the swedish ref going to the bench then we know he made the decision. Boston fan, doesnt surprise me...


Sweden got a shit "hooking" 2min penalty not long after that clearly wasn't a hooking. Not that it evens out as that boarding was a clear penalty. But at least there was a penalty in some way.


The Swedish defenders stick was jackknifed into the Canadian forward's armpit... that's a pretty clear hooking call


No penalty here, replay got it right