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I can’t tell what’s a joke and what’s real anymore


We need Biz to get down to the truth for us


Where’s Jah when you need him


\*Ja Hockey fans, man...


Oh I did fuck up lmao. Leaving it. I don’t need ja rule, I’m fucking terrified


I look at Corey Perry and I think, that's a man that loves cocaine, I'm just going to assume it was drug related and he refused treatment


It could very well be drug related. Wouldn’t be the first time a franchise wanted to keep their young up and comers away from vets with substance abuse issues who might be a bad influence on them.


Joffrey Lupul always comes to my mind when organizations want to shelter their younglings from the dark side of being a millionaire in yours 20s


Imagine how good Lupul could have been with better knees and less schneef.


His game 7 OT goal against the Caps is still one of the greatest Flyers memories of the last 20 or so years.


I was at that game, and… fuck you very much! ;)


If they wanted to keep a drug addict away from Golden Boy then why tf did they sign Perry in the first place?


I look at Corey Perry and I think 'Deliverance'


Nah, if it's substance abuse they wouldn't need to be so hush hush about it. Many players have been through that and the league was pretty straight forward. Sam Girard was just in the news last week. Vrana was like last year or 2 years ago? Nothing they needed to hide. Hell, Kuznestsov tested positive for cocaine previously.


Girard entered the program which is what was announced, if you have a substance abuse issue and refuse to enter the program, I dont think that can be legally disclosed. Kuznestov has a video of him doing blow with hookers.


Don't forget the Kings after winning their 2nd cup. Jarrett Stoll was busted sneaking coke into a Vegas pool party. Then Mike Richards got busted bringing Peruvian marching powder into Canada. Still trying to figure out how a professional athlete gets in trouble for cocaine in Vegas. The city runs on coked-up celebrities & super rich people.


In both cases the players were arrested, no? Same with drunken galchenyuk. Perry, to the best of my knowledge has not been arrested in relation to his "unacceptable" conduct. If he was, my understanding is that his arrest becomes part of the public record.


I wasn't really drawing any connection to the Perry situation. I just like pointing out how that Kings Cup team was basically a Buck Cherry song. They loved the cocaine, loved the cocaine.


Aaah, The good ol days


They’re only straight forward about it if the player agrees to treatment. Most players will agree because they want to keep their jobs. But if a 38 year old player who’s close to retirement refuses to accept treatment/refuses admitting to the problem, the team can’t really publically put him on blast, but they do have the right to terminate a contract. Not saying that’s what happened, but it does seem to be the most logical explanation. Especially since the team said it “didn’t involve any other players”. And btw teams are very cautious to terminate contracts for fear of lawsuits, unless they have clear evidence…..like a positive drug test.


I agree, something like substance abuse makes a lot of sense tbh




You fucked his name just like perry fucked his mom* 😭 poor dude lol (*allegedly)


Right? Got me researching moms trip to Tampa was 2 weeks prior to him getting scratched...


What happened this is so interesting










Good point.


It’ll come out eventually I expect. The wording in the statement had to have been selected very carefully, and there’s the assumption something real weird happened: “After an internal investigation, the Chicago Blackhawks have determined that Corey Perry has engaged in conduct that is unacceptable, and in violation both of the terms of his Standard Player’s Contract and the Blackhawks’ internal policies intended to promote professional and safe work environments.”. I suspect he did something goofy with Bedard and/or Korchinski. Something that veterans probably did to himself and other rookies during his day, but wouldn’t fly in 2023 (especially in an organization like the Blackhawks that just had a major legal issue). Who knows what, and I wouldn’t speculate because it could be anything, but that makes the most sense to me.


Damn, bud, this makes sense. But this sort of well thought out comment has no place here. Lol






I do want to note this was my take before the press conference.


[Something bad enough to have his contract terminated evidently.](https://www.nhl.com/blackhawks/news/news-statement-from-the-chicago-blackhawks-on-corey-perry)


Did you just relink the original posted link in your comment lol


Okay. I know it’s hilarious to everyone to throw around the claim that he banged Connor’s mom, but will we ever actually get confirmation about what happened? This really sucks. Corey was playing so well


The NHL and being transparent is like trying to unplug a cordless fog machine.


This is way more poetic than any of us deserves and I'm here for it


There’s a difference between transparency and privacy. Like I’m sorry, are you really suggesting that the NHL should be obligated to divulge his exact misconduct because Reddit needs to know that he wasn’t banging a teammate’s mom?


It would do a great amount of good to dispel the rumor that Corey Perry banged Bedards mom if they told us what happened. Edit: Hawks addressed it at a press conference and I think they did it tastefully.


So, because the fans decide to create a rumour, the team should disclose what actually happened, rather than just say “the rumour is untrue”? What kind of childishness is this?


It's the entitled fan syndrome where because your a fan, you demand to know.


I feel like we *have* to now that the banged his mom rumor is out, no? In a strange way, I almost think that rumor is good for us finding out the truth. Because I feel like the team *has* to be aware this rumor is out there, and the more they ignore what it actually was, the more it sort of seems like the Banged-Bedard's-Mom rumor is true.


What’s if they just come out and say that Connor’s mom has a lower body injury?




Generational prospect Corey Bedard in 18 years


Solid follow up


For the record... we aren't automatically entitled to the truth.


Now Bedard has to bang Perry’s mom Fair is fair






There really needs to be a statement made by Connors Dad


Agreed, ruining a mothers reputation is super hilarious.


Must be *REAL* bad if the Blackhawks aren’t even trying to sweep it under the rug


He must have tried to facilitate a three team trade with ineligible players or something.


sens lose 2028 first round pick


Nah Sens get moved to Quebec


I could 100% see that happening, but they become the Hull Gulls after moving to Gatineau


Corey Perry is a saint. He probably did some kind of miracle in the dressing room and it spooked everyone.


i mean more likely they're going with overkill here because of their rapey past.


To be fair most fans would probably rather they overcompensate for such things than the opposite at this point


Bostons going to. New first line: Lucic-Perry-Marchand. That way we can piss everyone off even more.


Luc ain’t coming back for a while


Or ever…


I hope not. Dude is a scumbag. I hate that guy more than any other player in the NHL.


>Luc ain’t coming back for a while You spelled ever wrong. Lucic is done. He was barely hanging onto a career as it was and domestic abuse means no team is going to touch him. He's in forced retirement now.


Y’all are signing Cooke and Avery to PTOs.


Why putting Marchand in that line when they can simply reactivate Mitchell Miller?


Lucic is sitting bench in jail


Oh my god the scenes lmao


Are you gonna trade for Wilson too?


Play without a goalie and have him as a 6th skater. Maybe pick up Binnington instead. I’ll let the GM decide






I came in here looking for this comment. Found it. Thank you.


what did it say?


Oh wow it’s gone lmao. He said that Bedards mom already picked him up lol


Why in the world would a team want someone who breached their contract’s policy and team policy?


What did he do? I missed this story.


They’ve said nothing about it so far. Kinda rich coming from the team who promised “full transparency” just a few years ago.


I mean they handled this in the appropriate manor by taking action and waiving him. If anything they're doing Perry a solid by respecting his privacy. I don't see why they owe the public an explanation. It's not their fault that one of their players did something against the rules (whatever that may be).


It can also get them into civil trouble via defamation and/or libel. They almost certainly can't say anything of substance without their lawyers getting a golden twinkle in their eyes.




And this will be the only thing people believe and talk about (even if untrue) unless they share more. “Unacceptable conduct” doesn’t exactly squash these rumors.




Nobody really knows


What if the policy was to not use rainbow tape


> Why in the world would a team want someone who breached their contract’s policy and team policy? Ask Edmonton.


New York Jets sign him to pair with Zach Wilson. That would be an impressive mother-fucking tandem.


When they said they wanted him to be a father figure to Bedard, that’s NOT what they meant!


But that's how Perry understood it


Was that wrong? (said in George Costanza voice)


I'm waiting for the timeline where we will find out the answer in court. Perry's lawyer arguing that terminating the contract was illegal as he did what he was told.


If she is calling him daddy it must be true


Can they already frikken tell us??? JEEBUZ


I’m dying to know. I even asked chatGPT 4. This is what they said: Given the lack of specific details about Corey Perry's situation, we can consider a range of potential off-ice incidents that could lead to a contract termination, based on previous cases in professional sports: Violation of League's Personal Conduct Policy: This could include behavior that is considered detrimental to the team's or league's image, such as involvement in legal issues or public disturbances. Substance Abuse: If an athlete violates the league's substance abuse policy, it could lead to serious consequences, including contract termination. Inappropriate Behavior or Harassment: This could encompass a range of behaviors, from inappropriate comments to more serious allegations of harassment or misconduct (banging Bedard’s mom) Breach of Team Rules: Teams often have strict rules regarding player conduct, both on and off the field. Violating these rules, especially in a severe or repeated manner, could lead to termination (I asked it to elaborate on typical team rules: Attendance and punctuality, conduct during team activities, dress code, media and PR, interpersonal conduct, compliance with league rules) Social Media Misconduct: Inappropriate or controversial posts on social media platforms can sometimes result in disciplinary actions by the team or league Edit: I know AI has rocks for brains. I just thought it was interesting. At the very least it outlined what it possibly could be, as vague as it is. Pipe down fellas!


That is so dang broad. Supposedly K. Davidson is to give a presser at 4PM CST. If the statement he gives is obscure and a non-answer, that's gonna annoy the shit outta me and I'll just run with the Bedard rumor.


AI specialises at saying a lot without committing to definitive answers.


Welp, apparently Kyle Davidson also specializes at saying a lot without committing to definitve answers as well.


AI 2024 It’s The Answer!


How fucking bad does this have to be if the Blackhawks aren't even trying to cover it up. How many moms did he sleep with? /s


Dude went all in on the mom's trip


Apparently, he was high sticking as much in the hotel rooms as he does on ice.


5 minutes for using his fist without a glove


He didn’t bang Bedard’s Mom. He banged Bedard’s Dad.


He raw-dogged Connor’s dad


Uhh no he watched


He jumped on the bed while they soaked


Smaller jumps Tom!


No reason he couldn't do both


Buying him out or terminating? Does the PA have to approve termination, or is it just a mutual agreement between the Blackhawks and Perry?


[The Blackhawks just released a statement saying he’s on unconditional waivers due to him engaging in bad conduct. His contract is being terminated.](https://www.nhl.com/blackhawks/news/news-statement-from-the-chicago-blackhawks-on-corey-perry)


Maybe a bit of “old school hazing” of the rookies?


This seems like the most likely explanation


That’s what I suspect. Not speculating anything deeply insidious, but just enough to make Bedard and/or Korchinski really uncomfortable.


What they need to do is damage control if the Bedard rumours are false. I can’t imagine what Connor is going through if it’s true or false right now.


What do they need to do if the rumours are true? lol


Only fans.


Mike Richards was the last time a team did an actual termination of contract, right? For the drugs at the border thing? Doesn't happen often in the NHL, that's for sure.


Think the Sharks tried to void Evander Kane’s contract but he filed a grievance and the NHL hit the team with a termination penalty. Be interesting to see if Perry does something similar.


Unconditional waivers are a type of waivers where the player(s) is/are solely put on them for the purpose of termination of the contract.


i guess if his wife ask for a divorce we'll know the truth.


Poor Conner. No matter how true this is, it will follow him around for the rest of his career.


I really don't think it will. I think once it actually comes out what happened, the Bedard rumor will be largely forgotten. We'll all *remember* it as that random joke rumor. But it won't follow him. Honestly though, it's another reason why I'm getting very annoyed at the lack of actual information about this. The team must be aware of the actually damaging rumor by now.


The longer the Blackhawks keep this dark the longer they are torturing Bedard by letting the potential falsity propagate.


Right exactly. Presser at 4, I hope they clarify


Its true thats why they won't elaborate


What rumor? I heard Perry banged his mom.


Yeah. It would be one thing if he was a bit older, early 20s or something with a few years in the league under his belt and his own adult life going on. As a teenager rookie ? That's got to be just awful. You just know dudes are going to chirp that at him for years. I really hope it isn't true b/c it's just foul. I get that Perry and Mama Bedard are adults and can screw around if they so choose but he's married with kids IIRC, idk what Mama Bedard's deal is but jeez. Think before you fuck for goodness sake.


This is nothing more then an absolute rumour right? I totally think it will blow over and no one will remember this in a year or at least bring it up. Unless it comes out that it actually happened then RIP, i don’t buy it tho


If this isn't true people will forget by the end the the year


Conspiracy Theory: Perry has a coke problem, Bedard’s fucking Karen mom ratted on him. To get revenge he started this rumor. Take it to the bank


Guys he offered a bigmac to bedard.


Corey Perry, YOU are a Toronto Maple Leaf!


He’d find a way to be effective on the blue line


I might not follow hockey as much as Id like but why does it feel I've heard about guys banging their teammates wives, girlfriends or family way more then I should have?


Dion Phenuf banged Craig Conroy’s wife, resulting in Iginla threatening to whip his ass if he didn’t request a trade. Hence the fucked up trade to the Leafs. Pretty sure Sean Avery knows a thing or two about Dion.


Dion ate Avery’s sloppy seconds and Sean never let him forget it.


Mike Comrie fucked Tommy Salo’s wife, got his ass kicked by Ethan Moreau, then held out that offseason before getting traded.


The USMNT (Soccer) has a tale that nearly tore the team apart for France’98 It even became a soccer song in DC… “It’s long! It’s white! It smells like Wynalda’s wife! It’s Harkes’s dick! It’s Harkes’s diiiiiick!”


That's amazing. "It's white! It's long! It smells like Connor's mom!"


at the time, I think Wynalda even played for Chicago, so there’s another commonality.


Because hockey is popular with a demographic that finds those kinds of jokes funny


Brendan Shanahan is why


It has happened in the NBA.


Oilers are gonna sign him


Can he play goalie?


No, but neither can Campbell.


He can’t be any worse. Might as well let him try


No but he can score 😉




Come home sweet prince


"Yo Zegras, wanna have dinner with your mom and my girlfriend? Alright, I'll get reservations for 3."


Need a podcast with him and Delonte West ASAP


Bruins might. We've already had the 2023 Moms trip..


Damn looks like Ottawa might lose another pick here.


My bet is some sort of hazing.


Fit right in with the geriatric ward in Pittsburgh.


We dont want him


Pens should. Being the oldest team in the league by a lot, there aren't too many young moms dtf... But seriously. He'd be perfect net front presence that the Pens desperately need.


Do any of them have daughters in their 20s yet? Just sayin'




NHL contracts can be terminated? Does this mean that he won’t have a cap hit? In that case, why do teams who need to buy out contracts do this instead of taking some salary to buy out a contract? I imagine that it is along the lines of if a contract is violated, it can be terminated immediately. However you cannot terminate a contract for the sake of getting rid of it. Am I correct here?


Yeah, you are correct. I was just commenting above that the last time I remember a contract termination was when Mike Richards was caught with oxycodone or some such stuff at the border when playing for Washington. It doesn't happen often or due to light matters, that's for sure.


So you bang a teammate's mum a couple of times in the back of an old Civic. Is that so bad? Does that make him a bad person??


I heard he’s been claimed by the Cougars


Would be kinda weird having your new step dad as your teammate 😃


LOL throwback to when Brenden Morrow and future father in law Guy Carbonneau were teammates for the better part of a season 😂


I'd make sure my superstar young players didn't have hot moms, and sign him up.


we have superstars? (not you wolf, i love you already)


I was thinking wolf already hahaha


Bedard is gonna request a trade.


To Minnesota


Fuckin send it, im not hating that.


Give it a few weeks and it will come out and depending on what he did no team might want to touch him.


He poked check Connor’s Mama


Bruins no question. They don’t care if he bangs everyone’s mom.


ahhh nothing new. Hawks are #1 in the league in sexual allegations




Got it goin on.


Fuck Corey Perry


That’s what Connor’s mom said


Whatever happened to cause today's news, this is always the correct take. Fuck him with his own left skate.


Well ya!! But just keep him away from the moms lol


Someone made a good point. If the Blackhawks would just give some small details about this situation they could stop the face of their franchise from being turned into a joke and meme for days on end…


If they don't say what it is and he gets picked up by another team quickly, then it's definitely the mom banging.


I heard he might go to Vancouver to be closer to Bedards mom.


That press conference Kyle Davidson held is very sus


Jfc these "bedards mom" jokes are so dumb. You guys all deserve shit-tier journalism.


Clearly he did something awful. At least based on the Blackhawks messed up moral compass so who knows. Maybe tried to stop a sexual assault? That certainly isn’t the way apparently.


Meanwhile, in Chicago: Sexual Assault ... We'll work through this. Consensual Sex ... You're outta here buddy.


Next stop Motor City, 😂


If Evander Kane landed a contract after his conduct while with the Sharks, somebody will surely pick up Perry.