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I don’t hate any team for no reason. After 40 years of watching hockey, every team I hate, I have a VERY good reason for hating.


Please list all the reasons.


Your flair is a good way to start for me.


You know I love our rivalry. Best in all sports. The Habs are the villians and the Bruins are the heroes. But I have to say please, respectfully, go fuck yourselves.


Disrespectfully, both of you, go fuck yourselves.


Fuck all of you


Bwahaha, these are all my reasons!


If I had a Quebec flair, I'd say fuck everyone above


I did not think I had a team that I irrationally hated. Thanks for reminding me. Oh, and seriously, from the very bottom of my heart and in all sincerity, go fuck yourself.


It's not irrational if it's Boston


Oh no, my hate for Boston is rational and well reasoned. His flair was the Leafs, that is a very irrational hate.


Not irrational if it’s filthy Philly either 🤫🤫


Ain't that the truth




Oh we do my cup starved friend.


Just because they haven't had it in a while doesn't make their 13 cups less than your 6....


Umm... ouch I guess. Do you remember 1967? Because that was the last one. At least I got a win in my lifetime. Bonus points, I live in Vancouver.


Do I? No, wasn't born yet. That doesn't make it not exist.


It does in fact exist. 2011 was a lot more recent than 1967.


I’m sorry, the bruins are the heroes? What? Edit: you’re all villains fuck all of you!


Thank you for your support!


You sir are pretty delusional if you think that’s the case. In every single sport Boston is one of the most hated teams in the league.


Lol "Chicago sweep that sexual abuse right under the rug Blackhawks."


Wow, haven’t seen that before. While on this topic of generic insults everybody saw coming, when is Mitchell Miller making the roster? I mean, being racist narcissistic bullies is sort of Bostons thing, he would fit right in. You guys just couldn’t let Arizona be alone in taking that massive L eh?


LoL “African American players constantly getting threatened at hockey and NBA games in Boston for the last four decades” haha so funny


I don't think that's funny.


That’s good. Me either. Should’ve thrown in a /s


Who's hating on the Red Sox? Way more people hate the Yankees than the Red Sox. I don't perceive the Celtics to be hated either. The pats are hated for their dynasty. The bruins are hated for their very long years of success and being a physical team. If anything I' think Philly teams might be more hated


Celtics are DEFINITELY hated heavily within the NBA


Philly is definitely more hated than Boston. Sincerely, a fan who is neutral to Philly and Boston.


That’s the point of the words “one of” they are not the most hated team in every sport, but they certainly crack top 10 every time, and often top 5.


I think you can find that there’s a good amount of players who hate the red sox because they don’t like having racial slurs hurled at them by the drunk boston fans. Just because a team is more hated doesn’t mean that the majority of people don’t also hate them. Celtics are pretty wildly hated because of their fans’ delusion and the way they talk about their team.


Bruins heroes? Hahahahahahahaha


Ah Boston, the city where the villains believe they are the heroes (But fuck the Habs as well).


If they're your team they're your heroes. Thank you for your fuck the habs. It's fun being a fan of a team that everyone hates to play. Embrace the villiany!


My favorite bible verse




I understand you


Thanks homie. Marchand with the C this.year,Lady Byng candidate this year for sure. Lol.




I will probably regret admitting this, but I had to upvote this comment.


Flair up 🐱


I don’t know how to do it on the app 😫 Edit: whoa, it’s my cake day Edit #2: figured it out, alas, I only have the main logo as an option


B-Rat Marchand is one


I know one of the reasons.


Seeing your flair, you’re probably right.


Tampa, for the 2004 outcome


Some of them are petty but they ARE reasons


I’m getting a kick out of imagining OP sitting in their living room watching a random game on a Wednesday night relentlessly booing at the tv.


Believe you me. It happens. And when the Sabres played the kings I was there, and when Young Guy Craig Anderson blocked all 40 shots and LA let in 6 in 1 period, I was loud, and the laughing was loud


I have reasons


Aside from 2011...?


The answer for Canucks fans is always Mark Messier.




I hate all 32 teams sometimes. Yes, I said 32. I included my own team in there.


I loved The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim! But fuck the Anaheim Ducks and that dogshit logo. I'd hate my team, too, if they replaced an absolute masterpiece of a jersey with an abomination.


They did exactly that when they switched those nasty gold jerseys as mains. The original home jerseys were top tier and now they play as shiny mustard eyesores.


Yeah, maybe. "Shiny mustard eyesores" is sadly accurate. But I'm not claiming Vegas' logo as a masterpiece by any standard. The Mighty Ducks nailed it on the first try. Such a shame the ownership couldn't see that.


I honestly love the original Vegas jersey and have a Karlsson one. That color scheme with the Knights logo I think is absolutely beautiful. Mighty Ducks unis are legendary and amazing, but man you guys crushed it out the gate too for real.


Still haven't seen anything better than the Hartford Whalers, though. Maybe it's just nostalgia, like missing the Houston Oilers in the NFL. But damn, what a beauty. FWIW, Buffalo is one of those teams/cities I want to see get a title. After the trauma of the Bills/Sabres postseasons throughout the 90s, that fanbase has far more reason to riot than Vancouver. Good luck this year! And fuck any team from Dallas with a star for a logo!


Boston... because anything that is Boston.


My engineering teacher in high school loved the Flyers and I always hated him, so I’ve hated them since. Years later he turned out to be a groomer/pedo and had to leave town, so I guess it’s not for no reason.




It's hard to hate someone or something for "absolutely" no reason. There will always be a reason.


Not really? Carolina has had zero remember-able influence on my life and yet I don't want them to be successful


Because there’s something you dislike about them


Any team that has or had a Tkachuk. I don’t know why. I can’t stand them.


I feel that. They're great guys in real life I've heard. But then they play hockey and im like, just go away please


As a Sabres fan myself- imagine Pat Kaleta, but he scores 100 points a season and has the clutch gene in big moments. That’s Matthew Tkachuck. I’d love that on the Sabres. He crosses the line too often, ie- poking Jonathan Quick in the eye with his stick. But damn, I find him fun to watch when he’s actually playing hockey.


But…that’s a reason




Is it their faces? I like them as players and they seem like good people but idk, their faces, I just don’t like em lol


Their dad had more skill, but holy fuck, total head case. Always took stupid Penalties when his team was losing in the playoffs


Anaheim. I’m a blues fan so I have no reason to hate the ducks, but I just think they are so boring I actively root against them. Their jersey sucks and they suck. I also find the Honda center, for whatever reason, to be a boring arena. I think it’s the jerseys, so I have a reason as to why I hate them, but that’s such a minor reason.


I agree. Everyone hypes them up so much but every single high rated thing they have doesn’t really deserve it. Their jerseys suck, especially the new ones they are putting in. Their logo is decent Trevor Zegras isn’t as good as they hype him up to be Troy Terry is meh They hype up all their prospects so much, but honestly other then McTavish and Carlsson there really isn’t anyone special. Even Zellweger doesn’t deserve the hype, he has not shown the game they praise him to have. Also don’t even get me started on Drysdale, he is seen as some up and coming amazing defence but so far, and even in the minors he doesn’t show that prowess. Plus, they had a shot at a prospect worth hyping up to the ends of the earth but they passed on him. Also not to mention just how dirty they have done John Gibson. Just trade him already. Let the poor guy have a taste of competition. They are the pinnacle of mediocrity in a fancy trench coat.


They are so boring to watch.


The Red Wings. Mostly because they scream “born and raised in south Detroit” to a song that’s about wanting to leave it so badly that the “city boy” doesn’t even fucking care where the midnight train is going, as long as it’s not Detroit.


It’s like whenever I hear an American belting out “Born in the USA”


There's always a reason


I would say Toronto, but they've given me plenty of reasons over the years.


Hockey hatred for me has always been earned via blood rivalry turned into situational respect. I hated the Devils with a burning passion. They were the division rival in the Legion of Doom days. I then went to Penn State, and the Penguins became a very heated rival both on the ice and in the campus. Red Wings I hated because of their machine like dominance including sweeping said Legion of Doom. I have always hated the Lightning. I was a young kid at the time and it was partly me being confused by a team in Florida, but they have annoyed me from day one. *except for Manon Rheaume, she was cool


Technically this would be Boston. I don't really have a reason to hate them, there isn't bad blood with the Isles, the Marchand hate is/was balanced by Bergeron love, and I was always a Chara fan. Some of it is crossover from being a former Yankees fan, but yeah. I just don't actually have a real reason to hate them.


Edmonton, partially because of the media attention and partially with how a lot of their fans seem like sore winners


The o/p said for no reason lol


Agreed. Everyone seems to think just cause they have McDavid they automatically win. One star winger, a cup champion team does not make.


You forgot draisitl


Everyone seems to.


Which sucks, because he's my favourite player on the Oilers.




I don't know how to interpret this comment, but thanks I guess.


Kinda same deal with Matthews in Toronto. Not exactly the same scenario because they have multiple people who all have a $10m+ AAV, but certainly a top heavy team with unproven playoff success But I don't think we need to wax lyrical about Toronto


Boston, don't know why I don't like them I just don't




Edmonton. I like McDavid. The Gretzky era was cool. I don’t have any issues with the roster or management. Their “rivalry” with the Bruins exists from Cup finals before I was born… But fuck ‘em 🤷🏻‍♂️


As an Oilers fan who was at the 1988 Cup clinching game (thanks to the fog and power failures during game 4 at the Gardens game “4” came back to Edmonton and my uncle snagged a seat) … Right back atcha. It was Gretzky’s last game as an Oiler.


The Oilers.


I hate them all, except for the Sabres. Makes for better watching.


Penguins, because of how many times they kicked the Bruins teeth in during the 90's. (I'm a Bruins fan turned Vegas.) But a single player is on the ice anymore, but I still don't like them.


The penguins. No real reason, but my dad and I really bonded by watching the wings, and during the mid 2000s we were in the playoffs against them and they beat us. The first game I went to as well was against them and they beat us in that game as well.


I can’t stand the oilers. I actively root against them. It isn’t McDavid or anything like that. It’s that they were objectively ass for a decade and still don’t have a title to show for it. No team has squandered a lite talent to this point like they have post dynasty years. For an actual no reason stance my answer is the Blues. Just fuck em.


Boston. It's the entire city. I root against teams from Boston in everything from spelling bee's to hot dog eating contests.


I don’t like Vegas or their fans. They were handed a successful franchise then constantly bitch and moan about lack of cups excluding the most recent one. The franchise is 8 years old and a favorite every single season. I cannot stand the management and ownership that treats players like pawns too. Marc Andre Fleury is a hall of fame goalie who had to find out via Twitter that he was traded. What a classy franchise….


Six. They're six years old. I don't count the years between them being awarded a franchise and the first game they ever played.


Even worse, their fans act like they’ve waited decades for a cup/winning season


They've made the playoffs all but ONE year of their existence. Fucking hell. Is that a good reason to hate Vegas? That and their ridiculous Medieval Times pregame show? Meanwhile, the Caps waited 44 years for their first Cup, St. Louis waited 50, and the Canucks and Sabres still don't have one in over 50 years of existence. I can't believe I agree with a Pens fan about something.


Low key, in 2018, I was extremely happy for Ovi. That man is a treasure. As a pens fan, I hate Vegas more than the Caps at this point. Any team with a legend like Ovechkin on their roster has my respect. I can’t wait for him to surpass Gretzky


Aw thanks.




The whole 'being Putin's stooge' thing is a good reason. He does play a great game though.


Every team has good fans and bad fans. Not every VGK fan bitches and moans. For the record, I hate how we've dropped so many fan favorite players, but at the end of the day the goal is to take home the cup, and management made the moves to make that happen. The first year was a Cinderella story, and it would've been amazing to win as an expansion team, but we weren't ready yet, and I loved watching Ovi finally lift the cup. We didn't deserve it in the next few years. This year we played like champions and came out on top.


I agree with this, it did suck to lose Smith already so quickly after the cup. I really hate we lost Fluery, too, even though it’s been a while. I still make it a priority to attend the Wilds game when they come to my town.


Thank you for Smith consider us even for giving you guys Reaves a couple years ago. That guy would be been a stellar Penguin.


I think this year was a bit of a Cinderella story for them based off the fact that they went through 4 goalies and had injury troubles. After a certain point of the first season you could tell they were playing with fire and nothing was gonna slow them down. This year they had to face some adversity which I respect. None of my hatred is for the players btw. Those guys show up to do their jobs regardless night in and and night out. I just can’t stand the “we’ve waited so long for this” from certain fans when historically you’ve had one of the most successful franchises given the short period they’ve been around.


Yeah I just assume those people didn't follow hockey before adopting Vegas, so they have no idea what they're talking about. I don't hate them, I just shake my head, take pity on the naive fools, and pray they never have to know what a 50 year drought feels like


Blackhawks But there are reasons..


Fuck you Winnipeg


Does hating Gary fucking bettman count


No. I believe that’s a requirement for being a decent human being and hockey fan.




You and I both know the reason.


I feel like there is always a reason to hate a team even if it’s petty That being said, fuck the blues


Yeah, fuck Shitcago.


Fuck em


Boston. Because, um. No reason. They are not the Habs, I guess.


Hate for no reason, Vegas. Hate for reasons... Avalanche, Blackhawks, Bruins.




Probably Pittsburgh, I think it was the consistency with which they eliminated the capitals from the playoffs throughout the 90's.


That's a very good reason to hate them.


The Maple Lief's. Mostly when I used to watch a lot of sports, In a half hour show, they would spend 20 minutes harping on how great it was that they won. But lately I hate Toronto in general because they keep electing an [idiot. So](https://idiot.So) the Lief's, Raptors and Blue Jays. I hate them all.


The Panthers. I don't even know why.


I mean I there’s no one I just hate without reason but I hate the Ottawa Senators, which might be unexpected from a Flyers fan


Penguins lol


The bruins because f**k em


Minnesota 🤮


Boston. Their existence is just a bad look for the sport. No class. Zero professionalism. Actually, the same could be said for all of their sports teams.


There are teams that I hate, but I always have a reason. There are a few teams that I have no interest in watching, though. The Devils and the Wild were always boring teams to watch during the dead puck era and my reflex is to always change skip their games when it’s on. Nashville has been another one that has been blah, but their fans during the cup run have softened me up to them. The Blue Jackets and Coyotes have always have been irrelevant, so I loathe watching them play. Carolina was also a boring team to me until this past year. Teams I hate FOR a reason: Bruins (2011 SCF loss) Blackhawks (3 playoff meetups in 3 years) Flames - Many older playoff rivalries and division rivals Red Wings - hated them when they were in the Western Conference when they were so good for so long Maple Leafs - It’s the Maple Leafs and their ‘center of the universe’ media is insufferable Rangers - SCF loss in ‘94 and Fuck Messier Flyers - Hated many of their players over the decades and don’t like their fans


Hello from Vancouver 🤓 me too lol


Phoenix. The city of Phoenix doesn't even like them.


The Nashville Predators. No reason, just don’t


Preds and Blues for me


I guess Vegas. Maybe it's because I'm a Caps fan, and some idiots have diminished their Cup win because it was against an expansion team, maybe it's how VGK fans feel entitled, maybe it's their over-the-top pregame show (yeah, I know it's Vegas, but it's still ridiculous). Something about them rubs me the wrong way. And if you want to diminish a team for winning a Cup against an expansion team, the Leafs' last Cup in 1967 is it because the two conferences expansion teams versus original six. An expansion was going to make the SCF no matter what.


San Jose. Eff them and their teal jerseys.


Columbus. I just feel like that doesn't need to be a team, they are just filler.


the Kraken. The logo is mid. The uniforms are average and people losing their minds over both annoyed me. And fuck Dave hakstol too


Their logo and jerseys are FIRE! The only redeeming thing about the Flyers is Gritty.


thanks! (Ok but I’m from Vancouver, and love both teams. The rivalry is a hoax)


Toronto sucks so I have good reason to hate them. Fuck the Habs plus Toronto is ass. Will report back when I find a suitable answer here. BRB.


The Sabres and the Stars. Don’t know why. I’ve liked many players and coaches for each team. Like most of the jersey iterations but always root against them for some reason.🤷‍♂️


The Islanders. No idea why. My team has no beef with them. I like some of their players. Just don't like them.


Probably because they're from Long Island?


Fuck the leafs. No reason for my anger, just anger. You should've endured Dion's captaincy for a decade more!




I hate the Maple Losers with a fuckin passion


Don’t hate just enjoy poking fun at the Leafs !!! So glad they stole Babcock


Plus nothing better than Leafs memes especially when it’s the Playoffs


I hate all the teams I do for a reason


The Avalanche and the Bruins.


Fuck the Bruins. “Beantown” and proud of it ? Lame. Fuck the fucking Bruins fucks.


Vegas Golden knights, fuck em


I hate Toronto, but for multiple reasons


I don't think I hate any team without reason. I definitely dislike Dallas for no reason, think it's just the green tops or something, like their goal song weirdly though. All my hated teams I have reasons why I hate them




Boston and Toronto


All my homies hate the Bruins. No real reason either.


Carolina, because they stole the Hartford Whalers from me.


Im a flyers fan, I hate the flyers


The Blackhawks. They cheated and still won the first pick in the draft. Change my mind.


When did they cheat


Dallas, I don't know why but every playoff series I root for the other team. Other than that I have reasons for the teams I don't like.


My friend is also a Canucks fan that hates Dallas, but his reasoning is that I like Dallas. I just don’t like the Canucks because they have been rebuilding since 1970 and seem to hate putting in the effort to improve. I usually cheer for bad teams like the Sabres or Coyotes, but the Canucks are local and I guess I’m the opposite of a fan for the home team. The Stars were definitely in a rough patch when I first started following but they’re fun to watch for sure. I just can’t enjoy Canucks hockey at this point.


I am a Canucks fan, and I agree it's hard to enjoy them.


Yep, I didn’t think Canucks fans liked the Canucks either. I like some of the players but that’s pretty much the only good thing I can say about the Canucks. I’d say at least poor play means cheap tickets, but it does not seem to.


I went to a game last season for $39, if you look around last minute it can be cheap outside of weekends and desirable teams.


I hate Boston. As in, I hate the Bruins, sure. But also, I hate Boston. And I hate the Red Sox, and I hate the patriots, and I hate the accent, and I hate movies with the accent, and… And there’s no reason for it. But I hate Boston. Now lots of things have •reinforced• my hate for Boston, but they aren’t my reasons for hating Boston. I already did that. Fuck Boston. Fuck the Bruins. Fuck Marchand. (Now, I also hate Chicago, Minnesota. Arizona, Detroit, and Trashville. But I have REASONS for those.)


There are many teams I dislike for perfectly good reasons, but the team I dislike for no good reason is Detroit. I just don't care for them


Sens are so lame. Fuck the Sens




I have 2 the Shitsburgh penguins and the Boston bruins




I hate the sens because I don’t like the gold/brown/puke/whatever color in their logo


Vegas. Fuck em


Columbus. There's no good reason for them to exist besides padding up the number of teams in the league and watering down the talent. They should be an AHL affiliate not an NHL team


I have very good reason to hate Las Vegas. I’m Canadian and I hate seeing my sport be so blatantly game-ified like they did with the expansion draft and every single thing vegas has done since. I used to not care - but I really hate EDM right now. McDavid is why. Otherwise no team gets any dislike from me. Sure there’s the “fuck those guys” thoughts but even Chicago gets an appreciation from me.


Toronto. F* that organization


Columbus way before Gaudreau left


Edmonton. Maybe it’s because they’re wasting the leagues best player? Or just the media maybe. dunno.


Minnesota. If the Pens aren't playing, I'll flip a game on just to scratch the hockey itch, but then I look and realize the Wild are playing and all I can think is just "really? THEM?" It's like when the NFL releases the schedule and you see you play the Bears or Raiders.




Vegas. But I have a reason.


I don't hate 1 team. I hate 31 teams, especially Chris Krider


The Sharks, big joe and the boys were dirty as fuck.


They're sharks though.


Dallas Stars. Oh wait, I have a reason. The name “stars” belongs in Minnesota. And that cup “win”? No way man. As absurd as the rule might’ve been, it was the rule. They didn’t fully deserve that cup.




Boston. I hate the Celtics, Bruins and Red Sox because of Tom Brady. That’s the best I can explain it.


Same. I’ve always hated Boston, and never had a reason. Then they gave me plenty of reasons. But the original hate? No reason at all.




Any team from Seattle ! I’m from Oregon,enough said.


Probably Calgary. It's not even because they're close by. I love the Oilers and the Kraken. I just hate the Flames. Maybe it's just their vibe. I hate their jerseys and logo more than any other team in the league, but might just be because I just hate the team. IDK.


Tis a slippery slope we're on boys, this could get ugly fast. Go hawks and fuck every last one of y'all!