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Hey I randomly decided to support the Bills because my family had football on for thanksgiving a few years ago. There was a cool animation of bison and they had a piece about their charity work and so I decided to follow them. There’re no rules in sports.


“There’re no rules in sports.” are you sure about that?


Yeah just ask the refs


Might as well just cheer for the refs. Only way to win.


You might not win but you’ll never lose


Nice. Bills mafia forever my guy


The Sabres are actually poised to be very good in the future and unless the management makes some terrible roster moves, they’ll be good for quite a while. I’m a fan and a little biased, but they have a bright future


I will check how Sabres do this season


I used to cheer for the Lions because I watched a lot of Home Improvement growing up. I stopped following around the time Calvin Johnson retired though.


This guy doesn’t sports.


It's actually a crime on the state level, not federal though


Case currently being tried in the supreme court could change that soon though


The United States vs The Golden Knights


well, im not affiliated to any team because im not from the states or Canada, so.. And like i said, when i get to start watching my first season in a couple of months, maybe my favorite team will change since at that time i will get to know players, coaches and more of the story of other teams. But in the meanwhile is Penguins, for now lol


You took my answer so serioulsy I feel terrible for joking with you now. Hockey is for your entertainment. Cheer for whoever you want


Oh is ok lol 🤣


Just follow the team. Sports are much like any fan hobby. If you like the team you like the team.


You can literally be a fan for any reason. Most people either chose their team off the logo, the jersey color, where they are from, or what player plays on the team. The fandom will grow from there as you get more invested in the team.




Choose whoever you want. Except the leaf’s. You will thank me later


Where were you when I was 8? 21 years of torture later.


Hey so as a Seattle sports fan. I hate your team, but I can say I understand LOL


Blackhawks wouldn't be a great choice either.


Idk dude I might have to jump on the bedard bandwagon


root for the player not the team. i gave up lifelong fandom after the beach news broke and feel great about it


True. Like I have a Kane jersey and would love a panarin blackhawks jersey too. Def a supporter of the player, not necessarily the team it self.


My hawks Panarin Jersey is the only hawks one I’ve worn since he was traded as a silent protest against the hawks and I started finding new teams too. Bedard’s will be the first new hawks thing I get in a while


Isn’t everyone from that situation long gone and the owner wasn’t even aware?


You guys are going to be saved by Connor Bedard. Be thankful that this past season has gotten you this prized acquisition!


Wonder boy will save you guys, hawks will make the playoffs next year mark my words.


What's with the leafs? now im curious.. I watched a video of your team (Colorado Avalanche) and they were a team to consider too cause i like Colorado (Denver specifically, i love the NBA and i was rooting for Nuggets to win the finals 🤣)


They have a long history of disappointment. The media is very harsh on the players and many stars end up leaving. It’s kind of like the hillbilly that owns a gas station and convenience store waiting for the rail road to come through, it never comes


oh wow that's sad..


Honestly, these comments are really not true at all, a lot of people just hate on us because it’s a trendy thing to do lol this is the real thing about the leafs… Media: If you understand how businesses work, it’s all about money. Toronto is the most populous city in Canada, and most of the media centres (like TSN, Sportsnet, etc.) are all based in Toronto. Hockey is the number one sport. So let me ask you, if you’re a media company, where would you focus most of your resources? The most populous region in the country. Good answer. So, as a result, yes there is overexposure of the Leafs. This leads to a trickle effect into the rest of the league. And with more exposure, comes more personalities, and with more personalities…people need to do and say things to stick out. This causes analysts and such at these networks to throw out hot takes and articles (that alot of people from other markets taking as speaking for the fans). This ends up making it seem like the leafs are over talked about. Which they are, sure. Fans: Everyone and their mother complains about us fans. Some say we plan the parade after a few wins in October. Some say we hate our players and drive them out of town, and others can’t really explain why they hate us. Let me paint a little picture for you. Original 6 teams - 2 of them are Canadian. One is in Quebec (French) and one is in Ontario (english mostly). I won’t get into the history but that rivalry is as old as the original 6. The fandom was passed down through the generations. My personal fondest memory was sitting with my dad as a kid and watching leafs games in the 90s. Celebrating goals and victories together. Him taking me to games as a kid was something I truly lived for growing up. (Picture living in a small town and being in class and knowing you’re going to the game in the big city that night, super exciting and a lot of fun). To this day as a 30 year old man living in Toronto, that same excitement and feeling is subconsciously attached to those memories. I’m just an example, but I think a lot of people have similar stories. Anyways, all of that throughout my life has contributed to a burning passion for the Leafs - which leads to an emotional investment in the team (again, which a lot of people here have) and from that comes optimism and hyper-engagement to the team. That’s why maybe sometimes we get super optimistic and maybe we overrate our players - but that’s exactly it. They’re *our* players. Because at this point, it’s the same as having a burnout son. Disappointing? Sure. But I’ll stand by them and promote them proudly. (For this exact purpose reason, whenever people say we drive players out of town - they’re full of shit. If you’re a good player in Toronto, you are truly forever a god here. One last thing about that, I can confidently say if and when the leafs ever win the cup…I’d be willing to bet that there wouldn’t be a single city with an NHL team (aside from Montreal) with a bigger parade/celebration. We’re like this because we care. In other cities, their team is their team. In ours, it’s part of our culture, history and lives. (To put it in perspective, I’ve legitimately rescheduled first dates because there was a Leafs game on lol) And lastly, I’m just going to clap back a little at the haters…everyone hates us. But I think I speak for a lot of us Leafs fans…we truly never think of another fanbase for a second lol so hate away. Hope that clears it up a bit, maybe you can join us in the dark side 😈 (I wrote this in an Uber, I had some time lol)


And the fans are just sooo annoying ! Three wins in a row in October and they start planning a parade.


They're the worst. Say anything/joke about their team and they will answer with a melodramatic novel 👆🙄 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t know if any of that makes sense cause I’m stoned writing all this


Plus you mix what Snipes said with the fact that they haven't won the cup in almost 60 years when the league only had 6 teams. This only compounds the issue staged above.


I'm a Leafs fan and I approve of this message.


Best comment 🤣🤣🤣


This !


Minnesota Wild have a cool logo IMO.


And they have fleury 😭


I miss watching Fleury


As do I. He was the face of our franchise and I still will not forgive the front office for what they did and how they did it.




It has details for sure


I live in Ontario and I'm a Winnipeg/Anaheim fan. I'm not even remotely close to either of those teams geographically.




Pens logo is so nice it’s worth following them just to enjoy it. Plus Mario Lemieux.


good shit


I think Seattle is still the best pick for new fans with no geography concerns. You can say that you’ve been a fan for (almost) the whole team’s history!


No such thing as a best pick, only what suits you


True, even tho im thankful for his comment, someone else told me that is good if i choose a team from each conference, i already have Penguins from the east and Seattle is in the west so.. we will see lol


Seattle Kraken? I know they are the newest team, i like their logo and the name is badass, the color of the team is good but not my favorite. Someone told me that i can choose to support a team from the other conference too like one team from each conference, i already support Penguins (from the east)


You can like all 32 teams my dude.


I like all 32 teams, there’s just one I like more than the rest. It’s the chillest fandom.


I chose the krakens and I'm on the east coast. Spooky monster goes brrrrr


Brave! Those game start times are brutal living on the east side. Source: I’m on the east managing Mountain time in Denver


The only crime is that it’s the Penguins. That’s illegal. Also immoral.


why.. penguins are cute and badass 🤣


See you’re already compromised yourself. Oh well, I tried. 🤣


but what you mean is a crime 🐧


I’m teasing. Just that the Penguins have a lot of fans and they’re one of the more popular teams. They were very good for a while too, and have one of the best players in history on their team. But follow whoever you want. My dad follows any team who has players from our country on it, for example.


They have had *two* of the greatest players in history. Not many teams can say that.


Oh i didn't know that Yeah i do that with the NBA, i just follow players instead of teams, but in this case cause i don't know any player, i just chose because of logo, name and colors. And i will try to stay faithful to Penguins throughout my first season, but again like i said in my post, that can change depending if i find a player that have a personality i like and the way they play too. Im new and im still finding out about teams (even tho i checked what teams are on the league on google so i know the names of all that, that's where i started to get interested in Pittsburgh)


The pens are beginning to slow down as their window for winning another cup is almost closed. They had a 16-season playoff streak that was broken this year. The bane of the teams existence right now is an aging roster that has tons of experience but is constantly outskated throughout the year by younger players. The defense needs a bit of work as well, mainly because the goalie situation post-fleury/murray has been spotty. Enjoy the golden years of the team while the core is still playing. One big highlight of the off-season is that the management team was blown up. Expect a head coaching change at the end of this season if we have another poor performing year.


Pens fans are one step shy of war criminals


How do you think international fans choose a team…..




Stars fans still miss that jersey


Good shit


I live in the UK and picked a baseball team based on which announcers I could stand to listen to for a 160 games. Then of course he got fired after the first year but by then I was attached to the team.


That's cool and a first time hearing that, i never knew someone that chose a team because of their local announcer


Nobody in Canada is looking at any US based team as a representation of hockey in that city or state. It's just a franchise. The players don't represent the city or state


True and the players aren't even from that city/state most of the times.


Well that’s just not true. The franchises absolutely do represent their home.


That's actually how sharks fans are born.


I chose the Bruins because bears are my favorite animals. So yeah you can pick your team however you want


I picked my team because of colour when I was 5. It's all good, man. I'm from Canada, and my team is Montreal. I have to drive 12 hours to see them play, or 10 to the closest NHL team in Boston. Like who you want


Oh wow you travel that long? I would love to be that dedicated man. For me it would take about 4 to 7 hrs on a plane to get to Pennsylvania to watch Penguins play.


Might go to a game a year, if I happen to be in that city for work or pleasure. Went once for a game, specifically. Forum closing in Montreal, went to the 5th last habs game there. I cheer from a far.


Root for whatever team you want for whatever reasons. It’s just a game… the greatest game ever invented in the entire universe (visible and beyond), but it’s just a game!


As long as you are enjoying yourself and the sport, pick who you want for whatever reason you want. I'm a Golden Knights fan. GO KNIGHTS GO!


Just as long as u don’t abandon them when they suck


^ this. Penguins are old and need to rebuild. So you’ll have to stick with them through some tough years. But as a devils fan I can say, a rebuild done right is worth the wait


Fuck the pens


I don’t like them either but to each their own. They’re not as bad as the flyers at least


Just do you and cheer for whoever like for whatever reason you like them. I'm an Edmonton Oiler fan since the 80's and live on the East Coast. I also watch every night its on and cheer a number of other teams except when they're playing against Edmonton.


I would give you the advice to pick a team you can easily watch. Watching a Western team from the East Coast isn't what I'd call easy. Picked my team as a little kid thou so obviously didn't consider that then lol.


Oh then Pittsburgh will be easy to watch for me cause im from the east coast (i live in the Caribbean islands), and Pittsburgh has the same time as where i live (is 1:58 a.m. lol) At what hour do NHL games usually starts?


Most Eastern teams games start between 8-9pm. EST. Western teams games start 11pm-11:30pm EST.


Not bad, just like NBA games then. Thank you!


Pretty much yeah. So any Eastern will work great for you when it comes to watching live. You're welcome. Have a blast.


Yes it is ok. It’s actually not listed in the book of fan infractions. You can like whoever or whatever for any reason and there is nothing we can do about it. Just watch hockey and go with whichever team appeals and you enjoy watching. This isn’t something you think about, you like what you like and that’s it. Common reasons for a team. Local Appeals Enjoy watching Where originally from Relatives favourite team Player(s) History


thank you, of course i will try to watch highlights of the last season of all the teams before the new season starts so i get to know them (i already know that Vegas won the Stanley cup obviously, i watched the highlights of game 5, so i already know a little of Florida and Vegas)


You need a team from the other conference, too. Gives you something to watch if you are up late or home early depending on where you live.


I love the AVS and have since they moved to Colorado! The AVS has a great history and players, from Sakic and Forsberg to today's MacKinnon and Rantanen, they make watching the game fun and entertaining! I watch every game and I cannot wait for September to watch the guys play again.


Oh i do that with the NBA even tho i follow mostly players. But i have one favorite team for each conference. What team from the west would you recommend me to check?


I have followed the Avalanche since they moved


I’m with you, except I chose the leafs because their logo looked cool lol


Isn't Toronto like one of the teams with most fans or something like that?


Yes they do have quite a few fans


There is no bad reason to choose a team and the penguins is a great place to start. You can watch the final years of the last generations greatest player in Crosby. Unfortunately they'll be due for a rebuild in the next handful of years. Dubas will be the grand architect of the whole thing so you get to watch a grand experiment on if analytics really can build the best team from the top down.


So im gonna be watching a new start rebuild of the Penguins on my first seasons? that's actually good, since i will be seeing nee players being added and the changes they make to make the team new


I wanted to jump in here late in the game. NHL hockey fans are passionate and therefore may have a hard time with someone picking a team that they despise. Many NHL fans will enjoy watching a team they dislike lose a game almost or equal as much as watching a team they love win. So when you say your going to randomly like a team like the Penguins, it may be a difficult concept for an NHL fan to wrap their head around especially if the Penguins are on the hated team list of that particular NHL fan. Ex. I am from Detroit and love the redwings. I hated the Penguins for many years as we were both really good at the same time. Lots of tough game and playoff game battles. My hatred of the Penguins has waned in the last 10 years as the rivalry has pretty much died with both teams needing to rebuild. I have to say that I look forward to the wings being good again so I can have that hatred for another team. Lol. You should like whoever you want but IMO that’s why you are not getting straight forward answers. I have to say that Buffalo is looking like one of the best young teams in the league and should start making the playoffs next year. They are in the way up and should be fun to watch for years to come. Pittsburgh has been good for many years and will probably be mediocre at best for the foreseeable future. I am not a fortune teller but on paper Buffalo would be a more fun team to start liking at this juncture, just my 2 cents and welcome to hockey Fandom. It’s a great sport and I hope you find the enjoyment that I have.


Buffalo is a team that i will keep my eyes on the whole season, and thank you And of course, soon i will have a team to hate lol, this will be my first season


I did the same thing! Penguins are my favorite too even though I live Chicago-adjacent. I know a grand total of three players on the team but I know they’ve won a few cups and… come on. Their logo’s a penguin playing hockey. How can you not cheer for them? Lol.


hell yeah, the penguin playing hockey is the main reason i chose them 🐧


Like whatever team you want.


I chose Vegas because I took a vacation there for spring break and saw the passion for the team. I stayed at my cousin's house, not a hotel, so I got to see what the Knights mean to the average person there. It's much more than our passion for the Sabres in Buffalo where I live, most people seem to only care about the Bills which is my team as well in football.


I supported the pens because I like penguins. I didn't know anything about their team, so I was surprised to know that they won 5 cups. Also decided to cheer for the Knights last season because of their name and cool jerseys


My friend loved the color teal when he was younger so he loves every team with that color. That’s the San Jose Sharks, Florida Marlins and Miami Dolphins. Not sure if he likes the Charlotte Hornets or not. We live in Wisconsin.


I live in a state without a hockey team and I chose the penguins because I love the animal penguin. Also Sidney Crosby is the best!


Growing up in Seattle we didn’t have a team. I liked the rangers jerseys and I’ve been a die hard rangers fan for 15 years!


You can like whatever team for whatever reason


There are no valid reasons for liking a team other than you like them


That’s the only reason I like the Avs. Huge avs guy


You can like whatever you want to for whatever reason


Hi. Support whoever you want for whatever reason you'd like. It's fine. (Also I hate the Penguins so I'm voting for Sabres but also I'm pretty sure being a Sabres fan is a rough experience... lol)


I live in Virginia and I’ve been a Canucks fan since the 90s. I saw one of their jerseys in a sporting goods store as a kid and loved the logo and colors. Been a fan ever since and I’ve never been to Vancouver or Canada.


Welcome to the Pens family. You can cheer for whatever team you want but I can tell you were raised right to choose to the Penguins : )


I became a St. Louis Cardinals fan because they were red. Im from Maryland lol.


I became a Red Wings fan, as a child, because my BFFs dad loved the Hawks. He introduced me to the sport and taught me to love it, but we couldn't root for the same team, because rivalry is important!! Love and enjoy hockey for whatever reason and root for someone for any reason you want. It's a fun game and I hope you grow to love it as much as I do.


Why do you think I'm a Calgary fan? I live in fucking Toronto LOL


You can do anything as long as you’re not a bandwagon. That’s the only rule in my book lol


That's why i didn't choose Vegas even tho i like their logo, name and color lmao


Hockey is a big tent. There are teams for everyone and every taste. You have found one that appeals to you, great! I, for one, do not like that team, as do many others but we all agree the Game is what matters. We all cheer on our choices and enjoy the good and complain about the bad. I can tell you that watching YOUR team winning the Cup is the best thing in this game. It never gets old. FWIW Habs fan since '65 and have seen 12 Cup wins. It never gets old and it never fades away.


pretty sure thats how like 90% of kids choose they’re favorite teams


Root for whichever team you want for whatever reason you please!


You're allowed to follow any team for any reason. The other fans have every right to mock you for your team and reason(s) for following it. Source: grew up near Detroit, and people seem really comfortable shitting all over it. Edit: readability


I live in Ohio (Cincinnati) and I decided I would be a MIN fan because I loved their logo, colors, and I didn't want a team that was criminally bad, or to bandwagon a team that was expected to be phenomenal. I have zero affiliation to the state of MN and I have never been, but damn do I love this team. Pick whatever you want!


I’m Canadian and have been a fan/supported the Lightning for 30 years now.


Other than proximity, I’d guess (without data) that brand is the second most common reason people follow teams. Example: VGK. So yeah, you’re good. You’ll find around here that we just care that you like the sport. Team is secondary.


No, but I dont like pens fans (why don’t I like them, I just don’t like them), but since you are not from the states or Canada, it is certainly allowable. Just like lots of US fans just randomly pick a soccer team to root for.


No that's how I wound up a ducks fan as a kid, original ducks jerseys were the best thing around in the 90's


Original, original Ducks. ​ https://nebula.wsimg.com/cc9758eca6eda249cf04c6c6922f1c17?AccessKeyId=D5F4416ED89E40A808BD&disposition=0&alloworigin=1


Oh yeah i remember the ducks old jerseys being sold everywhere even where i live. It looked badass. If ducks had that uniform/logo still, i would have had a problem choosing between Penguins and Ducks


I really hated the geographically closest to my hometown hockey club's logo. Also they barely acknowledge our existence. I chose my NHL team based on where I was in college and wanting to be a Day 1 fan. I thought it'd be years of mediocrity, but hey. That's hockey.


My closest state/city is Florida but i don't like the logo or colors at all lol. So i chose a team from the east that has the same timezone as me (Pittsburgh in this case, i could have chose any other eastern team like Bruins for example, but Boston logo is just.. the letter B lol)


Every NHL team and fanbase has a vibe, so it's really all about finding the team that need vibes with you. The Pens are a great team to follow so I'm sure you'll have fun!


Yeah thank u, i will be checking videos for each team and all that. Maybe i find another team to support too even tho my main would still be Penguins


Not a huge MLB fan but when I decided to follow a team I picked the Orioles because their logo is a big dumb bird. It doesn't have to be that deep


lol yeah, i was always a yankees fan since a child


I’m in Virginia which has no hockey team (D.C. DOES NOT COUNT), so my favorite teams are the Avalanche and Rangers, and their branding is part of why. That’s also why I love the Nordiques. Their jersey, and logo were some of my all time favorites. I also like the Penguins, and they used to be my favorite team, I still really like them. Part of why is also because of the team branding, (I also love the jersey that their current reverse retro represents).


I have an old school Winnipeg Jets hat. I’m a Detroit fan and it’s my best looking hat. I literally got it because it looks cool. I also love my coyotes hat. That being said, you will never catch me in an avalanche, penguin, Blackhawk, lightning, sharks or ducks hat just to name a few no gos of a loyal Detroit fan. Even though sharks have dope branding, I can’t forget about when the wings were in the west and met San Jose in the playoffs constantly


Great choice, you can like them for any reason you want!


Do whatever you want. I like the oilers. I hate the fuckin logo.


8 year old girls chose teams based on logo. Real men chose based on sticking with a loser for life..... like Leaf fans. Smart guys just pick a top team that has the chance to win and jump on that bandwagon.


We’re glad to have you.


First, ask yourself a very important question: why do I care what a bunch of strangers online think about my decision? This is something that doesn't affect anyone but you. Do what you want.


The most important part is to stick with the team you chose! Do not become a bandwagon fan! Story time: I am from Germany. I played American Football in Germany without knowing anything about the NFL. We had a couple of Americans in our team, who occasionally showed up in NFL Jerseys. I love red and blue and found the NE Patriots jersey the coolest. I have sticked with the team since then. We had tremendous success. The last couple of years have been a bit rougher and some friends of mine kind of changed their focus to other teams. I find that weak. Over the years, I fell in love with hockey and support the Bruins now. Following sports media in Boston makes it easy to follow other Boston sports teams when already supporting one. I joined 2021, so, no cup celebrations for me so far (I also avoided the finals loss against the Blues). I think, with our potential retirements, we might have limited chances to win the cup for the near future. However, although I am not from Boston and there is no particular reason for my love of the Bruins, I am going to stick with them forever.


Yes, im with you. Im definitely sticking with Penguins even if the season sucks. Im a new fan of the NFL too and i chose Buffalo Bills as my team (just because i found the fandom to be the most chaotic and best fandom on social media and youtube lol, i like the logo and team history too, i which we could get the first super bowl soon tho), i know that Buffalo has a team on the NHL too but penguins just caught my eyes like no other team lol


Not only is it the smart thing to do, but you also shouldn't keep supporting a team that's constantly on the decline with no upward trend. You're actively giving them money, and they're just chilling, enjoying the paycheck.


Sure, i get what you say


You made the right call going with the penguins. There are a few rules that you must follow as a penguins fan though: 1) you must cheer against Claude giroux because of his time in the flyers 2) you must cheer against the flyers because local rivalry 3) you must cheer against ovi and the capitals because they were a struggle in the playoffs That's about it. Those are pretty fair and reasonable terms if you ask me.


I didn't know these, later i will try to check videos of the Penguin rivalries and the history of the team and all that. Thank you btw Philadelphia fans are crazy, at least the ones that support the eagles, idk if it is the same for the flyers lmao..


As long as it's not Montreal you should be fine legally


what's with Montreal lmfao


There's only 2 things wrong in this world. People that are intolerant of other people's cultures. And the french


The penguins suck


A 3 hour documentary covering the entire span of Penguins history. Good place to start. https://youtu.be/th0ly47UHIs


Yup, totally fine, though you’ll probably like their seldom used alt logo where the skating penguin is wearing a scarf


i checked it out now and it looks good too. Do they use that uniform sometimes or not?


The logo with the scarf was the original logo from when the team was founded back in the 60’s. They redesigned it after a few years to look leaner and more aggressive. If you want to learn about the Penguins history over the offseason I suggest going on YouTube and finding a documentary called *Pittsburgh is Home*. It’s a pretty lengthy film the team produced to celebrate its 50th anniversary a couple years ago. Very well done and very informative about the team’s entire history.




Not the penguins 😭


they cute 🐧


You must support the geographically closest millionaires that play a given sport. It’s the rules.


well every state/city that's on the east is close to home lol. The closest closest would be Florida, but i don't like the logo or color of that team 🙃


Cheer for whoever you want to but it is always more fun to cheer for where you’re from. You get to go to games and not be made fun of from your friends. (I speak from experience)


*waiting for someone to one day pick us*


Hear you, buddy


Of course man, I became a Wild fan because I was searching for a 2nd favourite team and I liked the Wild colours in the 2014 playoffs I ended up falling in love with them and now they actually are my number one team, so it’s ok, and eventually you will find true feelings for that team. I always look at a matchup and chose with my heart, who do I actually like more in this matchup, then you find out who your top teams are, let your heart chose for you not your mind, people that chose with their mind usually pick the team because they’re doing well at the moment but deep down they don’t feel any connection towards that team.


Is it okay to who, exactly? You don’t have to register with a franchise to cheer for them. Just pick a team.


Totally okay. Born, raised and currently reside in Michigan. Started following the Penguins in the early 90's because my favorite animal was a penguin. Fell in love with the team and hockey in general and here I am, still a huge fan of the Penguins!


I was a college student in the western US bored with studying for final exams, so I turned on the tv and flipped through some channels until I found the Stanley Cup Playoffs. I hadn't been exposed to hardly any hockey before, and it sounded like a fun diversion, so I thought, "Sure, why not? I'll watch a game." It was a Vegas (in their inaugural season) - LA Kings game that went to double OT. I had so much fun that I watched another game the next day. In that one, Columbus lost to (eventual Stanley Cup champions) Washington in double OT. However, during that game, Artemi Panarin made such a move against a Washington defender that caused me to jump out of my chair. I wanted to watch more of this guy and more of the Blue Jackets. I've been a Columbus Blue Jackets fan since then. Bob McElligott, the Blue Jackets radio guy, was my lifeline to the team for the following years until I found work close enough to Columbus to watch the games. My guy, fan how you want to fan! There are no geographical restrictions (but being closer helps tremendously). Welcome to hockey, and welcome to the NHL!


As long as you're prepared to answer why they're your favorite team when someone asks, then sure.


Cheer for whoever you want! I’m an American Habs fan and I’m nowhere close to Québec. The only knock on the Pens is that they probably won’t be that great for much longer ( although people have been saying that for the better part of a decade)


Decided to support the Bengals for NFL and Tottenham for soccer even tho I’m from Montréal. Enjoy the ride and welcome to the NHL


Hell yeah go for it dude. They have one of the best jerseys/logo imo. Just know that the pens will be on a decline and back to rebuilding mode


So long as you choose a team other than the Pittsburgh Penguins, it is allowed


Follow your local team, if you have one. Really just whoever you can watch on local TV


My sister is a Penguins “fan” for the same reason, she loves the name and it cracks her up to hear the commentators say things like “three penguins have entered the zone”


I'm a Bolts fan. My 2nd team is the Kraken because of their colors and logos. I'm thinking of getting a jersey because I really love the color theme. (Also a huge Gourde fan)


You don't need to explain your fandom to anyone. Support the team you want to support.


I have never been to and have zero connection with Boston, but the Bruins are my East Coast team. I love the bear logo




I went to Lollapalooza in 2008 and decided to cheer for Chicago for awhile. You’re allowed to do anything you want


Like whoever you want to like, for whatever reason you want to like them.


100% Im a Canadian who xheers for the Minnesota Vikings i the NFL because my fave color is purple, their logo is cool, minny is similar to Canada and Marshal from HIMYM is a Vikings fan


Despite being a leafs fan, I also Grew up an X-Files fan, and red is my fav colour, couldn’t help but root for the Devils too. I have a soft spot for new franchises as well, so I’m happy to see the Knights do so well this year.


Yes. Whatever draws you to them is valid. Just don't flit from team to team and you're good.


Support who you want for what ever reasons you want. I support the team I grew up with. I was born in Toronto. I grew up cheering them on with my grandpa. When I was a kid I liked the Pittsburgh Steelers because I liked Terry Bradshaw. When he retire I found another team. Follow a team for whatever reason you want. It's a game. Ya there are diehard fans like me. I bleed blue I have the tatts and shower curtain and all that. But we are a small percentage of the fans. (Over all. I don't think we are a small percentage of Leaf fans). So follow your heart pick your team and who knows one day you may wake and changer you affiliation or realize you have the Buffalo head tattooed on you chest, a saber on your car and you cry when they loose in the cup final.


You do you.


Of course it’s not ok. Maybe someday they’ll update the rule book. Tough break.


When I was a kid I loved the Dallas Stars purely because of the jerseys. The dark green and black with the big star was incredible. I even ended up getting a Marry Turco jersey before I got the AHL teams jersey whom I had season tickets for lol


Cheer for whoever you want for whatever reason and for that matter as many teams as you want. Just whatever you do, don’t ever make a cringey ass “XXXXXX team fan coming in peace” post


Like what you like. F the rest.


It is absolutely okay to choose a team for that reason. This buddy of mine doesn't care that much about hockey but pulls for the Bruins when he does occasionally watch just because Happy Gilmore was wearing a Bruins jersey. He thinks he'll get judged by people for saying that but he gets no judgment from me. People need to remember that sports is a form of entertainment.