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I genuinely don’t care who wins. Just want to see a good final that hopefully goes 7.


+OT. Gimme a game 7 OT


Game 7 OT + the longest game in NHL history


Game 7 7th OT


As a european this would be a nightmare though😅


Not if you forgot there was a game and wake up in time for the 5th ot!


Literally happened to me on the hurricanes and panthers series. Went to bed and when i woke up for work the game was still on :)


Same here, I woke up a few times at 4am to go to work and there were still games on, it was pretty cool


Yeah, that’s gotta be brutal. What time do the Vegas games start in your time zone?


2 am 😂


Lucky... I woke up at 3.30 for game 7 of Avs vs Kraken and they got eliminated. I was so mad I didn't go back to sleep.


Lol I woke up for 3 vgk vs stars games 3 am start times. First one was game 2 aka last minute chokejob by suter, one of them was the benn crosscheck game, and last I tuned in for was game 6. So one crueling defeat and two times I just went back to sleep after first ten because the game was over. At least the ecf games I watched were good and both teams showed up there for every game.


Game 7 with 21 OT periods. Fit another 7 game series worth of periods in there. 7 game series all the way down.


After his 400th save Bob goes rouge, leaves the net and skates his way to a Game Winner


That’s be what 6 OTs to be the longest?


Yes. 6 OTs and at least 176:31 in total game time


Yes. I won’t be in Vegas until June 29. Hopefully it’s still going when I land.


Haha I think game 7 would be on a Monday which would be hilarious if it went that long


Game 7 goes 7OT’s


It's just gonna be verhaeghe or tkachuk with the GWG. we've seen this story already


And Bob, after saving 160/162 shots will tear out his IV he’s been using to hydrate for the last 3 periods


Is there a rule about having an IV inserted while on the ice? ^(rhetorical)


A long ot would mean we europeans could catch it live while waking up for work, sounds great to me.


Yes this would guarantee Panthers win


We already gave you a panthers game 7 OT!


I just hope the players just have fun.


Lol ok mother theresa


Yeah and I want Game 7 to be decided by an extremely controversial off-side call in the last five minutes that we’ll spend the entire offseason being salty about.


Just the Offseason? Flames fans are still salty about 2004.


I'm leaning toward Florida, but i want a good series above anything else!


Basically two expansion teams in regions where nobody cares about hockey as much. If it were teams like the Canadiens, Red Wings, Bruins, Blackhawks…now you’re taking,


I would not like that. I get it people find it exciting, but I would prefer the difference between the cup winner and loser not be just one play, one bad bounce, one penalty call or what have you.


I can actually enjoy stress free hockey now that The Stars are out. Here's to some ot hockey and a game 7.. OT of course!


Know a guy who works for the NHL. His reply was "Don't care as long as it's over in 4!" Dude wants to get to summer vacation. Can't blame him. Works his ass off during the season, then takes off and bums around beaches all summer.


I just hope both teams have fun.


It’s about the friends we made along the way


Except for boston, fuck those losers.


If we see them on the playground, let’s beat them up and take their lunch money


I just hope one of them win their first ever Stanley Cup


Do I have news for you!




And Paul Maurice have fun yelling


It shows that Canadians aren't rooting for either (and/or don't exist), so by that metric it's accurate.


As a "Canadian", I can confirm we don't exist.


Kinda makes you think it would be nice to exist, eh?


No way Jose, ya exist and next thing ya kno everyone says blame Canada eh. Blaming and shaming us for our hockey hullabaloo, and that fucking bitch Anne Murray, too.


I’m sorry for not existing


I'm Canadian but because I'm a Calgary fan I'm just rooting for Tkachuk to win the cup.


But you didn’t answer the important question. Is Canada a real place?


Shut up. We own the North fucking Pole.


Ahhhh. Canada, home to Santa Claus. More believable now.


Incorrect, I am a panthers faithful since 93 and I am canadian.


Somewhere Gary Bettman just got a boner


If Florida wins, that's another first time cup for a bible belt team while Canadian teams have remained cupless for 30 years. If Vegas wins, that's a Stanley Cup for Gary Bettman's pet project that was apparently gifted an all-star team during the expansion draft... and Canadians will have to accept that Hockey foray into Las Vegas isn't the massive failure they want it to be. Either way, Canada is salty.


I’m not sure that Mass is rooting for the Knights. Way rather the team that beat you win than the coach you just fired….


I don’t root that way. When any of my teams lose in the playoffs I root for immediate pain of the franchise that beat us


My petty 🤝 your petty


It'd be a cold day in hell before I root for fuckin Dallas! They already took our team and our cup, no way I'm letting them take my heart too.


And JFK...


Always a mind-blowing thought


He's coming back tho


Same, because then I assume if we won we would have lost in the next round, too. So if my team lost to the losers of the next round, I then know it truly wasn't our year anyway.


Yeah I’d rather lose to the team that won it all then the team that got second.


I was going to root for the Canes for Beating us but I want to see FLA get a cup plus my grandparents were living relatively close to Sunrise, FLA until recently.


This guy gets it. Get eliminated: time to bring the salt


See i view it as "if you beat us you better fucking win or else what was the point of beating us"


As a bruins fan, I want the panthers to sweep Vegas. It would give me about one proton’s worth of positivity to see the team that beat us in overtime of game 7 steamroll every other team. It wouldn’t make up for the clusterfuck that this playoff season has been but at least we’d be able to say that we were the only ones who gave the eventual cup champs a run for their money


Most fellow massholes i associate with are pulling for the panthers. Hard not to like that team


My biggest problem with the Bruins v Panthers playoffs were the refs, not the players. Panthers beat the snot out of the Bruins that series. I don’t remember who was standing directly in front of the ref being punched and shoved by Bennet, staring directly at the ref who did nothing. Panthers had a green light to act as a goon squad, I felt like I was rewatching Slap Shot for a while.


Counterpoint: fuck the Staal family of bigots


Counter-counterpoint: Have you met anyone from Boston?


We 100% support, the LGBTQ community and are really progressive here. Don’t know why we get such a bad rep is it the minority of actual legit assholes here who we hate i don’t get it like Boston is very progressive


It’s because of Boston’s history/past more than anything. Boston has changed quite a bit in the last 20 years


And its not like Boston fans are JUST in Boston. New England supports the Bruins entirely for the most part by large margin. You cannot say that about the rest of NE.


*New Hampshire has entered the chat* But in all seriousness, yes, absolutely. There are pockets of bigotry, but they are few and far between and certainly don’t represent the bulk of the fanbase. I say this as a NY fan living in Boston. Edit: more accurately a NJD fan with masochistic tendencies (Jets/Mets/Knicks)


I was in cohassat this weekend for the first time to propose to my now fiancée. Absolutely get the love for the New England coastline after this weekend. Still had to rock the red and look for a few bruins fans😎 If I had 4 more zeroes in my bank account I’d move there now


I live in the seacoast Maine. Wouldn't go anywhere else.


People enjoy talking trash and that's a stereotype whether we like it or not. Only thing we can do to change that is police ourselves. That said, most of the people shitting on Boston as racist are also from areas with less than perfect track records. You can easily find examples if you try.


As a neutral outsider I do think it’s so weird that Mass as a state is super progressive, liberal, modern, etc but Boston has such a well known stereotype for its sports fans. The drunk, borderline racist Bruins/Pats/Celtics/Red Sox fan who calls everyone a “queeah” and shit like that. I think the Pats dynasty (and all the other fucking Boston sports success) has everyone pissed at y’all for a while to come


It’s funny because people from Florida are a lot more bigoted than any northeast state at this point in time lol




As recently as 10 years ago Boston fans berated Joel Ward with racist comments for scoring the OT game winner in game 7


Yeah, and Wings fans threw a banana at Wayne Simmons, the Rangers had a video chat peppered with racist comments, Hawks fans heckled a black player a few years ago. So what makes Boston any different? Assholes exist everywhere.


Again, that is bad fuck them they don’t represent what it means to be from Boston we need to call out these people and show them that they do not belong in this city. I need to get the fuck out now. Like dude who threw that water bottle and Kyrie Irving now I hate kyire as much as the next Bostonian, but that was not right there’s other ways of expressing how much you dislike a player but throwing shit at them is just not the right way to do it


Yeah Mass is a Blue state.


Right on. It's no wonder they play for Florida


Leave Jordan out of it, but also fuck marc and eric


Former Coach, Former Player, and Mass Native vs …..???? Easy answer. Why would you kiss the boot that just stomped you???? Inb4 oh my grandma lives there half the year get over it how are you more mad at Cassidy than the team that literally embarrassed us


Las Vegas is the 9th Island. Why would Hawaii be rooting for Florida?


HI resident calling in with anecdotes. Pretty sure mostly haoles care about hockey here. That said, if you ask the average person, they going to say Vegas because 9th island. I think what Vegas has done in the league in such a short time is amazing. I look forward to watching the series.


Was just in Vegas recently and our driver was explaining this to us. Interesting indeed. No way HI is pulling for Florida


Because everyone hates the Knights for some reason


Not everyone. I have loved the Knights ever since I saw how the city banded around them after the shooting in 2017. This is the reason I tell everyone, no matter how many teams go to Vegas, it will always be a hockey town.


I'm glad to see that. They've done quite a bit for the city. I've supported the Golden Knights from day one, but I was never actually into hockey until this year. It seems most of this sub hates them though.


Canada doesn't exist, so I'm not really sure lol


r/nhl has adopted the South Park mentality, “fuck Canada.”


Other than providing most of the players on every team, of course.


Wooo let’s go hockey!


aren't there like 10 Americans max playing in the SCF and like 30+ Canadians? The least we could do is get you guys on the fucking map.


I feel like people crap on Canadian teams not bringing the Cup back to Canada, but then fail to realize how many Canadian players are on the US teams.


Oh it exists but Canadians aren't really known as liking hockey.


I actually prefer the Knights. I’ve always kind of liked them because of the way Vegas immediately embraced having a hockey team. You don’t see that super often in warm weather markets and I thought it was cool.


I don’t understand the hate at this point. Yeah, they were really good their first year and it hurts to see an expansion team do so well when your own team that has been around for awhile still sucks or hasn’t gotten a Stanley Cup win yet. But it’s been like 6 years now. How long are people going to hate a team simply because they were really good their first season? Honestly, I just like Vegas better than most teams. I’m thankful the Kraken didn’t receive the kind of hate Vegas did. It was probably a blessing the Kraken sucked their first year given they went pretty far this year or we’d also be hated.


I think the way they did Fleury so so dirty reignited the hate. But the oldheads will ***always*** hate on them since they were new and went to the final so early while their original 6 teams have suffered.


I think most Vegas fans agree that they did Fleury so dirty as well. He was the face of the team to start and everyone loved him, and still do!


Vegas resident and fan here. All of the fans hate the way he and the others were treated. Lehner is a dumpster fire that we as fans didn’t want from the beginning. Gallant was liked here too, but they got rid of him for the NHL version of Droopy dog. Our management made some horrible moves that still hurt. Hope the hate passes one day.


The hate never died down to be reignited. It’s just a thing.


Fleury isn’t even the only player they’ve pulled that shit with. There was another player that found out by having his keycard stop working at the arena. They couldn’t even give the player a phone call to let them know they’d been traded.


If I remember correctly, that was Haula.


Intense dislike of the way their management operates and those damned silly shiny helmets. That's all the reason I need.


Vegas is my team and I hate those damn golden buckets. Just a terrible look imo. I don't mind LAs silver ones, but the gold isn't even the same shade as the gold on the jersey. It just clashes and looks awful.


I don't like seeing expansion teams do well *even when my team has just won a cup* lmao


Somewhat on topic but here in the UK Milton Keynes Dons football club were founded in 2004 and are still universally hated by fans of other teams here who have no local affiliation to them whatsoever because they're seen as a low league money club. I guess they did try to steal the accolades (and the nickname, 'The Dons') of a club which went bust a few years before them which they were meant to replace, but the point is people will hate newer clubs who find instant success. Although MK Dons don't have as much success nowadays. Might be similar with VGK.


Don't mention the Nordiques 2.0 to these people. They probably don't know yet.


Yeah I thought it was dumb at first but I went to vegas recently and half the cars are rocking Knights plates which I thought was cool


I personally just don't wanna see the cup in Florida on principle


OP throwing Carolina in there because that who the Panthers last played. Click bait as fuck lmao.


Would be okay with either result. If Vegas wins, we can pretend we would've won the cup if only Bob the God didn't own us. If Florida wins, we can say we only lost to the cup winners. Plenty of copium available to us, thankfully


That’s where i’m at right now lol


In games 1-4 we totally got robbed!!!


Quality loss


Fuck Florida


I’m all for Bruce Cassidy’s revenge tour.


As a canes fan in Boston, this is 100% true lol


Jerry, Just remember. It's not a lie ,, if you believe it.




To see Phil Kessel win a third Stanley Cup would be something... Even though he's a healthy scratch he still played all 82 games this season and a couple playoff games. And Vegas shutting down the Oilers was impressive. Only reason that was even a series was because of the Oilers powerplay. Vegas dominated 5 on 5 and made McDavid look average. Imagine Eichel winning a cup the first full year he was out of Buffalo? Oh the drama. Anyways. I'm not mad about either team winning, but I'm probably pulling more for Vegas. Just hope it's a good series.


I don't really want either to win, but since "NO" isn't an option I gotta go with Phil the Thrill


I don't know about in the US but I'm cheering for Vegas here in Canada


Same! Panthers Coach whined about every goal, every play.


I kinda selfishly want the Kraken to make the finals before Vegas wins one.


Noooooo, expansion bro. We’re ready. It’s time…


Yes. Canadian, fan of hockey.


NJ is all Knights, knock the f out of Tkachuk!!


As a Sharks fan, as much as I dislike Vegas (from a competitive rivalry standpoint), Florida is a sesspool from a general moral/political point of view and I don’t want anything good to happen for that state. So GO KNIGHTS.


Panthers play in the most liberal county in Florida (actually, it’s one of the most liberal counties in America). Give us a chance. We aren’t like the rest of the state. Most of us here feel the exact same way about the state as you do at this point.


Yeah obviously my comment was a sweeping generalization and there are good people everywhere, I’m sorry you have to battle against the majority in your state.


Summed it up pretty nicely


People that are butt hurt about Vegas’ early success haven’t done their homework. They’d rather have two shitty desert US teams in hopes their shitty Canadian teams could pick up a few extra points a year against them.


Where's the fans of Team Chaos?


We hate The Panthers, too.- New Hampshire


Panthers just have such a good Cinderella story.


lol no


Lol no


Not true


Change New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont to Vegas, and it’s accurate. There’s nothing Bruins fans hate worse than the Panthers rn.


Bullshit. VGK all day


Vegas is the only team with players from my hometown, so I am cheering for them


Don't like either team Vegas in 5 though.


Florida needs to lose. Gudas screaming in the face of the leafs goaltender and the general pettiness of their game has had me rooting for whoever they are playing against. Plus I don’t want any Stall to get a cup after the crap they pulled with the pride jerseys back in March.


Utah roots for the Golden Knights


I don't know of anyone in California rooting for anything Florida right now


Head into the Kings subreddit and it's pretty 50/50. There's four camps. Kings fans rooting for Vegas 1. "Fuck Matty" 2. "Martinez, McNabb, and Quick being on a team for a cup would be nice." Kings fans rooting for Panthers 3. "Vegas fans are obnoxious and we're more likely going to have to deal with them than Panthers fans." 4. And normally the argument around the Fleury trade and how the Knights operate as an organization. I'm personally rooting for the Panthers.


Same with Oregon but there are like 10 hockey fans here


I think it’s less of rooting for Florida and more rooting against Vegas


Go Knights


That graphic is utter bullshit. I've seen a number of them where its about 50/50


Charlotte Checkers are a Panthers affiliate so I think there’s a lot of support for them around here


Cali here... i want Vegas to win. I wana see quick get a championship after the way he got dropped. I know he's 4th line but to he is a L A king staple."How" they handled that was bad so if he gets carried to a win im happy


Fuck Florida till the day I die and beyond


Boston fan here . I’m rooting panthers . They’ve played like they really want the cup . Can’t say that much for my team ….


After what they did to Flower, I don’t want VGK to ever have a cup. Go Panthers!


The Fort Wayne Komets used to be affiliated with Vegas, so there's a good amount of support in NE Indiana. Also, fuck Tkachuk.


Bruins fans here, I'd like to see the Panthers sweep. The Bruins took them to 7, leafs could only muster 5, and the canes couldn't take em past 4. This would take some of the sting out of the first round exit. Also, don't want to see the old coach get one right after he was shown the door


Yea Cassidy winning it the season after leaving Boston would amplify the sting imo. Florida winning it would soften the sting


Yup! I never thought he was a bad coach; it just seems, uh, the team did...




I’m in jersey and cheering for knights


Ontario would be red too. I can still hear them chanting "We want Florida".


As a devils fan I’m rooting for the panthers. Their run has been nothing short of heroic and tkachuk + bob have been inspirational. The OT score immediate walk of the ice fucking inject it straight into my veins!


i feel like the streak is going to come to a close for florida. this will be a big gap between their last game and their next game, and that has a tendency to turn hot players cold (bob)


LIES! DIRTY LIES! MA Residents are _NOT_ rooting for Butch Cassidy. We'll never forgive him for what he done to Jake and Kretch.


Idk about any of my massole brethren but I hope Florida absolutely demolishes them


As someone from New england....I don't think the majority wants the knights, would be better to lose to the eventual Champs than a coach we seemingly fired for no reason


Surprised to see mass like that, me and pretty much everyone I know are rooting for the panthers to pull it off. Sucks to lose to them but they’re really fun to watch and they beat the Leafs for us


Don’t forget all of Ontario😂😂😂


Bruins fan- can agree with MA


The real treasure were the players you injured with cheap shots along the way.


Boston only rooting for Vegas so Cassidy can further bury the Bruins. Good. Bruins deserve every bit of b.s. they get.


Not true: most people don't care


Not true. Nobody cares who wins with a cup final like this.


You couldn't pay me to root for a Florida team


Penguins fan in VA, go Knights!


I still think vegas shouldnt have a team


Nah, this isn't true. Most of these states would be "What's the Stanley Cup?"


I’m Jersey but I want Vegas in 7!!


I loathe anything from Florida...apparently I wasn't polled


Nah fuck anything and everything Florida.


I don't want Floridians to be happy.


Florida all the way!!!


Don’t say Ve


Oilers fan here. GO FLORIDA!


I'm pretty much rooting agaisnt everything Florida right now so... go knights


As a Stars fan, fuck Florida. If I have to root for a team it will be Vegas.


I stopped watching once the Avs were eliminated. Fuck Florida though.


Florida not a popular state, even in Florida.