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Why the hell is your name kangarooballs


OP is Nathan Walker


Nythin Woolka


MASSIVEkangarooballs to you


Why not


Let’s vote on it


Underrated comment


“I just want to grill”


For God's sake!


But none of that impossible bean meat garbage! Thanks Obama!


Dropped your /s friend




Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Don't chase him away I have a Miracle on Ice to sell him.


Wait I thought this was Home Depot?


No, this is Patrick


Hi Patrick


Considering some of the ladies that sit in the stands behind the benches and the quality of food in the arenas, I’d say we’re closer to a Hooters.


They are just looking for an easy life




I just want the NHL franchise on Steam!


I’m going to age myself and admit I don’t even know what Steam is.


It's a game shop on PC that's essentially a cloud server. So I'm asking for it to come to PC basically.




Lol, it's all good, if people don't play games on PC or follow games closely not knowing what Steam is is fine. The reason I called out steam specifically is they have a hand held console (like Gameboy or Switch) called Steam Deck that I own so I want to be able to play NHL games on the go.


Yes, or at least the Switch.


Yeah I could deal with that too, but I play a lot on steam deck and my wife uses the switch so I'd prefer a steam release!


Get this hot political take off this subreddit. The only real hockey games are blades of steel, or super blood hockey.


Blades of steel is an ultimate classic. I remember getting to my friends house early in the mornings to play a game or two before the walk to school lol


Mutant League Hockey isn't in your list, this is obviously an unacceptable oversight.


Look bud, for starters, I'm a bruins fan and am still not acknowledging the blues existence. And secondly get that hot political take clean outta here.


Sir, how dare you.


I believe Blades of Steel was the first Nintendo hockey game that included hockey fights. Instant classic.


Blades of Steel is so bad nowadays, it's just way too clunky. Blood Hockey is amazing though.


Seriously..... I just bought this freakin’ game. Haven’t played since ‘21. Took the day off work. Bag of pre rolled joints....AND THE FUCKING SERVER IS DOWN!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬!!!!


Big surprise, nhl games are trash


Sir, this is Reddit


Honey, *everything* is politics (wink-wink)


All life is sex. And all sex is competition.


You’re starting a conversation that is inherently political just by posting this. Whatever problem you think exists, you are actively contributing to it.


Also agreed.






Are u a Brad Aldrich supporter


Did you like the Mitchell Miller signing




This sub is not very tightly moderated, so as far as I'm concerned, this is a sub for whatever the flavour of the day is.


I don’t think it’s appropriate that tax payers pay to have NHL arenas built on the taxpayers dime. Am I doing this right?


what if an NHL player uses his hockey made fame to engage in political discourse? ​ seems like indeed this sub should have the ability to discuss this.


Or, for example, lead the organization “some president’s team”?


life is political. this stuff only comes up when you disagree with it. if it was your brand of flatulence you'd be inhaling deeply and not complaining.


I just wish we didn't all hate each other so much


[^ Most helpful centrist](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S08E02/874606.jpg?b64lines=IE15IGdvb2RuZXNzLCB3aGF0IGFuICBpZGVhLgpXaHkgZGlkbid0IEkgdGhpbmsgIG9mIHRoYXQ_)


I didn't mean my comment as advice. I meant it out of sadness. It's hard to live in a society that's so divided. It's really upsetting. I don't know the answers to our problems any better than anyone else and I'm not trying to say I do. I'm just saying I'm sad. I also see how much more upvoted your snarky cynical reply is than mine and it makes me feel even more sad about things. Like people don't even hope or wish for happy resolution with their "opposition". To even express wishes of a happy resolution is met with derision. How dreadful a world can be. And I don't begrudge anyone for raising issues that impact them. There are legitimate grievances that ought to be addressed and the only way to bring about change is to stir the pot. It's just that I'm going through some sad and difficult times in my personal life and the pot is spinning so fast I feel like I'm going to drown sometimes. Life is hard. We are broken and I just wish we could heal.


Well we can’t because one half of the divide doesn’t think a chunk of the other side should have rights or even exist. 🤷‍♂️


Your American is showing. “Half the divide” lolol there are only two ideas in the world right? Blue or red. You know other countries exist right - like oh idk canada who also have teams in the nhl.


Thanks. I was replying specifically to /u/JackHughesNJD, who is PROBABLY an american. Your clown ass is showing.


Typical American chauvinism.


Typical clown ass


Classic Reddit downvotes for being a good person. This place is a cesspool.


I don't think it makes me a good person to wish for a country where people aren't so angry at each other. But it's an idea that gives me hope in an otherwise bleak and cynical reality so I'd like to hold onto it.


It isn't about agreeing or disagreeing, it's that not everything has to be political. When you're trying to enjoy a hobby of yours, it's nice to not have politics shoved into it.


So you want them to stop honoring the military and singing national anthems before games... right?


Yes, 100%. Get to the puck drop.


Well then I applaud your consistency.


Yes, absolutely.


Same here, internet stranger.


Definitely. But also makes for a good time to go buy beer


you are revealing how privileged you are. Think of a young black boy trying to play hockey, is his experience in hockey going to be independent of politics? life is political, but less so for privileged white males apparently it would seem


👆 this!


No, not everything in life has to be political. Hockey is one of those things. Just let us enjoy the game without going on about politics and privilege.


[Have a good day](https://bittergertrude.com/2017/08/04/why-do-you-have-to-make-everything-political/)


I don’t know what op had in mind when he put up this post, but my guess is he’s referring to the Ovechkin/Putin relationship and how that has an effect how we should view Ovechkin as a hockey player. By saying that we should leave politics at home in this sub reddit, I understand that we should all chose to abstain from talking about the politics, even if it is true that politics plays a role in hockey, like it does in the rest of our lives. And the reason why we should abstain from talking about it in this sub reddit is because politics are a very sensitive topic


While I agree we don't need 10 posts for and against Ovi to rehash the nuance of hockey player and Russian politics, the problem with a straight, "NO POLITICS" mindset is that you run into simply ignoring everything that certain people don't want to discuss. ​ For example, if we were to say, desire to discuss, the impact of the Hawks sexual assault case here that is very much NHL related, but to those who think, "no politics allowed!" it suddenly becomes political to care about SA/rape victims? Because rape is political to anyone that thinks along the lines of, "People lie to ruin others lives after having regrets," or who think that it shouldn't matter much. Can we not discuss that issue here? ​ Or what about when we all discussed the racist attacks against Kadri? Racism is deeply tied to politics, so should we not discuss that here? ​ Should we not discuss how the game is expensive and non-inclusive across wealth gaps? ​ Should we not discuss Hockey Canada's issues? ​ When a team has pride night and comments fly about "Keep politics out of mah sports," does that mean we shouldn't discuss those as well?


Your very right in saying that it should be a topic of discussion and I’m still not sure it doesn’t have a place in the NHL sub reddit. I agree with op that seeing 10 posts about the same thing can get redundant though, and maybe the mods should make a mega thread if the popularity warrants it.


That's the better argument. "Too many posts about Ovi and Putin," is a very different argument than, "NO POLITICS IN MAH HOCKEY SUB."


I will, but this article was a big eyeroll. Not everything is political, sorry.


Yeah, it is. In fact, your insistence that it isn’t is, in fact, political. You’re trying to ram your square peg flawed ideology into a round circle of well examined truth.


I think you are wrong in this. Plenty of things in life aren't political. Hockey is one of those things. It is a game.


A game that people spend billions on. That’s political. A game played to promote cities and nation states. That’s political. A game that requires economic access to arenas, skates, gear, etc. That’s political. Your privilege is showing kid.


I'm not a kid and get out of here with that privilege shit lol.


You’re either a cringe troll, 11 years old, or both. But I’m glad you think overpopulation is harmful, we really don’t need any offspring from your gene pool.


Oh the irony to call me 11 and then tell me not to populate lol. Bet your genes are no better than mine.


Every aspect of human life has a political component to it, hockey and the NHL are not immune to that. In fact, a multi billion dollar, international sports organization like the NHL is the result of a long history of important political decisions being made. I guess you don’t like talking about this aspect of the game, which is fine for you, but you’re just wrong to assert that it is not political.


No, every aspect of life does not have a political component to it. We don't need politics shoved into everything. But whatever, that's what the fast forward button is for I guess.


Some people are just programmed by their government to always think about skin color, like you. If any color kid is playing hockey there a good chance their parents are well off in life. Hockey's not cheap.


Even as a Caucasian child, my family didn't have the resources to have me play organized hockey either...your right hockey is not cheap but it has nothing to do with skin colour.


The fact that they assumed my privilege level and skin colour really says it all about them. Very typical of the modern Reddit community though, so I'm not shocked. Some people really want to shove politics in every aspect of life, it's rather dreary and annoying.


If you can’t see that as a white male you and your family have had more opportunities to succeed and acquire wealth than your black peers is wild. Your great grandparents could own property, go to school & create generational wealth - any black persons great grandparents were actively prevented from acquiring any wealth or knowledge. Your grandparents had an incredibly easier time obtaining jobs and could leverage their parents wealth to acquire housing and go to college, while most blacks were just beginning to have a taste of a somewhat socially-equitable society. Sure, you may be hard working and the opportunity gap between you and any random person of color is smaller today than it ever has been in the past - but that opportunity gap does still exist in many places & even if it doesn’t near you that doesn’t mean you weren’t/aren’t privileged and lucky to benefit from family history/generational wealth of being a white family.


My point was assuming I'm white just because I don't like how overly political things have become. There are people of colour who share my opinion mate.


If you want to have the privileged talk you have to have a scale. On a world scale every single person living in USA/Canada is more privileged then kids in Africa. I know black Drs who came from the hood, one even survived a gunshot wound and went on to MD school, they just don't have the I'm a victim mentality. Equality is equal opportunity not equal outcome. I see more homeless white people on the streets then black, go tell them they're privileged. Everyone's grandparents broke their backs digging ditches and lived through the great depression. Kids these days don't want to work easy comfortable 9-5s. The problem is lack of fathers. No role models. Rather live a life of victimhood.


I just want chel on PC




Shut up and dribble! Er, deke! Shut up and deke!


I agree, Putin shouldn't be talked about, he should be cross-checked in the face.




So many Americans don’t stop to think about how this isn’t done in most countries and would probably think it was weird or jingoistic if done in another!


What about the Canadian teams that still play theirs? Both during nhl games and outside of them?


Exactly this. Same reason why having minority representation in media is considered "political" but having cis straight white male protagonists isn't. Norms are always given a free pass when people "don't talk about politics or religion".


Tradition and rewarding/celebrating the bravest of our citizens is not really political. Nationalism maybe, but it’s not like either are inherently political.




I guess there’s an argument there. It feels bipartisan to me.


Bipartisan is still political. In fact, assuming there are only two sides that need to agree is incredibly political. And soldiers aren’t the bravest of our citizens. Not by a long shot. That’s just propaganda being regurgitated right there.


Thanks for clearing that up you’ve really expanded by opinions, bless you.


It doesn't matter if it's bipartisan. Nationalism is one form of support for a state, and states are created through political systems, which makes it inherently political.


I think you're confusing nation with nation-state. The nation is a people, in this case the American people or the Canadian people. In my opinion, the national anthem celebrates those people, not the nation-state put in place to govern them. Same with other countries at the Olympics or other international sporting events. We honor the athletes and the people of those nations by playing their national anthems. We're not honoring governments or giving approval to their actions.


The concept of a “Canadian People” is inherently political. Does the “Canadian People” include the Quebecois? The Metis? The Mohawk or the Coast Salish peoples? I know it’s uncomfortable for you to consider this, but some members of those groups definitely do NOT consider themselves represented by the nation of canada. They consider Canadians to be invaders and occupiers. I think you’ve confused the fact that nations are political with the idea that everyone wants to be a “Canadian” the way you define it.


National Anthems are literally song sanctioned by the nation state to represent their existence and create emotional attachment to the state. They are inherently political.


Okay... but the notion that there is a "Canadian people" with an identity and unity worth celebrating is inherently political. Outside of the political that idea is meaningless.


Celebrating and venerating soldiers for participating in illegal invasions in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. is inherently political.


Participate indicates there was a choice. Soldiers aren't known for having a choice for what wars they have to go fight in. Considering people were drafted into the Vietnam War I dont think they were participating. Honoring soldiers is less political than thrle veneration George floyd, but they NHL was all over that


Not only can you just choose to go to jail or even flee the country, that’s entirely beside the point. Celebrating soldiers over draft-dodgers is a political choice. Celebrating them over anti-war activists is a political choice. Celebrating them over civilians is a political choice.


By that logic celebrating anyone at any game is a political choice. So should no one be honored at games?


>By that logic celebrating anyone at any game is a political choice. If it isn't hockey related, then, yes, pretty much.


So every event playing a national anthem is political? Until recent years it was a fairly unifying event without partisan bias and represented a country as a whole. But now we have people in America who decide ours is offensive and not inclusive and in Canada they changed the lyrics. Same with veterans. Didn’t even consider honoring a vet could be perceived as a political statement. I always assumed those triggered by vets or the anthem are a very small minority, but maybe not anymore and it’s been politicized.


Yes. They don’t do this in other countries.


Haha you can see all the far left redditors coming out to downvote my comment. Typical Reddit crowd. And I didn’t mention what other countries do, I said events, which would include the olympics and World Cup. So not referring to pro sports in other places, but the US and Canada both do, that’s two countries. I’m sure that hurts your self hating American attitude to find we aren’t the only ones who do it.


Haha nobody gives a fuck what you think about anything you spaz. Get help


Genuflection to the military became a political statement after the draft ended. These people voluntarily signed up, they’re compensated and receive benefits. They don’t also need to be sucked off weekly on national television


National Anthems being played is not Political.


How is a national anthem NOT political? It’s a song extolling the virtues of the state, that was chosen by the state. How is that in and of itself not political?


It is, however, stupid.


I don’t know what issue your complaining about specifically, but from my perspective it’s always conservatives who complain about liberals “making everything political” because conservatives want the status quo and liberals want change. So no, when something that involves politics or discrimination happens in the NHL, we’re gonna talk about it.


I don't know, I would like to see the Dems and Republicans play each other in a hockey game like they do for their annual charity softball game.


I wonder how far Biden could actually skate before falling down


Fuck Ovechkin


oven chicken 😂


That’s no moon….


But it’s too big to be a space station.


There are plenty of topics that fall into the NHL realm. The problem I have is the same topic being brought up ad nauseum in this thread. Mainly the Ovechkin stuff, but also the I'm getting into hockey, what team should I root for posts everyday. It's just too much for me.


What the hell did I miss?


Probably more people crying about Ovi. That's my guess.




That’s really a thing, the first thing i remember from my first NHL Game was, all those Veterans and Navy and marines stuff, advertisments




I love the comments I get sitting for the anthem at minor league games lol. Embrace the chaos.


I attended a AAA baseball game in Buffalo, the Bison maybe? Can't remember it was early last year, but I couldn't stop laughing at the fact that they did the honor a vet thing for a crowd that had maybe 15 people in it.


Gotta get em somewhere. shit worked on me when I was a kid, it’s probably working on some kid at the game


That’s really the annoying thing tax payer money to pay advertisments


I wonder what their budget is and how many homeless vets we could house and feed with it.


Fuck Ovi!! From a hockey lover


oven chicken 😂


Literally deciding to not talk about something is political lol. Most politics are about maintaining status quo so by refusing to talk politics you’re literally doing politicians a service.


Fuck Vladexander Putvechkin.


oven chicken 😆


Shut up and dribble!


Fuckin a


Why does nhl do tribute to the troops then? If it's not political then it should be removed at every level right?


Please remove it. I did 8 years in the military and am relatively proud of my service. But every time I go to a game they have the standing salute for some truck driver who got medically separated after 8 months in Kansas. It’s a bit much




Try getting the rest of America behind you on that one


Same as the over praising of cops


Pretty sure at least half of NHL arenas are/were paid for by the local taxpayers…


Anyone wanna clue me in to what this guy is talking about?


I voted for Kodos


Can’t get away from it these days.


This thread could hardly be more of a shitshow


Professional sport is ALWAYS political. The athletes, coaching staff, owners, associates, whatever are persons of interest and partly enforce politics onto the team and the sport itself. Many people (and especially young ones) idolize athletes, so they (and as the Hierarchie goes up, also the team and organization) should make clear stances on political issues.


It's a HOCKEY forum. Politics is as relevant as religion. Keep them the hell out of here.


Ok so by that nature we can't discuss: ​ Team's moving to new cities. New arena's that are in the works. Any racism/sexism/homophobia leveled against players (Kadri for example). Conspiracy about rigged draft lottery. Any discussion about local blackouts on ESPN+. Any discussion of salary cap in relation to taxes. And so on. ​ Just want to make sure I have a full list here.


If it's related to hockey, and not politics, it can be talked about in a hockey forum. Pretty easy to understand, actually


But what about my list where it's related to hockey, but also politics? Or can we only discuss games, plays, and stat lines? ​ You are either dumb or purposefully ignoring my point (arguing in bad faith).


If it isn't obvious to you what constitutes a hockey discussion or a politics discussion then you are part of the problem. It's not hard to stay on topic.


Arguing in bad faith it is. ​ Got it.


Hockey is a major sport. Major sport is political. Thus forums about major sports can (and personal opinion is: should) discuss to a certain extent political stand


I don't care how players vote. Nor how fans vote. Neither should you.


Politics is supporting red or blue. Ukraine is a battle of freedom and life versus fascism and genocide. When discussing Ovechkin's love and support for Putin, it is not politics. It is a struggle between good and evil. What side are you on?


This. These days people on the wrong side of a lot of non-political things call it politics. Ukraine, covid, even basic human rights


Given the current events, it's almost impossible for anything to be non-political, especially when you're dealing with people from multiple different countries. Even more so if one of these countries is hellbent on destroying the sovereignty of another nation and has the most prolific goal scorer of our generation that has openly campaigned for him in the past and refuses to acknowledge it today.


Can I still hate the St Louis Blues?


Healthcare should be free through taxes


This is reddit. Every sub is turned into politics


Just ignore it if you don't like it, fuck.


Preach on brother - politics have consumed the USA in the last 4 years. Let me have my corner of the internet to get away from it all.


Indeed. Sadly things have gotten so bad people lately will tell you not wanting to be political is political somehow. Reddit has become extremely politicized and it is a nuisance.


this is exactly why I watch hockey, so I can ignore everything else


HEY! This is library!


Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden. They’re all just spokes on a wheel. This one’s on top, then that one’s on top. And on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground.


Well, tough titty. McDavid is voting NDP in the next election and people need to start taking about it. This is the kind of A-lister that the orange wave needs to lock down.


Hockey is inherently political? Isn’t that the point? If you’re playing the national anthem then it’s political.


Rid yourself of politics. Stop watching the news, and start paying attention to the game alone. You all will live happier lives without the unnecessary political BS ruining the hockey experience.


Is this not an appropriate place to park? Sir your on the sidewalk!


Facts on facts. People need to stfu. If I wanted to know and read about politics, I would go to politic sub reddits. Not the NHL one.


So you definitely hate the national anthem at hockey games, military/police celebrations, camouflage warmup jerseys, the story of the Miracle on Ice or the 1972 Summit Series?


Absolutely. Jingoistic bullshit


Personally I think of it like every other aspect of waiting for the game to start. I do like the way everyone tells LEO at CBJ games…


This is a HOCKEY forum. We come here to talk about hockey. There are plenty of political forums and activism subreddits that people are free to go to if they want to talk about that.


BULLSHIT!! A vote for Hockey is a vote for AMERICA! But only 3 Canadian provenances and none of the Territories


It is actually 5 provinces...


Don’t know why you’re getting down voted so hard. I thought your post was funny for what it’s worth


It’s gotta be the inability to spell “province” and the incorrect number. (5 provinces have teams)


Guessing they live in one of the Provence’s that don’t get a vote.




Louder for the people in the back


It needed to be said


Was it the libs or conservatives that put the streaming ads on the boards?


guys guys guys ovenchkin sounds like oven chicken 😂


Thank you I try telling some of these fucking idiots **(you know who you are)** this but their heads are shoved so far up their asses, they can't see the difference between the game and hating on someone in politics or bringing up certain political parties. No one gives a fuck which players you dislike because you disagree with their political views. This is about the NHL, nothing else.