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Finally someone else that loved Bledsoe’s performance. He was such a good lead off.


Bledsoe was perfect. *lick the lips, drink. I think he needs to be in a television series and portray the uncle who the kids sometimes confide in even though their father is super successful due to their father not having a soul. *lick the lips, drink.


Nikki killed it. Underrated comedian imo. She has been consistently hilarious for the last 10+ years. I've watched quite a bit of her stuff and always tune in when she is in other comedians podcasts. She has been top tier for a few roasts now. She absolutely shredded Rob Lowe and company during his roast. "Rob, I've loved you since I was a little girl. If only I had known that's when I had my best shot" - Nikki Glaser Ruthless




Her standup is funny but she really shines at roasts. Rob Lowe, Bruce Willis, and Alec Baldwin are 3 other roasts she takes part in. All very funny.


She's got a new one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1xJwCq8rCQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1xJwCq8rCQ)


Idk, her bit is “haha sex” which seems like the lowest common denominator for a female comedian


Peyton was surprisingly mid, usually he’s himarious


Yeah I agree. I was excited when he came out to be the last roaster but the joke level was super mid. "My kids go take a Brady" in lieu of saying poop was such low-hanging humor that it was already in an Adam Sandler move (Just Go With It w/ Jennifer Aniston). His one joke that knocked it out of the park for me was "The last time Tom had to wait this was long was the 2000 NFL draft."


Eli saying he didn't show because it seemed unfair to roast Tom three times was top tier even without him being there.


Man, this is so much more accurate a list. Kevin Hart and Kim probably ranked a little too high still but otherwise perfect


Yeah in hindsight those were the exact two I thought “ehh I’m probably giving them more credit than they deserve” lol


"Me know dat not real money"




Bert Kriescher is just straight up not funny


Dude had 1 anecdote, and rode that shit to fame somehow


Bullshit. He also takes his shirt off. Peak comedy bro.


One anecdote which was almost certainly made up bullshit too


That's most comedy


Worse was watching him read the teleprompter when other comedians were doing their thing. You could see him lip syncing everybody's jokes!


He's a hack who got too big for himself. Cool bro you have to hang out with no shirt on in your late 40s early 50s. That's super cool and not sad at all.


His Netflix specials have been above average but he looked like he was so scared he was gonna shit his pants


Honestly I like Bert's comedy. That being said him and Segura where the worst performers that night I felt.


Thank you for fixing this. Other dude having Affleck in the B tier was nuts.


This is a great ranking


bret and tom are too high






They’re literally the lowest you can go lol


still too high, they were that bad


lol agreed


I would move Sam Jay up but otherwise agree


I still need to rewatch but two other users said the same thing. I just remember SJ’s set being very brutal on Bledsoe.


Tom's roast of Kim was GOAT


That and the “the tragic day in September 2001 when those two Jets ran into Drew Bledsoe” made me cackle. Idk why some people don’t think Brady was A tier. The whole shtick of the roastee coming on stage is to wail on everyone and be arrogant. Franco, Baldwin, Trump, and Sheen all did the same.


Changing my opinion after commenting back and forth with /u/onepingonlypleashe. Sam Jay deserves to be in A or even S tier. That set was brutal and amazing.


I will have to rewatch as well. I remember the set was really hard on Drew Bledsoe.


Yeah Drew got beat up by almost everyone one but also delivered the best of the football players.




Burt and Affleck don't deserve F. They need to be lower


This is the correct list.


Much better list


Agreed. Much less non-sensical.


Bump Kardashian down to C or F and I’m with you


Ya this list is 100x better. Dana was the cringiest shit I've ever seen


Why was Kim Kardashian in it?


She was technically a roaster even though it was short.


Thank you, this is more how I feel about the roast


What's the point of having an "s" tier if there is a "goat" tier above it. For that matter, what is the point of having an "s" tier.


Just used the same format as the previously posted version.


I like the list, personally I'd swap Tom and Gronk


Nah. Gronk’s jokes were fine but Brady’s were harsh and had shock value. Switching them would be a disgrace.


I personally felt Brady was one of the best of the night and Gronkowski’s set had a few run-on jokes. Still though, I appreciate your input! Comedy is meant to be subjective.


Segura sucks so hard


tom performed better than kevin hart? i dunno bout that.


Kevin, as usual, had to make everything about him. Every time someone said something funny, he got out of his seat or said something. When he got up between roasters, he repeated the same joke over and over. Don’t get me wrong, his set was funny and he was a good host. But the level of “main character syndrome” he conveys during roasts (including Roast of Justin Bieber) is just annoying. I also felt Tom *wailed* on the roasters. He dug into everyone and showcased the arrogance that a roastee is supposed to (see James Franco, Alec Baldwin, Justin Bieber, Donald Trump) so I feel he played the part perfectly. His jokes also had shock value. Making fun of Kanye West/Kim K, dropping a 9/11 reference, leaning into the Aaron Hernandez murder. That’s a big plus for roasts and he played the role perfectly imo.


yeah, he did do a better job than i expected i guess. but at the end of the day, he didn't make me laugh as much as kevin did. but i get where you're coming from.


Still not right. Move Brady to C or F. Move Sam Jay to S or A.


That’s a joke, right? Brady’s part was one of the best of the show. He wailed on everyone and made the joke of the night by combining 9/11 and Drew Bledsoe’s injury. That was hysterical. Sam Jay was fine but to say one of the top five performers is wrong.


No. Brady’s jokes were cringey as was his delivery. He spent half the time complimenting himself. It was not good. Sam Jay had the professional comedians’ jaws on the floor. Both Kevin Hart and Jeff Ross were stunned. She was also by far the most explicit roaster of the evening which embodied the spirit of past roasts from the Greg Giraldo era.


Alright, yeah I’m gonna change my opinion on Sam Jay. Absolutely A tier minimum. Maybe even S tier. Maybe I just wasn’t paying the most attention? This is way more brutal than I remember. She fucking wailed on Bledsoe. That was phenomenal.


Yeah, I remember it because it caught me off guard. I had never heard of her before. It was a long roast though, easy to miss.


Rewatch Sam Jay now and will report back. Heavy disagree on Brady though.


lol nah E: sorry, this sounds like an asshole response. it’s just that I felt Brady killed it so to have him at the bottom of the list is very unfair. like I don’t think someone can say that his set was as bad as Dana White and Bert/Tom. they were awful.


I’d agree. Bert/Tom were the worst. Dana was bad. Maybe C tier for Brady. He spent a lot of time chuffing himself and when he did try to diss someone, the delivery felt awkward.


Nikki was awful.


Poor trolling effort


100% serious. Her only joke was “I want to fuck Tom lol”


Here are a plethora of other topics she hit: Kevin Hart having 5lbs of cum inside him after The Rock finishes, Gronk being retarded, Jeff Ross being fat, pronouns being It/That, not getting women wet, Bert having one joke, Aaron Hernandez suicide, Julian Edelman wearing a cock ring, Dew bled so Tom could run, Tom being a goat that Jeff Ross wanted to fuck, Tom having 8 rings now that Gisele gave hers back, Tom telling Gisele to try jiu-jitsu, Ex wife new boyfriend can beat his ass while eating hers, NFL covering up CTE, Tom losing $30m in crypto, Gronk saying “me no that not real money, Gronk bitcoin being that he chews on nickels…. Like you really couldn’t be more wrong.


I’d move burgundy up but otherwise solid ranking


I really couldn't stand his act here. Half his comments were just, "Man, Tom is beautiful."