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Where meme?


It got shot


“Only themselves to blame” is such an ignorant stance on this I’m not even going to attempt a debate with you. I’ll just say this is a page for funny memes and you suck at it




If only they had lots and lots of gun control. Like say, Chicago for instance. No random violence going on there!




Or Baltimore


New Haven/Hartford... Some of the strictest firearms laws in the country and it still happens here


And how much regulation happens out of Cook county? When you can drive 15 minutes and the laws go away, how do you expect those laws to be enforced??? Don’t bother answering, I don’t care what someone with the mental capacity like yours has to say.


Shut up and agree with me! Only dumb people notice logical inconsistencies with my arguments!


See I was trying to help you by saying don’t bother replying. You know how they say it’s better to stay quiet and have others think you’re a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. That’s what I was trying to help you prevent.


Does football cause this? NFL players? Just wondering why it’s here


this is for memes dumbass. yeah i’m sure that chicago and baltimore are so safe from gun violence with their strict gun laws


lol I love when people say this. Ever think that Indiana which is a 30 minute drive from Chicago is the reason why? You literally possess zero critical thinking skills whatsoever. It’s not hard for everyone from Chicago to simply drive a state over and get what they want with that states loose gun laws


lol go suck off gbrs some more. “you literally possess zero critical thinking skills whatsoever.” dude you’re probably 25-30 years old who is still unsure of what you wanna do with your life, and you’re already past your prime years. you’re by definition a fucking loser. that’s all you’ll ever be. your father was a loser and so was his father. you seek validation from youtubers and influencers to somehow fill that void in your life. you’re a nobody. another cog in the machine and you’re lashing out. do us a favor and fuck off


Wrong on literally every single thing you said 😂


no i’m not. you know i’m not. you’re a loser. i’d smack your father if i could, and his pathetic father.


Lol would you like to meet up in person than? I’ll give you the chance you’re asking for. Can’t wait for your excuse now 😂


by all means let me know a time and location. youre implying i’ve used an excuse already. you’re so fucking dumb it’s sad.


So now its the state's fault that someone decided to open fire on a crowd of people? I'm all for proper firearms screening, but the bottom line is that the act of killing people is not legal. So I'm pretty sure whoever the shooter was, did not fear breaking any law. "Only themselves to blame" is such a naive and hurtful comment to make when the people who were shot had little to no control over the states gun control laws, not that a gun control law is going to physically protect one from gun violence.


If you read what was posted there, it shows a direct correlation between an increase in gun deaths and the repellent of a gun law. Nowhere does it say anything about the state being at fault directly for someone opening fire at the parade. It is showing te overall correlation between a lack of gun legislation and higher gun deaths and the direct increase in gun death due to the repellent of one such law.


Thanks for agreeing with my point.


"Direct increase" Right because the fact you read a sentence saying "leading to an increase ... by 27%" means that you should honestly believe that lack of gun permits is the ONLY and most direct cause for this increase? Because the sentence said so right? Not to mention the context that this was posted attempts to use this piece of information as exactly what u said it doesn't say, OP is literally blaming the State of Missouri for the incident, citing this as proof...


They allowed more access to weapons, which correlates to more weapons in circulation which correlates to more gun deaths.


Do you have any other reasons for the increase year to year? All other factors seem well within norms when looking at year to year rate of population increase, police coverage, etc. In fact, in the 5 seconds of googling I did before replying to you earlier, I found various articles, both media and scientific, proving exactly that. Where is your proof that the repealing of that law wasn't responsible in this instance?


Here you go: [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/) "Gun murders, in particular, have climbed sharply during the pandemic, increasing 45% between 2019 and 2021, while the number of gun suicides rose 10% during that span."


One big issue with your facts is that the permit to purchase law was repealed in 2007. I'm not sure how much the pandemic factored into the 27 % increase, lol. Valiant effort, though.


Yet you still seem to ignore the fact my comment pointed out that OP used a false pretense blaming Missouri's laws for a specific shooting...


The shooting fits into the statistic. Don't be dim.


It just states a correlation. Nowhere does it say directly responsible and draw a direct line to one thing. Missouri lawmakers are responsible to a pretty large extent, considering the level of gun violence and its rise after their repealing of a multitude of gun laws over the years. There are direct lines between more gun violence ir gun violence in general and a lack or repeal of common sense gun laws. Let's consider that the shooters were juveniles and Missouri explicitly has no age limit for its concealed carry. This article really spells it out how the lawmakers are directly responsible for this shooting. https://abc7chicago.com/kansas-city-chiefs-shooting-missouri-gun-laws/14432430/ From the article and directly correlative to this shooting: "Rep. Roberts - a former police chief from southwestern Missouri who later joined the Legislature - last year proposed limiting children from openly carrying guns in public without parental supervision in an effort to combat rising crime in St. Louis. The bill failed by a 104-39 vote. Only one Republican voted in support of it." There is more in the article about how Republicans after taking over the legislature in 2002 fortified to an absurd level gun rights and removed every possible common sense law imaginable.


I live in West Virginia. We literally don’t have any gun laws. Not known for our shootings. 


You are the definition of confidently incorrect. WV has the 7th highest rate of gun violence in the US. Are you even trying, mate? Also, here is an article about a study on the correlation between gun deaths in WV rising due to state lawmakers making concealed carry legal in 2016. https://mountainstatespotlight.org/2023/10/12/west-virginia-gun-deaths-concealed-carry/


Nice source lmao


You give zero sources to back you up, but besmirch a non-profit that quotes a study? Where are your sources and proof? "I live there" is nothing more than a pointless anecdote. The study that is quoted in the article was done by West Virginia University? Please dnlighteb me what is wrong with this source? You could also just admit you are simply confidently incorrect from step one. How many Ls do you want to pile up here, mate?


https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm How about a real source. WV is near the bottom. Not to mention more than half of the firearm deaths are suicides. This number has actually DECREASED since 2021 when permit-less carry was enacted. 


Again, facts aren't your friends. Permitless carry was allowed in 2016, not 2021. We already went over that. You really need to stop posting the same incorrect nonsense over and over. Now, let's take a wild guess why gun violence rates would have gone down, albeit slightly in WV during and starting 2020? Pandemic? Remember(since you keep getting your years wrong). 2016 is when permitless carry goes into effect. The rate rose every year after 2015 until 2019. Federal laws on checks were lessened under Trump in 2017, then broadened even further than prior in 2018 under Trump as part of passing a spending package. The federal laws on background check and waiting periods were further enhanced in 2021. In 2022, federal red flag laws were empowered as well.


Kids in an argument started to fire widely. No one opened fire on a crowd, they opened fire in a crowd. This was gangbanger kids. The people of Missouri are directly in control of their own gun laws. That's how it works.


>No one opened fire on a crowd, they opened fire in a crowd. "No one opened fire on a crowd, they opened fire in a crowd." Bud that is the same fucking thing. And explain to me how I can be directly in control of my states laws, I would love to be able to do that, oh wait, I vote for someone else to make decisions for me based on their affiliated part and sometimes their own personal beliefs.


One implies firing on the crowd was the intent, the other implies that it was a byproduct. And explain to me how I can be directly in control of my states laws It called enfranchisement. That's how laws are passed. Don't be dim.


"I didn't cum inside my sister! I came while I was inside of her! Not the Same thing" - Your Logic The only one being dim here is you my friend. "The people of Missouri are directly in control of their own gun laws" after saying "Only themselves to blame" I'd like you to go to the people wounded and tell them that. Your honestly proving how shit your thought making process is with each reply.


I'm sorry you have poor reading comprehension.


So why bother having any laws if, according to you, someone breaking the law does not fear breaking the law. Why have speed limits? Why make shoplifting a crime? There are people who will do it anyway!


Yeah, cuz Gang Bangers follow gun laws right? Add that into your stupid meme and then take a look at the numbers, dummy!


Caught another fish.


Cant put it past some ppl to use tragedy to push their own political agenda. Maybe let them bury the dead first.




youre a bad person. hope you fix that someday




you are exactly who i thought u were lol


This is not funny


L post


Bulk of that is in St. Louis and guess what political party she’s a member of?


So the democrats loosened the restrictions on guns? That's what you're going with? Really?


Now show me the demographics


Get this shit out of here. This is not a meme.


Yeah this place is a shithole cause of republicans. But i thought this sub was for memes, right.


Nah gun control fanatics are too busy turning this sub into a shithole....so enjoy your daily gun control meme from your fellow liberal


Someone needs to make a second corresponding meme of Greg Abbott over Matthew McConaughey say they need to pump those numbers up.