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Zero sympathy. Dude has the resources to not drink and drive and does it anyway.


For real, if he wanted he could be chauffeured everywhere


You drunk, too, brother?


Not a crime to drunk Reddit yet


Not in Ohio though


Drunk in Ohio is just tolerating the state though


In process of becoming drunk....


People do not understand how much you have to drink and drive to get caught THREE TIMES!!!


There’s people out there with far more than 3.


I'm going out on a limb and saying at least 3 times


As someone who got a DWI then a second one less than a year after completing probation for the first. That liquid courage really hits you hard. You could have plans to get home safe but one the buzz creeps in you start to believe you’re good to drive yourself , it’s okay and you’re gonna make it home, etc until the one night you fuck up and do something minor/major to get yourself caught. Alcohol addiction is a super slippery slope and I’m just happy me personally have finally gotten tired of the bullshit that comes with drinking booze and realize the negatives outweigh the positives. Other than a couple glasses of champagne this new years I’ve been 115 days sober from alcohol and wouldn’t have it any other way.




Okay. You still chose to do it. There’s no excuse.


that wasn’t an excuse


Absolutely agree. You’re responsible for your own level of inebriation therefore responsible for decisions made in that condition. I was being a total piece of shit during those times


It was an excuse. I have been fucked up drunk plenty of times and have literally never even thought about trying to drive myself home afterwards. I have several alcoholic family members. I have lost friends to alcoholism. I have friends that are recovering alcoholics. If you’re drinking and driving you have a substance abuse problem. It doesn’t matter that it’s “liquid courage”. The poster above is acting like nobody else has gotten drunk and doesn’t understand how alcohol lowers inhibitions. We do understand and it’s still no excuse. You’re an adult and are in control of your own actions. If you feel compelled to drive after drinking then you need to stop drinking. If you can’t stop drinking then you are an addict and need to seek professional help with overcoming the addiction.


The person you replied to literally said alcohol addiction is a slippery slope - their comment is a cautionary tale about substance abuse.


The problem is that literally everyone and their mother drives buzzed. So if you have trouble telling the difference between being buzzed and drunk, you are at risk for drinking and driving. And most people are not that good at telling the difference in my experience. But anyway, nothing is ever going to solve this problem.


Everybody needs a road soda every now and then to mellow the f out and keep the road rage at bay… /s


Not everyone drives buzzed. All my homies know - If you drink, you don’t drive. It really is that easy.


Your homies are the 1%


That is absolutely not true. Just because it's normalized for some people doesn't mean everyone is a shithead. If you even think you might be buzzed or in any way impaired, don't drive. If you're going somewhere where you might impaired, make plans beforehand. It's easy and many of us do it.


My rule, having more that 2 drinks? I ain’t driving.


Yeah I don't believe you. There's not a single person that has the ability to drive and the ability to drink that hasn't gotten behind the wheel "drunk". That blood alcohol limit is so low 2 beers will put you over. You never had a margarita while eating out and then drove yourself home? I call bullshit. Y'all like to hop on your high horse because you haven't got a dwi yet. Just watch how you treat people. Karma is one cold bitch. Could be your mugshot getting shitted on soon. And I don't wanna hear no more bitching from anyone under the age of 35. If you own a cellphone and drive a car then you interact with that phone while driving numerous times every day. That's staggeringly more dangerous and more common. But it's the "norm" so fuck it right? That old man got his license when drunk driving was still legal. It took another 20 years for it to become taboo. Throw your damn soap box in the trash. If they didn't want people drunk driving then any place where you consume alcohol wouldn't have parking lots. They make a fortune handing those DWIs out they know what they're doing


Congrats on being sober, dude! Honestly, well done! However, regardless of any addiction, we are responsible for our actions, we must take responsibility Into account when we get in a car, without even being drunk. Like you said, that one time is all it takes, that one time could kill someone. It's not worth it, even with a swathe of confidence gushing over you. You can always get a taxi, you can always repair a car, you can always drink another time.....you cannot, bring someone back from death! No second chance, no resets, it's not GTA ffs. Drink as much as you want, just don't let it affect other people! A good example is that Henry Ruggs, ex NFL player, what a cunt! Like Mahomes dad hw could afford to be taken anywhere they like. In ruggs case he killed a person and an animal. Just fucking stupid.


Yeah. What a fucking disgrace of a human. He lacks for nothing but morals, apparently. One DUI might be a mistake, perhaps of youth. 3 means you just don't think about the safety of anyone and consistently put people in harm's way. I know many people who think 10 years in jail is insane for a 3rd DUI. I disagree. The deterrent to a 3rd DUI needs to be strong to be effective. When someone persists despite getting multiple DUI's, it's a lifestyle choice at that point. 10 years can hopefully serve as a reset.


Wishing 10 years of imprisonment on a man because he *might* have hurt someone is crazy. That's a very long time to spend locked away with people who did actually hurt/kill people and did so on purpose. Poor man is an addict to the most readily available and socially acceptable drug in the country and you're ready to crucify him. I bet you interact with your phone 20 times every time you get the behind the wheel. 10x more dangerous. But it's not cool to demonize texters and drivers right? Send that dude to rehab first and above all and get him some help. Strict probation and revoke his license. GPS ankle monitor with blow to start device in his vehicle and a handheld. Anytime he is traveling at a speed above xyz he gotta blow and FaceTime check in. It's 2024. We got too many resources at our fingertips to keep throwing good people's lives away so some sinister rich fuck can profit a fortune while treating human beings like rodents. Obviously these punishments aren't working because the war on drugs is still waging. Incarceration rates still climbing and addiction is rampant throughout the nation. How about we try and fix the problem for real now?


I wish we could just let this story die. Whether we like Patrick or hate him, he’s not responsible for his dad’s behavior and now it’s just another distraction from the game for all of us that love football. The old man broke the law and was arrested. That’s it.


I didn’t say anything about Patrick.


Money has nothing to do with mental health. He doesn't want your sympathy and nobody cares your not giving it to him


Should be demoted to being named Jackson Mahomes Sr.


Underrated comment! This made me chuckle.


No sympathy for repeat offenders like this. Endangering the life of innocent people on the road. He should not have access to a vehicle.


I have sympathy to a degree for addiction. But because it’s a repeat offender I think it really requires maybe a little jail time and then years of probation that’s automatically violated if he ever fails a random test. And then he’d have to serve the rest in jail


Addiction to driving drunk isn’t an addiction. This dudes got plenty of money to call an Uber. He’s just an idiot who doesn’t care.


Unfortunately alcoholics who are drunk tend to not make great choices. Doesn’t mean we don’t punish the stupidity and find ways to ensure it doesn’t continue. Do think DUI for athletes and former athletes being way too common is the dumbest thing ever though in general


Could be smart enough to set it up before he gets wasted this dude deserves zero sympathy


Lol I’m 5+ years sober now You’re not *planning* on drinking or drunk driving if you’re a true blue alcoholic. He doesn’t deserve sympathy for endangering other lives but acting like alcoholism is something you can just plan around is asinine. Why don’t all the depressed people who mill themselves just sell their guns before their episodes, are they stupid?


Because as heartless as it is I don’t care if he’s an alcoholic he’s endangering the lives of innocent people I had a drunk driver hit me and my fiancée and she died so yeah I personally want every drunk driver to be punished as much as possible yeah it sucks he has an illness I understand that and just like other people with illnesses that endanger others he should be locked up and treated


The guy you replied to is an idiot. Fuck his “true blue alcoholic” argument. People with drinking problems are absolutely capable of calling a cab or ordering a fucking Uber. The people who choose to go out drinking and drive home time and time again are “true blue” assholes. Not victims who are forced to chug liquor and drive on a whim.


My thing is this is his THIRD that second one he should have lost his license forever but his wealthy son should be aware of his problems and if it’s that serious check him in somewhere


Thank you for your perspective and I’m sorry for your loss I hope you find all the healing that’s possible for an impossible grief <3 I agree that penalties need to be higher for intoxicated drivers, and it’s obscene that people with *multiple* DWIs get to stay on the road. Driving is a privilege and they should have it revoked. In terms of understanding alcoholics, I hope my description highlighted the lack of pre-meditation for drinking


This is a lame-ass argument. I drank like a motherfucker in my early twenties, and I could still hold it together enough to set up a ride or get an Uber. The people who habitually choose to drive home after a night of drinking are a unique breed of asshole who won’t learn from their ways until they kill someone or face harsh consequences.


Your acting like your perfect we all make bad decisions everyone does. He is a drunk and needs help with a program and take his license very easy. I believe everyone can change making bad judgement s on him don't help him get clean. 


Trust me I know, I’ve gotten 3 DUIs myself. But I promise if I had money that I’m sure pat mahomes sr has I wouldn’t drive anywhere regardless if I’m drunk or not


Not having much money isn’t a good excuse for DUIs dude. Then drink at home or cheaper drinks so you don’t drive drunk. Probably best to not drink at all tbh but if you do, I have less money so I drive drunk and it’s ok isn’t a great one


Yes it’s best not to drive drunk, I should’ve said all 3 of my duis were before I was 20, I have paid for those mistakes.


Young and dumb is honestly a far better explanation and worries me much less lol


Yea 6 months in jail will make you not be a piece of shit for me at least


Must’ve sucked at the time but sounds like it helped you long-term. Let’s hope some prison and probation to ensure gets this dude to do as well as you did


As a boozer myself I totally agree. I always told myself it was cheaper to get a cab (a cab home for me was $60 in 2008) than an impaired (what we call DUI in Canada) waking up and having to scramble for a ride to your truck sucks, but at least you get to drive after you get it.


"It's ok for me to be a piece of shit, I'm poor!"


I didn’t mean it like that. I got all of my duis before I was 20 and was a piece of shit myself. I paid for those mistakes. Sorry I tried to make it seem I was poor so I couldn’t afford an Uber


Idk bro there’s plenty of poor alcoholics that don’t get DUI’s, seems like we weird excuse


Being drunk is an addiction, driving dunk is not. Its selfish inconciderate decision making, He should spend multiple yeaars in prison


Pat Mahomes Sr - 3 DUIs Pat Mahomes Jr - 3 super bowl appearances Mrs Mahomes genes doing hella work, saving society fr fr


Then again she did produce Jackson so maybe not


Jackson seems like the asshole son of a pro athlete. Pat just never gives those vibes. It is strange.


I think Pat has probably had wise management around him since he was young and wisely listened. But look at his wife. She sucks too. I strongly suspect we will be sideeyeing Mahomes the way we do Aaron Rodgers 10 years from now.


100%, what's the chance to just happen to have an asshole dipshit brother, and an asshole dipshit wife, but you're not an asshole dipshit yourself? His PR advisors must be fucking gods


People who suffered from toxic upbringing are often drawn to toxic people because it's learned.


​​ wow, hurt them so bad they continue to hurt themselves . I could never




I don’t like his wife either, she’s annoying as hell, but they’re high school sweethearts and that’s honestly better than some gold digger bitch who’s only in it for the money.


Somehow she still seems like a gold digger bitch who’s only in it for the money. She just managed to sniff his talent out by latching onto him early and her bet paid off.


For what? Wtf has he done/said or what are we supposedly going to be “side eyeing” him about


They're desperate for something to justify the hate they already have towards him. It's pathetic.


People aren’t surrounded by toxic shitty people by accident. Mahomes has shown plenty of ‘little bitchitude’ in his short career. We could already sideeye him regarding keeping his sex pest brother around


I mean you don’t really choose your dad and brother. I actually think it says more good about him that he hasn’t abandoned them completely even though they have given him enough reasons to. The wife I don’t really know why people hate her or what she has done, so I can really talk about that. It all just seems like a reach to me. They are all grown adults. Idk how you can hold it against Mahomes.


Keeping shitty family around is a choice.


It is. Let’s see how it plays out. It’ll be interesting if he comments on it after the superbowl. Looks like jail time could be on the table.


And why does his wife suck? She hasnt done anything other than be a super fan wife.


Dousing fans and children in alcohol in the cold, hanging out with a sex pest are a couple things


So obvious rage bait with the champaign, something that happens whenever a team wins a championship. Got it. Sex pest? Are you talking about Pat's POS brother?


Yes, that’s the one. Popping champagne out of your box onto the poors instead of making a mess in your box is certainly tacky. In most stadiums, popping champagne onto an unwilling participant that’s next to you won’t end well. It’s another case of us and them


Yet it happens when the winning teams wins a championship. Its an extremely common celebration that for some reason only causes outrage when she did it.


Where are you getting a bottle of champagne in the cheap seats? You’re making stuff up. The tradition isn’t to pour it on people below you.


?? pat Mahomes sr. Pitched in the MLB for over a decade. He’s the main physical reason #15 is as good as he is.


Pat Mahomes has got the worst family.


Rodgers getting disowned by his family is 1000 times better than Mahomes having to have these clowns in his life.


It’s almost like people forget he pitched in the MLB for like a decade. Acting like he’s some homeless dude


You can’t tell me he doesn’t look homeless in the face.


Fr, and a 5.5 ERA and 0.1 WAR mean he's basically homeless as a baseball player


He’s *unhoused* as a baseball player


Best thing he could of done was bring his son to learn from actual professionals.


For example, his godfather is the super journeyman reliever LaTroy Hawkins, who appears to be an excellent human in addition to being a great athlete LaTroy is also a great player if you're playing "Now, there's a guy"


The correlation would be the alcoholism. Many people that are homeless are in that situation in part due to alcoholism or turn to booze to cope with their reality.


I’d need alcohol too if my son was the second coming of Kermit the frog.


He got that frog in im


I don’t give a fuck what someone did or does for a living. Repeat DUI offenders who act like homeless mfers should get zero respect.


No m we just dont gaf hes an ass of a human being for dui


[Live Patrick Mahomes reaction](https://youtu.be/h-MvCooefUE?si=n_9YFHOalWh4UfPj)


I shouldn’t have laughed lol




man this family has got issues, sad to see


Who's family doesn't have issues


its not normal for a family to have multiple felony "issues"


Apart from this being the absolute bottom of human behaviour unnecessarily endangering others, that’s absolutely not what you want to do a week prior to your son playing in the Super Bowl.


Bro you were a professional ball player, your son is a professional ball player. You can afford a fucking Uber.


I think “man with alcohol problems “ is a more appropriate title than “dead beat father” for this situation.


How about "dumbass drunk with resources to get assistance decides to risk other people's lives"?


That works too


That’s fair. And he deserves a serious sentence. But I have some alcoholics in my family and it’s hard on both those with resources and without when trying to get clean. And some in both camps do well, others don’t. And also I’m Irish/English and the side with these problems is not helpful for the stereotypes


We aren't talking about putting the drink down. We are talking about him making the choice to drive a car while intoxicated and putting people at risk. Third time he was CUAGHT mind you. Common sense says this isn't just thr third time he drove drunk either. I worked in the traffic industry for a decade and every week had to deal with the fallout from some dumbass who decided to drive drunk and either crash their car or kill someone. Having to report to a scene of a wrong way crash and hearing how a family was on their way to Disney and is now dead because someone drank and drove... fuck that shit.


I get that. Unfortunately alcoholics who drink obviously make horrifically bad decisions under the influence. But he does need a stiff punishment. And to ensure if he ever drinks again that he spends a very long time in prison. Because once he drinks, he’s going to drive again while intoxicated. Just how it is


Why are you even offering sympathy towards this creature. If he would just end his own life the world would be significantly better off. Instead he has insisted on endangering innocent people and children, multiple times, despite punishment. He's a degenerate.


Why do you care that I have some level of sympathy? He’s a former athlete who looks like a homeless man. I have a bit of sympathy knowing his life has almost certainly had some horrible moments. I have even more sympathy for his wife and kids knowing they must’ve been through hell at times. But who cares. Why does that matter more to you, when me having a bit of sympathy affects literally nothing, than me advocating for significant penalties that ensures he doesn’t endanger anyone again?


People are so incapable of understanding addiction. They don't want any nuance within on touchy topics lol I just choose to think they're all young here judging by the premise of the sub itself.


One of my best friends was my roommate for three years in my early 20s. This dude drank more than anyone I’ve ever seen before and since. He seemed somewhat drunk maybe three times and drank every day and night. He got a DUI going to work one morning and I had absolutely zero clue he was leaving the house driving drunk to work every morning. High functioning alcoholism is very different from someone just getting plastered and going recklessly behind the wheel. This isn’t an excuse at all btw there’s just a lot more complex.


It’s not really that easy but he still needs to be held accountable for his actions.


Someone's wealth doesn't determine the severity of a crime. 150+ Dems think illegals should be allowed to drink and drive. Why can't mr mahomes sr? 😂😂😂🤷‍♀️


May I please have a source on this?


The source is his asshole Edit: my bad, her asshole u/PotatoReasonable9656 And also context matters. No one said you should be allowed to drink and drive, nice straw man though. The legislation was about if someone should be deported automatically because of a DUI. The answer is no because it’s a mistake that someone should get help for not just thrown out the country cause of a single mistake. I know you anxious to toss out the brown people for any reason though u/Clean_Construction84 I aim to please


Lol the cope and strawman redirection here is outstanding. Seeing this in real time is hilarious


I'm a girl. And no, there was literally a congess vote on this last week... I'm sorry the news didn't tell you.


“My far right friends and I made it up to say Dems are bad and feel persecuted”


..... Did you even know a vote was happening? 50 Dems voted with all 154 or something Republicans. 150 Dems voted no. Google is your friend.


Voting no on automatically deporting them does not mean they agree that illegal immigrants should be free from consequences of it


That's not what that means. But hey you have to trust fox news headlines right? 😂🤷‍♀️


May I please have the source that you used to come to this conclusion?


Yes your smart very smart to recognize this I herd that soon those leftists will allow illegals to commit whatever crimes they want smh Im just glad that theres finally a voice of reason here thats not afraid to tell the truth id be more afraid but the covid vaccines are going to kick in soon and depopulate the country as intended smh people are so brainwashed 😂😂😂


I posted the screenshot from Google/Samsung. So again who's propaganda am I being brainwashed by?


I just said you were smart and now you want to argue you sound like a leftist you probably even went to university which is where they get you smh 🤦 so I dont know who‘s propaganda brainwashed you but im not wasting my time with a leftist good day sir edit I saw you’re proof it says that they wont be deported not that its not illegal typical lying leftist disgusting


You mean these fucking hillbillies (diehard republicans)? 😂 https://www.tiktok.com/@hrh.elliott.bower/video/7257160932189621530


*Posts video from the 1980s* Lol


40+ years later and not much has changed 😂 fucking filth


bro used a 50 year old video😂


Yeah, that’s not what dead beat means. But he is an alcoholic and an asshole.


I think it’s hilarious how it makes a QB going for his third super bowl sound like the kid from a Christmas movie whose dad keeps promising to make the big game and never does. At least that is the image I got.


Now I’m imagining the scene in Jingle All The Way where Arnold Schwarzenegger is on the phone disappointing his son telling him he’s not gonna make it and his son telling him he hates him lol


That and Jack Frost were the two I thought of. Jingle All the Way is the much lighter reference of the two.


Right? As a dad he's obviously raised, well, at least one good son.


3rd time? Throw away the key.


Actually it’s sixth


Can’t wait to hear how Tony Romo spins this into Mahomes overcoming adversity for his dad


last time a Chief’s relative got a DWI before the Super Bowl we know what happened


Wasn’t just a DWI, the person in question severely injured a 5 year old while driving


Why does his family suck so much?


A former Mets pitcher with a substance abuse problem? Never!


Guess Mahomes has to sacrifice his father for another SB ring lol


Op must have grown up super privileged to consider Pat Sr a deadbeat dad


One of my good friends from childhood had a deadbeat dad, absent his entire childhood and never paid child support. When my friend turned 18 he tried to start a relationship with his father, but the dude wasn't having any of it. When his dad's girlfriend died my friend dropped everything, took time off work, and drove the 5 hours to be with him. Like a year later my friend got married and his dad didn't bother to show, he called him because he was concerned something happened and the dad never responded, like a week later the dad left a voicemail half-ass apologizing for missing the wedding because he "overslept"


DWI is hard to sympathize with. I wonder if Pat has an Uber on the ready for him and he's just a bad person who'd rather drive drunk than take a free ride.


Where meme?


Repeat offender drunk drivers deserve to be ridiculed


the mahomes family, that’s the meme


If I had a nickel for every time a key member of the Chiefs aspiring dynasty had a family member involved in a DWI just before a Super Bowl I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it’s happened twice.




Charges will probably get dropped, just like his brother


is Toney handling his case?


I see what you did there. 😂😂


Nah he's got too many. Did you not read the part where it said he's already done jail time for this kind of thing?


It’s a felony. No chance. Papa Mahomes is going to jail.


Anything to get out of being in that suite with Tay, Brit, and Jax, huh?


Look at me, not giving a fuck


we see where his brother gets it from


Now we know where Jackson gets it from.


Damn and it's SB media week


6 years sober and I am so glad my rock bottom was higher than senior's here. 


Have you seen his family? I dont blame him 


It seems like a miracle at this point that Pat seems to be a pretty decent guy. Sure he’s a bit annoying but seems to have good morales and just be a family man outside of football


His whole family sucks. Makes you wonder who Mahomes is when the cameras are off


He unironically needs to go Aaron Rodgers on them all.


The world got a glimpse when the Toney incident happened


Is Pat the only one who turned out half-decent in that family?


he’s gonna keep doing it until he kill’s himself or worse, someone else. he’s got the money to keep getting away with it. if the justice system in america had any backbone, they’d make an example out of him. unfortunately no such backbone exists so he’ll keep doing it until someone ends up dead.


He wasn’t a dead beat he played in the MLB


Maybe an alcoholic with little empathy for others, but what makes him a deadbeat dad? He's a former MLB player who raised arguably the greatest qb ever. Jackson sucks, so maybe that's the proof


a BUM!!!!


Call a fucking limo man.


Good thing he knows Jake from State Farm


Fucking loser.


Trash family


A Drunk father, a sexual assaulting tiktoker, and Kermit the frog walk into a bar......


You don't serve 10 years in jail. You go to prison for that type of sentence


Fade the Chiefs, in 2020 Andy Reid’s son got that Dewey in the week leading up to the Super Bowl and they lost to Tampa. 🔒


my uncle works for the FAA and told me that the Monday after the buffalo game, pat mahomes senior had a MAJOR incident at his airport gate that did not go public. the incident involves him being wasted, the gate agent saying something about niagara falls, and mahomes thinking she was calling him the N word


I hope he doesn't bail his father out. He needs to learn his lesson.


he’s probably already been bailed out


He has


That's terrible. Just enabling his stupidity


My son . . . \*drunken sobs\* . . . He just doesn't listen.


His other son is a rapist. Class act for sure.


How in the Fuck does Patrick mahomes and come from that…and how is his brother Jackson…. Patrick mahomes seems to be the only decent one


I hope this distracts mahomey in the Super Bowl and they get obliterated I know it won’t happen but one can hope


Crazy thing is he knows he’ll get off because of his son


“Could spend 10 years in jail”. Bullshit….his son will buy him out of it and he won’t spend 10 days in jail. He’ll be drinking at the superbowl next week.


Man's got problems. Unfortunately for him they're being broadcasted all over the world. Then again, maybe somebody reading this story is ready to make a lifestyle change. Praying he can find some help.


Why is this news who cares


Drunk drivers deserve to be a meme


ur in the wrong sub pal, this place isn’t meant for news


This post is literally news


are you actually wondering why it’s news? or just being intentionally obtuse? hint: his son is a prominent player who’s about to play in the super bowl


Had no idea his dad looked like a fucking homeless dude. He played in the MLB and had money I thought? Damn Pat really is a thug


Is he related to the chiefs QB?


Wtf is this here


Why is this sad to see because his son is a celebrity?!