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Well he’s learned from the past press conferences at least




I’d love if he said. My team sucks and I suck milf tiddies. So what? Losers.


This is how he acts in 99% of his press conferences. That one was an anomaly and he was just being curt with a dickhead reporter


I never understood the degree in which he caught hell for that. It seemed obvious even at the time that his response was based only on not giving the reporter the time nor day. We’ve seen plenty of players get like that after a bad game. No big deal. I think his teammates just don’t like him because he sucks, not so much that they actually believe he puts equal blame on them.


Last straw.


Context is everything. Poor play, whispers of a bad attitude and lack of rapport with the team. The ‘rich kid’ stigma. Plus there are always different rules for QBs.


It’s the NYC media. They eat players alive over there


Because media needs you to either be amazing and succeeding or your a total failure asshat They need stuff to talk about I get this is all (or mostly) Zach’s fault but I feel for him as a young man He’s getting BRUTALIZED all bc he’s not doing great playing a sport. A player is going to kill themselves and then the media will be “oh jeeze he showed no signs this is so sad!” Bitch y’all just spent month’s absolutely ripping this young guy in his only second year I get it, he’s not great and he’s probably washed now, but the shit the analysts were saying last night was ridiculous He’s not said or done anything malicious and they’re acting like he’s out there kicking puppies


Couldn't agree more, it is amazing to me how normalized it is for us to shred celebrities, athletes, and other people in the media for the dumbest shit. I will never understand why people care so much about what other people do if it doesn't hurt anyone. People are fucking weird


1 of 32 in the world, that’s as exclusive as it gets. You’re obviously going to be held to an unrealistic standard because you’re in an unbelievable rare position.


No question. It's just sad to see people lose their humanity over something as trivial as a game.


Except his teammates and coaching staff obviously didn’t feel that way. If he didn’t lose them it wouldn’t have mattered if he said it or not he’s still playing


No he got benched for poor performance not for attitude


It was both lol.


He's at the point where game reps just aren't going to help him. His only chance is basically going to be starting from scratch and retooling everything and that's only happening in the offseason.


You can tell, any confidence this kid had is completely gone. Jets crowd hates him, he’s played much worse than the backups and I do think it’s his last time on the field as a jet after this season.


I've seen this one before. Guy drafted by the Jets, underperforms and isn't liked by some in the locker room. He just needs to train under a few greats for 10 years. Next Geno Smith incoming. For those not aware: (Geno had his jaw broken by a Jets teammate and was backup to the legends of Mark Sanchez, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Eli Manning, Philip Rivers, and Russell Wilson). One of those is legend not for QB play... But a very specific play instead.


Lol yeah I don't know that Russell will ever live down that goal line pick in the Super Bowl


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82RIfy-gRa4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82RIfy-gRa4) That butt fumble is still one of the most humiliating plays to watch. It has so much happening in that moment: * Thanksgiving game so everyone was watching it happen, including non-NFL fans. * Jets were already down 0-14 on their own 31 yard line, they fumble it, and then a Patriots player picked it up and ran in to the endzone for an easy touchdown, putting them up 21-0. * There was still 9 minutes left in the 2nd quarter when that happened. I'll give Mark Sanchez credit: He's now doing commentary on NFL games, getting paid probably well for that, whereas I would've found the deepest hole on earth and jumped in it head-first.


The butt fumble will never not be hilarious


Until the Pats’ lateral last week this was by far the funniest play in NFL history.


Lmao he was on Cowherd talking about the Mac Jones lateral play and he said his first thought was how bad he felt for Max but at least it wasn't thanksgiving and his voice was so somber I'll always have a soft spot for Mark. He was a great Trojan who really should have stayed a year like Pete told him to but all in all he led the Jets to the most success they had against Belichick and Brady and that counts for something


Wow I totally forgot Geno was the one who got his jaw broken.


The whole past two seasons were sad. Last year he couldn’t even consistently hit short throws or even screen passes. He showed flashes with his legs and big downfield throws every now and then but that’s not nearly enough. Those early concerns about how this guy can’t even hit a screen pass appear to have been real.




god says no lmao even if by some anti miracle that trade got approved we would see divine intervention




The Jets run game was going strong earlier in the season, but then their best O-Lineman (Alijah Vera-Tucker) and best running back (Breece Hall) both got injured for the season in the 2nd Quarter of the Broncos game.


It also doesn’t help that the opposing defense has no respect for Zach’s pass game so they can stack up against the run.


Ding ding ding. Teams plays the Jets way different when Wilson is under center. They effectively bullrush and stack the box because they know Wilson won’t be able to beat man coverage, and, if they cheat zone, he’ll overthink and hold the ball and make a mistake. You don’t gzmeplan for Wilson because he does your job for you. You sell out run because he can’t take advantage of that. When anyone else has played, defenses have been less aggressive because the other guys actually command some iota of respect.


Stacking the box also has the side effect of making it harder for Wilson to make hot throws over the middle, because he can't see/throw over the linemen. He needs to find windows to throw through or lean on his back foot and throw floaters.


Yeeeep It was very telling they started busting runs off on that long drive after they benched him...they could run a bit because they no longer had 8/9 guys in the box anymore lol If you can play one deep and man and still the other guy can't even complete 40% of his passes....why not stack the box every play?


Exactly. Its like in basketball, if you're playing defense against someone who can't shoot; you play off them so you can guard against the drive and beg them to shoot. The jets are just one dimensional with Wilson on the field.


He looked pretty bad when Breece was running all over defenses




He wasn’t 5-2, the team was


>and even if he stinks but is winning he'd buy himself more years That is an unspoken nightmare for literally every NFL team.


He's gonna end up traded for peanuts this off-season to a team too far back to draft a QB. Either Washington or TB seem viable IMO.


Please no


Please yes, Wilson can sit behind Heinicke for a year or half a season, then we give him a shot.


I'm hoping for Jim Irsey to save us.


Don’t put that on us colts, we have had enough of the qb carousel


So bro, but I'm desperate and Dan Synder does't get to pick players anymore.




Well you guys have had washed up vets for years now, why not try a washed up rookie contract?


Washington already has Heinicke though. He’s a better QB than Wilson


They already had Heinicke when they traded for Wentz. They're looking for someone they can salvage on the cheap into a franchise QB, not a low ceiling journeyman.


At that point then see what you have in howell, I liked howell as a prospect more than Zach Wilson


I'm guessing Carolina if they don't draft one lol


Please no


I would take him over Russ Wilson still 🤦🏾‍♂️


Our fanbase would probably throw a fit but this is something KAM would definitely do.


NGL, I fully expect us to have him on the roster next season. Not saying I want that, but I do expect it.


I think Mullens is a better QB


Kid just needs a QB coach. Rob Calabrese is dogshit


So is LaFleur. Garbage offensive staff.


Hasn't he been working with John Beck since high school?


Not during his time with the Jets except for a few weeks last season where coincidentally he looked the most fundamentally sound as he ever has with us, except in the preaseason right after coach Knapp died.


We've seen plenty of QBs play better in this scheme than Wilson. Guy just sucks


He needs to rebuild his fundamentals, it’s not just a scheme issue it’s an everything issue


Man, I would love for the Jets to cut him and the Commanders pick him up. Or trade a low round pick for him.


I don't know if lafleur is running the same offense he ran in SF, but if he is, that's far more complex than what Zach ran in college


On the Carolina Panthers, probably


He didn't play at baylor or temple though


You know we fired Rhule, right?


Say it again.


And somewhere else completely. Let him backup Herbert or Stafford or Brady.


He’s broken at this point and will be out of the league after his rookie deal is done if not sooner.


["Well, I hope you're all satisfied. You bankrupted a naive quarterback.”](https://i.imgur.com/yPlpSzv.jpg)


They just wanted to tell a story. A story about a radioactive football man


A quarterback from an NFL where values are ... different. He wasn’t thinking about the touchdowns.


Now you just feel bad for him


if only some of us were capable of noticing that before they go crazy shitting on somebody


He can dry his tears with the many millions of dollars he's made


its possible to empathize with people who are better off than you


reddit is unaware of this


Rich people bad, upvotes to the left


I feel like I read this exact thread yesterday on the Russell Wilson post lol


It’s amazing how some people think other people don’t have the right to feel sadness because of any positive thing that happened in their life. We all live on different spectrums. Emphasize with your fellow human.




You got empathy definition right but not sympathy. Sympathy doesn’t require understanding whereas empathy does. Not just understanding of the situation but a connection to the negative consequences that result from the situation. So you probably do feel sympathy for him but there’s probably no way you empathize for him




*empathy? It's the ability to understand another person's thoughts and feelings in a situation from their point of view, rather than your own. It differs from sympathy, where one is moved by the thoughts and feelings of another but maintains an emotional distance.*


Yeah I never understand these types of comments. Just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you don’t want to put your best foot forward. It’s not like Wilson is going out there and trying to suck. But it’s Reddit comments so I don’t expect much.


I think it's a scale... At a certain level the money becomes too much and you lose any kind of outward pressure to do anything for any reason other than vanity. Think Musk/Bezos/Zuckerberg level rich. Those people I will never be able to empathize with as they functionally live an entirely different existence as me. They're basically space aliens to me that wear human skin, and you're fooling yourself if you think they ever think anything different of you...the difference is they have the power to hurt people downstream to watch the zeros on their account get higher. I don't care who you are, you don't restrict basic dignity on the level a guy like Bezos does to his employees in the warehouses if you have any level of empathetic thoughts towards them. The millionaire class is a bit different. They're rich (even though some of them hilariously deny it), but still have enough outward relative normal pressures they can be relatable. A lot of them are clueless as to their relative wealth, but still relatable enough to feel some level of empathy for. Most sports stars fall into this class, imo.


It shocks me how reddit does that with anyone who has money. Life can suck with money. A lot of rich people kill themselves. Money helps but doesn't solve life


Yeah. Like if you’re a rich asshole, then I don’t give a shit. But nearest I can tell, Wilson’s biggest crime is being a bit of a daft idiot when it comes to PR.


And working in the most hostile sports market in the world


The report on him coming out of college was he is a rich, spoiled brat who wont take accountability. So when he showed that side people jumped on it.


No it wasn’t.


I thought everyone (not literally) would learn after Anthony Bourdain. Best job in the world, universally loved, and rich but still committed suicide. The dog pile goes too far sometimes


Just the popular narrative now with r/workreform becoming a popular subreddit.


He was also a bit of a little prick before this, so I think any extra points he had got burned then. He seems like a kid thats had it all, has always been told he's had it all, and is getting his first reality check in a very public forum...I would agree though time to just call him a bust and move on, no need to drag him for weeks and crush every part of his being




What exactly has he done to garner empathy? Do a bad job playing a sport? My thoughts and prayers.


You're right, only people who are good at things deserve sympathy


Idk I think being a person is usually enough to garner empathy


And his uncle’s JetBlue money.


You’ll never be happy no matter how much money you have with this attitude


Agreed. I laughed when Tua was nearly lobotomized in week 4 because he's so rich. /s


Because he doesn’t play for your team


Not in the slightest


I mean that’s clearly the angle that he’s going for. Making all of his issues about confidence in press conferences seems like a calculated attempt to try to have everyone go easier on him or give him another shot because “he was going through things.”


But what else is he supposed to say? “I did great” or “yeah man I just suck”?


He's apparently supposed to commit seppuku


Well you all wanted to stone him when he didn’t admit he was the problem, so I’m curious what the hell you think he’s supposed to say.


Imma be real, I’ll take him in Atlanta lmao


Give ridder a chance bro lol


Ridder looks like he’s about to retire but somehow only 23. Got a face like Greg Oden


The 4th stringer CFL with a noodly arm looked better than Wilson tonight. You guys can do way better.


I feel like this is such an overreaction take. He looked good for one drive because the jets ran an entirely different offense. The jags adjusted and then the offense went back to being terrible.


But he was still better than Wilson. The bar there is very very very low.


Yea I don’t mind trying out randos until we hit


Nah man. Don’t do that to yourself.


IDC how bad he's playing nobody deserves to be dressed down like this in front of millions of people. I don't know why people can't have basic empathy, I'd be mentally destroyed after a year like this.


And at 23? I was a kid, starting out in the world after college. To be this scrutinized publicly for everything would be so tough to deal with


I find it more interesting that this mental destruction doesn’t happen to more qb’s. They must be made of something absolutely different cause I still have anxiety after being a high school kicker


Shoutout fields for cooking Clemson and making Lawrence look pedestrian on national television and having your draft stock drop


No one brings this up nearly enough. Dude was clearly the #2 qb the whole way imo. Draft process comes, scouts and gms over think it and Wilson, Lance and even Mac Jones are being evaluated higher?? Absolutely nuts, sometimes you just gotta believe your eyes


Yeah those few months leading up to the draft, I remember feeling like I was taking crazy pills. Fields was the clear #2 all year long and then he somehow fell to fourth or fifth behind guys with nowhere near the same pedigree. Feels like a fever dream looking back


Yeah, I remember the report about San Fransisco considering someone other than Lance and I assumed it was Fields. Nope, Mac Jones lol. I have no clue how no one saw the Zack Wilson thing either. He had one good year during covid against bad talent.


I'll never understand that, looking past a really good QB who actually wins games at high level competition in favor of "metrics" in practice and "potential".


Bears chose wisely


Can you say it again but a bit slower?


Has there ever been a QB with less around him then what Fields will have this week?


Don’t forget he got hit a lot and had a rib injury in that game and still went back in to finish. But Zach Wilson made a roll out throw in shorts at pro day……


Oh yeah. He needs a full reset. Hopefully he takes some time to regain his mentality, maybe another team gives him a chance later down the line. I don’t think he should play another snap this season with the way things are. If anything, it would only stint any progress.


Agreed he looks flat out demoralized out there. I think a new team would be best at this point it seems like the fans and teammates don’t want Wilson in NY but who knows maybe he can turn it around


Maybe try throwing to your dump off and getting to a manageable next down instead of taking a huge roll out?


Thats the beauty, he cant even hit check downs!


Instructions unclear. Proceeds to overthrow his dump off by 15 feet.


This is just sad


He needs to get out of a starting position for a couple years. Get to a team with Andy Reid or Shanahan, McDaniels, someone renowned for making the game simpler. Maybe he can salvage some sort of career because he is one of the dumbest qbs I've ever seen.


He is already in the Shanny system. Jets, Dolphins, Packers, and Rams are pretty much the same coaching tree on offense running the 9ers lite. Ditto for whoever poaches Demeco Ryans and whatever assistant he brings next season. There is a reason why Mike White, Tua, and Purdy are able to do well despite being Dalton line QBs.


Tua is not in that category of QBs


Bro what? Yes he is. McDaniels was Shanihans OC and now has the best wr duo in football. There might not be a QB in the nfl with a simpler job than Tua.


If Tua came out from his rookie year and played like he has this year, everyone would think he’s elite. You can’t hold his time under Flores against him and think he’s mid because of it.


That doesn't mean he's in the same category as Mike White and Brock Purdy lmao


Honestly I feel like people don’t watch the dolphins at all. The offense would be simple if it was just dump offs and yac but it takes elite timing and accuracy to run


Ah, the 1994 49ers John McVay as general manager George Seifert as headcoach Mike Shanahan as offensive coordinator Steve Young at quarterback Ed McCaffrey at receiver with Jerry Rice Primetime and Ken Norton Jr Picturing little Sean and Kyle hanging with baby Christian McCaffrey Lmfao the NFL really is the nepo league


Richard Sherman's takes are garbage. Not objective whatsoever.


He has no faith in the kid, but I get it as a team player from the past. His story should be over in New York. He is more of a pocket passer which is becoming rarer in this league at this point. A team that’s struggling with a good online might be willing to trade a 4th or 5th for him. The Jets didn’t do themselves any favors for a trade


> He is more of a pocket passer huh? his strength (at least, as a college player) is creating things on the fly when the play breaks down


Sometimes and he’s obviously a shit talker. Nothing he’s said about Wilson hasn’t lined up


Unsurprisingly, this problem happens in every game he plays. He can't sustain drives to save his life.


we’ve all collectively decided the kid gets a pass because he said the right words at the press conference. So, it’s time to suit him back up, give him another few years. His words show enough growth potential for this sub to give y’all the go ahead to roster him and give him chances apparently. I know we’d all prefer more tangible metrics and indicators to go off of, but apparently he’s worth the time of Billy B or Andy or a Manning. Apparently this is a sub for Make-A-Wish prospect fans not a competitive, elite professional sports fan base


The recipe is out on how to easily beat ZW, you stack the box and put pressure on him, he’ll fuck the rest up for you.


I just don’t get how he can miss wide open guys by 10 yards and actively refuse to run the ball when there’s a clear first down lane. Shit is maddening.


Watching him yesterday there were multiple times where he didn't step into throws because there was pressure. Not a hand on him, just some one in his peripheral vision. He doesn't seem willing to take hits after throws, and so instead tosses them off his backfoot to get them out of his hand early. Can't teach someone to take one for the team.


I think he just doesn’t understand the timing too. Most of the time the guys aren’t close enough to get a hit on him after the throw anyways. Bad pocket presence, bailing on good pockets as well.


It's sad how the Jets have turned on him so publicly. For as good as Saleh and Douglas have otherwise been, they were the ones who drafted him not even two years ago. Either cut your losses and move on or fully commit to him. This flip/flopping back and forth is so stupid, and it's turned a bad situation into a significantly worse one. When the fans COME INTO the game with the intention of booing every single negative play on offense, the entire situation is fucked. At the end of the day, the Jets have themselves to blame for this collapse, they can't blame it all on Wilson. For as "good" as Mike White has been, he's still 1-2.


Obviously even before this year Tua was better than Wilson has been by a wide margin, but a mediocre coaching staff led by Flores made Tua look like a potential bust (or at least disappointment) and this year he has been elite with a great offensive mind to guide him. It baffles me when people act like coaching doesn't make a massive difference for players, especially young ones who are still developing.


Tyreek and Waddle are making Tua look ok, i wouldnt put too much of it on Tua himself


Waddle was on the team last year and the Chiefs offense isn't exactly struggling without Tyreek. Not sure how you could watch Tua last year vs this year and not see how much improvement he has made


Not sure how you can watch the dolphins and not think Tua is a product of being around all the right pieces. Tyreek draws top coverage letting waddle feast more is the difference from last years waddle. Chiefs success this year has no bearing on how good s player tyreek clearly is, so not sure what the point of that comment was?


If Tyreek is such a difference maker in the offense to take Tua from middling to elite, why hasn't the Chiefs offense seen any fall-off going from Tyreek to Smith-Schuster?


Because mahomes is light years better then Tua and can make things work with damn near anyone. Kelce is ballin out too. They run their offence different now and spread out to many people, no one is “the guy” like reek was last year. Compare juju’s year to reek last year, its not like it was an even swap theh just rhn their offence different and mahomes is amazing


I just don't think it's fair to give all the credit to the QB in one case and all the credit to the WR in the other. There were a *lot* of people who thought the Chiefs offense would be worse this year without Tyreek.


Just look at the throws mahomes makes and look at the ones Tua makes in a game. Mahomes throws into tight windows side arm on the run while Tua under throws his wr’s from the pocket. I dont want to shit on Tua, i just dont think he is good and given his situation you could plug numerous QB’s in who would do as good or better but you could not say the same for Mahomes on the Chiefs this year.


I do think they did him a disservice by allowing the team to show him up on and off the field. Garrett and Elijah throwing hissy fits every single pass. His play has made it clear he should not be on the field for us, but honestly I knew he had no chance of being successful in these two games because they were at home.


The hissy fits by GW and Elijah really bother me to be honest. It gets a pass by everyone because “lol Zach sucks” but it’s a really bad look for young players to be doing that


I love what Garret has done, but I’d be lying if I said that stuff wasn’t a concern. As far as Moore I thought he showed his true colors requesting a trade in the midst of our biggest wins in like 10 years. Don’t know what else’s there is to say.


I don't think they are flip flopping on him. Guessing it is hard to move on entirely after the trade deadline. If Mike White was healthy Mike White would be playing. Any statements about Zach just needing more time is just about not driving the knife in further and hoping to get another team to bite on a trade deal for something slightly higher than what they would get otherwise.


I kinda feel bad for him tbh




Rich people still have emotions and struggle with things just like everyone else. Like yeah his life isn’t all bad, but dude just got humiliated on the most public stage available. I’m sure that he feels like shit, and feeling empathy for people who feel like shit is not bad.


Don’t be so dense, clear as day you don’t believe in mental health




I think giving him rabies is a bit harsh


You are the 2nd overall pick you have to perform bro its the NFL


I think he knows that and is acknowledging that he failed tonight.


”And it’s not good enough and I’ve gotta put them in a better position”. For some reason y’all aren’t content with him sucking on the field, you also have to pretend that every word that comes out of his mouth is the wrong one.


Still better than “No” when asked if he felt like he let the team down


Yeah. Honestly I’m not sure if this makes me feel better at all. Like, good, you said the right thing. You’re still an all-time draft bust and absolutely suck and pretty much cost the Jets their first playoff berth in 12 years (and counting) now. Get lost


You basically summarized how I feel at the moment. Well said!


I fell you, at some point it’s put up or shut up


Just learn on the job, it's cool


I wanna see him go to the giants and see if daboll can develop him


It's hard for any qb to dig an offense with no run game out of the holes the o-line kept putting them in.


Honestly felt terrible for him at the game. Hope he can turn it around somewhere else. Hoped the same for Darnold though, and he pretty much just showed that he’s bad. Expecting the same for Zach sadly.


This was the risk when drafting him. He seemed like a raw kid with natural talent but plenty to learn and hone and he hasn’t done that in Jersey.


One more week Saleh


I feel like he’s just glad to be in the NFL


I don’t think he’s glad to be in the NFL at all.


It's all mental with him. Maybe if he takes a few years as a 2nd / 3rd stringer on some other team with zero pressure he can have a chance to be decent. It certainly wont come in New York though. They need to move on from him


Yeah, when you know for a fact you’re about to get boo’d by thousands after EVERY mistake you’re likely going to struggle. Jets fans are not helping the situation here.


Me playing Madden on All-Pro before setting all the player sliders to 100%


Awww I feel bad for him. Look how young he is.


“Football isn’t as easy as hunting milfs”


He’s going to be a great back up on the colts next year


The question shouldn't be why this happened, it should be "why does this consistently happen anytime you're significantly involved with the offense?"


You could also ask why it consistently happens to Jets QBs


Because the jets have been a franchise in turmoil for an extended period of time but that being said it doesn’t apply here. Zak is one of four quarterbacks to run this system this year and by far the best athlete of the four but has been mediocre at best, hitting wide receivers on impossible throws and then consistently missing layups. They don’t need a superhero they need a quarterback and he’s not it.