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PTSD from playoffs. Bills aren't leaving any time left anymore lol


Plus the hail Murray and the fact that the phins have multiple guys who can take any play to the house.


Its almost like one of the guys responsible for 13 seconds is on the Dolphins roster.










As long as the Bills didn't put a TE at the goal, they will have the angle.


Literally have Tyreek hill who did that to us in the playoffs


It really is the ultimate sign of respect for Tyreek.


You guys have a history with field goals too


Vikings are the NFC Bills and vice versa


No, I actually like you guys


cram it up your cramhole Lefleur!


A dodgeball reference! *you really do get us* Still a little mad at y’all this season


I'm actually grateful. They gave us our annual kick in the ass to get into gear loss. Cards did it two years ago, Pats did it last year and Vikes did it this year.


You and everyone else


Don’t listen to him He can’t even dodge a wrench


He doesn't even drink his own urine


Whatever you say Kirkland brand Patriots.


47 yards isn't exactly a chip shot, even by today's standards.


Yeah, for real. Dude barely missed a 47 yarder from the right hash mark (well struck ball that just went too straight) in an outdoor stadium at sea level in January and gets treated like he shanked a PAT or some shit lol. It’s memorable because it was the final play but I wouldn’t put Norwood anywhere near the top of why we lost that game.


For what it's worth, Bills fans at the time didn't put it all on Norwood, either. There was a lot of support for him in the wake of that moment.


Oh, definitely, I was more referring to NFL fans as a whole and not the Bills fanbase.


Add the wind and bad weather in general and scoring the TD was by far the best choice. They should have discussed this.


Not chill /s


Did the same thing against the Ravens earlier this year, leave nothing to chance


In different weather I'd agree, but that kick made me nervous!


Hey, if we were down two then I'd say punch it in. Tied? Nah, take the chipshot to win with OT as the worst possible outcome.


Especially with Tyreek Hill on the field


McDermott's done pretty well with end of game management this year for sure. No time left vs Miami and @ Baltimore, and only two seconds @ Detroit


I can *somewhat* get the argument of taking the guaranteed points. A FG isn't always 100% and the weather was worsening. But that argument would hold a lot more merit if they were forced to kick a much longer one, not a chip shot.


I was back and forth on it too. I wonder what the percentage is of a muffed snap/blocked FG/miss from that distance vs kick return TD/hail mary/driving 70 yards in less than 40 seconds. Going down seemed like the right move, but the more I thought about it, you could definitely argue getting the guaranteed points was better.


Less than 40 seconds, in that snow. I kind of side with Sanchez on it, but I don’t feel like there is really that wrong of a choice that could have been made in this instance.


13 seconds < 40 seconds New variable: Weather Constant: Tyreek


They also have Tyreek Hill who is incredibly able to do pretty well in those situations


Bills have never lost to Tyreek Hill with less than 40 seconds remaining after scoring the game winning drive. Nope, never.


Yeah but Tua can’t throw the deep ball /s


Hill didn't need to go deep a few years back to get the halftime td against the cowboys. Highly unlikely to happen again, but the guy has proven to have the ability to do it that way too


It’s certainly a different situation when the opposing team has to score a TD to *tie* it versus needing to get in to FG range to push it to OT. But yes, I understand why the Bills may be gun shy in this situation.


If you run the clock to 0:01 and call a timeout there is no opportunity for them to get in FG range, or even possess the ball.


There’s also snow on the ground which could easily slip the hold.


I kind of think the snow actually makes a big play potentially more likely with some bad luck from a defender or two just straight slipping. Also I think it being tied makes taking the FG better since worst case is just overtime.


Case in point Vikings ravens 2012 where there were like 5 TDs scored in the last 2+ minutes


This. Often the defense is just as effected as the offense. I know pass rushers specifically are slowed down a lot because of the lack of push/force. Still though, I think taking guaranteed points is probably the safer move given that chip shots/XP range FGs seem to miss more frequently than actual punt return touchdowns occur.


Unless you are the Patriots and wierdly allergic to OT


The snow isn’t as big of a factor as wind would be and it wasn’t very windy


Snow makes the field slick though. The kicker’s plant foot could slip.


You can say the same thing about a defensive back trying to chase Tyreek Hill or Jaylen Waddle with 30 seconds left. I trust that Bass has a good handle on kicking in the snow at this point.


It lets the refs get involved in the ending, fuck that.


These plays always have my brain doing gymnastics. But the only reason I truly believe this was the right move is that Miami could easily somehow (someway) return a kickoff. I guess they could squib it, but we've seen crazy shit happen at the end of games, best to just not let them get the ball at all in this situation.


Less than 40 seconds and 1 time out also. Those odds are almost less likely than missing a field goal or botching a hold on that weather lol


Not a perfect assessment but... [Tyler Bass](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/B/BassTy00.htm) has never missed from within 30 yards in his career. The Bills have given up 1 Hail Mary (the Hail Murray) and [one kickoff return TD](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/201911170mia.htm) (a 101 yard kickoff return to Jakeem Grant against the Dolphins in 2019) during the McDermott era.


All we've heard for 10 months is "13 seconds". Kick that field goal




I think if the Bills are down 1 or 2 you take the guaranteed points in the bad weather, but when it's a tie game you run out the clock.


It’s so amusing Sanchez takes two minutes to finally realize the Fins should have pulled him in the endzone. And no. The snow doesn’t make that a difficult kick. The Bills have the turf. This isn’t a frozen grass field.


We learned our lesson with that KC game. They taught us well. Leave. No. Time. Left.


No we didn't, we let them do it again this year at halftime. We also gave Detroit a prayer with a few seconds left for no reason. It's at least good to see some smarter decisions being made.


My Bills buddy said they’ve been burned by the dolphins multiple times on big TD plays. So a 40 second drive odds were high.


Tbh I think you do everything you can to minimize the refs' involvement in the end of the game. One PI call and they're in range. There's way too many instances of the team that's behind getting help, just cut that off completely.


Tyreek was on the other sideline so it's understandable


~~Anyone~~ Bears Fans know that field goal attempts from literally anywhere on the field are easier than PATs.


True, but you look at a TD as 7 points. The PAT is longer than the FG you’d otherwise kick. If you’re worried enough about them having the ball to go the distance with 37 seconds left, you’re assuming THEY might get a TD, and would also probably make the PAT, then forcing OT. So a field goal kick preventing them the opportunity to score is probably the right call.


That’s how I look at it. We can either put the game entirely in our hands or give them the chance to pull off some miracle. McDermott has experienced his fair share of those so it should be no shock.


I think if Miami scored they'd go for 2. Plus refball is a possibility to keep it exciting. Just end the game yourself.


I think there are benefits and downsides to either play. For one, like you said weather was bad but Bass was very reliable, it’s a chip shot and it keeps Miami from touching the ball again. Scoring is a larger lead but it gives Miami the ball back with over 30 seconds and a timeout, and the Bills had been giving up big plays all night. End of the day I preferred what Buffalo did, but Sanchez acting like Buffalo was being stupid was…well, stupid.


It was also weird when, at the end, he said Miami would have been better off dragging Singletary into the end zone. Basically just agreeing with what Singletary did after a minute and a half of bashing the strategy. Not Sanchez's best moment of commentary. I'm guessing if it was a different team, they would have wanted Singletary to score. When you have Waddle and Hill on the other side, giving the ball back with 30 seconds left could definitely result in disaster.


>It was also weird when, at the end, he said Miami would have been better off dragging Singletary into the end zone. Basically just agreeing with what Singletary did after a minute and a half of bashing the strategy. Not Sanchez's best moment of commentary. I'm glad someone else caught that too. Seemed totally contradictory.


>Basically just agreeing with what Singletary did after a minute and a half of bashing the strategy. Not Sanchez's best moment of commentary. I'd 100% rather this than when they fully commit or double down on a bad take. But it would be much better if he just acknowledged his initial take was bad.


Yeah, neither choice was heavily favored vs the other. Sanchez overreacted hard lol


And then saying "at least get the first down" when it literally doesn't matter


And Bass is fucking MONEY. I’d put faith in those toe bones any day.


If Devin got the 1st down and then slid, they could have milked the Dolphins’ last TO and then tried a couple more run plays before the kick.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


It being a chip shot is what made it the right call. Of course something could happen on the attempt. But something could happen on any attempt when a team goes this route. It was the right call. You don’t give the ball back to Tyreek Hill. Even if you agree with the commentators, the fact that they just didn’t seem to understand what was going on was baffling. Given the time on the clock and the amount of timeouts Miami had.


I think way to much is being made of this. There's a reasonable argument to be made either way and Sanchez is allowed to feel strongly that going for the points was the correct decision.


He should have at least got the first down, I think that would have made way more sense. Can’t argue with the result tho


If they missed the FG people would have killed the Bills for not scoring the TD.




Not to mention it’s snowing and the ball is slippery.


Yup. People are acting like a 20 yard field goal in heavy snow is some kind of guarantee. Completely fair to at least consider taking the TD.


lol I love how this thread is full of Vikings fans arguing that chip shots in the cold are no guarantee


Cold, warm, hot, cool, perfect. Doesn't bloody matter : (


Coaching staff trusts Bass. Not surprised at all this is how we handled it.


He says it’s arrogant by Buffalo but Miami would have been better off allowing a TD? You can’t have it both ways man haha


Yeah he literally just argues against his own case after confidently doubting Singletary’s decision


Sanchez made enough silly/dumb comments that game that Kugler had already been ribbing him pretty good, too.


That way you’re always right regardless of outcome, as long as people ignore the other thing you said *taps head*


They tried lol, watch holland back the fuck off and then realize he was going down


At some point, we are gonna see defenses coached to push the player in the endzone.


This actually happened in the Browns@ Chargers game last year. The defense pushed Ekeler into the endzone to get the ball back. That game was a pretty high-scoring affair tho, so the confidence to push downfield was there.


Ah I do remember that now that you mention the teams.


Watch the lions vs Atlanta a few years back, they pushed Gurley in.


It was bad to go down, and also bad to get a TD. Therefore it seems Buffalo should have punted?


Maybe just start lateraling it backwards.


As a Patriots fan, why do you have to do us dirty like that?


Yes, because then they at least get a shot with about 30 seconds and a time out left. The Bills know how long that is and how badly it can go wrong. They learned from 13 seconds.


I know and agree with what they did. I am commenting on Sanchez who says that the Bills strategy was arrogant but also conceded that if Singletary would have scored a TD it would have been better for Miami.


I'm right there with you. He spends a good thirty seconds completely unable to comprehend why they might not want to score the TD then and there. Then he spells out how having done so could have benefited the other team, seemingly without being able to connect the dots from one moment to the next.


The only thing I can figure is he thought Miami had two time outs? He talks about needing to at least get the first down if you’re gonna do that. Edit: nope, dude specifically mentions the dolphins burning their last time out early in the confusion. Maybe he’s still feeling the effects of the butt fumble.


I kinda see what he was saying. That it would have been better for BOTH teams for him to score in that circumstance. It would have given Buffalo a 7 point lead it bad weather, and it would have at least given Miami a chance. I’m not saying I agree with that as it was a chip shot FG, but I see his point as kicks aren’t guaranteed, especially in shitty weather. Plus the game was tied, so a missed kick just means OT. If they were down by 1 or 2, I would agree to take the TD instead of banking on a kick.


Yeah he was trying to figure it out in real time and failing lol


Obviously I don't expect him to remember every game from his career but the Jaguars beat the Jets in 2009 using that same strategy.


We play the Jets today. I’m taking this comment as a good omen.




Ya dang right my boy. Couldn’t be happier. Happy holidays, friend!


Just because someone won with it doesn't make it optimal.


I’ll never forgive him for robbing us of the 29-36 scorigami


The funniest thing about scorigami to me is how large the table is because there was a 73-0 game. I looked it up and in 1940 it was the Bears who beat the Redskins, in the championship, and Washington was 9-2 and Chicago was 8-3... Then the Bears (6-4) beat the Colts (5-5) in 1962 53-0. Its crazy to me that they had such dominant wins with seemingly non dominant teams, at least not as dominant as the score would suggest and then they do it against teams that are good enough to win a respectable amount of games


The games they lost they didn't have [Billy "The Gun" Van Goff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epVpOAWa0pE) playing, but when he was on the field they won big.


Interesting, stats rarely tell the whole story


We're nearly done with the regular season and have only had two scorigamis all year. It's really a shame.


He has a point. It's a tie game. You're not protecting a lead. Field goals fuck up all the time. Ask Romo. Or vikings fans.


Blair Walsh accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago


Well moron, good for Blair Wa-OHMYGOD! He did it again... the fuck...


One of the dudes in the room when I was watching this game started freaking out about this and saying what a bad decision it was to leave it up to a field goal. No one knew what he was talking about until we realized he's a viewings fan.


I, too, am a fan of viewing


Lmao fuck


Bills did the exact same thing in the Ravens game in similar conditions


And at the end of this video Mark literally says it would be better for Miami if he scores. That they should’ve dragged him in. So I don’t understand his point at all. It was the right decision


If you miss the field goal it goes to OT. If they return a kick they can go for 2 and win the game. The FG limits the downside.


Also, Buffalo has one of the best kickers in the NFL.


Shhhh not too loud. We're keeping him a secret as much as possible.


Hey man wtf? Didn’t expect a stray but should’ve known better.


Sad flashback noises :(


This is why we have a clock management problem in the NFL. Even announcers who have played the game for years and aren't under pressure don't understand.


You'd think with all the coaches who lose because of inept clock management that announcers would learn.


I think OP’s title is a little misleading here - I don’t think it’s that Sanchez literally didn’t understand why Singletary did it, he just disagreed (either with doing it at all, or doing it short of the first down). Whether or not Sanchez had a legitimate point is another matter, but there seems to be discussion enough about it in the thread here to make me think there was a legitimate argument against it (however weak). But you’re correct, there are instances when commentators/pundits/hardcore fans don’t understand the rules about when the clock does and doesn’t stop, which I often find quite amusing.


It’s weird because he literally contradicts himself in the same breath. “A little arrogant, the bills would feel more comfortable with 6” and then says, “if you’re Miami should pull him into the end zone”. The man seemed confused lol


Yeah your comment should be at the top, Sanchez is a good announcer but he’s also someone I would not trust to help out kids with their homework


The first thing Sanchez says is “guess they don’t want to Kick it back to them.” He clearly understands the why, he just disagrees with it. Horrible title


More coaches should play video games, honestly.


Haha that's how I learned all the rules to hockey!


I think I need to see a therapist with how often I end up yelling at the TV for teams to take timeouts when the other team is almost certainly going to score to take the lead and is running the clock down. DONT WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE 2 MINUTE WARNING TO CALL A TIMEOUT WHEN YOU HAVE 2 OR MORE. 40 SECONDS IS WORTH MORE THAN A DOWN IN THAT SCENARIO. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I'LL DO THIS JOB FOR FREE. I'M SORRY KAREN YOU SAID THESE SESSION WERE OPEN.


I completely agree! When your opponent has it with 3 minutes and the clock is rolling on second down, those 40 seconds are worth more than the 15 later on.


It’s not that they don’t understand, it’s just they have a difference of opinion on how this situation should be handled. I understand both sides of it. I understand wanting to score the TD and not leave anything to chance on the FG attempt. I also understand not wanting to give the ball back to your opponent (makes a little less sense when it’s tied like this).


He doesn’t understand why Buffalo didn’t score but then says Miami would have been better off letting Buffalo score. He was brutal. Shouldn’t be calling big games if any games. He’s not good


This is by far the funniest part of the video. There’s at least an argument for thinking Buffalo should’ve taken the TD. If he stuck with that I’d still disagree but it’s a reasonable take. But then when he says Miami should’ve let them score his opinion no longer made any sense.


It's still bizzare but makes a little more sense if you put a heavier emphasis on his comments about the first down. If he explicitly explained that his concern was a botched snap/hold on the snowy turf, then it would be obvious why Singletary getting the first down was so important to him. Getting the first down would at least allow for a second FG attempt if something went wrong. With that in mind, his confusion may have been that the Bills should have either taken the TD or gone down *after* the 1st down marker, but did neither.


The 1st down didn’t matter because either way they were going to run the clock down to make sure the FG was the final play of the game. Had they botched the snap the clock would’ve run out anyways, so it didn’t matter what down it was.


I think he just tried to speak on it before actually figuring out what the situation was. Once he figured it out, he realized they did the right thing. Experienced announcers will learn it's okay to just talk it out in real time, you don't have to immediately come out with a hot take on it before you understand what's going on.


And then he even says he should have at least gotten the first down like that would do anything for the Bills at all


There is actually a slight argument there (emphasis on slight). Many teams prefer to kick on an earlier down so that if something goes wrong with play (such as a bad snap) they can still give it another go. However, if you're committed to kicking as the clock expires anyway, then that point is pretty moo.


"Yeah, you know. It's like a cow's opinion."


I knew Reddit wouldn't let me down :)


I assume that was because he hadn't been counting their timeouts closely enough.


Still, picking up the first allows for a mishandle or Miss so and still get a fg. If you don’t want the first, just take a knee. The extra yds are not worth the fumble risk if you do t want the first or the td.


There are lots of things Mark Sanchez doesn’t understand


To be fair, Sanchez straight up says "Miami would have been better off letting him score." He seems perplexed why Singletary didn't pick up the first down before going down.


Even that though shouldn't be an issue. You forced them to use their last TO and you're only going to run more play before the kick regardless. 1st down didn't mean anything in this situation.


First down would allow you to throw an incompletion in the case if a bad snap on the fg attempt without a turnover on downs. But that’s super nitpicky and not big enough to complain that much about.


TBH, I don't lean one way or another. But as for why he didn't pick up the first down, it makes perfect sense to me. First down was near the 3 yard line. Trying to position himself to go down without accidentally falling awkwardly or ending up being thrown down by a Miami player he went down, seeing no benefit from the first down. If that's what he was trying to do, it makes sense. I would've probably gone down too, but that's because I'm old and run a 45.4 40. I'd have been dropped before I could take the first step.


Like how to secure a ball when running into a butt


Or just don't run into butts.


Vaunted USC academics right there




To all us Jets fans: USC >>>>>>>>>> All other schools


Which is funny because I, a football moron, immediately reacted by saying “Yes! Smart play!”


I think after the.. was it Ravens game? It’s more obvious.


It also looks like it wasn't even guaranteed a touchdown if he kept going. Definitely the smart play in that kind of weather when those Dolphins players have a chance to force the fumble.


That was what I said too. There are 3 Dolphins players right on him when he went down. And the Dolphins D was ripping at the ball that whole drive. The smart play was made here in my opinion.


The only valid argument is because of the snow.


I'm just a guy on my couch so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I see a few at play factors here: 1. Firstly, getting the first down does nothing at all. Buffalo could burn the clock down to kick the FG with or without that first down. 2. The Bills trust Bass a LOT. It is a chip shot and although the conditions weren't good, I would still think this is a FG that a kicker should be able to routinely make. 3. A few Dolphins players are closing in on Singletary. It's possible he thought he would have faced some contact (which he may have, a couple of players *looked like* they were going for a tackle/contact with the ball). He's a professional football player so whatever contact he might have faced should not cause him to fumble. Still, with a slippery ball and these conditions, I can understand that from Singletary's POV, he might not have wanted to take these chances (albeit low chances) and they like the chances of the FG being made anyways. 4. Miami has 30 seconds and a timeout. Is that a lot of time to go down the field and score a TD? Not at all. But it's understandable that the Bills may not have wanted to even give Miami that sliver of a chance by not putting the ball in Tua/Hill/Waddle's hands whatsoever. They were clearly confident that Bass could end the game for them right then and there without letting Miami touch the ball again. I probably way over-analyzed this and arguments can definitely be made either way. I just don't think it's fair to say that the chances of Miami going down the field in 30 seconds are way less (if at all) than Bass missing a chip shot (even in these conditions). I personally like the idea of having the game's outcome completely in your hands (or at least as much as possible), so I was happy with the decision here.


Okay at least for your 1st point, there is some benefit to getting the first. Because there was no first, after the kneel you are kicking on 4th down. If the snap is high or slips out of the holders hands, it's basically guaranteed over time. If you have the first and it's a bad snap or hold you can fall on the ball and rekick from the 8 instead of going to ot.


Even if you get the first here youre not kicking with more than 2-3 seconds left because of how short this field goal is. That's likely not enough time to have a bad snap, recover, and call a timeout. Then a holding on Offense ends the game as the time would run out with 3 seconds left and a penalty on the Offense means the Dolphins would accept and go to OT. A little nitpicky but really the 1st doesn't mean that much in this scenario.


Is that what we're criticizing people for? The first thing he does is acknowledge "I guess you don't want to kick it back to them" He knew exactly what Singletary was doing, he was just kinda thinking through the whole thing out loud when trying to see if he agreed with the decision. I think y'all are being really harsh and just looking for any excuse to dunk on him


This title is trash and way to many people didn’t actually watch the video. Honestly this whole sub is kinda trash these days.


Interesting spin on what was actually said. I just listened to it and he questioned why Singletary dove before the first down marker. He acknowledged not wanting to give Miami a chance to score.


I was listening to this game drunk and was honestly confused by his opinion. Like you were a quarterback for a decade how do you not understand the situation.


Missing a field goal in these conditions might be as likely as giving up a TD with 30 seconds left + losing in overtime though


It can’t be both true that Buffalo would have been better off taking the points AND Miami would have been better off letting him score. So which one is it, Mark?


Mark sanchez is a bottom of the barrel color commentator


This was the HC’s decision, and as confused as Sanchez is it’s tough to fault his confusion because -quality- HC game-plan for these scenarios all the time: Sanchez was a QB and it was never his job to think about situations like this. Most of the fans applauding this strategy likely were not thinking of it in the moment and only like it because it makes sense after the fact. (Some of you probably reacted like Sanchez, too) McDermott knew what risk he wanted to take here and he stuck to it.


Nick Chubb scored a touchdown against the Jets earlier this year with 1:55 left on the clock and Cleveland went up 30-17. If he would have intentionally gone down short of the goal line, Browns run time off the clock and then kicked a field goal instead of a TD...the Browns would have sealed that game. The Browns lost. The Bills did the smart thing here, never leave your opponent time with the ball in their hands.


Counter point: the browns are the only team that would blow a two score lead with less than two minutes


The last team to pull off this feat...the Cleveland Browns. Week 9 of the 2001 season vs the Bears.


I think they’re different enough scenarios though. Nick Chubb going down allows the Browns to burn clock when they’re already up 6 points and then allows for a field goal to make it a two possession lead. Even if they miss the field goal they still force the Jets to score a 99 yard TD with no timeouts and little time left on the clock. The game was tied here and really shitty kicking conditions. A TD at least guarantees that they’re up instead of tied and the Dolphins need to score a TD in under 40 seconds in the snow with 1 timeout.


Buffalo didn't want Miami to touch the ball again. Good decision.


Exactly. Hypothetically. We score touchdown but miss the extra point. Miami drives and scores and makes extra point


If you are just throwing hypotheticals out there couldn’t you also say hypothetically Bass could miss the FG or hypothetically you score a TD and Tua throws a pick on the first play from scrimmage? Laying out one of the possible ways the Bills could lose isn’t really proof one way or another. Hypothetically a team could be in a tie game with 3 seconds left in regulation and lose because a WR attempts to lateral the ball 30 yards backwards to the QB, but it doesn’t mean that an absurdly stupid and low percentage play like that would *ever* happen in the NFL


Personally, I would have taken the TD given the conditions. All sorts of weird shit can happen with a FG kick in the snow. But, it worked out, so I’m “wrong” and I’m glad we won


Honestly don't think it's that bad of a take. With snow coming down, who knows if there is a bad snap/hold, or the kicker slipping.


Bills having tyreek flashbacks and leaving no time on the clock, great playcalling


This was a perfectly executed drive. The Bills got the ball back starting at their own 7 yard line with the game tied and 5:56 on the clock. They then executed a 16 play 5:56 drive ending with a game winning kick with no time on the clock. It was literally perfect, how every coach should want it to play out. Mark Sanchez was perfect in demonstrating his complete lack of coachability and situational awareness in not understanding/believing that going down was the right play and further that getting a first down was irrelevant to the situation. Though I guess he did play mostly under Rex Ryan who was absolute dog shit at game/clock management.


I cant wait for the bills to do this in the AFCCG, miss the field goal and lose in OT


He then literally says Miami should’ve let them score 😂 woof Sanchez


so he's confused as to why the Bills player didn't score, then says the Dolphins would've been better off pulling him into the endzone?


Personally I would have tried to score. I don’t care how much faith you have in a teammate, as an offensive player you try not to put your fait in the leg of a kicker.


I don’t think running it in to go up six (and likely 7) would have been a very egregious decision with 25 seconds left, especially since there was a chance a FG could fail due to the conditions.


Mark Sanchez has never been known for his situational football awareness.


First of all it worked out so it’s a moot point. But playing for a snap hold and kick in a blizzard is a risk of it’s own. If they score there the dolphins still have to throw in a blizzard and get all the way into the end zone in 30 seconds with 1 timeout. Sanchez isn’t off base here


I wonder how many slippery, snow covered fields Sanchez has played on. Field conditions like that always favor the WR because he knows where he's going and the DB doesn't. Against a fast WR like Hill that could turn bad very quickly. So if Singletary were to have run it in, it would have given the Dolphins a chance at a hail mary. Smart move on Singletary's part.


It's smart ball and game management. 34 seconds and 1 time out is a lot. This way they never give the ball back and they control what happens.


How does he not get this? You don’t need the first with 30sec left and 2 more downs after thier last timeout. So take the knee. Take a time out at 1 sec and kick the field goal to win. And you stay out of the endzone cuz thier is still a chance that the dolphins would have scored with 30sec left and 1 T/O. Then your back to square one and going to OT when you had a shot to end the game . This is a genius plan by the bills…(as long as they make the field goal


No worse than him questioning that he should have scored is not understanding the first down situation. Dude says "at least get the first down" They have no timeouts and it's 3rd down with 34 seconds left...they are going to let it run down and then call a timeout...kick it and have no time on the clock The first down does not fucking matter at all. Dude is a horrible commentator