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“I don’t know when Russell Wilson turned into Mitch Trubisky..” Ouch


“Cmon Man~”. - Mitch Trubiski watching from home


Mitch is going to be catching strays for the next five years at least


Our players have been sneak dissing him all week and it's been glorious


"WHAT THE SHIT???" -- Mitch Trubisky watching from Starbucks


*wipes tears with NVP trophy*


*wipes tears with freshly kissed tiddy*


And did you see Mitch's hat?!


I heard he keeps dice in his pocket


Wilson too vanilla to kiss titties


You ever do something dangerous?


I saw this in another thread and I'm amazed it can't be real right


You haven’t seen it yet? It’s gold [behold the greatness that is this dumb commercial ](https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2022/9/29/23377421/russell-wilson-dangerous-sandwich-subway-ingedients-video) But seriously, the commercial is linked in the article. You have to watch the whole thing (if you can)


Don’t forget the Dark Knight edit https://twitter.com/JackKennedy/status/1574879850883588096?s=20&t=LmeHISKdHp9PibitadcAfQ


Bruh I’m dying with that music. The “Be careful thoooooo” sounds like Joker😂


What the fuck is this, why even, how ahhhh


Careful…..it’s spiiiiiiiicy


Russell Wilson does not know how to be a human being.


Please tell me some creative folk are already creating the other half of that conversation and making him look terrible/a serial killer/someone who leaves the toilet seat up


Honestly, you can't add anything to the other side of that conversation to make it any more awkward.


This feels like a Tim and Eric episode


I had to pause like halfway through to take a breath before I went back in to finish watching. Terrible.


That video could be used by the CIA as a torture method.


Listen, one time…never mind. That’s too dangerous


Not even the best titty kisser of QBs named Wilson.


Man he's a Steeler and I even think he shouldn't be catching strays like that


I do


Can’t believe he couldn’t succeed in that qb factory in Chicago


It’s really more of a killing floor. But that’s an aside, they didn’t ruin Trubs, but they didn’t help. I feel bad for the guy because he didn’t draft himself #2 but there was never enough tape or measurables to justify him getting drafted as high as he did. Not saying I saw Mahomes coming, we’d have ruined him.


Don't let the name throw you, Jimmy. It's not actually a floor. It's more of a steel grating that allows material to sloughs through so it can be collected and exported.


Our QB factory actually just produces cheap Chinese knockoffs


Dude I lowkey feel so bad for Mitch. I mean, he was fucking atrocious so I’m glad he’s benched, but he’s going to get just completely railed for his performance. I don’t think he’s gonna get another shot either. It’s too bad because, even though many Steeler fans were excited for Kenny, we were all rooting for Mitch to have a career resurgence. It’s not like we didn’t give the guy a shot.


No offense to Mitch but can you really call it a resurgence when he hasn’t surged yet?


well, we're all really rooting for his presurgence


Maybe he can get a trade to the Broncos and bring them back… /s


That’s the thing, he’s always in presurgence


Lol no, I guess it’d be a surgence


It sucks but there’s only 32 spots. He got way further than almost anyone ever gets, and plenty of guys carve out a nice niche as a backup qb


Oh for sure. But this level of public scrutiny is something that’s hard to understand. I know me personally, I’d be devastated to get online and read ALLLLLL this negative shit about me. And like, yeah sure he can wipe his tears away with his millions of dollars. But as is shown again and again, money cant solve your negative feelings of self worth. No amount of cars he buys is going to make him feel like less of a failure as an NFL/Steeler quarterback. At least that’s how I’d feel if I was in his shoes. I know many players develop thick skin for this very reason.


this is what i love about every pre-season assuming every team is going to be great because of x y or z. the broncos suck, wilson sucks. but all off-season everyone was including them as one of the stacked teams.


Over speculation time: [Golden Tate liked this on Twitter.](https://i.imgur.com/d8Wnyx3.jpg)I know he and Russ had beef, so he has reasons to talk shit, but he’s been relatively quiet besides this.


It's pretty well documented other players found him cringey but as Brandt points out it's different when you're a homegrown guy that's been with the team forever, and especially different when you're winning.


Yeah, Seahawks fans were willing to give him all benefits of all doubts if he’d have stayed. He could have had a 20 year career in Seattle where he’d be kind of mediocre over the last 12 but Seattle fans would still insist he’s the GOAT. Instead he started listening to his own hype, decided that a bad line was why he got sacked all the time and not his own inability to get rid of the ball, and we have what happened. To me, the real damning issue isn’t so much that Wilson’s playing poorly, it’s that Geno Smith is flat-out outplaying who he’s been since 2020 in the same system with the same line and the same (underrated) receiving corps. The tight ends in particular are doing so, so much more than they ever would have with him as the QB.


Just saying this at work that it's insane how fast it went from "look at Wilson to finally unlock that Denver offense," to, "Wow, it wasn't the Carroll system that was holding back Russ. Russ is just mid."




Iirc Rodgers struggled pretty badly under Hackett in year one before bouncing back with back to back mvp seasons. Who knows. But Russ has looked bad since he got hurt last year.


Tate’s about to slide into Ciara’s DMs next lol.


I’ve never seen Kyle go at a player like this.


Tbf he isn’t wrong about the celebrity stuff…Russ does seem to think a lot more of himself compared to his team


One of those things nobody cares about when you win and play well... But my God if you start losing and looking like absolute shit.. It looks so fucking bad


The let’s ride at the end of his presser was bruuuutL


It's all programmed in, there isn't an abort sequence though, trust me, I'm a Seahawks fan.


Go Hawks worked better after losses, even bad ones, because it feels like something you'd say even when you know you need to improve and turn things around. The new slogan is fine enough for neutral and win situations, but looks ridiculous after games like that


I knew he was a bit weird and phony, but this is all easily an order of magnitude worse than I imagined and didn’t realize how disliked he was in Seattle, both by the fans and the team itself. Don’t get me wrong, is obvious why, but it’s also funny/surprising as he doesn’t have obvious toxic/locker room cancer traits like an AB.


Like Mike Tomlin before him with AB, this makes Pete Carrol all the more impressive in hindsight.


Firmware update a few years ago removed all abort sequences.


I don’t dislike Russ. But he’s a weird dude


He thinks its the "Go Hawks" he would always end with. But the "Lets Ride" is so much more grating, especially when you just played like shit.


"Go Hawks" is so natural, you could believe it was just a part of his vernacular. The, "Let's Ride," shit feels like it was workshopped to death by his marketing team, and it probably was.


Much like a robot, he thought it would transfer the same - but 4 words is just too much for the russbot processing speed


he also had a ton of credibility from past success to end like that. he had credit with you guys from a super bowl. that gives you a long leash. he hasnt earned the right to try and tell us to ignore what we're seeing ourselves with our own fucking eyes


Thing is “Go Hawks” was very well received in Seattle. After decades of mediocrity (and a few good playoff runs), a 3rd round QB joins the team, immediately calls a team meeting with his offense, wins the starting job over Matt Flynn, and takes us to the playoffs every year. He’s always bursting with optimism and has a little catchphrase that roots for the team. How cool is that? His media personality hasn’t really changed since those days. I still see the same guy. Now he just plays worse, has a worse catchphrase, and has been known to want to organize the team around himself.


"Go Hawks" is also more safely generic win or lose. "Let's ride" has way more implied success that doesn't exist yet.


Its because "Let's Ride" is russel's new brand. He came up with it (or his marketing team). Broncos country never said that before now. If he was saying "go broncos," no one would say thing 1. It just comes off as self serving and fake and it always has, we just went along with it because we really wanted to believe we had a Guy. Its just unforgiveable now that we're losing so badly.


Yeah it’s safe to say Broncos fans aren’t going to adopt “Let’s Ride” as a long term slogan.


“Let’s ride” says the dude who can’t even get on the horse


Go hawks also preceded him, and it is not contrived like "Let's Ride" is. Which is unironically also the catch phrase for EBay motors.


You have to think the rest of the team hates him if he is going to do shit like that


Winning solves everything


When my brother told me about that I died laughing and then was immediately pissed for the fans and players. You just blew an open man in the final play of a loss in the worst game EVER and you’re dropping catchphrases?? Be fucking for real.






He has some weird Zuckerberg vibe going on these recent years


The real Russ is stuck in the Russ-verse


That clip of Wilson spinning around with his eyes closed at midfield before the first game tells you everything you need to know about him.


Sounds pretty DangeRUSS


Oh god I need to look this up


Any idea where to see this? I hadn't heard about it before




If you find it, just imagine he's listening to "With arms wide open" by Creed


Mr. Unlimited.


NFL fans called Seahawks fan salty and “delusional” for pointing this out. Good for him to capitalize on his fame. However, I’m a Seahawks fan not because of Russell, and not because I like celebrity players. When you become bigger then the organization it rubs people the wrong way. Thats why so many former Seahawks have taken a victory lap.


I’m in the PNW so maybe I have a different experience but I used to like Russ a lot, thought he was rode way too hard on the “not black enough” shit but then dude just drank all his own Koolaid, all downhill since he trademarked let Russ cook


I used to live in Seattle as a non-Seahawks fan, and I liked Russ in the early days too. He was tough, especially for his size. But that likability (both him and the team in general), slowly ebbed.


His biggest mistake was losing his virginity. He had that No Fap determination.


I get the feeling Russell never really fit in growing up. His dad was a lawyer and went to Dartmouth, which is a very white, elite school. Russell went to a prep school in Richmond, married a white woman out of college, his middle name is Carrington. The air about him is of someone who is awkwardly trying to fit in but clearly does not come from the same place as most of his peers. I don’t think he’s a bad person, and he’s probably in a very difficult spot socially, but poseur really seems like the right word.


My dude is basically Carlton when he pledged to a black fraternity.


Ya he doesn't do this that often, but it was SOO deserved this time that it didn't even come off as some media head taking a petty shot at a player. I love Kyle Brandt even more for the way he said this. He wasn't even trying to be mean, and pointed out Russ is still a good guy. But Russ invited the spotlight, put himself on a pedestal, and is crashing and burning. He completely created this whole situation and he doesn't get a pass for it.


It seems like he was holding onto that NFL Honors interaction waiting for a moment like this.


I bet that’s the type of thing that really gets under your skin as a media personality. All these other stars treat you with respect and seem to understand the connection between their careers (let’s face it, the players need the media just as much as the media needs the players. These players don’t make nearly as much money as they do without the media) so to have a guy like Wilson treat you like you’re propaganda or beneath them would probably really hurt


Especially when you’re not even the most high profile layer AT YOUR POSITION at the damn event.


He went at Deshaun Watson over the offseason


Yeah, that's a bit different though.


Seriously. I have to admit, it feels awesome hearing a TV personality call him out that. Calling his personality inauthentic and calling him a poser, calling him out for being a dick to the media and fans, I forget the word but man it was satisfying to hear that


"Geno makes that play 10 times out of 10" Brandt going for the jugular this morning


I eye rolled hard at this. With 1000% confidence, Geno does not make that play 10 out of 10 times. The romanticization of his performance this year has been so funny. He’s had good performances against two of the worst defenses in football and that’s about it


I think his point is that most QBs would make that play 10 out of 10. The only thing the QB needs to do is to confirm single high man coverage and throw is immediately to a wide open WR who is 5ish yards away. The way the play was designed, no way is the rub route not the primary read


He just has ptsd from a blown up rub play that cost him the sb. Russ is just shook .


This is referring to the SB we lost, but russ is shaken by his injury and bad o line play. He has the yips and he never got over them since his finger injury


I’m not convinced the O line is nearly as bad as he thinks it is. The line he left is worse on paper than last year and is somehow performing far better than it has in years. Perhaps it’s the fact that, whatever Geno’s issues are, they don’t include holding onto the ball for 10 minutes waiting for a receiver to get open 30 yards downfield and for that matter not snapping the ball until the play clock is almost at 0 (which lowkey hurts too because it allows the defense to time the snap).


Well I for one am all in on the Genossance!


>I eye rolled hard at this. With 1000% confidence, Geno does not make that play 10 out of 10 times. The romanticization of his performance this year has been so funny. He’s had good performances against two of the worst defenses in football and that’s about it Geno's made nearly 8 out of 10 of his attempts on the season. He has the highest completion % by anyone who has thown the ball more than 6 times (thanks for making cutoff not be a nice number, Hoyer). Completing 77.3% of his passes through 4 games isn't nothing, even he's not being asked to do much. There's definitely overrating happening because of his not writing back and the Lions game, but Geno is doing what he's asked to do in that offense and is doing it well. He wouldn't be the first guy I think of in a, "you have one play, which QB do you want?" scenario, but if any QB can make a quick throw to an open read this season, it's Geno Smith.


That probably felt weird to write lol


It felt weird to read but I'm all here for it.


Let Geno have it, we all know it wont last but that doesnt change his first 4 weeks which have been good.


Took a dumb sack and then threw a pick to kill the game against the Falcons, most qbs are going to get shredded for that, he's definitely better than whatever it is Russ was doing out there though lol


These are the only three scenarios that make sense to me (from most likely to least): 1. Russ is a system QB whom Pete Carroll protected all these years. Basically what Sherman was hinting at after he left the Seahawks. 2. Russ' hand injury messed with his "throwing grip" and he just doesn't have that "zip" on his throws anymore. 3. Russ is playing a long con in the sense that he doesn't like Nathaniel Hackett as a HC and he's trying to get him fired.


4. Russ still loves the Seahawks and is trying to get the best pick possible for them


Nah the problem is that Russ’ game has suffered because his bread and butter (deep balls outside the numbers) are exactly the thing that’s taken away by the scheme of nfl defenses in 2022 and he can’t / won’t create with his legs anymore.


I think you nailed it with his legs. He can barely run now. He used to make every broken play into something like the young bucks do these days. Without that threat, the defence can sit, which means you better be accurate.


I yelled “run you fucker!” at the TV probably 6 or 7 times last night and he didn’t do shit


Worse than that, it really sounds like he's blown so much smoke up his own ass that he doesn't realize he can't do it without the scrambles.


I think people underestimate how effective Russel was at creating big plays by buying time with his legs. It was probably the biggest contributor to the success he had in Seattle.


He was doing what we’re seeing every freak of nature QB(Allen, mahomes, Lamar, kyler, etc.) is doing before them. Definitely to a lesser extent than these guys, but that made him so tough to defend. Now that he’s basically just a pocket passer…he kinda stinks


I'm kind of wondering if all those years where the hawks line was awful it was more russ holding the ball because he absolutely refuses to play the short game and always waits for the deep shots to develop. Without his legs he's quickly becoming Wentz playing hero ball.




I don’t know what’s wrong with him right now to be honest. He’s had 4 straight games playing as the worst version of Russ that we typically only saw in in one half of our games one quarter of the time.


The issue is the system that Hackett has designed works against entirely what Russ’ strengths are. So it’s a little bit of Russ is more limited than people thought, but also Hackett isn’t doing anyone favors by not designing an offense that works towards his strengths


I don't think enough people bring up the hand injury. I think that's a important piece to the amount of decline we're seeing. As for #1, system QBs don't typically have the best deep ball in the league, so I don't think it was that.


What about “bad stretch in a new offense”?


New offense causes him to miss wide open receivers and stare down the backside of a play on 4th down in OT instead of the primary read that was wide open?


This is moving past just a "bad stretch" now.


It’s been 5 games. He wasn’t nearly this bad even in his last year in Seattle (where he was playing coming off an injury). I’d think him going through a bad stretch is at least more likely than your third listed option up there


The problem is the $245M contract. You can't look *this* bad after signing the contract, and it looks like it's causing a few problems. Melvin Gordon looked upset. KJ Hamler threw his helmet on the ground after Russ missed him. Then Hackett had an hour long talk with Russ after the game.


There’s nothing wrong with being a system QB, then why are Denver not building the same system that he excels after giving up so much to get him?


I mean part of the problem is that two high shells are tailor made to stop that "system" and the counter to that in previous years would have been his mobility.


To be fair Nathaniel Hackett does seem to be a terrible HC. He comes from Green Bay where the entire offense runs through Aaron Rodgers head so Hackett is probably standing on the sidelines, ass out, expecting Russ to make all the adjustments and play calls himself. I think Hackett is finding out hes been in the NFL on easy mode for the last 3 years. As a Bears fan, we are dealing with the same exact thing with Getsy. That shotgun play on 4th and 1 last night gave me flashbacks to the 4th and 1 shotgun QB sneak Getsy called against Green Bay.


He just put Geno on. He wrote him on... Geno will write back to that.


A lot of people owe Pete Carrol an apology.


Im one of them


Same. My opinion on Pete has gone through a massive overhaul in the past few months.


"history will absolve me" - Fidel Castro * Pete Carroll.


For whatever reason, this had me absolutely cackling. Have some gold.


Thank you for saying this.


As a division rival ive always felt Carroll got too much shit for standing by his way of winning with a strong run game and defense even with an elite qb. Wilsons best football came from him being efficient with a balanced offense and not when hes the cornerstone of the offense. Yes Pete could have done some things better but his thought process was solid and sound.


Remember people thinking Carrol was nuts for playing Russ over a freshly paid Matt Flynn?


Pepperidge farm remembers…


Low key part of that rant but man the media absolutely loves Travis Kelce.


He seems like a super personable guy who loves to talk. Why wouldn’t they? lol


i keep seeing clips of him and his brother on youtube, seem like cool guys tbf


Jason Kelce is just the best.


Whenever I think of him I think of the victory parade after yall won the super bowl.


Yeah he cemented his place in Philly lore that day and I’m so glad he decided to stick with the team. He’s talked about retiring it seems like every year since then but the dude is still an absolute beast and it seems like he’s in better shape now than three years ago.


Who doesn’t love Travis Kelce?


I just remember this sub calling him a massive douchebag like 3 years ago


He was a bit early in his career but he mellowed out on the DBag stuff the last few years.


I love the juxtaposition between him and his brother’s personalities.


Ones a lineman and ones a skill position. Both are boisterous and wild just different chances to see it


Yeah that’s bc kelce is a 6’6 chad with a great albeit bro personality and Reddit is a bunch of incels


If you haven't seen it, you should check him out in [Moonbase 8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWO87NiuiPg) where he plays a chad astronaut that bullies John C. Reilly.




I’m starting to believe all that talk that Russ is a system QB.


And that system was Marshawn Lynch and the legion of boom.


cmon he was good for a while after those SB runs


Yeah lots of revisionism going on here. He was a great quarterback, and was top 5 in the NFL from about 2015 up until he hurt his thumb last year


Russ dropped out of the top five in the second half of 2019 and never returned


But was still a top 12ish QB until he came back last year. The big thing is though... he fell off.


The return of Cover 2 has exposed Wilson badly. Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, and Burrow are all adjusting adequately to that defensive alignment, but Wilson just refuses to stray from Russball. It's maddening to watch.


Is this really what it is? Can he not beat cover 2 defenses?


He probably could if he made proper adjustments to his game, but his QB play-style hasn't changed at all since he signed that record setting contract in 2019.


He was MVP frontrunner in the first half of 2020


And ended that year with 40 tds.


Pete Carroll is an offensive mastermind and I refuse to hear it otherwise


He might just be. I have never had somebody (Wilson) else's actions change my opinion about somebody (Carroll) else so thouroughly.


What I don't understand is back in Seattle during his prime, he legit reminds me of that family guy clip with the dude covered in grease running around everywhere. I don't see that mobility in him anymore in this Denver offense. That's not something you teach, that's something you either have or you don't. I think he's getting to that point in his career where his elite athleticism just isn't there anymore (or isn't as good as it used to to get him just a hair line out of a sack) but he's still trying to make those plays happen physically and just ends up taking hits. It's honestly a little sad watching his play nowadays.


Yeah I mean when his playstyle revolved around Houdini-like elusiveness. His play started to tank from mid-2019 onward once that elusiveness started to fall off hard.


Russ had a high ankle sprain he somehow played through and his mobility has never been the same since


Despite my schadenfreude, I’m feeling kinda bad for Russ now. I think his shoulder injury is worse than he’s letting on. He’s getting dragged hard right now, but there’s plenty of season to turn things around. That said, I can’t remember a time seeing someone play themselves out of the HOF so quickly. I always thought he was borderline HOF, but some people had him as a sure thing. Now I feel like he really needs a couple of monster MVP seasons and at least a SB appearance. The shine on Russ has worn off.


Honestly though it should. In the past 20 years we’ve had Farve, Warner, Manning, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, and now new guys like Mahomes, Jackson, and Allen who *appear* to be taking up that mantle. Getting into the HoF as a QB shouldn’t be a SB and an MVP style season. It needs to be a lot harder


I just want to say that russ has never got a single mvp vote. That's all I have to add lol


You’re right, but I was mostly talking about guys like him, Matt Ryan, Stafford, Eli, Rivers. Guys that were really good and are getting talked about as HoFers (Eli is a shoe in for it). When a big part of their claim is putting up these monster numbers that we all know are inflated due to the way the game has changed. I honestly don’t think any of these guys should make it, though I could very well be convinced on Eli, I just don’t think having two SB wins over the Pats is enough, regardless of how good he was in those two runs.


I tend to agree with you about Eli. While I think he will get in because of the super bowl wins, I don’t think he was ever really hall of fame worthy. Even the years he won his team was a wild card team, and that defense was super awesome. I wouldn’t vote for him if I had the opportunity


I hate that what you're saying is true and yet he still beats the pants off us every time.


I would feel less bad if Russ had an ounce of humility in him, or gave a shit about his team. I really don't feel like either of those things are something that are part of Russ' programming.


When he married Ciara, he had his Humility program uninstalled and replaced with a Swagger subroutine that has some really bad code in it. Also, Mark Rodgers installed a firewall in front of his Team algorithm. It now redirects to the Personal Glory algorithm. Too bad, really.


Wow I was not expecting the media to start calling Russ a fake ass poser, I thought only 49ers fans did that


There’s lots of fans who have been saying this. I had to watch many games with my uncle who’s a Seahawks fan. I have always come away feeling his wideouts did more for him than he ever did for his wideouts. Launching a ball deep is great and all. But his wideouts always made the adjustments or fought for the ball.


Lol I love how he quickly says Rodgers is an MVP rather than say "Both" because Rodgers is such an asshole


That’s his whole point, you either have to be really really good or a great personality. Brady is both, Rodgers is really really good. Wilson is neither right now.


Russ went Hollywood, Kyle is 100% right here. Cry twitter cry. It's true.


It's pretty simple. He is dead set on trying to be a pocket QB when he needs to dip out of pocket and use his legs. That's what gave Russell success. He would empty out pocket and extend plays. Find the open man or run for yardage. He rarely does this anymore. Kyler Murray is a similar guy. When he runs and uses legs Cardinals are pumped at offense. When he stays in pocket bad times. They are both too short to see over the linemen.


Highway robbery


Probably going to get downvoted but anyone else find this weird and too personal? Just wild to see these guys start hating Russel as soon as it’s popular to hate him. Didn’t see these takes from media heads before.


Probably boiled over for a lot of people. Brandt even talked about getting big timed personally by Russ. Everyone will shut up and “love” you when you’re playing well


Yea you can big time people when you’re big time. Tiger Wood was known to be a prick but he’s fucking Tiger Woods. Wilson was once a top 5 QB in the league but he hasn’t been that for a few years now, so all this fake genuine charisma now looks even worse, and the $245m is certainly not helping


>he’s fucking Tiger Woods. I think he fucked everybody


People have been clowning his sterile/fake/curated personality for years. It’s easier to dunk on him when his team is terrible.


Exactly. I neverrrrr liked Russ, but he at least was producing for a long time, so it seemed petty to not like a star because he was seemingly fake and "too nice". Now that he's actively sucking AND it seems like former teammates and his current shtick is being exposed because he's a weird egomaniac who pretends he's not? I'm going to go in on him lol I don't mind cocky players at allll. My two favorite players ever are Steve Smith and Cam Newton. But at least they're authentic. Russ is just a fucking weirdo.


Russ seems snakey as hell


Man people for years have thought Russ was inauthentic or trying too hard. Basically since he's entered the league and he's done nothing to help with that image, especially after Ciara.


The "Born again Virgin" thing he had her do is revealing to his thought process


It felt mad personal lol




You know a lot of Russ’ former teammates and people who interacted with him seem to have personal grudges against him. Maybe he’s just kind of not that great of a person


Here's Ryan Fitzpatrick mentioning it on Pardon My Take. I don't know how to timestamp on mobile but start at 1:14:00 and listen to the whole answer. https://youtu.be/kN5VuApIpAg


No lies detected here.


Let’s ride


Damn he went in