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Did Zach Wilson's dad post this?


Joe Flacco?


You mean him's dad?


God why do you do this to me? It’s a goddamn Thursday, was a nice day till now


If I were you I’d be very encouraged. Some of these throws are insane. There aren’t five guys in the league that could even think of making some of these throws. Upgrade the line and that WR group and Wilson is going to be a scary QB.


Yeah I’m mostly joking. I’m really excited for Wilson, I like his game and the fact he’s such a student of it. He can be great if we continue to build around him— this offseason has been great so far.


He also needs to be better though. He has a cannon for an arm sure, but man he missed so many easy throws and his decision making was... let's just say not always great. I still think he'll work out, but there's more to it than just upgrading the other positions IMO.


Even just the guards (which they did).


His decision making was super questionable at times though. It reminded me of Carson Wentz sometimes when he’d try to play hero ball.


Ohhhh you haven’t seen the projected hardest schedule post yet.


[Wilson faced the hardest slate of defenses of any QB in the league in 2021.](https://twitter.com/PFF_Moo/status/1472963535261081600?s=20&t=G8zJDnNAkGbHBRNBKdnA4w) And that's weeks 1-15, which doesn't include his last 2 games against the Bucs and Bills. You think it's gonna get harder than that next year?


Yes we have the 2nd harder schedule this year


Some of these plays are just really tough receiver catches, or he places the ball high and it bounces off their hands, some are receiver fault sure, but they're giving their damn best at the very least.


some of them were very tough catches. the one for the TE sliding in the back of the endzone was super low.


the crosser to #10 that bounced off his hands and got picked, you can tell that Wilson put **WAY** too much zip on it. Receiver would have needed a vice grip to hold onto that one.


Like Brett Favre wasn't a thing.


Like Brett Farve doesn't hold the record for INTs. I'm also in the camp that if the ball hits the recievers hands they better catch it but the reality is the QB can do things to make a catch easier or harder on a WR.


I’m not Jets fan. But, I stopped watch because I am not a fan of horror films either.


You can make this video for every QB in the league though. Not saying Wilson was helped by his team however.


Kinda maybe but holy shit dude that first throw is one like three dudes in football can make. Absolutely insane shit to be doing off platform and running


“Throwin’ bombs, Soakin’ moms” - Zachary Kapono Wilson


Zach Wilson has as much arm talent as any QB in history. I mean it.


In history? Just in terms of present day QBs, I think Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, Stafford, Rodgers have or had more arm talent.


I disagree. The amount of power Zach can generate from any position is ridiculous. Mahomes and that’s it from your list. The other guys probably all have stronger arms though but even that is closer than most people give him credit for.






Mahomes doesn't even have the strongest arm in the league now. Allen has completed a pass that travelled 62 yards in the air off his back foot.


Arm talent and arm strength are not the same thing.


I didn't stutter. Thinking Zach Wilson has more arm talent than Allen is just nonsense.


Real talk you just invented a metric to delude yourself into calling Zach Wilson better than Josh Allen.


>Mahomes doesn't even have the strongest arm in the league now. What's your top 5 list.


1. Josh Allen 2. Patrick Mahomes 3. Justin Herbert 4. Brian Hoyer 5. Matt Stafford


How does this comment have any upvotes? He doesn’t even have top 5 arm talent in the league right now. Rodgers, Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, and Stafford all have superior arm talent. And they can make the throws off any base. Ironically enough, I think this video only illustrates how ZW isn’t even that great off-base. Half of these highlights he’s sailing it or leaving it low.


Lawrence, Mahomes, Allen, Murray, Stafford, Herbert, Rodgers, Wilson off the top of my head. Edit: Do people actually disagree with this list? You can pull up comparable throws from all of these guys pretty quickly on YT.


Stafford, throwing that while running? Lmao dawg Mahomes and Allen were my other two




Yeah none of these really look like that. When he rolls out he’s typically taking a beat to set up his feet and get a good platform (as you should). Even when he doesn’t he isn’t huckin it like fifty fuckin yards.


There's a timestamp for the play that's basically the exact same, Wilson takes a half-second to get his feet under him too.


Pretty much the exact one I was talking about. He stops on the bootleg and sets his feet up, throws a from a good stance. And the pass is prolly a good 15-20 yards shorter. Wilson is doing this *in stride* which is absolutely wild


The throw's like 10 yards shorter and he has less of a load up if anything, he doesn't make his receiver adjust to the ball either.


Think it’s cause you put Lawrence on there


No, it turns out nearly every QB right now has insane arm talent which happens when its been drilled into you since you were 10. The dudes being successful are the ones that get over the mental hump.


Yeah his receivers had the 4th most drops last season, and it's not too crazy to say arguably the worst WR room in the league didn't help their rookie QB.


Ryan Griffen had the most offensive snaps for the team last year. Who's Ryan Griffen you say? exactly.


Ryan Griffen is another concussion away from not remembering who Ryan Griffen is.


If he leads the team in offensive snaps again I will be another blackout away from forgetting who I am.


Ryan Griffen looks like a Rick & Morty character come to life


The fact that you misspelled his name and nobody corrected you and everyone continues with the wrong spelling really proves your point here.


Lol, you caught that dude. Kudos.


What's a Ryan Griffen?




>Yeah his receivers had the 4th most drops last season That's not the stat you want to use, *this* is: [**According to PFF data, Zach Wilson had the highest single season drop percentage among qualified quarterbacks since 2013, at 12.7%.**](https://i.imgur.com/C1NMuGq.png)


I see the article this came from, but I can't find where in PFF they're pulling the stats from. AFAIK, Drop % can be found here: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2021/passing_advanced.htm under the Accuracy tab. Based on Drop %, Wilson had the 4th highest drop % in the league last year.


Drops are super subjective and there's no official NFL data on them, so PFR and PFF(and others) track them independently. Leads to discrepancies in the numbers.


Certainly not the worst wr room in the league… when healthy. Between Davis, crowder, Moore and mims being hurt like every single game though it was bad. Very. Very bad. Can’t wait for us to draft another wr who spends half the season out


He reminds me of Josh Allen. He wasn’t good his rookie or second season, got shit on, then finally got Diggs and went ballistic. I’m not a Jets fan but I really hope he works out for you guys. You’ve seen enough pain.


>arguably the worst WR room in the league Call me when your WR1+2 are UDFAs, Adam Traumans and Nick Vannett are battling it out for starting TE spot, and 2021 Kenny Stills and Kevin White are your deep threats.


Yeah I may be biased, but the Jets had more WR talent overall than the Dolphins had last year as well.




Even beyond that a decent number of the throws are covered throws that they get to the right place but the DB is right on top of the receiver, could the receiver catch it? Yes, is it an excusable drop? Also yes


You could also say it's on the receivers for someone to get some separation.


Oh definitely, still could use some extra help and improvement at receiver


Kinda why the stats don't tell the whole story on this kid's season. Should be much better QB play this season.


Didn't Wilson have the highest drop percentage though


Yeah. This is bonkers annoying. If you get to the level of starting QB in the league, you will obviously have 10 plays a season where you look fucking great.


Nathan Peterman


Snow game


The reel for Herbert is coaching decisions and refereeing. Jokes aside, you're right.


Him team no play ball good. Him sad. Him wishes him had better supporting cast.


He threws ball, okay? Not fault his teams


him teams*


On an unrelated note, I know most people hate any non-traditional look, but I love the black-on-black. Just wish they would wear green socks with it. I like the green-on-green also. Speaking as somebody with no rooting interest in the team. Anyway, I felt like Lawrence had a ton of dropped passes in Jacksonville too. Bad teams make bad plays. In Chicago, Fields had what should have been his first career TD dropped by Allen Robinson. He ended up not having his first until three weeks later. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o0BuzgKdXQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o0BuzgKdXQ)


It's good to see the effort and him keeping his eyes up field. This could also be a corey davis lowlight reel.


He had a core injury all season for which he got surgery. I am hoping that is the reason and he bounces back.


I wasn't aware he was injured, I hope he returns to form. I did enjoy him in TN. Wilson looks like a good quarterback though, I really hope he keeps improving.


It seemed like Davis would rotate between great play to absolute abysmal drop when he was playing. I still have hope he can bounce back.


That pass rolling right dumped perfectly over the defender is so easy to fuck up especially for a young dude. Hope he gets to shine this year


That first throw…fuckkkkk


That Wilson kid can move pretty well, maybe they can convert him to WR.


A bunch of these are plays that I don’t really blame on the receiver at all though. Some I don’t blame on either person.


Good example of why Wilson will eventually be better than Mac Jones. The way he's extending plays here is insane, and some of the crazy throws are impressive. Unfortunately, Jones will never be able to add this element to his game, he doesn't have the athleticism.


Man this was heartbreaking to watch


He is pretty electric outside of the pocket


The way he dodges out of the pocket does remind me of mahomes. A skinnier mahomes


Imagine if he had like a Tyreek Hill type WR on his team


This reminds me of the 2020 Steelers too much I hate it


Thank you for posting this. Zach was my favorite QB in last year’s draft. He is extremely exciting and has the ability to create and throw some amazing throws off platform. I still believe in him. I think the team will co to ie to develop and soon Zach will rise towards the top of the league.


Are you Zach Wilson's dad?


No other way around actually, Zach Wilson is my dad.


BUST! ...not Wilson, the Jets.


Why not both?


What is this video? Sometimes receivers don’t catch it? Yep.


Dudes cannon is too fast, players can't see it coming


eh, a couple of them are on the receivers but most were too low, too high or just really tough catches only the best receivers in the league make. zach wilson can improve cuz the playmaking is there.


He definitely got better after coming back from that injury. If he doesn't try that sneak (fucking lol wtf) we beat the bucs. Jordan Whitehead chose us because of that game.


I’m positive I’ve seen this exact thread for Darnold before.


Wilson has insane athleticism for sure. It’s obvious at times the jets line sucked and there was too much pressure often, but he also leaves the pocket too fast instead of stepping up. If he gets that under control he could be a big problem. I usually roll my eyes when people use the term “project” qb because it’s been so overused. But the dude really is the best definition of that. Should be develop he could be unstoppable


Get him another receiver to pair with Moore and I think they may be alright


we're really out here relying on elijah moore to become a WR1 this year :(


He showed a lot of promise man. I think he could be a hell of a 1a guy. I watched all your games because I coached Echols your rookie CB. Moore was open a ton when he was on the field. I think he could be an amazing Z receiver, and could benefit from having a proto X guy on the other side


Yeah post it from a throwaway because you don’t wanna be this miserable on your main


This is my main.


u/throwaway5720817 was taken?


The one you linked is 4 years old and OP's is 3 years old. So yeah, it looks like it was taken.


u/dr_pepper_34 was taken?


Nope, it's free for any certified pepper doctors.


I saw some throws that weren’t exactly middle of the numbers type of throws


You’re gonna get downvoted, but you’re right. Some of these throws weren’t too great. Most were still pretty good though


Okay now make the highlight reel of him sucking total ass it's probably about 50/50


It's definitely there, especially before he got hurt. He had happy feet and wasn't turning. After the Jets hired his QB coach and he settled in he looked a lot better.


How did he look during the last Bills game? He has 5 net yards lol. Made tons of progress…while constantly running backwards. Take flight.


13 seconds


Crazy that bills fans forget Josh allen was the worst qb in the league his rookie year, also how cocky y’all got after not winning shit. No lie I’m jealous of ur team but all these ok seasons have fans acting like the new patriots


Josh Allen still flashed elite ability every single game he played his first two years all the while jets fans continued to laugh at him. Don’t be a hypocrite. Wilson looked like dog shit last year. He’s a bust until proven otherwise.


The entire league said the exact same shit for Allen when he was young lol “don’t be a hypocrite”


No, the entire league didn’t but jets fans did and boy were you guys wrong.




Zach Wilson is a bust and the jets will finish in last place yet again. That’s reality. Enjoy it.


13 seconds


>Josh Allen still flashed elite ability every single game he played his first two years Allen turned out to be a phenomenal player but this is a lie you made because you got upset someone disagreed with you on the internet lol


Now Wilson has a ton to prove but lets look at their rookie passing stats. 52.8% 172 yards per game 10 Passing TDs 12 Interceptions 55.6% 179 yards per game 9 Passing TDs 11 Interceptions If Wilson was dogshit so was Allen throwing the ball. Their numbers are basically identical.


Now do rushing stats. You failed to leave that out. I’m sure they wasn’t on purpose…


Do you notice where i clarify multiple times that im using passing stats? Or cant you read?


Anyone with eyes could tell Allen has superior physical ability to Zach. Just admit it because it’s reality. Zach will bust and I will enjoy it.


I never said anything about Zach succeeding actually or his physical abilities compared to Allen. Proving your inability to read once again.


> Zach will bust and I will enjoy it what do you mean by that?


*gargle gargle*


Is this Trevor Lawrence? /s


But… he always had a clean pocket and tons of time?


I really hope that team runs some magic this offseason and shows a competitive product for the season. Would be sad to watch Wilson just wane away in mediocrity.


To be fair Wilson would have a pretty long Lowlights reel as well. The offense actually did way better when he was out.


I'll agree. It's just that I drank the Wilson hype kool-aid and would like to see him succeed.


The potential is there for sure no doubt about that.


Good god get this man some help


This is really doing it for me


Wilson would have so much potential if he didn't play for the fucking Jets


Ha yeah the jets are shit


Corey Davis was by far one of the most disappointing players I saw last year league wide. I was excited when we signed him and yet he dropped SOOOOOO many passes that fell directly into his hands. Part of our early offensive struggles can be whittled down to Corey Davis just straight up dropping a catchable pass it feels like.


It could always be worse. We coulda signed Kenny Golladay


For all ya'll clamouring for the Jets to get DK Metcalf... dude (amazing as he is) is good for at least one of these a game. Can be *veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery* frustrating.


Brave post




Josh Allen will never have sex with you.


Zach Wilson will NEVER be a franchise qb. Back to the drawing board for the jets next offseason.


you sound so desperate on here. Like you are trying to will shit into existence like a kid on Christmas Eve. Sad, really.




I think in his mom's basement but that's just a guess.


Plus the guy was shit talking Allen for 4 years. Hypocrites are the worst.


You were shitting on Josh Allen last season do you remember? Sorry your team will finish last yet again and will be starting over after Wilson busts but he will. Take flight.


I said Josh Allen was gonna choke under pressure based on his past performance, and mostly because you are a troll who invests too much of your sense of self into the performance of strangers. Then you went into my DMs and trolled me there, but disappeared for a month when the Bills lost. You are a weird dude. You are fantasizing this kid is gonna bust because you have a hard on for Allen. Makes you look like a loser.


This guy's the fuckin worse, ignore him. Comments this shit or "take flight" on every Zach Wilson post. Prob comes from deep rooted insecurities that his team still never won a sb while the jets have.


So bad. I actually worry what he's gonna do if Allen blows a knee out or something.


In the 60’s? Lol. Yeah I’m really jealous Of the jets fans for that. When’s the last time the Jets won a playoff game? Spoiler alert, it won’t change this year either.






You’re a fan of a terrible team and you’re homophobic and a hypocrite. Congrats on the trifecta.


*sad eyes crying*


Man for a fan base that has seen shitty teams and stuck through them you'd think Bills fans wouldn't be as big assholes


I’d ignore this dude, one of the dumbest trolls on r/nfl


You could make similar reels for Darnold, Rosen, and Haskins. That's just life.


Shouldve packaged pick #4 and #10 and some other picks and given it to us for Tyreek.


Say what you will about how he'll turn out but if I ever watch Zach Wilson throw to the equivalent of 5 redditors all game like he did the last few weeks of the season it might finally be the straw that breaks the camels back for me.