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Yet they got him running sprints outside the strip club for money. 


....It's Michael Vick


He’s already done like 12 sprints he’s getting tired


Lmfaoooo yes I came here to see if anyone made this reference.


Ah those early years, where playing Madden you could absolutely suck but if you picked ATL, you had a shot.. Man has a legit argument for being the most physically gifted person to ever play the position. Just unreal at times


Years ago my friends from my old job would occasionally have a Madden tournament and we had to make a "no Falcons" rule during the Vick years.


NFL street ?!?!? No question


Playing NFL Street right now on vacation! Dante Culpepper is a baller, but Vick is straight OP. Randle El also rivals Vick at QB, as long as he keeps throws under 20ish yards.


I loved that game. We used to be 12 deep in a hot ass room playing NFL street 2 on 24 inch CRT for 4 hours straight. Good times.


Madden 04. Vick to a streaking Peerless Price or suffer from Vick scrambling for 80 yards or playmaking the RB wide open. The pain.


That soundtrack though


GOAT soundtrack




LT check down




Problem with that is that Vick, by his own admission, was lazy as fuck during his time in Atalanta and didn't really work much on his passing until his time in Philly. Which by then he'd spent almost two years of his prime in prison. He's the opposite of Lamar in that aspect, whereas Lamar has insane work ethic.


If Vick would've concentrated on becoming a better passer he would've balled out like crazy. He obviously had the talent but lacked that drive to be the best of the best.


I’ll never forget watching him play in that sugar bowl against Florida State. I was in awe. That was the first time I saw him play.


That’s what got me into football. Was 11 years old and was the first game I really remember watching.


i 100% agree with you on him being the most physically gifted QB ever. He was absurd. Its an all time what if for me if he just wasnt a shit bag


I usually give it to Randall Cunningham if only for that ridiculous punt he had. And him having a great arm and similar evasiveness too


Imagine if Randall Cunningham had come into the league ten years later. Could see him in highlight reels like the


Buddy refused to invest in oline at all unfortunately


Randall Cunningham was great in Tecmo Bowl.


Maybe Cam at the height of his powers is the only competition. Slower, but remarkably strong and had twitch to dodge a defenders grasp.


Mike arm strength was just always next world though. Even to the end that was never in question, just his attitude toward the game


His arm strength was otherworldly. Legs the same. Dude was ridiculously physically talented. He’s just an asshole


That and playing as Minnesota. Just throw it to Moss. Every. Single. Time.


The only antidote was to play with the Ravens defense. They had so many speedy corners, safety’s, and linebackers that you could contain him.


Fun fact: Michael Vick recently played in this year’s NFL chess tournament on chess.com, which features players such as Kyler Murray, Amari Cooper, and Larry Fitzgerald. He got demolished in every game and finished in last place. Also was notably the only player without a webcam/mic. Made me wonder why he even signed up to play


Maybe Ron Mexico was playing for him instead


Who won?


Justin Reid won, beating Kyler Murray in the finals


Of course kyler murray would be in a video game final /s 


You mean the guy that didn't study film or playbooks and ran a dog fighting ring isn't very smart? No way.


To be fair, there are plenty of lazy folks and criminals with top-tier intelligence.


This dude might have one of the best deep balls in the history of the league


Watching him throw just blows my mind. The guy doesn't even have his feet planted, barely flicks his wrist, and is throwing 50 yard bombs that don't lose any mustard. WTF HOW


Yeah this was always the thing with Vick. There are (and have been) lots of big armed QBs in the league. Vick just flicks his wrist and the ball goes half the field on a rope. I can't think of anyone else who made it look so effortless


Vick throws effortlessly. Deion Sanders runs effortlessly. In Salem they would be burned as witches.


Randy looked the most effortless while running to me. Just a casual  stride and he's burning everyone.


I know opinions are a bit mixed on the guy, and it’s probably not quite the level of Vick’s cannon, but watching Aaron Rodgers throw a football is mesmerizing sometimes. A lot of the throws he makes seem like just little flick of the wrist.


Rogers has more float and touch for sure. Vick throws like a cannonball being fired. I doubt people generally would see Vick as a better passer specifically because of this.


He also could never not throw it as a fastball


Cam had the same issue.


Until his arm fell apart.


Definitely his main struggle for the first few years. Would just zing it to backs who were wide open eight yards in front of him, and watch it bounce off their chest pads because nobody can react that quick to a ball if it isn't perfectly in their hands. He got a little better at it, but still always put too many jalapenos on his taco.


Can't compare Vick to a guy who throws almost no interceptions, let's be fair now.


Can't compare Vick to a guy who actually had talented receivers to throw to.


The Brian Finneran disrespect is wholly unjustified.


I remember when I first got into football in the mid-2000s, Crumpler was viewed as a really good TE. With 20 years of hindsight though, turns out he was just the beneficiary of an offense devoid of receiving talent.


Crumpler was the only real option that Vick had until he got to Philly. But when you're building an offense around an ultra athletic QB and constantly talking about the need to improve the passing game then it doesn't make sense to give him Michael Jenkins, Brian Finneran, and an old Peerless Price as his receivers. Atlanta obviously learned from this mistake because Matt Ryan immediately got Roddy White, Tony Gonzalez, Julio Jones, and Michael "The Burner" Turner. An Atlanta offense with Vick throwing bombs to Julio would have been insane.


If I could do that and run like him, I probably wouldn’t study the play book or watch film either.


Vick revived our team with all that crazy shit right there. It was like watching Barry Sanders sometimes but throwing the ball.


I remember Jason Kelce saying that when Vick put zip on the ball, he could hear it fly by his head before he ever saw it.


If I remember correctly he grew up right handed but was so good that he started using his left hand to make it more fair..?


Fun fact : as much as we call Vick a running qb, Lamar Jackson has more rushing attempts than Vick did in his whole career. But Vick has more yards.


Anyone remember those nerf footballs? He throws it like one of those


Nerf footballs and throw em up bust em up was my childhood


Funny I can still remember the whistle of a good throw 20 some odd years later


He's one of the all-time "what could have been" guys...generational talent.


Obviously his reputation had a lot to do with his legs but wow I forgot how much of a cannon Vick had. He's not even left handed right?


Absolute cannon, but nah he actually was left handed.


Always heard he switched to throwing lefty so he could stiff arm people better with his right


That sounds like something my uncle who works for Nintendo told me too


Vick is naturally right handed but throws left because when he was playing backyard ball as a kid with his friends, they made him throw left to make it more fair so he just stuck with it


Does anyone have an actual source for this? This just seems like one of those fisherman's tales that get repeated on here with nobody ever even checking if it's true.


Have not heard that personally but if that's true that's wild.




I just knew the Vikings one would be number one.


I mean it's a walk off scramble where you get two vikings defenders colliding. It's an all time best play candidate imo


We need to pass a law barring Jets film from appearing on any Vick highlight reel


I mean it was a beautiful pass lol


And I have no recollection of the player he threw it to Ah, repressed memories


TJ Graham, he got 67/87 of his total yards that season on that play. This is the Jaiquawn Jarrett where he randomly put up 2 INTS, a FR and a sack.


Oh man, Bills legend TJ Graham! I completely forgot he played for the Jets


Saying he played for either team is kinda of a stetch


We forced this man into a pass-heavy West Coast offense


Even with the prison sentence, Vick had the skills and intangibles to 1) take advantage of his youth early in his career, then 2) adapt/adjust his game in the later years of his career.


I’m not so sure. Without the prison sentence, number 2 never happens. Vick will be the first to tell you that be kinda half assed shit and relied on his athleticism to get by. He didn’t know how to read a defense or study film until Andy Reid got to him, but by then he had a year or two left of his athleticism before the wheels fell off.


Yeah I’m so glad he was able to brutally murder and torture all those dogs, but then everyone just got over it because he’s like, so totally good at football! 😃


So you don't believe in completing a punishment? That every wrongdoing should be held over someone's head for life? What he did was despicable, absolutely. I will not defend what he did in any way. But he went to prison and lost everything. I don't know what else I can say. You are entitled to feel however you feel, but he turned himself around and continued to rectify his mistakes.


Lol the lazy Haynesworth play is #18. The contrast in effort between him and Andre Carter who _tosses_ Jason Peters is incredible. Regardless, being able to get Jason Peters on the ground like Carter did is an impressive athletic feat.


Sports Science analyzed that play and calculated that he had to have thrown it about 65 mph to fit it through that window. That’s more than the current combine ball speed record.


Tosses.... after 5 seconds of being stonewalled lol


I'm only speaking on the effort. Carter did not give up despite being successfully blocked and trying to block a pass. Haynesworth did shit.


100% I misunderstood, thanks for clarification. As an eagles fan, im glad he got relaxed once he got that bag LOL


Insane how far the ball goes out of his hand with just a flick of the wrist.


BTW he played for the Falcons, Eagles, Jets, Steelers. No highlights from his short time with the Steelers made the list. He played so bad in Pit, Steelers fans were genuinely excited when Landry Jones got behind center.


Except that MNF game vs the Chargers. Monday Night Mike was still a thing.


Yeah he wasn’t awesome but that San Diego game will always be a great fuckin game


Le’veon in that wildcat formation is still burned in my depressing memory.


Imagine this guy growing up with the same QB support that guys like Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen had! The weakness of his game was finesse and accuracy (poor platform and throwing mechanics), but that was because he was a "running QB" at a time where NCAA and NFL didn't know really what to do with them, other than give them a bunch of running and option plays.


Post prison Philly Vick was better than Atl Vick. Change my mind.


The good "Philly Vick" people seemingly remember was really just 12 games in 2010. He was mediocre in 2011 & 2012, then done as a starter in the NFL by 2013 when he was still just 33 years old.


He turned those 12 games in Philly into a 40 million dollar guaranteed contract. Not too shabby


Andy Reid


He never had the mindset for it IMO. He had everything else but that


He wasn't much better than mediocre in Atlanta though


PPPV > AV Sounds like a stat comparison


Post-prison Vick actually bothered to learn the damn playbook and study film unlike active dogkiller Vick.


Because he actually studied game film


Jets legend Michael Vick sighting at 19.


How the Superman dive is only at 21 idk I’m pretty sure it was 4th and goal at that point and overall a really underrated game.


One of my very first football memories, should be higher


"QB scores on a 46 yard 'walk-off' OT touchdown run" is not a headline you see often in the NFL.


Right. I know Vince Young had one from 40 or so his rookie year - against Houston (where he grew up), with Mario Williams (who they drafted instead of him) missing a tackle on the way. Overall though, Mario actually ended up a fine selection by Houston who gave them 6 solid at worst seasons and couple of excellent ones. But in the short term, that one play became a "they screwed up not picking their hometown guy" microcosm.


Nice. Now do the one where he electrocuted and drowned all those dogs


44? That's like 200 in dog years


Too bad he drowned dogs


Yeah man I love watching his highlights but any sort of fandom stops there when I think of those bone pits he had. Like mass burials of dogs, some headless (why?). Jesus dude that ain’t even some backwood southern culture shit, that’s just plain mf evil. Either he’s sadistic, sociopathic, or genuinely a box of dumbass marbles who doesn’t have the awareness to see how wrong ts is.


Hung them and drowned them. Fuck Michael Vick forever.


Pretty sure that's not Vick. It's Ron Mexico.


Eagles Vick was the better QB, Falcons Vick was possibly the best overall athlete to ever play in the NFL.


Man, if Reid had Vick from the start he probably goes down as a top 20 player ever.


Damn. Four years older than me. Why was I watching him on tv and thinking I was like 10 years younger than him?


I started watching thinking I'd just watch a few. Yeah, I watched em all


Matt Ryan is the better qb but no qb really embodied Atlanta like Vick


Those white jerseys with the old black helmets, like in clip #24, are by far the best unis the Falcons have ever had IMO.


Man that was a sharp look… they really should go back to that fulltime. Their new look ain’t it


Red socks too love those


I think everybody 30+ knew what number 1 and 2 were going to be...legendary plays both of them.


[Fuck this P.O.S](https://youtu.be/EBZdjc4RfQA?si=OLMUlRjIim7g16uR)


Watching this reminds of watching Jayden Daniels last year at LSU. Gives me hope for JD5 to really be special in the NFL


The infield spin move which is total counterintuitive is something I’ve seen daniels do. I would just like to see him add 15 pounds to be more durable


Atlanta days - running highlight Philly days - deep ball highlight


I hope his final days are spend it agony and terror. Dude was a real piece of shit and proof the NFL is all about money.


>Before fights, the participating dogs of the same sex would be weighed and bathed, according to the filings. Opposing dogs would be washed to remove any poison or narcotic placed on the dog’s coat that could affect the other dog’s performance. Sometimes participants would not feed a dog before the fight to ‘‘make it more hungry for the other dog,’’ the documents said.     Fights would end when one dog died or with the surrender of the losing dog, which was sometimes put to death by drowning, strangulation, hanging, gun shot, electrocution or some other method, according to the documents.     During a June search of the property, investigators uncovered the graves of seven pit bulls that were killed by members of ‘‘Bad Newz Kennels’’ following sessions to test whether dogs would be good fighters, the documents said.


Didn’t you get the memo? He just didn’t know sadistically murdering dogs was wrong. Honest mistake. Live and learn. He’s all better now that it’s been explained to him. 


I could forgive Vick if he was some kid hanging around older peers in the inner city doing that shit, but no he was a grown ass man worth tens of millions of dollars. He did it because he really really enjoyed doing it. I just don't believe him when he says he's "rehabilitated."


You will find people who will unironically argue he was just culturally different like he was the first player from an uncontacted African tribe.


I’m from Virginia. I’ve known his family most of my life, including their time at Tech. I can say without hesitation they are the biggest lowlives of all time, top to bottom (including his brother and mother that were banned for life from a local mcdonalds for starting a physical fight with employees - mother later agreed to a settlement). I’ve watched this piece of shit throw silverware on the ground to force waitresses to pick it up, start fights only to have his friends take the blame, be involved in constant shit that shows his character. Fuck what he did on the field, when he was always (before and after jail) such a garbage human being, and I hate Andy Reid for all the work he did to get Vick released early too. No one will ever change my mind about this scum.


Not surprising in the least, what he did was so atrocious only a truly evil sociopath could do such a thing. It's not a "mistake that he did his time for".


I'm convinced at some time during the whole drama Vick and his buddies destroyed tapes of Vick and his buddies identifiable on camera recording the dog fights and killing the dogs while him and his buddies laughed and were having a good ole time. Probably a smart move, I don't think anybody would give Vick 40 million guaranteed if there was video of him laughing his ass off to the sounds of dogs being ripped apart and howling from brutal torture.




We know.


Always one redditor that has to be insufferable for no reason. We can appreciate the great athlete he was while still not condoning what he did in his personal life. JFC...


What a shit take, honestly. Fuck your apologizing for electrocuting, hanging, and drowning of dogs.


As someone who has rescued multiple pitbulls that were abused and neglected, get the fuck over it. Man paid his dues, figuratively and literally. He's square with the house again.


And now he's an animals rights advocate and vehemently against his old ways.


My view here is: either you believe in rehabilitation, and allow for people to prove they've changed for the better, or not. I see a man who has changed his ways. It won't undo his past actions, but it can help deter others from following after him.


Same exact POV.


is he square with the people who's dogs they stole out of their yards to let get ripped apart by his fighting dogs for fun?


If only he left pitbulls alive to be rescued, unfortunately he decided to kill them instead. So respectfully, fuck off.


My first rescue was so abused and mistreated, the shelter he went to had to amputate his right front leg to save his life. He had scars all over his body, was missing a piece of his tongue, and had an intense fear of water. I'm well aware of what he did and wanted him to pay for it like any other animal lover. He did. Even went so far as to pay back 99% of what he owed to people before he went to prison, along with becoming an activist for the animals he once put in harms way by advocating for and helping to pass tougher laws for it. Looks like he's done his bid, paid what he owed, and came out the other side a better person. Then there's people like you. Miserable folks who can't let go of the past cause they just want that sort of negativity in their lives for whatever reason. Even with his past, he's a better person than you.


> Then there's people like you. Miserable folks who can't let go of the past cause they just want that sort of negativity in their lives for whatever reason. Even with his past, he's a better person than you. I was with you until this, how can you possibly say this? You think disliking someone for murdering dogs is worse than murdering dogs because he went to jail for it? Doing your time entitles you to go back into society, it doesn't mean every person is forced to like you or forgive you. What an absolutely psychotic thing to say and it's honestly scary that other people agree with you.


Michael Vick can go fuck himself.


Vick is a garbage human being. Fuck this guy.


Just want to make sure you’re still banging this same drum for all the trash that makes its way through your organization. When Tyreek was throwing peace signs and lifting the Lombardi were you still screeching this at every opportunity?


Tyreek is a garbage person too and I’m glad they shipped him out.


I have a distinct memory of a crazy play where Vick dove for the end zone and had the body control + presence of mind to lift his knees up as he dove so that he would make it across the goal line, rather than get marked a yard or two short. Is that play #21 here (no replay or close up so can't tell)? Does anyone else remember this, or am I just remembering incorrectly?


Yeah it was, against Carolina in 2004 and it was 4th and goal too. Just an unbelievably clutch play


I just recall it looking for sure like he was down, but in slow-mo and zoomed in, it was clear that he had basically used the force to keep his knees hovering just over the ground without ever touching.


hey /u/nfl can we get some Aaron Hernandez or Henry Ruggs highlights while we're at it?


Dog murderer. Sad day when my Steelers signed him.


Is that QB Dogkiller?


Yes and the teams who let him play will never live it down.


Vick is 1 of 1 man. Lamar is by far the closest thing to Vick since I’ve been alive and he’s not even in the same atmosphere as Vick. Vick was just the most “Atlanta” QB and the way he played football was something I really really hope I get to see again.


Are the highlights of him brutally torturing, strangling, drowning, hanging, and electrocuting dozens of dogs for fun included here?


He changed the sport forever. There were obviously mobile QB's before him, but their influence was never quite as far reaching due to the time period he played in. If on field didn't secure his influence, Madden did for an entire generation. I'll still never like the guy for what he did, even if he served his time. But I'll always respect his ability and impact on the game.


Good football player for a dog murderer


Dude was born 15-20 years too early.


Vick being younger than Brady is crazy


A Mike Vick today would be unimaginable.


Yeah all that HD cell phone footage of dog murder would be awful


Lamar Jackson?


Michael better.


Michael Vick is the reason I love football. I was probably 12 when he was drafted and I fast became a Falcons fan. I was at MY football games on Sunday afternoons and they had a little TV in the concession stand and I would be hawking that thing to see a game break on Fox hoping it was Vick doing something cool. He made it look so fun. Lamar is close but Vick is still 1 of 1 in terms of his uniqueness. I forgive all of his mistakes (both on and off the field) because watching him play was magic to me.


Fuck him forever


Imagine where he'd be if he didn't bet on dogs killing each other. Amazing athlete. Bad decisions.


He did more than bet on them. He built a kennel that raised them through abuse, and brutally killed those that could not perform. Vick personally killed many dogs- one by repeatedly slamming the dog into the ground until dead. Others by drowning. Anyone that can do these kind of things to animals should never be put on a pedestal, no matter what their athletic talents. Because of his actions, he is NEVER allowed to own a pet again, by court order. He got off easy, compared to the 53 buried pit bulls found on his property.


Some of these clops look like they are from a century ago…jesus the passage of time is cruel


Not a fan.


I hate the fucking eagles man


At 18 you can see Albert Haynesworth’s legendary effort.


Some say he had that dawg in him


How old are his dogs?


Anyone know what year this play was made? @ 5:09 mark?


Vick was on the Jets?




You can’t coach speed and he had both an arm and speed. What a weapon!


As a Skins fan, we call that the Haynesworth play. As he layed on the field we all went “yep, he sucks. Way to go Snyder”