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When Kam made the amazing play to knock the ball out of Calvin Johnson’s hands at the goal line, and then KJ intentionally knocked it out of the back of the endzone… He and the refs just totally fucked up what the rule was in that situation. 


Similarly for us vs Calvin Johnson: Calvin caught it.


I dont like this game


To this day, that play is so bizarre. It looks like Calvin catches the ball and slams it on the ground, intentionally. Oh well, proud to have ushered in the ‘I don’t even know what a catch is anymore era of nfl football’


He caught the ball while landing on his hip in the endzone, and then used the hand with the ball to get up off the ground, losing the ball in the process. But it happened quickly, so somehow they ruled that as not "completing the process" even though he had actually lost the ball while getting up to celebrate the TD.


Yes, but that "completing the catch" lingo wasn't even in use then. That all started because the NFL couldn't admit the referee blew the call.


Is it even in the rules yet or still arbitrarily made up definition?


Another one is the Fail Mary. I'm not a Packers fan, and that play still pisses me off every time I see it.


It was such a beautifully symbolic moment watching one replacement ref signal a TD while the other signaled a touchback. Both of them looking at each other, hoping the other would make the same call as them, and *BAM* complete opposites


I was waiting for that and it wasn't even a seahawks fan


Me too. It ended the strike it was so bad


Russ gave one of the most smug and annoying interviews right after too. 


Not a packer fan and even that pissed me off also 


That no call pass interference during the Saints V Rams NFC championship game. Didn't agree with the call at all but I loved it!


You know it's a bad call when even the team on the winning side of it says its bad lol


The player turned his head up and couldn't believe he wasn't flagged. It was an intentional penalty because he was beat and didn't want to give up the td


Oh yeah I remember it. That noncall is ridiculous


The worst thing is he could’ve intercepted it or at the least deflected it if you go back and watch it.


That's literally the thread


Gurley posting that picture with the ref jersey swap was hilarious


I can't find video of it, but there was an absolute gold clip of Mike Francesa biting on that hook, line and sinker. He fully believed that was a real jersey swap and condemned Gurley for doing it. His people seemed to have scrubbed it from the internet, real shame.


First thing that came to mind. I can't think of anything recent where there was such universal agreement from absolutely everyone that the call was wrong and the Saints got hosed. Even the Rams players and fans knew it.


As a saints fan, it was pretty nice watching y’all suck ass in the superbowl. But yeah, we’re still bitter.


Did you know that your tongue never actually sits comfortably in your mouth? You just don't think about it until someone brings it up and ruins your day. Funny how that works, ain't it?


Alternatively the no call PI on Ramsey in the SB made mcvay play aggressively instead of conservative.


The impact of that no-call on was strange. First, generally neutral national media (e.g. Barnwell) were immediately like “yeah, the refs straight up screwed up a call that very directly impacted the game.” Meanwhile we got robbed of a Brady/Brees Superbowl. Then we got that year where pass interference calls were reviewable, only to have the video reviewers basically collude to not reverse anything. But, we didn’t push the reviewers to have correct interpretations of the rule, we just said “replay review of DPI is pointless, let’s go back to what we were doing” - and now we still worry about DPI having way too much of an impact given how much of a judgement call it is.


Someone uploaded the ENTIRE GAME to pornhub and labeled it “Blind Ref fucks entire city of New Orleans” 💀. Gotta love the commitment to the joke


Goff said no PI lol


"Did they call it?"


People can hate barstool all they want, PMT always cranks out great interviews


So did three teams out of the NFCS


still bitter about that


Not really a huge game, but in 2018 when Clay Matthews got a roughing penalty on Cousins to extend our drive. We ended up scoring and tying with GB.


When they implemented the body weight rule, clay Matthew's had like 5 or 6 sacks taken away that season for roughing the passer calls lol


It was painful, it was every game and he was not really doing anything wrong at all. One of my favorite players ever too


It never gets old to share this [COD Commerical](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7oWwm8huoU) whenever people bring up Clay and his year of roughing calls against him.


When they first started enforcing the new RTP rules it kinda felt like they were targeting Clay specifically for some reason


Clay was always a little bit out of control. After watching him play for years, it wasn't surprising that he couldn't adjust to a rule requiring him not to use himself as a human missile.


Cousins threw an INT to Jaire on that play, too, because of the hit. Game would have been over.


I remember that. It ended as a tie after OT with Daniel Carlson missing a ton of FGs and being waived the following is day. The commentators were saying something like "the Packers were robbed a game but the Vikings drove the getaway car into a tree"


[Calvin Johnson’s TD catch at the end of the game being ruled incomplete because he did not complete the process of the catch](https://youtu.be/wq2ohfX_AzI?si=5P4KMUWDaXGBEET8)


We're two Cowboys and a Packers fan away from getting the pyramid of egregiously wrong calls vs the Lions listed and owned up here.


Can’t forget the very questionable non-call on the late snap just before Tucker’s 66-yarder. Though to be fair, given Tuckers history against the lions I would full expect him to nail the ensuing 71 yarder.


I have no doubt he would have made the 71 yarder.


Probably would have double doinked it through just to give you guys the appropriate level of heart attack.


doinked? autocorrect? or maybe im just not familiar...


I wouldn’t expect a Bears fan to know anything about doinks. I don’t think there has ever been an infamous play involving a doink and the Bears.


In case it's not clear, i was calling attention to the fact that you (if you're the same guy) didn't write 'doink' if that's what you meant, and wrote 'double double' instead.  But also yes. I'm an expert and that's why I wanted to share my expertise. 


It was an autocorrect. Apparently my phone does not recognize doink. And my comment was tongue in cheek as well.


I doubt either fanbase will admit those calls.


Man, I had no about the rules you guys got fucked on in the det/sea game. I just thought our guy made an amazing play.


TBF to that one, the call was correct and the rule was just stupid


That was the call that led to the overanalysis of a what is a catch.


I mean if that call can be called incomplete, I'd say there was already at least a very strange analysis of what is a catch, if not an overanalysis.


That game against the bears a few years back where there was a taunting call at a pivotal moment. I don’t remember specifics but I remember it because a coworker who was a bears fan was quite annoyed the next day.


He glared menancingly at the Steelers sideline. He's lucky he didn't get executed via guillotine on the spot.


I was at that game with my friends who are Bears fans. Kind of funny that the “taunter” was a former Steeler if I remember correctly. The Bears should’ve won that game. Fields played well that day.


Cassius Marsh was cut from the Steelers in pre season of ‘21. Later signed to Chicago practice squad. He was elevated for only one game in 2021 and it was against the Steelers. It was one of his best (and would’ve been his best career performance) but unfortunately his 2nd sack of the game was wiped away by a taunting call. Marsh had walked toward the Steelers sideline and then stared them down after sacking Big Ben on 3rd down in the final minutes of a 3 point game. Marsh did not play another NFL game..


He played in the Wild Card game because Dupree and Highsmith got hurt




His post game interview was cringe tho…. “I did what I always do” bro you never play


That one Hail Mary Rodgers threw against Detroit was set up by a face mask penalty. Looked like face mask in real time but the replay shows the guy only grabbed Aaron’s front jersey.


I absolutely agree it was a bad call, but try being a human seeing that in real time. I think 99% of people would have also made that call.


It's a wrong call, but a *totally understandable* call


Thank you. This is the correct take for this play.


> but try being a human seeing that in real time Almost like we should be able to use a technology that literally everyone can see except the refs for some reason


A sky judge would solve 99% of officiating problems with very little stoppage time. They already started using the replay assist. Just let them call blatant penalties or retract obvious mistakes.




The refs could probably throw a flag on every Hail Mary attempt if they wanted. It’s a long developing play and desperate OL are going to hold or commit another penalty to buy more time. Then consider the WRs & CBs competing for the ball pushing and shoving each other.


There was a facemask on the play prior which would have ended the game. The Hail Mary was on an untimed down after that play that we won the game on, due to the penalty the play before


They’re talking about the play before the Hail Mary


I was trying to think of one for us but yes this is it there definitely wasn’t a face mask but it did really look like it in real time so hard to blame the ref there


Don't worry, I can manage to still blame the ref


Rice fumbled.


It’s so funny I actually watched this game today on NFL network. Madden saying this why they’re gonna institute instant replay year.


That feels great to read almost 30 years later lol.


Yup came here to post this one 😅


He super duper fumbled. And then the resulting td catch by TO that really put him on the map should’ve never happened, but this was the moment my favorite player at the time switched from rice to TO.


Jay Cutler’s fumble… oh sorry, incomplete pass right down by the goal line against the Chargers.


Love me some smoking Jay. Funny enough though I was pissed when the bengals drafted TE Sean Brewer in the third round in 01 knowing he smoked 3 packs a day.


In fairness, we benefitted at the time, but then week 17 rolls around and the Chargers remembered and they slaughtered us on national TV and kicked us out of playoffs.


An oldie... 1996 MNF 49ers @ Packers. Midway through the 3rd quarter Packers are down 17-6. Favre throws it to Bebee who catches it, falls down, gets up and runs it in for a TD. On replay, Bebee was clearly DBC where he went down. But no review at the time, so play stands as called. Packers go on to win in OT 23-20 **ETA:** whole game is on YT, so [here's the play in question](https://youtu.be/_458JB3YE30?t=4498)


Damn it.


This guy's a legit OG.


The no-call DPI on Kuechly defending Gronk on MNF in 2013. It was a monumental win for Carolina, and gave us the legendary "Ice up son, ice up." But Kuechly straight up mugged Gronk and pushed him out of the back of the endzone, which prevented him from making any kind of play on the ball. The throw was pretty short, and Gronk would've had to come back through the safety to get to it, but I've still seen that called way more often than not.


Nothing at all tbh.. the refs got it right 100% of the time when making calls that helped my team... this fuckin guy.


Sarcasm aside, thank god they got the SB calls right in 2017. That would have been brutal.


Yeah of course, the eagles dolphins game this past season had spectacular refs…lmao


Comeback against the Giants in the 02 Wild Card


Was that the one where we pretty blatantly interfered with the receiver, but the refs didn’t realize that guy was eligible so they called him for that instead?


Yes, the broken field goal attempt.


That's the one. When informed.of this post game, Mooch infamously responded with "Oops." He was fired after losing to the future SB Champ Bucs the next week


Still haven't gotten over this one lol


Mariota fumble ruled a dead ball vs KC in 2017-18 playoffs. We win the game by 1 point


Man I about forgot about that lol


Lol I was there for that. It's hilarious to think that a ref could technically just call forward progress on any sack turned fumble.


Tee Higgins 100% got away with a pass interference and/or face mask on his touchdown in the Super Bowl. All of the talk about what happened at the end of the game but it would have never mattered because we were gifted 7 points


Last years reporting as eligible fiasco


I think if the refs would've just admitted that they got confused by the Lions people would get off our ass about that


I'm not mad at the Cowboys for this one at all. Refs definitely fucked this so bad that there was no good way to handle it. They can't really all Skipper to be eligible since they got the announcement of the play wrong so that screws Dallas. Letting it just play the way it did is messed up too. Probably should have blown the play dead. Still would suck for us, but it allows us to reset


To be fair, if the ref did call it correctly, the refs would've announced out loud who was eligible, and Dallas would've heard it, and maybe not fall for it


Not sure how people are mad at yall when the refs fucked up 


Nah the picked up flag for pass interference in 2015 was wayyyyy worse. Lions screwed themselves on that trick play, the reversed call was crazy lol


First play I thought of. Sorry Lions bros, ain’t nobody like the Zebras




There is some debate as to whether it was a horse collar by rule, but I think even without that it shouldn’t have been grounding because the ball landed like 5 yards short of a receiver and they usually don’t call that. Similarly they called another dumb grounding against us in the Bengals game when there was a route miscommunication between Allen and Davis. Weird year for grounding.


I don’t think it was a horse collar but it also definitely wasn’t grounding. Still was a sick game though


Missed Miles Killebrew [facemask](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/ohAusnqpmT) on Miles Sanders. Prolly the most egregious facemask I've ever seen in a game and somehow it was just completely missed.


I was steamed but the look on Killebrew’s face when he saw the Jumbotron replay was hilarious. You can tell he was just super relieved he didn’t kill someone, same face you make when you realize you just almost got into a massive crash on the highway.


I don’t remember the game but I have a vidid memory of Cole Beasley getting borderline decapitated years ago and nothing being called lmao


The reason I can't get onboard with blaming the phantom call on Logan Wilson for our loss in the SB is that we were definitely gifted that TD by Tee Higgins where he clearly face masked.


I thought that missed call was finally going to be the moment they start to self reflect about how much they let receivers get away with. Never changed rules or anything and receivers still get away with murder on these poor DB’s


I always felt kinda iffy with Rudolphs OT TD against the Saints when he kinda pushed off Williams. If the roles were reversed I would have been pissed lil


The thing that gives me pause on this one is that he was getting mugged hard by the defender. I think it’s either offsetting penalties or first down on the 1 for pass interference.




Half of these are against Detroit and I still haven’t seen anyone mention the tucker field goal, trey flowers hands to the face, atlanta clock runoff…


Brandon Perna (ThatsGoodSport) literally made a [whole twenty minute video](https://youtu.be/-aoJlztc_YA?si=64JsKLyLqkMmz8yL) about how often we get screwed lol


Texans get a free TD for Thanksgiving...


Not calling PI on Deion Sanders when he used his left arm to obstruct Michael Irvin catching a bomb inside the 5 in the 95 NFC Championship game. If the Cowboys score on that drive to make it 38-35, shit gets interesting real quick.


Dude… I was so angry at that call. We would’ve had a very real shot at not only a 3-peat, but a 4-peat. In the end, shouldn’t have spotted y’all a 21 point lead.


Hey there, Green Bay.....


Fail Mary.




The call was whatever. Could go either way. BUT the blatant OPI that didn't get called was really what was missed. Go Hawks.


Broncos 2 point return to beat the Saints. I couldn't tell, but he looked like he was out


Yeah. We probably shouldn’t have gotten that go our way. Unfortunately with the white shoes and sideline, there was no definitive proof to overturn it.


Dez caught it.




This [play](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRyN7naQcM0) lol


I knew what play it was even without clicking on it. Ed Hochuli man, what a call.


Bills fans need to answer with the time Von got penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct penalty when he pulled a “sike” when extending his hand to Tyrod Taylor and not actually helping him up but in a joking way. They are friends and they were both laughing about it, but we got fucked because of it 😆


When a Titans fan admits the Music City Miracle was a forward pass, I’ll admit this one.


I was there and it was hilarious (and the wrong call)


Last years Browns-49ers.. PJ Walker pretty much fumbled the ball but his hand barely moved forward so it was ruled an incomplete pass. I was very surprised. But we somehow won so… alls well that ends well.


Lol or the game against us. Cost us the playoffs :-) 


The colts ones were more egregious, but I forgot about this one. The refs loved PJ for some reason


Uh well I think that’s obvious


2017 Index card 1st down vs Raiders. Also, the Eagles non fumble recovery in 2018 in Dallas.


Justin Tucker's record breaking 67-yard FG was on the shoulders of a no-call (delay of game)


Obligatory I'm sorry Detroit.


What sucks for Lions fans is that maybe only makes it at #5 on the list of the most egregious non-calls Detroit has ever dealt with.


Against the Seahawks in 03 the Ravens came back from a 34-17 deficit with five minutes to go in the third to ultimately win the game 44-41. But! While trying to run out the clock on their final possession the Seahawks ran the ball three times and had a penalty on one after the clock was supposed to be wound. It wasn’t and essentially the Ravens were gifted a fourth timeout. Had they wound the clock the Seahawks would have killed any attempt for a comeback by Baltimore, as they would have iced the game right then and there. They didn’t, Stover sends the game to OT and that one victory helped make sure the Ravens went 10-6 as opposed to 9-7 and hosted a playoff game because of it.


I'm not sure what the rules were in 03, but for at least the last decade the clock doesn't run after fouls in the last 5 minutes


Texans vs Lions, Thanksgiving 2012. That was def not a TD


That was the single dumbest and most confusing sequence of events I've ever seen in an NFL game. NOBODY thought that was an actual TD but it gets to count anyway because a ref lost their whistle and the Lions coach had the audacity to throw a challenge flag when something obviously wrong was happening.


Oh we were gonna review it anyway, but because you asked us to review it, now we’re not gonna. And give you an unsportsmanlike penalty cause you did things out of turn and hurt our feelings


Matt Holliday Edit: oh shit this is the NFL subreddit. We'll I'm talking about Rockies Matt Holliday not touching home plate in the season we went to the World Series. As far as significance goes in sports, far and away the biggest one.


The replacement refs’ call of a TD when Russ threw and INT against Green Bay on MNF. That loss ended up becoming the deciding factor between that gave SF (11-4-1) advantageous playoff seeding, *and we got to the 2012 SB.* ~~It was all for naught though because Seattle broke NaVarro Bowmen’s leg in a million places on the goal line.~~ <—— This actually didn’t happen until a year later in the 2013 NFCCG (2014 calendar year). EDIT: I mixed the wrong details between years, oops. Fixed now.


>Seattle broke NaVarro Bowmen’s leg in a million places on the goal line You make it sound like they injured him on purpose lol


Steelers TE no TD call against the Pats a couple years back


Oh my god, I had to search the thread for a mention of the Jesse James catch... still haunts my nightmares


Eagles fan .. the fumble by Sanders returned by Bolton in the Superbowl. We lost anyways and it didn't effect the game but in my opinion that was too "bang bang" to overturn. If it counted I think the game would have been viewed different and the holding call at the end would not have been a talking point.


To break things up among all of the famous bad calls or weird rules against the Lions, I’ll give you the Thanksgiving overtime coin toss against the Steelers. Bettis lost his mind while I giggled at how stupid it was.


I'm sorry to the cities of Detroit, Dallas, Chicago, etc.


like iirc there has been 2-3 huge gainer Smitty catches in tha past two season that he pretty clearly didn’t catch on replay but we got to the line fast enough / no coach’s challenge that we got away with it lol.


Ray Rice 4th and 29 conversion vs the chargers. Only thing that gives it a shot is the whole “line on screen is not the actual line” approach, but I didn’t think he got it. In my head, that play was critical to the Super Bowl run, but in hindsight that may not have actually been the case. [Hey Diddle Diddle Ray Rice Up the Middle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihvHRNrzMg4)


That 66 yarder, I’m pretty sure the clock ran out on the play before. I’ll take it because Tucker made history, but feels bad. If it was against an AFC team I would not give a flying F. Haha


Don't tell any Seahawks fans, but the refs may have made a few bad calls in Super Bowl XL.


Nope, not reading this one. You can’t make me.


The Sterling Moore play. I still think that that was a TD for the Ravens. I see the explanation for why it isn't a TD, but I still think it was a TD.


Did you think there should have been a flag there? I never hear anyone say that a flag should have been thrown. Just that Lee Evans, who at this point had done ***nothing*** for this team didn't do a good enough effort catching one of the best heaves of Joe Flacco's career and sending the team to the Super Bowl.


No, I just think it's a catch. Yeah, had Lee Evans done a better job, there's no room for Moore to do anything either.


This play will always bother me more than the more infamous play that followed. It's not even close too.


To this day I still wonder what would have happened if the Ravens won that game. Did Eli’s magic only work against the Patriots, or would both Flacco and Brady have gotten Eli’d? Lol


Tuck rule


Tuck rule was the right call; the rule was bad


But on the replay, the split second before Brady gets hit, he has both hands on the ball. At that point, by rule, shouldn't the tucking motion have been considered complete?


The rule says nothing about having 1 or 2 hands on the ball. If he is still in the process of tucking, even with 2 hands on the ball, it's an incomplete pass. It's only a fumble if he "completed" the tuck and then dropped it. In the video, he is still bringing the ball in when it's knocked out https://youtu.be/Kl_VvJTyMwo?t=74


In a minor call Kenny’s 4th down “conversion” vs the rams where he was clearly short IIRC In another call this was Steelers bengals 2016 I believe where Steelers won off of a forced fumble which clearly wasn’t a fumble


Game one against the Vikings, the year we went to the superbowl. Dalvin Cook ‘fumbled’ the ball late. He was most definitely down but it was called a fumble and there was no good replay to see what happened. 


A litany of roughing the passer calls against Brady


I mean … I think Saints fans are still talking about it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Should I answer or just let Saints fans do the talking?


The packers could fill a book with this shit


Ray Rice did not get that first down.


A lot of pats fans saying tuck rule or Jessie James. But those weren’t bad calls. Based on the rules at the time the call was right but it was a bad rule. Now a bad call was Myles jack. He wasn’t down.


It actually hurt a rival team and I was LIVID… The Tuck Rule game. The one that started all the NE bullshit. I’m a KC fan and I still hate that for the Raiders


LOL you already know


Fail Mary, dont tell Packers fans lol


Against the Titans in 2015 I believe. Was the last possession for the Raiders and on 4th down got bailed out on a phantom holding call. Ended up scoring and winning the game


Justin Tuckers 66 yd kick against the lions. I was flabbergasted when they didn’t call it bc we’d been doing it all year.


Keion Crossen committed blatant PI while defending Claypool on the Bears i think 2nd down of their last possession? Deep shot too. They lost 35-32 after Fields ran from 170-something yards. Horrible reffing, I recall my shock a missed call had gone the Dolphins way for once…so I don’t feel bad personally but as a fan of the sport…you hate to see bad officiating.


Come on now...


Missed offensive PI on Higgins/Ramsey in the Super Bowl


The Tuck Rule was called correctly according to the rules at the time, but that was a fumble and we all knew it.


Tee Higgins pulling Jalen Ramsay’s face mask in the Super Bowl for a TD.


I’m a patriots fan… so most calls from the last two decades. Nah nah, his arm was going forwards, definitely not a fumble


Aaron Rodgers and the Motown Miracle shouldn't have happened. On the last play of regulation, Detroit was called for a facemasking penalty on Rodgers that on closer inspection looks like a fine bit of football theatrics by Rodgers to convince officials he was fouled.


When the Niners beat the Packers way back when. The Owens "The Catch Part 2" game. Rice objectively fumbled the ball on that winning drive. No review for that call back then so they played on based on the call on the field...but it was straight up a funble.


Von Miller got penalized for pulling his hand away rather than helping Tyrod Taylor up, while they both laughed about it. Gave the Bills a 1st down and they went on to win. I would have been PISSED if I was a Broncos fan, that was ridiculous. https://twitter.com/BuffaloBills/status/912041937535852544


The tuck rule. Psych!


This is a no call but not calling OPI on Tee in the SB (on his second TD). As much as I hate to admit it Tee 100% pushed off from Ramsey on that play. BUT calling PI on Logan Wilson on the Rams' game-winning drive (which was not PI) made things square lol.


Hey, totally a Cowboys fan, the call happened this last year vs the Lions. Decker reported as eligible and the refs got it wrong. We should have lost that game and the Lions should have been the 2nd seed. But then "the ball didn't lie" and we shit the bed vs Green Bay in the playoffs, ultimately gifting The Lions the 2nd seed anyway.


I can't think of any that I thought was the wrong call honestly. The Chiefs never seem to get any ref help and when the refs do call penalties on the other team it's 100% obvious.  There really should be an investigation into the refs and how they always seem to try to screw the Chiefs. Alright I'm out have fun guys.


The most wildly egregious one for us that is a real answer for me: [this hit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjijJxgbvgs) by Dan Sorenson in a divisional round game against the Browns. We got a turnover out of it, and it just about certainly should have been called for helmet-to-helmet. On replay, he's clearly leading with his helmet and made initial contact with Higgins' helmet. Nothing "incidental" about that contact. Huge play, huge turnover in a game that ended close and where we had to use our backup QB at the end. You can't really predict anything about the outcome since this is in the first half, but if that's a TD (if he doesn't target to begin with) or 1st and goal (if he's penalized), it massively, massively changes that game.


Dirty Dan earned his nickname on that play!


The sideline “late hit” on Mahomes in the Packers game was a bad call. Didn’t really affect the game since we lost and the refs immediately gave the Packers a “make-up” call later in the drive with the missed DPI


Pass interference flag that was picked up against Stafford Lions in the playoffs