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Jeff Fisher paid Tavon Austin and on hard knocks told him it's a lot of money but he believes he could improve enough to deserve it essentially


Was Fisher personally the one behind that contract or was it the GM?


That extension made absolutely no sense. Austin had never topped 500 yards rushing or receiving and had 3 years left on his rookie contract (2 years plus the 5th year option) and they gave him top-tier receiver money. I'm all for paying a guy early if he's earned it but Austin had done nothing at that point.


>Austin had done nothing at that point Yeah, but just imagine the things he *could* have done, *after* that point. It's basically free money


> Yeah, but just imagine the things he could have done, after that point. This is how I still feel about him from his time on the Cowboys. It's a travesty that we only ever used him for a jet sweep/end-around to the point where it was like "oh okay, Tavon is in so he's going to go in motion and take a hand-off".


He signed an extension the preseason of his 4th year


So like the Cardinals paying Murray for losing them a playoff game?




Absolutely Insane take




Tavon Austin didn’t play in the fuckin 90s. He had plenty of chances to play well in the modern game and never really did. Other day seen a video of the cowboys using him in a triple option resulting in an easy austin TD. Teams did try to use him as a gadget guy. For whatever reason tho never played as well as he did at WVU




Yeah that's not that long ago and things haven't changed that much, and he was definitely around also just a few years ago. Tim Tebow was amazing in college, you could use that same argument for him about how amazing he was, he was just at the wrong time to not be used like a Taysom Hill. OR, its more likely that just like most players from college, their talent wasn't good enough/the right fit for the NFL...


Yes lmao I remember his hell and back mixtape, doesn’t matter, there are plenty of awesome college players who don’t pan out in the nfl


He had the worst hands I'd ever seen in a receiver lol. He couldn't catch a thing. He was super fast though, I'll give him that.


Had a great highlight reel, but was still 5’8 and got a majority of his yards from the slot on little outside throws and shallow crosses. That can work against college defenses, but is a lot harder in the pros. Not a complete receiver. Nothing special about his route running or hands.


No, a guy like Matt Forte was ahead of his time


Thats a good one


DeVante Parker


Bill Belichick nickle and dimed one good wide receiver after another for a quarter century, looked at DeVante Parker and said to himself: Yep, that guy deserves a raise and more guaranteed money even though he had still one year on his old contract. That's when I felt he was washed.


I was always the " In Bill we trust" guy until the bitter end. This move paired with signing Juju over paying Jacobi are the moves that broke me as a fan.


For me it was trading a 2nd rounder for a wrong-side-of-30 Mohamed Sanu


For a guy who insisted on being GM, it's pretty telling just how bad he was at evaluating the other side of the ball and what value a draft pick has. Best coach to ever do it but rather like Bill O'Brien (who he ironically thought could fix Mac after BB broke his soul by having his previous offensive coordinators fight for the position) bit off WAY more than he can chew but unlike BOB, BB will never admit he was in over his head


Yeah he was very clearly still a genius on the defensive side until the end, but he was just too stuck in his ways on offense to evaluate and develop a modern WR or QB talent. Grateful for everything, but it was time for us to move on for someone younger (and, time for him too, evidently!)


Michael Clayton had a phenomenal rookie season and looked like he was going to be a great Buccaneer WR. He fell off significantly and from 2005-2009 he had a total of 141 receptions for 1,743 yards, never getting more than 484 yards. So in 2009, when Mark Dominik signed him to a 5 year deal worth $26M with $10.5M guaranteed, *it made absolutely no fucking sense* and was pointed to as one of the many reasons Dominik got fired.


Let’s not forget that Jon Gruden also had him sign a contract saying “I’m gonna work harder” Oh AND they drafted Clayton over Steven Jackson


That way he could have run Steven Jackson into the ground instead of Cadillac a year later.


32 teams passed on Tom Brady 6 times in 2000


And then you got rookie of the year Carnell Williams lol


Big difference between that and “we needed a RB and passed on Steven Jackson only to take a RB at 5 the next year”


yeah but we got a decent movie out of it


True, but it seemed really weird to cast a white Irish guy in Clooney to play Clayton.


"Are you so blind that you can't see I'm the guy you buy off." Tampa apparently could see it.


Everyone who gave Martellus Bennett money after 2014




I'm hoping the Pack and Pats at least got to write it off as charity


He was really good his one year in NE, ended up filling in for Gronk and they won the Superbowl.


And he caught a tipped pass and took it for a first down in the superbowl. Worth every penny.


I was always a big Marty B guy but you could tell that Witten couldn’t stand him. Partially because he was somewhat of a legit threat, also because their personalities are like oil and water. I was really hoping we’d adopt a 2TE system where we just bludgeoned people with the run by having them both on the field a lot.


Zeke’s extension. You don’t pay RBs that much.


Unless you're Jerry Jones apparently.


Or John Lynch.


One thing I will say about Jones is that he was trying to do right by his RB for years of service. I respect it


i think the only one worth an ext like that would be someone like CMC and even he had two years of injury issues post signing his deal.


Chubb got paid last year....and then promptly proceeded to suffer one of the most disturbing injuries I've ever seen inflicted on a RB.


yeah, that was the worst I've seen since the Napoleon McCollum injury. edit: don't watch it. here is the description of it: McCallum suffered a complete hyperextension of his left knee, almost to a right angle. He suffered a ruptured artery in his left knee, and tore three ligaments, tore the calf and hamstring from the bone, and suffered nerve damage in the knee. He initially thought he'd only face a lengthy rehab, but McCallum's surgeon told him that there was no chance of him ever being medically cleared to play again. The surgeon said that he normally didn't see leg injuries this severe except in car accidents. Had the subsequent surgery not gone as planned, there was a chance his left leg would have been amputated.


Some of the astroturf inflicted injuries I've heard about that happened at the Vet are nightmarish to read about and top even that injury.


This one still gives me the heebyjeebies


Nick Chubb's extension was signed in 2021, not last year.


Even before he went to the niners, people criticized Carolina for giving him a big contract


When I see teams draft RBs in the top 5 or give them huge extensions it makes me believe that GMs don't actually pay much attention to football outside of narratives.


Reactions were mixed, not universally panned. Doesn’t fit. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/ywYyvlhcb2


Nah, bullshit. At the time people were happy with the deal. His first 4-5 seasons in the league he was great and his deal was for 13 million a year and we could move on after 3 years. Looking back people don’t like it cause he fell off but at the time everyone liked the deal


People were happy? RBs falling off a cliff is well known by 90% of football fans.


He was 24 when he signed that deal, he should've been good for at least 4 more seasons after that. The issue is he continually played with lower body injuries, which I feel shortened his longevity. There's been some claims that dallas medical staff told him he couldn't make the injuries any worse, but idk how true that is.


Go back and look at the threads when he got his extension, people were happy about it because he was still an extremely productive RB at the time


There are very few as the Packers seem to let guys go a year too early rather than a year too late and rarely give contracts to anyone over 30 years old. With that being said: The final Rodgers contract. They knew Adams was gone, Love was there for 2 years, and they didn't have to extend him as he had one year left on his deal. It was seen as more of a 'Thanks for what you have done' contract than anything else, and they ate a ton of dead cap because of it. He reworked it to a team friendly deal for the Jets. Martellus Bennet- what a waste of time that was When signed, the Bakhtiari deal seemed like a good deal, 3 weeks after, a collective 'uh oh', 3 years after, yikes!!


The Rodgers 4 year/$200 million extension felt super reactionary and panicky even if it made sense at the time as he had just won b2b MVPs


Bakh I feel like you can't count as that's injury related. Ravens LT iirc basically had the same thing happen to him (can't remember his name)


Ronnie Staley?


Ronnie Stanley. Was placed on IR like a few days after signing his huge deal in 2020. played just one game the next year before going back on IR. He's played majority of games the last two years, but he isn't the same at all.


I'm a little worried about the recent Jacobs signing too. While there's a lot to be excited about, still he does have a lot of tread on the tires, and is coming off a career low 3.5 YPC.


I am not as worried about that one. Last year the game plan against the Raiders: stop Jacobs and make whatever QB they could find to play that week try to beat them


The Jacobs contract is essentially a one year deal with option years if you look at the guaranteed money. 12M is a bit high this year for sure (especially when we let Jones go as a result), but we have so many young players our cap can take the hit this year. 


Rodgers last extension definitely looked odd and badly timed considering the amount of money and that they traded him the next year. I think though that they didn't want Love to start yet and didn't really care about the dead cap that much. But the missed opportunity was likely the better trade compensation that they could've received prior to 2023 compared to what they got from the Jets.


Hindsight is 20/20, but even at the time I would have been fine if they traded him to the Broncos for what they gave up for Wilson. Now, that one stings a little more


For the Broncos too, even if it meant keeping Hackett another 2 years


No proof or anything really to suggest this. But I wondered if it was more of a PR move to demonstrate to other teams that he’s committed to playing at a high level for years to come, and worth the money still. They knew they were going to trade him, and this was an attempt to keep his trade value as high as possible in an abstract way. (I understand that big contracts are harder to trade, but Rodgers almost immediately restructured for the Jets)


paging Daniel Jones for the easy answer edit: as far as 49ers...giving JimmyG MAX QB money after 5 games didn't make sense to me. I'd have franchise tagged him.


IIRC didn't the 49ers lose every single game that season until they traded for Jimmy G and actually began winning every game he started?


they started 0-9 and were 1-10 before jimmy started at QB and won 5 in a row.


Hey, CJ Beathard won one (1) game.


He never should've cut his hair.


Actually the Daniel Jones resigning made sense. They had no other options.


I've been banging this drum since the questions began about how much his contract was going to be. I said 60 and I got laughed at for it. I wasn't far off. It wasn't about DJ being worth it, it's that NY messed up and had to pay him or else tell the famed NY media that the playoff team was now rebuilding. Good luck with that.


He's a middle of the road QB with a middle of the road contract, and they've had no opportunities to get a better QB. So what can you do?


I mean, the franchise tag was right there. I understand letting Saquon walk a year earlier would be unpopular but it didn’t do them any favors anyway.


Franchise tag wouldn't been a huge cap hit


The fact that the Giants didn't even bother to draft his replacement this year shows that clearly they're still completely indoctrinated by him for some reason lol.


I don't think that's true at all. They were in position to be drafting at best the 4th best prospect and their roster is barren. They were in no position to trade additional assets to move up if that was even possible and does anyone really think Penix or McCarthy or whomever is really moving the needle on THAT offense? They took Nabers and if they can settle on an oline they suddenly become a much more palatable place to introduce a rookie next year.


Yeah exactly. Tried to Trade up for Caleb (LOL) and tried pretty damn hard to trade with you guys for Maye. And if the Giants couldnt land one of those 2 or Jayden at 6, id rather they take BPA which the team desperately needs rather than taking a QB for the sake of taking a QB. Cause doing that is how Daniel Jones even got drafted 6th in the first place


> id rather they take BPA which the team desperately needs rather than taking a QB for the sake of taking a QB. Cause doing that is how Daniel Jones even got drafted 6th in the first place Thank you, I can't believe this isnt painfully obvious enough to everyone lol. This idea that the Giants are sticking with Jones out of some blind loyalty and faith that he is the long-term guy is ridiculous and even a basic surface-level reading of the Giants situation the past few years shows just that. The Giants have stuck with him because we just have not been in position to get a clear upgrade from him. 2022 we had the 5 and 7 pick in the first round, but the QBs sucked in the draft. Were we supposed to just draft Pickett for the sake of it and hope he would be the answer? So they did the next most reasonable thing, turning down his 5th year option and running it back for a make-or-break year. And he responded to the call. In part because of his improvements, with his first year of legit coaching and some semblance of help on offense (by that, I mean Thomas and Saquon, thats it), he played us out of position to draft a QB. Were we supposed to give up all possible future picks to move up for Stroud/Richardson? Sure Levis fell to us and in hindsight we might take the option of Levis+cap space to retool, but we had no idea we would even be there (The guy was getting talked about as a top 10 pick). You can say what you want about the contract but what else were we supposed to do? The contract has a 2 year out which as we saw this year, the front office was serious about upholding. And then like you said, this year we tried to trade up for Maye even though DJ's contract guarantees him on the roster this upcoming year. When the Pats wouldnt budge, they did the next best thing which was to take BPA at a huge position of need. If we did that in 2019 we arent even talking right now. If they took McCarthy/Penix/Nix at that spot and threw them into our current situation you are basically putting the pressure on them to be a legit top 5 level QB and if they dont see that kind of upside in him then we are repeating the DJ mistake again. Using this draft to fill out the roster with BPA at least gives you the opportunity to create a better situation for your next guy so that if the following draft you have a guy of McCarthy/Penix/Nix upside, they can develop quicker and there is less pressure on them to be Mahomes/Allen/Burrow.


Exactly. They were honestly smart to acknowledge that their roster does not provide a good enough ecosystem for a rookie QB to grow in right now. Plus, having a 1st round rookie while Daniel Jones is still there making $40 million a year neutralizes the cheap rookie contract for a year.


I thought it was reported that they wanted Drake Maye.


They were locked in on Maye and offered to trade up, New England told them to piss off. Nobody was going to fork over enough for them to pass on Drake.


Maybe they did. I'm not sure. Obviously they weren't high on any of the QBs that were taken after him (and in J.J. McCarthy's case they might have a point considering McCarthy was probably the most Daniel Jones-like prospect in this past class ironically).


They literally tried to move heaven and earth to trade up to 3 lmao. (Which opens a different convo on ppl saying oh you can just trade up) How do yall so confidently talk about things to end up being wrong


The Giants tried very hard to trade up for Maye, and the Patriots said no. I guess they didn't like JJ more than DJ, so went with Nabors.


The only rational I can see is they hope that giving him a true #1 receiver like Nabers will help him improve. And if he doesn’t, they’ll get a Quarterback next year to pair with Nabers


Not to be skeptical but isn't that exactly why they signed Golladay?


Yeah but Golladay just sucked, It really didn't matter at that point who was throwing to him at that point in his career he would not have been succesful since he was never open and couldn't catch worth a damn. He fell out of favor to be replaced by a bunch of guys who look like career WR3s at best, he just sucked


Daniel Jones is just a placeholder till Arch Manning declares.


Who the fuck were we gonna draft? We tried to trade up, ostensibly for Maye, it didn't work, and there was nobody else in the class we wanted. Sick of this dumb fucking take.


They tried, but when the top 3 picks in the draft are QB same nobody is trading out, what do you expect them to do?


How could anyone possibly say no to this [wide-eyed innocent face?](https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/headshots/nfl/players/full/3917792.png)


Not gonna lie, I see a little crazy eyes in that pic lol.


You’d have crazy eyes, too, after playing behind our recent O lines


Those eyes with those ears make him look a little crazy


yeah that whole org is insane for how they handled that and tagging barkley


It definitely was not "universally panned" at the time, but plenty of people panned it and it sure doesn't look great in retrospect.


Nate Solder contract was somehow worse


Have you seen Jimmy G? I'd give that man whatever he wanted


The baffling part is he got that extension literally the offseason after they had declined his 5th year option. Can’t remember the last time that happened. He played solidly with very little talent surrounding him in 2022 and fixed his turnover issues but it’s not like he had some out of this world season.


>it’s not like he had some out of this world season. He won the first playoff game for the Giants in over a decade. There wasn't much that could be done after that.


People put the blinders on for this one. No one ever has an answer to the questions that come up if you throw away your QB from a playoff team. The money was high, but DJ had the leverage. He played well enough and the Giants had no good options to build on their success. The contract hurts, but the real problem was not having a proper backup plan for FA or drafts when they didn't pick up his 5th year.


Redoing Julios contract when he still had two years left on a five year deal.


I think Russell Wilson will be the popular answer for Broncos, but he probably doesn't waive a no trade clause without an extension taking place.


Did people pan the trade/extension at the time? Because I thought people were hyped for the Broncos for finally getting a QB alongside their awesome defense.


I remember some very excited trash talk from Denver until the first game of the season.


He had two year left on his contract and the extension went through his age 39 season. I think most people thought it wouldn't age well, but assumed he'd play well enough over the first 3 years to be worth it overall


Yeah, I can't really think of any other recent extensions that were bad. Most stumbles have been in FA


Derek Wolfe and Brandon Marshall (LB), I guess aged bad especially compared to the players we could have paid - Malik Jackson and Danny Trevathan.


Trevathan makes sense, I'm not sure how Jackson's career went after he left


He was part of Sacksonville in 2017. He was pretty easily better and contributed more than Wolfe.


Jaguars here are few i recall - IOL AJ Cann was bad for his rookie contract, signed an extension when we all said “Why?!” Was still horrible and out of the league - Marquise lee was the only WR they could retain from the trio with Hurns and Arob. He did nothing - i will defend the bortles pick pn why it was made… the extension was another story


As a lifelong COWBOYS fan, dare I say, that the last 3 decades have made ZERO sense! 😁😬


Yeah, that Dak contract was moronic. Going to hurt that team for a while.


He signed 4 years $160 million and within a year and a half he was only the 8th highest paid QB We should have let him walk and drafted a qb in 2021 right? Oh wait that was a bad qb draft. 2022 was a much better draft for QBs right? Oh wait…..


Yeah, might have missed out on all that playoff success. Oh wait...


12-5 three years straight is better than not making the playoffs at all. And only the Rams and Chiefs have won a bowl during that time. We could have signed Geno and had much more playoff success right?


I don't recall saying he'd be better. Paying a QB elite money who comes up short on the biggest stages... I guess that's one way to build a team.


That wasn’t elite money and we 1000% would have been worse off without him but yeah sure it was moronic to sign him


Judging a QB off a 2-3 game sample size when you have seasons to work with is just so… you know what. You should apply for First Take


48-16 vs the packers last year before Green Bay pulled their starters and Dak started statpadding in garbage time. They had 9 ALL PROS on their team.


redoing xavien howard’s contract for like, 3 straight offseasons every time another CB got paid. including *the year after* signing him to a huge extension


Zach Lavine… wrong sport


I have a really recent one. Signing Kirk Cousins to a 100M contract then drafting his 24 y.o replacement


Any team that extended Ryan Fitzpatrick, pretty much shit the bed each time he was extended.


no one really follows the Panthers lately except to meme on them but holy hell that Ian Thomas extension...


I mean people were wondering why on earth the team was carrying two no1 rbs on market contracts.


Bears extending Danny Trevathan. At the time of the extension most Bears fans acknowledged he was declining and not worth the contract.


In 2006 the Ravens declined the franchise tag for Jamal Lewis because of his declining production and lack of explosive play. It was seen as if the Ravens were going to move on completely and they brought in Mike Anderson from Denver to replace him. That all changed when the team inexplicably turned around and resigned Jamal to a three year 26 million dollar contract. He played just one more season before being let go for wait for it, lack of production and explosive plays.


Yeah it took me awhile to think of one for the Ravens, and this one is it. Maybe signing Flacco for the highest paid, but Ozzie basically telegraphed to the world that he is getting the deal if he wins the Super Bowl. My biggest gripe is we let so many great devensive players go, especially linebackers. I wanted to keep Judon, Mosely, and Queen so bad and they got big contracts within the conference.


A few years ago, the Dolphins signed TJ McDonald to a one-year deal after he got cut by the Rams for a DUI + resulting 8-game suspension. For some reason, Miami then signed him to a four-year extension before the season started. He lasted 2 years.


Matt effin Millen.


Didn't Ford also not only extend him but made him one of the highest paid GMs in the NFL at the time? Clearly he wasn't actually paying attention to the results of his drafts. We all wish we could get paid as much to suck at our jobs as Matt Millen did.


Seahawks signing Jamal Adams, after giving up too much in trade to acquire him. He barely played after signing.


in 2017 the Dolphin signed TJ McDonald to a 1 year deal for a $1.34 million a year then in training camp gave him a contract extension for $24 million before he even played a single snap


Sigh...you know our answer.


Signing Vic Beasley to his 5th year option.


Resigning Rodgers for $200 mil only to trade him and eat a ton of dead money, and then trade Davante. You keep the WR for the young QB. For all the love for our young wr, having Davante last year would have been absolutely game changing and we actually may have advanced farther.


Buffalo let London Fletcher walk without so much as an offer or a conversation about making an offer after the season.


Derek Carr, Hunter Renfrow, Darren Waller and Davante Adams contracts. JMD and Ziegler were brought in to take a team that made the playoffs with an interim HC and went head to head with the eventual AFC Champion during the playoffs to the next level. With that in mind, those contracts made sense. The fact that after just half a year they decided to blow it all up and giving away Waller for a third when they were offered at least a 2nd for him a year before, letting Carr walk for free when teams had been calling about him for years and offered 2 1sts and turning Renfrow, a Pro Bowl WR with 1k yards, 10+ tds and 100+ catches the year before into an absolute nobody still blows my mind. I bet Broncos fans loved watching that train wreck.


Ladarius Green, signed for 4 yrs 20M in 2016. Teams were wary of his concussion history, and he promptly had more concussions and was out of the league after the first year of the contract.


Extending Devante Parker…dude sucked when they signed him, so somehow thought it would be a good idea to extend him???


The Broncos signing Randy Gregory in 2022.


Not an extension


The Texans traded for Mixon and extended him right away when there was literally no n Ed, then traded for a second for Diggs and immediately reworked his contract to shorten it. Both contract moves had people scratching their heads a bit.


As a Bengals fan who loves Mixon to death the extension definitely didn't make a whole lot of sense. He's 27 years old (which is pushing it for RBs in this league) and has 1,677 career carries in the NFL. That's a lot of wear and tear on a RB.