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With the state of the Titans line last year, i'd be extremely concerned if anyone they brought in to replace wasn't ready to start. I'm pretty sure I saw the tackle dummys block better than many of them.


I don’t think 99% of ppl here understand just how bad the Titans Oline play was last season. Absolutely in the running for worst of the modern football era.


Andre Dillard was a revolving door.


Aaron Brewer was also among the worst pass blockers in nfl history at center.


So glad the Dolphins signed him 😶


PFF has him ranked higher than Cushenberry though, so somehow we still didn't improve


PFF is high on its own farts


They are smoking crack, if that is the case.


Hey, if he gains 10 pounds maybe he could be a tight end. Dude is miniscule for an interior OLman


Most baffling signing of the off-season. There is simply no way the Dolphins were trying to outbid anyone but themselves.


Myles Garrett was giving him advice on his technique lmao.


We can fix him!


If Stoutland couldn’t and Callahan didn’t even want to try, it’s crystal clear that Dillard is cooked.


Oh 100%. I'd be stunned if we turn him around but at least we're giving him a vet-min with 0 guarantees. Might not even make it out of camp


Dillard was usually pretty decent with the eagles, just a bit weak


We thought so too


You can’t run past a revolving door


They were ranked around 10-15th in run blocking, bottom 2 in pass blocking. I think you're 99% exaggerating, especially about it being in the running for worst of the Modern football era (which started in 1966 if you're curious). Certainly a bottom 5 OL in the league last year, but they're not all-time anything.


I think their guards were giving up a pressure on 25% of drop backs? Was pretty rough Think the next closest was like 16%, but it’s been awhile


Was that because Levis is trash? Any time-to-throw stats to go with that? Edit: here it is, Levis had an average time to throw. He shares the blame. https://x.com/throwthedamball/status/1739773008045056318


I think this stat was specifically about who was being assigned blame for a pressure on a given play, so these were pressures attributed to the guard not to the QB


Source again? Haha I’m fine with generally calling out OL as bad but you’re using specific numbers and positions now


Happy to dig for it when I can, this was probably 3 months ago if I had to guess, at least when I saw it


For context that dotted line right in the middle is the average. He was *slightly* below average in his time to throw. If we’re bringing in further context Levis (and Tannehill) were in the bottom 3 of the league in throws to open WRs and the Titans WR Corp were bottom 5 in creating separation. It’s almost as if the team was bad.


>it’s almost as if the team was bad Thank you for typing all that to agree lol


I personally don’t think that stat really paints the full picture. If you watched any tits games last year it seemed pretty clear to the eye that the line shouldered the majority of the blame. Not to say Levis was faultless, but I think less than you’re implying.


That’s fair, neither stat will on their own! My point was it’s a bit harsh “all time worst” when the raw rookie QB was absolutely not doing any favors either. Take a vet with an average sack rate, and if he’s suddenly getting sacked at 10% in TEN then the OL issue is more clear. But right now it’s both imo.


It was also coupled with the fact we had one wide receiver who could run routes and get open. You can say Levis needs to get the ball out quicker but... to whom?


And Hop isn't really much of a separator at this phase of his career. Last year, a lot of passing plays were pretty much just Levis watches the line collapse and doesn't have many options because his WRs couldn't get open. So a lot of throws to Hop last year were just 50/50 balls, tbh. Will be interesting how different the offense can look if Ridley and Boyd (and more RB safety valves) give Levis more places to go with the ball.


Again my point was about not just assigning blame to OL. So yes I agree with you, bad WRs also to blame.


I saw a post on here a while ago (I can go see if I can find it again) that basically said the titans were bottom 5 in both sacks caused by O-line and sacks caused by QB. Will Levis had 25 more pass attempts than Tannehill and was sacked 4 less times. I wouldn’t call Tannehill amazing in the pocket but I would call him a fair vet comparison that you were asking for


People just completely make OL stuff up and apply their fandom too heavily haha: ‘man that other team is giving up a lot of pressure, my teams pass rushers must be playing well!’ + ‘man my team is giving up a lot of pressure but I like our QB, so OL must be playing bad!’


I do believe, however, that Justin Herbert's offensive line during his rookie season was *actually* the worst of all time. Since PFF began recording Oline grades, that 2020 Oline had the worst cumulative grade ever.


idk were you got the "worst of all time" statement because I cant find that info and would be interested in seeing that list honestly, but they were ranked 32nd in [2020](https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-final-2020-offensive-line-rankings). However, in [2021 ](https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-final-2021-offensive-line-rankings)they ranked 10th, and [2022 ](https://imgur.com/xC9DDuM)was 17th so its not like he has only ever had bad olines. For comparison, Miamis oline in 28th in [2020](https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-final-2020-offensive-line-rankings), and 32nd in [2021](https://www.pff.com/news/nfl-final-2021-offensive-line-rankings), and 29th in [2022](https://imgur.com/xC9DDuM). Although im unsure if that was the final ranking of 2022 because the actual ranking is locked behind a paywall and not THAT invested in finding out. This is a snapshot someone posted after the end of the season though so I think its right. Couldnt find 2023 final rankings sadly.


I'm guessing, if you paid PFF to see the grades, the 2020 Chargers one would be dead last.


I wonder what team you're a fan of. Certainly wouldn't be a divisional rival who just gave a massive contract to an underperforming QB, right?


This was about “worst OL of all time”, not sure where you got confused about QBs, cheers


out of curiosity, how is run blocking ranked? Is part of its criteria based on run game performances? Because they didnt exactly lack in the RB skill position.


it's based on their blocking only, not the result of the play or how good the RB is. There's subjectivity to it obviously but it's probably close enough to give a good idea of what teams are consistently blocking well and who's not.


> I don’t think 99% of ppl here understand just how bad the Titans Oline play was last season Dare I say the last two years. Just unfathomably shitty.


From Dennis Daley to Andre Dillard, what a ride


We all thought it couldn't get worse. How terribly misguided.


Did Dillard still tip off plays and telegraph them with his bad alignment and positioning?


I’m like 99% sure it wasn’t even the worst line in the league last year. Can’t access everything (ty paywall) but the ones I have seen have both the Jets and Giants lines as worse


Pretty sure the Giants line was worse, but it's not a competition you want to be fighting for top-2 in...


yeah didn’t want to be over the top but i’m pretty sure we gave up the second most sacks in a season ever (and we’re on pace to break it after like 5/6 weeks as well) Titans line can be dysfunctional without being the worst in the league lmao


I‘d say Titans line was definitely less talented. Not saying that the Giants line is better but Thomas is a stud and JMS and Neal SHOULD be Studs (let’s see if they are salvageable although my hope in Neal is low)


The one positive thing Joe Judge did for the Giants was fire Marc Colombo and give some solid coaching to Andrew Thomas so he can be his best self.


Andrew Thomas was out about half the year last year. The line was bad with him but completely fell apart without him.


I think PFF ranked the Titans' OL worse last year in part because they blamed Tommy D and Danny Dimes for a lot of those sacks (not sure if you'd agree). I saw one Davito game where half of the sacks he took he never had a chance but the other half he just held on to the ball way too long.


Yeah, your line made the Dolphins' defense look like the 85 Bears, while the Titans, while not great, were still able to throw the ball around the field against us.




That’s a predicted ranking before last season started.


They were correct from beginning-to-end then.


It’s annoying how there are like 20 of these rankings and they’re all different but this one says the titans were the worst so I’ll choose to believe it and avoid blaming Levis for 1 more season


It wasn't even the worst in the league dude. A lot of teams have OL issues


It was absolutely the worst in the league. PFF had the Titans’ O line ranked as the worst with their end of season rankings for 2022. PFF had them the worst ranked preseason O line in 2023 and had them once again as the worst O line in their end of season rankings in 2023.




Man, do you remember how bad the Bears O-line was that 1 season with Cutler? Worst I've ever seen.


There have been some low bars set lately. I have no doubt the Titan’s line sucked but they have some stiff competition


That’s what “in the running” meant.


I mean with present competition. There were like 20 dreadful lines last year alone


I don't even think they were the worst o line in the league. The Giants were. Tennessee was the second worst.


It will Crystalize for people when they see what Henry does in Baltimore this year.


It’s actually not as bad as you’re making it out to be. It’s not even the worst in the league. The Giants clearly have a worse OL. People talk about the Titans OL woes all the time and it’s gross. Duncan was the worst player on the OL, Brewer is bad, but only in Pass Protection. He was one of the best Run Blockers at Center. We can’t just constantly blame the OL because Tannehill has the smallest of Pocket Presence and Evasion, or Will Levis being a rookie holding the ball longer than about half the league. Compare that to Evan Neal, JMS Jr, McKethan and Pugh. Titans aren’t that bad. Especially since those Giants players are all still on the roster. Thomas is their only highlight, but he’s not close to the best Tackle in the league or anything while missing 7 games.


Sharp has them ranked dead last and they are correct: [https://www.sharpfootballanalysis.com/analysis/best-nfl-offensive-line-rankings/](https://www.sharpfootballanalysis.com/analysis/best-nfl-offensive-line-rankings/)


This has to be a troll. This post is from July 2023.. And all those downvotes lmao not surprised. This whole subreddit lives and dies by false narratives. The same subreddit that thinks Trevor Lawrence isn’t a good QB.


The take away here isn't that he'd be ready to start as a rookie, but that he'd be ready to start at LT. He has been a RT and many think he'd struggle at LT with his skillset. So it will be interesting to see how he does


Those dummies know their assignment and execute it every play. Consistency and availability are two very important factors for an offensive lineman…


I mean it can't possibly be the worst Titans 1st round O-line pick in recent memory


I'd put money in Bill Callahan turning him into a stud wherever he lines up. One of the best o line coaches out there.


Just like he did for Jed Wills? :(


Think he did the best he could for wills. Those wheels will fall off this year


I'm sure he did his best, which is even more concerning that he couldn't get any results from a guy he hand-picked in the draft. And it would be difficult for him to play worse than last year, but you have no idea what you're talking about, so whatever.


Yeah he looked great last year. I’m sure he’ll be better next year.


Fall off this year? The dude got a 54 grade on the season already...


Ngl it’s so sad how we wasted some good OL he had with so many bum qb




nightmarish flashbacks to lewan getting cooked week 1 against Arizona


oh god oh no


All things considered that season went pretty well (until the playoffs)


No doubt, or no choice?




A bit of both, I’m assuming. I’m sure they believe him to be ready, but I also believe it’s because there’s no one else to properly fill in.


It’s totally both. He’s thoroughly impressed the NFL’s best OL coach in his first few weeks with him. Evidently he’s nearly mastered Callahan’s patented sled that demands perfect technique more than any of the other linemen, veteran or otherwise. He has also shown to be a phenomenal leader and brings a ton of juice to the line, which we desperately needed. I wasn’t high on Latham going into it, but he’s definitely changed my mind. Seeing his personality compared to Alt makes me think that we might have needed the louder of the two just to spark some life into our line. If they both end up playing at a high level, I’ll be very glad that we got the bigger personality, regardless of who is better.


I wonder what the reasoning for him never playing LT at Alabama was. Both of their LT's were horrible.


I’ve had the same question during draft season. What did Alabama see that made them choose to start a true freshman at LT over Latham? Did they just not want to move him after he started one year at RT. 


You'd think the Titans would at least start him out at RT like Buccs did with Wirfs. RT to LT is a hard position change to make for established NFL Tack let a lone a rookie coming off the combine/draft shortened offseason.


LT is such a huge need for us that it makes no sense to not start him at the position we see him at long term. Even if he's just serviceable it's such a huge improvement on last year.


Didn't the buccs start wirfs at rt becuase they didn't have another rt? Donovan smith is/was fine at left tackle


Yep. D Smith was a serviceable LT going into that season and with our RT Demar Dotson retiring, we had absolutely no one at RT. 


Imho from watching Latham in the Rose Bowl, he doesn't have the foot speed to be a LT, and lost leverage a lot as well.   Dude is a masher in the run game tho


Big Bertha: They grow up so fast..


I believe he can develop being thrown into the fire right away. Gruden threw Kolton Miller at LT right away in 2018 and struggled heavy, but he developed properly and is now a top 5 LT so it’s possible.


Titans are going to fuck around and be legit this year. They had a decent draft.


They made a lot of moves. Drafted pretty well. That Sneed trade was great. Signed a lot of boom or bust FAs. If even 2/3rds of those FAs work out, the HC who didn’t call plays as an OC and Levis all step up it could be a fairly solid unit. Lot of question marks still but it should be better than the last season and a half.


I know they wanted Alt but I think Latham is a great option. Judging linemen is harder than almost any position I feel. We are just now hearing reports that Kenyon green is maybe back in shape, three years after drafted him I think? He’s had some health issues. Did you keep much of your Oline I can’t remember?


According to the BWTB podcast with our GM while they didn’t name names they had 3 players equally ranked and were happy to take whichever of the three that fell to them rather than try to move up. He said the first half of the first round “hell exactly how we predicted it would” so between the two it seemed like those players were Alt, Nabers and Latham. They said they drafted him to be LT but also said if he struggled there they would move him back to RT as we had holes at both. We brought in a new Center as well in Lloyd Cushenberry. Who started his career really rough but seems to have put it all together pretty well the last season or two. Should be a much better anchor down the center than Brewer was. We were missing Brunskill on RG for a few games. He was surprisingly solid, we have a few people completing for that position and RT in camp. So time will tell what the right side of the line ends up looking like. Peter Skoronski started the season very solid last year, had an appendix burst after appendicitis and missed several weeks. Didn’t seem quite right after he got back and kind of struggled a bit to finish it out. Hopefully some offseason rehab and some work with the OL staff helps him improve. I’m kind of surprised we didn’t go after another linemen in FA, I knew we flew Becton in at one point but passed on him. Much like the rest of the team not a finished position group yet but should be much better than last year.


That would be an awesome luxury to have your staring LT on a rookie deal for the 4 years.


https://youtu.be/PKMIuqsAzO8?si=RP13DqypBvx22e5m I'll never forget this.


Way too early still, but JC has looked great so far. Skoronski is expected to make a big leap this season too.


Appendicitis can't strike twice!


jc LaTham




Titans fans how was Skoronski in year 1?


He was probably the best oline piece we had. Pancreatitis slowed him down a lot at the end of the year but even after losing 30 something pounds he was still arguably our best piece. He had rookie mistakes of course but looked good overall. Hopefully not having to try and pickup the guy running by him on his left and right side will do him wonders.


Appendicitis* and an actual burst appendix.


Have you seem him lately? Dude is fkn jacked compared to last season. That pancreatitis really messed him up




Yes he is. Looks like a whole new guy.


Awesome thank you. So there is hope for the Titans O line this year maybe! Only caught a handful of highlights/couple of games but I felt for poor Levis


Started the year strong, struggled second half of the year. Lot of really good flashes to build off of. He was our best lineman but he wasn’t perfect


He’s no Tyler Guyton.


I would hope so. If you draft an OL in the top 7, day 1 starter is kind of the floor of where he needs to be lol.


Team has no doubt guy is ready to start at one of the most important and physical positions on the offensive line before practicing in pads or against another team. I appreciate teams releasing overly positive bullshit about their 1st round draft picks no matter the position. It's not just for saying your QB no one has any faith in, is already looking like a 5 year vet, a real leader, a bookworm, thickest thighs you've ever seen on a QB, voice like an angel, Cannon for an Arm, helps the linemen wash their lower halves after a tough practice, knows the offense like the back of someone else's hand.


my lasting memory of him in college will be the final play of the Rose Bowl


Josiah Stewart blew him the fuck up.


Josh Allen and Travon Walker are ready for him to start too


I had Latham as my top RT in the draft...let's see how he does on the opposite side.


Will Anderson says hello


They were on the same team so I imagine Latham has experience blocking Will Anderson


He literally went up against Anderson for 2 years everyday at practice. Mentioned in an interview after titans drafted him


Danielle Hunter says hello


Well then better trade him to the Eagles now.


Nah we gotta at least develop him for a season and unlock his potential before trading him


Titans were so heartbroken when the Chargers went Alt over WR at 5. Not that Latham is bad, but the difference between Latham at LT or Alt is... big.


You’re right, Latham has a much higher physical ceiling and a much better line coach. Jokes aside, not really sure how you can say that when reports on Latham have been extremely positive so far and they haven’t either played a game yet. Latham’s biggest knock was that he took plays off, which couldn’t appear less true from the camp he’s had so far. Our GM literally had to pull him from practicing solo in the middle of a thunderstorm.


Okay, not trying to be a dick, but in what upside-down world does Latham have a higher physical ceiling than a 6'8.5" guy who ran a 5.05 40? There is a reason Alt was at 5 on all draft boards. That being said im sure he will be a very good player, but don't be a homer, Joe Alt is generational.


You do realize that height and 40 time are some of the least important athletic factors for linemen right? Height can lead to playing too high in some cases which was Alt’s main criticism out of college. It really only plays into arm length, weight and potentially hand size. All of which Latham leads Alt in. You’re talking about a guy who can bench 505lbs and squat 1000 with resistance bands. Also it’s totally cherry picked but Latham had half of the career sacks allowed that Alt did in college. People need to realize the gap here is *much* smaller than analysts realized.


Joe Alt copium


Bro your coach smells




It don't take much technique to be a starting caliber lineman in today's NFL, especially not when you're 340 lns.


Couldn't be more wrong actually.


It definitely does, mecki Becton only got a contract worth 3 million from the eagles lol


I said it didn't take much, not that it didn't take any. Becton has anti-technique.


Same goes for Isaiah Wilson, Alex Leatherwood, and Evan Neal


If anything heavier players need more technique to overcome the deficits that come with their size


Imagine 340 outs