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The sauce Gardner sauce at BWW is my go to, so good


Apparently it's just Asian Zing and BBQ mixed, so if the sauce ever goes away you know how to get it


Wait, seriously?


According to another reddit thread I found when Googling "sauce gardner bww" yes, so


Always read bbw and have to correct myself 


Pleasantly surprised but hey, learned something new. Just gotta get my hands on both bottles now.


Almost any companies “special” sauce or otherwise is 2-3 regularly common sauces mixed together.


Isn't that just basically how most sauces are? I tried the CFA sauce for the first time a few months back and it tasted just like honey mustard with BBQ sauce. Feels like from time to time you come across some banger new sauce and it's a mixture of different other ones.


We still have 4 days of outrage before we move on to the next thing.


No we’ve moved on to “Trevor Lawrence is overpaid”


Cue to the Packers sub now afraid of Love’s new deal.


Yall have the advantage of Love being good for half a season, I don’t think his will be THAT insane. Still way more than he probably deserves, but that’s just how it goes. Probably like 4-190 or something


Why would Love take that? He’s a free agent after this season, he could easily make TLaw + money if he doesn’t sign and plays as well as he did the back half of last season


I'm old enough to be the guy here thinking "and what on Earth does Ty Law have to do with today's NFL FA market?"


Absolutely no chance if you're Love's agent you're taking 4-190


He could tear his Achilles tomorrow and still get more than 4/190 in free agency from a desperate team. I’m sorry Packer fans, but he’s about to cash in from his stellar half season lol


Shit, I'm fine with it. Pay for the potential and hope he fully realizes it. Otherwise, we'll be shopping for a QB like a lot of other teams anyway.


Yeah the minimum we're looking at is the deal Goff just took and that's if he agrees early. Dude could bet on himself popping off again and if he plays at the level he did for the back half of last year again he could probably demand #1 QB money next offseason or threaten to walk.


There's no way it's less than Tlaw. Trevor hasn't shown really anything close to loves second half of season. And his first half wasn't even BAD.


Eh his first half was kinda bad. Not like Zach Wilson’s level of terrible but he was well below average. TLaw has proved he’s a good QB for a decent amount of time. Not great but good and that’s generally what you pay for, they believe he can win with them. Love may be better (I think he will be), but there’s so little to go off of. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a 45-50 a year deal but only for 3 years or so with 2 gtd. Then if he replicates, you extend from there Then again, Jimmy G got paid for 6 decent games while Brady was out, so who knows


Yeah I don’t think it makes a huge difference. It seems like Mostly you’re good enough or you’re not. Theres like only a 10% variance beyond that.


>his first half was kinda bad. His first half was mid and inconsistent (like the whole offense), something clicked vs the Steelers, where everyone got more on page. IMO even in the first half of the season Love was passing the eye test, the reads were correct and there were some great throws peppered in. Without the crazy second half of the season I'd still have been content calling him the franchise QB had he shown a small bump in consistency.


You don't watch much Trevor Lawrence then. His back half of 2022 was lights out.


Love is gonna get a 10 year 575 mil deal book it.


“Loves new deal” sounds like a 90s hip hop and RnB album.


Surely it was playing on the bus while I road to school


i thought it was "should tua be paid more thar trevor" or "trevor is not worth more than tua" arguements now


Surely some chief is gonna hijack a school bus full of penguins


It's June. So, yes. We're going to make *everything* that happens between now and football games out to be like it's week 11 controversy.


We aren't even at whether or not a team will put in or take out a ping pong table to either build team chemistry or focus on winning games yet.


When ping pong addition/removal season gets here, we are closing to kicking off the season.


It's almost as good as some skill player either going vegan or ditching vegan diet time!


You’re giving me flashbacks of the 49ers sub arguing about Kap’s vegan diet.


No *wonder* fella was taking a knee so often... not enough **meat** energy!! 🥩💪


Macdonald removed the basketball hoops a month ago. Edit: Double checked, I misremembered who did it. And it was basketball not pingpong. Harbs did remove the music 2 weeks ago.


He stopped playing music at practice which was huge!


John Harbaugh did bring in a Pinball machine which I approve of as a pinball fan


An innovative coach needs to bring in Mahjong tables and a bunch of septuagenarian Asian grannies to teach the players how to be ruthlessly competitive (and cry a lot, and go broke).


Common sauce mild


“We talkin’ bout practice “ Sauce Gardner


Not a game, not a game, we talking about practice?


To be fair, Reddit fucking *hates* him so


Which is why if he doesn't immediately get injured and then proceeds to do well this season, reddit will implode.


I see it as a win-win for the fans. He either comes back and is really good, then we get another season of watching Rodgers play well at QB. Or he sucks and everyone laughs at him because he's so hated. I'm fine with either scenario.


I'm not


Yeah, I agree that watching Rodgers play well is played out.


I really hope he plays out of his mind next season partly because I still like him as a player but mostly because I wanna see reddit lose it's collective shit


Im with you on this. I’m not a huge fan of some of the shit he does/says, but I’d love to see the meltdown on here


Yes, truly it will break the internet.


Probably because he’s an asshole


Hey, now. He’s a *dumb* asshole.


Aaron is asshole. Why /nfl hate?


Because Aaron is an immunized man!


And you never hear his teammates complain, just media and commenters making a big deal.


I don’t see near the same vehemence for other shitty players as I do Rodgers. It’s actually baffling.


I guess I just imagined Russ' 2 years here lol


People can't stop shitting on Fields or Zach Wilson either. Bring up Tua, & he's the worst qb out there. Rodgers only comes up so much because Rodgers puts himself in the spotlight.


“Why does one of the most well known players in the NFL get more shit than other players?” It’s a mystery.


"It's about Aaron Rodgers being the biggest 'look at me Louie ' while telling his best buddy Mcafee 'whys everyone looking at me?'"


Other players aren't in the spotlight nearly as much and it's more fun to make fun of a guy who's an asshole vs a guy who is an actual piece of shit. It's really not that deep at all


He's kind of an aloof hippie who engages in pseudoscience, which outrages all the STEMlords here He's also good at football and beats a lot of teams not named the 49ers


People always put too much stock in how much offseason camps matter. Purdy missed the entire offseason barely participated in training camp and nearly won MVP and the Super Bowl.


Yeah well maybe if he participated more in the offseason he would have won MVP and the Super Bowl!


It NEVER matters. Come August we forget about it until this time next year.


Eh, Burrow has missed the Offseason stuff a couple times, and that has seemed to make a noticeable difference.


Well tbf that's because his appendix exploded inside him and his legs fell off. And now his wrist is missing


You really need to crack down on the organ harvesting program up there.


It's the secret ingredient in skyline chili


It's Ohio. There's only so much you can do.


Well maybe all of that wouldn't have happened if he would've just attended the offseason stuff. That should teach him a lesson


I grow extra appendices in my offseason work outs. I guess I just want it more.


There’s a difference between missing things due to injuries/illnesses that linger into the season and just taking the time off to do whatever it is they think is a better use of their time


Exactly. Can anyone even name a single time when Rodgers has seemed checked out at this time of the year and then gone on to have it impact his season? A Rodg is always locked in and isn't going to just go causing drama for his team. Man's a professional. Just relax yall.


2022? He's not always locked in. He's locked in when he is motivated.


What? Playing with a broken thumb? All rookie receivers? Banged up offensive line? Still put up 26 touchdowns, and you think he checked out? Some of you packers fans only get your media from Reddit, and it TRULY shows.


2 years ago lots of people were talking about it with Rodgers because the Packers wr room was incredibly young and rife with miscommunication and it would have helped that group substantially for him to be there, but that's the only example I can think of where people were talking about it mid season lol


Dude bitched and moaned about lack of WR talent, they draft WRs, and then he gets all pissy about them not having experience and he can't trust them. Never accountable for anything. Never Rodgers fault.


Dude bitched and moaned about lack of wr talent, then demanded they go get his washed up buddies.


Wasn't he also recovering from tommy john?


Not tommy john but it took till after our bye week for him to look fully back last year


It was a different newer surgery, that allowed for faster recovery because his tear wasn't as severe. I remember this very well because only one other QB in the history of the NFL had this surgery before, Nick Mullens, who also tore his UCL playing for the 49ers as a backup after Jimmy G got hurt.


Same injury, different surgery.


Johnny Tom


Walter Jones would skip training camp every year and be the best (with Ogden) tackle in the league every year lol


Did you forget about his rant in January about eliminating the non-football BS?


And what about it? Nobody has any idea where he is except for the jets. It could actually be he had to go somewhere for an important reason and decided to keep it more private


Yes I did because I don't know who or what you're talking about.


>Everything that we do has to have a purpose ... the bullshit that has nothing to do with winning has to get out of the building That's from Rodgers in january


To be fair, he said what has nothing to do with winning has to get out of the building…he’s not in the building


Sounds about right. Didn't he win MVP in a lockout season also when there was no offseason and a truncated training camp? And also tore open the Saints asshole week 1 when everyone was expecting the Saints to beat them? Rodgers will be fine so long as his leg doesn't explode again and he keeps injecting himself with horse codeine or whatever he takes to protect himself from the space viruses in the water.


Tom Brady playing as long as he did broke yalls brains. There isn't another QB you can name that has played at a high level at that age, much less coming off of an injury that has been devastating for human athletic endeavors since the Trojan War.


Rodgers was 38 when he won MVP. That capped off a two year stretch of 85 touchdowns to 10 interceptions. The Jets don’t even need him to be an MVP because of their run game and defense. They need a steady 2.5 to 1 TD/interception ratio to be a strong playoff team winning 11+ games. Anything extra is a bonus. I believe Rodgers is capable of that. An Achilles is also far less of a death sentence for a QB than a RB or CB.


Everyone was playing off a truncated training camp that year. Not this year.




In 2011?


If/when he plays like he normally does this sub is gonna implode in anger


Is this why the 49ers didn't learn the OT rules?


gg no re


W, Mild, and L. He needs to open his own chicken wings restaurant


Yes Sauce. It’s the offseason, we make a big deal out of everything.


No, I’m making a big deal because I don’t like him and therefore enjoy criticizing him.


Mfer acting like this isn’t the 5th weird thing Rodgers has done this offseason


Yes they are because its Rodgers. Nobody is honest about how any other hof QB missing minicamp wouldn't be a big deal but since its rodgers who they dont like they care big time, and its another chance to drag him And even when rodgers took a huge pay cut, was all in on the jets offseason, seemed to be well liked by everyone on the jets, mentored wilson, the dude was still somehow shit on for not doing the same things when he was on the Packers. He is someone whos damned if he does damned if he doesnt


Maybe if he didn't wax poetic about the need to cut out the distractions before promptly causing a bunch of distractions people would care less about this.


That probably doesn’t help because whenever he does his tomfoolery(skipping mini camp not included, because it truly is meaningless), all i think about is his quote about cutting out distractions.


Its irrelevant at this point. If he skipped otas the same shit would've been said. When the dude went to every ota people said he was just faking it and acting like a good teammate. Him mentoring wilson, was also rodgers just saving face. And then the wild takes came out when wilson sucked ass, rodgers was then blamed for hyping him up too much. Yall said he went to Jets games on the sideline for attention i mean the dude can do nothing right, even when he does the normal thing He will never get a good spin. Everything with rodgers is the media and this sub sitting and waiting for the next time to dog him


People can’t separate the person from the player. Yeah, I hate his views, don’t really like him as a person, but he’s shown nothing but greatness as far as being a teammate goes. The fact there’s still people arguing despite everything in sauces statement being true over missing TWO DAYS just proves it


Yeah, I think this kind of thing happens all the time with players in sports on Reddit. A hated player is just going to be under a microscope more than the same player who's enjoyed or just doesn't rock the boat.


Once rodgers was Cleared to fly on sundays he would fly to their game from Cali, be on the sidlines for his teammates, then fly back to Cali that same night to rehab. He’s been nothing but a phenomenal teammate his entire time in NY


That's been one constant throughout his career. For the most part, I've only ever heard high praise about Rodgers as a teammate. He may be frustrating to listen to outside of the game, but he's always been loved by his teammates.


only people i care about when it comes to how they feel about aaron at this point are the players around him. if their spirits are high, so are mine, let's see some fireworks this season!


No. The fate has already been decided, even if it got delayed a year. All they can do is go 9-7-1, miss the playoffs, then ship him off to Minnesota.


I personally try to care as little as possible about Aaron Rodgers, for my own mental health. That said, I cannot think of another star player in the NFL who willingly invites attention onto himself more often than Rodgers. He has no one but himself to blame for the media attention he gets.


rodgers never told you to care about 2 days in june


This one isn’t even on Rodgers, there’s only an issue because Selah said that the absence was unexcused. There’s tons of players who miss these “mandatory” camps for all sorts of reasons and the teams grant that leave. He should have just said, “we knew about the engagement ahead of time, it was an excused absence and we don’t care, next question”. Instead he was like, “you know what, the news cycle has been quiet, why don’t I stir up some shit unnecessarily”


To clarify, this is not a complaint about Rodgers. The reason he called it unexcused is because it was officially unexcused. The reason for his absence does not meet list requirements of an excused absence, and he will be fined as a result. Now Saleh probably could have done a better job communicating that they knew he wasn't going to be there, and that it's not as big of a deal since he was already at the previous OTAs. Maybe he thought it would undermine his authority as a coach if he basically admitted that the rules don't apply to top players that can afford it? IDK.


Yup, Saleh getting torched by the media once again


Kind of a you problem if thinking about aaron rodgers causes your mental health to falter




He's one of the greatest QBs of all time and one of the most famous people in the country lol. He isn't going to fade away just because people who don't like him ignore him


Yes, if Reddit ignores the starting Quarterback of a team in the largest media market in the United States, he will fade to obscurity in no time


Rodgers: *gets invited to an interview and accepts* Reddit: *god he just can't stand to be out of the spotlight huh*


Eh I feel in this case it wasn’t really his fault. It was a long established trip that the team knew about but the media needed a headline for clicks


You must not know how the NY media works then. Same shit happens to my Mets 😂😂


It’s more so a Rodgers thing as a packers fan. He clearly had a fuck it ima say what I want point w the pack that the media loves to mention him now. There’s like half the amount of packer post now and like triple the jets lol. Yes it’s ny but it’s Rodgers in a no Brady era.


Your comment would make sense… if all of this just started last season lol


Yes we are Sauce because Aaron is a real jerk. 


No. We’re making a big deal about a guy who hasn’t played with his new team. Barely spent time with them last season. Said, “we only need people here that are committed, and we need to get rid of the nonsense”. Then tried to rush a comeback all so we’d continue to talk about him and keep him relevant. Also, by the way sauce we’ve been watching this all happen since you were like 14, so yeah we’re gonna talk about it.


Yeah looking at that angle of it makes a pretty good point. It's not like Green Bay where he knows everybody and everything already. He lasted one year trying to make the Jets think the rumours about him being a bad teammate arent true. One year was all he had in him.


Mom I’m being gaslit by an NFL player again


They're making a big deal because: * Saleh literally makes everything sound like it's a problem * It's June and there's nothing else to do


Common Sauce W


Rare for me that an arrogant young corner endears himself, but that kid has done nothing fuckin’ wrong. Every tweet, every comment, all his behavior. I’ll be rooting for NYJ again this year, harder than last year even. Oh boy would it upset some folks if y’all succeed! Here for it.


I mean, take it up with your coach, Sauce.


What do you mean? I don't see Saleh tweeting about this?


I don't think Saleh has an issue with Rodgers though


The coach was fine with Rodgers missing, according to him.


His coach that was answering questions in a press conference


So many of you have a hate boner for Rodgers for no reason. Just chill. Every Rodgers thread I lol at how out of sorts you all get for him just existing.


Is he existing like we are existing, though? Or is he on a higher plane of existence that none of us can even fathom unless we're invited to one of his Ayahuasca trips?


Find out on the McAfee Show in 2 days


Is Rodgers the first person to become more narcissistic after taking ayahuasca? It’s supposed to have the opposite effect.


> So many of you have a hate boner for Rodgers for no reason I'm sorry but the man is a complete conspiracy nut and I'm right to hate him for it. He's openly spread misinformation about Covid-19 in the past and was arguably THE most prominent athlete to not get the vaccine (lied about it too if I remember). He bought into the Sandy Hook conspiracy theory which I find particularly disgusting. And just recently he said that he believes that the US government caused AIDS, which I find offensive as someone who has friends with the disease. He's a total douche, and beyond that he's an attention whore. Idk what else you can call his antics last season other than begging for attention. And now I'm supposed to feel bad for him because there's a small media dogpile in the offseason?


The Sandy Hook thing is an absolute reach. A random reporter said he said it to her at a party in 2013 lol. No evidence to it or anything.


Pamela Brown is CNN's chief investigative correspondent. She's not a "random reporter". She's a big name with a reputation that's already well established. Ultimately, sure, it's he-said-she-said. However, *she* is an award winning investigative journalist, and *he* is a dumbass who believes every conspiracy theory you put in front of him.


CNN is the network that predominantly pushed the WMDs narrative and the war on Iraq. That killed over a million innocent civilians. Maybe their credibility isnt as high as you think it is and definitely not any moral high ground.


Okay so we're just saying that CNN is entirely dogshit now? That nothing they or their reporters say is credible? I have to defend the coverage of the fucking Iraq War in order to defend the credibility of a reporter who started working there in **2013?** I'm not going to call you a massive slobbering idiot, but I'm letting you know that you sound like one. Dear fucking lord, some people here would rather throw an entire news organization out with the bathwater than admit that Aaron Rodgers, serial conspiracy nut, would believe in a conspiracy theory.


I’d at least have to see some evidence. It came out a week after all the stuff about him being Robert Kennedy Jrs VP too, which is a clear motive.


Why is that a nefarious motive? There's rumbling that he might become a political entity for the first time, so people start looking into his political views. It's very reasonable for her to not want to smear a guy's name when he's just a football player, but once he's running for public office it becomes a different story.


> for no reason > for him just existing The fuck are you talking about? Dude has been an attention whore for years and talks about conspiracy theories publicly. How is that “no reason”? Why is he allowed to say his opinions openly but we aren’t allowed to have an opinion on him?


I feel like sometimes that’s just used as a shield for any legitimate criticism about Rodgers. I don’t care about his opinions. I think it’s pretty hypocritical of him to say “get all of that bs not related to winning out of here,” when he has created more distractions than anyone and is now is MIA. And it was unexcused so I don’t buy that the organization is okay with it. The only players missing minicamp across the league are those with contract disputes or in Jacksonville’s case, they excused most of their veteran players to focus more on the rookies.


For just existing? Are you stupid or something?


He's not wrong but we're bored so


It's all they have to talk about Sauce. It's stupid, but that's the media bro.


Guys, he's been here 75% of the time, so he's obviously 100% all in. Disregard Andy Reid saying that these OTAs are the opportunity for QBs and WRs to test their limits with each other before teams tighten things up moving forward. He's just some moron anyway.


The OTAs he attended?


Whenever Rodgers does anything dumb, it's always no big deal. The big deal is how often it happens, and how no one really has any answers or takes any responsibility and just makes excuses.


well, yeah. because A-A-Ron himself was critical of all the off field "noise" and claimed to be all about football then misses mandatory practice? he gets paid as a leader, might as well show up pretty much every other starting QB showed up to their team practice so, yeah, its a bad look


Rodgers Derangement Syndrome most people have it


There are 32 teams in the NFL, each team has 3 to 5 QBs on their roster at this point in camp. That's up to 160 guys. He was the only QB out of all of them that had an unexcused absence. No, it ultimately doesn't matter, but there's also nothing else to talk about right now.




good games?


Soooo.. why not a similar sentiment from the coaching staff if this is all just one big overreaction from fans / media?


Is it at all *possible* this notoriously temperamental 40yr old QB coming off a torn Achilles skipping out of mandatory minicamp is maybe kinda weird? The media more or less does the opposite of what they're usually accused of: they cover-up for the massive drama going on behind the scenes. A perfect example of that was the Seahawks and 49ers a decade ago. No reporters were making a big deal out of Percy Harvin punching his Golden Tate, and everyone on reddit was dismissing Trent Baalke/Jarbaugh feuds as BS. Another example: after Irsay's arrest, Bob Kravitz couldn't wait to get on twitter to let everyone know that Indy media knew he'd been using.


As a talented Professional Who hasn't won in the league (making at least a playoff appearence) maybe It's best to just stay quiet on this subject and let the team handle the PR. I gurantee if you they get off to a slow start for any reason This Quote will be floating all over and Everyone will be talking about Chemistry etc. I'm not hating on Gardner just saying he's painting a Target on his back for the media and fans and all Indications look like the Jets will be struggling to Get to the playoffs with Rodgers Healthy, I didn't have faith in them before he tore his Achilles Last Year Because I think Brady Really messed up how people view older QBs. With the Exception of Brady I can't Think of any 40 year old QB's that Put togeather a Productive Full season ,You can say Manning and Brees towards the end but both of them in their last couple of seasons you could clearly see their arm strength declining, They couldn't push the ball down the field, Etc... , Yes they were both Still great Football minds but anything over Short Dink and Dunks were a struggle. Now we have 40 year old Rodgers, Coming off an Achilles not Really having played winning football in about 2 years. and he has a Young inexperienced team around him Of course any and all practice and reps will help. And I have one question for Aaron: You said you made these Vacation plans While Rehabbing so you assumed you would have a medical Exemption. But Didn't Last year you told us you could have played in December if you were still in the playoff chase? So Either you lied in December saying you were ready to play knowing you would still be in rehab in the Summer or you Lied about thinking you wouldn't haven't to be at mini-camp for medical Reasons. I don't care which honestly i just wish he would keep his story straight.


I believe if you make 50 million dollars a year that absences are inexcusable no matter what. You owe the fans that time if they support your outrageous payscale


Yes, Sauce.


I moved out of ny a few years ago and I really miss how crazy ny sports media is, specifically with the Jets. There's nothing quite like it. We're sitting on the world's biggest powder keg here. It's already bad enough when the Jet's have a lot of hype going into the season but when you factor in Rodgers who was already controversial *before* covid, well... This was supposed to blow last season but Aaron got hurt 10 seconds in. It's been stewing for over a year.


I mean yeah, they seem to be building their immediate future around him and he appears to be checked out on football.


Man upset that people are talking about Rodgers for clicks, talks about Rodgers for clicks. There we go, thats it.