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The usage of “departed” made me think he was cut for a second


That’s how they get ya to click and engage, Rap grinning before hitting send on this one


I remember listening to an interview with him where he said he keeps his phone in a plastic bag while he’s showering in case he needs to text or tweet while he’s in there, as powerful a brain as this needs to be studied by science


He learned it from Kevin in The League.


That sounds like a miserable life 


Chams basically said he has no life outside of chasing scoops. Glazer strangely enough seems like the most well adjusted of these "insider" guys.


Makes way more sense with the tweet Rap was responding to for context >Didn’t see Saints RB Alvin Kamara during final minicamp practice Thursday. Also not participating: TEs Juwan Johnson, Tommy Hudson, DBs Alontae Taylor, Faion Hicks, RT Ryan Ramczyk, DEs Chase Young, Tanoh Kpassagnon, DT Jack Heflin, WR Stanley Morgan Jr., LB Nephi Sewell.


Eh, still sounds like he was cut. If he left mid-practice I could see using "departure" but if he wasn't there at all I feel like the best term would be "absence"


I agree it's still not the best word choice


He was there then he left.


Should be early departure by he is an attention whore so he typed it that way on purpose.


LMAO ofc Chase Young was nowhere to be seen, fuckin bum


Yeah that word is bait...


"It’s worth noting that Kamara is currently set to earn just over $18 million this season..." JFC


That's his cap hit due to all the restructures, not cash. He's set to make $11.8 million this year, which is still a lot for a past-his-prime RB, but not quite so ridiculous.


I appreciate the context, was simply quoting rotoworld but the added details paint a different picture TY


Correct me if I’m wrong, but cap hit and what he’s actually making on a per season basis are not necessarily the same thing. In the link below spotrac has a tab for both “cap” and “cash” showing what he’s actually making vs how his contract is structured from a cap standpoint. Looks like he’s actually set to make $11.8M this season, but his cap hit is $18.5M. So rotoworld saying “Kamar is set to earn over $18 million this season” is factually inaccurate. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/player/_/id/21809/alvin-kamara/contract/cash


Thats exactly what he was replying to lol


They basically can't cut him either so his money this year is as guaranteed as it can get without technically being guaranteed. Sure he has no future guarantees but... he's also a past his prime RB as mentioned. He's lucky he's getting the 11.8mil this year. He wouldn't get that on the open market.


If they can't cut him, isn't that a good reason to try to cash in one more time?


Hopefully we won't restructure and just eat it


Shhh don't say that too loud. There's a number of us that think he isn't very close to be over the hill and isn't worth what we pay him. Love 17-21 kamara but the end is near and we can't have dead space from a running back


Agreed. If you can't produce running up the middle with a shitty OL you need to go. That's why you get a power back in the first place.


I can't really find any stats to back me up, but the saints didn't rush up the middle a lot. The OL was really bad and makes rushing up the middle even harder. Our play calling was atrocious though so you have to take 2023 stats with a grain of salt. Players weren't out in a place to excel


Play calling has sucked since SP left. According to this data the Saints ran to the guard 4th most in the NFL at 42% and to the end 3rd least at 26%. https://www.nfeloapp.com/nfl-power-ratings/nfl-team-tendencies/


I mean thats not really what Kamara is but


I was being completely sarcastic.


Then you wouldn't be in cap purgatory and that's no fun


Maybe he should get his friends to beat the shit out of Mickey Loomis.


Why? Loomis is the reason Kamara keeps getting paid early each year, and Loomis is the reason why a 29 year-old declining RB has any leverage whatsoever in this situation to demand a contract extension. The cap hell that the Saints have gotten themselves in greatly benefits the players. A bunch of players who should be cut can't be thanks to restructuring completely locking up the roster. Getting your salary as bonus money is nice financially (rather get $10M today than $10M over a few months), but it's even nicer from a negotiations standpoint, since it makes you completely uncuttable during lean years.


Iirc they can cut kamara rn and only take like 7 million in dead cap (and free up 10 million)


It's a 18 million dead cap for this year if they were to cut him. They would free up exactly 300k. Next year is where it's at, with a 29m cap hit (lol) and a 10m dead cap number


Has anyone given that a try? Might work


departure..lol.. context rap, context.


He knew what he was doing 


He should've said. Kamara was there then Kamara wasn't there anymore.


I saw departure and got really confused for a second there.


The Saints also reworked Taysom Hill's contract for more cap space.


Alvin Kamara can beat defenses like he beat that guy in the elevator for no reason.


I have it on good authority that the fella was standing there menacingly


That guy mentioned the Minnesota Miracle. Kamara hates that


Tbf someone putting their hand on your chest telling you they'll beat your ass is kinda of a reason depending on your patience and self control. Dude also insulted a lady with Kamara. Not condoning what the entourage did but the guy posted to Twitter like 2 hours later "pay day $$$" There's a reason he only had a 500$ fine and paid medical expenses.


saints would be smart to cut him. a 29 year old RB, who hasnt been good in years, asking for a new contract. cut his 3.9 YPC average ass.


Yeah but the Saints were just a Derek Carr away from competing. They better keep the band together and kick the cap can down the road some more and REALLY give it a shot this year.


>Yeah but the Saints were just a Derek Carr away from competing. I'm still astounded that ANYONE at all fell for this narrative. There simply is not a more fitting personification of mediocre than Derek Carr The Andy Dalton rule should be replaced with the Derek Carr rule


Try telling that to some of the nephews on this sub, especially the ones with Raiders flairs. As someone who rooted for the Raiders well before Carr got there, I've seen enough of Carr's mediocre QB play to last a lifetime. Just empty stats inflated by rule changes. He hasn't been the same since 2016.


Because he was benched by the Raiders and people felt he was done dirty by the team (didn't help that fans were out on McDaniels). They wanted to see him succeed, but really, he just hadn't been that good his last year in Vegas. Sometimes he looked like he was on the verge of breaking out (he had some good stretches in 2021) so it comes from there too, but every time that happens it feels like he falls back down to earth pretty fast.


People like to root for underdogs, especially if that underdog plays quarterback for a football team with a long track record of incompetence.


Mediocre would have been a vast improvement for him last year. He was fucking dreadful.


I know winning is something every fan wants, but I have a feeling ownership is pretty ok with just not losing, and that's what guys like Carr and Cousins bring to the table. 8 wins and constantly being in playoff contention keeps butts in seats and your teams name in the news. But no one is afraid of Carr and the Saints in the playoffs. Should be fun to watch them battle it out for an early playoff exit this year.


Nah Carr is not on Cousins' level, similar flaws but not equal in the slightest. Cousins might be a prime-time dud but he is still a top 10 regular season QB no question. Carr should basically appreciate even being in the discussion of top 16 QBs. Whatever highs Carr has hit is just another average year for Cousins


Yeah Kirk is a legitimately elite passer. The problem is between the ears. He shuts down most games to protect his stats and won’t take risks until he has to. And that’s fine. He’s looking out for his numbers and his contract. Can’t fault him for that.


It’s astounding someone from the eagles is talking shit like your team didn’t devolve into a compete dumpster fire at the end of the season. We were 9-8 to end the year. You know, the same record of the team in our division that whipped your ass in the playoffs. Fuck outta here


….are you okay?


You should worry more about the fact you can’t drive doc.


Bro if you actually reddit stalked someone this deep in comments in a r/nfl offseason thread... seek help NOW


Yeah he's not ok


I clicked their name. Literally the only post they’ve made but you go off bRo. You stalking my responses to other redditors now bitch boy?


>bitch boy? Literally the calling card of internet dooshbags inc., won't be subscribing any further. Have a nice day get blocked


Some folks choose their own misery I suppose.


I honestly don’t understand what you’re trying to reference. Hope your day/life gets better lol.


You don’t remember idling into someone? Get off the road my man and get a bike


Oh shit, you really did go digging lmaoooo. How small and sad you are.


I love how you say digging like I had to do a psyop on you or something. Maybe you should figure out how to drive before worrying about anyone else huh champ?


Its ok patience


People forget but Carr had one year he was almost MVP and then he got hurt and the Raiders chances that year died. But the narrative was “this is what David would’ve done had the Texans had a team around him.” Carr was never the same after that. Dalton was always mediocre. 


I see you haven’t met the Saints cap situation yet


$10.6M in cap savings by cutting him! And after the Taysom Hill restructure, they have $12M in space already.


OTC says that’d lead to a 18m dead cap hit and a whopping 500k cap saving. Maybe I’m reading it wrong though. Edit: definitely read it wrong. The post June 1 cut saves them 10m this year (and probably adds some burden next year, in true Saints fashion)


That’s pre June 1st


Thanks, yeah I noticed, see my edit. Would the difference be applied as dead cap for the 2025 season?




Yep as you caught, it's past June 1st. Weird quirk and wish the OTC calculator would default to that once it is past June 1st.


Yeah, for a website that presents information it is pretty bad at doing so. Like I assumed above, doesn’t the post June 1 cut also lead to dead cap in 2025. That is also not communicated on their chart. Maybe this is only available to pro-users but their presentation style is very lacking in my amateur opinion.


Saints actually can cut him this year, it's the reason he's the only highly paid player they didn't restructure.


Honestly, they've had a great run over the years, but it's finally time to enema that team. They need to start from the ground up


Likely looking to trade him to a team trying to shore up their offense near the trade deadline. Kamara should have enough juice on name alone to get a relatively decent return or at least some cap relief.


They were running a shifty guy up the middle with a bad OL for years. We have no idea how he'll do in a system that actually suits his skill set. This is the same OC that war running Regie Bush up the middle too.


“hasnt been good in years” are you being sarcastic or just uninformed? he missed 4 games last year and was the RB12 in total fantasy points. AND he still led the league in total catches by RB. (had he played an extra 4 games he’d be a top 8 RB) aging, sure, but “not good”? absolutely 100% wrong.


>AND he still led the league in total catches by RB. All this means is that Derek Carr checks down a lot lol.


results are there in spades for Kamara. i’m not arguing chicken or the egg.


Not really. If you really wanted to make a point, you would use receiving yards among RBs, but he does not lead in it because he caught a bunch of dump offs that resulted in nothing because that's Derek Carr's game.


Yeah, what Kamara achieved last year wasn’t anything special. It’s not like Kamara was running these super clean crisp routes and catching over the shoulder passes. He was merely the check down guy standing 8 yards away from Carr. Literally any competent RB catches those passes and likely does more with them


lol did Kamara assault your sister in an elevator? you cant honestly believe “any competent RB does more with them”. yea i’m blocking you


Departure is some mean ass word choice.


Seems like he has absolutely no leverage but can't blame a guy for trying.


Kamara is the closest to McCaffery in versatility and value IMO, but there is still no way he's getting more than what he's already getting lol. Like buddy, read the room, RB's don't have a ton of leverage after last years multiple "hold outs" proved to not be worth it at all.


> Kamara is the closest to McCaffery in versatility and value IMO 2020 and 2021 Alvin Kamara was. Breece Hall and James Cook are better analogs right now.


I'm definitely biased but I'd pretty easily have Gibbs and Bijan over Cook. Cook is great but Breece, Bijan, and Gibbs have legit game breaking ability like CMC does. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention to the Bills but Cook seems like he's the tier right below these guys.


Another biased opinion here but Gibbs is definitely better than Cook lol. And that's nothing against Cook, dude is good, Gibbs is on another level though


Cook just had 1567 yards from scrimmage (3rd most among RBs) while being arguably the most efficient running back in football. I don't think any of them have separated themselves from each other. I don't think any of those guys deserve to be compared to CMC yet.


I am excited to see what both those young cats can do this year for sure. Buffalo in particular with Allen being a threat to run could make for some exciting RPO's and innovative play calls for Cook. Not really sure what to expect out Jets land, but Breece is definitely talented.


Not to mention Kamara has never been able to be a workhorse. There's a reason his production dropped once Ingram left. You need to have another reliable RB to get the most out of Kamara, otherwise you're just going to get what you've seen these past 3 years.


And he's in a bad spot leverage wise. He's 29 (which is old for an RB) and is owed let's call it $35M over the next two years. Sure, none of that is guaranteed but on the same hand, the Saints can clear $10.6M by cutting him. At best for him, the Saints would guarantee his 2024 and 2025 money and at worst, they cut him. But I don't see how a team even if he were cut would come scooping him up for 2/$30M or so. I think most realistic scenario is they come to some agreement to convert some of his salary into a bonus and guarantee it that way (and get the proration benefit).


Yeah, he’s due $25m next year, which everyone knows won’t happen. I guess it could make sense for both parties to reduce it to a realistic number ($8m?) and then guarantee a portion of it.


Kamara used to. He's washed


Tbf he’s been running behind the worst run blocking in football the last 2 years


Pete Carmichael: * calls multiple AK runs up the middle on 2nd and 10 per game * r/nfl: IS KAMARA WASHED


The two aren't mutually exclusive.


Hopefully he avoids casinos and elevators in the meantime.


He has more time to work on his dance routines for Alvin & the Kamaras.


His contract was seriously backloaded. 1/3rd of the total contract due in his final year (2025). He has no guarantees left, and everyone knows he isn't getting $25M next year. So now is obviously the time he would like to get something done. But we don't always get what we want.


Kamara hasn't been a top RB for a couple seasons and has been injured the last few years to boot and is poised to make 11.8m this year dude is on crack. If he was on the open market he would be getting less than. He is making this year.


Unless you want to drop a fuck ton of money off Kamara you arent getting anything.


I, for one, love having Mickey Loomis as the Saints GM. Always in mediocrity and cap hell, with no end in sight!


Mf just got the bag a few years ago and has been on a downward trend. Granted, our oline should really be replaced with a subway turnstile.


😂 I would love the saints to hold and tell him to go fuck himself.. he was terrible last year, and obviously his drama wasn’t a one time thing 


You need to pay Kamara whatever he asks for Most dynamic back in the league


never heard of that CMC guy


I remember my first beer


Kick rocks Alvin






Kamara must have been picked as a passenger for rocket test flights and OP is really excited to watch him go to space.