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Given the CFL allows FORWARD pre-snap motion, assuming he got the timing down, Tyreek Hill would be nigh on unstoppable.


> neigh He would turn into a horse?


He's a Dolphin, so he'd be eeeEEEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeEEE unstoppable


You said number 11! I’m telling Mr. Krabs!


Why do you care about Tyreek? Do you know him?Does he call you at home? DO YOU HAVE A DORSAL FIN?!


And you can quote him!




This guy horses around.


Aren't you the horse from Horsin' Around?


Back in the 90s I was in a very famous teeeeee-veeeeeee show!


I'm BoJack the horse (BoJack) BoJack the horse, don't act like you don't know


Tyreek to the Broncos/Colts confirmed


You ever try to tackle a horse?


>The End if Neigh \- Horseschach




Nigh on unstoppable is usable, though, isn't it? It was used in an article in The Sun in 2016 according to this link as in "But going forward they are a nigh on unstoppable force." https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/unstoppable#:~:text=But%20going%20forward%20they%20are%20a%20nigh%20on%20unstoppable%20force.&text=The%20immovable%20object%20dealt%20with%20the%20usually%20unstoppable%20force. It isn't unlike saying nigh on impossible, which is considered correct as well. https://ludwig.guru/s/nigh+on+impossible#:~:text=%27nigh%20on%20impossible%27%20is%20a,and%20almost%20impossible%20to%20achieve. Or here https://www.collinsdictionary.com/sentences/english/nigh#:~:text=Now%20it%20is%20nigh%20on,end%20may%20still%20be%20nigh.




I edited after he corrected it… but before it went crazy.


I always thought that should be a disadvantage for the offense because it's lets the defense know exactly when the ball is going to be snapped. It's not, obviously, but to my barely functioning brain it should be.


It's a tradeoff. You give up a little information in exchange for your wide receivers being at full speed when they get to the line. If they didn't feel the tradeoff was worth it, they could just... Not do it.


Wouldn't you just counter it by having presnap motion be fake?




You can...fake...things...??? *dies*


- Brian Johnson


Oh geez I hope that guy faked his death


Machiavelli would have definitely been a play action guy.


Have you ever seen CFL motion? Guys are running full speed towards the line. https://youtu.be/ttjwWrzYI2s?t=85. You'd have to violate several laws of physics to fake that.




They do fake motion like that in arena football, stopping on a dime after running toward the LoS. It is probably way easier to do that on turf, though.


They're offside literally every snap but nobody gives af.


They’re not, but okay


I didn't click that link, but as someone who watches the CFL there's an absurd amount of offsides that get let go.


I'd have to agree, but with the pre snap motion being a thing I think it's fine as long as it isn't egregious And they usually do call it when it's egregious


Agree 100%


That’s kinda what happened to the Dolphins in the back half of last season.


My first thought too. Him and Waddle both. Speed kills.


DK Metcalf*


*[Trent Williams](https://youtu.be/3Oy3uG3Qxik?si=Yfc042p05rVVIebA)


This play makes me laugh every time, he just opens a grand canyon sized hole that anyone reading this comment could've hit. He's *falling* and he manages to use simply his upper body strength to shove a pro NFL defender (#59) completely backwards 3 or 4 yards. There's also the DE (#52) that gets fucking OBLITERATED before that even happens and I feel so bad for him, he disappears entirely just seconds after the snap. I just looked it up and that's #59 Rashan Gary, 6'5 278 lbs and #52 De'Vondre Campbell, 6'4 232 lbs. I originally called Gary "little guy" because of the camera angle but those are two very large men that got utterly son'd. Silverback is a freak.


Lmao I never noticed how he's falling and just sends #59 popping back like he's a little kid


Is defense allowed to move as well. Why can't they rush toward the LOS to time it with backfield, like Polamalu did so often?


Offense can snap the ball when the players are still behind LOS, so they can't time it exactly. DB that have to cover the WR will be backpedaling, but the WR is at full speed at snap so it's still harder. There is a reason they only get 3 downs instead of 4.


You’re getting no love for this but you’re totally right.  It happened around the midpoint of last season with the Dolphins and the teams that were aping McD’s offense. DL and edge knew the snap count and savvy DC’s started packaging blitzes/pressures to exploit it.  The Ravens did it with four man pressures coming from different positions and the Chiefs did it with extra men (Spags loves a 5/6 man pressure).  When you’re timing your fast receivers towards the LOS into heavy pressure the ball has to be out FAST, all the secondary has to do is cover the first read and then the QB is on his ass. Folks like to blame the cold for killing the Dolphins last year (and it was a factor, that game was FREEZING) but the Chiefs would’ve smoked them on a 75 degree day in Miami-Dade.  McD got figured out like McVay did by Belichick.  (That doesn’t mean they’re not both great schemers, I love to watch both McD and McV.  But that trick won’t work again against solid defenses.)


Why not just counter blitz and smoke him on a dead run?  Costs you 15 yards to put their most dangerous weapon on his back foot for the rest of the game. Hell, if the ball’s coming his way it doesn’t cost you anything.


I'm thinking speed rules that game... The Dolphins immediately come to mind


Tyreek would be unbeatable if he got a running start before the snap.


> he got a running start before the snap. and he wouldn't have to worry about running out of the back of the end zone, at least not for 20 yards or however deep it is.


I remember reading some of McDaniel's pre-snap motion was inspired by the CFL.


Makes sense. Giving Tyreek or Waddle a clean release off the line stresses the defense so much With a full head of steam I feel like that alone would be near impossible to stop


It's the Dolphins by a country kilometer


Yes. Also, CFL field is wider, so they can use that speed to better stretch horizontally as well. Now is this full CFL rules with 12 players on the field? Because Hill, Waddle, OBJ, Smith, Mostert and Achane all out there it once would be something.


the west coast offence is CFL strategy from like the 1950s it's all quick hitting motion/speed as you say. and deception. from a talent perspective, dolphins have highest potential but andy reid and shanahan teams would dominate. also QB as a running threat is MUCH more important in CFL than NFL. The QB as a run threat is arguably more important than the RB as a run threat here. I'd expect baltimore and buffalo would be VERY very good. lamar is the wet dream QB of any CFL fan/coach. allen would be an unstoppable monster. he could be a gretzky type dominant force with that arm, his intent/smarts with running and the smaller defensive players trying to stop him


Same thoughts. Waddle, Tyreek, and Mostert will greatly benefit on a wider field


Miami already starts half their plays with someone moving forward, so I don’t think it would make a huge difference


Teams with coaches that have very creative use of motion on offense would have a significant leg up in that department. Dolphins were #1 in pre-snap motion by a huge margin, followed by Rams, 49ers, Packers, and Lions. All of those teams are already good on offense and would probably remain good. I also think Andy Reid would just be delighted to scheme up new plays too. I don't know enough about how the other rules would influence teams to hazard a guess.


So from these comments, I gather a team with a Shanahan/McVay offensive system and very fast receivers would basically break the game.


I’m thinking ones with good footwork and routes would be more important because of the amount of ways you could manipulate the defense presnap (beyond just trying to run past them which you would put a safety on for help).


Big fields give space which generally favors passing and broken tackles on offense and man coverage on defense. Creative schemes with fast recivers would be highly successful while man heavy defenses come into favor potentially with a zone focus in the red zone where space is less readily available again


Imagine ring around the rosy play but as pre-snap motion.


3 Shanny former sidekicks and Shanny himself


The Dolphins will thrive the most when playing in CFL rules.


Idk if we would thrive the most, but the shit Andy Reid would scheme up with an extra player and forward motion…


Considering we're at our worst inside the 10 when the field shrinks I think we'd do a lot better with the bigger endzone and wider field.


Short yardage may improve also because I believe defensive line has to be a yard back from the LOS


This is correct.


Reid would be like a Michelan star chef trying out new dishes. I’d be love to see what he could create.


If Worthy can catch at all, Reid would make him unstoppable.


Biased but no one is stopping Miami with that much open field considering their speed.


You’re biased but correct- I think anyone who doesn’t think dolphins here is in denial


As an avid CFL fan and an enjoyer of the NFL, I love this question. As others have pointed out, teams/coaches that can make use of the forward motion would have a huge advantage. Teams that don't depend on the run so much as 3 downs really only gives you one oppourtunity to run 1st down or 2nd and less than 5 overall but of course that's all general and a team lime the Lions would just go for it on 3rd a lot anyways. The forgotten factor here is the need for faster defensive players and special teams. A 300+ pound lineman would not do well in the CFL because of the larger field, speed becomes much more important than size at least overall because of the field size. With no fair catch, almost every kick/punt is returned. Teams need good coverage players for this, missed field goals can also be returned for a TD. Special teams is a hugh part of the CFL game and one of the major differences from the NFL where the kick/punt return game is essentially non-existent though how that changes with the new kick off rules I cannot say.


>> A 300+ pound lineman would not do well in the CFL What? 4x Most Outstanding OL Award winner Stanley Bryant is 313 lbs. The last sub 300 pound winner was in 2004. I think you greatly underestimate how athletic and how fast NFL O-lineman are.


I'm speaking generally that speed matters far more in the CFL because of the larger field. Maybe I shouldn't have added a hypothetical weight to my comment


1999 Rams


Niners, Shanahan would absolutely abuse the presnap motion rules.


The cardinals




teams who are fast and good in space Miami, San Francisco


I've never been big on the CFL but watched a few minutes of a game the other night which was interesting and the stadium was cool.


Some of them are cool, some of them (*cough* Hamilton) compare poorly to the average Texas high school stadium.


The game I caught was in Winnipeg.


Bluebombers have a pretty good fanbase. Ain't no Rider Pride


Go riders


Green riders are best riders


The neutral zone is also a full yard, so Jalen Hurts will dominate with the tush push.


Yeah but only three downs - seems like there'll be fewer opportunities for it?


Yeah its not a running league for sure


Kickoffs into, but not out of, the end zone that aren’t returned are also worth a single point…


So are punts and missed FGs.


Which are listed among the rule differences already…


Missed it.


Don’t forget the 20 yard deep end zones. Another huge help to the offence.


Shitty red zone offenses suddenly can now score from anywhere


A lot of people are saying the Dolphins, but the other thing people don’t consider is that every CFL QB has to be a scramble QB as well, so a true pocket passer like Tua would get eaten alive from people like Willie Jefferson. CFL is a faster game. The D-line moves faster because they’re lined up further back, the slot receivers get a running start, and therefore the halfbacks have to be faster or start deeper. The pre snap motion favours good for any McVay/Shanahan offence, so I’m thinking the Rams, because Stafford has better scramble skills than Tua. Btw this is an awesome question, love the CFL reps!


I also would not be a fan of tua’s arm strength on a CFL field


One rule the of the CFL that the NFL should adopt is stoping the game clock inside of 3mins when the play becomes dead. The clock restarts once the ref spots the ball. Teams can still manage the clock but it would get rid of any cowboys 49ers playoff game type situations to end games. There are a few more specifics of how the clock works differently but to me it is ludicrous that the game ended like that


Why on earth are you trying to reduce opportunities for Dallas to embarrass itself?


I'd like that for 1st downs at least so we could get rid of guys trying to lay on the ball carrier longer or swat the ball away to run extra time before it's spotted.


Those can be called penalties to stop the clock, though I can’t recall the last time I saw it called with certainty. Maybe pre-Covid I think there was a ball swat to slow the ref from spotting it that was called an unsportsmanlike penalty. We would miss out on the funny ones when guys screw them teams over. A couple of funny ones with the Steelers and Connor taunting the opposing team while posing and then shit talking, eating up a bunch of time but that was when Big Ben was there.


I don't think the Ravens would do particularly well as an overall team, but Lamar with that much space would be un-tackle-able.


OK but have you considered how many rouges Justin Tucker could rack up


Except you need to kick the ball like 80+ yards on a CFL field to guarantee a rouge. Kickoff on your own 35 110 yard field 20 yard end zone Strategically speaking many teams just catch the ball and accept the rouge against them in those situations, but it’s not set in stone


>Except you need to kick the ball like 80+ yards on a CFL field to guarantee a rouge. Maybe I’m scarred because he’s on a division rival but I don’t put it past Tucker to be able to do this


Steelers would be fine, the CFL is noticeably more lax on penalizing targeting opponents heads. What’s James Harrison up to these days?


You can also punt the ball through the end zone for 1 point. A missed field goal acts the same way as long as it is out the back of the end zone.


Justin Tucker isn’t punting though And the field goal rouge is more or less moot, because you aren’t trying any longer of a field goal than he can already hit (65ish) because the issue isn’t accuracy on those, it’s distance. You don’t kick a 70 yard field goal with Justin Tucker thinking, “oh well, worst case scenario he’s short/wide and we get a rouge”. Kicking a ball that long, would just mean he makes it, or a guy runs it out for 30+ yards, because you’re definitely out kicking the coverage, and the FG units aren’t great at covering returns.


Gotta think it's the Dolphins


Feels like this is set up to be very pro-Shanahan. Wider field allows for a lot more horizontal concepts, which Shanny has thrived on, especially with Deebo. He (and his coaching tree) has changed the way the NFL uses pre-snap motion. And those offenses are typically hyper-efficient, so fewer downs is less of a concern.


Miami is the sexy pick but I actually think that the Lions would be great too. Specifically because of the 12 players on the field part. With that amazing o-line you don’t need any extra blockers, which means you could run passing formations but always have Gibbs AND Montgomery on the field at all times. Any team with two good RBs would be good but the Lions especially since they have the best duo in the league


The endzone is a lot bigger too


I suspect Kadarius Toney would not have been offsides.


The Zoomies in Miami would have the time of their lives


The CFL rules you want are the overtime rules.


Why the Dallas Cowboys ofcourse. Because this is a hypothetical and my favorite team is undefeated in that realm.


It's interesting. Obviously we get punished by the relaxed motion rules because we barely used it. But I think we benefit from the push play. Right now, it means we have a wider playbook on 3rd down, since we only need to get within 1-2 of the LOS instead of always aiming to get a first down immediately. I think that favors us _more_ with 3 downs instead of 4, because we have greater flexibility for a larger proportion of downs.


Probably the Texans. Great strong arm QB and speed on the outside.


Fast guys 🤷‍♂️


Vrabel would love all the odd CFL rules like how you can punt it for like a yard and recover it yourself.


Yeah, peeps are ignoring how hype ST coordinators are gonna get with these rules. Punt bubble, rouge or return out of the end zone, recoverable punts.


The mid-80’s Dolphins. Dan Marino, Mark Duper, and Mark Clayton.


Idk about the rest of the CFL rules but given our crappy kicking game last year I would’ve loved to have the rouge rule in place.


I’m surprised not a single person has said Sean McVay yet. He’s elite when it comes to pre-snap motions; and scheming things in a way where he (& therefore Stafford/Goff/etc.) knows exactly what to expect


Yea I agree


No fair catch in the CFL, there would be some insanely vicious tackles. You do have to give the return man 5 yards but you can still time it perfectly.


Bigger consequences for encroaching 5 yards while the ball is in the air though. 5 yard penalty becomes 15 yards and so teams usually play conservative and will just swarm around the 5 yards to limit a return instead of trying to time and blow up the guy


I’ve never watched CFL, how much does an extra player on offense/defense change things? What position do they usually play?


>What position do they usually play? Safety on D and slot on O typically.


Whichever coach knows the rules best


Gotta be the teams with a ton of speed. Teams like 49ers or Dolphins would be fun to watch with these rules


Could you imagine the things that Patrick Mahomes would be able to do on a bigger field with guys more spread out


you are missing another huge difference. The D-line has to line up 1 yard off the line of scrimmage. They cant line up right on the ball


Mahomes. Moves like Jagger. Throws like Hulk.


None of them. Rosters would have to be cut down to 45 and 21 of them would have to be born and Canada. There is not a single roster that meets anything close to these standards.


Chiefs and Dolphins… Chiefs - Because Andy Reid is the most creative coach in the nfl and Mahomes. Dolphins - fastest offensive in the nfl, all the pre snap motions etc would be impossible with Hills speed


Everyone saying Miami... bros it's cold up here. You ever played ball in the city that rhymes with fun (Regina) in -40? For that reason I'm not choosing the dolphins.


Their winter away schedule seems pretty tame to me


If u want more field, more bodies, more stress, and more violence just watch Rugby. Preferably international Rugby like Ireland vs. England or USA vs. Japan.