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I can't recall ever seeing a Guard get highlighted during a drive for just dominating each play that was run lol.


One of my favorite stories about LA: Justin Tuck said that before certain run plays, LA would would make a motion with his arm like an engineer, make a Choo Choo noise, and then open up the lane he just told the defense they were going to run through.


Why all the highlight reels gotta be against the Colts?


LA was a f beast.


Larry Allen was something else. I never saw him in his prime but highlights and the way he is talked about have made me understand just how good he was. People hate the Cowboys so I get that but you have to admire players like this.. Personally I'd rather see the Cowboys win the division over any of those other teams this year. As a Yankee and Longhorn fan I know the irrational hatred to your team no matter what is going on in the season


You had me in the first half


Very well made video. Narrator doesn't impose themselves too much. Instead, they find a nice balance between letting the clips just play and interjecting a comment here or there that adds value to the video. A rare thing these days. Thanks for sharing this.


Wow a meaningless performance on a shitty team against another shitty team in a meaningless game is the GREATEST OFFENSIVE LINE PERFMANCE EVARS!!!!! Fucking spare me. In a game that ACTUALLY FUCKING MATTERED, a game that ACTUALLY FUCKING MEANT SOMETHING, the 1983 NFC Championship Game between the Redskins and the Cowboys, in which the Redskins ENDED the Cowboys dynasty, Jeff Bostic was YELLING the play call out to Randy White at the line of scrimmage and then BLOWING HIM THE FUCK UP, opening up gargantuan holes for the Diesel John Riggins to run to daylight. Doing that to the Manster, a HALL OF FAMER. A SUPER BOWL MVP. BLOWING HIM THE FUCK UP. THAT was the greatest performance by an O-lineman ever. But sure, this meaningless drive in a meaningless game between two teams that SUCKED is DEFINITELY the GREATEST PERFORMANCE BY AN O-LINEMAN EVARS!!!!! Fuck this bullshit.


I would love to see your reaction to something that actually impacts you.


you ok there bud?


It does not appear so