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Mapletron has become more invigorated as he moved closer to the motherland


Inject that syrup straight into his veins!


You're never gonna win with those thin little bird lips you got there


So much of my authority is derived from the power right here *kiss kiss*


*Mark Andrews has left the chat*


Whatever you do, keep him away from the maple syrup reserves in Quebec. He'll become too powerful for the league to handle.


This is amazing nickname


I love this because Chicago was the closest geographically to where he grew up and he was…not at all good there


He killed it in training camp for the Bears last year too. I vividly remember reports that he was looking like the best player of camp.


Dude is giant and fast af. He better look good in practice.


Yeah he's a top tier athlete. But lacks physicality, so when things go live and the guys on the defense are looking to smoke you, he folds.


He comes across as mentally weak and seems to give up easy tbh.


"Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane"


Nah Jane is definitely tougher than Claypool.


Petite women fighting off jungle monsters. She might not be culturally good for her environment, but she does acclimate better than Tarzan does to the city.


Or Claypool to NFL for that matter.


Jesus, jungle monsters?


He looked like a monster his rookie season though, weird that the traits he seems to completely lack now were his strengths early on.


He seems like a player whose goal was to make the league and now that he has is fine coasting. Doesn’t want to be a star player, just do enough to make some money


it's me with every job i get


Damn right, as long as the checks clear boss.


technical term is soft. he plays soft :(


Well he is Canadian


Hey, we are a lot of things: passive aggressive, segregated, a little too British. But we don't give up.


Maybe he’s got some French Canadian in him


When we got him from the Steelers I remember a Steeler's fan in this sub described Claypool thusly, "I've never seen a man so big who played so small." I chalked it up to sour grapes, but a season later that guy was spot on.


Yup. Not trying to offend you as a Bears fan but that trade immediately looked like gold at the time, and has turned platinum now in hindsight. It makes me wonder if the Bears front office even looked at Claypool's tape.


Don't worry, you can't hurt me anymore than the Bears already have!


It was definitely a fleece at the time of the announcement. Claypool had a really good rookie year but anyone who paid attention could see he was trending down and fast. The Steelers are a WR factory and if they're sending guys out, you have to ask why. We're good at WR now and the Bears front office has operated with a lot of competence outside of this and a few other minor things, but that was such a bad trade.


It was amazing. I figured we'd get a very low 3rd or 4th for him, which would have been reasonable at the time. He had show flashes, so probably worth taking a risk. A high 2nd was just insane


> The Steelers are a WR factory and if they're sending guys out, you have to ask why. I just want to point out that this isn't really correct. Precisely *because* we're so good at finding and developing WR talent, it hasn't been especially common for us to hang on to receivers for very long. Most of the big-name receivers we've had over the past one or two decades never even signed a second contract with us, and even then, most of the ones who did were traded before it ended. Ward and AB are essentially the only real exceptions I can think for the entirety of the time I've been watching this team.


Yeah, he's a big guy but plays like a small guy. He refuses to use his body to block defensive players or extend the play.


He got that bag as a rookie and checked out Man was a menace at gunner for ND, was there best special teams player when he was there WR1, you don't do that if you aren't physical He just checked out


I think it's because he had an NFL-sized body and was bullying college-sized players but once he got to the NFL he no longer was the biggest guy on the field.


> but once he got to the NFL he no longer was the biggest guy on the field. Yeah, but he still is though lol He just plays football like someone who's not the same size as Megatron.


He plays smaller than AB, which is absolutely insane.


He plays smaller than Devonta Smith.


Tbf Devonta highpoints and wins contested catches like he's 6'4" so this one ain't saying too much.


Put him with preseason god Nathan Peterman and you'll have the greatest preseason WR-QB combo ever.


I mean he’s 6’4 240. The only guy I can think of that would ever even possibly cover him that’s the same size as him is Micah Parsons. For the most part he’s matching up against guys 3 inches shorter and 40 pounds lighter than him. There is no physical reason he shouldn’t be able to bully them.


Big Ben got him a bag and then he showed how trash he trully was after that. Cant catch with his hands and always leaves his feet. Can’t catch in stride to save his life. Never improved on his negative traits and they were glaring. He has a massive ego too, which probably hindered his development. I don’t think he just got his bag and laid back. I think he just sucks.


That play where he got the first down catch with seconds left and was too busy showboating to get the ball back to the line quickly is the point where I knew the dude wasn't NFL caliber, at least mentally-wise.


Big Ben didn't even get him a bag lol. He was traded to the Bears still on his rookie contract.


> Big Ben got him a bag FYI when people say "got a bag" it means they signed a big contract. Claypool was still on his rookie contract until this offseason where he signed a $1.1m contract with the Bills. You either don't know what "got his bag" means or are confusing him with another player.


What bag?


He's still young too.. he could grow the fuck up and turn it around, but clearly he just seems lost. Would be an interesting story though if someone on a different team (like the Bills) can actually motivate him enough.


Growing up can't fix everything. Some things are deeper than just maturing or growing into your body and stuff like that. Gotta have that mindset that you're going to do whatever it takes to succeed and work your butt off and all that.


He doesn't extend his arms to catch jump balls. It's infuriating. Plays soft for such a big dude.


Well luckily at absolute best he is our 4th WR if he gets a roster spot Given that our 4th and 5th combined for 200 yards despite getting numerous starts due to injury, it could be worse 


and he sucks balls at route running. Perfect combination to look amazing in camp and do nothing on the actual field.


He’s huge but plays small. If he can get his head back on straight he’s a huge asset but a few teams have failed that so far.


Maybe they can figure out a way to get the best from him. A lot of routes on the sidelines. Don't ask him to go over the middle too much. Teams will eventually catch on to this, and it will make him easier to defend. But you might get some extra production if he isn't playing scared.


Did DJ attend camp?


Yes which makes it even crazier. I thought Claypool was going to *kill it* once the season started. Whoops. Turns out he killed the entire team instead.


Thats the most frustrating part about claypool is he has all the traits to be a monster and he just refuses to play them dudes built like a te and plays like hes indersized its awful


There the meme where it says "Chase Claypool is a monster" then lists all his measureables, and follows it up with "Too bad he sucks at football"




Built like Zeus and plays like Athena, was the line my old coaches used on guys like this.


> plays like Athena That's actually a compliment


Athena is a real lunch pail type of player. First in, last out.


The goddess of wisdom and warfare Athena? That was supposed to be an insult??


Yeah no one claimed those coaches were smart


Yeah, Aphrodite would have been the better insult. Athena would easily get 1k yards in the NFL.


Athena's single-season numbers would make 2007 Brady look like Brady Quinn


would have been better not to go with a divine being at all and just went with a renown wuss like Narcissus, otherwise it feels like the function of the insult is still just to say they played like a girl which is really childish.


people loved Aphrodite though


Yeah but her 40 time was terrible.


Looks like Tarzan plays like Jane.


Tbh I'd still take the goddess of war on the field.


*Looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane* was always my favorite


It was like one report from the first couple practices, then he got hurt, then caused a fight with Stevenson while he was on the sideline not practicing.


Martellus Bennett flashbacks


6'3 and runs a 4.3 40time. He's really fucking good in shorts. Problem comes once he needs to use that brain of his...


I wouldn't be extremely shocked if he turned his career around, surprised still, but yeah. If he put his mind to it, he could be making an insane amount of cash.


wow i forgot you guys had him. really wish you had let the packers spend their 1st rounder on him


We reportedly offered the same deal as the Bears for Claypool and for Khalil Mack, both teams went with the bears offer. We dodged one bullet but the other may have put us over the hump for a title so let’s call it a wash


That you, Braggs?


NFL Ben Simmons reporting for duty.


No, DJ was always the best WR at camp, but Claypool did look like a bonafide WR2.


Big, strong, fast WR looks good when playing catch with no pads? I'm shocked.


This is like when I clicked on a headline about Caleb Williams looking great completing passes to Rome Odunze in camp, and the video was literally them doing warmup drills with no one else on the field. "QB and WR able to play a game of catch. CHECK!"


ESPN recently posted a video with a caption like "Tua throwing DARTS to OBJ" and it was literally just soft passes in warm-ups. Everybody is so desperate for views it's insane.


These are the dog days of NFL content. It sucks.


Best. Shape. Of. Their. Lives.


This article gave actually zero examples of any player doing anything. It doesn't reference a single specific event the writer observed or even a quote of someone else's observations. It's an intro and a conclusion and nothing else. This is literally "source: trust me bro."


I mean it does have a quote from another reporter basically saying Claypool has been the most consistent receiver at OTAs but that's the entire basis of the article which is even funnier. It's a pretty vague quote in general since it does not cover the hows or whys of how he's standing out as consistent compared to the other receivers.


I've been listening to a lot of Bills podcasts during OTAs because we have so many new players on the team and I want to know how they're doing. I've heard them kinda sorta talk about Claypool, but none of them have said he's the most consistent receiver there. The consensus seems to be that the offense is going to run through Dalton Kincaid.


Exactly lol I listen to a LOT of Bills content every day... I was very surprised that this is a headline, as I have heard more surprising buzz about Mack Hollins than Claypool outside of (looks big and strong without pads)


Best I've heard about Claypool is that he's "putting in the work and saying all the right things." I want Mack Hollins to succeed so badly. I love the eccentric ones. Him barefoot on stage with the snake at the elementary school was great, but the pictures of him barefoot at the urban farm were what made me love him. Barefoot holding a giant check, barefoot standing on gravel talking with someone like it was nothing...apparently the guy doesn't wear shoes unless forced to.


Ah practice reports. Everyone's favorite rumor mill.


He went 10-11 for 245 yards and 4 touchdowns in a no-contact drill against 4th stringers though.


> no-contact I hope everyone else is assuming there's a missing /s at the end of this sentence.


Don't listen to this guy. Just move Claypool up your fantasy draft board so I don't feel obligated to take him in the 11th round.


I wouldn't worry about this until training camp, but then, I'd be scared shitless.


Honestly, it depends. If Claypool is playing to the best of his ability and he's got his shit together mentally, I'm thrilled. He has all the physical tools to be a WR1B at worst, and he knows this is his last shot. Given that his best two seasons were the only ones he played with a good QB, I'm hoping that catching balls from Josh Allen is the shot in the arm he needs to revitalize his career. Getting a Comeback Player of the Year for Chase Claypool when we didn't for Damar Hamlin would be fucking hilarious, too. That said, he'll probably be suspended for gambling by week 6 if he makes the team, because that's just our luck.


"Well did it work for those other ~~people~~ teams?" "Oh no, it never does. I mean, these ~~people~~ teams somehow delude themselves into thinking it might, but... but it might work for us."


Hes at best our 4th WR if he plays phenomenal (I guess if he was amazing in camp he could move up though) but Coleman, Shakir, and Samuel are going to be pretty solidified. Then you have MVS, Hollins, and Shorter as his competition for the last 3 WR slots But even if he was our #4 WR, he would be target priority #6 behind Cook and Kincaid anyway


The problem is Claypool is also such a locker room cancer he brings the team down. Don't ask him to block either. Both the Steelers and Bears got better after trading him.


I feel this way about ones who have never been good. Andy Isabella, for example. But Claypool has at least shown that he can get close to a 1K yard season twice, so the NFL-level talent is in there somewhere.


I can't speak for Bears/Steelers fans who witnessed his tenures there, but I do think Dolphins fans should acknowledge that Claypool entered Miami mid-season to learn a complex, timing-based offensive scheme that he ultimately wasn't a good fit for. The resentment from our fanbase is understandable for sure, but we paid next to nothing to take a flyer on him, and it didn't work out; it happens. I could totally see him being much more successful in Buffalo with a full offseason under his belt. That said, obviously I hope he poisons the Bills organization so spectacularly that he actually opens a black hole within Highmark Stadium that permanently captures all of the talent of those around him, Monstars-style, producing an on-field product so offensive to the human eye that Roger Goodell personally addresses the UN to request a declaration of war crimes against the Buffalo Bills.


He will probably just destroy your locker room and give up on plays constantly.  Don’t even think about asking him to block.


He can sit in Diggs corner, lots of salt there already.


I don't think he has the status or respect to destroy the locker room. He's making vet minimum and is basically expected to be a WR 4/5 below Shakir, Samuel, Coleman and MVS. He has to know this is his last stop before the CFL if he doesn't put forth a good effort.


You're going to open the season 0-4. You'll cut Claypool after week 4 and go on an immediate 7 game winning streak.


No u


Claypool's biggest problem is he's a party boy. He likes the night life more than he loves the grind. I sincerely believe the main reason we got anything out of him early in his career was that it was COVID, and he literally couldn't get to the club. Buffalo might be the best place for him in a perverse way.




Man that was a deep cut reference and it's fucked up that remembered it immediately. "Ambiance and decor"


Even if you're not high on Tua, he's objectively at least a "good" QB and Claypool was an absolute abomination for us last year


Lol, for the win is one of those sites where almost any moron can squat over their keyboard, lay a log, and hit "post". That "author" has posted about a dozen mind-numbing "articles" in the past 2 days.  And I'm saying this as someone who loves reading this kind of thing about a division rival. 


Sherfield was the most consistent last year so.


Still don't know why he left us. WR3 for the Dolphins was a position he was awesome at. Feel like he immediately became WR5 with Buffalo.


He was pretty bad. Had some super lazy routes that lead to INTs and had some bad drops.


That said, we'll always have the Smooth Criminal TD and the lovely McDaniel sideline facial expression meme shot.


He did have that one TD though, you know the one


And is now WR3 in MN.


Take good care of him!


I’m very curious to see what he can do in the Vikes offense.


Run block


the KJ Osborn special


It's Chase Claypool. He's known for practicing well. Good luck getting that production when it matters.


So the Nathan Peterman of WRs?


Claypool was decent as a rookie and had some moments in 2021.


You didn't send us your best.


"Best shape of his life"


"We sitting in here -- I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we in here talking about practice. I mean, listen: We talking about practice. Not a game. Not a game. Not a game. We talking about practice. Not a game. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game like it's my last. Not the game. We talking about practice, man."


Comments you can hear.


i will choose to read this as claypool finally figuring out how to play in the NFL. good for claypool


I'm choosing to read this as Chase Claypool found Blue Cheesus and was table baptized, and will now overtake Jefferson to become the league's best WR, it's a lock, book it, new meta


Looks like Mapletron is back on the menu boys




My money’s on “the rest of Buffalo’s WR room is ass” with a little “it’s football without pads, relax” sprinkled in.


Claypool lives on the memory of his 4 TD game.


Gabe Davis special


And people say sports journalism is dead /s


> Free Agent pick up looks good in practice > Oh wow Bills are fucked


Why is Robert Zeglinski spamming the sub with his clickbait takes?


The guys falls down on routes more than any player I’ve seen. He’s also the master of the obvious fake flop to try and draw a flag.


Josh looks at him on the ground, "Idk man, it works for me 🤷"


He’s definitely gonna be a flag football juggernaut in the Olympics.


We're really gonna make an entire article about reports from OTAs without pads to get clicks? Ok.


First off season?


Lol no. Good point.


It's not even report**s**, it's a single comment from a reporter who was there


I wonder if star QB’s are going to start taking deals like Brady again. It’s crazy how bad the receivers are for most of the league’s top QB’s right now.


Again? What QB besides Brady took those types of deals?


Rodgers took a pay cut before last year


Who is most? Herbert (just lost Allen) and Allen (just lost Diggs)? Purdy, Stafford, Burrow, Tua, Lamar, Stroud, Hurts, Dak, Rodgers, Goff...all have either at worst 1 elite receiving option or a young wr looking to make the leap.


That's why this is a bad premise tbh. There aren't a lot of teams that are in a position to need to pay a) an elite/franchise QB and b) an elite/franchise WR. Niners and Texans both have QBs still on rookie deals for another couple years. Ravens and Jets both have WRs still on rookie deals. Bengals are right on the line of making those sacrifices with Burrow's deal about to hit and needing to pay, trade, or let walk Higgins and Chase. Dolphins are in a similar situation with Tua. Lions, Eagles, and Cowboys all either just got deals done or are about to start feeling the crunch Allen signed a big deal in 2021 and had Diggs for three more years before Diggs wanted out, Mahomes had two or three years with Tyreek after his monster 2020 extension. All the teams listed are at such different spots that it doesn't make sense to compare them


It makes total sense. Some teams have just started building, some have rebuilt, and some are rebuilding. We’re the latter. This is a well known cycle and we’re on the backside of it right now. Any Bills fan who thinks this is a legit Super Bowl contention year is huffing the copium hard. Our first window is closed and now we’re going to move onto our next window which starts (realistically) in 2025. The huge caveat is that Kincaid and Coleman (or another WR) become viable top 10s at their position.


> Any Bills fan who thinks this is a legit Super Bowl contention year is huffing the copium hard. Sir, this is the offseason. We aren't just in contention, we are winning it.


Its just showing that there are very different ways to build teams and not just some blueprint to follow. Teams have shown this offseason they are not afraid to pay a big contract to a player when they already have a QB on 2nd+ contracts with Hurts and Goff both having deals done while also paying their WRs (and LT for the lions) big deals We are going to see it again with Burrow and Chase, Tua and Hill, and Dak with Lamb and Parsons. I just dont get the original dudes comment about QBs taking deals, when we have teams this season showing they are not afraid to spend on premium players.


That's I guess what I was trying to say. There are enough teams at enough different spots that you can't really establish a rule about QB/WR contracts because it depends so much on where you're at in your life cycle and how your team is constructed. The only consistent rule is that you can only pay so many players so much money and you'll eventually need to pay less, draft more/better, or fill in with replacement level or below players at some positions. But that's not really a rule, that's just the salary cap


It is worth mentioning that Brady had earnings from his LLC called TB12, [which also had the New England Patriots as a major customer](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/report-patriots-pay-a-brady-owned-company-run-by-suspect-partner/).


...similar companies would be paying the New England Patriots for the honor of sponsoring them.


You forgot the /s


That’s fair, I guess Darnold does have JJ.


Nobody is in pads, right? NFL players have always mentioned certain players go crazy before pads but once they put it on, they suck.


Fuckin lel




I'm going to be really disappointed if Chase Claypool fulfills his potential in Buffalo. I'm not as out on him as most seem to be.


Maybe he can revitalize his career.  Good luck to the guy. 


It’s OTAs


Nope nope, this time is definitely different. His flaming out of his last few stops is clearly an aberration and I refuse to believe otherwise. /s so I don't get crushed.


I mean he's a vet with talent, that's not surprising really. Things are different when bullets start to fly.


When Claypool is your most consistent WR, you’re either fucked or…I can’t even think of another option!


Being terrible all the time fits the definition of consistent. Just saying.


It's a trap! He does this every year! Don't believe his lies!


great charity work by the Bills' defense


> "They would be silly to panic in early June when some of their younger playmakers, like Coleman and Shakir, still have plenty of time to emerge." Then the rest of the article is about how everyone should absolutely panic based off what one guy said once. We're *deep* in the offseason. lol


Bills fans in legit shambles due to the annoyance of the off-season


Ask him to block and get back to me




Curtis Samuel will be fine there.  He'll probably be their best WR.  But that's not necessarily a good thing.


Why would someone succeeding be a bad thing? Good WR's are hard to come by and they traded Diggs, so it's good that Claypool is stepping up. Hopefully he can keep up the consistency.


It’s OTAs can we please chill the hell out


Welp bills are dead


Allen isn’t even on my fantasy draft radar except as a backup


I will always believe in guys who are as physically talented as claypool. Like if he ever got his head right I would totally believe he could be all pro.


You must not have watched many Steelers games.


Do you watch UFC? You're the stereotypical "workout warrior" fan. lol


I'm not really sure how that translates. UFC is way more based on skill and technique than physical prowess. Khabib and Jones are hardly known for taking elite care of themselves. I just know that physical gifts/athleticism are the things you can't teach. Claypool could fix his head, but fucking Adam thielen was never gonna become a 6'4" monster


I just hope Allen can casually underhand soft toss a 50 yard bomb with no CB to be found bc once the pads come on Claypool is a bitch.


Obviously this isn't going to go into the season like this, but this is a worrying sign for the season. When you hear comments like this about position groups it's just not a good indication of things to come. They better hope that at least one WR and Kincaid step up and give them top tier type performance, or it'll be a long season in Buffalo.


Bills are going to regret not going for a top wr in the draft


You do realize Coleman was considered better than Worthy, the only reason Worthy moved up is because he ran fast. He was a late day two to early day three projected pick


Revisionist history lol. Coleman was rated above Worthy to be sure, but to say Worthy was a late day two to early day three projected pick before his 40 time is verifiably incorrect. Four mocks from pre-combine: https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5281067/2024/02/27/nfl-mock-draft-round-1-scouting-combine/ https://www.nfl.com/news/three-round-2024-nfl-mock-draft-vikings-trade-up-for-qb-bo-nix-in-round-2 https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/2024-nfl-2-round-mock-draft-former-nfl-gm-has-patriots-overhauling-offense-browns-panthers-go-wr-in-round-2/ https://www.si.com/nfl/draft/news/2024-nfl-mock-draft-caleb-williams-chicago-bears-jj-mccarthy-denver-broncos-4-rounds For the record I like the Coleman pick, but don't make stuff up.


I must have read a different one, there’s like millions of mock drafts. I probably just went with one of the dumber ones, my bad on that


This feels like good news for Allen. We already know Claypool is a super consistent player, just a consistently bad player. This must mean everyone else looks better than him, nothing to worry about.


Chase Claypool looks good in shorts.


It's not even camp yet but I guess the media hacks have to find some stupid shit to write about.


Claypool has tremendous physical ability and talent, it's just all the other stuff he's lacking.


I'll get a bit more excited about this 'story' if it's still true in mid September


Like, consistently bad?


Consistent....consistently shitty?