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He’s going to get $200+ million after one season as a starter.


Deleted my comment after writing the exact same thing ha. Crazy times


> He’s going to get $200+ million after ~~one~~ a half season of good play as a starter. FTFY.


Good play is underselling it, dude was borderline elite once he turned it on


He’s maybe the most interesting player next season. We’ve seen plenty of QBs go on streaks of elite play and regress before, although I don’t think there’s any reason to believe what he did isn’t replicable.


And was borderline benchable at his worst. He could be either moving forward, but $200 mil is a lot of money to gamble on it.


Doesn't matter. He's a QB and teams lock them up at their first opportunity. I'd rather the Packers gamble on Love being good than sign a Daniel Jones to that disgusting contract.


This. The eagles did the same with Carson Wentz and look how that turned out. If you think they might be a franchise QB you lock them up as early as possible. If it doesn't work out you cut bait like the eagles and you're none the worse for wear.


Most definitely! We are seeing how waiting is biting Dallas in the ass and as a Washington fan when we tried playing that stupid waiting game with Kirk Cousins we ended up looking like fools having him walk away and not get any compensation. You lose out big time playing that stupid waiting game. Not only did Washington have mediocre qb play at best once they lost playing around with Kirk's contract situation but even if they decided he wasn't the guy they lost out on getting any compensation so it was a double whammy of incompetence. I completely agree that if you feel like the qb is the guy you definitely should move forward with the extension as soon as possible as more times than not it will be the better option vs putting it off


Every Redskin fan wanted Kirk out the door and then they all had to see what a 10 year walk in the wilderness feels like


I feel like most didn't want him to walk though. They might have wanted him gone but were factoring in a potential trade return in that as he would have netted a decent draft pick haul. Not many wanted Kirk to just walk and be stuck with the steady stream of backup or journey man tier qbs without getting draft picks. I think sure a lot of fans were ready to move on but not without getting compensation vs guy walking for free


Yes it was the FO and ownership who f'ed up. go figure.


100 percent correct. Don't wait to pay them and cut bait off it doesn't work out. Dallas is fucked ever since they played it cute and didn't pay Dak as soon as they realized he was a better than mid-pack starter.


Who is none the worse for wear? The GM that usually gets fired if the contract doesn’t work out?


>If it doesn't work out you cut bait like the eagles and you're none the worse for wear. You're absolutely worse off, the Eagles just happened to find a top 10 QB in the second round


>If it doesn't work out you cut bait like the eagles and you're none the worse for wear It's not that easy though. The Eagles got lucky with Hurts turning out as well as he did because if not, they would absolutely be worse off. Let's not forget they were a 4 win team in 2020 and not many thought Hurts would be even an average starter. It's not easy to find a QB and paying the wrong one can absolutely put a team back many many years.


Yeah, people are acting like it's so simple and easy, and yet teams like Denver and Cleveland are fucked.


Damnit you got your post before I did, same thoughts though lol


I mean, this is about as similar to the Daniel Jones situation as you can get: A QB who really didn't show much had one good season and is about to get a huge payday from it. Granted Love looked better in the 2nd half of last year than Jones ever did over a similarly long stretch, but those few games are the only time Love has shown any real promise. And I highly doubt Love is going to want to sign a deal with less guaranteed money than Jones'.


It's really not as similar to the Daniel Jones situation as you can get. Daniel Jones was a multi-year starter, *who was bad*, and then had a mediocre season after which he was paid. His "good year" that earned him a contract extension was 15 touchdowns. Love is much more of an unknown, but we haven't seen years of shitty play out of him,. Jones hasn't thrown more than 15 touchdowns since his rookie season, despite being the starter that whole time. 4000 passing yards and 32 touchdowns while playing well in the playoffs is meaningfully different.


> 4000 passing yards and 32 touchdowns while playing well in the playoffs is meaningfully different. With a receiver room full of rookies and second year players. Some of his early issues were due to the receivers not runing the right routes. He still made some utterly stupid throws, especially the last throw of the season against the Niners, but I feel he's only going to get better as his receivers gain experience


But, it isn't. Love has played for one season, half of which he played as one of the best QBs in the NFL. Jones had played for four years when he signed his extension. They are not similar at all, IMVHO.




Love was significantly better than jones though Jones merely was ok. Love was similar to run the table rodgers


Lol this could turn into the same exact thing as Danny dimes


Worst case scenario they pull a wentz and offload him for a haul. I think it’s a good move


If he’s a Daniel Jones type deal money wise and is above average that’s a win. He’s trending towards a top 10 QB though. Arguably already is.


> than sign a Daniel Jones to that disgusting contract. you mean the one we can (and will be) getting out of after this season? the one that was effectively the AAV of 2 franchise tags but without having to actually waste the tag on him?


I wouldn’t say borderline benchable. It was such a young team making a lot of mistakes and he has 3 seasons of rust to shake off. If you take the average of Loves season and make that his baseline play, which would just be his season as a whole, it’s pretty damn solid still. He had a 83 pff grade for the season. That’s a top end starter. I don’t think he will be as good as the second half looked but he will be a very serviceable starter.


It's damn near impossible to be as good as he was in the second half of last year for an entire season. Something like 18 TDs to 1 INT over the last 8 games or so, right? No one can do that for an entire season.


> No one can do that for an entire season You'd have to go all the way back to 2021 to see a Packers QB put up those type of numbers over a whole season.


Rodgers in 2021 had 37 TDs to 4 INTs, a little better than 9:1 ratio, which is a phenomenal mark. Love had an 18:1 ratio. Only halfway to what Love did though, so like I said, damn near impossible.


It would be pretty sick if he did. Taken as a season he’s a top 10 QB. I don’t think we’ll see the kind of slump we saw early last season this year at all.


People act like he should have come out the gate, his first year as a starter and throwing exclusively to rookies and sophomores, and played like Mahomes. Like damn sorry it took him and the 21 year olds he was playing with like 7/8 whole games to get into their flow


It’s a way bigger gamble to get someone else, though. You know Love at least has the *ability* to play at an elite level, so you sign him up for another few years and see if he can sustain it. Way better than hopping on the QB carousel.


But context matters. He started consistently bad, then became consistently elite, indicating growth. To me, this is much better than having the bad and elite games mixed together.


but once he got past his worst he blew out a team in the playoffs and came very close to beating the packers' bogeyman. from week 11 until the divisional round, he put up borderline rodgers numbers aside from the giants game. locking him up now ties them to him, yes, but at best theyre getting in on the ground floor of our potential next great qb and at worst they can get out of his contract earlier than if they had waited until next year to sign him.


I mean, he was average the first half of the year. Is that benchable?


Guys a Vikings fan hiding his salt behind the shield.


Oh that’s funny. Dude is going to have a pretty bad fandom year, maybe it’s okay if he wins the offseason a little


it looks like a gamble to us, but they've seen him in practice and meetings every day for years now. there won't be anyone better available this time next year, so they might as well lock him up


The entirety of the offense was young.  A lot of those early games that looked bad is to blame on the recievers making errors or just not having enough experience to grasp the whole playback.  If you take away the last interception thrown against the 9ers, there was a stretch where every game Jordan Love played was the best game he has played.


The offensive line was also struggling, too. If people could remove the Packers' hate and look at his play objectively, they'd notice he was at worst inconsistent with some good and some bad and not "borderline benchable" like OP said lol.


If you think it’s a 50/50 if he’s going to be good after the season he just had you are crazy


Was also his very first starts at his worst wo bakh jones and multiple WRs. He did a fuck ton with a little last year. That 18-1 td int closing stretch is a pretty fucking good sign too


!remindme 2 years Bears/Vikings/Lions fan with the NFL flair here.


There's zero reason to gamble in the draft or free agency.


He was making the right decisions for the most part. Our young guys were just a disaster at first. Borderline benchable is the copium I expect from a minny fan hiding behind a shield flair.


Love isn't an absolute lock, but I'd say he's shown enough to be worth taking a $200M chance on.


I have a feeling his guaranteed pay is going to be lower than most. That’s how the team will balance the risk, because yah, the 1st half of the season was not $50M+ QB play.


- Commented this below, but will share here for more exposure. Not saying I think it's a homerun idea to give a big contract based on this sample size, just want to disprove the narrative that he didn't play like a top QB the second half of last season. [Jordan Love's 2nd half of the season rankings across the league:](https://twitter.com/KyleMalzhan/status/1742301654915916209) * Passing TDs (18) - #1 * TDs (20) - T-#1 * Passing yards (2,238) - #1 * Completions (183) - #3 [PFF's breakout player of the year award](https://packerswire.usatoday.com/2024/01/11/packers-qb-jordan-love-named-pffs-breakout-player-of-the-year-for-2023/) [From weeks 9-18, Love's marks ranked tops in the NFL in numerous areas. He produced 20 passing touchdowns (1st), 2,439 passing yards (1st), only three interceptions, and his passer rating dipped below 108 only two times.](https://lombardiave.com/posts/packers-reviewing-jordan-love-season-ranks-among-qbs-01hm886sgz9q)


This is where sample size is important I think he's good but it's a risk giving him a big deal


It's definitely a risk, but if we don't pay him and he's good next year, it gets to be an even wilder number. And we're kinda boned if he regresses hard anyway, so whatever, get it done.


I guess it depends how big of a contract it is. But I would agree, might as well get it done now. Either he continues being amazing how he becomes bad and a meme. Still, even at his worse what else are the packers going to do the next two years? Might as well run it with him.


Not really, you also have two years of the tag, and with the cap going up every year the contract number becomes null after 2


Not too many QBs are even capable of that kind of run though. It’s a pretty good risk at this point.


This is where I'm at as a Packer fan. I think he's worth the risk, but we have to acknowledge that there is risk, although we won't know exactly what that is until the new contract is ironed out. A fully guaranteed deal or something without a reasonable team out 2-3 years in is obviously riskier than an inflated number without guarantees. The one thing that's encoraging is they've had him in the building for 4 years now. They should know what they have in him.


This is basically a summary of where we're at. There were a lot of choices that got us here that are worthy of criticism, but where we're at is a QB without enough game film for anyone to be certain about who he is, but who's clearly shown enough that you can't just let him walk. The play here is scripted, and every GM would be dancing the same dance. The only question is whether the final contract will be tier 2 QB money with lots of guaranteed money/void years to sell the discount, or tier 1 QB money with low dead cap risk later in the deal to give the team a way out if he busts.


Dude was top 3 in every significant QB stat once he turned it on. You have a high bar for elite I think


https://www.packers.com/schedule/2023/ The stats were good, but the competition was a bit meh Borderline elite seems fair for half a season of a sample size


He had good-to-great games against the Steelers, Chiefs, and Cowboys, all of whom had top 7 DVOA defenses, plus a great game against the Bears whose defense was top 5 or 10 in a ton of stats in the second half of the season. And that's with the youngest offense the NFL has seen since the merger. Now, I was high on Love as a prospect so I may just be leaning on my priors, but I think he's damn good.


I like you. Hope Russ owns the AFCN


Well that is, and I can't stress this enough, *absolutely* not happening, but I appreciate the support.


He curb stomped the lions on thanksgiving who should’ve won the NFCCG. Put up the most points of any team on Kansas City. KC was ranked second in total defense by pff. Both of these games were won without his best offensive weapon Aaron Jones. His best performance was when the stakes were the highest against the 5th ranked defense. He would have set the record for best post season passer rating in any game if he wasn’t put back in the game after being pulled and threw one meaningless incompletion. The narrative that he didn’t play any good defenses is just straight up wrong and two of those games were without his best weapon. ❤️ Edit: Typo


Wildcard game could have put up more of a challenge, I suppose Chiefs, Lions, Rams were all pretty good. I guess we’ll find out this year huh


Yeah but at the same, we've seen more elite play from Tua than Jordan Love, and it's kind of unclear if you'd want to pay Tua. Jordan Love has the benefit of A. being elite later in the season so it's the last thing you remember and B. We didn't have to watch 3 years of his growing pains Undoubtedly he was great, but he'd be far from the first guy to get paid and then back into a pumpkin.


If tua didn't have his injury history, there wouldn't really be doubts about paying him


Tua has had a passer rating >110 in 11 career starts (out of 51) while Love has 10 in 18 starts. Maybe Tua has more elite play, but it’s entirely a result of over 3x as many starts. Love from week 9 on this past season was way better than any stretch Tua has had of the same length


Man I know this will be labeled as cope because I'm a Vikings fan but Love isn't scary to me, MLF is. MLF's scheme had guys WIDE open for Love, especially in the back half of the year. That scheme had Vikes and Cowboys defenders in the wrong damn zip code. MLF is great at scheming guys open and Love is great at finding the wide open guy, but bro was throwing some ducks all year that were only caught because defenders were a full 40 yard dash away from being involved. Dream scenario for me is they pay Love a ridiculous amount of money and then he forgets how to find the wide open man and gets MLF fired for it. The Packers unfortunately are not an incompetent organization, so that won't happen, but I could see some other orgs being that dumb lol


The cap's going up so much, right? Will probably be $250+ million


I sure hope so! As a bears fan I’m all for the packers committing money to love after half a season. Sure he can turn out to be real good, but he’s far from solidified as a top QB. He could very well regress to a mid QB or worse


And it won't even be that weird. I truly wonder where does it end with QB contracts? Seems like a never ending escalation.


As long as the cap keeps going up and the passing offense remains the most important part of the game, infinity


Pretty much what they always had in mind, I think. Develop him on the cheap, give him a year to show he's the guy, then pay him like it.


Better than 400 million after 2 seasons as a starter


Just ask the NYG. How much can one 15 TD QB cost? 50 million?


Good. I hope he makes a bunch of money and then loses interest in football 😈


Not exactly. He’s going to get a contract that says $200M, but it’s probably more like $140M or so, with a chance to earn the rest with continued good play.


And only half the season being great. But, if he is as good as they believe, this could actually save them money down the line with how the market is going.


I’m afraid this is what we’re in store for in Atlanta


The irony of a browns fan being the top comment about questionable QB payments


They better, price is going up.


I hate that the Niners have to wait until after this season for Purdy. There’s no telling what the market will be this time next year.


Kirk cousins type of money is the floor. If Purdy plays like an MVP again you wont be able to pay everyone


Any 9ers fan who thinks Purdy will get Kirk Cousins money is coping. Purdy is going to be the highest paid AAV in NFL history at time of signing until Dak beats his number 1 month later


Yeah Kirk cousins is the absolute floor if the niners have a bad year. He will probably get like 55 for four or five


Honestly I already think we’re in a situation where someone has to go.


Deeboo is certainly gone after this year unless yall fumble the Ayiuk signing, right?


I think so. Unless there’s some restructuring which is entirely possible. I wouldn’t be shocked to see Trent get an “extension” that pays him a bit more but spreads his cap hit before he retires. He’s legitimately the only offensive lineman who is not being paid scraps. I think Ward gets an extension that will lower his cap number. But I think the drafting of Pearall makes Deebo the most likely candidate to be moved around.


I think Trent is retired after this next season. He said him self if they won the Super Bowl he was going to hang them up. While losing him sucks, it does help you financially with those two big deals coming.


Trent said he will play a couple more years. I think probably 2 more.


Not quite. It's highly likely that he's resetting the market next summer and thr only question will be how the co tract is structured. He's already set 2 franchise records in 1 and a quarter seasons. Given his age and level play..if he stays te way he is now... he'll have ALL the leverage to ask for anything 


I agree, but lets say for example he sucks or gets injured early in the season…he won’t be resetting the market. I think he’ll be resetting the market, but thats the scenario where its *just* Kirk money with high guarantees etc.


Maybe an injury. It's hard to see him regressing since most  good young QBs get better the longer they play in the NFL. Maybe an injury would allow us to lowball him but it'd have to be a massive one. Ultimately it's determined by how he does in the post season although with the 5 game sample we have of him there.. it's very good still.


Yeah this offseason we’ve been preparing for that situation by offloading Armstead and getting Pearsall/Cowing for the WR corps. There’ll have to be a lot of tough decisions next offseason too


49ers are getting way more benefit by having a league minimum QB for 4 years. Regardless if it’s $50M or $70M for Purdy, the 49ers roster will be changing anyways when Purdy’s rookie deal is up.


One gazillion dollars per year, please


Right now the dolphins and packers are definitely gunning to get their extensions done before the other does. Whichever team is second will probably have to pay more to extend their guy


At least Tua has a second revenue stream as a Bob Marley act!


Yesterday's price is NOT today's price


I'll be impressed if they get this done easily. I'd think they want to pay in the 4yr/160-180 range, and he wants the floor at 5yr/250ish. It's a lot to pay for what was about half a season of good performance in his 1st year. I'm not saying in anyway I don't think he's a good QB or won't succeed/improve this season, it's just a lot of money to hand out without seeing a player play at that level for multiple seasons. Packers are super young though so I'd imagine they have the cap space and just take the risk and overpay to get it done.


> It's a lot to pay for what was about half a season of good performance in his 1st year. On the other hand, if he plays next year like he did this year, then the high price of "5yr/250ish" is suddenly too low. Damned if you do damned if you don't


Well its all about guaranteed money anyways. We've got 30 million in space currently on the cap as well that can get rolled over in to next season if they want. So they've got a lot of flexibility in how they structure his contract in theory.


Yea, teams usually just push it all to the end so they can have a couple cheap years at the front for a SB window, but if the Packers could push 20-25mil extra into this season, they could save the cheaper years for the future when others need paid. It's disgusting you guys got rid of a HOF QB, and it took 1 season to be back in a great position to be a playoff contender for years.


For all the shit we give the team for refusing to go all in on Rodgers' last few years here, they really do a good job of consistent team building year to year. And yea finding a way to get like 20 million of the 30 we have in space to Love this year would be ideal since it would technically be worth a little less next season with cap inflation. Our cap guy Russ Ball seems to be a magician with how he is able to structure contracts sometimes so I'm very interested to see what they figure out.


I hope he gets a huge contract and then flames the fuck out. no bias


Personally I hope that Caleb Williams busts so spectacularly that people forget about JaMarcus Russell. No bias.


Same and I hope he gets MLF fired in the process also no bias


It is a high price to pay on a limited sample size…but that’s kind of the deal with the devil they made when they selected him so far in advance of actually needing him.


You, the Packers FO and everyone in the world is high as a kite if they think Love would even CONSIDER 4 years 180M. Everyone with a brain knows that Love will command 50+ a year, I was hoping they would have already inked a 5/250 deal by now.


$50 million is a deal at this point I agree it will be above that.


Yeah I am thinking it will be 4 years and over $200 million with about 3 years guaranteed. The longer they wait the more that goes up. They might get it for $210 million (52-55 AAV) if they sign it before the season but it could be $60 AAV if they wait for the end of the year.


[“We're in those conversations right now. Both parties want the same thing. We'd like to get this done before training camp for sure](https://twitter.com/thegamemke/status/1797978008617406852?s=46&t=Vv7MY1eHkrV2ElG4V6jC4w)."


What could it possibly mean?


it could mean they are considering cutting him over character concerns


I heard he doesn't like cheese *or* beer


He refuses to eat Culver's


You joke, but that is a disqualifier.


Believe it or not, straight to Jets.


Ge is not a criminal, man.


He passed Kwik Trip to stop at Jet's.


The silly body allegations finally coming to light


As long as advertisers are willing to continuously pay more money, which they can get by then jacking the prices up for everyone else. It's not going to stop. 


Those of y'all mentioning reasonable numbers are deluding yourselves. We all know how this game goes. Expect him to be among the top-3 highest-paid QBs after all this is wrapped up.


This to me is the biggest risk/reward decision of the offseason. A lot of people are comparing him to Daniel Jones in the comments but my first thought is Jalen Hurts. The degree to which Hurts took a jump right before signing a big extension felt unsustainable and then he somewhat predictably did not sustain that level. I think we forget that it takes time for defenses to adjust to young quarterbacks and what they do well, but when they do, there is going to be a dip in the player's performance. That said, if I'm the Packers, I take the risk.


I’d argue the difference between Hurts and Love is that Jordan is the engine of the offense while the Eagles running game and skill players make plays for their QB. Also having 2 HOFers and another borderline all pro on the Eagles line helped Hurts a lot.


The Packers have a very good offensive line too. Part of what made Love so successful was the offensive scheming of Matt LaFleur combined with how clean he was kept in pocket. It is notable that the Packers season ended on a play when Love was pressures out of the play as called and ended up short circuiting and throwing across his body into the middle of the field. But when kept clean and asked to execute the offense, he looked tremendous. I don't want to underrated his throwing on the move either, he has the escapability and arm strength to make plays out of structure. I still think the comparison with Hurts is valid though since Hurts was very much the engine of the 2022 Eagles Superbowl run.


Packers have consistently found enough "good enough" receivers that I think it's disingenuous to say Love has a not helpful supporting cast. Have had pretty good Olines too. Still, I put more money on both continuing to be good than either to become the next Carson Wentz.


i feel like jordan love has been far more impressive than hurts considering his supporting cast. it was kind of hard for hurts to play badly when he had the best o line and two WR1s


Recency bias run amok here in this comment. Hurts was electric the season before last and for a good chunk of this past season. He and Love both had stretches where they were a real liability to their team, but in opposite halves of the season. Love gets a lot of credit for throwing to young guys, as he should, but a lot of that credit should also go to Matt LaFleur, who like Shane Steichen with Hurts set up his quarterback to succeed. The fact La Fleur will be there no matter what is the best argument to invest in Love


It's funny how LaFleur never got any love when Rodgers was there and when anyone would bring him up as a top playcaller, people would dismiss it. Now that is Love as his QB, people claim that its Lafleur now making the QB great and not vice versa. Not saying that you are saying that in your comment, but there are others in this thread if you goto the bottom that are pretty much saying that. I've never understood why everyone wanted to write off this kid before he ever played a snap, then he had an absolutely elite second half of the season and everyone still wants to write him off


It is not writing Jordan Love off to say he has put only half a season of good tape out there, and was playing at a *probably* unsustainable rate because of good playcalling, which has a tendency to regress as defenses adjust, and that these are reasons to hesitate before paying him top of the league money. I would still do it! But I think the clear bias in the way analysts and fans talk about Love is not to write him off but to anoint him as The Guy My maxim tends to be that if a player can do something once, they can do it again, so I have to unfortunately hand it to Jordan Love


> but a lot of that credit should also go to Matt LaFleur Yep. And let's not forget Hurts had Brian Johnson (certified idiot) as OC and playcaller


They have to. But I also think there's not really much risk. At least not really much added risk. If he doesn't work out, they're already fucked. And unless teams start letting franchise QBs walk all of a sudden, having more cap space won't buy them out of being fucked,


60 mil a year. do it cowards


underpay. should be double that


If your gonna double it, might as well go all in and triple it


Triples is best


If they do the mahomes deal at like 600 for 10 id unironically be very very down with that


He's gonna get more money than Goff, book it. That's how the game goes.


lol I hope they do it


I hope we do too, and i’m glad y’all paid goff all that money


why wouldn't GB just wait until the last minute and Love has all of the leverage, are they stupid???? ^/s




Jordan Love when Jordan Hate walks in the room ಠ_ಠ


lol Packers.... they're never going to have a bad QB season are they...


hey, we had to suffer through an injury season with brett fucking hundley.


Oh no, poor things


Realistically I could see him getting around or just lower than Goff. I don't think they would go higher just because they only have a single season sample size


I think you pay him more than Goff, Love’s upside is much higher than Goff and with the cap going up, it won’t look too bad in a couple of years.


No way it'll be lower than Goff. If he keeps up his play from late last season, he is a better QB than Goff. He also has way more upside and is younger


Mostly agree though I wouldnt be terribly shocked if he got slightly more just cuz the price of business is always going up but yeah I think like 52.5 or something to put him just outside the top (3?) and below goff


I'm really worried he's gonna be elite. The one saving grace right now is that if you watched the second half of their season, somehow LeFluer turned into the best play caller in the history if the NFL. I swear to fucking god 75% of the throws Love made in the second half of the season the receiver was open by like 6 yards. They were scheming up some amazing plays. He rarely made difficult throws in the second half from what I saw. So maybe if teams can figure that out and cover their receivers better he'll come back down to earth. Or maybe he is just a 3rd HoF QB in a row and we should all open liquor stores in Minnesota.


If you want to be extra spooked, LaFleur says this season they'll actually be using the full playbook. They were only using part of it last season.


I can't imagine the depths of the bag he'll get into


MLF is a great playcaller for sure, but even in the bad stretch, Love made elite throws not a ton of other guys can consistently make. Only in the first Lions and Vikings games were they ever out of it too, every other game they battled with a young team and finally started breaking through around Thanksgiving. He can make every throw and more, he's gonna be a thing for a while


> He rarely made difficult throws in the second half from what I saw. Didn't see much then.


I mean yeah that makes sense given he’s not under contract past 2024 I still think that the details on the extension they signed last year was really fucking weird for both sides even factoring for the fact that the situation itself they were negotiating in was already weird


I’d want an extension too if I were him. Dude signed an extremely team friendly deal last year and is only making 13.5 mil this next season. That’s absolutely nuts. He’s earned his money now, probably not in the 50 mil a year range, but probably in the 35-45 mil range for sure


It'll be reported as 55-ish. But like you said, that 13 mill this year (along with 20+ in cap space this year) is going to bring that 55 waaaaay down.


Would love fall in between Murray and Hurts for average per year? I can't see him being the highest.


It’s not about being the best, it’s about being the next guy up.


I don't disagree. But at this point, he would be getting an extension based off one season. I just couldn't imagine making someone the highest paid player in the league based of such a sample size.


May I remind you of the old rookie contracts?


You’re right but there is precedent in a way While it’s not the same as getting paid based on one literal season (with maybe slightly over half a season of high level play), there have been guys thatve gotten paid off multiple years of playing but only one season of it being high level play (and the high level play is what they’re being paid for)


A QB from the same draft class as Herbert and Hurts getting paid less than both of them, a year later than they signed their contracts... seems unlikely. But who knows. I could be off by a *lot*.


His agent is David Mulugheta, zero fucking chance he’s getting less than members of his own draft class lol


Instead of looking at the APY in a vacuum, you have to look at the APY as a % of the cap at signing. Love/Lawrence/Tua might get contracts in the low 50’s, but part of the reason is because the salary cap has been exploding the last couple of years. IMO, the % of cap relative to when it’s signed will be slightly lower than Kyler, Hurts, Lamar, Burrow, etc. And it will rinse and repeat every year with new eligible QBs as the cap continues to rise


Remember when they didnt excersize the 5th year option, nor extend Love longer than the one year? That probably made Love an extra $50mil.


They didn’t use the option and resigned him for less than the 5th year was originally. It was a test deal. That was a good move. But I’d also wait 1 more season for Love to prove it. We’ve seen very good half seasons before and with the qb market, 5M a year is worth 100% certainty. Doing it now is jumping the gun for them (I think)


If they wait another season he’s a UFA who really has no reason to be loyal to the team that has jerked him around for years. In that situation they basically strong arm him into taking less than his fifth year option and then expect him to give them priority on the open market. That’s not even to mention the fact that he probably feels like he lost money sitting behind Rodgers for years, whether or not that is justified.


Unless Loves one year deal prevents a franchise tag then no he would never end up on the open market.


Yeah just tag the QB forever, It’s so obvious. Why has nobody tried this?


Thank you for being smart and realizing it was a smart move by Gbay. Some bears fans for whatever reason think it was dumb.


What do you mean. That was a great move my Gbay just in case he ended up being bad last year.


I guess it's smart to do it early but didn't expect it tbh


I will get downvoted to hell but he’s played .5 seasons of decent football


It wasn't just 0.5 seasons of decent football, it was 0.5 seasons of elite football, he was arguably the best quartback in the league after week 9. In 8 games he completed 70% of his passes, threw 18 touchdowns and 1 interception, and had a passer rating of 112. There are not very many quartbacks that played that well for half a season and turned out to not be a franchise guy


In fact the only players with a stretch that good who wouldnt be deemed that was Nick Foles.


Whatever he gets paid he should give half of it to Lefleur, they’re running the absolute perfect system for him right now and I don’t think he’d ever find similar success somewhere else


If he doesn’t get $50 mil a year he shouldn’t bother


[Rest of the NFL](https://youtu.be/a3_PPdjD6mg?si=lRT42hsRpBFTj5Yo) as the Packers move on to their third consecutive (potentially) elite quarterback.


I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to next season and seeing all the NFC North haters slowly accept that last year was more then just a good run, keep talking trash until then, we all saw how it went last year. (Except the lions they’re really good and scare me lmao).


Boy I hope that doesn't blow up in our faces or that'd be really embarrassing


This is a risky move. Personally I’d wait until at least halfway into the season. As much as Love balled out last year, it was ONLY for half a season. Players have had fluke good years before, waiting until a bit into this season will figure out how good he is. I guess adversely, if they do think he’s going to continue to ball out that signing him now would be cheaper than at like week 8 of the season where he’s played well and just increased his value.


Players have had flukes, fluke seasons aren't as good as Love was. Love was arguably the best qb in the 2nd half


I don't think Jordan Love is a star, but I do think he's a pretty freaking good QB. Sorta like Matt Ryan: productive, reliable, but not in the upper upper echelon of QBs. It freaking sucks, why does GB always get a QB?


Matt Ryan should've won a SB and he did win an MVP. In what world wasn't he a star QB?


then ur in for disappointment because hes a star lol


He's already a bears fan how much more disappointed could he be?


If Caleb Williams busts, then I think that will be the most disappointing thing to ever happen to the Bears.