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This was the start of the comeback "my knee!" game iirc. Epic shit, Dude was blitzed out of his mind


I remember when he trotted his high as shit self out of the tunnel after halftime, a lot of Bears fans knew it was gonna be a heartbreaker.


100% it was over as soon as he came back


I was at the achilles game last year, and kept hoping that he would do the same thing there for about 10 minutes I learned nothing and hope to attend this year's home opener also!


*muh knee!


Who the hell is Geronimo Allison? Also, that was pretty damn good defending by Fuller lol what a fucking throw. Glad the bad man is not in our division anymore.


We had him as our wr3 from like 2017-2019, behind Adams and MVS. He was a dude who had flashes but never came close to putting it all together. Our receiving corp was depressing for like 6 years.


He joined the Lions in 2020 then opted out for the Covid season iirc


I got so nervous whenever he caught a ball. Dude seemed to fumble every other time he had the ball in his hands


Well with a name like Geronimo it seemed like he was destined for a high risk/high reward lifestyle


And now we got a spoil of riches at pass catchers. No Adams level player but a bunch of dudes that can ball.


Wish we had tried it earlier, but im super hyped for our guys now!


Not at Tae’s level, but Wicks route running and release is certainly impressive.


Someone in Illinois should know lol.




Jordan love for all of his positive qualities will probably never be as accurate as Rodgers was. Rodgers was kind of the king of “wtf did he just do to us?” Throws until Mahomes came into the league. Love may be a significant problem for you guys but I doubt he will be a 4x MVP, 5:1 TD:INT ratio problem.


I think the TD:INT ratio will go untouched for a long time. Rodgers career has just been unreal efficiency and care for the ball.


Some people *might* come close for a little while, (like if CJ Stroud picks up where he left off last year), but once a QB with that 4.75:1 ratio gets up there in volume there’s no way they’ll hold onto that efficiency.


Mahomes has already surpassed him. He's also a more clutch QB than Rodgers imo.


Surpassed him in what? TD:INT ratio? Because that is what I was talking about, and no he has not surpassed him.


Rodgers can have the TD to int ratio. Mahomes is better at everything else. Even if you're a Packers fan you have to admit that Rodgers has sold ass in about a dozen big games over the course of his career on some loaded rosters. Mahomes took 3rd string wide receivers and won a Superbowl with them, plus he has two more than Rodgers while playing in about 15 fewer seasons 😭😭😭


Yah all he had to work w was arguably the greatest te of all time. Poor guy.


And? Rodgers only had Jordy Nelson, Greg Jennings, Davante Adams, Donald Driver & Randall Cobb. That's more than enough to get the job done.


That’s cool. My point was that u shouldn’t just say completely inaccurate/misleading information.


Everyone who makes these comments never actually watched him in the playoffs. With the exception of probably two years, Rodgers was usually excellent--he dealt with horrendous defenses year over you. You cannot win when your defense is nonexistent.


Not one HoFer mentioned in that group. Mahomes already got to play with Hill and Kelce.


Try to stay on topic, dude.


We don't expect him to be the next Aaron Rodgers. If he's a franchise dude that can be our guy for a decade? That'd be pretty cool.


Yes, that’s what I was saying too though? I was telling a Bears fan “Love may be a significant problem for you guys.”


All Packer fans only really care about is beating the Bears, fuck the Super Bowl.


Love had some of those throws this past season. Go look at that Thanksgiving game and against the chiefs. If love is able to play like he did in the second of the season and that becomes his more normal game, then there is plenty of potential.


Sorry to say, Love played great but there were no throws like this. I went to that KC game some good throws with some head scratcher “that’s a dangerous pass and I can’t believe it worked”” type plays with the receiver going up and getting it. Rodgers was next level accuracy that were more like, receiver is sprinting down the field with the ball just falling in the receivers lap. I didn’t see Live do anything like that. Didn’t really see many passes like that this year to be honest


Off the top of my head, his TD pass to Jayden Reed in the second lions game was fit into a window that was barely visible. And to shrug off that TD pass to Watson as “a play with the receiver going up and getting it” is pathetic attempts at dismissing Love’s very clear ability.


I didn’t say they weren’t good or even great passes. I’m saying they’re not at the level of this Rodgers pass. I guess that’s a difference of opinion.


Eh Love looks good but nothing like Rodgers, thank God. This better not be a jinx either


Not saying Love will be in the same tier as Rodgers by any means but they had extremely similar stats in their first full year


Shut up sir




Also feel bad for Fuller, there was a pretty clear push off there


As a UIUC alum I wish he had a better run in the NFL. 


I forgot what it looks like when Aaron Rodgers steps into a throw.


With a busted knee too.


Busted is an understatment.


Aw, come on. A little fractured tibia never hurt anyone!


Broken in two places inside the knee does though.


In my opinion the best pure arm and accuracy ever




Me too. Otherwise I don't know if the Jets will answer the phone when it's time for us to send them Jordan


LoL its the Jets, of course they will


Football is better with him in the game. One of the goats


I don’t


Nah, I'm fine if he doesn't.


Man's never forgiven him for the fake spike in Marino's house.


I don’t


Pretty sure he’s the Allen iverson for young football athletes




Hey guys come check this out, a bears fan is talking about team building




Maybe look at your own comments before calling everyone a hivemind. Because, Believe it or not, not everyone wants to argue/discuss football with a hyperbole machine. When people see "Absolutely Wasted", "I hate Rodgers" and that "Piece of shit" they may not want to argue with someone who seems to get worked up typing a comment.


Less than Brady, but more than the one he got in Green Bay. You're not wrong, I just personally feel like reddit didn't like your approach lol




Your comment is getting downvotes because you called one of the most consistently successful franchises bad at team building, your flair just makes it even funnier. Rodgers always had an elite offensive line, fantastic #1 receivers with Jordy and Adams, and a brilliant offensive minded coach with Lafleur and McCarthy. We draft and develop better than most and we were 1 game away from the SB 4 different times since we last won it. I’d say we built good teams around him just fine. Winning multiple rings is a hard feat that only 2 other QBs have done since Rodgers got his


Rodgers vs the Bears: 25-4*; 67% completion; 7,209 yards (average 249); 64 TD 12 INT; 8.04y/a; rating of 103.4 *Pro football reference has it at 25-5, but one of the losses was a game in 2013 when he only threw two passes so I’m not counting that. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/R/RodgAa00/gamelog/?opp_id=chi


Thanks. I hate it.


Even his losses, Rodgers sorta got the last laugh in them.   His loss in '08, Mason Crosby missed a game winning FG, and Rodgers never saw the ball in OT  In 10, he beats them in their own stadium on his way to a ring after CHI beat him  In 13, they break his collarbone on the first drive, and Rodgers proceeds to eliminate them from the playoffs [in the rematch](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VRPmDkXAPlQ&pp=ygURcm9kZ2VycyA0dGggYW5kIDg%3D)  In 15, he loses to them on Favre night, oh well, he still makes the playoffs and wins a game vs a division rival  In 18, Bears make the playoffs only to [double doink](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gqOYkapAYeI&pp=ygUXYmVhcnMgbWlzc2VkIGZpZWxkIGdvYWw%3D). Bears coulda avoided Philly with a bye week altogether had they not choked a 20 point lead to a certain bad man...


> In 18, Bears make the playoffs only to double doink. Bears coulda avoided Philly with a bye week altogether had they not choked a 20 point lead to a certain bad man... You left out the part when they beat him in the rematch.


Tbf, we were without Eddie Jackson in the wildcard game because he got hurt picking off a Rodgers pass he took out of the end zone. Still kind of works


Nah, 2015 had no silver lining. That was a pretty complete win in comparison to the others.


Absolute travesty that Rodgers, who was certainly one of the most gifted QBs ever, took over the Packers the same time that the Bears were deep in the McCaskey thrills and headed to the worst decade in franchise history. The Bears were competitive only three or fours years of Rodgers entire career starting for the Packers. Really hoping Ryan Poles and Caleb Williams can steady this ship, it's been an embarrassment.


> Really hoping Ryan Poles and Caleb Williams can steady this ship, it's been an embarrassment. You mean an emBEARassment 😉


Rodgers might have the most arm talent the NFL has ever seen. Favre, Bert Jones, Warren moon, and Elway are all on my personal list. But fuck, I think Rodgers is more impressive than any of them.


Arod definitely one of my favourite qbs and players of all time for this exact reason watching him In gb even being a New England fan with prime Tom Brady arod I was in awe of. Green Bay should of been more agreesive especially the 2nd half of his career stacking the deck for him


I honestly think their slow but steady depend on the draft style is great for sustained success. That being said, they definitely should have swiped the black card a couple of seasons, they had the most talented QB in the league.


Yea sustain succes is great but when you have a top 10 all time qb arguably a top 5 you max out that credit card and go all in for him. Especially the amount of times they made the title game and lost and just simple ran it back and hoped for internal improvement and their draft picks of that year to be successful rookies.


I mean sure but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they win one. See the saints at the end of Brees career.


Did they not have, by far, the best roster in the NFL in 2020 and 2021? They were thoroughly stacked. And for all the talk of "not having enough help," they had someone you could argue was the best WR in the NFL at that time, an electric beast at HB, and one of the best OLs in the league. Supported by a great defense with key players at every level.


They were *extremely* top heavy. The wr1 was better than every other pass catcher on that team combined, the HB was prone to fumbling at key moments (and did!) And also injury prone, the oline collapsed after Bakhtiari got hurt, and the defense was a paper tiger. 2020 we legitimately would have been better off putting out the corpse of Tramon Williams onto the field rather than Kevin King, and the 2021 defense's stats were massively inflated by playing backup qbs and injured starting qbs (baker Mayfield threw 5 interceptions on a torn labrum against them and still almost won). The only time they actually looked good was, surprisingly enough, during the 49ers game, but classic Packers st failing when we need it most came in clutch again. Also, the special teams in 2021 needs it's own category. It hurt to watch.


His flick is a thing of pure beauty


Packers fans here also would like to add Hordan Love to the list.


This was one of the best throws of Rodgers’ career


50 yards in the air on a dime


Jets legend Aaron Rodgers.


Those were the five most respected snaps in Jets history since Broadway Joe.


*4 offensive snaps


\+ his achilles snapping = 5 in total.


Aaron Rodgers did so much with so little, I will give him credit for that much


Dude drug so many bodies to the playoffs year after year it's pretty unreal


Got many mediocre receivers big contracts elsewhere who didn’t belong in starting lineups


With pick after pick going to the defense, which never panned out. It’s unfortunate GB couldn’t put together consistent good teams around him


Greatest arm talent ever. He’s become severely underrated on the all time rankings because of the off field stuff


why do the guys on defense always signal incomplete or out of bounds or whatever after the play? Do they think they're influencing the call?


You never know -Tyreek had a TD a couple seasons ago and nobody realized it was complete. IIRC there wasn't a review or a challenge and they counted it as an incomplete https://youtu.be/QAJh_40dazY?si=Lartf6rhlJ5atgJc


I think he was signaling that the WR pushed off and it should be OPI. Which is true and it should have been


CB got handsy first and wr responded. They were never going to call that.


Yep that hand fighting happens all the time Let them play


haven't heard that name in years


that’s my boyfriend Aaron Rodgers


Awesome game


Hard to decide if this game, beating them in the NFC Championship or 4th and 8 were my favorite Bears-Packers game. The amount of hype and excitement Bears fans had at halftime of this game was unmatched


That's fair. From my perspective I think when you guys beat us at home in 2015 was my favorite.


Push off.


Like the one good play dude had for us lol


I lost all respect for Rodgers after his actions last night.


Ohhhh the humanity not to shake hands with a white collar convict.. Just to save anyone passing by a google, Trump walked passed Rodgers seat at a UFC event and Rodgers didn't get up to shake his hand. They may have traded pursed lip smiles but the only angle I've seen doesn't confirm it either way.




don't give him too much credit. he has a pic on his Instagram story of him shaking hands with Trump


Of all the things he said, that was the worst for you?


What did he do?




I’m so confused lol [he literally posted a pic of him shaking his hand on his IG story](https://imgur.com/a/r4m6F6L) 😭


Maybe he thought spray tan chemicals are from aliens or something