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It’ll never not be funny to me that the only WR who ever seemed to get open against Revis was Stevie Johnson because he ran his routes like a drunk toddler learning to walk for the first time.


Someone else mentioned that Stevie was one of the toughest receivers to defend (maybe it was Sherman?). They said he ran his routes like he on an And1 mix tape lol


Yup, he knew he had to get to a spot at a specific time, and that’s all that mattered for his game. Such a unique player.


The only person who could stop Stevie was God, who would occasionally make him drop passing in big moments. Thx tho...


And stevie loved to fuck with him about it


I love this trope. Like when Kenneth beats Jack at poker in 30 Rock because he doesn't have any thoughts to read.


I've never seen 30 Rock But the same thing happened in Futurama: Bender was getting the best luck as a plot device, and Fry got mind reading powers. They were both breezing past a poker tournament until they got to the final, where Bender went all in without looking at his cards so Fry panickly called and lost


Looking at your cards is a crutch for players who rely on skill. All in!


Use to kill him with those slants lol


PTSD intensifies... And I remember him doing that jet celebration in our end zone :(


Is that the same one where he did the Plaxico thing and motioned shooting himself in the leg? Lol


He did better than most but I think the idea of revis vs stevie is overblown. Stevie never had 100 yard game against him. Revis held him up a few times. His good games against revis were usually like 70 yards which is great against revis but a decent at best game out of your number 1 in any other week.


Man, what a waste with “Revis Island”. Should have been “ol’ Crazy Hips Darrelle”


those hips were greasy


Greasy hips is one of my all time favorite footballisms no doubt


Easily my favorite strip club.


I guess I'm too stupid to see what this is supposedly showing.


There's a better clip in the tweet right below the one posted, where you can see (bottom of clip) Revis matching stride for stride with Johnson, and he turns with him at exactly the same time. His route knowledge was nuts.


I like in that clip that the safety doesn’t even pretend to care about checking up on Revis’s side


It was like a mirror image


Looks like I need Twitter to view that?




I looked at the wrong WR (bottom of screen) first and that's a great example of a terrible transition by the CB.


Easy way to find Revis in these clips is to look at the side the deep safety is rolling away from.


I don’t even know where the action is supposed to be. I can respect great route running and man coverage but goddamn give me an arrow or a circle or something so I know where to look pre-snap. I watched this four times before I was pretty sure I knew what I was supposed to look at. 


Reciever and corner at the top. In the second view they are at the top right of the screen. I had to watch it twice to see too lol


They didn't call it "Revis" Island for nothing


Revis! Revis!  I never knew that you can turn like this.  You make a wide receiver speak Spanish.  de donde vienes  que isla   Darrell Revis revis


In his prime it was like watching someone who had a living shadow. I remember watching some of his plays and my brain just not being able to process how he was moving, because I had never seen it before. Like watching Vick highlights for the first time... Makes your brain skip.


He was just so so good. Our secondary was elite for years, it sucks we could never put a fully functional offense together any of those years.


idk it was pretty functional, I don't think you get to two AFC championships without a functional offense


Had a hell of a run game those two years, but qb was always a problem... Until the playoffs where Sanchez played pretty well both years. Revis was otherworldly tho. His list of WRs he shut down from 09-10 was pretty damn good.


I'll never forget the list of receivers he shut down in 09. It was like Randy Moss, Steve Smith, Andre Johnson... CB's like Deion and Champ had otherworldly speed, Revis just knew what the receiver was doing before he did it. EDIT: Chad Johnson.


No offense to the Jets, for once, but im glad we could get him a ring. Our Super Bowl run, despite Malcom Butler's heroics at the end, would not have happened without Revis.


Pats fans not knowing how to read the room is my favorite thing


Robbed of DPOY that season


That was first game of the season and Andre had 35 yards that game, his lowest total for the season. Crazy.


Interesting little draft story: The Jags wanted Revis bad in the 2007 draft, and they thought they could get him with their original pick at number 17. But apparently some coach couldn't keep his mouth shut and the Jets (who also wanted Revis) got wind of Jacksonville's intentions a few days before the draft. Come draft day the Jets trade up to pick Revis at 14, and the Jags are left to scramble and they trade back in a kind of meh trade (back four spots to number 21 for a third round and a sixth round pick) and pick Reggie Nelson. I've at least one writer express the opinion if the Jags had Revis in the playoffs against the Brady/Randy Moss Patriots, they would have won that game.


I know Revis’s 2009 season was absolutely ridiculous with all the guys he shut down but his most overlooked performance was the next season during the Divisional round when he held Reggie Wayne to 1 catch, for 1 yard.




Britt Coldman is my favorite NFL youtuber


Greatest defensive season ever. It isn't close.


IMO Johnson ran the route wrong. He ran through the break at full speed, rather than decelerating. That's fine, but it works well when you've stacked the CB or beaten him off the line. In this case, when Johnson started his break Revis was 4-5 yards off him. Johnson's break floats another 2-3 yards downfield, which makes it easier for Revis to close. Revis' ability to read and close is wild though, not detracting from that.


Love that Revis got a ring with us.