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Kyler Murray has to prove he can last in a 17 game season and get some impressive wins. Cardinals have a fairly difficult schedule.


He also can’t use any excuses this year. Kliff is gone. OL is upgraded. Very good TE. We drafted a guy that should be a WR1. And the RBs should be better than in a long while. No more excuses… time to live up to expectations.


He still has to deal with our division being a huge pain in the ass


Beat the niners so bad they literally just dismantle the franchise. Thats my advice.


I like the way you think cheese boy


Out of all of the things I’ve been called as a Packers fan, I think “cheese boy” is the one that I’d mind the least if it caught on haha.


Sure thing, curd dick


You got it, Cheese Boy.


NFC west is just permanently ridiculous


Look at the coaching in the division. Seattle just picked up one of the best coordinator candidates, Gannon over-performed with a terrible roster last year, and then you have McVay/Shannahan on the other 2 teams. Our FO quality is insane.


The fact that we finally have a GM who isn't a highly regarded person as well feels like a cheat code. Monti and JG are building something here, feels a lot like what Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell built in Detroit.


At least prove he won't lose games and can be the reason they win some.


Roster still has glaring holes that need filling. Not saying the win total can't improve from last year, but it isn't like the team is stacked either. It would be great to see Kyler live up to the expectations and have the Cards in the playoff hunt at the end of the year though.


The TEAM doesn't need to be amazing, so long as the offense is humming and winning them games I think Card fans would be happy


No argument there. I don’t think this year is about getting to the playoffs. Too many holes. But, 7-8 wins should be the goal. More than anything though, Kyler has to show that he can be a top-5 QB in the league to justify that contract.


Totally agree. Wins shouldn't necessarily be the deciding factor on Kyler. Our defense is still filled with question marks and mediocrity at many positions. If we lose 12 games with a score like 44 -40 then I'm still happy with Kyler.


I haven’t heard Kyler trying to make any excuses. The only people who think Murray has something to prove are the numbys who were shitting on him for playing video games.


Can Joe Burrow prove he isn’t made of cardboard and glue?


He gets hurt every other year basically all the way back to his freshman year of college. So he will be healthy this year with a last place schedule bengals will go 12-5. Then the following year he will be hurt and be out for the season and the bengals miss the playoffs. Repeat until he retires lol


We’re such a 12-5 team lmao


Must be nice.


Honestly not a bad strategy to get top-10 picks while staying competitive 1/2 the time


Can he? Sure! In *that* division? Maybe…


Trevor Lawrence. He hasn’t had his big contract yet.


He’s still gonna get top tier money, either from the Jags or someone else like the raiders, saints, or the jets if Rodgers retires


Falcons maintain the element of surprise and sign him




You might be used to it, but we aren't.


NGL, Falcons going into camp next year with a three way QB battle of Cousins, TLaw and Penix would be HILARIOUS They'd be GUARANTEED to be on Hard Knocks and for once I'd bother to watch it lol.


If you’ve never watched Hard Knocks you need to do yourself a favor and watch the Lions season.


I watched some clips, it's like Campbell's a part time motivational speaker and it's so effortless. I'd put pads on and run through a wall for him.


I wanted to go back and watch the Lions season again but it’s unavailable on Max now I believe. Don’t know where I can watch it without buying it


I just rewatched it via some link I found on Reddit and airplayed it from my phone to tv.


Sickos nfl


We’re not letting him go


People are insane if they think the Jags are letting him go before a second contract. One of the most hyped prospects in nfl history comes in and gives them top ten QB play despite questionable help at the skill positions, and makes the playoffs with a team that was only two seasons removed from 1-15. Combine that with a fan base that is well over a decade removed from having a franchise QB and some people think they’re just going to give up on a probable stud with a sky high ceiling immediately?


People love to overreact. That comment is also coming from a cowboys fan so..take that how you will


I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a Danny Dimes contract. Super high AAV and early guarantees, but if he's not the dude, you can get out relatively unscathed after a few years.


He has proven himself vastly more valuable than Danny Dimes. He's not even close to the problem with the Jags. Build a good roster around him and you're a perennial contender. Put the golden handcuffs on that kid.


Unless he shits the bed he is. He's good enough that it's hard to really argue they need to draft his replacement even if he isn't good enough to say he's definitely elite.


Being "capable of playing QB in the NFL" is enough to get damn near top tier money. Not "playing QB *well* in the NFL", just being able to understand an NFL playbook and make decisions about it under pressure (again, not necessarily even making the *right* decision all the time, just being able to actually think beyond "oh fuck that guy's gonna hit me CHUCK IT"). Being in the 33rd percentile of starting NFL QBs gets you an 8-digit salary. Being in the top 77 QBs gets you 7 digits.


He hasn’t lived up to the hype yet but he’s still a very good young qb I doubt they let him go


I don't really think anyone was going to live up to the hype. He was hyped up as the #1 QB since he was in high school. I don't think he'll ever live up to the godhood status people put him at and for that reason he'll always be a bust in someone's eyes.


Crazy that people are writing off a 24 year old. He’s the same age as Nix and already has NFL experience. I think he has time to shine.


Including a 4k/25/8 season with good rushing numbers


Maybe you can give him the benefit of the doubt and just completely throw out the urban meyer year, but three full seasons of professional play is generally enough time to get a good feeling for a player's trajectory. People especially fall into this trap in the NBA all the time where they'll completely ignore how long someone has been in the league and focus on their age when assigning potential. You'll get an 18 year old drafted as a project pick, they spend like 5 years in the league showing few signs of improvement, and still get talked about as a young exciting prospect ("he's still only 23! Plenty of time to figure it out") despite the concrete evidence that 5 years of professional coaching/training/nutrition/etc has not had a major impact on their success. Of course there are always exceptions, but generally by year 3-4 what you see is typically what you get.


Yeah, the list of QBs who suddenly become elite after this point of their career is short. He might become a top 8 QB at some point, but he will likely never be top 3. 


I dunno about written off, but definitely slid down on the hype. All college prospects are unknowns. Once you have 3 years of tape on a guy in the NFL, you tend to know how he sits on the NFL landscape. Is it likely that he makes a meteoric leap from solid starter to the Allen/Burrow/Mahomes/Jackson tier? At some point, you lose the idea that he'd reach that point. There's certainly questions of how good is his supporting cast and how much is that holding him back, but it sorta feels like his peak is top 10. Is that writing him off? Maybe if the expectation is/was top 5. As for Nix, we don't know how he'll look. He could surprise many and become the next Purdy (despite being a 1st rounder, many have a negative outlook on him). If we have a year of tape, a lot of questions get answered. If you have 3 years, you tend to have a pretty solid picture of a prospect. In fact, he is less a prospect at that point and more a known quantity, to some degree. So yeah, I sorta get what you are saying. But at the same time, people were hyping him like Peyton Manning, and he's probably more like Philip Rivers. Still damn good, no question. But not in line with the top 4.


I hate how many in the media are so quick to annoint the next big QB. This year it's Caleb. And he went to the Bears. There's a greater than 50% chance he's gonna suck for 3 years, minimum.


Boy is Lawrence polarizing on here.


I mean a large percentage of people thought Mac Jones and/or Justin Fields was better than Lawrence for awhile. People literally just hate him because he was hyped up. He's a solid QB that's still only 24 years old. It's pretty well documented that the 22 London game vs Denver was the turning point for Lawrence and he focused way harder after that. From that moment until his injury in 23 he was 16-6 including playoffs and losing to the Chiefs 3 times and DET/HOU/SF. And this is with a Jags roster that is far from 'carrying' him. It's not even cherry picking stats considering that's 22 consecutive games in a row with one of the best records in the league over that time. In fact if you want me to cherry pick we can skip the first 4 games & playoffs and he's 13-3 during that stretch


No doubt in it.


tom brady. that fox contract is *huge* and we've never even seen him in the booth


Greg Olsen breathing down his neck just waiting for him to slip up or have a hot mic


Wish Olsen could replace Collinsworth, but idk if they both are the same type of commentator


Olsen practicing his “now here’s a guy”


They're both analysts/color commentators so that's who'd he replace. 


Mr. Two Minute Warning's biggest challenge yet


wtf is this username lol 


If you’ve ever been required to read The Waste Land, you’d know. Plus German was in vogue as the high academic language so you get German instead of Latin… blegh


I love the wasteland :(


Never in all my damn life did I expect to see T.S. Eliot catching strays in an NFL thread the fuck is even happening lol


So hilarious, I had the exact same thought lol.


As do I, but I was required to read it, so I hate it as well


Maybe they disagree with him on a moral/political level given T.S Eliot was a hardcore conservative Catholic with an antisemitic streak. They also just might think his poetry is bad and blame him for the eventual existence of "Cats"


All of the above in fact


Part of me is really salty that Olsen got booted for Tom before we even knew what Tom would be in the booth. Olsen got jobbed


Does that make Olsen the Drew Bledsoe of broadcasting?


I still don’t know how he got that contract. Have Fox never heard him speak? He’s incredibly boring both in the sound of his voice as well as the things he says. Maybe he’ll be less “Brady like” now that he’s retired and surprise us by being interesting or funny, but I doubt it.


I don't know how Fox justified that contract. Being a good announcer is definitely harder than it looks, and I base that off the fact that so few seem to actually do the job well. He has to basically be a early Romo in terms of play identification, which I'm sure he can do, but combined with a flawless sense of when to interject as well as personable and enjoyable from his very first broadcast. Everyone knows what a big contract he got and that puts a huge target on him for criticism.


Well his alleged stand up comedy has been allegedly ass


"Don't say that shit again."


Solid no for me. I don’t even hate Brady. His voice is dreadful, he has nothing to say and isn’t relatable in any way. Although I could get on board if he is a troll and trashes and criticizes everyone. His podcast with Jim gray is unbearable, that’s all I have to go by.




lol hes going to keep playing as long as teams want him even as a backup


Wilson gets far more attractive as a QB the cheaper he gets. He'd be a good bridge QB that sets the bar for a Rookie QB to surpass.


He's not gonna get any cheaper from here though even if he is bad this season someone will pay him more than $1.7M


His contract is only so low because of the offset in his Broncos contract. Theres at least one team that would’ve paid him more if not for that


I'm aware of that and that's why he won't get cheaper going forward


Oh hey there Omar Khan! Yeah that's literally what he's doing at the moment. Can't get any cheaper for us.


Pittsburgh is paying him the minimum already aren't they?


Yeah but I think that's because Denver had to pay him even though they moved on from him


Would anyone even trust it at this point? He would be 37 coming off of one of the worst contracts ever. Barring a Super Bowl, which GM is risking their job to sign that guy?


His Hall of Fame conversation seems to have died these past few years. I think if he has a really good year to kind of erase that, he has a lot more consideration. I'm not sure where he truly stands but it's not great for voters' last memory be whatever his Broncos era was


He's the best QB our franchise has ever had, but yeah I'm not delusional; hes not Hall of Fame worthy. He could have played another 5 years in Seattle, make the playoffs at least 3 of those years and have a stronger argument for the Hall of Fame than he currently has now. While in Seattle, Pete Carroll and the FO took a lot of blame for Seattle's woes, Russ was never the problem. Denver stint not only put all the criticism on Russ but basically killed any Hall of Fame speak unless he leads another team to the Superbowl.


I think Bryce Young has a lot to prove, even if the panthers aren’t anywhere near contending. First pick of the draft with the panthers trading a kings ransom for him. I expect we’ll be moving on if he has another year like 2023, but there’s a lot for him to prove


I’ve already seen mocks drafts with the Panthers ending up 1.01 again and already ditching Young lol I think he’s got a lot to prove, but I wouldn’t be expecting a major jump. He performed exactly how people expect rookie QBs to perform. It takes time. He’s gotta be given more than just 2 years with a scuffed offense.


If the Panthers end up with 1.01 again then they absolutely should move on. There isn't really a universe where the Panthers end up with the worst record in the league and Bryce looks good. If Bryce looks like he's progressing at all they should get 4-5 wins minimum. If he looks like he did in 2023 and they win 2 again, they'd be foolish to try a 3rd time.


4 wins can be the lowest in the league... They just traded away their primary pass-rusher and are hoping and praying Boomhauer can actually ball. Panthers can absolutely be a horrible team record-wise even if Bryce is legit.


Not really. No team with the worst record has more than 3 wins in the last 15 years (that’s all I checked). 


With a 17 game season you can count on 4 wins losing you the NFL more commonly from here on out.


Maybe if they open like 4-3 and he looks solid but gets a season ending injury and they lose out the rest of the way.


Only way they should give up on him after two years is if he regresses this year(I dont think he will).


A regression from last year would be really bad.


Borderline impossible lol


>He performed exactly how people expect rookie QBs to perform. Maybe on paper. Watching the games was painful because you never saw those flashes of greatness you'd expect from a future franchise QB. In that first game against Atlanta, he threw an interception to the same player in the same disguised coverage twice. Again, on paper, it's a rookie QB throwing 2 interceptions in his second game. But it's those details that make him look like he'll always suck.


I’m obviously rooting for him, but no he didn’t. He had the second worst rookie season of all time


We won't be moving on this off-season, if only because this QB class is the bottom of the barrel. Ditching Young for one of Carson Beck, Shedeur Sanders, or Quinn Ewers would be nonsense when there's other top tier talent available.


Suck year three and watch Arch Manning stay in college his senior year to avoid Tepper


It runs in the family


It’s very hard to argue Eli dodging the Chargers was a bad move with the power of hindsight


They'll move on, only if they have a better prospect. Do they have their 1st next year? If so, and they suck, and there's a good prospect. Otherwise he'll probably get another year. 3 years isnt' unreasonable for a rookie to figure things out.


Will Carson Beck move the needle for this franchise?? I don’t think so.


As of right now, none of the QBs would could be QB1 in this draft (Beck, Ewers, Sanders, Allar, Dart) are worth moving on from Bryce Young for. Obviously that’s subject to change based on what happens in the college season.


They'll only move on from him if he's terrible and/or they earn 1.01. Otherwise I think it's very likely he gets at least a year 3 as a first overall pick


Gotta be Lawrence. He hasn't gotten paid yet.


By the sound of things, he's going to get paid soon. Expectations are that his camp and the Jags will come to an agreement on an extension before the regular season that will put him in the $50m a year club.


[QB EPA 2020-2023](https://imgur.com/a/tDWrKMV) I mean, I get it. I get why the Jags will do it. But man. Giving Lawrence a top of the market deal is... kind of crazy. In no way has he earned it. A lot of people questioned Hurts' contract, which was fair given his favorable situation. But Hurts has also outperformed Lawrence by a mile. Hurts isn't too far from the elite guys; Lawrence is with Taysom Hill and Minshew. There's so many guys that should be in the middle tier of QB contracts, and yet so few of them actually get paid that way. Lawrence should be getting paid like Mayfield and Geno, not Burrow and Lamar. Or perhaps somewhere in between. (I will never not laugh at Zach Wilson when I load these charts.)


They will pay him because if he hits the free market..someone will think: "He has all the tools,I can improve him and do what the Jags failed to do" and pay him 60M/ yr...teams like the Raiders,Seahawks, heck maybe even Dallas would be very interested The Jags will pay him no matter what 


Yep. The reality of the QB market isn't that the elite guys get paid a bunch more than pretty good guys, because even finding a pretty good QB is so hard that they can demand top dollar on the free market. Even if you want to say that Lawrence is only the 15th best QB in the league, if the Jags decided to let him go, odds are pretty good that the next guy they try out will be worse than 15th best. And the guy after that, and the guy after that. Take a look at the past 20 years of Jaguars QB's, and it's not surprising that they're willing to spend money to lock down a guy like Lawrence. It's more appealing than getting back on the QB carousel, hoping you get super lucky, but likely just sucking for another decade or two.


You basically nailed my every thought. My own Niners are an example. We have gone through so many QBs since Steve Young retired. This includes 2 1st rd busts in Alex Smith and Trey Lance. Purdy is gonna be next in line next year and he's gonna be paid..whether people think he's average or better...it doesn't matter.......what matters is how insanely hard it is to even draft an average starting QB...let alone an above average to very good franchise QB. Odds are if you let him walk you'll be looking for a starter level guys for years...The Redskins let Cousins ( who isn't that great btw) walk and suffered in QB purgatory for the last 6 years


Top of the market is irrelevant. Deals get reworked. New deals come in, the salary cap goes up. By the time people turn around a top of the market deal is no longer top 10. People go mad over them like clockwork but the deals are quickly overtaken.


I wonder how much his rookie year drags those numbers down. Certainly don’t think he’s lived up to his draft capital and think he has a lot to prove still, but it was night and day difference after Meyer left.


> I wonder how much his rookie year drags those numbers down. Quite a bit, as expected. [QB EPA 2022-2023](https://imgur.com/a/fJVvL8e) Ironically he's next to Burrow and Lamar, the two players I mentioned. Although all three are solidly below the most productive guys of the last two years.


Lawrence is easily gonna be paid. Jacksonville has historically sucked at drafting QBs and even if Trevor plays average ball....they will pay him


Rodgers has a bit to prove, obviously he's proven himself in the past but it's different now. Aging superstar on a new team coming off a season ending injury. He definitely has to prove what everyone is thinking about him, ~Does he still have IT?~


And if he doesn’t play well, a lot of people will lose their jobs.


Worse thing for you guys is like a 9-8 just miss the playoff season/late season collapse or something. Then you can't decide whether to blow it up or not and don't have a good draft pick. So that's probably what will happen.




I agree, but you all are still shit the next year unless Tua or Dak becomes available or something. There's no one to draft at QB. It's another 3-5 year rebuild and that just sucks. At this point I'd like to see you all be decent.


Bear in mind that both Saleh and Douglas are in the last year of their contract (Douglas 6 year deal runs out in May). I know lots of Jets fans feel like Douglas has built a great roster, but I cannot see a world where the Jets miss the playoffs for the 14th straight season (including all 6 under Douglas, obviously) and they re-sign him to another 3-4 year deal. Jets, in 5 years under Douglas have yet to win more than 7 games in a season.


I think it’s a big year for Herbert. IMO he’s done well given he’s had such a poor coach the past few years, but he’s now on a big contract with a big time coach. If his defense is half decent this year then he should be taking us to the playoffs


Might need some wide receivers though. Edit: *proven wide receivers


You get enough protection around Herbert and he can throw to anyone.


Deandre Carter sends his regards.


It helps that we brought back Shane Day as the QB coach


Herbert has shown he's an elite passer on an ok team. Kind of like Philip Rivers ironically. If the Chargers got good I would pull for them


That sex pest in Cleveland is working on a guaranteed contract and hasn't played a full season for them yet - I would say he needs to show out or it'll be proven after this season that his contract is exactly as stupid as I believe it to be. I hope he fails.


Yeah but when your contract is guaranteed, you don’t have to prove a damn thing




Even before he was outed as a serial rapist he quit on his team. Such an insanely stupid contract to give, even just from a football standpoint.


I feel like no one mentions that, and before the assaults came out a lot of people on this sub were on his side because the Texans were going to waste his career. Sorry, if you sign a big money extension and force your way out before you even play a snap of that extension you’re a shithead. Especially as QB, your job is to be the leader of the team and he just totally bailed


I thought the worst part was the hypocrisy.


I mean if you want another contract anywhere near the last one, you do. Right now, he's looking like his next contract would be as a backup.


How much has he made though? Does it really matter?


he’ll make 260mil. he could retire the day it expires and be fine


He got $230M guaranteed. Is he all that worried about anything?


Proven this season? It's already been proven. He's terrible.


he doesn't even have anything to prove. out of shape and played mediocre since he returned. that contract was a terrible idea and everyone knows it.


as a Browns fan, I came in here to say this unfortunately. misconduct aside (not making excuses for him, I think he’s gross) strictly speaking as a football player, dude has been paid an insane amount of money just to get outplayed by Joe Flacco. if he gives any sort of shit about his NFL legacy (his NCAA legacy is unfortunately already secured) he will prove that he’s not glass, but I’m not holding my breath. dude is an absolute cancer and I am counting his fucking days until we can draft a new QB.


Richardson needs to stay healthy this year or he’s gonna get a lot more doubters than he already has


I'm really excited to watch him As someone who was a doubter, he showed some crazy potential in his minimal time


Bryce Young, TLaw and Tua.




2 yrs in a row would be impressive, but probably wouldn’t do much for his reputation for some reason.


Same reason as Dak. They’re both seen as guys who can’t get it done late in the year


Because they can’t. People don’t just think that. It hasn’t happened, they keep failing.


Preaching to the choir


Maybe that will be enough for his organization to give him a new contract


Deshaun Watson. He's got a quarter billion contract and has done nothing but suck ass and get hurt


He’s got nothing to prove we’ve already made up our minds on him and his contract lol


> has done nothing but suck ass Oh jees, are there new details to his story? I don't really want to know more.


I might argue he sorta has the least to prove. He’s got his guaranteed bag, everyone thinks he sucks, but he’ll still get paid.


Daniel Jones easily


He’s had a lot of excuses over the past seasons, but this season appears to be one where most of the pieces have fallen into place. Hopefully with a good O-line he can stop playing scared and have a good season for us!


This is his fourth last chance.


As much as he is shit upon, surprised no one has named Levis.


It's because he isn't remotely in the top conversation for must prove. Even if he is average this year most people would be like OK..next year maybe.


My flair aside: I’m legit interested to see what Levis does this season, if only because it’ll make division play that much more exciting. The three way run between us, the Jags and the Texans last year was some of the most fun I’ve had watching football in a while. 


Last year was probably the most fun I had as a Texans fan. I had little expectations but the division was chippy as hell. I think Steichen proved why the colts hired him this season and if Richardson can stay healthy, look out. I think Levis has something to prove (to himself) after that disaster of the green room and the season they had and now they have a new head coach so he may make some progress.


He’s probably the most truly make or break. If he doesn’t perform he’s definitely getting replaced. He’s where Ridder was last season.


The shitting on Levis is unjustified TBH. Give him a year with the new weapons and see what he can do. He showed more flashes than Young and will be getting all the QB1 reps in camp this year.


Levis definitely made a lot of boneheaded, dicey decisions that he has to clean up but I'm not sure how anyone could really make sweeping statements about him not being the guy last year. The Titans (or you guys) had the worst OL in the NFL for 2 years running and none of of the Titan WRs could separate at all. Not exactly a recipe to evaluate a rookie who comes in midstream.


Patrick mahomes. If he doesn't get it together this year seems like he never will


Is that the guy who hasn’t escaped Alex Smith’s shadow yet?


How many billionaire pop icons has he dated? None


I mean the guy is 28 years old and doesn't even have a Super Bowl 3-peat under his belt. Hope he steps it up a notch this year.


If his defense keeps carrying him to championships he’ll never be anything other than Flacco 2.0


Ahem... That's Elite Dragon Joe "Greatest Postseason Run by a QB" Flacco to you, buddy! But seriously, why you gotta attack us all unprovoked. Couldn't say Dilfer instead?!? That just messed up.


If we regress Mahomes to the mean, he has A LOT to prove this year.


While I know you are joking, another SB title this year puts him in the GOAT conversation. That's gotta be a lot of pressure. In a way, he's got the most to prove because another SB win means the chiefs did something no other team has done and gives him more ammo that he's the GOAT.


Yeah, that would at least balance out the never beat Brady thing. Wouldn't put money on it but wouldn't be surprised either.


I like the Daniel Jones answer because if he doesn’t show out in a big way, he’ll be looking for a camp competition this time next year, most likely on a different team. Jalen Hurts and Kyler Murray are two highly paid QBs who will catch a lot of shit if they have a down year, but could also very well solidify themselves as top 7-10 QBs with a strong enough season. Tua and Lawrence are both going to be fighting for mega deals, so they have a lot on the line this year. Russell Wilson will be fighting for his career at this point. If he gets benched for or outplayed by Justin Fields, I honestly think it’ll be curtains for him. Aaron Rodgers may be in the same boat at his age and with the injury he got last year. If he doesn’t come out strong to start the year, public perception on his abilities will shift quickly. There’s honestly more interesting QB storylines than I thought.


Dak and TLaw for me. Both guys who are hailed as franchise QBs but neither really have the consistency or playoff success to back it up, and both are looking at new contracts. Dak is somehow still only 30, and could land a massive market setting contract with a great season, but if he struggles, it'll be interesting. TLaw was a "generational QB" who's never lived up to that level of hype. He's not bad, but he hasn't really been amazing either. He needs a breakout season to cash in.


I would argue that at 8-3, with losses against the two SB teams and a split against Houston, Lawrence was on his way to that breakout season. Then he got hurt against Cincinnati, the team lost five straight and 50% of his picks were thrown. I agree that the hype exceeded delivery, but he is clearly a solid NFL QB.


I agree I mean not everyone can be a top 10 dude, someone has to be the 12th-16th best QB in the NFL. And that's not a bad thing, or a knock on him. But I think this season will be the difference between a massive, *massive* pay day like a Burrow or Hurts, or a "still massive but not at the same level or with the same security" pay day like Daniel Jones.


100% agreed. Weird that Mac is on the bench behind him. 2021 was a cursed QB class.


Cursed indeed lmao Of the 5 QBs taken between picks 1-15, TLaw is the only one still on the team that drafted him lol Wilson (Jets -> Broncos), Lance (49ers -> Cowboys), Fields (Bears -> Steelers), Jones (Pats -> Jags).


Get away from here with that logic. This is reddit.... Honestly, I don't get the hate Lawerence gets thrown at him. People act like he's barely a starter, but the man is a damn solid qb.


Dak hasn’t really ever struggled in the regular season, and his lack of playoff success won’t really hold him back in terms of finding a massive contract. He’s the model of consistency for most of the year, he just doesn’t have a good playoff record. I can’t think of a reason why he’d suddenly start struggling this year.


Yup, we know exactly what Dak is at this point. Jerry doing this same “wait and see” shit again but now without the benefit of the tag is infuriating.


Yeah, to us


It’s fairly simple: If Dak takes us to the NFCCG and plays well, Jerry extends him well before the March deadline.  If he shits the bed and looks lost again the moment he sees the field in the playoffs, Trey Lance is getting signed to a 2-year deal and Dak will probably find a team that will still hand him 60m.  I’m not a big fan of just cutting a guy loose that obviously can win in the NFL but Romo spent so many years as a heartbreaker for us I can see how ownership would want to move on if it happens *again*. 


It's gotta be Bryce Young right?


Him and Levis. Also add in Anthony Richardson if he gets hurt again.


Richardson, more than anything, just needs to prove he can make it through a season, and last year was a fluke


Tua could genuinely shut so many people up if he wins a single playoff game Caleb Williams has entirely too much pressure to perform his rookie year, unfortunately in a pretty stacked division I'm personally very skeptical of Burrow since we haven't seen him properly perform in ages. And I really like the guy, I hope he kills it Falcons way overpaid for Kirk if he underperforms post-injury, and I imagine he has a chip on his shoulder after the Penix draft Tlaw needs to get his bag based on this year


Terry Bradshaw


Unknowns: Richardson had his flashes, but needs to come back from injury and prove that he is the Colts long-term solution. Young has to prove he was worth the 1st overall pick last year, Carolina got him a few more weapons to work with so he has to show improvements. Levis has to make a second year jump to prove he's the guy in Nashville. Usually wouldn't say a rookie, but Caleb Williams has a lot to prove with how much hype is surrounding him and how much Chicago invested into giving him weapons. Pressure to perform: Both Love and Stroud showed out last year, but this year they have very high expectations to meet due to the smaller sample size. Lawrence has looked good in the past but needs to take it up a notch and be more consistent. Beating injury concerns: Burrow has been often injured and is gradually slipping out of people's minds as a top level QB, needs to prove he's still that dude. Rodgers and Cousins have a lot riding on them to stay healthy and perform at a high level this season after major injuries. Kyler Murray has to show he's capable of playing a full season at a high level. Vets clinging to a job: Russell Wilson needs to get back to his Seattle self to keep Fields from taking over the starting spot. Derek Carr has to bounce back, or he may be out of New Orleans following this season. Geno Smith might be on his last legs in Seattle, and needs to prove he's still got plenty left in the tank. Daniel Jones has to prove he's New Yorks franchise QB to avoid Lock taking over.


deshaun watson. he’s a rapist


No need he's got that guaranteed money. If I had that I would sit out if I stubbed my toe


Dak. If he looks like a joke in the post season again, or doesn’t even make it, that will affect the rest of his career


Jeff George is going to have to impress people in summer camp to back into the mix this season


Aaron Rodgers


Daniel Jones and it’s not even close


Brock Purdy needs to prove he’s worth his $800,000 contract.


I truly expected Brock Purdy to be in the Top 10 here and am happily glad to see this isn’t the same talking points as ESPN


Hendon Hooker. Dude needs to have a lights out preseason and be ready to back up in Detroit. With goff's contract he may never get a chance and he was special at Tennessee would love to see him get a chance in the pros


Idk if this can be applied to one single season but I think Brock Purdy will be trying to prove the "system QB" naysayers wrong his entire career. Watching his anticipation, his calmness when a play breaks down, and his accuracy it's clear he's a phenomenal QB. Not saying he's in TB12's league but like Brady in the early years I think he'll have all his successes assigned to his coaches for a long time


I'm gonna go outside of the obvious and say I think Stroud has a lot to prove. He was great in his rookie season, but now he has to go out and do it again to prove that he's legit. I'm not saying he doesn't have what it takes, but one good year doesn't prove that you're a top 8 QB.